seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules...

Why no marketing campaign succeeds without an insight DEFINE DEVELOP DISCOVER DELIVER 1 2 3 4 Seduce anyone in 4 sinple steps

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Page 1: Seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we: • Need to

Why no marketing campaign succeeds without an insight





1 2


Seduceanyonein 4 sinple steps

Page 2: Seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we: • Need to


don’t you?

seduce one anotherYou know the health of the global economy is dependent on our ability to

A recent study by Microsoft shows that our ability to focus,

even when turned onto something, has fallen

from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2016












US China Japan Germany UK IndiaUS$ Tn

don’t you?

do it quicklytoo

And you know that we need to be able to

Page 3: Seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we: • Need to

Numerous studies on the brain’s reward centre, the striatum, show that the instinctive connection between us taking action and the primeval desire for a positive outcome are much closer than previously thought.

Archy de Berker and his Canadian colleagues from Element AI in a recent study found it is, in fact, a bit like an on/off switch. When uncertainty reaches 50% our stress peaks. We prefer the certainty of reward and have little tolerance if we do not selfishly detect a positive outcome.

The French know all this for sure – it is all so obvious to them. They’ve adapted. However, we suspect the French are happy to allow the rest of the world to blunder on unaware as they themselves gain competitive edge. With interpersonal skills that ensure their ability to persuade comes second to none, our French marketing and communication colleagues have an advantage.

If only we could all persuade in the manner that the French do, then we’d all benefit from a heightened sense of self-worth and commercial gain.

Let’s be honest, the seduction techniques many organisations employ, including yours perhaps, lack finesse. How often do you launch a campaign with your fingers crossed not really sure that you’ve found your audience’s sweet spot?

It might alarm you to know it doesn’t have to be like this. You don’t need to commit to risking spending a precious chunk of budget, energy and time only to then worry that the subject of your seduction will quickly turn a cold shoulder, leaving your self-esteem diminished and your career progression to fickle fate. You could be launching a campaign in the certain knowledge that you can rapidly make your target audience swoon and your peers flirt with appreciation.


“It is basically making contact with the other person and talking about or sharing what you have in common. Deciding what you have in common and then developing it.”

In her book ‘How the French play the game of life’

Elaine Sciolino, the Paris Bureau Chief for the New

York Times, defines the ability to seduce as: to

tantalise, use affection, charm on the offensive:

Page 4: Seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we: • Need to

So, before we reveal the four simple steps that will enable you to seduce your target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we:

• Need to discover something meaningful about our audience by actively asking open questions, by being genuinely interested.

• Surprise them with how considerate we’ve been, having discovered something meaningful and suggest how we might change things for them for the better. How will we add value?

• Retain a little mystery. The belief that there is more to come will hold their attention. You know the golden rule that the French employ – never reveal all if you want them to continue being your lover. (If you’re in the habit of launching campaigns with every feature and benefit in them I’d suggest you immediately bin them. If you’re also in the habit of being totally naked in front of your lover – stop doing that as well. It’s one and the same thing – a little mystery goes a long way.)

Seek findings

We have more ears than mouths so listen and acknowledge what you’ve heard.

Excite and engageString it out for as long as possible for as much (commercial) gain as possible.

So, as you can see, we’re talking about the importance of insight. You can summarise the three points above as:

Develop insightsWe’ve all got highly developed bullshit detectors so we know if someone isn’t genuinely considerate of us.


Page 5: Seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we: • Need to

In support of this it is worth taking in to consideration a study from the University College London that shows how being dependent on mobile and screen-based communication is changing our cognition. UCLA professor of psychiatry, Gary Small, studied brain activity in focused web surfers versus the more casual web surfer. The study showed that when Internet surfing, the brain activity of the focused users was far more extensive than that of the casual surfer, particularly in areas of the pre-frontal cortex associated with problem-solving and decision making.

You earn someone’s focus by bringing an insight to their attention and you have to do it quickly.

The faster a relevant insight makes itself apparent the better. Our target audiences do not want to work or spend unnecessary time finding the relevant value for themselves. So, if we don’t have that seductive insight upfront then we probably won’t earn their attention for very long.

From 53,573 page views taken from

various users, 17% of the views lasted less

than 4 seconds while 4% lasted more than

10 minutes. Regarding page content, users

will only read 49% of a site that contains 111 words or fewer, while users will opt to read

28% of an average website (approximately

593 words). For each additional 100 words

on a site, users will spend 4.4 seconds longer on the site.

VIEWING TIME <4 seconds >10 mins


17% 4%

+4.4 seconds per additional 100 words


111 word site


593 word site(average website)



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The adoption curve

Brand lifecycle2.5% 13%




InnovatorsEarly adopters

Early majority

Late majority


This segment is the easiest to win because innovators like new things

They always get it, not difficult

These people areinterested in why something is being sold. It has to resonatewith their own values

Will only follow Early adopter’s lead

Persuade the people to the left of this line of the value of your offering and you win over the people on the right

Very difficultbut critical asmost influential

The adoption curve


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Now that we’ve established the ground rules let’s practise our seduction technique. Let’s employ some process that will ensure you’re not risking spending a precious chunk of budget, energy and time when you next endeavour to win sales or increase market share.

The 4Ds process


Content Design



Who are our audience?How will we win share-of-mind?What is our brand all about?What space in our market can we own?What is our purpose?

PositioningValue propositionDeveloping the storyWinning a share-of-mindCommunication strategyTactical planMedia plan

Outline and scope of content as a page plan or outlineSource all required information and referencesWrite first draftSubmit for discussion

Using headings and sample of content develop three routes using direction established Submit for discussionChoose one routeIdentify and source any third party suppliers including developers, illustrators,

Finalise making full use of chosen media. Walk client through final artwork , website, campaign, edit or programmeCollate all final comments


Competitors, target audience, auditing current communications


Quantitative and/or qualitativeFulfilment of objectives or return on investment


Scamps or moodboardsIdentify campaign directionTop line messages derived from brand platform

What are our objectives?Guidelines/existing assets?Tone & styleChannels


Stakeholders, Budget, Timeline/schedule, Payment terms


Submit for sign off


Further to discussion write first full draftIdentifying any remaining missing content information or referencesSubmit for comment


Edit and add any missing content Submit for sign off


Market test messaging


Market test design



Confirm supplier brief and commission any third party suppliers including developers, illustrators, photographersSubmit for sign off


Collate all comments and then use assets to develop one route


Layout all content for relevant media, print, digital and screenSubmit for sign off



Final amendsTest and reviewSubmit for sign off


Check schedules and agree dates


Agree key dates to measure outcomes


1 Define2 Develop3 Deliver4


Page 8: Seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we: • Need to

Stage one Discover People are icebergs. The critical bit is invisible, under the water line. Ignore it at your peril unless you are prepared for your campaign to resemble the intrepid voyage made by the Titanic.

Use open questions and bear Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in mind when unearthing truths about your target audience. Remember we live in an age when people’s need to belong or build their self-esteem is often the key to winning their attention.

Also remember, just as when someone is seeking a lover, sometimes the best intelligence is found by asking around. Perhaps the latent knowledge held by your sales force and other marketing and communication colleagues will not only save you budget but be the most expedient means of capturing those findings.

In 2018, according to the IPA, marketing and media budgets fell by a net 8.6% compared to previous years. Which is why we often deploy ‘Persona-based workshops’ on behalf of our clients, saving precious budget and making the most of latent knowledge. To minimise risk only move on from this stage when you’re absolutely sure of the findings. Flirt a little by testing the findings in the market.





Individual paradigmsIndividual paradigms

Specific beliefs

Specific beliefs


Cultural paradigmsCultural

paradigms Assumptions/projections


Protection patterns

Protection patterns

Need for belongingNeed for belonging

Loyalty to parents

Loyalty to parents Fears of failure/

fears of successFears of failure/fears of success

Sense of self-worthSense of self-worth

Basic-identity beliefsBasic-identity beliefs

EmotionsEmotions IntuitionIntuition

The Iceberg change model

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Stage two DefineThe best seductions use imagination. What can you do for this persona that they’ve not even imagined for themselves?

How can you show you’ve carefully considered them, their challenges and opportunities?

Why are you relevant to their future?

This is the critical bit. No campaign succeeds without an insight. No one falls for a new lover unless they’re pleasantly surprised by their intuition and insight.

To minimise risk only move on from this stage when you’re absolutely sure of the insight. Flirt some more by testing the insight in the market.

Page 10: Seduceanyone - · target audience let’s look at the basic ground rules essential for seduction. It’s about making a meaningful connection so we: • Need to

Stage three DevelopWe all want a dialogue. We want to be acknowledged and valued. A great campaign builds a dialogue.

We’ve told you before, whatever you do: don’t take all your clothes off at once. A slow strip will keep them coming back for more. A good campaign is singular. You’re trying to win a share of mind with people who have very crowded heads. Aim for one single-net-impression and slowly campaign it repeating the insight that has made you so attractive in the first place over and over.

To minimise risk only move on from this stage when you’re absolutely sure of the ideas. A subtle proposition to a sample of the market to test how receptive they are.


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Stage four DeliverRoses delivered to someone at work as the office opens will raise a smile and improve their day but they’ll have wilted by the time your subject goes home. Roses delivered at lunchtime will cause a stir and curiosity amongst your subject’s colleagues and they’ll still be fairly fresh at home time.

Timing and medium are critical.

So as you can see no campaign succeeds without an insight. If nothing else turns you on you should know the global economy is dependent on our ability to seduce one another.

If only we could all persuade in the manner that the French do, then we’d all benefit from a heightened sense of self-worth and commercial gain.


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Reference and citation:Computations of uncertainty mediate acute stress responses in humansArchy O. de Berker, Robb B. Rutledge, Christoph Mathys, Louise Marshall, Gemma F. Cross, Raymond J. Dolan & Sven BestmannNature Communications volume 7, Article number: 10996 (2016) © Page and Page 2018

020 8617 8250 • [email protected] •