security sorin manolache [email protected]. 2 s. manolache, process programming and operating...

Security Sorin Manolache [email protected]

Post on 20-Dec-2015




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Sorin Manolache

[email protected]

2S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Last on TTIT61


Directory hierarchiesDisk scheduling algorithms

3S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Lecture Plan

1. What is an operating system? What are its functions? Basics of computer architectures. (Part I of the textbook)

2. Processes, threads, schedulers (Part II , chap. IV-VI)

3. Synchronisation (Part II, chap. VII)

4. Primary memory management. (Part III, chap. IX, X)

5. File systems and secondary memory management (Part III, chap. XI, XII, Part IV)

6. Security (Part VI)

4S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


ProtectionProtection DomainsAccess matrix, access control lists, capability lists

SecurityTypes of attacksPassword protectionCryptographyTrojans, exploits, worms, viruses Intrusion detectionLogging

5S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


Processes must be protected from one another’s activities

Protection refers to a set of mechanisms used to ensure that resources (CPU, memory, I/O, files) are accessed only after proper authorisation by the OS

OS has to provide means toSpecify access controlEnforce them

6S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Policies and Mechanisms

PoliciesSpecify what will be doneMay change over time

MechanismsSpecify how policies will be implementedPreferably general, such that a change in policy does

not imply a change in the mechanisms (i.e. a change in the OS)

7S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Protection Domains

OS consists of a collection ofProcessesObjects (hw: CPU, memory, I/O; sw: files, semaphores,

programs)A protection domain specifies

The objects that may be used by a processThe operations that may be invoked on each object

8S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Protection Domains

O3, {RD, WR}

O1, {RD, WR}

O2, {EX}

O2, {WR}

O4, {print}

O1, {EX}

O3, {RD}

9S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Protection Domains

Domains can be associated perUserProcessProcedure

Association between processes and domains can be dynamicE.g.: seteuid(new_uid) (set effective user ID, is a

privileged operation, i.e. only root may successfully execute it)

10S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

User Mode and Kernel Mode

Kernel mode = monitor mode in the book In kernel mode the process may execute privileged

instructions (read/write to I/O ports, changing protection domains, process priorities, etc.)

Why should low level I/O port operations protected?

11S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

The setuid Bit

$ ls –l /bin/ls

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root bin 27284 Jan 23 2005 /bin/ls

Even though /bin/ls is owned by root, when a user executes it, it runs with the user’s ID, thus it has the rights of the user executing it, not of the owner of the file

If it were:

-r-sr-xr-x 1 root bin 27284 Jan 23 2005 /bin/lsThen it would run with the effective user ID of the file

owner, i.e. root

Examples? Why would we want that?

12S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Access Matrix




F1 F2 F3 Laserprinter D1 D2 D3 D4




D4 readwrite






switch switch

13S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Access Control Lists and Capability Lists

An access control list is a column in the access matrix, i.e. it for each object it specifies <process, rights>

A capability list is a row in the access matrix, i.e. for each domain it specifies <object, rights>

14S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Who Ensures Protection?

OSCompilers (does not compile code that contains I/O

operations for example)Language (Java for example)

15S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


Can be regarded as protection from external threats, from the environment

Resources to be protected from unauthorised access, malicious destruction, accidental introduction of inconsistencies

16S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Types of Attacks

Theft of informationUnauthorised modification of dataUnlawful use (spam, launching malicious attacks)Preventing legitimate use (denial of service)

17S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Breaking In

Physically (break into computer room, destroy the computers, install sniffing devices, etc.)

Human (log in as someone else, root preferably)Network (intercept/modify data circulating on the net, send

data as coming from a legitimate source, launch data flood for (distributed) denial of service attacks)

OS (exploit bugs in server software such that they will execute provided malicious code)

18S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


Physical attacks: lock the doors Human

Choose difficult to guess passwordsProtect the passwords

19S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Password Protection

# passwd john

Changing password for john

New password:

Retype password:

Plain text password: ev@hvtB

Library function crypt

Encrypted password stored in /etc/passwd: d6649MpokpY0.

20S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Password Protection

telnet remote

User: john

Password: ev@hvtB

crypt gives a one-way encryption, i.e. it is very difficult to obtain the original from the encrypted form




/etc/passwd: d6649MpokpY0.


21S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


User1Serveror user2


What happens in the case of telnet?

22S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


Never telnet! Always ssh!One-way encryption would not helpSymmetric keys and asymmetric keys cryptography


Same key used for both encryption and decryptionHow do we transport the key to the other end over an

untrustworthy channel?Asymmetric:

Different keys

23S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Public/Private Key Systems

Each user has two keys, a public and a private one It is very difficult to calculate the private key when only the

corresponding public key is known (very difficult = years of trying on supercomputers)

Public/Private key systems are computationally more complex than symmetric key approaches

24S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Public/Private Keys

What is encrypted with the public key can be decrypted only by the private keyAlice everybody the public key. Bob writes her a

message and encrypts it with Alice’s public key. Only Alice may read the message because only she has the private key

25S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Digital Signatures

What is encrypted with private key can be decrypted only by the public keyAlice computes a hash of a message (the so-called

message digest), then she encrypts the digest with her private key, and appends the encrypted digest to the plain text message

Everybody having Alice’s public key may decrypt the message digest, and compute it from the original plain-text message. If the decrypted and computed digests are identical, they are sure thatAlice wrote the messageNobody changed the message on the way

26S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Ssh with Password Authentication

Server sends its public keyUser sends a symmetric session key encrypted with the

server’s public key. Only the real server may decrypt it.From then on, the symmetric key is used for

communicationThe password does not traverse the network in plain text!

27S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


User1Serveror user2


Does ssh with password authentication protect in this case?

Passwords may be read by a corrupted ssh server

28S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security




Can a malicious user read the password?

Serveror user2

Yes, if the client has no previous knowledge of the real public key of the server

29S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security




Can a malicious user read the password?

Serveror user2

Serveror user2


30S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Ssh with Public/Private Key Authentication

A secure channel (encrypted by a symmetric key) is established like in the password authentication scheme

Next, the server sends a challenge encrypted with the user’s public key

The legitimate user is the only one to be able to decrypt the challenge

The response to the challenge is sent back, and if they match, the user is authenticated

31S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


User1Serveror user2


Even if the server is corrupted, no passwords are sent

32S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security




Can users be duped to think that they connect to the real server?

Serveror user2

Yes, if the client has no previous knowledge of the real public key of the server, but no password is sniffed

33S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


How can users know that the public key they get from a server is the public key of the real server?

By means of certificatesAn authority, the CA (certificate authority), signs the public

key of the real server with the private key of the CAEverybody may decrypt the signature and read the public

key of the real serverBut nobody may forge the public key of the real server

because they do not have access to the CA’s private key in order to issue a new certificate for the forged key

34S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Program Threats

Trojan horsesTrap doorsExploits

35S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Trojan Horses

Use of a program that is believed to do something, but in addition it does something else

E.g.: Emulate a login screen, an ssh server, etc., log typed keys, read system files and email them, etc.

Protection:Do not execute untrusted codeDo not put the current directory (the dot ‘.’) in your

search path

36S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Trap Doors

Doors left open by the programmerE.g.:

if (uid == sorma)




Easy to spot if we have access to the source code of system programs and/or OS

Difficult to spot if they are very clever, for example the trap is not in the source of the program but in the source of the compiler that compiles the program!

37S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


Stack and buffer overflows


char s[BUF_MAX];

fgets(s, BUF_MAX, stdin);Unsafe:

char s[BUF_MAX];

gets(s);What if one introduces a string that is longer than

BUF_MAX? Those characters will overwrite code. What if the extra characters typed are themselves code?

38S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

System Threats

VirusesCode appended to legitimate programs

WormsStand-alone programs

39S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Denial of Service

Do not gain informationDisable legitimate usersVery difficult if not impossible to counter

40S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


Software program or hardware device that controls connections to and from a network

41S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Intrusion Detection

Various axes of detection:Detection in real-time or post-factumTypes of inputs analysed: shell commands, system

calls, network packet headers, server log filesResponse: alarm, kill process, set a trap

42S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Intrusion Detection

Signature based. Based on characteristics of abnormalitySpecific behaviour patterns.

E.g.: Anti-virus, fishing for strings such as /etc/passwd in network packets, etc.

Identifies known attacksAnomaly detection. Based on characteristics of normality

Monitoring if the system deviates from “normal” operation. Anomalous login time, anomalous shell commands, etc.

Identifies previously unknown attacks

43S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

False Alarms

(2 intrusions/day x 10 records/intrusion) / 1 milion records/day = 0.00002 = P(I) = probability of an intrusion

An intrusion detection system has to maximise P(I | A) and P(not I | not A) (probability to have an intrusion given that we got an alarm and probability of no intrusion given that no alarm rang)

Let us assume that P(A | I) = 0.8 (probability of ringing an alarm given that an intrusion occurs)

Let us assume that P(A | not I) = 0.0001 (probability of ringing an alarm given that no intrusion occurs)

We get P(I | A) = 0.14.That is very low! 6 out of 7 alarms are false!

44S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Auditing and Logging

Monitoring system callsKeeping log files and regularly checking themMonitoring important directories and executable files for

change, deletions, etc.Keeping CRC of important executables on read-only

supports and comparing with computed CRCsMount /usr read-only!Mount /tmp no-exec and no-suid!Let /home be a separate partition from /Make /home no-suid

45S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security


ProtectionProtection DomainsAccess matrix, access control lists, capability lists

SecurityTypes of attacksPassword protectionCryptographyTrojans, exploits, worms, viruses Intrusion detectionLogging

46S. Manolache, Process programming and operating systems, Security

Course Summary

1. What is an operating system? What are its functions? Basics of computer architectures. (Part I of the textbook)

2. Processes, threads, schedulers (Part II , chap. IV-VI)

3. Synchronisation (Part II, chap. VII)

4. Primary memory management. (Part III, chap. IX, X)

5. File systems and secondary memory management (Part III, chap. XI, XII, Part IV)

6. Security (Part VI)