sections 8a through 8e


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Page 1: Sections 8A through 8E
Page 2: Sections 8A through 8E

88.A Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension

• How do you incorporate all the spatial dimensions of the landscape into stream corridor restoration design?

• What criteria can be applied to facilitate good design decisions for stream corridor restoration?

8.B Soil Properties• How do soil properties impact the design of restoration activities?• What are the major functions of soils in the stream corridor?• How are important soil characteristics, such as soil microfauna and soil salinity, accounted for

in the design process?

8.C Vegetative Communities• What is the role of vegetative communities in stream corridor restoration?• What functions do vegetative communities fulfill in a stream corridor?• What are some considerations in designing plant community restoration to ensure that all

landscape functions are addressed? • What is soil bioengineering and what is its role in stream corridor restoration?

8.D Riparian / Terrestrial Habitat Recovery• What are some specific tools and techniques that can be used to ensure recovery of riparian

and terrestrial habitat recovery?

8.E Stream Channel Restoration• When is stream channel reconstruction an appropriate restoration option?• How do you delineate the stream reach to be reconstructed?• How is a stream channel designed and reconstructed?• What are important factors to consider in the design of channel reconstruction

(e.g., alignment and average slope, channel dimensions)?• Are there computer models that can assist with the design of channel reconstruction?

8.F Streambank Restoration Design• When should streambank stabilization be included in a restoration?• How do you determine the performance criteria for streambank treatment, including the

methods and materials to be used?• What are some streambank stabilization techniques that can be considered for use?

8.G In-Stream Habitat Recovery• What are the principal factors controlling the quality of instream habitat?• How do you determine if an instream habitat structure is needed, and what type of structure

is most appropriate?• What procedures can be used to restore instream habitat? • What are some examples of instream habitat structures?• What are some important questions to address before designing, selecting or installing an

instream habitat structure?

8.H Land Use Scenarios• What role does land use play in stream corridor degradation and restoration?• What design approaches can be used to address the impacts of various land uses (e.g., dams,

agriculture, forestry, grazing, mining, recreation, urbanization)?• What are some disturbances that are often associated with specific land uses?• What restoration measures can be used to mitigate the impacts of various land uses?• What are the potential effects of the restoration measures?

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Figure 8.1: Stream running through awet meadow. Restoration design mustconsider site-specific conditions as anintegral part of larger systems.


8.A Valley Form, Connectivity, andDimension

8.B Soil Properties

8.C Plant Communities

8.D Habitat Measures

8.E Stream Channel Restoration

See continuation file 8.F Streambank Restoration

See continuation file 8.G Instream Habitat Recovery

See continuation file 8.H Land Use Scenarios

Design can be defined as the inten-tional shaping of matter, energy, and

process to meet an expressed need. Plan-ning and design connect natural processesand cultural needs through exchanges ofmaterials, flows of energy, and choicesof land use and management. One test

of a successful stream corridor design ishow well the restored system sustainsitself over time while accommodatingidentified needs.

To achieve success, those carrying outrestoration design and implementationin variable-land-use settings must under-stand the stream corridor, watershed,

and landscape as a complex ofworking ecosystems thatinfluence and are influencedby neighboring ecosystems(Figure 8.1). The probabilityof achieving long-term, self-sustaining functions across thisspatial complex increases with

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8–2 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

an understanding of these relation-ships, a common language for ex-pressing them, and subsequentresponse. Designing to achievestream- or corridor-specific solu-tions might not resolve problemsor recognize opportunities in thelandscape.

Stream corridor restoration designis still largely in an experimentalstage. It is known however, thatrestoration design must considersite-specific or local conditions tobe successful. That is, the designcriteria, standards, and specifica-tions should be for the specific pro-ject in a specific physical, climatic,and geographic location. These ini-tiatives, however, can and shouldwork with, rather than against, thelarger systems of which they are anintegral part.

This approach produces multiplebenefits, including:

■ A healthy, sustainable pattern ofland uses across the landscape.

■ Improved natural resource qualityand quantity.

■ Restored and protected streamcorridors and associated ecosys-tems.

■ A diversity of native plants andanimals.

■ A gene pool that promotes har-diness, disease resistance, andadaptability.

■ A sense of stewardship for pri-vate landowners and the public.

■ Improved management measuresthat avoid narrowly focused andfragmented land treatment.

“Leave It Alone / Let It Heal Itself”There is a renewed emphasis on recovering damaged rivers (Barinaga1996). Along with this concern, however, people should be remindedperiodically that they serve as stewards of watersheds, not just tinkererswith stream sites. Streams in pristine condition, for example, should notbe artificially “improved” by active rehabilitation methods.

At the other end of the spectrum, and particularly where degradation iscaused by off-stream activities, the best solution to a river managementproblem might be to remove the problem source and “let it heal itself.”Unfortunately, in severely degraded streams this process can take a longtime. Therefore the “leave it alone” concept can be the most difficultapproach for people to accept (Gordon et al. 1992).

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Restoration Design 8–3

Building on information presentedin Parts I and II, this chapter con-tains design guidance and tech-niques to address changes causedby major disturbances and to re-store stream corridor structure andfunction to a desired level. It beginswith larger-scale influences thatdesign may have on stream corridorecosystems, offers design guidanceprimarily at the stream corridor andstream scales, and concludes withland use scenarios.

The chapter is divided into sevensections.

Section 8.A: Valley Form,Connectivity, and Dimension

This section focuses on restoringstructural characteristics that prevailat the stream corridor and land-scape scales.

Section 8.B: Soil Properties

The restoration of soil propertiesthat are critical to stream corridorstructure and functions are ad-dressed in this section.

Section 8.C: Plant Communities

Restoring vegetative communitiesis a highly visible and integralcomponent of a functioningstream corridor.

Section 8.D: Habitat Measures

This section presents design guid-ance for some habitat measures.They are often integral parts ofstream corridor structure andfunctions.

Section 8.E: Stream ChannelRestoration

Restoring stream channel structureand functions is often a fundamen-tal step in restoring stream corridors.

Section 8.F: StreambankRestoration

This section focuses on designguidelines and related techniquesfor streambank stabilization. Thesemeasures can help reduce surfacerunoff and sediment transport tothe stream.

Section 8.G: Instream HabitatRecovery

Restoring instream habitat structureand functions is often a key com-ponent of stream corridor restora-tion.

Section 8.H: Land Use Scenarios

This final section offers broaddesign concepts in the contextof major land use scenarios.

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8–4 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Valley form, connectivity, and dimen-sion are variable structural characteris-tics that determine the interrelationshipof functions at multiple scales. Valleyintersections (nodes) with tributarystream corridors, slope of valley sides,and floodplain gradient are characteris-tics of valley form that influence manyfunctions (Figure 8.2).

The broad concept of connectivity, asopposed to fragmentation, involveslinkages of habitats, species, communi-ties, and ecological processes acrossmultiple scales (Noss 1991). Dimensionencompasses width, linearity, and edgeeffect, which are critical for movementof species, materials, and energy withinthe stream corridor and to or fromecosystems in the surrounding land-scape. Design should therefore addressthese large-scale characteristics and theireffect on functions.

Valley Form

In some cases, entire stream valleyshave changed to the point of obscuringgeomorphic boundaries, making streamcorridor restoration difficult. Volcanoes,earthquakes, and landslides are exam-ples of natural disturbances that causechanges in valley form. Encroachmentand filling of floodplains are among thehuman-induced disturbances that mod-ify valley shape.

Stream Corridor Connectivityand Dimension

Connectivity and dimensions of thestream corridor present a set of design-related decisions to be made. Howwide should the corridor be? How longshould the corridor be? What if thereare gaps in the corridor? These struc-tural characteristics have a significantimpact on corridor functions. Thewidth, length, and connectivity of exist-ing or potential stream corridor vegeta-tion, for example, are critical to habitatfunctions within the corridor and adja-cent ecosystems.

Generally, the widest and most contigu-ous stream corridor which achieveshabitat, conduit, filter, and other func-tions (see Chapter 2) should be an

8.A Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension

Figure 8.2: Stream corridors. (a) Stream valleyside slopes and (b) floodplain gradientsinfluence stream corridor function.



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Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension 8–5

ecologically derived goal of restoration.Thresholds for each function are likelyfound at different corridor widths. Theappropriate width varies according tosoil type, with steep slopes requiring awider corridor for filter functions. Aconservative indicator of effective corri-dor width is whether a stream corridorcan significantly prevent chemical con-taminants contained in runoff fromreaching the stream (Forman 1995).

As discussed in Chapter 1, the corridorshould extend across the stream, itsbanks, the floodplain, and the valleyslopes. It should also include a portionof upland for the entire stream lengthto maintain functional integrity (For-man and Godron 1986).

A contiguous, wide stream corridormight not be achievable, however, par-ticularly where competing land usesprevail. In these cases, a ladder patternof natural habitat crossing the flood-plain and connecting the upland seg-ments might facilitate sedimenttrapping during floods and providehydraulic storage and organic matterfor the stream system (Dramstad et al.1996).

Figure 8.3 presents an example of theseconnections. The open areas within theladder pattern are representative ofareas that are unavailable for restora-tion because of competing land uses.

Innovative management practices thatserve the functions of the corridor be-yond land ownership boundaries canoften be prescribed where land ownersare supportive of restoration. Alteringland cover, reducing chemical inputs,carefully timed mowing, and othermanagement practices can reduce dis-turbance in the corridor.

Practical considerations may restrictrestoration to a zone of predefinedwidth adjacent to the stream. Althoughoften unavoidable, such restrictions

tend to result in underrepresentation ofolder, off-channel environments thatsupport vegetation different from thatin stream-front communities. Restrict-ing restoration to a narrow part of thestream corridor usually does not restorethe full horizontal diversity of broadfloodplains, nor does it fully accommo-date functions that occur during floodevents, such as use of the floodplain byaquatic species (Wharton et al. 1982).

In floodplains where extensive subsur-face hydrologic connections exist, limit-ing restoration to streamside bufferzones is not recommended since signifi-cant amounts of energy, nutrient trans-formation, and invertebrate activitiescan occur at great distances from thestream channel outside the buffer areas(Sedell et al. 1990). Similarly, failure toanticipate channel migration or peri-odic beaver activity might result in acorridor that does not accommodate

transitionalupland fringe






Figure 8.3: Connections across a stream corridor. A ladder pattern ofnatural habitat can restore structure and functions where competingland uses prevail.Adapted from Ecology of Greenways: Design and Function of LinearConservation Areas. Edited by Smith and Hellmund. © University ofMinnesota Press 1993.

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8–6 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Seepage1. Sponge effect for hydrologic flows, mimimizing

downstream flooding2. Control of dissolved-substance inputs from matrix

1st Order Stream1. Same as for seepage

2nd to 4th Order Stream with Closed Canopy1. Conduit for upland interior species; both sides of

stream so species readily crossing floodplain have alternate routes

2. Control of dissolved-substance inputs from matrix3. Conduit for streambank and floodplain species,

where beaver activities maintain water across thefloodplain and alter hillslope vegetation

4. Minimize hillslope erosion5. Sponge effect for hydrologic flows, minimizing

downstream flooding6. Friction effect, minimizing downstream sedimentation7. Protect high habitat diversity and species

richness of floodplain

2nd to 4th Order Stream with Open Canopy1. Same as for 2nd to ca. 4th order stream, closed canopy 2. Provide interior habitat for species conduit, as

migrating open stream intersects hillslopescausing them to be open habitat

5th to 10th Order River1. Conduit for upland interior species, on both sides

of river so species that rarely can cross thefloodplain have a route on each side

2. Provide interior habitat for species conduit, asmigrating open river intersects hillslopescausing them to be open habitat

3. Minimize hillslope erosion4. Shade and logs provide fish habitat where

river is adjacent to hillslope5. Source of soil organic matter, an important base

of the river food chain6. Shade and logs provide fish habitat wherever

river is as it migrates across the floodplain7. Genetic benefit to upland species that can use

habitat continuity to infrequently cross floodplain8. Sponge effect for hydrologic flows, minimizing

downstream flooding9. Friction effect minimizing downstream sedimentation10.Protect high habitat diversity and species

richness of floodplain11.Conduit for semiaquatic and other organisms

dependent on river channel resources

interior portion of corridor in upland

meander band


interior of patch of natural floodplain vegetation

other ecologically-compatible land use

edge portion of corridor in upland


edge of patch of natural floodplain vegetation

Figure 8.4: Factors for determining minimum corridor widths. Stream corridor functions aredirectly influenced by corridor width. Source: Forman 1995. Reprinted with permission of Cambridge University Press.

Corridor Width VariablesThe minimum width of stream corridors based on ecological criteria (Figure 8.4).Five basic situations in a river system are identified, progressing from seepage to river.The key variables determining minimum corridor width are listed under each.

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Valley Form, Connectivity, and Dimension 8–7

fundamental dynamic processes(Malanson 1993).

As previously discussed, restoration ofan ecologically effective stream corridorrequires consideration of uplands adja-cent to the channel and floodplain.Hillslopes might be a source area forwater maintaining floodplain wetlands,a sediment source for channels onbedrock, and the principal source of or-ganic debris in high-gradient streams.

Despite these considerations, streamcorridors are often wrongly viewed asconsisting of only the channel and anadjacent vegetative buffer. The widthof the buffer is determined by specificobjectives such as control of agriculturalrunoff or habitat requirements of par-ticular animal species. This narrowdefinition obviously does not fullyaccommodate the extent of the func-tions of a stream corridor; but wherethe corridor is limited by immovableresource uses, it often becomes a partof a restoration strategy.

Cognitive Approach: TheReference Stream Corridor

Ideal stream corridor widths, as previ-ously defined, are not always achievablein the restoration design. A local refer-ence stream corridor might provide di-mensions for designing the restoration.

Examination of landscape patterns isbeneficial in identifying a referencestream corridor. The reference shouldprovide information about gap width,landform, species requirements, vegeta-tive structure, and boundary characteris-tics of the stream corridor (Figure 8.5).

Restoration objectives determine the de-sired levels of functions specified by therestoration design. If a nearby streamcorridor in a similar landscape settingand with similar land use variables pro-vides these functions adequately, it canbe used to indicate the connectivity and

width attributes that should be part ofthe design.

Analytical Approach: FunctionalRequirements of a Target Species

The restoration plan objectives can beused to determine dimensions for thestream corridor restoration. If, for ex-ample, a particular species requires thatthe corridor offer interior habitat, thecorridor width is sized to provide thenecessary habitat. The requirements ofthe most sensitive species typically areused for optimum corridor dimensions.When these dimensions extend beyondthe land base available for restoration,management of adjacent land uses be-comes a tool for making the corridoreffectively wider than the project para-meters.

Optimum corridor dimensions can beachieved through collaboration with in-dividuals and organizations who havemanagement authority over adjacentlands. Dimensions include width of

Figure 8.5: A maple in a New Mexico floodplain.A rare occurrence of a remnant population mayreflect desired conditions in a reference streamcorridor.

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8–8 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

edge effect associated with boundariesof the corridor and pattern variationswithin the corridor, maximum accept-able width of gaps within the corridor,and maximum number of gaps per unitlength of corridor.

Designing for Drainage andTopography

The stream corridor is dependent on in-teractions with the stream to sustain itscharacter and functions (see Chapter 2).Therefore, to the extent feasible, therestoration process should includeblockage of artificial drainage systems,removal or setback of artificial levees,and restoration of natural patterns offloodplain topography, unless these ac-tions conflict with other social or envi-

ronmental objectives (e.g., flooding orhabitat).

Restoration of microrelief is particularlyimportant where natural flooding hasbeen reduced or curtailed because atopographically complex floodplainsupports a mosaic of plant communi-ties and ecosystem functions as a resultof differential ponding of rainfall andinterception of ground water. Microre-lief restoration can be accomplished byselective excavation of historic featureswithin the floodplain such as naturalwetlands, levees, oxbows, and aban-doned channels. Aerial photographyand remotely sensed data, as well as ob-servations in reference corridors, pro-vide an indication of the distributionand dimensions of typical floodplainmicrorelief features.

8.B Soil Properties

Stream corridor functions depend notonly on the connectivity and dimen-sions of the stream corridor, but alsoon its soils and associated vegetation.The variable nature of soils across andalong stream corridors results in diverseplant communities (Figure 8.6). Whendesigning stream corridor restorationmeasures, it is important to carefullyanalyze the soils and their relatedpotentials and limitations to supportdiverse native plant and animal com-munities, as well as for restorationinvolving channel reconstruction.

Where native floodplain soils remainin place, county soil surveys should beused to determine basic site conditionsand fertility and to verify that the pro-posed plant species to be restored areappropriate. Most sites with fine-textured alluvium will not require sup-plemental fertilization, or fertilizersmight be required only for initial estab-lishment. In these cases excessive fertil-

Figure 8.6: Distinct vegetation zones alonga mountain stream. Variable soils result indiverse plant communities.

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Soil Properties 8–9

ization could encourage competingweed species or exotics. Soil should al-ways be tested before making any fertil-izer design recommendations.

County soil surveys can provide basicinformation such as engineering limita-tions or suitabilities. Site-specific soilsamples should, however, be collectedand tested when the restoration in-volves alternatives that include streamreconstruction.

The connections and feedback loopsbetween runoff and the structure andfunctions of streams are described inChapter 2. The functions of soil andthe connection between soil quality,runoff, and water quality are alsoestablished in that chapter. Theseconnections need to be identified andconsidered in any stream corridorrestoration plan and design. For allland uses, emphasis needs to be placedon implementing conservation landtreatment that promotes soil qualityand the ability of the soils to carry outfour major functions:

■ Regulating and partitioning theflow of water (a conduit and filterfunction).

■ Storing and cycling nutrients andother chemicals (a sink and filterfunction).

■ Filtering, buffering, degrading,immobilizing, and detoxifyingorganic and inorganic materials(a filter, sink, and barrier function).

■ Supporting biological activity inthe landscape (a source and habitatfunction).

References such as Field Office TechnicalGuide (USDA-NRCS) contain guidanceon the planning and selection of con-servation practices and are available atmost county offices.


Soils that have been in row crops orhave undergone heavy equipment traffic(such as that associated with construc-tion) can develop a relatively imperme-able compacted layer (plow pan or hardpan) that restricts water movement androot penetration (Figure 8.7). Suchsoils might require deep plowing, rip-ping, or vegetative practices to break upthe pan, although even these are some-times ineffective. Deep plowing is usu-ally expensive and, at least in the East,should be used only if the planting of aspecies that is able to penetrate the panlayer is not a viable option.

Soil Microfauna

On new or disturbed substrates, or onrow-cropped sites, essential soil mi-croorganisms (particularly mycorrhizalfungi) might not exist. These are mosteffectively replaced by using rootedplant material that is inoculated or nat-urally infected with appropriate fungi.Stockpiling and reincorporating local

Figure 8.7: Compaction of streamside soil.Compact soils may require deep plowing,ripping, or vegetative practices to break up theimpermeable layer.

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8–10 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

topsoils into the substrate prior toplanting is also effective (Allen 1995).Particular care should be taken to avoiddisturbing large trees or stumps sincethe soils around and under them arelikely source areas for reestablishmentof a wide variety of microorganisms. In-oculation can be useful in restoringsome soil mycorrhizal fungi for particu-lar species when naturally infectedplant stock is unavailable.

Soil Salinity

Soil salinity is another important con-sideration in restoration because saltaccumulation in the soil can restrictplant growth and the establishment of

riparian species. High soil salinity isnot common in healthy riparian eco-systems where annual spring floodsremove excess salts. Soil salinity canalso be altered by leaching salts throughthe soil profile with irrigation (Ander-son et al. 1984). Because of agriculturaldrainage and altered flows due to damconstruction, salt accumulation oftencontributes to riparian plant commu-nity declines.

Soil sampling throughout a restorationsite may be necessary since salinity canvary across a floodplain, even on sites ofless than 20 acres. If salinity is a prob-lem, one must select plant materialsadapted to a saline soil environment.

8.C Plant Communities

Vegetation is a fundamental controllingfactor in stream corridor function.Habitat, conduit, filter/barrier, source,and sink functions are all critically tiedto the vegetative biomass amount, qual-ity, and condition (Figure 8.8). Restora-tion designs should protect existingnative vegetation and restore vegetativestructure to result in a contiguous andconnected stream corridor.

Restoration goals can be general (e.g.,returning an area to a reference condi-tion) or specific (e.g., restoring habitatsfor particular species of interest such asthe least Bell’s vireo, Vireo bellii [Bairdand Rieger 1988], or yellow-billedcuckoo, Coccyzus americana [Andersonand Laymon 1988]).

Numerous shrubs and trees have beenevaluated as restoration candidates, in-cluding willows (Svejcar et al. 1992,Hoag 1992, Conroy and Svejcar 1991,Anderson et al. 1978); alder, service-berry, oceanspray, and vine maple(Flessner et al. 1992); cottonwood andpoplar (Hoag 1992); Sitka and thinleaf

alder (Java and Everett 1992); paloverde and honey mesquite (Andersonet al. 1978); and many others. Selec-tion of vegetative species may be basedon the desire to provide habitat for aparticular species of interest. The cur-rent trend in restoration, however, isto apply a multispecies or ecosystemapproach.

Figure 8.8: Stream corridor vegetation.Vegetation is a fundamental controllingfactor in the functioning of stream corridors.

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Plant Communities 8–11

Riparian Buffer Strips

Managers of riparian systems have longrecognized the importance of bufferstrips, for the following reasons(USACE 1991):

■ Provide shade that reduces watertemperature.

■ Cause deposition of (i.e., filter)sediments and other contaminants.

■ Reduce nutrient loads of streams.

■ Stabilize streambanks with vegeta-tion.

■ Reduce erosion caused by uncon-trolled runoff.

■ Provide riparian wildlife habitat.

■ Protect fish habitat.

■ Maintain aquatic food webs.

■ Provide a visually appealing green-belt.

■ Provide recreational opportunities.

Although the value of buffer strips iswell recognized, criteria for their sizingare variable. In urban stream corridors awide forest buffer is an essential com-ponent of any protection strategy. Itsprimary value is to provide physicalprotection for the stream channel fromfuture disturbance or encroachment. Anetwork of buffers acts as the right-of-way for a stream and functions as an in-tegral part of the stream ecosystem.

Often economic and legal considera-tions have taken precedence over eco-logical factors. For Vermont, USACE(1991) suggests that narrow strips(100 ft. wide) may be adequate toprovide many of the functions listedabove. For breeding bird populationson Iowa streams, Stauffer and Best(1980) found that minimum stripwidths varied from 40 ft. for cardinalsto 700 ft. for scarlet tanagers, Americanredstarts, and rufous-sided towhees.

In urban settings buffer sizing criteriamay be based on existing site controlsas well as economic, legal, and ecologi-cal factors. Practical performance crite-ria for sizing and managing urbanbuffers are presented in the box Design-ing Urban Stream Buffers. Clearly, nosingle recommendation would be suit-able for all cases.

Because floodplain/riparian habitats areoften small in area when compared tosurrounding uplands, meeting the mini-mum area needs of a species, guild, orcommunity is especially important.Minimum area is the amount of habitatrequired to support the expected or ap-propriate use and can vary greatlyacross species and seasons. For example,Skagen (USGS, Biological Resources Di-vision, Ft. Collins, Colorado; found that, contrary to whatmight be considered conventional wis-dom, extensive stream corridors insoutheastern Arizona were not moreimportant to migrating birds than iso-lated patches or oases of habitat. Infact, oases that were <2.5 miles longand <30 ft. in width had more speciesand higher numbers of nonbreedingmigrants than did corridors. Skagenfound that the use of oases, as well ascorridors, is consistent with the ob-served patterns of long distance mi-grants, where migration occurs alongbroad fronts rather than north-southcorridors. Because small and/or isolatedpatches of habitat can be so importantto migrants, riparian restoration effortsshould not overlook the important op-portunities they afford.

Existing Vegetation

Existing native vegetation should be re-tained to the extent feasible, as shouldwoody debris and stumps (Figure 8.9).In addition to providing habitat anderosion and sediment control, these fea-tures provide seed sources and harbor a

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Designing Urban Stream Buffers

The ability of an urban stream buffer to realize itsmany benefits depends to a large degree on howwell it is planned, designed, and maintained. Tenpractical performance criteria are offered to gov-ern how a buffer is to be sized, managed, andcrossed. The key criteria include:

Criteria 1: Minimum total buffer width.

Most local buffer criteria require that developmentbe set back a fixed and uniform distance from thestream channel. Nationally, urban stream buffersrange from 20 to 200 ft. in width from each sideof the stream according to a survey of 36 localbuffer programs, with a median of 100 ft.(Schueler 1995). In general, a minimum basewidth of at least 100 feet is recommended to pro-vide adequate stream protection.

Criteria 2: Three-zone buffer system.

Effective urban stream buffers have three lateralzones—stream side, middle core, and outer zone.Each zone performs a different function, and has adifferent width, vegetative target and manage-ment scheme. The stream side zone protects thephysical and ecological integrity of the streamecosystem. The vegetative target is mature riparianforest that can provide shade, leaf litter, woodydebris, and erosion protection to the stream. Themiddle zone extends from the outward boundaryof the stream side zone, and varies in width,depending on stream order, the extent of the 100-yr floodplain, adjacent steep slopes, and protectedwetland areas. Its key functions are to provide fur-ther distance between upland development andthe stream. The vegetative target for this zone isalso mature forest, but some clearing may beallowed for storm water management, access, andrecreational uses.

The outer zone is the buffer’s “buffer,” an addi-tional 25-ft. setback from the outward edge of themiddle zone to the nearest permanent structure.

In most instances, it is a residential backyard. Thevegetative target for the outer zone is usually turfor lawn, although the property owner is encour-aged to plant trees and shrubs, and thus increasethe total width of the buffer. Very few uses arerestricted in this zone. Indeed, gardening, compostpiles, yard wastes, and other common residentialactivities often will occur in the outer zone.

Criteria 3: Predevelopment vegetative target.

The ultimate vegetative target for urban streambuffers should be specified as the predevelopmentriparian plant community—usually mature forest.Notable exceptions include prairie streams of theMidwest, or arroyos of the arid West, that mayhave a grass or shrub cover in the riparian zone. Ingeneral, the vegetative target should be based onthe natural vegetative community present in thefloodplain, as determined from reference riparianzones. Turfgrass is allowed for the outer zone ofthe buffer.

Criteria 4: Buffer expansion and contraction.

Many communities require that the minimumwidth of the buffer be expanded under certainconditions. Specifically, the average width of themiddle zone can be expanded to include:

■ the full extent of the 100-yr floodplain; ■ all undevelopable steep slopes (greater than

25%); ■ steep slopes (5 to 25% slope, at four additional

ft. of slope per one percent increment of slopeabove 5%); or

■ any adjacent delineated wetlands or criticalhabitats.

Criteria 5: Buffer delineation.

Three key decisions must be made when delineat-ing the boundaries of a buffer. At what mappingscale will streams be defined? Where does thestream begin and the buffer end? And from what

Designing Urban Stream Buffers

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8–13Plant Communities

point should the inner edge of the buffer be mea-sured? Clear and workable delineation criteriashould be developed.

Criteria 6: Buffer crossings.

Major objectives for stream buffers are to main-tain an unbroken corridor of riparian forest and toallow for upstream and downstream fish passagein the stream network. From a practical stand-point, however, it is not always possible to try tomeet these goals everywhere along the streambuffer network. Some provision must be made forlinear forms of development that must cross thestream or the buffer, such as roads, bridges, fair-ways, underground utilities, enclosed storm drainsor outfall channels.

Criteria 7: Storm water runoff.

Buffers can be an important component of thestorm water treatment system at a developmentsite. They cannot, however, treat all the stormwater runoff generated within a watershed (gen-erally, a buffer system can only treat runoff fromless than 10% of the contributing watershed tothe stream). Therefore, some kind of structuralBMP must be installed to treat the quantity andquality of storm water runoff from the remaining90% of the watershed.

Criteria 8: Buffers during plan review andconstruction.

The limits and uses of the stream buffer systemsshould be well defined during each stage of thedevelopment process—from initial plan review,through construction.

Criteria 9: Buffer education and enforcement.

The future integrity of a buffer system requires astrong education and enforcement program. Thus,it is important to make the buffer “visible” to thecommunity, and to encourage greater bufferawareness and stewardship among adjacent resi-dents. Several simple steps can be taken to accom-plish this.

■ Mark the buffer boundaries with permanentsigns that describe allowable uses

■ Educate buffer owners about the benefits anduses of the buffer with pamphlets, stream walks,and meetings with homeowners associations

■ Ensure that new owners are fully informedabout buffer limits/uses when property issold or transferred

■ Engage residents in a buffer stewardshipprogram that includes reforestation andbackyard “bufferscaping” programs

■ Conduct annual buffer walks to checkon encroachment

Criteria 10: Buffer flexibility.

In most regions of the country, a hundred-footbuffer will take about 5% of the total land areain any given watershed out of use or production.While this constitutes a relatively modest landreserve at the watershed scale, it can be a signifi-cant hardship for a landowner whose property isadjacent to a stream. Many communities are legiti-mately concerned that stream buffer requirementscould represent an uncompensated “taking” ofprivate property. These concerns can be eliminatedif a community incorporates several simple mea-sures to ensure fairness and flexibility whenadministering its buffer program. As a generalrule, the intent of the buffer program is to modifythe location of development in relation to thestream but not its overall intensity. Some flexiblemeasures in the buffer ordinance include:

■ Maintaining buffers in private ownership■ Buffer averaging■ Density compensation■ Variances■ Conservation easements

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variety of microorganisms, as describedabove. Old fencerows, vegetated stumpsand rock piles in fields, and isolatedshade trees in pastures should be re-tained through restoration design, aslong as the dominant plant species arenative or are unlikely to be competitorsin a matrix of native vegetation (e.g.,fruit trees).

Nonnative vegetation can prevent estab-lishment of desirable native species orbecome an unwanted permanent com-ponent of stream corridor vegetation.For example, kudzu will kill vegetation.Generally, forest species planted onagricultural land will eventually shadeout pasture grasses and weeds, althoughsome initial control (disking, mowing,burning) might be required to ensuretree establishment.

Plant Community Restoration

An objective of stream corridor restora-tion work might be to restore naturalpatterns of plant community distribu-tion within the stream corridor. Numer-ous publications describe general

distribution patterns for various geo-morphic settings and flow conditions(e.g., Brinson et al. 1981, Wharton et al.1982), and county soil surveys generallydescribe native vegetation for particularsoils. More detailed and site-specificplant community descriptions may beavailable from state Natural Heritageprograms, chapters of The Nature Con-servancy, or other natural resourcesagencies and organizations.

Examination of the reference streamcorridor, however, is often the best wayto develop information on plant com-munity composition and distribution.Once reference plant communities aredefined, design can begin to detail themeasures required to restore thosecommunities (Figure 8.10). Rarely isit feasible or desirable to attempt toplant the full complement of appropri-ate species on a particular site. Rather,the more typical approach is to plantthe dominant species or those speciesunlikely to colonize the site readily.For example, in the complex bottom-

Figure 8.9: Remnant vegetation and woodydebris along a stream. Attempts should bemade to preserve existing vegetation withinthe stream corridor.

Figure 8.10: A thriving and diverse plant com-munity within a stream corridor. Examinationof reference plant communities is often thebest way to develop information on the com-position and distribution of plant communitiesat the restoration site.

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Plant Communities 8–15

land hardwood forests of the Southeast,the usual focus is on planting oaks.Oaks are heavy-seeded, are often shade-intolerant, and may not be able to read-ily invade large areas for generationsunless they are introduced in the initialplanting plan, particularly if floodinghas been reduced or curtailed. It is as-sumed that lighter-seeded and shade-tolerant species will invade the site atrates sufficient to ensure that the result-ing forest is adequately diverse. Thisprocess can be accelerated by plantingcorridors of fast-growing species (e.g.,cottonwoods) across the restorationarea to promote seed dispersal.

In areas typically dominated by cotton-woods and willows, the emphasis mightbe to emulate natural patterns of colo-nization by planting groves of particularspecies rather than mixed stands, and bystaggering the planting program over aperiod of years to ensure structural vari-ation. Where conifers tend to eventuallysucceed riparian hardwoods, somerestoration designs may include scat-tered conifer plantings among blocks ofpioneer species, to accelerate the transi-tion to a conifer-dominated system.

Large-scale restoration work sometimesincludes planting of understory species,particularly if they are required to meetspecific objectives such as providing es-sential components of endangered spe-cies habitat. However, it is often difficultto establish understory species, whichare typically not tolerant to full sun, ifthe restoration area is open. Where par-ticular understory species are unlikelyto establish themselves for many years,they can be introduced in adjacentforested sites, or planted after the initialtree plantings have matured sufficientlyto create appropriate understory condi-tions. This may also be an appropriateapproach for introducing certain over-story species that might not surviveplanting in full sun (Figure 8.11).

The concept of focusing restoration ac-tions on a limited group of overstoryspecies to the exclusion of understoryand other overstory species has beencriticized. The rationale for favoringspecies such as oaks has been to ensurethat restored riparian and floodplainareas do not become dominated by op-portunistic species, and that wildlifefunctions and timber values associatedwith certain species will be present assoon as possible. It has been docu-mented that heavy-seeded species suchas oaks may be slow to invade a siteunless planted (see Tennessee ValleyAuthority Floodplain ReforestationProjects—50 Years Later), but differen-tial colonization rates probably excludea variety of other species as well. Cer-tainly, it would be desirable to intro-duce as wide a variety of appropriatespecies as possible; however, costs andthe difficulties of doing supplementalplantings over a period of years mightpreclude this approach in mostinstances.

Figure 8.11: Restoration of understory plantspecies. Understory species can be introducedat the restoration site after the initial treeplantings have matured sufficiently.

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Plant species should be distributedwithin a restoration site with close at-tention to microsite conditions. In addi-tion, if stream meandering behavior orscouring flows have been curtailed, spe-cial effort is required to maintain com-munities that normally depend on suchbehavior for natural establishment.These may include oxbow and swalecommunities (bald cypress, shrub wet-lands, emergent wetlands), as well ascommunities characteristic of newly de-posited soils (cottonwoods, willows,alders, silver maple, etc.). It is importantto recognize that planting vegetation onsites where regeneration mechanisms nolonger operate is a temporary measure,and long-term management and peri-odic replanting is required to maintainthose functions of the ecosystem.

In the past, stream corridor plantingprograms often included nonnativespecies selected for their rapid growthrates, soil binding characteristics, abilityto produce abundant fruits for wildlife,or other perceived advantages over na-

tive species. These actions sometimeshave unintended consequences andoften prove to be extremely detrimental(Olson and Knopf 1986). As a result,many local, county, state, and federalagencies discourage or prohibit plantingof nonnative species within wetlands orstreamside buffers. Stream corridorrestoration designs should emphasizenative plant species from local sources.It may be feasible in some cases to focusrestoration actions on encouraging thesuccess of local seedfall to ensure thatlocally adapted populations of streamcorridor vegetation are maintained onthe site (Friedmann et al. 1995).

Plant establishment techniques varygreatly depending on site conditionsand species characteristics. In arid re-gions, the emphasis has been on usingpoles or cuttings of species that sproutreadily, and planting them to depthsthat will ensure contact with moist soilduring the dry season (Figure 8.12).Where water tables have declined pre-cipitously, deep auguring and tempo-

Low Water AvailabilityIn areas where water levels are low, artificial plantings will not survive if theirroots cannot reach the zone of saturation. Low water availability was associ-ated with low survival rates in more than 80 percent of unsuccessful revege-tation work examined in Arizona (Briggs 1992). Planting long poles (20 ft.)of Fremont cottonwood (Populus fremontii) and Gooding willow in augeredholes has been successful where the ground water is more than 10 ft. belowthe surface (Swenson and Mullins 1985). In combination with an irrigationsystem, many planted trees are able to reach ground water 10 ft. below thesurface when irrigated for two seasons after planting (Carothers et al. 1990).Sites closest to ground water, such as secondary channels, depressions, andlow sites where water collects, are the best candidates for planting, althoughlow-elevation sites are more prone to flooding and flood damage to theplantings. Additionally, the roots of many riparian species may becomedormant or begin to die if inundated for extended periods of time (Burrowsand Carr 1969).

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Plant Communities 8–17

rary irrigation are used to establish cut-tings and rooted or container-grownplants. In environments where precipi-tation or ground water is adequate tosustain planted vegetation, prolongedirrigation is less common, and bare-root or container-grown plants areoften used, particularly for species thatdo not sprout reliably from cuttings.On large floodplains of the South andEast, direct seeding of acorns and plant-ing of dormant bare-root material havebeen highly successful. Other options,such as transplanting of salvaged plants,have been tried with varying degrees ofsuccess. Local experience should besought to determine the most reliableand efficient plant establishment ap-proaches for particular areas andspecies, and to determine what prob-lems to expect.

It is important to protect plantingsfrom livestock, beaver, deer, smallmammals, and insects during the estab-lishment period. Mortality of vegetationfrom deer browsing is common and canbe prevented by using tree shelters toprotect seedlings.

Horizontal Diversity

Stream corridor vegetation, as viewedfrom the air, would appear as a mosaicof diverse plant communities that runsfrom the upland on one side of thestream corridor, down the valley slope,across the floodplain, and up the oppo-site slope to the upland. With suchbroad dimensional range, there is alarge potential for variation in vegeta-tion. Some of the variation is a result ofhydrology and stream dynamics, whichwill be discussed later in this chapter.Three important structural characteris-tics of horizontal diversity of vegetationare connectivity, gaps, and boundaries.

Connectivity and Gaps

As discussed earlier, connectivity is animportant evaluation parameter ofstream corridor functions, facilitatingthe processes of habitat, conduit, andfilter/barrier. Stream corridor restora-tion design should maximize connec-tions between ecosystem functions.Habitat and conduit functions can beenhanced by linking critical ecosystemsto stream corridors through design thatemphasizes orientation and proximity.Designers should consider functionalconnections to existing or potential fea-tures such as vacant or abandoned land,rare habitat, wetlands or meadows, di-verse or unique vegetative communities,springs, ecologically innovative residen-tial areas, movement corridors for floraand fauna, or associated stream systems.This allows for movement of materialsand energy, thus increasing conduitfunctions and effectively increasinghabitat through geographic proximity.

Generally, a long, wide stream corridorwith contiguous vegetative cover is fa-vored, though gaps are commonplace.The most fragile ecological functions de-termine the acceptable number and sizeof gaps. Wide gaps can be barriers to mi-

Figure 8.12: Revegetation with the use ofdeeply planted live cuttings. In arid regions,poles or cuttings of species that sproutreadily are often planted to depths thatassure contact with moist soil.

Stream corri-dor restorationdesigns shouldemphasizenative plantspecies fromlocal sources.

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Tennessee Valley Authority Floodplain Reforestation Projects—50 Years Later

The oldest known large-scale restoration of forest-ed wetlands in the United States was undertakenby the Tennessee Valley Authority in conjunctionwith reservoir construction projects in the Southduring the 1940s. Roads and railways were relo-cated outside the influence of maximum poolelevations, but where they were placed onembankments, TVA was concerned that theywould be subject to wave erosion during periodsof extreme high water. To reduce that possibility,agricultural fields between the reservoir and theembankments were planted with trees (Figure8.13). At Kentucky Reservoir in Kentucky andTennessee, approximately 1,000 acres were plant-

ed, mostly on hydric soils adjacent to tributariesof the Tennessee River. Detailed records were keptregarding the species planted and survival rates.Some of these stands were recently located andstudied to evaluate the effectiveness of the origi-nal reforestation effort, and to determine theextent to which the planted forests have come toresemble natural stands in the area.

Because the purpose of the plantings was erosioncontrol, little thought was given to recreating nat-ural patterns of plant community composition andstructure. Trees were evenly spaced in rows, andplanted species were apparently chosen for maxi-mum flood tolerance. As a result, the studiedstands had an initial composition dominated bybald cypress, green ash, red maple, and similarlyFigure 8.13: Kentucky Reservoir watershed, 1943.

Planting abandoned farmland with trees.

Tennessee Valley Authority Floodplain Reforestation Projects—50 Years Later

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Plant Communities 8–19

water-tolerant species, but they did not originallycontain many of the other common bottomlandforest species, such as oaks.

Shear et al. (in press) compared the plant commu-nities of the planted stands with forests on similarsites that had been established by natural invasionof abandoned fields. They also looked at olderstands that had never been converted to agricul-ture. The younger planted and natural stands weresimilar to the older stands with regard to understo-ry composition, and measures of stand density andbiomass were consistent with patterns typical forthe age of the stands. Overstory composition of theplanted stands was very different from that of theothers, reflecting the original plantings. However,both the planted sites and the fields that had beennaturally invaded had few individuals of heavy-seeded species (oaks and hickories), which madeup 37 percent of the basal area of the older stands.

Oaks are an important component of southernbottomlands and are regarded as particularlyimportant to wildlife. In most modern restorationplantings, oaks are favored on the assumption thatthey will not quickly invade agricultural fields. Thestands at Kentucky Reservoir demonstrate thatplanted bottomland forests can develop structuraland understory conditions that resemble those ofnatural stands within 50 years (Figure 8.14).Stands that were established by natural invasionof agricultural fields had similar characteristics.The major compositional deficiency in both of theyounger stands was the lack of heavy-seededspecies. The results of this study appear to supportthe practice of favoring heavy-seeded species inbottomland forest restoration initiatives.

Figure 8.14: Kentucky Reservoir watershed in 1991.Thriving bottomland hardwood forest.

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gration of smaller terrestrial fauna andindigenous plant species. Aquatic faunamay also be limited by the frequency ordimension of gaps. The width and fre-quency of gaps should therefore be de-signed in response to planned streamcorridor functions. Bridges have beendesigned to allow migration of animals,along with physical and chemical con-nections of river and wetland flow. InFlorida, for example, underpasses areconstructed beneath roadways to serveas conduits for species movement(Smith and Hellmund 1993). TheNetherlands has experimented with ex-tensive species overpasses and under-passes to benefit particular species(Figure 8.15). Although not typicallyequal to the magnitude of an undis-turbed stream corridor lacking gaps,these measures allow for modest func-tions as habitat and conduit.

The filtering capacity of stream corridorsis affected by connectivity and gaps. Forexample, nutrient and water dischargeflowing overland in sheet flow tends toconcentrate and form rills. These rills inturn often form gullies. Gaps in vegeta-tion offer no opportunity to slow over-land flow or allow for infiltration.Where reference dimensions are similarand transferable, restored plant commu-

nities should be designed to exhibitstructural diversity and canopy closuresimilar to that of the reference streamcorridor. The reference stream corridorcan provide information regarding plantspecies and their frequency and distribu-tion. Design should aim to maintain thefiltering capacity of the stream corridorby minimizing gaps in the corridor’swidth and length.

Buffer configuration and compositionhave also received attention since theyinfluence wildlife habitat quality, in-cluding suitability as migration corri-dors for various species and suitabilityfor nesting habitat. Reestablishment oflinkages among elements of the land-scape can be critically important formany species (Noss 1983, Harris 1984).However, as noted previously, funda-mental considerations include whethera particular vegetation type has everexisted as a contiguous corridor in anarea, and whether the predisturbancecorridor was narrow or part of anexpansive floodplain forest system.Establishment of inappropriate andnarrow corridors can have a net detri-mental influence at local and regionalscales (Knopf et al. 1988). Localwildlife management priorities shouldbe evaluated in developing buffer widthcriteria that address these issues.


The structure of the edge vegetationbetween a stream corridor and the adja-cent landscape affects the habitat, con-duit, and filter functions. A transitionbetween two ecosystems in an undis-turbed environment typically occursacross a broad area.

Boundaries between stream corridorsand adjacent landscapes may be straightor curvilinear. A straight boundary al-lows relatively unimpeded movementalong the edge, thereby decreasing


Figure 8.15: Underpass design. Underpassesshould be designed to accommodate bothvehicular traffic and movement of small fauna.

Restored plantcommunitiesshould be de-signed to ex-hibit structuraldiversity andcanopy closuresimilar to thatof the refer-ence streamcorridor.

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species interaction between the twoecosystems. Conversely, a curvilinearboundary with lobes of the corridorand adjoining areas reaching into oneanother encourages movement acrossboundaries, resulting in increased inter-action. The shape of the boundary canbe designed to integrate or discouragethese interactions, thus affecting thehabitat, conduit, and filter functions.

Species interaction may or may not bedesirable depending on the projectgoals. The boundary of the restorationinitiative can, for example, be designedto capture seeds or to integrate animals,including those carrying seeds. In somecases, however, this interaction is dic-tated by the functional requirements ofthe adjacent ecosystem (equipment tol-erances within an agricultural field, forinstance).

Vertical Diversity

Heterogeneity within the stream corri-dor is an important design considera-tion. The plants that make up thestream corridor, their form (herbs,shrubs, small trees, large trees), andtheir diversity affect function, especiallyat the reach and site scales. Stratifica-tion of vegetation affects wind, shading,avian diversity, and plant growth (For-man 1995). Typically, vegetation at the

edge of the stream corridor is very dif-ferent from the vegetation that occurswithin the interior of the corridor. Thetopography, aspect, soil, and hydrologyof the corridor provide several naturallydiverse layers and types of vegetation.

The difference between edge and interiorvegetative structure are important designconsiderations (Figure 8.16). An edgethat gradually changes from the streamcorridor into the adjacent ecosystemswill soften environmental gradients andminimize any associated disturbances.These transitional zones encouragespecies diversity and buffer variable nu-trient and energy flows. Althoughhuman intervention has made edgesmore abrupt, the conditions of naturallyoccurring edge vegetation can be re-stored through design. The plant com-munity and landform of a restored edgeshould reflect the structural variationsfound in the reference stream corridor.To maintain a connected and contigu-ous vegetative cover at the edge of smallgaps, taller vegetation should be de-signed to continue through the gap. Ifthe gap is wider than can be breachedby the tallest or widest vegetation, amore gradual edge may be appropriate.

Vertical structure of the corridor interiortends to be less diverse than that of the

interior gradual edge

Figure 8.16: Edge vegetativestructure. Edge characteristicscan be abrupt or gradual, withthe gradual boundary typicallyencouraging more interactionbetween ecosystems.

Plant Communities 8–21

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edge. This is typically observed whenentering a woodlot: edge vegetation isshrubby and difficult to traverse,whereas inner shaded conditions pro-duce a more open forest floor that al-lows for easier movement. Snags anddowned wood may also provide impor-tant habitat functions. When designingto restore interior conditions of streamcorridor vegetation, a vegetation struc-ture should be used that is less diversethan the vegetation structure used at theedge. The reference stream corridor willyield valuable information for this as-pect of design.

Influence of Hydrology andStream Dynamics

Natural floodplain plant communitiesderive their characteristic horizontal di-versity primarily from the organizinginfluence of stream migration andflooding (Brinson et al. 1981). As dis-cussed earlier, when designing restora-tion of stream corridor vegetation,nearby reference conditions are gener-ally used as models to identify the ap-propriate plant species andcommunities. However, the originalcover and older existing trees mighthave been established before streamregulation or other changes in the wa-tershed that affect flow and sedimentcharacteristics.

A good understanding of current andprojected flooding is necessary for de-sign of appropriately restored plantcommunities within the floodplain.Water management and planning agen-cies are often the best sources of suchdata. In wildland areas, stream gaugedata may be available, or on-site inter-pretation of landforms and vegetationmay be required to determine whetherfloodplain hydrology has been alteredthrough channel incision, beaver activ-ity, or other causes. Discussions withlocal residents and examination of aer-

ial photography may also provide infor-mation on water diversions, groundwater depletion, and similar changes inthe local hydrology.

A vegetation-hydroperiod model can beused to forecast riparian vegetation dis-tribution (Malanson 1993). The modelidentifies the inundating discharges ofvarious locations in the riparian zoneand the resulting suitability of moistureconditions for desired plants. Gradingplans, for example, can be adjusted toalter the area inundated by a given dis-charge and thus increase the area suit-able for vegetation associated with aparticular frequency and duration offlooding. A focus on the vegetation-hydroperiod relationship will demon-strate the following:

■ The importance of moisture condi-tions in structuring vegetation of theriparian zone;

■ The existence of reasonably wellaccepted physical models for calcu-lating inundation from streamflowand the geometry of the bottomland.

■ The likelihood that streamflow andinundating discharges have beenaltered in degraded stream systems orwill be modified as part of a restora-tion effort.

Generally, planting efforts will be easierwhen trying to restore vegetation onsites that have suitable moisture condi-tions for the desired vegetation, such asin replacing historical vegetation oncleared sites that have unaltered stream-flow and inundating discharges. Mois-ture suitability calculations will supportdesigns. Sometimes the restoration ob-jective is to restore more of the desiredvegetation than the new flow condi-tions would naturally support. Directmanipulation by planting and control-ling competition can often produce thedesired results within the physiologicaltolerances of the desired species. How-

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ever, the vegetation on these sites willbe out of balance with the site moistureconditions and might require continuedmaintenance. Management of vegeta-tion can also accelerate succession to amore desirable state.

Projects that require long-term supple-mental watering should be avoided dueto high maintenance costs and de-creased potential for success. Inversely,there may be cases where the absence ofvegetation, especially woody vegetation,is desired near the stream channel. Al-teration of streamflow or inundatingdischarges might make moisture condi-tions on these sites unsuitable forwoody vegetation.

The general concept of site suitability forplant species can be extended frommoisture conditions determined by in-undation to other variables determiningplant distribution. For example, Ohmartand Anderson (1986) suggests thatrestoration of native riparian vegetationin arid southwestern river systems maybe limited by unsuitable soil salinities.In many arid situations, depth to groundwater might be a more direct measure ofthe moisture effects of streamflow on ri-parian sites than actual inundation.Both inundating discharge and depth toground water are strongly related to ele-vation. However, depth to ground watermay be the more appropriate causalvariable for these rarely inundated sites,and a physical model expressing the de-pendence of alluvial ground water levelson streamflow might therefore be moreimportant than a hydraulic model ofsurface water elevations.

Some stream corridor plant species havedifferent requirements at different lifestages. For example, plants toleratingextended inundation as adults may re-quire a drawdown for establishment,and plants thriving on relatively highand dry sites as adults may be estab-

lished only on moist surfaces near thewater’s edge. This can complicate whatconstitutes suitable moisture conditionsand may require separate considerationof establishment requirements, and per-haps consideration of how sites mightchange over time. The application ofsimulation models of plant dynamicsbased on solving sets of explicit rulesfor how plant composition will changeover time may become necessary as in-creasingly complex details of differentrequirements at different plant life his-tory stages are incorporated into theevaluation of site suitability. Examplesof this type of more sophisticated plantresponse model include van der Valk(1981) for prairie marsh species andPearlstine et al. (1985) for bottomlandhardwood tree species.

Soil Bioengineering forFloodplains and Uplands

Soil bioengineering is the use of live anddead plant materials, in combinationwith natural and synthetic support ma-terials, for slope stabilization, erosionreduction, and vegetative establishment.

There are many soil bioengineering sys-tems, and selection of the appropriatesystem or systems is critical to success-ful restoration. Reference documentsshould be consulted to ensure that theprinciples of soil bioengineering are un-derstood and applied. The NRCS Engi-neering Field Handbook, Part 650[Chapter 16, Streambank and ShorelineProtection (USDA-NRCS 1996) andChapter 18, Soil Bioengineering for Up-land Slope Protection and Erosion Re-duction (USDA-NRCS 1992)] offersbackground and guidelines for applica-tion of this technology. A more detaileddescription of soil bioengineering sys-tems is offered in Section 8.F, Stream-bank Stabilization Design, of thischapter and in Appendix A.


Preview Chap-ter 8, Section Ffor more infor-mation on soilbioengineeringtechniques.

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Other measures may be used to providestructure and functions. They may beimplemented as separate actions or asan integral part of the restoration planto improve habitat, in general, or forspecific species. Such measures can pro-vide short-term habitat until overallrestoration results reach the level ofmaturity needed to provide the desiredhabitat. These measures can also pro-vide habitat that is in short supply.Greentree reservoirs, nest structures,and food patches are three examples.Beaver are also presented as a restora-tion measure.

Greentree Reservoirs

Short-term flooding of bottomlandhardwoods during the dormant periodof tree growth enhances conditions forsome species (e.g., waterfowl) to feed onmast and other understory food plants,like wild millet and smartweed. Acornsare a primary food source in stream cor-ridors for a variety of fauna, includingducks, nongame birds and mammals,turkey, squirrel, and deer. Greentree

reservoirs are shallow, forested flood-plain impoundments usually created bybuilding low levees and installing outletstructures (Figure 8.17). They are usu-ally flooded in early fall and drainedduring late March to mid-April. Drain-ing prevents damage to overstory hard-woods (Rudolph and Hunter 1964).Most existing greentree reservoirs are inthe Southwest.

The flooding of greentree reservoirs, bydesign, differs from the natural floodregime. Greentree reservoirs are typi-cally flooded earlier and at depthsgreater than would normally occurunder natural conditions. Over time,modifications of natural flood condi-tions can result in vegetation changes,lack of regeneration, decreased mastproduction, tree mortality, and disease.Proper management of green tree reser-voirs requires knowledge of the localsystem—especially the natural floodregime—and the integration of manage-ment goals that are consistent withsystem requirements. Proper manage-ment of greentree reservoirs can provide

8.D Habitat Measures

Figure 8.17: Bottom-and hardwoodsserving as a green-tree reservoir. Propermanagement ofgreentree reservoirsrequires knowledgeof the local system.

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Habitat Measures 8–25

quality habitat on an annual basis, butthe management plan must be welldesigned from construction throughmanagement for waterfowl.

Nest Structures

Loss of riparian or terrestrial habitat instream corridors has resulted in the de-cline of many species of birds andmammals that use associated trees andtree cavities for nesting or roosting. Themost important limiting factor forcavity-nesting birds is usually the avail-ability of nesting substrate (von Haart-man 1957), generally in the form ofsnags or dead limbs in live trees (Sedg-wick and Knopf 1986). Snags for neststructures can be created using explo-sives, girdling, or topping of trees. Arti-ficial nest structures can compensatefor a lack of natural sites in otherwisesuitable habitat since many species ofbirds will readily use nest boxes orother artificial structures. For example,along the Mississippi River in Illinoisand Wisconsin, where nest trees havebecome scarce, artificial nest structureshave been erected and constructed fordouble-crested cormorants using utilitypoles (Yoakum et al. 1980). In manycases, increases in breeding bird densityhave resulted from providing such struc-tures (Strange et al. 1971, Brush 1983).Artificial nest structures can also im-prove nestling survival (Cowan 1959).

Nest structures must be properly de-signed and placed, meeting the biologi-cal needs of the target species. Theyshould also be durable, predator-proof,and economical to build. Design speci-fications for nest boxes include hole di-ameter and shape, internal box volume,distance from the floor of the box tothe opening, type of material used,

whether an internal “ladder” is neces-sary, height of placement, and habitattype in which to place the box. Othertypes of nest structures include nestplatforms for waterfowl and raptors;nest baskets for doves, owls, and water-fowl; floating nest structures for geese;and tire nests for squirrels. Specifica-tions for nest structures for riparian andwetland nesting species (including nu-merous Picids, passerines, waterfowl,and raptors) can be found in manysources including Yoakum et al. (1980),Kalmbach et al. (1969), and variousstate wildlife agency and conservationpublications.

Food Patches

Food patch planting is often expensiveand not always predictable, but it canbe carried out in wetlands or ripariansystems mostly for the benefit of water-fowl. Environmental requirements ofthe food plants native to the area,proper time of year of introduction,management of water levels, and soiltypes must all be taken into considera-tion. Some of the more important foodplants in wetlands include pondweed(Potamogeton spp.), smartweed (Poly-gonum spp.), duck potato, spike sedges(Carex spp.), duckweeds (Lemna spp.),coontail, alkali bulrush (Scirpus palu-dosus), and various grasses. Two com-monly planted native species includewild rice (Zizania) and wild millet. De-tails on suggested techniques for plant-ing these species can be found inYoakum et al. (1980).

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Importance of Beaver to RiparianEcosystemsBeaver have long been recognized for their poten-tial to influence riparian systems. In rangelands,where loss of riparian functional value has beenmost dramatic, the potential role of beaver inrestoring degraded streams is least understood.

Beaver dams on headwater streams can positivelyinfluence riparian function in many ways, as summa-rized by Olson and Hubert (1994) (Figure 8.18). Theyimprove water quality by trapping sediments behinddams and by reducing stream velocity, therebyreducing bank erosion (Parker 1986). Beaver ponds

can alter water chemistry by changing adsorptionrates for nitrogen and phosphorus (Maret 1985) andby trapping coliform bacteria (Skinner et al. 1984).The flow regime within a watershed can also beinfluenced by beaver. Beaver ponds create a sponge-like effect by increasing the area where soil andwater meet (Figure 8.19). Headwaters retain morewater from spring runoff and major storm events,which is released more slowly, resulting in a higherwater table and extended summer flows. Thisincrease in water availability, both surface and subsur-face, usually increases the width of the riparian zoneand, consequently, favors wildlife communities thatdepend on that vegetation. There can be negativeimpacts as well, including loss of spawning habitat,increase in water temperatures beyond optimal levelsfor some fish species, and loss of riparian habitat.

Richness, diversity, and abundance of birds, her-petiles, and mammals can be increased by the activ-

ities of beaver (Baker et al. 1992, Medin and Clary1990). Beaver ponds are important waterfowl pro-duction areas and can also be used during migra-tion (Call 1970, Ringelman 1991). In some high-ele-vation areas of the Rocky Mountains, beaver aresolely responsible for the majority of local duck pro-duction. In addition, species of high interest, such astrumpeter swans, sandhill cranes, moose, mink, andriver otters, use beaver ponds for nesting or feedingareas (Collins 1976).

Transplanting Beaver to RestoreStream Functions Beaver have been successfully transplanted intomany watersheds throughout the United States dur-ing the past 50 years. This practice was very com-mon during the 1950s after biologists realized theloss of ecological function resulting from overtrap-ping of beaver by fur traders before the turn of thecentury. Reintroduction of beaver has restored theU.S. beaver population to 6-12 million, compared toa pre-European level of 60-400 million (Naiman etal. 1986). Much unoccupied habitat or potentialhabitat still remains, especially in the shrub-steppeecosystem.

In forested areas, where good beaver habitat alreadyexists, reintroduction techniques are well established.The first question asked should be “If the habitat issuitable, why are beaver absent?” In the case ofnewly restored habitat or areas far from existingpopulations, reintroduction without habitat improve-ment might be warranted (Figure 8.20). Beavers arelivetrapped from areasthat have excess popu-lations or from areaswhere they are a nui-sance. It is advisable toobtain beavers fromhabitat that is similar towhere they will beintroduced to ensure

Figure 8.18: Beaver dam on a headwater stream. Beavershave many positive impacts on headwater streams.

Figure 8.19: A beaverpond. Beaver ponds cre-ate a sponge-like effect.

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Habitat Measures 8–27

beaver dam

winterfood storage

air vent

tunnel entrance


they are familiar with available food and buildingmaterials (Smith and Prichard 1992). This is particu-larly important in shrub-steppe habitats.

Reintroduction into degraded riparian areas withinthe shrub-steppe zone is controversial. Convention-al wisdom holds that a yearlong food supply mustbe present before introducing beaver. In colder cli-mates, this means plants with edible bark, such aswillow, cottonwood, or aspen, must be present toprovide a winter food supply for beaver (Figure8.21). But often these species are the goal ofrestoration. In some cases willows or other speciescan be successfully planted as described in othersections of this document. In other areas, condi-tions needed to sustain planted cuttings, such as ahigh water table and minimal competition with

other vegetation, might preclude successful estab-lishment. Transplanting beaver before willows areestablished may create the conditions needed toboth establish and maintain riparian shrubs or trees.In these cases it may be helpful to provide beaverwith a pickup truck load of aspen or other trees touse as building material at or near the reintroduc-tion site. This may encourage beaver to stay nearthe site and strengthen dams built of sagebrush orother shrubs (Apple et al. 1985).

Nuisance BeaverUnfortunately, beaver are not beneficial in all situa-tions, which is all too obvious to those managingdamage control. In many cases where they live inclose proximity to humans or features important tohumans, beaver need to be removed or their dam-age controlled. Common problems include cuttingor eating desirable vegetation, flooding roads orirrigation ditches by plugging culverts, and increas-ing erosion by burrowing into the banks of streamsor reservoirs. In addition, beaver carry Giardiaspecies pathogens, which can infect drinking watersupplies and cause human health problems.

Control of nuisance beaver usually involves remov-ing the problem animals directly or modifying theirhabitat. Beaver can be livetrapped (Bailey or Han-cock traps) and relocated to a more acceptablelocation or killed by dead-traps (e.g., Conibear

#330) or shooting (Miller1983). In cases where thewater level in a dam mustbe controlled to preventflooding, a pipe can beplaced through the damwith the upstream side per-forated to allow water flow.

Figure 8.20: Beaver habitat. It is advisable to obtainbeaver from habitat that is similar to where they will be introduced.

Figure 8.21: A beaver lodge.The living chamber in a beaverlodge is above water and usedyear-round. Deep entrancesenable beavers to obtain food from underwater caches in winter.

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Some disturbances to stream channels(e.g., from surface mining activities, ex-treme weather events, or major highwayconstruction) are so severe that restora-tion within a desired time frame re-quires total reconstruction of a newchannel. Selecting dimensions (width,depth, cross-sectional shape, pattern,slope, and alignment) for such a recon-structed channel is perhaps the mostdifficult component of stream restora-tion design. In the case of stream chan-nel reconstruction, stream corridorrestoration design can proceed alongone of two broad tracks:

1. A single-species restoration thatfocuses on habitat requirements ofcertain life stages of species (forexample, rainbow trout spawning).The existing system is analyzed inlight of what is needed to provide agiven quantity of acceptable habitatfor the target species and life stage,and design proceeds to remedy anydeficiencies noted.

2. An “ecosystem restoration” or“ecosystem management” approachthat focuses design resources on thechemical, hydrologic, and geomor-phic functions of the stream corridor.This approach assumes that commu-nities will recover to a sustainablelevel if the stream corridor structureand functions are adequate. Thestrength of this approach is that itrecognizes the complex interdepen-dence between living things and thetotality of their environments.

Although methods for single-speciesrestoration design pertaining to treat-ments for aquatic habitat are includedelsewhere in this chapter, the secondtrack is emphasized in this section.

Procedures for ChannelReconstruction

If watershed land use changes or otherfactors have caused changes in sedimentyield or hydrology, restoration to anhistoric channel condition is not rec-ommended. In such cases, a new chan-nel design is needed. The followingprocedures are suggested:

1. Describe physical aspects of thewatershed and characterize its hydro-logic response.

This step should be based on datacollected during the planning phase,as described in Chapter 4.

2. Considering reach and associatedconstraints, select a preliminaryright-of-way for the restored streamchannel corridor and compute thevalley length and valley slope.

3. Determine the approximate bedmaterial size distribution for the newchannel.

Many of the channel design proceduresdescribed below require the designer tosupply the size of bed sediments. If theproject is not likely to modify bed sedi-ments, the existing channel bed may besampled using procedures reviewed inChapter 7. If predisturbance conditionswere different from those of the existingchannel, and if those conditions mustbe restored, the associated sedimentsize distribution must be determined.This can be done by collecting represen-tative samples of bed sediments fromnearby, similar streams; by excavating tolocate the predisturbance bed; or by ob-taining the information from historicresources.

Like velocity and depth, bed sedimentsize in natural streams varies continu-

8.E Stream Channel Restoration


Review Chapter4’s Data Collec-tion Planningsection.

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ously in time and space. Particularlytroublesome are streams with sedimentsize distributions that are bimodal mix-tures of sand and gravel, for example.The median (D

50) of the overall distrib-

ution might be virtually absent fromthe bed. However, if flow conditionsallow development of a well-definedarmor layer, it might be appropriate touse a higher percentile than the median(e.g., the D

75) to represent the bed ma-

terial size distribution. In some cases, anew channel excavated into a heteroge-neous mixture of noncohesive materialwill develop an armor layer. In such acase, the designer must predict thelikely size of the armor layer material.Methods presented by Helwig (1987)and Griffiths (1981) could prove help-ful in such a situation.

4. Conduct a hydrologic and hydraulicanalysis to select a design dischargeor range of discharges.

Conventional channel design has re-volved around selecting channel dimen-sions that convey a certain discharge ator below a certain elevation. Design dis-charge is usually based on flood fre-quency or duration or, in the case ofcanals, on downstream supply needs.Channel restoration, on the other hand,implies designing a channel similar toone that would develop naturally undersimilar watershed conditions.

Therefore, the first step in selecting a de-sign discharge for restoration is not todetermine the controlling elevation forflood protection but to determine whatdischarge controls channel size. Oftenthis will be at or close to the 1- to 3-yearrecurrence interval flow. See Chapters 1and 7 for discussions of channel-form-ing, effective, and design discharges. Ad-ditional guidance regarding streamflowanalysis for gauged and ungauged sitesis presented in Chapter 7. The designershould, as appropriate to the stream sys-

tem, compute effective discharge or esti-mate bankfull discharge.

A sediment rating curve must be devel-oped to integrate with the flow dura-tion curve to determine the effectivedischarge. The sediment load that is re-sponsible for shaping the channel (bedmaterial load) should be used in thecalculation of the effective discharge.This sediment load can be determinedfrom measured data or computed usingan appropriate sediment transportequation. If measured suspended sedi-ment data are used, the wash load, typi-cally consisting of particles less than0.062 mm, should be deleted and onlythe suspended bed material portion ofthe suspended load used. If the bedload in the stream is considered to beonly a small percentage of the total bedmaterial load, it might be acceptable tosimply use the measured suspendedbed material load in the effective dis-charge calculations. However, if the bedload is a significant portion of the load,it should be calculated using an appro-priate sediment transport function andthen added to the suspended bed mate-rial load to provide an estimate of thetotal bed material load. If bed loadmeasurements are available, which sel-dom is the case, these observed datacan be used.

Flow levels and frequencies that causeflooding also need to be identified tohelp plan and design out-of-streamrestoration measures in the rest of thestream corridor. If flood management isa constraint, additional factors that arebeyond the scope of this documententer the design. Environmental fea-tures for flood control channels are de-scribed elsewhere (Hey 1995, Shieldsand Aziz 1992, USACE 1989a, Brookes1988).

Channel reconstruction and stream cor-ridor restoration are most difficult for


Review Chapter1 and Chapter7’s channel-forming,effective, and designdischargessections.

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incised streams, and hydrologic analy-ses must consider several additional fac-tors. Incised stream channels aretypically much larger than required toconvey the channel-forming discharge.Restoration of an incised channel mayinvolve raising the bottom of a streamto restore overbank flow and ecologicalfunctions of the floodplain. In this typeof restoration, compatibility of restoredfloodplain hydrology with existing landuses must be considered.

A second option in reconstructing in-cised channels is to excavate one orboth sides to create a new bankfullchannel with a floodplain (Hey 1995).Again, adjacent land uses must be ableto accommodate the new, excavatedfloodplain/channel.

A third option is to stabilize the incisedchannel in place, and to enhance thelow-flow channel for environmentalbenefits. The creation of a floodplainmight not be necessary or possible aspart of a stream restoration.

In cases where channel sizing, modifi-cation, or realignment are necessary, orwhere structures are required to en-hance vertical or lateral stability, it iscritical that restoration design also in-clude consideration of the range offlows expected in the future. In urbaniz-ing watersheds, future conditions maybe quite different from existing condi-tions, with higher, sharper, peak flows.

If certain instream flow levels are re-quired to meet restoration objectives, itis imperative that those flows be quan-tified on the basis of a thorough under-standing of present and desiredconditions. Good design practice alsorequires checking stream channel hy-draulics and stability at discharges wellabove and below the design condition.Stability checks (described below) maybe quite simple or very sophisticated.Additional guidance on hydrologic

analysis and development of stage-discharge relationships are presentedin Chapter 7.

5. Predict stable planform type(straight, meandering, or braided).

Channel planform may be classified asstraight, braided, or meandering, butthresholds between categories are arbi-trary since channel form can vary contin-uously from straight to single-channelmeanders to multiple braids. Naturallystraight, stable alluvial channels are rare,but meandering and braided channelsare common and can display a widerange of lateral and vertical stability.

Relationships have been proposed thatallow prediction of channel planformbased on channel slope, discharge, andbed material size (e.g., Chang 1988),but they are sometimes unreliable (Chi-tale 1973, Richards 1982) and givewidely varying estimates of the slopethreshold between meandering andbraiding. As noted by Dunne (1988),“The planform aspects of rivers are themost difficult to predict,” a sentimentechoed by USACE (1994), “... availableanalytical techniques cannot determinereliably whether a given channel modi-fication will be liable to meander devel-opment, which is sensitive todifficult-to-quantify factors like bankvegetation and cohesion.”

Stable channel bed slope is influencedby a number of factors, including sedi-ment load and bank resistance to ero-sion. For the first iteration, restorationdesigners may assume a channel plan-form similar to stable reference chan-nels in similar watersheds. Bycollecting data for stable channels andtheir valleys in reference reaches, in-sight can be gained on what the stableconfiguration would be for the restora-tion area. The morphology of thosestream types can also provide guidanceor additional converging lines of evi-


Review Chapter7’s hydrologicanalysis andstage-dischargerelationshipssections.

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dence that the planform selected by thedesigner is appropriate.

After initial completion of these fivesteps, any one of several different pathsmay be taken to final design. Three ap-proaches are summarized in Table 8.1.The tasks are not always executed se-quentially because trial and error andreiteration are often needed.

Alignment and Average Slope

In some cases, it might be desirableto divert a straightened stream into ameandering alignment for restorationpurposes. Three approaches for mean-der design are summarized in the adja-cent box.

For cases where the design channel willcarry only a small amount of bed mate-

Approach A Approach B (Hey 1994) Approach C (Fogg 1995)

Task Tools Task Tools Task Tools

Determine meander geometry and channel alignment.1

Empirical formulas for meander wavelength, and adaptation of measurements from predisturbed conditions or nearly undisturbed reaches.

Determine bed material discharge to be carried by design channel at design discharge, compute bed material sediment concentration.

Analyze measured data or use appropriate sediment transport function2 and hydraulic properties of reach upstream from design reach.

Compute mean flow, width, depth, and slope at design discharge.4

Regime or hydraulic geometry formulas with regional coefficients.

Compute sinuosity, channel length, and slope.

Channel length = sinuosity X valley length. Channel slope= valley slope/ sinuosity.

Compute mean flow, width, depth, and slope at design discharge.4

Regime or hydraulic geometry formulas with regional coefficients, or analytical methods (e.g. White,, 1982, or Copeland, 1994).3

Compute or estimate flow resistance coefficient at design discharge.

Appropriate relationship between depth, bed sediment size, and resistance coefficient, modified based on expected sinuosity and bank/berm vegetation.

Compute mean flow width and depth at design discharge.4

Regime or hydraulic geometry formulas with regional coefficients, and resistance equations or analytical methods (e.g. tractive stress, Ikeda and Izumi, 1990, or Chang, 1988).

Compute sinuosity and channel length.

Sinuosity = valley slope/ channel slope.Channel length= sinuosity X valley length.

Compute mean channel slope and depth required to pass design discharge.

Uniform flow equation (e.g. Manning, Chezy) continuity equation, and design channel cross-sectional shape; numerical water surface profile models may be used instead of uniform flow equation.

Compute riffle spacing (if gravel bed), and add detail to design.

Empirical formulas, observation of similar streams, habitat criteria.

Determine meander geometry and channel alignment.

Lay out a piece of string scaled to channel length on a map (or equivalent procedure) such that meander arc lengths vary from 4 to 9 channel widths.

Compute velocity or boundary sheer stress at design discharge.

Allowable velocity or shear stress criteria based on channel boundary materials.

Check channel stability and reiterate as needed.

Check stability. Compute riffle spacing (if gravel bed), and add detail to design.

Empirical formulas, observation of similar streams, habitat criteria.

Compute sinuosity and channel length.

Sinuosity = valley slope/ channel slope.Channel length= sinuosity X valley length.

Check channel stability and reiterate as needed.

Check stability. Compute sinuosity and channel length.

Lay out a piece of string scaled to channel length on a map (or equivalent procedure) such that meander arc lengths vary from 4 to 9 channel widths.

Check channel stability and reiterate as needed.

Check stability.

1 Assumes meandering planform would be stable. Sinuosity and arc-length are known.2 Computation of sediment transport without calibration against measured data may give highly unreliable results for a specific channel

(USACE, 1994, Kuhnle, et al., 1989).3 The two methods listed assume a straight channel. Adjustments would be needed to allow for effects of bends.4 Mean flow width and depth at design discharge will give channel dimensions since design discharge is bankfull. In some situations channel may be increased to

allow for freeboard. Regime and hydraulic geometry formulas should be examined to determine if they are mean width or top width.

Table 8.1: Threeapproaches toachieving finaldesign. There arevariations of thefinal steps to arestoration design,after the first fivesteps described inthe text are done.

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rial load, bed slope and channel dimen-sions may be selected to carry the de-sign discharge at a velocity that will begreat enough to prevent suspended sed-iment deposition and small enough toprevent erosion of the bed. This ap-proach is suitable only for channelswith beds that are stationary or movevery infrequently—typically stablecobble- and gravel-bed streams.

Once mean channel slope is known,channel length can be computed bymultiplying the straight line down-valley distance by the ratio of valleyslope to channel slope (sinuosity).Meanders can then be laid out using apiece of string on a map or an equiva-

lent procedure, such that the meanderarc length L (the distance between in-flection points, measured along thechannel) ranges from 4 to 9 channelwidths and averages 7 channel widths.Meanders should not be uniform.

The incised, straightened channel of theRiver Blackwater (Norfolk, United King-dom) was restored to a meanderingform by excavating a new low-levelfloodplain about 50 to 65 feet widecontaining a sinuous channel about 16feet wide and 3 feet deep (Hey 1995).Preliminary calculations indicated thatthe bed of the channel was only slightlymobile at bankfull discharge, and sedi-ment loads were low. A carbon copy de-sign process was used, recreatingmeander geometry from the mid-19thcentury (Hey 1994). The River Neath(Wales, United Kingdom), an activegravel-bed stream, was diverted at fivelocations into meandering alignmentsto allow highway construction. Existingslopes were maintained through eachdiversion, effectively illustrating a“slope-first” design (Hey 1994).

Channel Dimensions

Selection of channel dimensions in-volves determining average values forwidth and depth. These determinationsare based on the imposed water andsediment discharge, bed sediment size,bank vegetation, resistance, and averagebed slope. However, both width anddepth may be constrained by site fac-tors, which the designer must consideronce stability criteria are met. Channelwidth must be less than the availablecorridor width, while depth is depen-dent on the upstream and downstreamcontrolling elevations, resistance, andthe elevation of the adjacent groundsurface. In some cases, levees or flood-walls might be needed to match siteconstraints and depth requirements.Average dimensions determined in this

USACE Channel RestorationDesign ProcedureA systematic design methodology has been developed foruse in designing restoration projects that involve channelreconstruction (USACE, WES). The methodology includesuse of hydraulic geometry relationships, analytical determi-nation of stable channel dimensions, and a sedimentimpact assessment. The preferred geometry is a compoundchannel with a primary channel designed to carry the effec-tive or “channel forming” discharge and an overbank areadesigned to carry the additional flow for a specified flooddischarge. Channel width may be determined by analogymethods, hydraulic geometry predictors, or analytically.Currently under development are hydraulic geometry pre-dictors for various stream types. Once a width is determinedfor the effective discharge, depth and channel slope aredetermined analytically by balancing sediment inflow fromupstream with sediment transport capacity through therestored channel. Meander wavelength is determined byanalogy or hydraulic geometry relationships. Assumption ofa sine-generated curve then allows calculation of channelplanform. The stability of the channel design is then evalu-ated for the full range of expected discharges by conduct-ing a sediment impact assessment. Refinements to thedesign include variation of channel widths at crossings andpools, variable lateral depths in pools, coarsening of thechannel bed in riffles, and bank protection.

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step should not be applied uniformly.Instead, in the detailed design step de-scribed below, nonuniform slopes andcross sections should be specified tocreate converging and diverging flowand resulting physical diversity.

The average cross-sectional shape ofnatural channels is dependent on dis-charge, sediment inflow, geology, rough-ness, bed slope, bank vegetation, andbed and bank materials. Although bankvegetation is considered when usingsome of the empirical tools presentedbelow, many of the analytical ap-proaches do not consider the influenceof bank material and vegetation or makeunrealistic assumptions (e.g., banks arecomposed of the same material as thebed). These tools should be used withcare. After initial selection of averagechannel width and depth, designersshould consider the compatibility ofthese dimensions with reference reaches.

Reference Reaches

Perhaps the simplest approach to select-ing channel width and depth is to usedimensions from stable reaches else-where in the watershed or from similarreaches in the region. The difficulty inthis approach is finding a suitable refer-ence reach. A reference reach is a reachof stream outside the project reach thatis used to develop design criteria for theproject reach.

A reference reach used for stable chan-nel design should be evaluated to makesure that it is stable and has a desirablemorphological and ecological condi-tion. In addition, the reference reachmust be similar enough to the desiredproject reach so that the comparison isvalid. It must be similar to the desiredproject reach in hydrology, sedimentload, and bed and bank material.

The term reference reach has severalmeanings. As used above, the reference

reach is a reach that will be used as atemplate for the geometry of the re-stored channel. The width, depth, slope,and planform characteristics of the refer-ence reach are transferred to the designreach, either exactly or by using analyti-cal or empirical techniques to scalethem to fit slightly different characteris-tics of the project reach (for example, alarger or smaller drainage area).

It is impossible to find an exact replicaof the watershed in which the restora-tion work is located, and subjectivejudgement may play a role in determin-ing what constitutes similarity. The levelof uncertainty involved may be reducedby considering a large number of stablereaches. By classifying the referencestreams, width and depth data can begrouped by stream type to reduce thescatter inherent in regional analyses.

A second common meaning of the termreference reach is a reach with a desiredbiological condition, which will beused as a target to strive for when com-paring various restoration options. Forinstance, for a stream in an urbanizedarea, a stream with a similar drainagearea in a nearby unimpacted watershedmight be used as a reference reach toshow what type of aquatic and ripariancommunity might be possible in theproject reach. Although it might not bepossible to return the urban stream topredevelopment conditions, the charac-teristics of the reference reach can beused to indicate what direction to movetoward. In this use of the term, a refer-ence reach defines desired biologicaland ecological conditions, rather thanstable channel geometry. Modelingtools such as IFIM and RCHARC (seeChapter 7) can be used to determinewhat restoration options come closestto replicating the habitat conditions ofthe reference reach (although none ofthe options may exactly match it).

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L meander wavelengthML meander arc lengthw average width at bankfull dischargeMA meander amplituderc radius of curvature

arc angle


rc MA


Figure 8.22: Variables used to describe and designmeanders. Consistent, clear terminology is used inmeander design.Adapted from Williams 1986.

Meander DesignFive approaches to meander design are describedbelow, not in any intended order of priority. Thefirst four approaches result in average channelslope being determined by meander geometry.These approaches are based on the assumptionthat the controlling factors in the stream channel(water and sediment inputs, bed material grada-tion, and bank erosional resistance) will be similarto those in the reference reach (either the restora-tion reach before disturbance or undisturbedreaches). The fifth approach requires determina-tion of stream channel slope first. Sinuosity followsas the ratio of channel slope to valley slope, andmeander geometry (Figure 8.22) is developed toobtain the desired sinuosity.

1. Replacement of meanders exactly as foundbefore disturbance (the carbon copy tech-nique). This method is appropriate if hydrologyand bed materials are very similar or identical topredisturbance conditions. Old channels areoften filled with cohesive soils and may havecohesive boundaries. Accordingly, channel sta-bility may be enhanced by following a previouschannel alignment.

2. Use of empirical relationships that allowcomputation of meander wavelength, L,and amplitude based on channel width ordischarge. Chang (1988) presents graphicaland algebraic relationships between meanderwavelength, width-depth ratio, and frictionfactor. In addition to meander wavelength,specification of channel alignment requiresmeander radius of curvature (Hey 1976) andmeander amplitude or channel slope. Hey(1976) also suggests that L is not usuallyuniquely determined by channel width or dis-charge. Rechard and Schaefer (1984) providean example of development of regional formu-las for meander restoration design. Chapter 7includes a number of meander geometry rela-tionships developed from regional data sets.Newbury and Gaboury (1993) designed mean-ders for a straightened stream (North Pine River)by selecting meander amplitude to fit betweenfloodplain terraces. Meander wavelength wasset at 12.4 times the channel width (on thehigh end of the literature range), and radiusof curvature ranged from 1.9 to 2.3 times thechannel width.

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Figure 8.23: The natural meanderof a stream. Rivers meander toincrease length and reduce gradi-ent. Stream restorations oftenattempt to reconstruct the chan-nel to a previous meandering con-dition or one “copied” from a ref-erence reach.

3. Basin-wide analysis to determine funda-mental wavelength, mean radius of curva-ture, and meander belt width in areas “rea-sonably free of geologic control.” Thisapproach has been used for reconstruction ofstreams destroyed by surface mining in subhu-mid watersheds of the western United States.Fourier analysis may be used with data digitizedfrom maps to determine fundamental meanderwavelength (Hasfurther 1985).

4. Use of undisturbed reaches as design mod-els. If the reach targeted for restoration is close-ly bounded by undisturbed meanders, dimen-sions of these undisturbed reaches may be stud-ied for use in the restored reach (Figure 8.23).Hunt and Graham (1975) describe successfuluse of undisturbed reaches as models for designand construction of two meanders as part ofriver relocation for highway construction inMontana. Brookes (1990) describes restorationof the Elbaek in Denmark using channel width,depth, and slope from a “natural” reach down-stream, confirmed by dimensions of a river in aneighboring watershed with similar area, geolo-gy, and land use.

5. Slope first. Hey (1994) suggests that meandersshould be designed by first selecting a meanchannel slope based on hydraulic geometry for-mulas. However, correlation coefficients forregime slope formulas are always much smallerthan those for width or depth formulas, indicat-ing that the former are less accurate. Channelslope may also be determined by computing thevalue required to convey the design water andsediment discharges (White et al. 1982,Copeland 1994). The main weakness of thisapproach is that bed material sediment dis-charge is required by analytical techniques andin some cases (e.g., Hey and Thorne 1986) byhydraulic geometry formulas. Sediment dis-charges computed without measured data forcalibration may be unreliable.

Site-specific bed material samples andchannel geometries are needed to applythese analytical techniques and to achieveconfidence in the resulting design.

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Application of Regime andHydraulic Geometry Approaches

Typical regime and hydraulic geometryrelationships are presented in Chapter7. These formulas are most reliable forwidth, less reliable for depth, and leastreliable for slope.

Exponents and coefficients for hydraulicgeometry formulas are usually deter-mined from data for the same stream,the same watershed, streams of a simi-lar type, or the same physiographic re-gion. Because formula coefficients vary,application of a given set of hydraulicgeometry or regime relationshipsshould be limited to channels similarto the calibration sites. Classifyingstreams can be useful in refining regimerelationships (See Chapter 7’s sectionon Stream Classification).

Published hydraulic geometry relation-ships are usually based on stable, sin-gle-thread alluvial channels. Hydraulicgeometry relationships determinedthrough stream classification of refer-ence reaches can also be valuable fordesigning the stream restoration. Chan-nel geometry-discharge relationshipsare more complex for multithread chan-nels. Individual threads may fit the rela-tionships if their partial bankfulldischarges are used in place of the totalstreamflow. Also, hydraulic geometry re-lationships for gravel-bed rivers are farmore numerous in the literature thanthose for sand-bed rivers.

A trial set of channel properties (aver-age width, depth, and slope) can beevaluated by using several sets ofregime and hydraulic geometry formu-las and comparing results. Greatestweight should be given to formulasbased on sites similar to the projectreach. A logical second step is to useseveral discharge levels in the best-suited sets of formulas. Because hy-draulic geometry relationships are

most compatible with single-channelsand and gravel streams with low bed-material sediment discharge, unstablechannels (aggrading or degrading pro-files) can depart strongly from pub-lished relationships.

Literature references to the use of hy-draulic geometry formulas for sizingrestored channels are abundant. Initialestimates for width and depth for therestored channel of Seminary Creek,which drains an urban watershed inOakland, California, were determinedusing regional hydraulic geometry for-mulas (Riley and MacDonald 1995).Hey (1994, 1995) discusses use of hy-draulic geometry relationships deter-mined using regression analyses of datafrom gravel bed rivers in the UnitedKingdom for restoration design. New-bury and Gaboury (1993) used regionalhydraulic geometry relations based ondrainage area to check width and depthof restored channels in Manitoba.

Hydraulic geometry formulas for sizingstream channels in restoration effortsmust be used with caution since a num-ber of pitfalls are associated with theiruse:

■ The formulas represent hydraulicgeometry only at bankfull or meanannual discharge. Designers mustalso select a single statistic todescribe bed sediment size whenusing hydraulic geometry relation-ships. (However, refinements to theHey and Thorne [1986] formulas forslope in Table 7.5 should be noted.)

■ Downstream hydraulic geometry for-mulas are usually based on the bank-full discharge, the elevation of whichcan be extremely difficult to identifyin vertically unstable channels.

■ Exponents and coefficients selectedfor design must be based on streamswith slopes, bed sediments, and bank

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materials similar to the one beingdesigned.

■ The premise is that the channelshape is dependent on only one ortwo variables.

■ Hydraulic geometry relationships arepower functions with a fair degree ofscatter that may prove too great forreliable engineering design. This scat-ter is indicative of natural variabilityand the influence of other variableson channel geometry.

In summary, hydraulic geometry rela-tionships are useful for preliminary ortrial selection of design channel proper-ties. Hydraulic and sediment transportanalyses are recommended for final de-sign for the restoration.

Analytical Approaches forChannel Dimensions

Analytical approaches for designingstream channels are based on the ideathat a channel system may be describedby a finite number of variables. In mostpractical design problems, a few vari-ables are determined by site conditions(e.g., valley slope and bed materialsize), leaving up to nine variables to becomputed. However, designers haveonly three governing equations avail-able: continuity, flow resistance (such asManning, Chezy, and Darcy-Weisbach),and sediment transport (such as Ackers-White, Einstein, and Brownlie). Sincethis leaves more unknowns than there

are equations, the system is indetermi-nate. Indeterminacy of the stable chan-nel design problem has been addressedin the following ways:

■ Using empirical relationships tocompute some of the unknowns(e.g., meander parameters).

■ Assuming values for one or more ofthe unknown variables.

■ Using structural controls to hold oneor more unknowns constant (e.g.,controlling width with bank revet-ments).

■ Ignoring some unknown variables bysimplifying the channel system. Forexample, a single sediment size issometimes used to describe allboundaries, and a single depth isused to describe water depth ratherthan mean and maximum depth assuggested by Hey (1988).

■ Adopting additional governing equa-tions based on assumed properties ofstreams with movable beds and banks.The design methods based on “ex-tremal hypotheses” fall into this cate-gory. These approaches are discussedbelow under analytical approachesfor channels with moving beds.

Table 8.2 lists six examples of analyticaldesign procedures for sand-bed andgravel channels. These procedures aredata-intensive and would be used inhigh-risk or large-scale channel recon-struction work.

Stable Channel Method



Sand-bed rivers



Sediment Transport Equation


Third Relation

Left to designer’s discretion1994

Chang Sand-bed rivers Various Various Minimum stream power1988

Chang Gravel-bed rivers Bray Chang (similar in form to Parker, Einstein)

Minimum slope1988

Abou-Saidaand Saleh

Sand-bed canals Liu-Hwang Einstein-Brown Left to designer’s discretion1987

White et al. Sand-bed rivers White et al. Ackers-White Maximum sediment transport1981

Griffiths Gravel-bed rivers Griffiths Shields entrainment

Empirical stability index1981

Table 8.2: Selectedanalytical proceduresfor stable channeldesign.


Review Chapter7’s section onhydraulicgeometryrelationships.

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Tractive Stress (No Bed Movement)

Tractive stress or tractive force analysisis based on the idea that by assumingnegligible bed material discharge(Q

s= 0) and a straight, prismatic chan-

nel with a specified cross-sectionalshape, the inequality in variables andgoverning equations mentioned aboveis eliminated. Details are provided inmany textbooks that deal with stablechannel design (e.g., Richards 1982, Si-mons and Senturk 1977, French 1985).Because the method is based on thelaws of physics, it is less empirical andregion-specific than regime or hydraulicgeometry formulas. To specify a valuefor the force “required to initiate mo-tion,” the designer must resort to empir-ical relationships between sediment sizeand critical shear stress. In fact, the onlydifference between the tractive stress ap-proach for design stability analysis andthe allowable stress approach is that theeffect of cross-sectional shape (in partic-ular, the bank angles) is considered inthe former (Figure 8.24). Effects of tur-bulence and secondary currents arepoorly represented in this approach.

Tractive stress approaches typically pre-sume constant discharge, zero bed ma-terial sediment transport, and straight,prismatic channels and are therefore

poorly suited for channels with movingbeds. Additional limitations of the trac-tive stress design approach are discussedby Brookes (1988) and USACE (1994).Tractive stress approaches are appropri-ate for designing features made of rockor gravel (artificial riffles, revetments,etc.) that are expected to be immobile.

Channels with Moving Beds andKnown Slope

More general analytical approaches fordesigning channels with bed materialdischarge reduce the number of vari-ables by assuming certain constant val-ues (such as a trapezoidalcross-sectional shape or bed sedimentsize distribution) and by adding newequations based on an extremal hy-pothesis (Bettess and White 1987). Forexample, in a refinement of the tractivestress approach, Parker (1978) assumedthat a stable gravel channel is character-ized by threshold conditions only at thejunction point between bed and banks.Using this assumption and includinglateral diffusion of longitudinal mo-mentum due to fluid turbulence in theanalysis, he showed that points on thebank experience stresses less thanthreshold while the bed moves.

Following Parker’s work, Ikeda et al.(1988) derived equations for stablewidth and depth (given slope and bedmaterial gradation) of gravel channelswith unvegetated banks composed ofnoncohesive material and flat beds inmotion at bankfull. Channels were as-sumed to be nearly straight (sinuosity< 1.2) with trapezoidal cross sectionsfree of alternate bars. In a subsequentpaper Ikeda and Izumi (1990) extendedthe derivation to include effects of rigidbank vegetation.

Extremal hypotheses state that a stablechannel will adopt dimensions that leadto minimization or maximization ofsome quantity subject to constraints im-

Figure 8.24: Lowenergy system withsmall bank angles.Bank angles need tobe considered whenusing the tractivestress approach.

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posed by the two governing equations(e.g., sediment transport and flow resis-tance). Chang (1988) combined sedi-ment transport and flow resistanceformulas with flow continuity and mini-mization of stream power at each crosssection and through a reach to generatea numerical model of flow and sedi-ment transport. Special relationships forflow and transverse sediment transportin bends were also derived. The modelwas used to make repeated computa-tions of channel geometry with variousvalues for input variables. Results of theanalysis were used to construct a familyof design curves that yield d (bankfulldepth) and w (bankfull width), givenbankfull Q, S, and D

50. Separate sets of

curves are provided for sand and gravelbed rivers. Regime-type formulas havebeen fit to the curves, as shown in Table8.3. These relationships should be usedwith tractive stress analyses to developconverging data that increase the de-

signer’s confidence that the appropriatechannel dimensions have been selected.

Subsequent work by Thorne et al. (1988)modified these formulas to account foreffects of bank vegetation along gravel-bed rivers. The Thorne et al. (1988) for-mulas in Table 8.3 are based on the datapresented by Hey and Thorne (1986) inTable 7.6.

Channels with Moving Beds andKnown Sediment Concentration

White et al. (1982) present an analyti-cal approach based on the Ackers andWhite sediment transport function, acompanion flow resistance relationship,and maximization of sediment trans-port for a specified sediment concentra-tion. Tables (White et al. 1981) areavailable to assist users in implement-ing this procedure. The tables containentries for sediment sizes from 0.06 to100 millimeters, discharges up to35,000 cubic feet per second, and sedi-

Chang equations for determining river width and depth. Coefficients for equations of the form w = k1QK2; d = K4QK5; where w is mean bankfull width (ft), Q is the bankfullor dominant discharge (ft3/s), d is mean bankfull depth (ft), D50 is median bed-material size (mm), and S is slope (ft/ft).

a wc and dc in these equations are calculated using exponents and coefficients from the row labeled “gravel-bed rivers”..k1* = (S D50

-0.5 - 0.00238Q-0.51)0.02.

k4* = exp[-0.38 (420.17S D50-0.5Q-0.51 -1)0.4].

k1** = (S D50-0.5 )0.84.

k4** = 0.015 - 0.025 In Q - 0.049 In (S D50-0.5).

k1*** = 0.2490[ ln(0.0010647D501.15/SQ0.42 )]2.

k4*** = 0.0418 ln(0.0004419D501.15/SQ0.42 ).





Thorne et al.


Data Domain

Meandering or braided sand-bed rivers with:

k1 k2 k4 k5

Equiwidth point-bar streams and stable canals

0.00238 < SD50-0.5 Q-0.51 and

SD50-0.5 Q-0.55 < 0.05

3.49k1* 3.51k4* 0.47

Straight braided streams 0.05 < SD50-0.5 Q-0.55 and

SD50-0.5 Q-0.51 < 0.047

Unknown and unusual

Braided point-bar and wide-bend point-bar streams; beyond upper limit lie steep, braided streams

0.047 < SD50-0.5 Q-0.51 <

indefinite upper limit33.2k1** 0.93 1.0k4** 0.45

Same as for Thorne and Hey 1986

Gravel-bed rivers 1.905 + k1*** 0.47 0.2077 + k4*** 0.42

Adjustments for bank vegetationa

Grassy banks with no trees or shrubs

w = 1.46 wc – 0.8317

d = 0.8815 dc + 0.2106

1-5% tree and shrub cover w = 1.306 wc – 8.7307

d = 0.5026 dc + 1.7553

5-50% tree and shrub cover w = 1.161 wc – 16.8307

d = 0.5413 dc + 2.7159

Greater than 50% tree and shrub cover, or incised into flood plain

w = 0.9656 wc – 10.6102

d = 0.7648 dc + 1.4554

Table 8.3: Equa-tions for riverwidth and depth.

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8–40 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

ment concentrations from 10 to 4,000parts per million. However, this proce-dure is not recommended for gravel bedchannels (USACE 1994). Sediment con-centration at bankfull flow is requiredas an input variable, which limits theusefulness of this procedure. Proceduresfor computing sediment discharge, Q


are outlined in Chapter 7. Copeland(1994) found that the White et al.(1982) method for channel design wasnot robust for cohesive bed materials,artificial grade controls, and disequilib-rium sediment transport. The methodwas also found inappropriate for an un-stable, high-energy ephemeral sand-bedstream (Copeland 1994). However, Hey(1990) found the Ackers-White sedi-ment transport function performed wellwhen analyzing stability of 18 floodcontrol channels in Britain.

The approach described by Copeland(1994) features use of the Brownlie(1981) flow-resistance and sediment-transport relations, in the form of thesoftware package “SAM” (Thomas et al.1993). Additional features include thedetermination of input bed materialconcentration by computing sedimentconcentration from hydraulic parame-ters for an upstream “supply reach” rep-resented by a bed slope, a trapezoidalcross section, bed-material gradation,and a discharge. Bank and bed rough-ness are composited using the equal ve-locity method (Chow 1959) to obtainroughness for a cross section. A familyof slope-width solutions that satisfy theflow resistance and sediment transportrelations are then computed. The de-signer then selects any combination ofchannel properties that are representedby a point on the slope-width curve. Se-lection may be based on minimumstream power, maximum possible slope,width constraint due to right-of-way, ormaximum allowable depth. The current(1996) version of the Copeland proce-

dure assumes a straight channel with atrapezoidal cross section and omits theportion of the cross section above sideslopes when computing sediment dis-charge. Effects of bank vegetation areconsidered in the assigned roughnesscoefficient.

The Copeland procedure was tested byapplication to two existing stream chan-nels, the Big and Colewa Creeks inLouisiana and Rio Puerco in New Mex-ico (Copeland 1994). Considerable pro-fessional judgment was used in selectionof input parameters. The Copelandmethod was found inapplicable to theBig and Colewa Creeks (relatively stableperennial streams with sand-clay beds),but applicable to Rio Puerco (high-en-ergy, ephemeral sand-bed stream withstable profile and unstable banks). Thisresult is not surprising since all stablechannel design methods developed todate presume alluvial (not cohesive orbedrock) beds.

Use of Channel Models forDesign Verification

In general, a model can be envisionedas a system by whose operation thecharacteristics of other similar systemsmay be predicted. This definition isgeneral and applies to both hydraulic(physical) and computational (mathe-matical) models. The use and operationof computer models has improved inrecent years as a result of better knowl-edge of fluvial hydraulics and the devel-opment of sophisticated digital controland data acquisition systems.

Any stream corridor restoration designneeds careful scrutiny because its long-term impact on the stream system is noteasy to predict. Sound engineeringoften dictates the use of computer mod-els or physical models to check the va-lidity of a proposed design. Since mostpractitioners do not have easy access tophysical modeling facilities, computer

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models are much more widely used.Computer models can be run in a qual-itative mode with very little data or in ahighly precise quantitative mode with agreat deal of field data for calibrationand verification.

Computer models can be used to easilyand cheaply test the stability of a restora-tion design for a range of conditions, orfor a variety of alternative channel con-figurations. A “model” can vary in costfrom several hundred dollars to severalhundred thousand dollars, dependingon what model is used, the data input,the degree of precision required, and thelength and complexity of the reach to bemodeled. The decision as to what mod-els are appropriate should be made by ahydraulic engineer with a background insediment transport.

The costs of modeling could be smallcompared to the cost of redesign or re-construction due to failure. If the conse-quences of a project failure would resultin a high risk of catastrophic damage ordeath, and the site-specific conditionsresult in an unacceptable level of uncer-tainty when applying computer models,a physical model is the appropriate toolto use for design.

Physical Models

In some instances, restoration designscan become sufficiently complicated toexceed the capabilities of available com-putational models. In other situations,time might be of the essence, thus pre-cluding the development of new com-putational modeling capabilities. Insuch cases the designer must resort tophysical modeling for verification.

Depending on the scaling criteria usedto achieve similitude, physical modelscan be classified as distorted, fixed, ormovable-bed models. The theory andpractice of physical modeling are cov-ered in detail by French (1985), Jansen

et al. (1979), and Yalin (1971) and arebeyond the scope of this document.Physical modeling, like computationalmodeling, is a technology that requiresspecialized expertise and considerableexperience. The U.S. Army WaterwaysExperiment Station, Vicksburg, Missis-sippi, has extensively developed thetechnique of designing and applyingphysical models of rivers.

Computer Models

Computer models are structured andoperated in the same way as a physicalmodel (Figure 8.25). One part of thecode defines the channel planform, thebathymetry, and the material propertiesof transported constituents. Other partsof the code create conditions at theboundaries, taking the place of the lim-iting walls and flow controls in thephysical model. At the core of the com-puter code are the water and sedimenttransport solvers. “Turning on” thesesolvers is equivalent to running thephysical model. At the end of the simu-lation run the new channel bathymetryand morphology are described by themodel output. This section summarizescomputational channel models that canbe useful for evaluation of stream corri-dor restoration designs. Since it is notpossible to include every existing model

set up model of prototype


select model to evaluate


new restoration




accept or revise


Figure 8.25: Use ofmodels for designevaluation.Modeling helpsevaluate economicsand effectiveness ofalternative designs.

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8–42 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

Table 8.4: Examples of computational models.

in the space available, the discussionhere is limited to a few selected models(Table 8.4). In addition, Garcia et al.(1994) review mathematical models ofmeander bend migration.

These models are characterized as hav-ing general applicability to a particularclass of problems and are generallyavailable for desktop computers using

DOS operating systems. Their concep-tual and numerical schemes are robust,having been proven in field applica-tions, and the code can be successfullyused by persons without detailedknowledge of the core computationaltechniques. Examples of these modelsand their features are summarized inTable 8.4. The acronyms in the column


Discretization and formulation:


Unsteady flow | stepped hydrograph

Note: Y = Yes; N = No.

Y | Y Y | Y N | Y Y | Y N | Y Y | Y N | Y N | Y

One-dimensional | quasi-two-dimensional Y | N Y | Y Y | N N | N N | N N Y | Y Y | Y

Two-dimensional | depth-average flow N N N Y Y Y | Y N N | Y

Deformable bed | banks Y | N Y | Y Y | N Y | N Y | N Y | N Y | Y Y | Y

Graded sediment load Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y

Nonuniform grid Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Variable time stepping Y N Y N N N N Y

Numerical solution scheme:

Standard step method N Y Y N N N Y Y

Finite difference Y N Y N Y Y Y Y

Finite element N N N Y N N N N

Modeling capabilities:

Upstream water and sediment hydrographs Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Downstream stage specification Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y

Floodplain sedimentation N N N Y N N N N

Suspended | total sediment transport Y | N Y | N N | Y Y | N N | N N | Y N | Y N | Y

Bedload transport Y Y Y N Y N N Y

Cohesive sediments N N Y Y N Y N Y

Bed armoring Y Y Y N N N Y Y

Hydraulic sorting of substrate material Y Y Y N N N Y Y

Fluvial erosion of streambanks N Y N N N N Y Y

Bank mass failure under gravity N N N N N N Y N

Straight | irregular nonprismatic reaches Y | N Y | N Y | N Y | Y N | N N | N Y | Y Y | Y

Branched | looped channel network Y | Y Y | N Y | N Y | Y N | N N | N N | N N | N

Channel beds N Y N Y Y N Y N

Meandering belts N N N N N Y N N

Rivers Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

Bridge crossings N N N Y N N N N

Reservoirs N Y Y N N N N Y

User support:

Model documentation Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

User guide | hot-line support N | N Y | N Y | Y Y | N N | N Y | N N | N Y | N

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titles identify the following models:CHARIMA (Holly et al. 1990),FLUVIAL-12 (Chang 1990), HEC-6,TABS-2 (McAnally and Thomas 1985),MEANDER (Johannesson and Parker1985), the Nelson/Smith-89 model(Nelson and Smith 1989), D-O-T(Darby and Thorne 1996, Osman andThorne 1988), GSTARS (Molinas andYang 1996) and GSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al.1998). GSTARS 2.0 is an enhancedand improved PC version of GSTARS.HEC-6, TABS-2, and USGS are federal,public domain models, whereasCHARIMA, FLUVIAL-12, MEANDER,and D-O-T are academic, privatelyowned models.

With the exception of MEANDER, allthe above models calculate at eachcomputational node the fractional sedi-ment load and rate of bed aggradationor degradation, and update the channeltopography. Some of them can simulatearmoring of the bed surface and hy-draulic sorting (mixing) of the underly-ing substrate material. CHARIMA,FLUVIAL-12, HEC-6, and D-O-T cansimulate transport of sands and gravels.TABS-2 can be applied to cohesive sedi-ments (clays and silts) and sand sedi-ments that are well mixed over thewater column. USGS is specially de-signed for gravel bed-load transport.FLUVIAL-12 and HEC-6 can be used forreservoir sedimentation studies.GSTARS 2.0 can simulate bank failure.

Comprehensive reviews on the capabili-ties and performance of these and otherexisting channel models are provided inreports by the National Research Coun-cil (1983), Fan (1988), Darby andThorne (1992), and Fan and Yen (1993).

Detailed Design

Channel Shape

Natural stream width varies continu-ously in the longitudinal direction, and

depth, bed slope, and bed material sizevary continuously along the horizontalplane. These variations give rise to nat-ural heterogeneity and patterns of veloc-ity and bed sediment size distributionthat are important to aquatic ecosystems.

Widths, depths, and slopes computedduring design should be adopted asreach mean values, and restored chan-nels should be constructed with asym-metric cross sections (Hunt and Graham1975, Keller 1978, Iversen et al. 1993,MacBroom 1981) (Figure 8.26). Simi-larly, meander planform should varyfrom bend to bend about average valuesof arc length and radius. A reconstructedfloodplain should not be perfectly flat(Figure 8.27).

Channel Longitudinal Profile andRiffle Spacing

In stream channels with significantamounts of gravel (D

50> 3 mm) (Hig-

ginson and Johnston 1989), rifflesshould be associated with steep zonesnear meander inflection points. Rifflesare not found in channels with beds offiner materials. Studies conducted byKeller and Melhorn (1978) and con-firmed by Hey and Thorne (1986) indi-cate pool-riffle spacing should varybetween 3 and 10 channel widths andaverage about 6 channel widths even inbedrock channels. More recent work byRoy and Abrahams (1980) and Higgin-son and Johnston (1989) indicates thatpool-riffle spacing varies widely withina given channel.

Average riffle spacing is often (but notalways) half the meander length sinceriffles tend to occur at meander inflec-tion points or crossovers. Riffles some-times appear in groups or clusters. Heyand Thorne (1986) analyzed data from62 sites on gravel-bed rivers in theUnited Kingdom and found riffle spac-ing varied from 4 to 10 channel widths

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with the least squares best fit at 6.31channel widths. Riffle spacing tends tobe nearer 4 channel widths on steepergradients and 8 to 9 channel widths onmore gradual slopes (R.D. Hey, per-sonal communication, 1997). Hey andThorne (1986) also developed regres-sion formulas for riffle width, meandepth, and maximum depth.

Stability Assessment

The risk of a restored channel beingdamaged or destroyed by erosion or de-position is an important considerationfor almost all restoration work. Design-ers of restored streams are confrontedwith rather high levels of uncertainty. Insome cases, it may be wise for designersto compute risk of failure by calculatingthe joint probability of design assump-tions being false, design equation inac-curacy, and occurrence of extreme

hydrologic events during project life.Good design practice also requireschecking channel performance at dis-charges well above and below the de-sign condition. A number ofapproaches are available for checkingboth the vertical (bed) and horizontal(bank) stability of a designed stream.These stability checks are an importantpart of the design process.

Vertical (Bed) Stability

Bed stability is generally a prerequisitefor bank stability. Aggrading channelsare liable to braid or exhibit acceleratedlateral migration in response to middleor point bar growth. Degrading chan-nels widen explosively when bankheights and angles exceed a criticalthreshold specific to bank soil type. Bedaggradation can be addressed by stabi-

























f1 f


g1gFigure 8.26: Exampleplan and profile of anaturally meanderingstream. Channel crosssections vary basedon width, depth, andslope.

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Stream Channel Restoration 8–45

lizing eroding channels upstream, con-trolling erosion on the watershed, or in-stalling sediment traps, ponds (Haan etal. 1994), or debris basins (USACE1989b). If aggradation is primarily dueto deposition of fines, it can be ad-dressed by narrowing the channel,although a narrower channel mightrequire more bank stabilization.

If bed degradation is occurring or ex-pected to occur, and if modification isplanned, the restoration initiativeshould include flow modification,grade control measures, or other ap-proaches that reduce the energy gradi-ent or the energy of flow. There aremany types of grade control structures.The applicability of a particular type ofstructure to a specific restoration de-pends on a number of factors, such ashydrologic conditions, sediment sizeand loading, channel morphology,floodplain and valley characteristics,availability of construction materials,ecological objectives, and time andfunding constraints. For more informa-tion on various structure designs, referto Neilson et. al. (1991), which pro-vides a comprehensive literature reviewon grade control structures with an an-notated bibliography. Grouted boulderscan be used as a grade control structure.They are a key component in the suc-cessful restoration of the South PlatteRiver corridor in Denver, Colorado(McLaughlin Water Engineers, Ltd.,1986).

Grade control structure stilling basinscan be valuable habitats in severely de-graded warm water streams (Cooperand Knight 1987, Shields and Hoover1991). Newbury and Gaboury (1993)describe the construction of artificial rif-fles that serve as bed degradation con-trols. Kern (1992) used “river bottomramps” to control bed degradation in aRiver Danube meander restoration ini-tiative. Ferguson (1991) reviews creative

designs for grade control structures thatimprove streamside habitat and aes-thetic resources (Figure 8.28).

Horizontal (Bank) Stability

Bank stabilization may be necessary inrestored channels due to floodplainland uses or because constructed banksare more prone to erosion than “sea-soned” ones, but it is less than ideal ifecosystem restoration is the objective.

Figure 8.28: Grade control structure. Control measures candouble as habitat restoration devices and aesthetic features.

Figure 8.27: A streammeander and raisedfloodplain. Naturalfloodplains riseslightly between acrossover and anapex of a meander.

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Floodplain plant communities owetheir diversity to physical processes thatinclude erosion and deposition associ-ated with lateral migration (Henderson1986). Bank erosion control methodsmust be selected with the dominanterosion mechanisms in mind (Shieldsand Aziz 1992).

Bank stabilization can generally begrouped into one of the followingthree categories: (1) indirect methods,(2) surface armor, and (3) vegetativemethods. Armor is a protective materialin direct contact with the streambank.Armor can be categorized as stone,other self-adjusting armor (sacks,blocks, rubble, etc.), rigid armor (con-crete, soil cement, grouted riprap, etc.)and flexible mattress (gabions, concreteblocks, etc.). Indirect methods extendinto the stream channel and redirect theflow so that hydraulic forces at thechannel boundary are reduced to anonerosive level. Indirect methods canbe classified as dikes (permeable andimpermeable) and other flow deflectorssuch as bendway weirs, stream “barbs,”and Iowa vanes. Vegetative methods canfunction as either armor or indirect pro-tection and in some applications canfunction as both simultaneously. Afourth category is composed of tech-niques to correct problems caused bygeotechnical instabilities.

Guidance on selection and design ofbank protection measures is providedby Hemphill and Bramley (1989) andHenderson (1986). Coppin andRichards (1990), USDA-NRCS (1996),and Shields et al. (1995) provide addi-tional detail on the use of vegetativetechniques (see following section).Newly constructed channels are moresusceptible to bank erosion than olderexisting channels, with similar inflowsand geometries, due to the influence ofvegetation, armoring, and the seasoningeffect of clay deposition on banks

(Chow 1959). In most cases, outerbanks of restored or newly constructedmeanders will require protection. Struc-tural techniques are needed (e.g.,Thorne et al. 1995) if immediate stabil-ity is required, but these may incorpo-rate living components. If time permits,the new channel may be constructed“in the dry” and banks planted withwoody vegetation. After allowing thevegetation several growing seasons todevelop, the stream may be diverted infrom the existing channel (R.D. Hey,personal communication, 1997).

Bank Stability Check

Outer banks of meanders erode, buterosion rates vary greatly from streamto stream and bend to bend. Observa-tion of the project stream and similarreaches, combined with professionaljudgment, may be used to determinethe need for bank protection, or ero-sion may be estimated by simple rulesof thumb based largely on studies thatrelate bend migration rates to bendgeometry (e.g., Apmann 1972 and re-view by Odgaard 1987) (Figure 8.29).More accurate prediction of the rate oferosion of a given streambank is at orbeyond the current state of the art. Nostandard methods exist, but several re-cently developed tools are available.None of these have been used in ex-tremely diverse settings, and usersshould view them with caution.

Tools for predicting bank erosion maybe divided into two groups: (1) thosewhich predict erosion primarily due tothe action of water on the streambanksurface and (2) those which focus onsubsurface geotechnical characteristics.

Among the former is an index ofstreambank erodibility based on fieldobservations of emergency spillways(Moore et al. 1994, Temple and Moore1997). Erosion is predicted for sites

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where a power number based on veloc-ity, depth, and bend geometry exceedsan erodibility index computed fromtabulated values of streambank materialproperties. Also among this group areanalytical models such as the one devel-oped by Odgaard (1989), which con-tain rather sophisticated representationsof flow fields, but require input of anempirical constant to quantify soil andvegetation properties. These modelsshould be applied with careful consid-eration of their limitations. For exam-ple, Odgaard’s model should not beapplied to bends with “large curvature.”

The second group of predictive tools fo-cuses on banks that undergo mass fail-ure due to geotechnical processes. Sideslopes of deep channels may be highand steep enough to be geotechnicallyunstable and to fail under the influenceof gravity. Fluvial processes in such asituation serve primarily to removeblocks of failed material from the banktoe, leading to a resteepened bank pro-file and a new cycle of failure, as shownin Figure 8.30. Study of bank failureprocesses along incised channels has

Figure 8.29: Channel exhibiting acceleratedlateral migration. Erosion of an outer bankon the Missouri River is a natural process;however, the rate of erosion should bemonitored.

Stage I

Stage II

Stage III

Bank Angle (deg)


k H













Bank Angle (deg)B




t (f












Bank Angle (deg)


k H








stable III



Figure 8.30: Bank failure stages. Stability ofa bank will vary from stable to unstabledepending on bank height, bank angle, andsoil conditions.

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led to a procedure for relating bankgeometry to stability for a given set ofsoil conditions (Osman and Thorne1988). If banks of a proposed designchannel are to be higher than about 10feet, stability analysis should be con-ducted. These analyses are described indetail in Chapter 7. Bank height esti-mates should allow for scour along theoutside of bends. High, steep banks arealso susceptible to internal erosion, orpiping, as well as streambanks of soilswith high dispersion rates.

Allowable Velocity Check

Fortier and Scobey (1926) published ta-bles regarding the maximum nonscour-ing velocity for given channel boundarymaterials. Different versions of these ta-bles have appeared in numerous subse-quent documents, notably Simons andSenturk (1977) and USACE (1991). Theapplicability of these tables is limited torelatively straight silt and sand-bedchannels with depths of flow less than3 feet and very low bed material loads.Adjustments to velocities have beensuggested for situations departing fromthose specified. Although slight refine-ments have been made, these data stillform the basis of the allowable velocityapproach.

Figure 8.31 contains a series of graphsthat summarize the tables and aid inselecting correction factors for flowdepth, sediment concentration, flowfrequency, channel curvature, bankslope, and channel boundary soilproperties. Use of the allowable velo-city approach is not recommendedfor channels transporting a significantload of material larger than 1 mm.The restoration design, however,should also consider the effects ofhydraulic roughness and the protec-tion afforded by vegetation.

Perhaps because of its simplicity, theallowable velocity method has beenused directly or in slightly modifiedform for many restoration applications.Miller et al. (1983) used allowable ve-locity criteria to design man-madegravel riffles located immediately down-stream of a dam releasing a constantdischarge of sediment-free water.Shields (1983) suggested using allow-able velocity criteria to size individualboulders placed in channels to serve asinstream habitat structures. Tarquin andBaeder (1983) present a design ap-proach based on allowable velocity forlow-order ephemeral streams inWyoming landscapes disturbed by sur-face mining. Velocity of the designevent (10-year recurrence interval) wasmanipulated by adjusting channellength (and thus slope), width, androughness. Channel roughness was ad-justed by adding meanders, plantingshrubs, and adding coarse bed material.The channel width-to-depth ratio de-sign was based on the pre-mining chan-nel configuration.

Allowable Stress Check

Since boundary shear stress is more ap-propriate than velocity as a measure ofthe forces driving erosion, graphs havealso been developed for allowable shearstress. The average boundary shearstress acting on an open channel con-veying a uniform flow of water is givenby the product of the unit weight ofwater (γ, lb/ft3) times the hydraulic ra-dius (R, ft) times the bed slope S:

τ = γRS

Figure 8.32 is an example of allowableshear stress criteria presented in graphi-cal form. The most famous graphicalpresentation of allowable shear stresscriteria is the Shields diagram, whichdepicts conditions necessary for initialmovement of noncohesive particles on

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2.0 fps







Plasticity Index


ic V





sediment laden flow3.5

10 12 14 16 18 20







22 24



ic V






Basic Velocity for Discrete Particles of Earth Materials (vb)








Plasticity Index


ic V





sediment free flow2.0

10 12 14 16 18 20






22 24


Water Depth (feet)




n F


r D




n F


r A

8 614 12 10

0.41.5 2.0Cotangent of Slope Angle (z)


bank slope





n F


r B





0.80.2 0.4

Void Ratio (e)

Grain Size (inches)








0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4


Sand Gravel

sediment free

sediment laden

Enter chart with D75 particle sizeto determine basic velocity.

CobbleFine S









frequency of design flow

1.01 2

Flood Frequency (percent chance)3




n F


r F

4 5 6 7 8 9 10






depth of design flow

0.92 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20








0.716Curve Radius ÷ Water Surface Width







Discrete ParticlesSediment Laden Flow

D75 > 0.4mmD75 < 0.4mm

Sediment Free FlowD75 > 0.2mmD75 < 0.2mm

Coherent Earth MaterialsPI > 10PI < 10

Channel Boundary Materials

basic velocity chart value x D x A x B2.0 fps

basic velocity chart value x D x A x B2.0 fps

basic velocity chart value x D x A x F x Ce

Allowable Velocity

Allowable Velocities for Unprotected Earth Channels

Basic Velocities for Coherent Earth Materials (vb)

Notes:In no case should the allowable velocity be exceeded when the 10% chance discharge occurs, regardless of the design flow frequency.

Figure 8.31: Allowable velocities for unprotected earth channels. Curves reflect practical experience indesign of stable earth channels.Source: USDA Soil Conservation Service 1977.

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a flat bed straight channel in terms ofdimensionless variables (Vanoni 1975).The Shields curve and other allowableshear stress criteria (e.g., Figure 10.5,Henderson 1966; Figure 7.7, Simonsand Senturk 1977) are based on labora-tory and field data. In simplest form,the Shields criterion for channel stabil-ity is (Henderson 1966):


S] < a constant

for DS

> ~ 6 mm

where SS

is the specific gravity of thesediment and D

Sis a characteristic bed

sediment size, usually taken as the me-dian size, D

50, for widely graded mater-

ial. Note that the hydraulic radius, R,and the characteristic bed sediment size,D

S, must be in the same units for the

Shields constant to be dimensionless.The dimensionless constant is based onmeasurements and varies from 0.03 to0.06 depending on the data set used todetermine it and the judgment of theuser (USACE 1994).

These constant values are for straightchannels with flat beds (no dunes orother bedforms). In natural streams,bedforms are usually present, and val-ues of this dimensionless constant re-quired to cause entrainment of bedmaterial may be greater than 0.06. It

should be noted that entrainment doesnot imply channel erosion. Erosion willoccur only if the supply of sedimentfrom upstream is less than that trans-ported away from the bed by the flow.However, based on a study of 24 gravel-bed rivers in the Rocky Mountain re-gion of Colorado, Andrews (1984)concluded that stable gravel-bed chan-nels cannot be maintained at values ofthe Shields constant greater than about0.080. Smaller Shields constant valuesare more conservative with regard tochannel scour, but less conservativewith regard to deposition. If S

S= 2.65,

and the constant is assumed to be 0.06,the equation above simplifies to D



Allowable shear stress criteria are notvery useful for design of channels withbeds dominated by sand or finer mate-rials. Sand beds are generally in motionat design discharge and have dunes, andtheir shear stress values are much largerthan those indicated by the Shields cri-terion, which is for incipient motion ona plane bed. Allowable shear stress datafor cohesive materials show more scat-ter than those for sands and gravels(Grissinger et al. 1981, Raudkivi andTan 1984), and experience and observa-tion with local channels are preferred topublished charts like those shown inChow (1959). Models of cohesive soilerosion require field or laboratory eval-uation of model parameters or con-stants. Extrapolation of laboratoryflume results to field conditions is diffi-cult, and even field tests are subject tosite-specific influences. Erosivity of co-hesive soils is affected by the chemicalcomposition of the soil, the soil water,and the stream, among other factors.

However, regional shear stress criteriamay be developed from observations ofchannels with sand and clay beds. Forexample, USACE (1993) determinedthat reaches in the Coldwater River Wa-


r St




2 )

D50 (mm)








0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1 2

C = fine suspended sedimentconcentration

3 4 50.1

1,000 < C < 2,000 ppmC ≥ 20,000 ppm

C < 1,000 ppm

Figure 8.32:Allowable meanshear stress forchannels withboundaries of non-cohesive materiallarger than 5 mmcarrying negligiblebed material load.Shear stressdiminishes withincreased suspend-ed sediment con-centrations.Source: Lane 1955.

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tershed in northwest Mississippi shouldbe stable with an average boundaryshear stress at channel-forming (2-year)discharge of 0.4 to 0.9 lb/ft2.

The value of the Shields constant alsovaries with bed material size distribu-tion, particularly for paved or armoredbeds. Andrews (1983) derived a regres-sion relationship that can be expressedas:

RS/[(SS – 1)D

i] < 0.0834 (D


50) – 0.872

When the left side of the above expres-sion equals the right, bed-sediment par-ticles of size D

iare at the threshold of

motion. The D50

value in the above ex-pression is the median size of subsur-face material. Therefore, if D

50= 30 mm,

particles with a diameter of 100 mmwill be entrained when the left side ofthe above equation exceeds 0.029. Thisequation is for self-formed rivers thathave naturally sorted gravel and cobblebed material. The equation holds forvalues of D


50between 0.3 and 4.2. It

should be noted that R and Dion the

left side of the above equation must beexpressed in the same units.

Practical Guidance: AllowableVelocity and Shear Stress

Practical guidance for application ofallowable velocity and shear stressapproaches is provided by the NaturalResources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS), formerly the U.S. Soil Conser-vation Service (SCS)(1977), and USACE(1994). See Figure 8.31.

Since form roughness due to sanddunes, vegetation, woody debris, andlarge geologic features in streams dissi-pates energy, allowable shear stress forbed stability may be higher than indi-cated by laboratory flume data or datafrom uniform channels. It is importantto compute cross-sectional average ve-locities or shear stresses over a range ofdischarges and for seasonal changes in

the erosion resistance of bank materials,rather than for a single design condition.Frequency and duration of dischargescausing erosion are important factors instability determination. In cobble- orboulder-bed streams, bed movementsometimes occurs only for dischargeswith return periods of several years.

Computing velocity or shear stress fromdischarge requires design cross sections,slope, and flow resistance data. If thedesign channel is not extremely uni-form, typical or average conditions forrather short channel reaches should beconsidered. In channels with bends,variations in shear stress across the sec-tion can lead to scour and depositioneven when average shear stress valuesare within allowable limits. The NRCS(formerly SCS) (1977) gives adjustmentfactors for channel curvature in graphi-cal form that are based on very limiteddata (see Figure 8.31). Velocity distribu-tions and stage-discharge relations forcompound channels are complex(Williams and Julien 1989, Myers andLyness 1994).

Allowable velocity or shear stress crite-ria should be applied to in-channelflow for a compound cross section withoverbank flow, not cross-sectional aver-age conditions (USACE 1994). Channelflow resistance predictors that allow forchanging conditions with changing dis-charge and stage should be used ratherthan constant resistance values.

If the existing channel is stable, designchannel slope, cross section, and rough-ness may be adjusted so that the currentand proposed systems have matchingcurves of velocity versus discharge(USACE 1994). This approach, whilebased on allowable velocity concepts,releases the procedure from publishedempirical values collected in otherrivers that might be intrinsically differ-ent from the one in question.

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Allowable Stream Power orSlope

Brookes (1990) suggested the productof bankfull velocity and shear stress,which is equal to the stream power perunit bed area, as a criterion for stabilityin stream restoration initiatives. This isbased on experience with severalrestoration initiatives in Denmark andthe United Kingdom with sandy banks,beds of glacial outwash sands, and arather limited range of bankfull dis-charges (~15 to 70 cfs). These data areplotted as squares, triangles, and circlesin Figure 8.33.

Brookes suggested that a stream powervalue of 2.4 ft-lb/sec/ft2 discriminatedwell between stable and unstable chan-nels. Projects with stream powers lessthan about 1.0 ft-lb/sec/ft2 failedthrough deposition, whereas those withstream powers greater than about 3.4 ft-lb/sec/ft2 failed through erosion.

Since these criteria are based on obser-vation of a limited number of sites, ap-plication to different stream types (e.g.,cobble-bed rivers) should be avoided.

However, similar criteria may be devel-oped for basins of interest. For example,data points representing stable reachesin the Coldwater River watershed ofnorthwestern Mississippi are shown inFigure 8.34 as stars. This watershed ischaracterized by incised, straight (chan-nelized) sand-bed channels with cohe-sive banks. Slopes for stable reacheswere measured in the field, and 2-yeardischarges were computed using a wa-tershed model (HEC-1) (USACE 1993).

Brookes’ stream power criterion is one ofseveral region-specific stability tests. Oth-ers include criteria based on slope andshear stress. Using empirical data andobservation, the Corps of Engineers hasdeveloped relationships between slopeand drainage area for various watershedsin northwestern Mississippi (USACE1989c). For example, stable reaches inthree watersheds had slopes that clus-tered around the regression line:

S = 0.0041 A–0.365

where A is the contributing drainagearea in square miles. Reaches with muchsteeper slopes tended to be degra-



el S



Bankfull Discharge per Unit Width, ft2 s-1






failure through erosiongenerally successfulfailure through depositionlines of constant stream powerstable reaches, Coldwater River basin, Mississippi


0.685 ft lbs s - 1ft - 2

2 .4 ft lbs s - 1ft - 2

6.85 ft lbs s - 1ft - 2

Figure 8.33:Brookes’ streampower stabilitycriteria. Streampower is the prod-uct of bankfullvelocity and shearstress.

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dational, while those with more gradualslopes tended to be aggradational.Downs (1995) developed stability crite-ria for channel reaches in the ThamesBasin of the United Kingdom basedentirely on slope: channels straightenedduring the 20th century were deposi-tional if slopes were less than 0.005 anderosional if slopes were greater.

Sediment Yield and Delivery

Sediment Transport

If a channel is designed using an empiri-cal or a tractive stress approach, compu-tation of sediment-transport capacityallows a rough check to determinewhether deposition is likely to be a

problem. Sediment transport relation-ships are heavily dependent on the dataused in their development. Inaccuracymay be reduced by selecting transportfunctions appropriate to the stream typeand bed sediment size in question. Addi-tional confidence can be achieved by ob-taining calibration data; however,calibration data are not available from achannel yet to be constructed. If the ex-isting channel is reasonably stable, de-signers can compute a sedimentdischarge versus streamflow relationshipfor the existing and proposed designchannels using the same sediment trans-port function and try to match the curvesas closely as possible (USACE 1994).

Allowable Shear StressThe shape of the bed material size distribution is animportant parameter for determining the thresholdof motion of individual sediment sizes in a bed con-taining a mixture of sand and gravel. Beds com-posed of unimodal (particle-size distribution showsno secondary maxima) mixtures of sand and gravelwere found to have a narrow range of thresholdshear stresses for all sizes present on the bed sur-face. For unimodal beds, the threshold of motion ofall grain sizes on the bed was found to be estimatedadequately by using the Shields curve for the medi-an grain size. Bed sediments composed of bimodal(particle-size distribution shows one secondary maxi-mum) mixtures of sands and gravels were found tohave threshold shear stresses that are still a functionof grain size, although much less so than predictedby the Shields curve. For bed material with bimodalsize distributions, using the Shields curve on individ-ual grain sizes greater than the median size overesti-mates the threshold of motion and underestimatesthe threshold of motion for grain sizes less than themedian size. Critical shear stresses for gravel bedsmay be elevated if gravels are tightly interlocked orimbedded.

Jackson and Van Haveren (1984) present an itera-tive technique for designing a restored channelbased on allowable shear stress. Separate calcula-tions were performed for channel bed and banks.Channel design included provision for gradualchannel narrowing as the bank vegetation devel-ops, and bank cohesion and resistance to erosionincrease. Newbury and Gaboury (1993) use anallowable tractive force graph from Lane (1955) tocheck stability of channel restoration initiatives inManitoba streams with cobble and gravel beds.Brookes (1991) gives an example of the applicationof this method for designing urban channels nearLondon. From a practical standpoint, boundaryshear stresses can be more difficult to measure andconceptualize than velocities (Brookes 1995).Allowable shear stress criteria may be converted toallowable velocities by including mean depth as aparameter.

The computed shear stress values are averages forthe reach in question. Average values are exceededat points, for example, on the outside of a bend.

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If information is available regardingsediment inflows into the new channel,a multiyear sediment budget can becomputed to project likely erosion anddeposition and possible maintenanceneeds. Sediment load can also be com-puted, using the hydraulic propertiesand bed material gradations of the up-stream supply reach and a suitable sedi-ment transport function. The USACEsoftware SAM (Copeland 1994) in-cludes routines that compute hydraulicproperties for uniform flow and sedi-ment discharge for single cross sectionsof straight channels using any of 13 dif-ferent sediment transport functions.Cross sections may have complex geom-etry and boundary materials that varyalong the section. Output can be com-bined with a hydrograph or a flow du-ration curve to obtain sediment load.

HEC-6 (USACE 1993) is a one-dimensional movable-boundary, open-channel-flow numerical modeldesigned to simulate and predictchanges in river profiles resulting fromscour and deposition over moderatetime periods, typically years, althoughapplications to single flood events arepossible. A continuous discharge recordis partitioned into a series of steadyflows of variable discharge and dura-tion. For each discharge, a water surfaceprofile is calculated, providing energyslope, velocity, depth, and other vari-ables at each cross section. Potentialsediment transport rates are then com-puted at each section. These rates,combined with the duration of the flow,permit a volumetric accounting of sedi-ment within each reach. The amount ofscour or deposition at each section isthen computed, and the cross sectiongeometry is adjusted for the changingsediment volume. Computations thenproceed to the next flow in the sequence,and the cycle is repeated using the up-dated cross section geometry. Sedimentcalculations are performed by grain size

fractions, allowing the simulation ofhydraulic sorting and armoring.

HEC-6 allows the designer to estimatelong-term response of the channel to apredicted series of water and sedimentsupply. The primary limitation is thatHEC-6 is one-dimensional, i.e., geome-try is adjusted only in the vertical direc-tion. Changes in channel width orplanform cannot be simulated. AnotherFederal sediment routing model is theGSTARS 2.0 (Yang et al. 1998). GSTARS2.0 can be used for a combination ofsubcritical and supercritical flow com-putations without interruption in asemi-two-dimensional manner. The useof stream tube concept in sedimentrouting enables GSTARS 2.0 to simulatechannel geometry changes in a semi-three-dimensional manner.

The amount and type of sediment sup-plied to a stream channel is an impor-tant consideration in restorationbecause sediment is part of the balance(i.e., between energy and material load)that determines channel stability. A gen-eral lack of sediment relative to theamount of stream power, shear stress,or energy in the flow (indexes of trans-port capacity) usually results in erosionof sediment from the channel boundaryof an alluvial channel. Conversely, anoversupply of sediment relative to thetransport capacity of the flow usuallyresults in deposition of sediment inthat reach of stream.

Bed material sediment transport analy-ses are necessary whenever a restorationinitiative involves reconstructing alength of stream exceeding two mean-der wavelengths. A reconstruction thatmodifies the size of a cross section andthe sinuosity for such a length of chan-nel should be analyzed to ensure thatupstream sediment loads can be trans-ported through the reconstructed reachwith minimal deposition or erosion.Different storm events and the average

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annual transported bed material loadalso should be examined.

Sediment Discharge Functions

The selection of an appropriate dis-charge formula is an important consid-eration when attempting to predictsediment discharge in streams. Numer-ous sediment discharge formulas havebeen proposed, and extensive sum-maries are provided by Alonso andCombs (1980), Brownlie (1981), Yang(1996), Bathurst (1985), Gomez andChurch (1989), and Parker (1990).

Sediment discharge rates depend onflow velocity; energy slope; watertemperature; size, gradation, specificgravity, and shape of the bed materialand suspended-sediment particles;channel geometry and pattern; extent ofbed surface covered by coarse material;rate of supply of fine material; and bedconfiguration. Large-scale variables suchas hydrologic, geologic, and climaticconditions also affect the rate of sedi-ment transport. Because of the rangeand number of variables, it is not possi-ble to select a sediment transport for-mula that satisfactorily encompasses allthe conditions that might be encoun-tered. A specific formula might be moreaccurate than others when applied toa particular river, but it might not beaccurate for other rivers.

Selection of a sediment transport for-mula should include the following con-siderations (modified from Yang 1996):

■ Type of field data available or mea-surable within time, budget, andwork hour limitations.

■ Independent variables that can bedetermined from available data.

■ Limitations of formulas versus fieldconditions.

If more than one formula can be used,the rate of sediment discharge should

be calculated using each formula. Theformulas that best agree with availablemeasured sediment discharges shouldbe used to estimate the rate of sedimentdischarge during flow conditions whenactual measurements are not available.

The following formulas may be consid-ered in the absence of any measuredsediment discharges for comparison:

■ Meyer-Peter and Muller (1948)formula when the bed material iscoarser than 5 mm.

■ Einstein (1950) formula when bedload is a substantial part of the totalsediment discharge.

■ Toffaleti (1968) formula for largesand-bed rivers.

■ Colby (1964) formula for rivers withdepths less than 10 feet and medianbed material values less than 0.8 mm.

■ Yang (1973) formula for fine tocoarse sand-bed rivers.

■ Yang (1984) formula for gravel trans-port when most of the bed materialranges from 2 to 10 mm.

■ Ackers and White (1973) orEngelund and Hansen (1967) formu-la for sand-bed streams having sub-critical flow.

■ Laursen (1958) formula for shallowrivers with fine sand or coarse silt.

Available sediment data from a gagingstation may be used to develop an em-pirical sediment discharge curve in theabsence of a satisfactory sediment dis-charge formula, or to verify the sedi-ment discharge trend from a selectedformula. Measured sediment dischargeor concentration should be plottedagainst streamflow, velocity, slope,depth, shear stress, stream power, orunit stream power. The curve with theleast scatter and systematic deviationshould be selected as the sediment rat-ing curve for the station.

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Sediment Budgets

A sediment budget is an accounting ofsediment production in a watershed.It attempts to quantify processes of ero-sion, deposition, and transport in thebasin. The quantities of erosion from allsources in a watershed are estimatedusing various procedures. Typically, thetons of erosion from the various sourcesare multiplied by sediment delivery ra-tios to estimate how much of theeroded soil actually enters a stream.The sediment delivered to the streamsis then routed through the watershed.

The sediment routing procedure in-volves estimating how much of the sed-iment in the stream ends up beingdeposited in lakes, reservoirs, wetlands,or floodplains or in the stream itself.An analysis of the soil textures by ero-sion process is used to convert the tonsof sediment delivered to the stream intotons of silt and clay, sand, and gravel.Sediment transport processes are ap-plied to help make decisions during thesediment routing analysis. The end re-sult is the sediment yield at the mouthof the watershed or the beginning of aproject reach.

Table 8.5 is a summary sediment budgetfor a watershed. Note that the informa-tion in the table may be from measuredvalues, from estimates based on datafrom similar watersheds, or from modeloutputs (AGNPS, SWRRBWQ, SWAT,WEPP, RUSLE, and others. Contact theNRCS National Water and Climate DataCenter for more information on thesemodels). Sediment delivery ratios aredetermined for watershed drainageareas, based on sediment gauge dataand reservoir sedimentation surveys.

The watershed is subdivided into sub-watersheds at points where significantsediment deposition occurs, such as atbridge or road fills; where stream cross-ings cause channel and floodplain con-

strictions; and at reservoirs, lakes, signif-icant flooded areas, etc. Sediment bud-gets similar to the table are constructedfor each subwatershed so the sedimentyield to the point of deposition can bequantified.

A sediment budget has many uses, in-cluding identification of sedimentsources for treatment (Figure 8.34). Ifthe goal for a restoration initiative is toreduce sedimentation from a watershed,it is critical to know what type of ero-sion is producing the most sedimentand where that erosion is occurring. Instream corridor restoration, sedimentyield (both in terms of quantity andaverage grain size diameter) to a streamand its floodplain need to be identifiedand considered in designs. In channelstability investigations, the amount ofsand and gravel sediment entering thestream from the watershed needs to bequantified to refine bed material trans-port calculations.

Example of a Sediment Budget

A simple application of a sedimenttransport equation in a field situationillustrates the use of a sediment budget.Figure 8.35 shows a stream reach beingevaluated for stability prior to develop-ing a stream corridor restoration plan.Five representative channel cross sec-tions (A, B, C, D, and E) are surveyed.Locations of the cross sections are se-lected to represent the reach aboveand below the points where tributarystreams, D and E, enter the reach. Addi-tional cross sections would need to besurveyed if the stream at A, B, C, D,or E is not typical of the reach.

An appropriate sediment transportequation is selected, and the transportcapacity at each cross section for bedmaterial is computed for the same flowconditions. Figure 8.35 shows the sedi-ment loads in the stream and the trans-port capacities at each point.

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The transport capacities at each pointare compared to the sediment load ateach point. If the bed material load ex-ceeds the transport capacity, depositionis indicated. If the bed material trans-port capacity exceeds the coarse sedi-ment load available, erosion of thechannel bed or banks is indicated.

Figure 8.35 compares the loads andtransport capacities within the reach.The stream might not be stable belowB due to deposition. The 50 tons/daydeposition is less than 10 percent of thetotal bed material load in the stream.This small amount of sediment is prob-ably within the area of uncertainty insuch analyses. The stream below Cprobably is unstable due to the excessenergy (transport capacity) causing ei-ther the banks or bottom to be eroded.

After this type of analysis is complete,the stream should be inspected for




Average Erosion Rate (tons/acre/year or tons/bank mile/year)


SedimentDeliveryRatio (percent)


SedimentDepositedUplands &Floodplains(tons/year)

Sediment Deliveredto Blue Stem Lake



Sheet, rill, and ephemeral gully

Adequate Cropland 6000 3.0 18,000 30 5400 14,380 3620 33.7

Inadequate Cropland 1500 6.5 9750 30 2930 7790 1960 18.3

Adequate Pasture/hayland 3400 1.0 3400 20 680 2940 460 4.3

Inadequate Pasture/hayland 600 6.0 3600 20 720 3120 480 4.5

Adequate Forestland 1200 0.5 600 20 120 520 80 0.7

Inadequate Forestland 300 5.5 1650 20 330 1430 220 2.1

Adequate Parkland 700 1.0 700 30 210 560 140 1.3

Inadequate Parkland 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0.0

Adequate Other 420 2.0 840 20 170 730 110 1.0

Inadequate Other 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0.0

Classic gully N/A N/A 600 40 240 440 160 1.5


Slight 14 50 100 700 5400 140 560 5.2

Moderate 10.5


150 1580 100 1580 320 1260 11.7

Severe 600 2100 100 2100 420 1680 15.7

Total erosion 43,520 Total sediment toBlue Stem Lake


Figure 8.34: Eroded upland area. Uplandsediment sources should be identified ina sediment budget.

Table 8.5: Example of a sediment budget for a watershed.

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areas where sediment is building up orwhere the stream is eroding. If theseproblem areas do not match the predic-tions from the calculations, the sedi-ment transport equation may beinappropriate, or the sediment budget,the hydrology, or the channel surveysmay be inaccurate.

Single Storm versus Average AnnualSediment Discharge

The preceeding example predicts theamount of erosion and deposition thatcan be expected to occur over one dayat one discharge. The bed materialtransport equation probably used onegrain size of sediment. In reality, a vari-ety of flows over varying lengths of timemove a variety of sediment particlesizes. Two other approaches should be

used to help predict the quantity of bedmaterial sediment transported by astream during a single storm event orover a typical runoff year.

To calculate the amount of sedimenttransported by a stream during a singlestorm event, the hydrograph for theevent is divided into equal-length seg-ments of time. The peak flow or theaverage discharge for each segment isdetermined. A spreadsheet can be devel-oped that lists the discharges for eachsegment of a hydrograph in a column(Table 8.6). The transport capacity fromthe sediment rating curve for each dis-charge is shown in another column(Figure 8.36). Since the transport ca-pacity is in tons/day, a third columnshould include the length of time repre-sented by each segment of the hydro-



750tons/day 700 tons/day

Bed material load transport capacity at C 900 tons/day

Bed material load transport capacity at D 150 tons/day

Bed material load transport capacity at E 250 tons/day

Bed material load transport capacity at B 500 tons/day

Bed material load transport capacity at A 400 tons/day

150 tons erosion below C (750 - 900 = -150 tons)

Transport capacity at C 900 tons

Load to C 500 tons transported below B+ 250 tons from tributary E750 tons to C

50 tons deposition below B (550 - 500 = 50)

Transport capacity at B 500 tons

Load to B 400 tons transported below A+ 150 tons from tributary D550 tons to B

Transport capacity at A 400 tons

tributary D

tributary E

Note:Numbers representtons/day bed materialload in stream.

cross-section B





400 tons/day400 tons/day






tons /day

Bed Material Load Routing Computations

Figure 8.35:Sediment budget.Stream reachesshould be evaluatedfor stability priorto developing arestoration plan.

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Column 1 Column 2









Column 3









Column 4



Total tons transported over the storm 8112







Column 5







0 10


20 30 40 50 60 700






600Table 8.6: Sediment discharges for segmentsof a hydrograph. The amount of sedimentdischarged through a reach varies with timeduring a stream flow event.

Suspended Sediment (tons/day)

1.1 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 80 100 200 400 600 1000 5000 10,000



















Figure 8.36: Sediment rating curve. A “sedimentrating curve” rates the quantity of sedimentcarried by a specific stream flow at a definedpoint or gage.

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8–60 Chapter 8: Restoration Design

graph. This column is multiplied bythe transport capacity to create a finalcolumn that represents the amount ofsediment that could be transported overeach segment of the hydrograph. Sum-ming the values in the last columnshows the total bed material transportcapacity generated by that storm.

Average annual sediment transport ina stream can be determined using aprocedure very similar to the stormprediction. The sediment rating curvecan be developed from predictive equa-tions or from physical measurements.The annual flow duration curve is sub-stituted for the segmented hydrograph.The same type of spreadsheet describedabove can be used, and the sum of thevalues in the last column is the annualsediment-transport capacity (based onpredictive equations) or the actual an-nual sediment transport if the ratingcurve is based on measured data.

Sediment Discharge After Restoration

After the sediment transport analysisresults have been field-checked to en-sure that field conditions are accuratelypredicted, the same analyses are re-peated for the new cross sections andslope in a reconstructed stream orstream reach. Plans and designs may bemodified if the second analysis indi-cates significant deposition or erosioncould occur in the modified reach. If

potential changes in runoff or sedi-ment yield are predicted to occur in thewatershed above a potential restorationsite, the sediment transport analysesshould be done again based on thesepotential changes.

Stability Controls

The risk of a restored channel’s beingdamaged or destroyed by erosion ordeposition can be reduced if economicconsiderations permit installation ofcontrol measures. Control measuresare also required if “natural” levelsof channel instability (e.g., meandermigration) are unacceptable in therestored reach.

In many cases, control measures doubleas habitat restoration devices or aestheticfeatures (Nunnally and Shields 1985,Newbury and Gaboury 1993). Controlmeasures may be categorized as bed sta-bilization devices, bank stabilization de-vices, and hydrologic measures. Reviewsof control measures are found in Vanoni(1975), Simons and Senturk (1977),Petersen (1986), Chang (1988), andUSACE (1989b, 1994), and are treatedonly briefly here. Haan et al. (1994) pro-vide design guidance for sediment con-trol on small watersheds. In all cases,sediment control systems should beplanned and designed with the geomor-phic evolution of the watershed in mind.