sectionalism highlights


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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Sectionalism Highlights. Chapter 18. Election of 1848 parties. Democrats Nominee: Lewis Cass Stance of Slavery: N/A – Popular Sovereignty Republicans Nominee: Zachary Taylor Stance of Slavery: N/A – No official stance Free Soilers Nominee: Martin Van Buren - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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ELECTION OF 1848 PARTIES• Democrats• Nominee: Lewis Cass• Stance of Slavery: N/A –

Popular Sovereignty• Republicans• Nominee: Zachary Taylor• Stance of Slavery: N/A –

No official stance

• Free Soilers• Nominee: Martin Van

Buren• Stance of Slavery: Clearly

Anti-Slavery expansion • (2 reasons: abolitionists

& anti-black migration west)

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SECTIONAL BALANCE & CALIFORNIA• Federal Gov’t 1850• Executive: Zach Taylor = slave

owning, southern President• Legislative: Senate equal

balance = all abolition legislation stopped

• Judicial: Supreme Court holds up constitutionality of slavery (ex. Dred Scott 1857)

• California• 1848 = GOLD• 1849 = 49ers•Free state application•What’s the problem?•Balance•Washington D.C.•Fugitive Slave Law

being ignored

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• MiniBio – Tubman• 19 trips• 300+ slaves freed• Fugitive Slave Law

=to Canada

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CONGRESSIONAL DIVISIONS• Henry Clay• Compromisers• Both sides make concessions

• Stephen Douglas• South• States’ rights• Fugitive slave law• State balance intact

• Daniel Webster• North• Opposed slavery, but urged


•Seventh of March speech•Mexico land too dry for cotton•Seen as a traitor

• William Seward• Young Guard• Moral purification over

preservation of union• Zach Taylor veto support =

no compromise• Taylor dies & Fillmore willing

to compromise

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COMPROMISE OF 1850• Clay, Webster, & Douglas• Pushed North to compromise

• Compromise of 1850• North• CA = free state• TX gave up land disputed in

NM• Washington D.C. banned

slave trade (slavery legal)• South• Mex. Cessions = Popular

Sovereignty•A lot of new possible slave

land (too dry)• Texas give $10 million• Tougher Fugitive Slave Law•Slaves denied “due process”• Judges given $5 for freeing &

$10 for returning•Officials required to return

runaways• North Backtracks • “Personal Liberty Laws”•Refuse to enforce FSL

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• Compromise of 1850 Review Video

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PRESIDENT PIERCE• Election of 1852• All parties side-step slavery issue• Democrats• Franklin Pierce• Won 254 to 42 electoral

• Whigs• Winfield Scott• Party split over slavery

• Free Soilers• 5% of vote

• Slavocracy fears• Panama: Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

• Nicaragua• Cuba: Ostend Manifesto• Pierce eventually backs away

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NEW TERRITORIES• South• Gadsden Purchase• Transcontinental: southern route• Secured/organized land (Indian

attacks)• Geography (Rocky Mountains)

• $10 million offered to Mexico for AZ/NM territory

• North• Kansas-Nebraska Act 1856• Stephen Douglas (IL)• Organize KS-NB to have northern

transcontinental route• Compromise• Repeal Missouri Compromise 1820• KS-NB get popular sovereignty