secure steganography

Int. J. Inf. Secur. (2009) 8:433–445 DOI 10.1007/s10207-009-0089-y REGULAR CONTRIBUTION Secure steganography based on embedding capacity Hedieh Sajedi · Mansour Jamzad Published online: 15 August 2009 © Springer-Verlag 2009 Abstract Mostl y the embed ding capac ity of steganog raphy methods is assessed in non-zero DCT coefcients. Due to unequal distribution of non-zero DCT coefcients in images wit h dif fer ent con ten ts, ima geswith thesame number of non - zero DCT coefcients may have different actual embedding capacities. This paper introduces embedding capacity as a proper ty of ima ges in the pre sen ce of mul tiple stegan aly zer s, and discusses a method for computing embedding capacity of cover images. Using the capacity constraint, embedding can be done more secure than the state when the embed- der does not know how much data can be hidden securely in an image. In our proposed approach, an ensemble system that uses different steganalyzer units determines the security limits for embedding in cover images. In this system, each steganalyzer unit is formed by a combination of multiple steganalyzers from the same type, which are sensitive to dif- ferent payloads. The condence of each steganalyzer on an image leads us to determine the upper bound of embedding rate for the image. Considering embedding capacity , the ste- ganographer can minimize the risk of detection by selecting a proper cover image that is secure for a certain payload. Moreover , we analyzed the relation between complexity and embed ding capa city of image s. Exper iment al resu lts sho wed the effectiveness of the proposed approach in enhancing the security of stego images. Keywords Steganalysis · Steganography · Embedding capacity · Support vector machine · Ensemble method · Image complexity H. Sajedi (B) · M. Jamzad Department of Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran e-mail: [email protected] .edu M. Jamzad e-mail: [email protected] du 1 Introduction St eganography istheart andsc ie nc e of hidi ng a se cr et da ta in such a way that no one, except the intended recipient knows the existe nc e of the data [1]. Itutil iz esa typi ca l di gi tal me di a such as text, image, audio, video, and multimedia as a car- rier for a secret data. The success of steganography methods depends upon the carrier medium not to attract attention. Different image steganography methods have been pro- posed in the literature. Embedding techniques in discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain are popular because of the large usage of JPEG images. Embedding in various stega- nography methods such as F5 [ 2], model based (MB) [3], perturbed quantization (PQ) [4], and YASS [5] is done by modifying some properly selected DCT coefcients. Some other steganography methods embed secret data in other transform domains. For example, a Contourlet-based stega- nography method [6] embeds secret data in contourlet coef- cients of an image. The goal of steganalysis methods is to detect the presence of hidden data from the observed media. Steganalyzers hav e achieve d great advances in the past few years and a number of efcient steganalysis techniques have been proposed. Sta- tistical steganalysis schemes work by evaluating a suspected stego image against an assumed or computed cover distri- bution or model. Blind statistical steganalysis methods use a supervised learning technique trained on features derived from the cover as well as the stego images. In order to have secure communication in the presence of blind steganalysis methods, the steganographer must embed secret data into a cover image in such a way that the statisti- calfeatures of thecover ima ge are not sig nif ica ntl y per tur bed during the embedding process. It is shown in [ 7] that, when the embedding data size gets larger than a threshold then it becomes easier for a  123

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434 H. Sajedi, M. Jamzad

steganalysis technique to detect the presence of the hidden

data. This gives an upper bound limit for embedding capac-

ity, such that if the hidden data size is less than that upper

bound, we may claim that the stego image is safe and the

steganalysis methods cannot detect it.

Embedding capacity is the key measure to compare the

performance of differentdata embedding algorithms. In gen-

eral sense, it is the maximum data size that can be securelyembedded in an image with respect to certain constraints.

It is shown in [8] that the average embedding capacity of 

existing steganography methods for grayscale JPEG images

with quality factor of 70 is approximately 0.05 bits per non-

zero AC DCT coefficient. Until now, embedding capacity

has been considered as a property of steganography meth-

ods [7–10]. However,usinga steganography technique, there

is no guaranty that if two images have equal number of 

non-zero DCT coefficients, they have the same embedding

capacities. Consequently, since the distribution of non-zero

DCT coefficients may differ in different images, the embed-

ding capacity should be considered relative to the images.Therefore, the embedding capacity may not be associated

to a steganography method rather it depends on the content

of images. Furthermore, a high-performance steganography

method is the one that in average case, its produced stego

imagesmay be detected by the steganalyzers randomly (with

a probability around 0.5). However, there is no guarantee

that a specific stego image could not be detected reliably by

the steganalyzers. Furthermore, there is not any criterion to

know how much secret data one can embed in a given cover

image securely. For example, if the steganographer wants to

embed a secret data with size of 5,000 bits in a certain cover

image, he does not know if the resulted stego image will be

secureor not. Maybe hadhe selected another cover image, its

stego version would have been misclassified by steganalysis


1.1 Our contribution

In this paper, we propose a structure that guarantees the

security of stego images in embedding a certain payload

against the existing steganalyzers. First, we determine the

embedding capacity of an image regarding to the efficient

and well-known steganalysis methods and then we clarify

cover selection steganography based on embeddingcapacity.

In other viewpoint, for embedding a determined size secret

data, thesteganography methodcancheck an image database

andsuggest a setof propercover images forembedding. This

strategy canbe combined with all the existing steganography

methods as a preprocessing step. We should note that the

embedding capacity of an image depends on its content, the

steganography method used and the steganalysis algorithms.

Due to the complexity of steganography and progressive

strength of steganalysis algorithms, it becomes a challenge

to develop secure steganography techniques. We aim to pro-

vide a solution for this problem by determining the embed-

ding capacity of imagesusing an ensemble classifiermethod.

Considering the embedding capacity of an image, the stega-

nographer can securely embed a secret data, which its size is

smaller than or equal to the embedding capacity of the cover


An ensemble classifier is often used for boosting weak classifiers, such as decision tree, neural networks, etc. [11].

Ensemble learning is the aggregation of multiple learned

models with the goal of improving accuracy. In our work,

each weak classifier is a steganalyzer and our intent is to dis-

tinguish between the secure and non-secure limits of embed-

ding rate in an image.

Each steganalyzer is a voter (determinant) on whether an

imageis cleanorstego.The combinationofvotebyallthe ste-

ganalyzers in the ensembledeterminesthe embeddingcapac-

ityof a cover image.If thesteganalyzersagreewitheachother

that a stego image is a cover (clean) image (e.g. false neg-

ative), the goal of the steganography is satisfied. Therefore,we can increase the size of embedded data in an image until

the distortion of image features does not overrun a safety


We arranged an experiment to investigate the relation

between the image complexity of a cover image and the

detectability of the corresponding stego image against ste-

ganalyzers. The experimental results suggest that in order

to obtain higher embedding capacity, we shall select cover

images among middle and high-complexity images.

To evaluate the effect of proposed embedding capacity

measure on security of steganography methods, we per-

formed different experiments. The results showed the effi-

ciency of the proposed approach in enhancing the security of 

stego images.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.

Section 2 describes previous works in defining embedding

capacity, steganalysismethods,ensemblemethods, andSVM

classifierbriefly. In Sect.3, weintroducetheembeddingsecu-

rity definition and describe how to calculate the embed-

ding capacity based on embedding security definition. Cover

selection steganography method is also discussed in Sect.3.

Experimental results are given in Sect. 4 and finally, we con-

clude our work in Sect. 5.

2 Background

2.1 Previous works

A number of ways to compute the embedding capacity have

beenproposedpreviously[7,9,10,13].In [7] thedefinition of 

embeddingcapacityispresentedfroma steganalysisperspec-

tive. This work argues that as themain goal of steganography


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Secure steganography based on embedding capacity 435

is hidden communications, embedding capacity is dependent

on the type of steganalysis detector employed to break the

embedding algorithm. It defines γ -security so that in pres-

ence of a steganalysisdetector D, a steganography algorithm

is said to be perfectly secure if γ  D = 0.

The work in [9] defines a steganography method to be

ε-secure (ε ≥ 0) if the relative entropy between the cover

and the stego probability distributions ( Pc and Ps , respec-tively) is at most ε, i.e.,

 D(Pc |Ps ) =

 Pc log



≤ ε (1)

A stego technique is said to be perfectly secure if ε = 0.

This definition assumes that cover andstego imagesare inde-

pendent identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables. This

assumption is not true for many real life cover signals [7].

One approach to rectify this is to put the constraint that the

relative entropy computed using the nth order joint probabil-

ity distributions must be less than εn . Then one can force a

steganography technique to preserve the n order distribution.However, it may be possible to use (n+1) order statistics for

steganalysis. Estimations for embedding capacity of images,

based on a parallel Gaussian model in the transform domain

is provided by Moulin and Mihcak [10].

Batch steganography generalizes the problems of hiding

and detecting secret data to multiple cover objects [12]. Ker

in [13] defines batch-embedding capacity and theoretically

proves that thesize of secretdata cansafely increase no faster

than the square root of the number of cover images.

2.2 Steganalysis methods

Steganalysis methods seek to analyze an image to decide

whether a secretdata hasbeen embedded in it.Consequently,

steganalysis can be considered as a two-class classification

problem [14]. At the heart of every steganalyzer there is

a classifier, which given an image feature vector, decides

whether the image contains any secret messages.

Essentially, there are two approaches to steganalysis: one

is to come up with a steganalysis method specific for a par-

ticular steganography technique. The other is developing

universal techniques that are effective for all steganography

methods [15].

Specific steganalysis methods concentrate on image fea-

tures, which are modified by the embedding algorithm.

Although a steganalysis technique specific to an embedding

method would give good results when tested only on that

embedding method, but it might fail on all other steganogra-

phy methods.

Universal steganalysis techniques work by designing a

classifier based on a training set of cover images and stego

images obtained from a variety of different embedding

algorithms. Classification is done based on some inherent

features of cover images. These features may be modified

when an image undergoes an embedding process. A number

of universal steganalysis techniques are proposed in the liter-

ature.Thesetechniquesdiffer in thefeature sets they consider

for capturing the image statistics. For example, Martin et al.

[14] calculates several binary similarity measures between

the seventh and eighth bit planes of an image. Steganalyzers

in [17,18] obtain a number of statistics from an image thatis decomposed by wavelet. On the other hand, [19] utilizes

statistics of DCT coefficients as well as spatial domainstatis-

tics. It is observed in [15,16] that the universal steganalysis

techniques do not perform equally over all embedding tech-

niques. In addition, they are not able to distinguish perfectly

between cover and stego images.

A powerfulsteganalyzer isable todetectthe presenceofan

embedded data in an image with high accuracy. This implies

that theembeddingmethodemployed to hide thedata is inse-

cure. In practice, since the steganalyst is not able to know

what steganography technique has been employed, he has

to deploy several techniques on suspected stego images. Inavailability of different steganalysis techniques that extract

non-overlapping feature sets for analysis, each one makes

mistakes independently of the rest. As a solution to this

problem, we investigate how steganalyzers can incorporate

together with the help of ensemble methods.

2.3 Ensemble methods

In the area of machine learning, the concept of combining

classifiers isproposed to improve theperformanceof individ-

ual classifiers. These classifiers could be based on a variety

of classification methodologies, and could achieve different

rates of correctly classified data instances. The goal of an

ensemble method that integrates the results of classifiers is

to generate more certain, precise and accurate results [20].

Ensemble learning refers to a collection of methods that learn

a target function by training a number of individual learners

andcombiningtheir predictions.Ensemblelearninghassome

benefits as below [21]:

– Accuracy: a more reliable classification result can be

obtained by combining the output of multiple classifiers.

Furthermore, uncorrelated errors of individual classifierscan be eliminated.

– Efficiency: a complex problem can be decomposed into

multiple sub-problems that are easier to understand and

solve (divide-and-conquer approach).

– There is not a single model of classifier that works for all

pattern recognition problems.

– To solve hard problems the desired target function may

not be implementable with individual classifiers, but may

be approximated by ensemble classifiers.


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436 H. Sajedi, M. Jamzad

Fig. 1 A SVM trained with samples from two classes [20]. Two sup-

port vectors (data points) are shown in black circles on the border of 

left and right boundary lines

2.4 Support vector machine (SVM)

A classificationtaskusually involves withtrainingandtesting

data, which consist of several data instances. Each instance

in the training set contains one “target value” (class labels)

and several “attributes” (features).

SVM is a very powerful learning tool in solving binary

classification problems [22–24]. The goal of SVM is to pro-

duce a model, which predicts target value of data instances

in the testing set given only the attributes [25]. Here training

vectors X  I  aremappedinto a higherdimensional space.Then

SVM finds a linear separating hyper-plane with the maximal

margin in this higher dimensional space.

The radial basis function (RBF) kernel nonlinearly maps

data instances into a higher dimensional space. Therefore,

unlike the linear kernel (a special case of RBF), it can handle

the case when the relation between class labels and attributes

is nonlinear. The RBF kernel is defined by Eq. (2).

K ( x, y) = exp(−γ  x − y2), γ > 0 (2)

Figure1 shows a SVM for a two-class classification prob-

lem. Samples on the margins are called support vectors. Sup-

port vectors (a subset of training samples) are the data points

that lie closest to the decision surface and they are the most

difficult to classify. In addition, they have direct bearing on

the optimum location of the decision surface.

3 Proposed approach

3.1 Embedding security

We define embedding security as follows. A stego image

has embedding security when the embedded secret data is

undetectable by steganalyzers.Embeddingsecurity is mostly

influenced by the places within the cover image that might be

modified, the type of embedding operation, and the amount

of changes imposed to the cover image. Steganography is a

two-class classification problem. In two-class namely, stego

and cover image classification, the classifier decides about

the observed images based on Eq. (3) as the following:

decision =⎧⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎩

 I  ∈ stego, P( I  ∈ stego| X  I ) > 0.5

no-decision, P( I  ∈ cover| X  I ) = 0.5

 I  ∈ cover, P( I  ∈ cover| X  I ) > 0.5


where P( I  ∈ stego| X  I ) is theposterior probability of image

 I  represented by feature vector X  I  carrying a secret data.

Since there areonly twoclassesavailable (i.e. cover or stego),

we have:

P( I  ∈ cover | X  I ) = 1 − P( I  ∈ stego| X  I ) (4)

To determinethesecurity, first,we composea steganalyzer

unit that is a multiple classifier system. Combining different

classifiers to make an ensemble, we can benefit from bet-

ter classification performance than individual classifiers and

more resilience to noise. Each vote (detection result) is the

confidence of a classifier on classifying an image to clean or

stego class.

The result of a steganalyzer that uses SVM classifier is

obtained as follows:

decision =


 I  ∈ stego, d  j ( I ) > 0

no-decision, d  j ( I ) = 0

 I  ∈ cover, d  j ( I ) < 0


where d  j ( I ) is the distance of an image in feature space from

the j th decisionhyper-plane between clean andstego images.

The result of multiple steganalyzers can be combined using

schemes such as the sum, average, or maximum rule. We

consider the maximum result of all the steganalyzers as the

result of the whole steganalyzer unit as the following:

d = max(d  j ( X  I )) (6)

Secure upper bound for embedding in an image is deter-

mined regarding to the maximum distance of the image from

all the steganalyzer discriminant hyper-planes. This distance

shows the closeness of the image to the unsafe region in fea-

ture space (stego space). If d  > 0, it demonstrates that the

security of the stego image is threatened by at least one of the

steganalyzers. Consequently, if d  ≤ 0, the stego image has

embeddingsecurity andit cannotbe recognized by any of the

steganalyzers. In this definition, we treat cautiously andif the

stego image is recognized by even one of the steganalyzers,

we consider the stego image insecure.


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Secure steganography based on embedding capacity 437

Fig. 2 The structure of 

ensemble steganalyzer for

determining the security of 

embedding in an image

3.2 Embedding capacity

With the definition of embedding security, we are now ready

to define embedding capacity regarding to this definition.

Embedding capacity is the upper limit of embedding rate

that if the size of hidden data goes over that limit, the stego

image can be recognized by a steganalyzer.

We combine some moderately inaccurate base classifiers

(steganalyzers) into a combined predictor to determine the

upper bound of embedding capacity of an image. Embed-

ding capacity of an image may differ using various stega-

nography methods. Therefore, to have a safe covert commu-

nication, each steganography method is allowed to continue

embedding in the image until steganalysis algorithms do not

threaten the security of the image.

The steganography security scheme, which is based on an

ensemble steganalyzer, is constructed according to the steg-

analysis methods in the literature:

1. Wavelet-based steganalysismethod(WBS) proposed by

Lyu andFarid[17] where in thefeature extraction part of 

thismethod, statistics suchas mean,variance, skewness,

andkurtosis arecalculated from each waveletdecompo-

sition sub-band of an image. WBS extracts 24 features

for classification.

2. Markov-DCT-based steganalysis method (274-dim) has

a 274-dimensional feature vector that merges Markov

and DCT features of an image [26]. Another steganaly-

sis technique, which has 23-dimensional feature vector

(23-dim) [19], obtains a set of distinguishing features

from DCT and spatial domains. Since Markov-DCT-

based steganalysis method is stronger than the 23-dim

steganalyzer [27], we do not use 23-dim steganalysis

method in the structure of the ensemble steganalyzer.

3. 324-dimensional feature vector steganalysis method

(324-dim) proposed by Chen et al. [28], which is an

improvement of the 39 dimensional feature vector

method [29], based on statistical moments of wavelet

characteristic functions.

Figure2 shows thestructure of theensemble steganalyzer.

Using this structure, we expect that the embedding capac-

ity determined in this manner can be valid for upcoming

steganalysis methods and this combination fill some gaps

between feature spaces of the steganalyzers and can provide

a suitable computation for secure capacity regarding to the

advantage of steganalysis methods.

Figure3 shows thestate of a steganalyzerunit in its feature

space. In each unit, some SVM classifiers separate the fea-

ture space into two parts of clean and stego spaces. If a stego

image in feature space resides in the clean side close to the

hyper-plane discriminator line, it is a secure stego image that

is misclassified by the classifier. In the presence of multiple

classifiers, each one is a discriminator between certain pay-

load stego imagesand clean images. Gray part inFig. 3 shows

the safe region for stego images. To explain the operation


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438 H. Sajedi, M. Jamzad

Fig. 3 Hyper-planes (discriminants) of a steganalyzer unit in its fea-

ture space

of each steganalyzer unit we show the structure with linear

SVMs but in the real application, for each steganalyzer with

certain payload, a nonlinear SVM is trained to classify clean

and stego images.

The distance of an image in feature space from decision

boundary of SVM classifier, represents the confidence of the

vote of SVM. The vote is positive if the image is recognized

as a stego image; otherwise, it is negative.

We assume that if a steganalyzer classifies clean images

and stego images with payload of 1,000 bits, this classifier

can correctly detect stego images with a higher payload, as

well. To prove the assumption we did some experiments and

verified this assumption. However, the accuracy of a stegan-

alyzer trained with a certain payload, in detection of stego

imageswithhigherpayloadsis notmuchhigh. To havehigher

detection accuracy we train one classifier for each quantized

payload and let a cascade classifier to detect stego images.

We call each cascade classifier a steganalyzer unit. The result

of a steganalyzer unit is the vote of confidence that the unit

gives to an image.

Figure 4 shows theaverage detection accuracy of stegana-

lyzers forall the images. Ourexperimental results (the exper-

iment setup will be described in Sect. 4) illustrated that a

distinct classifier for each quantized payload provides more

accuracyfor a steganalyzer. Therefore,we consider the pessi-

mistic result as the limit for secure steganography. The most

secure state for a stego image is when all the units in the

ensemble steganalyzer announce that the image is clean.

To construct each steganalyzer unit we quantized the pay-

load range between 0 and 10,000 bits to ten equal parts. For

each payload, we construct a SVM classifier trained for that

specific payload. Since when a steganalyzer detects a stego

image, the steganography purpose gets broken, therefore the

steganalyzer unit checks the classifiers in an ascending order

of payloads. If any one detects the stego image, the unit stops

and reports the result without checking other classifiers. This

structure is shown in Fig. 5.

The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) is a plot of 

false alarm versus true alarm. Figure 7 shows the random

guess state of a steganalyzer in a ROC curve. The points on

the ROC curve represent the achievable performance of asteganalyzer. The steganalyzer makes purely random guess

when it operates on the 45◦ line in the ROC plane. This

means that the detector does not have sufficient information

to make a correct decision. Therefore, if the embedder forces

the detector to operate around the 45◦ ROC curve by choos-

ing proper algorithms or parameters, then we say that the

stego image is secure [7].

When the detection accuracy of a steganalyzer is 0.5, it

works randomly. However, in practice, when the detection

accuracy of a certain steganalyzer is less than 0.6, the stega-

nography scheme that produces the stego images, is consid-

ered statistically undetectable against that steganalyzer [27].We see that usually a tolerance range of 0.1 (i.e. detection

accuracy in [0.5, 0.6]) is considered for random detection of 

steganalyzers. Using SVM classifier, we consider this toler-

ance around the hyper-plane discriminator, which is placed

on zero point. Figure 8 shows the zero point and the ran-

domdecisioninterval that lies on [−0.05,+0.05] in classifier

result range [−1,+1].

3.3 Determining embedding capacity of an image

To determine the embedding capacity of an image an incre-

mental embedding routine is applied. In this regard, we

increase the embedding rate until the maximum distance of 

the image from discriminants in feature space reaches the

random decision threshold, as the following relation remains

true. This implies that the image is a cover.

max(d U i ) ≤ 0.05 (7)

where d Ui is the distance of i th steganalyzer unit from safe

embeddingthreshold.Equation (7) shows theupper limit that

we can decide an image is a cover.

We allow increase embedding in an image while all the

votes of the steganalyzers reside in the random guess range

[−0.05,+0.05]. This procedure is the operation of Evalua-

tion block in Fig. 2. Figure6 illustrates the block diagram of 

incremental embedding procedure to determine the embed-

ding capacity of cover images.

Since the feature sets employed in classification of ste-

ganalyzers are capable of detecting a wide range of stego

systems, the features are map out the space of images. There-

fore, it makes sense to use the features extracted from a large

number of images as a practical model for images and

evaluate security of stego schemes with respect to this


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Secure steganography based on embedding capacity 439

Fig. 4 Accuracy of 

classification between clean and

stego images with different


324-dim steganalyzer accuracy- PQ method








   A  c  c  u  r  a  c  y

274-dim steganalyzer accuracy- PQ method







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


   A  c  c  u  r  a  c  y

WBS steganalyzer accuracy- PQ method







1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


   A  c  c  u  r  a  c  y

one classfier for each quantized payload

a classifier for all payloads

Fig. 5 The structure of a steganalyzer unit

large-dimensional model [8]. Consequently, the pdf of 

images can be modeled by features that are extracted from

images [8]. We measure the security of stego images by the

state-of-the art steganalyzers. By the proposed approach, we

do not allow a stego image to deviate from the pdf of clean

images in (24 + 274 + 324 = 622) features that are con-

sidered in three efficient and well-known steganalyzers. So

the stego images that are produced with this constraint are

secured against these state-of-the-art steganalyzers.

3.4 Cover selection steganography method

Unlike other information hiding techniques such as water-

marking, cover object in steganography acts only as a carrier

for secret data. Therefore, the embedder is allowed to choose

any cover images from a database using a cover selection


Cover selection steganography method is a technique that

tries to find the best cover image from the database to embed


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440 H. Sajedi, M. Jamzad

Fig. 6 Detector ROC plane

Fig. 7 The random detection interval is shown by No-decision arrow

in classifier result range

a given secret data. In this respect, cover images are retrieved

based on a measure like undetectability of their stego image

versions. Efficient retrieval of a proper cover image from the

database can lead us to the secure steganography.

Cover selection module can offer some ranked images

according to their risk of detectability. In this manner, theste-

ganographer could choose a cover image so that the humans

and steganalyzerswouldmisclassify its stego version.There-

fore, the steganographer can minimize the detectability of a

given secret data by choosing an appropriate cover image.

In this section, we shortly review the existing cover selec-

tion methods and then, we propose cover selection based on

embedding capacity.

3.4.1 Previous cover selection steganography methods

A cover selection technique for hiding a secret image in a

cover image was first introduced in [30]. This method oper-

ates based on image texture similarity and replaces some

blocks of a cover image with similar secret image blocks;

then, indices of secret image blocks are stored in the cover

image. In this cover selection method, the blocks of the

secret image are compared with the blocks of a set of cover

images and the image with most similar blocks to those of 

the secret image is selected as the best candidate to carry the

Fig. 8 The block diagram of incremental embedding procedure to

determine the embedding capacity of cover images

secret image. An improvement on this method is proposed

in [31] that uses statistical features of image blocks and their

neighborhoods. Using block neighborhood information pre-

vents appearance of virtual edges in the sides and corners

of the replaced blocks. In [32], the cover selection problem

was studied by investigating three scenarios in which the

embedder has either no knowledge, partial knowledge, or

complete knowledge of the steganalysis method. In addition,

some measures for cover selection were introduced in [32]

as follows:

– Cardinality of changeable DCT coefficients;

– JPEG quality factor;

– Number of modifications of a cover image;

– Mean square error (MSE) obtained from cover-stego

image pairs;

– Local prediction error, which is the difference between

the mean prediction error of the cover and stego images;

– Watson’s metric [33] used for quantifying the quality of 

JPEG images;


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Secure steganography based on embedding capacity 441

– Structural similarity measure (SSIM) [34] quantifies the

similarity between the cover and stego images.

Most of the existing work in cover selection domain like

[31,32] assumed that the secret object is an image. We con-

sider binary bit sequences with random distribution as secret


3.4.2 Cover selection based on embedding capacity

In Sect. 3, we described a new measure that can be used for

cover selection. In this way, to have a secure covert commu-

nication, the steganographer can select a cover image with

high embedding capacity from a database. The embedding

procedure canbe carried on by any steganography method. It

should be noted that the result of the cover selection scheme

depends onvarietyof imagesin thedatabase.Utilizinga data-

base, which has images with very different contents, could

result in more secure stego images.

4 Experimental results

To evaluate the effect of the proposed embedding capac-

ity measure on security of steganography methods, differ-

ent experiments were done. To train the SVM classifiers

that collaborate in determining the embedding capacity of 

images, wecollected1,000 JPEG imagesin train-image data-

base from Washington University image database [35] and

some others from typical images. To test the performance of 

the proposed method, we downloaded 1,000 JPEG images

from Internet to make test-image database. These images

are not used in training of SVM classifiers, which are uti-

lized to determine the embedding capacity of images. All the

images were converted to grayscale and then cropped to size

512 × 512.

An image may have different embedding capacities

depending on the steganography method used. We made

different distinct stego datasets and classifiers to determine

the embedding capacity of the image using each steganog-

raphy method. For example, to construct the structure for

determining the embedding capacity of the image using PQ

steganography method, we made stego datasets as follows.

Random binary data were embedded in images using PQ ste-

ganography method. In the PQ method, the ‘desired capac-

ity’ parameter that is defined for this algorithm was set to

different amounts to achieve 10 stego image datasets with

different payloads. For example, those images that have the

payload between 1,500 and 2,500 bits reside in 2,000-bit-

payload stego dataset. Each one of ten stego datasets has

1,000 stego images. Thus, totally, we have 11,000 images in

our image database, 1,000 clean images, and 10,000 stego

images. Input cover images and output stego images are in

JPEG formatwiththe quality factorof 70.Totrainthe SVMof 

each steganalyzer that collaborates in computing the embed-

ding capacity, 2,000 (1,000 clean and 1,000 stego) images

from the train-image database were used. Each classifier is

a nonlinear SVM using RBF kernel with γ  = 1. In RBF

kernel, γ  determines the RBF width.

4.1 Incremental embedding to determine embedding

capacity of images

In this experiment some randomimagesare selected from the

database and their embedding capacity are determined when

the steganography method is PQ. To calculate the embed-

ding capacity of an image, the embedding rate is increased

steadily until the security of the produced stego image is

threatened by the ensemble steganalyzer. Figure 9 shows the

results. Since the embedding capacities are determined by

the ensemble steganalyzer, the security of these images with

mentioned payload is satisfied.

Although the time required for incremental embedding is

more than classical embedding, but since it provides more

secure stego images, its time complexity can be acceptable.

Due to differences in contents of various images, the time for

incremental embedding may differ from t  to [(CI/1,000) ×

t × ETT]. t  is the time needed by classical embedding and

ETT is Ensemble TestTime,which approximately is thesum

of time that each steganalyzer unit takes in the ensemble ste-

ganalyzer. In incremental embedding, the size of payload is

increased by 1,000 bits in each iteration. Hence, the num-

ber of iterations is CI/1,000. At the end of each iteration,

the ensemble steganalyzer evaluates the security of the stego

image. For example if the embedding capacity of an image

is 10,000 bits, both usual embedding and ensemble stegan-

alyzer work 10 times. The most time consuming part in a

steganalyzer unit is feature extraction part of steganalyzers.

Therefore, ETT is computed as Eq. (8).

Ensemble test time (ETT)

≈ (274-dim FET+ 324-dim FET+WBS FET) (8)

where Feature Extraction Time (FET) is the time that fea-

ture extraction part of a steganalyzer takes.Theexperimental

results are carried out on a 2,046 MB PIV processor using

MATLAB 7.6.0 and lib-SVM software [36]. In such envi-

ronment, the average time for incremental embedding in

one image is around 2min. It should be noted that Matlab

codes are usually nine or ten times slower than their C/C++

equivalents [37]. Since the main goal of steganography is to

embed thesecretdata securely and if any of thesteganalyzers

gets suspicious, the purpose of steganography is broken, it

is worth to spend time further to make stego images more



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442 H. Sajedi, M. Jamzad

Fig. 9 Some cover images with

embedding capacity of 3,000,

5,000, and 10,000 bits using PQ

steganography method

Embedding Capacity Cover image with a certain embedding capacity

3000 bits

4500 bits

9000 bits

4.2 Cover selection based on embedding capacity of images

For cover selection purpose, a batch process determines the

embedding capacity of every image in the database and the

results are stored in a feature database.When thesteganogra-

pher wants to select a cover image, he can refer to the feature

database and choose an image that can hold his secret data

securely. All the images that their embedding capacities are

greater than a secret data size are proper to hold the data.

In this approach, the steganographer can select one of the

proper images suggested by the proposed method to embed

the certain payload. Figure 10 shows the results of our cover

selectionmethodwhen thepayloads are2,000 and5,800 bits.Theupper fiveimageshaveembeddingcapacity of 2,000 bits

and the lower five images have embedding capacity of 5,800

bits. In addition, a secret data with a large size can be hidden

in more than one image securely if its size is larger than the

embedding capacity of one image.

4.3 Relation between complexity and embedding capacity

of images

The following experiment is arranged to investigate the rela-

tion between the complexity of an image and its correspond-

ing stego image detectability against steganalyzers. For this

purpose, first we group all the images in the test-image data-

base once based on embedding capacity, and another time

based on complexity. The correlation between these two sep-

arationsdemonstrates the relationbetween imagecomplexity

and embedding capacity. We use two complexity definitions

for categorizing of images as following:

1. Quad-Tree-based complexity measure. This complex-

ity measure proposed in [38] is calculated according to

quad-tree representation of an image by Eq. (9).

C =


(2 xi )i (9)

where n is the number of quad-tree levels and xi refers

to the number of nodes at level i.

2. Uniformity-based complexity measure. One way of 

evaluating the uniformity of an image as a complex-

ity measure is employment of its co-occurrence matrix


Due to the wide range of image complexity values, we

compute the logarithm of each image complexity value and

divide therange of results to five equal intervalsnamely, very

low, low, middle, high andvery high image complexity. Then

the embedding capacity of each image is computed and at

last, the average value and the standard deviation of embed-

ding capacities in each group are achieved. Table 1 shows

the relation between the complexity of all the images in the

database and their embedding capacities. In other represen-

tation, the correlation analysis in Fig. 11 reveals an inverse

U -shaped relation between image complexity and embed-

ding capacity of cover images using PQ steganography

method. This relation is true in applying MB and YASS ste-

ganography methods as well.

The experimental results showed that using Quad-tree-

and Uniformity-based complexity measures, it is preferred

to select a high capacity cover image among low, middle,

and high complexity images in the database. In contrast,

very high and very low complexity images do not have a

high embedding capacity. On the other hand, steganalysis

methods extract some features from cover and stego images


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Secure steganography based on embedding capacity 443

Fig. 10 Cover selection based

on image capacity. For each

secret data size, five most proper

cover images are shown for

applying PQ steganography


secret data size suitable covers 

2000 bits

5800 bits

Table 1 Relation between

complexity and embedding

capacity of images

Image complexity Embedding capacity

Average (bits) Standard deviation (bits)

Quad-tree based complexity measure

Very low 3,921 1,931

Low 4,713 1,698

Middle 6,832 2,942

High 6,234 3,428

Very high 3,201 2,411

Uniformity complexity (bits)

Very low 4,132 2,507

Low 5,288 2,826

Middle 5,986 2,710

High 5,663 3,208

Very high 2,698 2,549

and use a learning method to train a classifier. The features

can be extracted in spatial domain, transform domains such

as DCT, or several domains. Mostly steganalysis methods

divide images to blocks of size 8 × 8, and extract inter and

intra features from the blocks. Therefore, if an image has

parts with different complexities (i.e. complex and noncom-

plex), extracted features will have a large variance and the

steganalyzers cannot learn and vote about the image reliably.

Therefore, we canconclude that steganalyzers mayfail on

detectionof stego images if theyhaveheterogeneouscontents

with different textures and various sizes of textones with dis-similar shapes.

4.4 Performance of the proposed approach

The proposed approach can be used by every existing stega-

nography method. In fact, the cover selection idea proposed

in this paper is a preprocessing routine that can improve the

performance of the existing steganography algorithms.

Table2 shows the detection accuracy of three stegana-

lyzers on the proposed approach using PQ, MB, and YASS

steganographymethodsandtheclassical usage of thesemeth-

ods. As we see, our approach provides higher security than

classicalsteganographymethods.The resultsobviouslyshow

that the stego images, which are produced by the proposed

approach, are less detectable than the stego images con-

structed by classical use of steganography methods.

Employing WBS, 274-dim, and 324-dim steganalysis

methods, to train the SVM of each steganalyzer, 1,200 (600

clean and 600 stego) images from the test-image databasewere used. The remaining 800 images are used for testing.

5 Conclusion

In this paper, we define embedding capacity in the presence

of multiple steganalyzers, as a property of images regarding

to the constraints of the steganography method that is used.

Previous works have considered embedding capacity mea-


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444 H. Sajedi, M. Jamzad

Fig. 11 Inverse U -shape

relation between image

complexity and secure capacity

of cover images










Very Low Low Middle High Very high

Image Complexity

   E  m   b

  e   d   d   i  n  g   C  a  p  a  c   i   t  y   (   b   i   t  s   )

Quad-tree based complexity measure Uniformity based complexity measure

Table 2 Comparing the performance of PQ, MB, and YASS steganography methods without and with applying the proposed approach

Steganalysis detection accuracy (%)

Steganography method Average payload Classical steganography Proposed approach using

(bits) method steganography method

WBS 274-dim 324-dim WBS 274-dim 324-dim

PQ 2, 000 72 74 57 53 53 52

6, 000 76 77 83 55 58 56

10, 000 79 79 91 56 60 59

MB 2, 000 71 67 89 51 54 59

6, 000 77 72 96 56 52 56

10, 000 86 81 99 56 57 58

YASS 2, 000 55 57 59 52 56 57

6, 000 62 63 57 56 58 57

10, 000 61 69 65 59 60 59

sure as a property of steganography methods. However, such

prior definitions cannot guarantee the security of embedding

in a certain image. Because imageswith similar properties in

embedding capacity analysis viewpoint, may have unequal

threshold for secure embedding due to their different con-


With our proposed approach, we can exactly determine

the upper bound of secure embedding rate for each image.

Also forembeddinga secretdata, theembedder canselect the

best cover image(s) regarding to the embedding capacity of 

images in the database. The capacity depends on the detect-ability of the steganography algorithm being used against

steganalysis methods.

Moreover, we analyzed the relation between thecomplex-

ity and embedding capacity of images in our database. The

results show that middle and high complex images have

higher embedding capacity than very complex or simple

(very low complex) images. However, applying global

complexity measures does not assess the embedding capac-

ity precisely. Nevertheless, using a complexity measure that

computes the complexity locally may be a more suitable

measure for cover selection. In future, we intend to propose

a local complexity measure and evaluate its performance in

cover selection steganography.


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