seeking god everywhere - anthony de mello

Seek God Everywhere Reflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius By Anthony de Mello

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Post on 16-Aug-2015




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Book by Anthony de Mello


Seek God EverywhereReflections on the Spiritual Exercises of St. IgnatiusBy Anthony de MelloIFIRST PRINCIPLE AND FOUNDATIONWe are created to praise, reverence and serve God our Lord.- Ignatius of Loyola Fo! the First Principle and Foundation of St" Ignatius# the !ain $u$ose of $eo$le in this %old isto $aise# e&een'e and se&e (od ou Lod# and the est ae se'onday to those things" Also# that)sthe %ay to sa&e the soul of e&eyone" This is the ulti!ate !eaning of life" This is fo etenal" *e need to fall in lo&e %ith (od" *e ha&e to fall in lo&e %ith the A+solute" ,The %old has fogotten the -oys of silen'e# the $ea'e of solitude %hi'h is ne'essay# to so!e e.tent#fo the fullness of hu!an li&ing"/!ho"as #erton ,Man 'annot +e ha$$y fo long unless he is 'onta't %ith the s$ings of s$iitual life %hi'h ae hiddeninthe de$thsof hiso%n soul"If !anis e.iled 'onstantly fo! hiso%n ho!e#lo'0ed outofhiss$iitual solitude# he 'eases to +e a tue $eson"/#erton Only though silen'e# $eo$le 'an 'onfont the!sel&es" A''oding to Meton fo! his +oo0 Conte!$lati&e Paye1,If you lo&e tuth# +e a lo&e of silen'e" Silen'e li0e the sunlight %ill illu!inate you in (od and %illdeli&e you fo! the $hanto!s of ignoan'e2/ ,3ou tal0 %hen you 'ease to +e at $ea'e %ith you thoughts and %hen lea&ing the solitude of youheat you li$s and sound +e'o!es a di&esion and $asti!e"/ 4 $ahlil Gi%ran A''oding to 5ean6Paul Sate1,*e%ant to anestheti7e ousel&es8 %e don)t %ant to eali7e that undeneath all of these isnothingness" *hen %e eali7e that# the only $o$e attitude is des$ai and te!endous an.iety"/ Li&ing %ith (od is li0e etenal +eauty# etenal goodness# infinite goodness# and infinite lo&eliness"9&harles de Foucauld: ,Thee is not a single good thing that 'annot +e $e&eted" Thee is no single ga'e of (od that thede&il 'annot use to his o%n $u$oses# o that de&il 'annot 'ountefeit"/ ,Man)s ulti!ate ai! is the eali7ation that all his a'ti&ities# so'ial# $oliti'al# eligious# ha&e to +eguided to the ulti!ate ai! of the &ision of (od"/Gandhi ,*e ae in dange of falling in lo&e into one of t%o e.te!es1 One is to lo&e %ithout lo&ing (od8 theothe one is to lo&e (od %ithout eally lo&ing e&eyone" It has to +e +oth"/ Lu0e ;6??# Matthe%;?1