see tomorrow, today.. acnielsen bases background what is bases? introduction to the job why...

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Page 1: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

See tomorrow, today.See tomorrow, today.

Page 2: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

ACNielsen BASES BackgroundACNielsen BASES Background

What is BASES?What is BASES?

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the Job

Why ACNielsen BASES?Why ACNielsen BASES?

ACNielsen BASES BackgroundACNielsen BASES Background

What is BASES?What is BASES?

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the Job

Why ACNielsen BASES?Why ACNielsen BASES?

Presentation AgendaPresentation AgendaPresentation AgendaPresentation Agenda

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES




BackgroundACNielsen BASES




Page 4: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

• ACNielsen BASES, an operating unit of the ACNielsen Corporation (an operating unit of VNU), is one of the world’s foremost marketing research and consulting firms.

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

is the worldwide leader in the worldwide leader in ...

• Simulated Test Marketing

• New Product Evaluation

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

offers services which combine ...offers services which combine ...

• Consulting

• Data collection/reporting

• Proprietary market simulation models

• Unparalleled marketing knowledge

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

… has the nation’s leading clientshas the nation’s leading clients … has the nation’s leading clientshas the nation’s leading clients

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Europe, Middle Eastand Africa

North America

AsiaLatin America

… locates close to our clients

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Corporate Headquarters-

Cincinnati, OH

Corporate Headquarters-

Cincinnati, OH

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Corporate Headquarters-Cincinnati, OHCorporate Headquarters-Cincinnati, OH

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

in the Market in the Market Research Research Industry Industry

in the Market in the Market Research Research Industry Industry

……and remains a global leader ……and remains a global leader

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

……and we’re growing!and we’re growing!……and we’re growing!and we’re growing!

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

C in c in n a ti, O H

C h icag o , IL

P a rs ip p an y, NJ

W estp o rt, CT


B u e no s A iresA rg e n tina

M ex ico C ity,M ex ico

S ã o P a u lo,B ra z il


O xfo rd,E n g land

B ru sse ls , B e lg ium

P a ris ,F ran ce

Q u a rry B a y,H o n g K ong

S yd n e y,A u stra lia

E M E A /A s ia P a c ific

C in c in n a ti, O H

O xfo rd , E n g la nd

W avre , B e lg ium

P & G G lo b a lC lie n t S e rv ice G ro up

D a ta C o lle c tion(C A P I)

A g e ncyS e rv ice s

T ab ula tionS e rv ice s

D o cum e ntP ro cess ing

S a m p leA d m in is tra tion

D a taP ro cess ing

A p p lica tio nsD e ve lo p m e nt

In fo rm a tionT ech no lo gy

S yste m s

D ia g no sticC o n su lting

M od elD e ve lo p m e nt

F ie ld S e rv ices(M a ll, e -P a n e l &

In tl.)

K n o w le dgeM an a ge m e nt

R e sea rch &D e ve lo p m e nt

C o d ing

M a il, S u pp ly& R ece p tion

P M & D

F ina n ce

B u s in e ss A n a lys is& P la n n ing

H u m an Re so u rces

A d m in is tra tion


Page 14: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ Business

– Facilitates and manages data collection and processing

– Conducts complex diagnostic analyses – Develops analytical models and tools– Enhances corporate systems and infrastructure

The Project Management & Development Division

The Project Management & Development Division

Page 15: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Client Service DivisionClient Service Division

• Identify client needs for certain concept and product research

• Propose and design studies

• Analyze & interpret data

• Client interaction

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ Business

Page 16: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

What is BASES?

What is BASES?

What is BASES?

What is BASES?

Page 17: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES is...BASES is...BASES is...BASES is...

A comprehensive, validated sales estimating system which integrates consumer response data with manufacturers’ marketing plans to assess the volumetric potential of concepts and products prior to introduction.

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES is the predominant Simulated Test Market supplier with 80% market share in the U.S. and

65% market share globally.


All Others Combined



All Others Combined










Page 19: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Mission StatementMission Statement

Provide our customers with the highest value services to help evaluate their business opportunities as a means of providing our employees the opportunity to grow professionally and financially and providing our shareholders with a strong return on investment

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ Business

• Facilitates decision making by:

– Testing concepts and products

– Forecasting sales volume & revenue

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES Adds ValueBASES Adds ValueBASES Adds ValueBASES Adds Value• Launching a new product involves a substantial

investment. ACNielsen BASES provides:

– early sales potential before costly product development

– reasonableness of the new product investment

– objective perspective on the new product

– reduction of risk for our clients

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ Business BASES’ BusinessBASES’ Business

• A brand team at FJ International develops a new concept they would like to test.

• Depending on the stage of development, the product may also be available for testing.


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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessBASES’ Business

• Market researcher at FJ International contacts BASES about testing the proposition.


• The BASES client service team designs and plans the study working with FJ to meet their business needs.

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustratedBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustrated

• BASES interviews consumers via shopping malls, the internet, or by mail throughout the U.S. and exposes them to the new breakfast concept.

• Consumers are asked a series of questions about the concept.

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If you are like most people today, you don’t have time to cook a large breakfast in the morning. Now with new FlapJacks on the GO!!! you just add water and in minutes you’ll have a complete, wholesome breakfast.

Available in:Strawberry $2.49Blueberry $2.49Mango $2.49

Makes up to 10 servings

New Flapjacks on the Go!!!!New Flapjacks on the Go!!!!

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustratedBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustrated

• If available, the product is given to consumers

• Consumers try the new product at home and are interviewed via telephone or over the internet a few weeks later

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustratedBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustrated

• Scores are compared, using our extensive database.

• Our database includes:• 12,000 concepts and 3,900 products• Scores differing by category. • Example: 10% of consumers stating “definitely

would buy” is good for a rug cleaner but poor for a cookie.

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustratedBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustrated

• The market researcher and brand group provide BASES with marketing plans for the proposition.

– Amount & type of advertising

– Distribution

– Sampling

– Couponing

– Trade promotion

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustratedBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustrated

• BASES combines the consumer data with the marketing plan inputs to forecast the sales in the first year of introduction.

This stuff is going to sell like

hot cakes!!!

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustratedBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustrated

• BASES provides an accurate forecast of Year I sales in a written letter and final report.

• The report also includes a full analysis of the concept and/or product.

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

BASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustratedBASES’ BusinessBASES’ BusinessIllustrated

• The results are then presented to the client team, which may include:– Chief executives– Brand managers– Market researchers– Advertisers– Sales force

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES



to the Jobto the JobIntroduction


to the Jobto the Job

Page 33: See tomorrow, today.. ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES? Introduction to the Job Why ACNielsen BASES? ACNielsen BASES Background What is BASES?

©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Analyses/ForecastsReports/PresentationsClient Service/SupportProject Management

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobMarketing Research Analyst’s ProfileMarketing Research Analyst’s Profile

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

• Analyses/ForecastsConstruct analytical planAnalyze marketing programsForecast sales volumeEvaluate in-market potential

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobMarketing Research Analyst’s Profile Marketing Research Analyst’s Profile

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

• Reports/PresentationsWrite client reports

Analyze consumer dataIncorporate key findingsCompare to BASES’ experience and learning

Draft presentations

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobMarketing Research Analyst’s Profile Marketing Research Analyst’s Profile

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

• Client service/SupportDiscuss project issuesAttend client meetingsWrite client correspondence

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the Job Marketing Research Analyst’s Profile Marketing Research Analyst’s Profile

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

• Project ManagementGive input on project materials

QuestionnairesConcept boards

Monitor study status

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobMarketing Research Analyst’s Profile Marketing Research Analyst’s Profile

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Introduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the JobIntroduction to the Job

• ACNielsen BASES looks for Research Analyst candidates with high quality:Oral/written skillsInterpersonal skillsAnalytical/statistical skillsAcademic standing

Marketing Research Analyst’s Profile Marketing Research Analyst’s Profile

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Why ACNielsen

Why ACNielsen


Why ACNielsen

Why ACNielsen


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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

• Client Focused

• Integrity and Honesty

• Commitment to Learning and R&D

• “Always doing what is right”– For our clients– For our employees– For our community

Success is a result of the company’s culture and values

Success is a result of the company’s culture and values

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

• Professional growth

• Advancement opportunities

• Financial rewards

• Individual recognition

recognizes achievement with... recognizes achievement with...

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Account Management Career PathAccount Management Career Path

Director, Client Service

Manager, Client Service

Associate Manager, Client Service

Research Analyst

Senior Research Analyst

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Growth OpportunitiesGrowth OpportunitiesGrowth OpportunitiesGrowth Opportunities

• Account Management– Design research studies

– Coordinate study progress

– Review forecasts and reports

– Conduct client presentations

– Consult on marketing issues

• Staff Management

• Financial Management

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Beyond the BasicsBeyond the BasicsBeyond the BasicsBeyond the Basics

• Constant Challenge – Dynamic, new concepts/products

• Impact– Our recommendations often determine

what consumers find on the shelf

• Continuous learning

• Positive culture

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

We have a Great Team of We have a Great Team of Employees!Employees!

We have a Great Team of We have a Great Team of Employees!Employees!

• Casual, friendly atmosphere

• Outstanding colleagues

• Supportive management

• A universal focus on results

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Finding time for fun! Finding time for fun!

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©ACNielsen BASES©ACNielsen BASES

Finding time for fun! Finding time for fun!

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