security training matrix tug training ... - mitags-pmi · demonstrate conducting physical searches...

THE LEADERS IN MARITIME TRAINING MARITIME INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND GRADUATE STUDIES 692 MARITIME BOULEVARD, LINTHICUM, MARYLAND 21090 (410) 859-5700 | ADMISSIONS TOLL-FREE: (866) 656-5568 WEBSITE: WWW.MITAGS.ORG PACIFIC MARITIME INSTITUTE 1729 ALASKAN WAY SOUTH, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON 98134 (206) 441-2880 | TOLL-FREE: (888) 893-7829 WEBSITE: WWW.MATES.ORG MITAGS is internationally certified as a Maritime Training & Simulation Centre by Det Norske Veritas r121610 SECURITY TRAINING MATRIX 2011 2011 Security Training Courses Many courses can be taught at offsite locations or onboard. Custom programs are also available. Courses without dates are on-demand. The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS) has developed specific training programs to assist shipboard, company, and facility personnel in meeting the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) Regulations, the International Ship and Port Facilities Code (ISPS), and the Standards of Certi- fication of Watchkeeping Code (STCW95). Each of these training programs is the direct result of thorough research and input from recognized industry experts. SECURITY OFFICER: VESSEL, COMPANY, AND FACILITY (SEC-VCF) Duration: 3-days MITAGS PMI Mar 14–16, Feb 8–10 May 9–11, April 11–13 July 25–27 July 19–21 Nov 7–9 Oct 18–20 Tuition: $900 This 3 day, 21 hour course of instruction is designed to provide instruction and proficiency in compliance with the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code and U.S. Coast Guard regulations contained in 33 CFR Chapter I Subchapter H for Vessel, Company and Facility Security Officers (VSO/CSO/FSO). And to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-VI/5 of the STCW Code and the mandatory training requirements in 33 CFR Part 104. Describe recommended practices and procedures listed in current national and international regulations and policies pertaining to port and ship security. Develop a risk analysis based on available threat analysis, intelligence information, and national regulations and policies. Identify characteristics and behavior patterns of persons that may be likely to commit unlawful acts. Recognize and detect weapons, dangerous substances, and devices. Identify common crowd behaviors. Develop and implement a port facility and vessel security plan. Demonstrate the elements of a security assessment and propose modifications to the existing security plan. Demonstrate conducting physical searches of compartments, baggage, and persons. Identify the basic principles for implementing an incident command system. Describe plans for managing ongoing threats; including theft, piracy, and hijacking. Identify types of security equipment, its usage, and its maintenance. Describe effective instructional techniques for training the crew and employees regarding ship security and port facilities. Pre-requisite: Shipboard and/or port operational experience is preferred for individuals attending SECURITY TRAINING MATRIX

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S E C U R I T Y T R A I N I N G M A T R I x

maritime institute of technology and graduate studies692 maritime Boulevard, linthicum, maryland 21090(410) 859-5700 | admissions toll-free: (866) 656-5568WeBsite:

pacific maritime institute1729 alaskan Way south, seattle, Washington 98134(206) 441-2880 | toll-free: (888) 893-7829WeBsite:

MITAGS is internationally certified as a Maritime Training & Simulation Centre

by Det Norske Veritas



MATRIx 2011

2011 security training coursesMany courses can be taught at offsite locations

or onboard. Custom programs are also available. Courses without dates are on-demand.

The Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS) has developed specific training programs to assist shipboard, company, and facility personnel in meeting the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) Regulations, the International Ship and Port Facilities Code (ISPS), and the Standards of Certi-fication of Watchkeeping Code (STCW95). Each of these training programs is the direct result of thorough research and input from recognized industry experts.


Duration: 3-days MITAGS PMI Mar 14–16, Feb 8–10 May 9–11, April 11–13 July 25–27 July 19–21 Nov 7–9 Oct 18–20

Tuition: $900

This 3 day, 21 hour course of instruction is designed to provide instruction and proficiency in compliance with the International Ship and Port Security (ISPS) Code and U.S. Coast Guard regulations contained in 33 CFR Chapter I Subchapter H for Vessel, Company and Facility Security Officers (VSO/CSO/FSO). And to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-VI/5 of the STCW Code and the mandatory training requirements in 33 CFR Part 104.

Describe recommended practices and procedures listed in current national and international regulations ■■

and policies pertaining to port and ship security.Develop a risk analysis based on available threat analysis, intelligence information, and national■■

regulations and policies.■■

Identify characteristics and behavior patterns of persons that may be likely to commit unlawful acts.■■

Recognize and detect weapons, dangerous substances, and devices.■■

Identify common crowd behaviors.■■

Develop and implement a port facility and vessel security plan.■■

Demonstrate the elements of a security assessment and propose modifications to the existing ■■

security plan.Demonstrate conducting physical searches of compartments, baggage, and persons.■■

Identify the basic principles for implementing an incident command system.■■

Describe plans for managing ongoing threats; including theft, piracy, and hijacking.■■

Identify types of security equipment, its usage, and its maintenance.■■

Describe effective instructional techniques for training the crew and employees regarding ship ■■

security and port facilities.Pre-requisite: Shipboard and/or port operational experience is preferred for individuals attending

S E C U R I T Y T R A I N I N G M A T R I x

maritime institute of technology and graduate studies692 maritime Boulevard, linthicum, maryland 21090(410) 859-5700 | admissions toll-free: (866) 656-5568WeBsite:

pacific maritime institute1729 alaskan Way south, seattle, Washington 98134(206) 441-2880 | toll-free: (888) 893-7829WeBsite:

MITAGS is internationally certified as a Maritime Training & Simulation Centre

by Det Norske Veritas



S E C U R I T Y T R A I N I N G M A T R I x



Duration: 2-days MITAGS PMI By Request Jan 31–Feb 1 “ June 2–3 “ July 7–8

Tuition: $775

This 2 day, 18 hour course of instruction is designed to provide instruction and proficiency required for person-nel who are assigned responsibilities Vessel Security Officer (VSO) to perform their duties in accordance with the requirements of the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS 74 as amended, the IMO ISPS Code, and U.S. Coast Guard regulations contained in 33 CFR Chapter I Subchapter H. The course aim is also to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge, understanding and proficiency in Table A-VI/5 of the STCW Code and the mandatory training requirements in 33 CFR Part 104.Pre-requisite: None.


Duration: 2-days MITAGS PMI By Request By Request

This two-day course focuses on the responsibilities of the Facility Security Officer (FSO) as outlined bythe International Ship and Port Facilities Security (ISPS) Code, the Maritime Transportation SecurityAct (MTSA), and applicable U.S. Coast Guard and Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) policies. Attendeesare provided with a CD-ROM that contains practical training exercises and information that canbe used in the development of training, drills, and exercises. This course can be presented at anyoffsite customer-specified location that has training facilities.Pre-requisite: None.


(SEC-fAC)Duration: 4-hours

MITAGS PMI By Request By Request

This four-hour seminar has been designed for facility personnel that do not have specific security duties as outlined by 33 CFR, Part 105.215, “Security Training for all Other Personnel.” Elements included in the program are as follows:

Relevant provisions of the Facility Security Plan (FSP).■■

The meaning and consequential requirements of the different Maritime Security (MARSEC) levels as ■■

they apply to the facility; including emergencies, contingency procedures, and contacts.Recognition and detection of dangerous substances and devices.■■

Techniques used to circumvent security measures.■■

Access Control (facility, ship, and personal identification requirements).■■

Recognition of characteristics and behavioral patterns of persons that may be likely to threaten security.■■

Pre-requisite: None.


Duration: 4-hours MITAGS PMI By Request By Request

In this seminar, maritime pilots are led through an examination of the history of terrorism and theterminology critical to understanding and coping with potential terrorist acts. Terrorist practices arediscussed, with a focus on situations that maritime pilots may encounter in the performance of theirdaily duties. Pro-active and reactive courses of action are suggested, as well as relatively simplemeans of changing day-to-day routines to reduce vulnerability. Informational sources are identifiedand reporting responsibilities are also addressed throughout this course of instruction.Pre-requisite: None.

maritime institute of technology and graduate studies692 maritime Boulevard, linthicum, maryland 21090(410) 859-5700 | admissions toll-free: (866) 656-5568WeBsite:

pacific maritime institute1729 alaskan Way south, seattle, Washington 98134(206) 441-2880 | toll-free: (888) 893-7829WeBsite:

MITAGS is internationally certified as a Maritime Training & Simulation Centre

by Det Norske Veritas



S E C U R I T Y T R A I N I N G M A T R I x

companion coursesCONTINGENCY pLANNING

wORkSHOp (CONT-pLNG-wkSHp)Duration: 1-day

MITAGS PMI Mar 17 By Request Nov 10 “

Tuition: $450

This one-day workshop will introduce attendees to the concepts of contingency planning and emergency management using the NFPA 1600 standard for disaster/emergency management and Business Continuity Workshops. A candidate successfully completing the program will be able to complete the following:

List the steps in the Emergency Management Process.■■

Describe methods to mitigate potential risks.■■

List the components of preparedness; including planning, coordination with other agencies,■■

training, and drills.■■

Describe appropriate action when responding to an emergency.■■

Describe considerations in the recovery process.■■

Pre-requisite: None.


Duration: 1-day MITAGS PMI May 13 By Request July 28 “ Nov 11 “

Tuition: $450

This one-day workshop is specifically designed to give attendees the basic knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for interaction with the news media during and after a crisis. The program is a “hands-on” work-shop. All attendees will be expected to participate in videotaped mock interviews.Pre-requisite: None.


Duration: Evening Seminar MITAGS PMI By Request By Request

Tuition: $450

This seminar presents the information necessary to satisfy the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) 49 CFR, Part 172. It also satisfies the three year recurrent training requirement detailed under Subpart H, Part 172.704.Pre-requisite: None.


S E C U R I T Y T R A I N I N G M A T R I x


TRAINING (MSC-CBRD-1)Duration: 1-day

MITAGS PMI Aug 12 By Request June 10 “

Tuition: $450

This one-day course, certified as meeting Military Sealift Command (MSC) requirements, is specificallydesigned to inform personnel of the hazards associated with weapons of mass destruction. Students will learn how to best protect themselves and their ship from these hazards and what their own or shared responsibili-ties are in a chemical, biological, and/or radiological (CBR) environment.Pre-requisite: None.


Duration: 1 day MITAGS PMI Mar 18 June 14 June 8 Sept 16 July 27 Oct 28 Oct 19 Nov 9

Tuition: $325

This one-day program will assist the attendee to understand how medications, certain sleep patterns, and sleep disorders can decrease their effectiveness or even potentially increase the risk of errors during transits. Basic information on sleep and fatigue and mitigation strategies will be presented. Participants will also review the effects of some prescription and common over-the-counter medications on piloting performance, alertness and fatigue. Additionally, positive and negative utilization of caffeine and energy drinks will be discussed.Pre-requisite: None.

DAMAGE CONTROL (MSC-DC)Duration: 4-evenings

MITAGS PMI June 6-9 (Evening) By Request Aug 8–11 “ Oct 3–6 “

Tuition: $780

This two-day course is composed of a classroom phase, followed by a practical application phase. The class-room sessions cover damage control investigation, communication, shoring, pipe-patching, bulkhead plugging, and de-watering. The information learned during the classroom sessions is then reinforced in the application phase. During the application phase, attendees perform as members of a damage control team to combat vari-ous types of shipboard damage, other than fire. The MITAGS course has been certified by the Military Sealift Command (MSC) as meeting the MSC damage control standards and content requirements. Attendees should bring clothing appropriate for working in a dirty, wet environment.Pre-requisite: None.


MITAGS PMI Mar 14–17 By Request June 6–9 “ Aug 8–11 “ Oct 3–6 “ Nov 14–17 “

Tuition: $325

This four-day program is specifically designed to provide mariners, who are destined for service on Depart-ment of Defense (DOD) contracted vessels, with the skills and knowledge necessary for safe and efficient gun handling techniques. Proper mindset and the use of “deadly force” is also examined and discussed in depth. Attendees in this program are given the opportunity to qualify with live fire on three weapons; the pistol, rifle, and shotgun. Two days are spent on an outdoor range, so attendees should bring appropriate seasonal cloth-ing and rain gear. Note this course is restricted to mariners working for Military Sealift Command or by the request of your company. Background checks may be required.Pre-requisite: None.


To enroll Contact MITAGS Contact pMI


Toll Free Tel:Fax:

[email protected]

[email protected]

maritime institute of technology and graduate studies692 maritime Boulevard, linthicum, maryland 21090(410) 859-5700 | admissions toll-free: (866) 656-5568WeBsite:

pacific maritime institute1729 alaskan Way south, seattle, Washington 98134(206) 441-2880 | toll-free: (888) 893-7829WeBsite:

MITAGS is internationally certified as a Maritime Training & Simulation Centre

by Det Norske Veritas
