section 1: the rise of african civilizations chapter 13: medieval africa

Section 1: The Rise of African Civilizations CHAPTER 13: MEDIEVAL AFRICA

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Page 1: Section 1: The Rise of African Civilizations CHAPTER 13: MEDIEVAL AFRICA

Section 1: The Rise of African Civilizations


Page 2: Section 1: The Rise of African Civilizations CHAPTER 13: MEDIEVAL AFRICA

I CAN…• Describe the importance of the West

African empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai including:• a.) Trade routes• b.) Products• c.) Spread of Arabic language

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AFRICA’S GEOGRAPHY• Holds the world’s largest desert=> Sahara

• World’s second largest continent

• Rain forests cover 10% of the land

• Areas of mild climate are found along the Mediterranean Sea

• Almost all of Africa lies on a plateau

• Nile River is Africa’s longest river

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WEST AFRICAN EMPIRE• Berbers were the 1st known people to

settle in N. Africa• Started the trade w/ Western Africa•Trade would lead to small cities which

lead to great empires

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Ghana400s AD-1200 AD

“Crossroads of Trade”

Had a huge army; had iron


Traders had to pay a tax to get through

Ghana New gold mines cut into taxes collected

Couldn’t feed people; constant fighting

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Warrior-king Sundiata Keita

took over Ghana

Controlled land from Atlantic

Coast to Timbuktu

Controlled gold-mining areas; rebuild the salt and gold trade

Last strong ruler Mansa Musa;

weak rulers fall to the Berbers

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Leader Sunni Ali drove Berbers out of


Control lands from the Nile River to deep

in to the Sahara Desert; Largest

empire in Western Africa

Destroyed by Moroccan soldiers

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KINGDOMS OF THE RAINFOREST• Benin and Kongo• Had farmable soil and warm, wet climate•Great farming which led to surplus of

food which led to more trade

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EAST AFRICA• Mid- 700s AD- Many Arab

Muslim traders settled in East Africa city-states•Goods and ideas exchanged

btwn Arabs and Africans

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Zimbabwe700 AD-

1400s AD

Founded by Shona People

Supplied gold, ivory, and copper to E. African coast

Ruled by 2 kings: Mutota and

Matope made Zimbabwe into a

large empire

South of Zambezi River to the Indian


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GOV’T AND SOCIETY• Kings settled arguments, managed trade, and

protected the empire

• Complete obedience was expected in return

• Ghana’s Gov’t:

• Kings relied on help from close advisers

• As empire grew, rulers divided it into provinces which were divided into districts

• Kings held tightly to power and controlled trade

• Weird=> throne goes to king’s nephew

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• Mali’s Gov’t:• Followed Ghana’s model but on a much

larger scale• Empire split into provinces but generals were

leaders instead of lesser kings• Songhai’s Gov’t:• Built on traditions of Ghana and Mali• Gov’t never fully set up due to Sunni Ali’s

constant fighting

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• Understood the Christian and Muslim idea of one god, but wanted to worship in own way

• Religion provided rules for living and helped people stay in touch w/ their history

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ISLAM IN AFRICA• Mansa Musa worked to make Islam stronger in


• Most African Muslims chose Islam bc it helped them trade w/ Arab Muslims

• Musa built many mosques to help spread Islam

• After his trip to Makkah, he brought back the finest architects, writers, and teachers to help share Islam w/ West Africa

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• Askia Muhammad strengthened Islam in Songhai

• Made court honor Muslim laws

• Made Timbuktu an important center of Islamic culture

• Set up 150 schools to teach the Quran

• In East Africa, the Swahili culture is created

• Mix of African and Muslim traditions

• Impact of Islam on Africa:

• 1.) Changes laws

• 2.) Advances learning

• 3.) Introduces Arabic language to Africa

• 4.) Influences the architecture in Africa

• 5.) Begins to change the culture of Africa

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1.) Describe the causes and effects of European exploration after 1400 including:

B.) Impact on the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa


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LIFE IN MEDIEVAL AFRICA• 3000 BC-400 AD- The Bantu people moved from

Nigeria and settled much of Africa

• Wherever they went, they took their culture w/ them

• This is the reason why people all across Africa share some common ideas and traditions

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IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY• Family is basis of African society

• Live in extended families

• Many villages were matrilineal

• Trace descent through mothers

• Value children greatly

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• Education carried out by family and other villagers

• Learn history of their people and skills needed to survive

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ROLE OF WOMEN• Acted mostly as wives and mothers

• Men had more rights and controlled much of what women did

• Served as soldiers in some African kingdoms

• Some became famous rulers:

• 1.) Dahia al-Kahina=> fought Muslim invaders of her kingdom

• 2.) Nzinga=> Spent 40 yrs. Battling Portuguese slave traders

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SLAVERY W/IN AFRICA• Europeans did not invent slavery; existed

throughout the world for a long time

• Africans enslaved criminals, captives, or prisoners of war

• Became part of Saharan trade

• Could become free through hard work or marrying a free person

• Human trade increased as trade grew w/ Muslim merchants

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THE EUROPEAN SLAVE TRADE• Began in 1441 w/ Portugal

• Usually stayed in Portugal and worked as laborers

• Then, they began colonizing and used enslaved Africans to do all the hard work

• The rest of Europe will follow Portugal’s example

• Late 1400s- Europeans arrived in America and brought Africans over to work the land