sections 29 34

HB 4994 HB 5811 Section 29. Election of the Chief Minister. – On the inaugural session of the Bangsamoro Parliament following their elections, the members of the Parliament shall, in open session, elect the Chief Minister by a majority vote of all its members. If no member of Bangsamoro Parliament obtains the majority vote necessary to be elected Chief Minister in the first round of voting, a runoff election shall be conducted. In such case, the members of Bangsamoro Parliament shall elect the Chief Minister from the two (2) candidates who obtained the highest number of votes cast in the first round. There shall be no abstentions allowed in the runoff election. -same- Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief Minister. – Unless otherwise provided by law, the Chief Minister shall exercise the following powers, duties and functions: a. Heads the government of the Bangsamoro; b. Appoints head of ministries, agencies, bureaus, offices of the Bangsamoro Government or other officers of Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled corporations or entities with original charters; c. Appoints other officers in the Bangsamoro Government, as may be provided by the Parliament; d. Formulates platform of government subject to approval by the Parliament; e. Issues executive orders and other policies of the Bangsamoro Government; f. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in affairs outside the Bangsamoro ; and g. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to the position. Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief Minister. – xxx a. xxx; b. Appoints heads of ministries c. Appoints heads of agencies, bureaus, offices of the Bangsamoro Government or other officers of Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled corporations or entities with original charters; d. xxx e. Formulates plans and programs of government subject to approval by the Parliament; f. xxx g. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in affairs outside the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region ; and h. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to the position.

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Post on 04-Sep-2015




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a comparison of HB 6881 and the old bbl house bill on article VII of sections 29 to 34


HB 4994

HB 5811

Section 29. Election of the Chief Minister. On the inaugural session of the Bangsamoro Parliament following their elections, the members of the Parliament shall, in open session, elect the Chief Minister by a majority vote of all its members.

If no member of Bangsamoro Parliament obtains the majority vote necessary to be elected Chief Minister in the first round of voting, a runoff election shall be conducted. In such case, the members of Bangsamoro Parliament shall elect the Chief Minister from the two (2) candidates who obtained the highest number of votes cast in the first round. There shall be no abstentions allowed in the runoff election.


Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief Minister. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Chief Minister shall exercise the following powers, duties and functions:

a. Heads the government of the Bangsamoro;

b. Appoints head of ministries, agencies, bureaus, offices of the Bangsamoro Government or other officers of Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled corporations or entities with original charters;

c. Appoints other officers in the Bangsamoro Government, as may be provided by the Parliament;

d. Formulates platform of government subject to approval by the Parliament;

e. Issues executive orders and other policies of the Bangsamoro Government;

f. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in affairs outside the Bangsamoro; and

g. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to the position.

Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief Minister. xxx

a. xxx;

b. Appoints heads of ministries

c. Appoints heads of agencies, bureaus, offices of the Bangsamoro Government or other officers of Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled corporations or entities with original charters;

d. xxx

e. Formulates plans and programs of government subject to approval by the Parliament;

f. xxx

g. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in affairs outside the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region; and

h. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to the position.

Section 31. Administration of Oath of the Chief Minister. The Wali shall administer the oath of all the Members of Parliament, including the Chief Minister upon his/her election.

Section 31. Administration of Oath of the Chief Minister and Members of the Bangsamoro Parliament. The Interim Chief Minister shall administer the oath of all the Members of Parliament. The duly elected Chief Minister shall take oath before the youngest member of the Parliament.

Section 32. Ex-Officio Membership. The Chief Minister shall be an ex-officio member of the National Security Council (NSC) or matters concerning the Bangsamoro and of the National Economic and Development Authority Board (NEDA).


Section 33. The Deputy Chief Minister. The Deputy Chief Minister shall be appointed by the Chief Minister from among the members of the Parliament and may hold a cabinet position.

In case of death, removal, resignation or incapacity of the Chief Minister, the Deputy Chief Minister shall temporarily act as the Chief Minister until the Parliament shall have elected a new Chief Minister. Said election shall be held within thirty (30) days from the occurrence of the vacancy.

Section 33. The Deputy Chief Minister. The two (2) Deputy Chief Ministers shall be appointed by the Chief Minister from among the members of the Parliament coming from southwestern and central Mindanao within the Bangsamoro area, respectively, may hold cabinet position.

In case of death, removal, resignation or incapacity of the Chief Minister, the Deputy Chief Minister more senior age shall temporarily act as the Chief Minister until the Parliament shall have elected a new Chief Minister. The election shall be held within seventy-two (72) hours from the occurrence of the vacancy.

Section 34. Call for a New Bangsamoro Parliament Election.- Within seventy-two (72) hours upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of no confidence of all members of Parliament against the government of the day, the Chief Minister shall advise the Wali to dissolve the Parliament and call for a new parliamentary election. In no case shall the Wali countermand the advice of the Chief Minister.

The Wali shall call for election of a new Bangsamoro Parliament on a date not later than one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of dissolution.

In case of dissolution, the incumbent Chief Minister and the Cabinet shall continue to conduct the affairs of the Bangsamoro Government until a new Parliament is convened and a Chief Minister is elected and has qualified.

Section 34. Call for a New Bangsamoro Parliament Election.- Within seventy-two (72) hours upon a two-thirds (2/3) vote of no confidence of all members of Parliament against the government of the day, the Chief Minister shall advise the President of the Republic of the Philippines to dissolve the Parliament and call for a new parliamentary election. In no case shall the President of the Republic of the Philippines countermand the advice of the Chief Minister.

The President of the Republic of the Philippines shall call for election of a new Bangsamoro Parliament on a date not later than one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of dissolution.

In case of dissolution, the incumbent Chief Minister and the Cabinet shall continue to conduct the affairs of the Bangsamoro Government until a new Parliament is convened and a Chief Minister is elected and has qualified.

HB 4994

HB 5811

Section 29. Election of the Chief Minister.

On the

inaugural session of the Bangsamoro Parliament

following their elections, the members of the Parliament

shall, in open session, elect the Chief Minister by a

majority vote of all its members.

If no member of Bangsamoro Parliament obtains the

majority vote necessary to be elected Chief Minister in

the first round of voting, a runoff election shall be

conducted. In such case, the members of Bangsamoro

Parliament shall elect the Chief Minister fro

m the two (2)

candidates who obtained the highest number of votes

cast in the first round. There shall be no abstentions

allowed in the runoff election.




Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief


Unless otherwise provided by law, the Chief

Minister shall exercise the following powers, duties and


a. Heads the government of the Bangsam


b. Appoints head of ministries, agencies, bureaus,

offices of the Bangsamoro Government or other

officers of Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled

corporations or entities with original charters;

c. Appoints other officers in the Bangsamoro


as may be provided by the Parliament;

d. Formulates platform of government subject to

approval by the Parliament;

e. Issues executive orders and other policies of the

Bangsamoro Government;

f. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in



ide the Bangsamoro

; and

g. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to

the position.

Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the

Chief Minister.





b. Appoints head


of ministries

c. Appoints head



agencies, bureaus, offices of

the Bangsamoro Government or other officers of

Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled corporations

or entities with original charters;





. Formulates

plans and programs

of government

subject to approval by the Parliament;





. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in

affairs outs

ide the Bangsamoro

Autonomous Region




. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to

the position.

Section 31. Administration of Oath of the Chief Minister.

The Wali

shall administer the oath of all the Members of



including the Chief Minister upon his/her


Section 31. Administration of Oath of the Chief







of the Bangsamoro

Parliament. The Interim Chief Minister

shall administer

the oath of all the Members of Parliament

. The duly

elected Chief Minister shall take oath before the

youngest member of the Parliament.

Section 32. Ex


Officio Membership.

The Chief Minister

shall be an ex


officio memb

er of the National Security

Council (NSC) or matters concerning the Bangsamoro

and of the National Economic and Development




HB 4994 HB 5811

Section 29. Election of the Chief Minister. On the

inaugural session of the Bangsamoro Parliament

following their elections, the members of the Parliament

shall, in open session, elect the Chief Minister by a

majority vote of all its members.

If no member of Bangsamoro Parliament obtains the

majority vote necessary to be elected Chief Minister in

the first round of voting, a runoff election shall be

conducted. In such case, the members of Bangsamoro

Parliament shall elect the Chief Minister from the two (2)

candidates who obtained the highest number of votes

cast in the first round. There shall be no abstentions

allowed in the runoff election.


Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the Chief

Minister. Unless otherwise provided by law, the Chief

Minister shall exercise the following powers, duties and


a. Heads the government of the Bangsamoro;

b. Appoints head of ministries, agencies, bureaus,

offices of the Bangsamoro Government or other

officers of Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled

corporations or entities with original charters;

c. Appoints other officers in the Bangsamoro

Government, as may be provided by the Parliament;

d. Formulates platform of government subject to

approval by the Parliament;

e. Issues executive orders and other policies of the

Bangsamoro Government;

f. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in

affairs outside the Bangsamoro; and

g. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to

the position.

Section 30. Powers, Duties and Functions of the

Chief Minister. xxx

a. xxx;

b. Appoints heads of ministries

c. Appoints heads of agencies, bureaus, offices of

the Bangsamoro Government or other officers of

Bangsamoro owned and/or controlled corporations

or entities with original charters;

d. xxx

e. Formulates plans and programs of government

subject to approval by the Parliament;

f. xxx

g. Represents the government of the Bangsamoro in

affairs outside the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region;


h. Exercises such other powers and functions inherent to

the position.

Section 31. Administration of Oath of the Chief Minister.

The Wali shall administer the oath of all the Members of

Parliament, including the Chief Minister upon his/her


Section 31. Administration of Oath of the Chief

Minister and Members of the Bangsamoro

Parliament. The Interim Chief Minister shall administer

the oath of all the Members of Parliament. The duly

elected Chief Minister shall take oath before the

youngest member of the Parliament.

Section 32. Ex-Officio Membership. The Chief Minister

shall be an ex-officio member of the National Security

Council (NSC) or matters concerning the Bangsamoro

and of the National Economic and Development
