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The Eighth International Conference INCOSE_IL 2015 Integration of System Engineering and Software Architecture The Glue and the Connector Tomer Peretz, Ram Oron Orbotech

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The Eighth International Conference INCOSE_IL 2015

Integration of System Engineering and Software Architecture

The Glue and the Connector

Tomer Peretz, Ram Oron


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The Industries We Serve

Bare PCB Production FPD Manufacturing

Installations(# of systems) 11,500 1,700

Solar Power



Advanced Packaging & MEMS

Installations(# of systems) 4,000 Initial Sales 2014

Semiconductor Device Manufacturing

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Orbotech in the Electronics Value Chain Today

Flat Panel Displays (FPD)

Touchscreens, Advanced Packaging, MEMS, RF, Power

Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)

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About Us

Ram Oron

o System engineering discipline manager – establishing system engineering as a discipline in Orbotech

o Ph.D. in physics, led the physics and system engineering development of several PCB machines

Tomer Peretz

o Chief software architect at Orbotech, leader of the software architecture group

o Presidency member at ILTAM, leader of the software activities

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• Creation of a global product organization to enhance commonality, professionalism and wide disciplinary view

o New system engineering discipline and software architecture group

• Environment

o Multi disciplinary products, that involve mechanics, optics, electronics, SW and algorithms

o 3 divisions, each has several product lines

o 4 large (product line level) development centers worldwide

o Most of the development is performed in product lines and managed locally

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The Challenges We Faced

• SW often delays readiness of products – long time from HW readiness to (sufficient) SW readiness for integration

o SW “always late” (TTM) and incomplete (performance / quality)

• SW often not modular enough to enable rapid changes and reuse

o Dynamic / rapidly changing environment – long time to adapt / change

o Hard to reuse SW components in other products

o Minor system changes requires software attention

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How to Face Challenges?

• Changes can be done at certain levels

o Knowledge

o Methodology

o Organization structure

o Strategic

o Organization cultural

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Culture Explained to Engineers

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• Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce

designs which are copies of the communication structures of

these organizations (M. Conway)

• Structure follows strategy (Alfred Chandler)

• Culture eats strategy for breakfast (Peter Drucker)

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Cultural Change

• Organization culture are artifacts, espoused values and basic underlying assumption.

• One of the reasons changes fail, is due to lack of assimilation in the organizational culture.

• Culture is the most difficult organizational attribute to change.

• One of the ways culture reflects is in the organization language

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The Glue and the ConnectorSystem Approaches to Software

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Software as a Glue

• Software was conceived in Orbotech for a long time as the Glue that sticks the system together.

• Glue is not just a word, it reflects the real beliefs and conceptions of people who are involved in the project.

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The Glue Approach

• Glue is used when all the other parts are shaped

Exploration Planning Development Production

Product Lifecycle Management

System design starts here

Software design starts here

All decisions taken, including software

constrains and tradeoffs

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The Glue Approach

• To Glue objects together, you usually need to understand only the surface.

• Shaping the Objects does not require to understand the glue.

• The interests of the Software Architects and System Engineers were not appropriately reflected to each other.

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The Glue Approach

• Glue takes a long time to dry

• SW “always late” (TTM) and incomplete (performance / quality)

The software tail

SW/Alg Dev (SW with reduced spec)

HW Dev (machine 90% complete)

SW/Alg Dev (SW ready)

HW Dev 90% complete Technology Development


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The Glue Approach

• Once the glue is dry, it is very hard to reuse.

• Plans to reuse subsystem should take into consideration software cost and design for reuse.

System A System B

Hardware Reuse

??SW Reuse

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The Glue Approach

• Changing the way parts are connected, is difficult after the glue is dry

Cost of Change


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The Glue Approach

• Trying to speed up development in the glue approach can end up with a badly shaped system.

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Semantic (Culture) Change


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The Connector Approach

• Designing and building the connectors can start before all the parts are finished





Product Lifecycle Management

System design starts here

Allows Software Architects to start learning

the new environment

Software design starts here

Allows System Engineers to get feedback on

software implications

Allows for better understanding of software

required allocations

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• Connector has to be shaped as part of the system design

• The way parts are designed is influenced by the connector

o Software architect involvement in early stages of the system design

System decision

Software effort of 4 months

Software effort of 4 weeks

The Connector Approach

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The Connector Approach

• Proper connector design would allow flexibility for future changes

o Mutual stakeholders interview

o System and software requirements traceability

Focus on what is really important to the stakeholders

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The Connector Approach

• When working with standards, connectors can be reused across systems.

o Plans to reuse subsystem should involve software representatives

Integration Server

SCM integration

Product EnvironmentCompilation Environment

Component Tests

Test Environment

Product EnvironmentCompilation Environment

Component Tests

Test Environment


Third Parties

Unit testsCode conventionsStatic code tests

Create your reusable software to

fit here

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The Connector Approach

• Connector are more complex and requires more skills, knowledge and innovation.

• The creation and of system engineers and software architects

• Involvement of system engineers and software architects in mutual training

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How to Make Connectors?

• Create connectors culture.

• Actively involved software representatives in early stage of the system design

• Prioritize quality scenarios (illities), and design accordingly.

o Focus both on customers and development requirements

• Connectors approach requires more skills and design.

o Constantly invest in learning and effective knowledge flow

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Glue Vs. Connector

Glue Connector

Software involvement starts

Late in the system design phase

Early in the system design phase

Software TTM Low for simple systemsHigh for complex systems


Software created for first usage

Just what needed The most suitable solution

Ability to change Easy at the beginning. Hard at later phases

Easy at the planned areas

Maintenance cost High Moderate

Software expertise Mainly technical Holistic

Ability to reuse Low Medium

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Where to Use Each Approach

Glue Connector Glue

Stable Chaos

Environment & Requirements Stability

We are here

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• Two approaches to system engineering in relation to SW in multi-disciplinary products environment

• Each approach is reflected in the organization culture in a different way

• The connector approach is our preferred approach

• Initial outcomes are promising

• There is still a long way to go

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Tomer Peretz : [email protected]

Ram Oron : [email protected]


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