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vol. 32 June 2014 The Seed Consultant A BI-MONTHLY NEWSLETTER NEWS AND VIEWS FROM THE FIELD 2014 WHEAT PROFITABILITY Start With Selecting the Best Variety Seed Consultants, Inc. 800-708-2676 Simply, the Best Value in the Seed Industry TM 2014 YIELD CONTESTS Both national and SCI rules and awards TROUBLESHOOTING CORN EMERGENCE ISSUES What to look for in early development Page 3 DOUBLE CROP SOYBEANS The right maturity and population Page 4 Page 5 Page 7 Help Your Corn Score Touchdowns! “How a corn plant develops” is a wonder of nature! We know that four or five leaves of the corn seedling come out of the ground while the growing point still remains below the ground. How is it possible then that the growing point “jumps to the top” and all those early leaves which came out first are below it when it finally makes an appearance above the ground. Most crop plants belong to either the Monocotyledon (Monocot) or the Dicotyledon (Dicot) family. At germination, if only one leaf emerges out of the ground, it belongs to the Monocot family of plants. If two leaves emerge, it belongs to the Dicot family. Corn, wheat, rice, oats and barley all belong to the Monocot or the “Grass” family, whereas, continued on page 2

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vol. 32 June 2014


A B I - M O N T H L Y N E W S L E T T E R N E W S A N D V I E W S F R O M T H E F I E L D

2014 WHEAT PROFITABILITYStart With Selecting the Best Variety

Seed Consultants, Inc. 800-708-2676

Simply, the Best Value in the Seed IndustryTM

2014 YIELD CONTESTSBoth national and SCI rules and awards

TROUBLESHOOTING CORN EMERGENCE ISSUESWhat to look for in early developmentPage 3

DOUBLE CROP SOYBEANSThe right maturity and population

Page 4

Page 5

Page 7

Help Your Corn Score Touchdowns! “How a corn plant develops” is a wonder of nature! We know that four or five leaves of the corn seedling come out of the ground while the growing point still remains below the ground. How is it possible then that the growing point “jumps to the top” and all those early leaves which came out first are below it when it finally makes an appearance above the ground.

Most crop plants belong to either the Monocotyledon (Monocot) or the Dicotyledon (Dicot) family. At germination, if only one leaf emerges out of the ground, it belongs to the Monocot family of plants. If two leaves emerge, it belongs to the Dicot family. Corn, wheat, rice, oats and barley all belong to the Monocot or the “Grass” family, whereas,

continued on page 2

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Help Your Corn... continued from page 1

soybeans, peas, alfalfa etc. belong to the Dicot family.

If the growing point of a Dicot plant gets destroyed, more growing points develop from the axils of the leaves and the plants branch out. Most Monocots like wheat and rice produce more tillers. However, corn that evolved in nature from the crossing of two grasses, Teosinte and Tripsacum, has been so domesticated by man over more than 10,000 years to produce big ears that do not tiller much. Its growing point is very critical to its survival and production of a large progeny.

The growing point is extremely protected by the leaves below it. Even though it appears that the growing point emerges after four or five leaves, it really is always on top and all the leaves originate below it until the tassel comes out. The growing point is like the “Quarterback” of a football team, calling all the plays until it reaches its goal. The top ear develops first so it has a better chance of getting pollinated and producing seeds but if you remove the small ear shoot, new ear shoots will emerge out from the axils of lower leaves. It will keep on doing so for 6 to 7 shoots to produce some silk and eventually, it might produce both silks and tassel at the top in a struggle for survival.

The Early StageThe first leaf that emerges for the monocots is called the coleoptile, the leaf that pierces through the ground and allows the real leaves to come out. It protects the young leaves as they try to get out and see the sunshine for the first time in their life. When the corn seed germinates and the first four leaves emerge after the coleoptile, the growing point is still below the ground being protected from the vagaries of the weather and other unfavorable conditions. Even though it appears that the growing point is beneath the first leaves, it is really always at the “top” and the job of the other leaves is to protect its captain, in the “pocket” until the tassel comes out.

The position of the growing point is critical for protecting the plant from the above ground damage. At first the growing point is located near the crown of the seedling but at about the V4 stage when there are four visible collars, the stalk begins to elongate and the position of the growing point rises over a few additional leaves. The growing point is located near the top of the stalk tissue, as the internodes start to elongate and newer leaves start to develop until the tassel is formed. We need to make sure that the Quarterback of each plant is healthy and growing so our corn can score some touchdowns!


JULY 1, 2014Growers must contact and allow the Area SCI Seedsman and/or agronomist to assess the stand and approve replant.

General Guidelines• No replant credit, if seed is planted prior to insurance guidelines.• Must replant in 2014; no credit for 2015.• Delivered replant seed is subject to a delivery charge.• Subject to product availability• Subject to change without prior notice.

Soybeans• Grower must allow sufficient time for planted beans to emerge• No replant if seed is still viable• TURBO TREAT…100% replant• Standard Treat…75% replant• Untreated…0% replant

Corn• VOTiVO 1250, AMX, AMXT, AM1, AM, AQ, HQ, AXX, HXX, RR, GT, &/or HR hybrids…100% replant• Conventional hybrids w/o VOTiVO 1250…75% replant• Competitive replant ½ of list price• Replant of replant ½ of list price


• No return on treated soybeans

• Please count all untreated soybean units and unused bags of corn along with the number of empty pallets; contact your Area Seedsman(lady) and they will arrange for pick up.OR• Growers may return untreated beans, unused corn bags and pallets to the Sabina warehouse.

No corn returns will be acceptedafter July 1, 2014.

No soybean returns will be acceptedafter July 15, 2014.

SCI 2014 Replant and Return Guidelines

By Dave Nanda, Ph.D., Director of Genetics and Technology

Phone: [email protected]


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No seed present. Could be planter malfunction or bird damage. If bird damage, one will see digging or plant pieces left on top of the ground.

Shoot unfurled, plant leafing out underground. Early exposure to sunlight in cloddy soil, deep planting, soil crusting, or chemical issues during periods of cool, wet conditions. Could be a combination of or just wet conditions for that period of time.

Seed having poorly developed root or shoot. Shoot tips being brown or yellow in color. Possibility of seed rot. If corn has not emerged yet one needs to dig up seedlings and look for disease symptoms especially in saturated soils or lower areas where water lays. Under wet, cool conditions in the soil, corn seedlings are vulnerable to seedling blights be it Pythium or Fusarium. Dark, discolored roots and crowns are typical characteristics of seedling disease issues. Examine seedlings thoroughly. This condition will continue to worsen should soils remain cold and wet.

Seed swelled but not sprouted. Poor soil to seed contact or shallow planting.

Possible herbicide injury. Skips where seedlings are malformed or discolored. Determine the seed depth and herbicides applied with injury symptoms like twisted or club roots as well as purple plants.

Seeds hollowed out. Wireworm or seed corn maggot damage.

Uneven emergence. Most of the time due to poor soil to seed contact from cloddy soils, crusting, shallow planting, or a variability of temperature and soil moisture within the furrow affecting emergence. Determine if a pattern exists of uneven emergence throughout the field. A particular row unit, spray nozzle, or residue accumulation could be a reason why this pattern exists. Usually with sufficient moisture and warm temperatures, corn will emerge within five to 8 days. When stands are not reduced, delayed emergence usually does not have a negative impact on yield later on. However when uneven plant development does occur with delayed emergence then the possibility exists of reduced corn yield.

Troubleshooting Corn Emergence IssuesWith many customers nearing completion of corn planting in 2014, one looks forward to rowing corn plants making sure all our efforts to have ensured good emergence exists in our fields today. Some fields have always had issues where the seed has had trouble coming up out of ground. As we walk our fields keep in mind some of these problems that could be present affecting corn emergence.

With changing weather patterns, after planting, corn emergence in some fields has always been an issue. When this does occur we need to walk these fields and determine if emergence will be a factor and should replant be considered. The best yield possible will result with good growing conditions of the established corn stand. Walking fields will show how good or bad stands really are.

By Bill Mullen, CCA SCI Director of Agronomic Services Phone:[email protected]


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2014 Wheat ProfitabilityStart With Selecting the Best Variety

Wheat profitability in 2014 will depend upon many factors from planting to harvest. Selecting the best variety is the first step for a successful crop in your fields. When selecting the right variety one needs to include the variety’s characteristics of maturity, winter hardiness, test weight, yield potential, and good agronomics with disease tolerance/resistance.

Throughout OH, IN, IL, KY, and MI, Seed Consultants conducts on-farm testing of the different wheat varieties as well as planting its own Replicated Research Wheat Plots. SCI participates in university’s Wheat Performance Trials as well. We test existing varieties and new lines to help you make the right selection for your area.

SC 1302™ Brand • Clark + 2 maturity, non bearded variety, ideal for double crop• High yielding variety with excellent test weight and winter hardiness• Planting rates of 1.6 to 1.8 million seeds per acre 2 weeks after fly free date• Medium height, with excellent standability and heavy bucket weight• Spring topdress N of 80 to 100 pound actual N• 2013 overall yield in KY at 90.3 bu, and in OH at 86.1 bu• Nice companion variety with SC 1321™ in early, high yield environments• Very good disease package including Head Scab and Glume Blotch tolerances• Patent Pending

SC 1321™ Brand• High yielding, bearded variety, adapting throughout OH, IN, and KY• Medium maturity line; works well in Intensive Wheat Management programs• Very good plant health, Test Weight, and standability• Excellent winter hardiness with a solid disease package• On Mennel Milling Co. recommended list• 2013 UKY Wheat Test SC 1321™ yielded 100.6 bushel, #1 out of 99 entries• 2013 OSU Wheat Test SC 1321™ yielded 89.3 bushel, # 17 out of 68 entries • Patent Pending

SC 1324™ Brand• Fall 2014 Release with high top end yield potential and solid agronomics• 2013 foundation yield data showed above test yield average across Southern, Midwest, and East Coast Regions. Had the best yield in 2011 and 2012 out of foundation plots in the Upper Midwest • Medium maturity variety, works well for double crop• Medium height, bearded variety with excellent standability, winter hardiness, and test weight. • Above average tolerance to Septoria Leaf Blotch, Powdery Mildew, and Head Scab• Spring topdress N of 90 to 105 pounds helps this variety to excel in yield. • Fall seeding rate of 1.6 to 1.8 million seeds per acre• On Mennel Milling Co. recommended list• Patent Pending

SC 1341™ Brand• Bearded, late maturity variety • High yielding genetics with very good Test Weight• Researched throughout OH, IN, and KY• Strong disease package • Use of fungicide for Head Scab protection maybe necessary if conditions are right for disease infection• Excellent winter hardiness and standability• Elite wheat genetics with unique look and stature• Performs well in heavy deer traffic areas• 2013 UKY Wheat Test, SC 1341™ yielded 90.7 bushel• 2013 Ohio Wheat Performance Trials, SC 1341™ was 88.3 bushel, top 1/3 of all entries• Patent Pending

SC 1342™ Brand• Full season variety choice for I-70 and North• Medium Late maturity allowing for longer grain fill time• Superior yields and excellent test weight• Medium tall variety, non bearded with excellent standability• Very good disease tolerances including Head Scab, Glume Blotch, and Barley Yellow Dwarf (BYDV)• Use of foliar fungicide maybe needed in areas where Powdery Mildew and Septoria Leaf Blotch have occurred in past years• 2013 UKY Wheat Trials, SC 1342 was 98.4 bushel, 10TH out of 99 entries• 2013 OSU Wheat Trials, SC 1342 was 8TH out of 80 entries, at 90.3 bushel. 2 year average yield of 94.7 bushel, ranked #1• Excellent variety for those growers needing straw tons• Patent Pending


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What is the Right Maturity and Population for Double Crop Soybeans?With soybean prices consistently at or above $12.00 per bushel over the last few years, many of our customers find it profitable to double-crop soybeans. A reoccurring question many of our growers ask is, “What is the right population and which maturity should I plant?” As many of you know, many factors contribute to yield potential such as planting date, final stand populations, varietal selection, soil fertility, rain fall, planting conditions, etc.

According to Jim Beuerlein (now retired OSU Extension Specialist), “late planting reduces our cultural practice options for row spacing, seeding rate and variety maturity. For the last half of June, 225,000 to 250,000 seeds per acre are recommended, and in early July drop 250,000 to 275,000 seeds per acre.”

Soybeans are not like corn because they are photo period sensitive. The amount of daylight the plant receives triggers its reproductive cycle. The date and timing of physiological maturity are affected by day length and the stage of seed

development in the uppermost pods on the plants. Relative maturity (RM) has little effect on yield for plantings made during the first three weeks of May but the effect can be large for late plantings. During the first half of June, a 4-day delay in planting delays physiological maturity about one day. In the last half of June it takes a 5-day planting delay to delay physiological maturity a day. As planting is delayed, yield potential decreases and there is concern about whether late maturing varieties will mature before a killing frost.

When planting late, the rule-of-thumb is to plant the latest possible maturing variety that will reach physiological maturity before the first killing frost. The reason for using late maturing varieties for late planting is to allow vegetative growth for as long as possible to produce nodes where pods can form before flowering and pod formation. Also, it is recommended to plant taller varieties that will allow for greater amounts of pods to

form because more nodes equals more pods and more yield. So we need late maturing varieties that will mature before getting frosted but since we never know when the first frost will occur, we use a narrow maturity range that will not be damaged by frost occurring at the normal time.

Assuming normal weather and frost dates, varieties with the following relative maturity should mature before frost and produce maximum possible yields when planted on the dates indicated. Varieties with an earlier relative maturity will mature earlier but will produce reduced yields (C.O.R.N.).

By Matt Hutcheson, CCA, Product Manager

Phone: [email protected]

Region- Ohio and Indiana Planting Date Suitable Relative Maturity &SCI Soybean Varieties

Yield Potential

Northern July 1–15 2.8 – 3.3(SCS 9282RR™ – SCS 9334RR™)

10 – 30 bpa

Central July 1–15 3.1 – 3.6(SCS 9314RR™ – SCS 9363RR™)

15 – 35 bpa

Southern July 1–15 3.6 – 4.1 (SCS 9363RR™ – SCS 9412RR™)

20 – 40 bpa

Source: CORN Newsletter June 2004 – 17, by Agronomic Crops Team, OSU Extension.,


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Hotel: Casa Magna Marriott Resort & SpaDuration: 6 nights, 7 days

• All-inclusive meals and beverages

• Tour of the DuPont Pioneer Research Station, including private Mexican lunch

• Evening celebration at Rhythms of the Night, featuring a catamaran sail, beach dinner, and authentic Mexican show

• Final night group dinner



Stay tuned for registration information and important deadlines in late-July.

“Seed Consultants’ Winter Trips are a blast! We look forward to traveling with them

every January.”

Mike and Laura Vallery - Sedalia, OhioJulie and Mark Anthony

Beth Smith

Brian George Named Regional Sales ManagerBrian George has been promoted to the position of Regional Sales Manager for Seed Consultants, Inc. As the Regional Sales Manager, Brian will lead sales efforts with Area Seedsman and grow SCI’s market share in target growth areas.

A graduate of Bowling Green State University, with a degree in Business, Brian has worked for Seed Consultants since 2009 as an Area Seedsman covering North West Ohio.

Per Director of Sales and Marketing, Stuart Yensel, “Brian has a strong passion for this business and the experience that will help build our brand and grow our sales footprint. Brian will play a vital role in the continued growth of SCI.”


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2014 Yield Contests

2014—NATIONAL WINNER AWARDS(winning Seed Consultants entries only)

1st Trip for two to the 2015 Commodity Classic in Phoenix, AZ Prize of $10,000 in SC Brand Seed and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

2nd Trip for two to the 2015 Commodity Classic in Phoenix, AZ Prize of $7,500 in SC Brand Seed and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

3rd Trip for two to the 2015 Commodity Classic in Phoenix, AZ Prize of $5,000 in SC Brand Seed and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

2014—STATE WINNER AWARDS(winning Seed Consultants entries only)

1st Trip for two to the 2015 Commodity Classic in Phoenix, AZ Prize of $1,000 in SC Brand Seed and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

2nd Trip for two to the 2015 Commodity Classic in Phoenix, AZ Prize of $500 in SC Brand Seed and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

3rd Trip for two to the 2015 Commodity Classic in Phoenix, AZ

Important Details• Winner receives highest level prize attained. One trip for two

per winner.• To be eligible for reimbursement and prizes grower grants

Seed Consultants, Inc. the permission to use for all purposes the NCGA information as well as grower’s name, pictures of grower and grower’s property.

• Awards from Seed Consultants are not transferable or be transferred for cash.

• Entrants must hold a current membership in the National Corn Growers Association and his/her state associations to qualify.

• Trip includes 4 nights hotel accommodations, coach class airline tickets, registration to the Commodity Classic, and dinner with SCI representatives

• The membership must be in the exact name as on the entry form.

• Taxes, if applicable, are the sole responsibility of each prize winner.

• Fill out the NCGA Yield Contest entry form and submit, before their final postmark deadline. Contest rules and all forms needed to enter will be available at or contact Seed Consultants, Inc. at 800-708-2676.

• Fill out entry form for NCYC and submit form (one copy to NCGA and one copy to Stuart Yensel), send in no money SCI picks up entry fee and membership dues for grower.

SCI Yield Contests

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. The 2014 Seed Consultants Yield Contests are open to residents of the 50 United States who own or operate a farming operation. Contests subject in all respects to the Official Contest rules, available by mailing a self-addressed stamped envelope to Yield Contest Rules Request at sponsor’s address below, and to the official rules of any applicable state or national yield contest. Enter by participating in a state, national, or Seed Consultants corn, soybean, or wheat yield contest using Seed Consultants or Supreme EX brand seed and submitting a completed an entry form available by contacting your Seed Consultants, Inc. sales representative or visit: To enter without purchase, contact sponsor at the address listed below to request seed for contest entry. Contest start and end periods vary by contest—see Official Rules for more information. Winners will receive seed prizes, as stated in Official Rules. Winner receives the highest prize level attained if they win both the NCGA Yield Contest & the SCI Yield Contest with the same entry. Total value of all prizes depends on number of winners of national and state contests. Minimum ARV of all prizes is $11,250. Odds: The winners of the Contest will not be determined at random, but rather by their ability to grow a high yielding grain crop. Void where prohibited by law. Sponsor: Seed Consultants, Inc., P.O. Box 370, 648 Miami Trace Rd. SW, Washington C.H., OH 43160.


• Project 300 Corn Yield Contest• Project 100 Soybean Yield Contest• Project 150 Wheat Yield Contest• Double-Crop Soybean Yield Contest

AWARDSAwards for the winners of each SCI yield contests are:

• 1st place: Prize of $1,000 in SC and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

• 2nd place: Prize of $750 in SC and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

• 3rd place: Prize of $500 in SC and/or Supreme EX® brand Seed

In addition to state and national yield contests, Seed Consultants offers companywide yield contests. Seed Consultants is committed to helping entrants in yield contests and any customer who enters will receive frequent tips, advice, and agronomic updates via email.

What are the benefits of entering one of these contests?• Customers who enter will receive timely and practical agronomic advice sent via email from Seed Consultants’ agronomists

Tips for success in yield contests• Seek insight from agronomists on past contest winners’ successful methods.• Use new information and methods to improve production. Data and information from these contests will be compiled and sent to entrants in an effort to promote sound management practices that will help our customers improve their productivity.


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Seed Consultants Inc. P.O. Box 370 648 Miami Trace Rd. S.W. Washington Court House, OH 43160 USA

Editorial BoardStuart Yensel, director of sales and marketing740-505-0889 - [email protected]

Bill Mullen, CCA director of agronomic services740-505-2022 - [email protected]

Chris Jeffries, general manager 740-505-0073 - [email protected]

Matt Hutcheson, CCA product manager937-414-6784 - [email protected]

Dave Nanda, Ph.D.director of genetics and technology 317-910-9876 - [email protected]

Herculex® Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. ® Herculex and the HX logo are registered trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design are trademarks of Bayer. Agrisure™ is a trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. ® Supreme EX is a registered trademark of Pioneer. Supreme EX® brand seed is distributed by Seed Consultants, Inc. Roundup WeatherMAX®1 and Roundup PowerMAX™ are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. Optimum® and AcreMax® are registered trademarks of Pioneer Hi-Bred. Optimum® AcreMax® system available through the Supreme EX® brand. The information provided within this newsletter is not a substitute for advice concerning your specific situation. The information contained herein is general and educational in nature. Because each situation is different and each recommendation is specifically tailored for each customer, the information contained herein should never be used to determine your course of action. All products are trademarks of their manufacturers. © 2014, Seed Consultants, Inc.

Between the Rows Updates from Chris Jeffries, general manager

Our affiliation with PHI has allowed us the opportunity of unprecedented growth over the past five years (soybeans +95% and corn +75%), while retaining our brand identity of regionally adapted hybrids at a reasonable price.

I once read a sales training book that said “Love telling your story!” I have been very fortunate to have a story that I love to tell; but more than that I am very lucky to have had the great training that many of you provided.

I will never be able to say “THANK YOU” enough.

Have a safe summer.

On June 25, 1979, 35 years ago, I picked up a company car in Farmers City, Illinois and drove to Springfield, Ohio to meet my supervisor. The next day we drove to Bowersville to meet the O’s Gold distributor that I was replacing. That afternoon my supervisor explained that he had an emergency and needed to return home to Effingham, Illinois immediately. I asked him what should I do? I hadn’t received any training and the customer list was two years old. He said, “go see people!”

Great advice and great training because prospective customers, customers, past-customers, etc. have been training me for 35 years. No one could have had better training. It was a little like touching a hot stove but a lesson that you remember.

One long-time customer and friend even mentioned that I backed in and backed out of his driveway. He recalls commenting to his wife that he didn’t think I would make it.

From O’s Gold, I bounced to Pfizer Genetics, DeKalb-Pfizer, SuperCrost, and since I was such a hard-head, finally to Seed Consultants, Inc.

I just wanted to sell regionally adapted hybrids at a reasonable price; but along the way we became very lucky and Seed Consultants, Inc. grew. Successful enough that we attracted the attention of the multi-nationals. Some threatened to force us out of business, while others wanted to partner with SCI and help us grow! Chris

DON’T MISS OUR WEEKLY EMAIL NEWSLETTER!The SCI free e-newsletter comes via e-mail every Monday. The newsletter is packed full of current agronomic topics. Subscribe by sending your e-mail address to [email protected] or by signing up on our website at