section 14-2 world war i the fighting starts trench warfare- was used to hold off the german...

Download Section 14-2 World War I The Fighting Starts Trench Warfare- was used to hold off the German advance. Very bloody and deadly type of warfare, where two

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  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Section 14-2 World War I
  • Slide 3
  • The Fighting Starts Trench Warfare- was used to hold off the German advance. Very bloody and deadly type of warfare, where two parallel systems of trenches were dug across France and Belgium. Armies fought for mere yards of ground over three years. No mans land- barren expanse of mud pockmarked with shell craters and filled with barbed wire that was between the trenches.
  • Slide 4
  • Australian Poster
  • Slide 5
  • German Poster Think of Your Children!
  • Slide 6
  • The Western Front: A War of Attrition
  • Slide 7
  • A Multi-Front War
  • Slide 8
  • The Western Front
  • Slide 9
  • Trench Warfare
  • Slide 10
  • No Mans Land
  • Slide 11
  • The Airplane Squadron Over the Brenta Max Edler von Poosch, 1917
  • Slide 12
  • The Flying Aces of World War I Eddie Rickenbacher, US Francesco Barraco, It. Rene Pauk Fonck, Fr. Manfred von Richtoffen, Ger. [The Red Baron] Willy Coppens de Holthust, Belg. Eddie Mick Mannoch, Br.
  • Slide 13
  • Looking for the Red Baron?
  • Slide 14
  • Verdun February, 1916 e German offensive. e Each side had 500,000 casualties. e German offensive. e Each side had 500,000 casualties.
  • Slide 15
  • The Somme July, 1916 e 60,000 British soldiers killed in one day. e Over 1,000,000 killed in 5 months. e 60,000 British soldiers killed in one day. e Over 1,000,000 killed in 5 months.
  • Slide 16
  • The Eastern Front
  • Slide 17
  • The Gallipoli Disaster, 1915
  • Slide 18
  • Turkish Cavalry in Palestine
  • Slide 19
  • America Joins the Allies
  • Slide 20
  • The Sinking of the Lusitania
  • Slide 21
  • The Zimmerman Telegram
  • Slide 22
  • The Yanks Are Coming! The Yanks Are Coming!
  • Slide 23
  • Slide 24