section 18 application

Bay of Islands Area Area Office, P.O. Box 128, 34 Landing Road, Kerikeri, New Zealand Telephone 09-407 0300, Fax 09-407 7938  3 rd February 2010 Dear Rick This is an application for a section 18 authority for archaeological sites QO5 682 and QO5 71. Background This application for a section 18 is being driven by cultural concerns over the erosion of koiwi out of a r ecorded midden site on Moturua Island (Figure 1). Figure 1 Moturua Island Location Map  The site in questions is QO5 682 (midden) and is located in Mangahawea Bay on the North Western end of Moturua, QO5 682 is in the southern end of Mangahawea Bay (Figure 2). The koiwi were discovered by Andrew Blanshard (Historic Ranger Bay of Islands Area Office of the Department of Conservation) on January 28 th whilst doing a regular monitoring trip to the site. Ngati Kuta and Patukeha were alerted to their discovery on January 29 th and a hui was held at Haratu Marae in Russell on February 2 nd in order to discuss the best way to proceed. It was decided at this hui that a excavation should take place in order to secure these remains. A location near to QO5 71 (pits) was chosen as the re-interment location based on traditional history that these are the locations of European burials probably relating to Marion Du

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