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  • 8/13/2019 Segments V36


    S E G M E N T S

    A M E R I C A NS E G M E N T A LB R I D G E

    I N S T I T U T E


    I N S I D E

    COMMUNICATION NEWS1999 ASBI Convention ...............................2

    1999 ASBI Leadership Awards....................3

    1999 PCI Awards........................................3New ASBI Members ...................................4

    2000 ASBI Convention ...............................4

    2000 ASBI Seminar.....................................4

    ASBI Board Meeting...................................4

    ASBI Committee Meetings......................4-5

    2000 Membership Directory.......................5

    HPC Newsletters ........................................5

    FRP Compared to StainlessSteel Reinforcing.........................................5

    Technical Meetingsand Workshops...........................................5

    Concrete Cable-Stayed Bridge SuccessfullyRides Out Taiwan Earthquake .................5-6

    Bridge Building Records ..........................6-7

    Tsable River Bridge Award..........................7

    PROJECT NEWSInterstate 15/US-95 Interchange,Las Vegas, NE..........................................7-8

    Crooked River Bridge, Terrebonne, OR......8

    17th Street Bridge, Ft. Lauderdale, FL ........9

    Brandon Parkway, Tampa, FL ....................9

    State Route 125 South, San Diego, CA.....10

    Skytrain Line Project, Vancouver,Canada.................................................10-11

    JFK Rapid Transit Construction, NY........11

    Portland Rapid TransitConstruction, OR .....................................12

    Evergreen Point Bridge Retrofit,Seattle, WA...............................................12

    Broadway Bridge, Daytona Beach, FL.......13

    Evans Crary Bridge, FL........................13-14

    Creve Couer Lake Memorial ParkBridge, St. Louis, MO..........................14-15

    New BQE Connector Ramp toWilliamsburg Bridge, NY ....................15-16





    Included in this newsletter areproject reports on three major rapidtransit projects, all using segmentalconstruction for aerial structures: JFKAirport (8.7 miles), Portland, andVancouver (10.25 miles). Severalsections of segmental aerial guidewayhave been completed for theWashington Metropolitan Area TransitAuthority (WMATA), and segmentalconstruction has been extensively used

    by the Metropolitan Atlanta RapidTransit Authority (MARTA). Elevatedportions of Puerto Ricos 17.2km TrenUrbano project now under constructionin San Juan utilize segmental super-structures. Design of segmentalstructures is now well advanced fora proposed rapid transit facility inOrlando.

    Looking to the future, sevenagencies are now investigating

    development of up to a total of 370miles of high-speed rail construction(240 mph) under the MaglevDevelopment Program.

    In financial terms, it appears thatthere will be funding for about $2billion worth of guideway construc-tion in 2000. Annual spending forguideway construction is forecastto grow to $2.65 billion by 2005.Increasing congestion on urbanhighways and increasing urban sprawl

    obviously spurs more interest in rapidtransit systems.

    To further enhance the advantagesof segmental construction for rapidtransit aerial structures, the PCI-ASBIJoint Committee will begin aninvestigation of the feasibility ofdevelopment of standard sectionsfor aerial guideways at the meetingscheduled for February 29 in Phoenix.Other cooperative concrete industry

    initiatives are under consideration torespond to the needs of this rapidlygrowing component of the constructionindustry.

    Reflecting on the successful recordto date, it is anticipated that segmentalconstruction will continue to be thesolution of choice for most rapidtransit projects in the future.

    Editorial by Cliff FreyermuthManager, ASBI

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    Record Attendance at the

    1999 ASBI Convention

    Figure 1, taken at the Mondayluncheon, shows a portion of the 351persons in attendance at the 1999ASBI Convention, held November 1-2at the Amelia Island Plantation,Amelia Island, Florida. The previoushighs in attendance were 315 at the1992 Convention in Nashville, and314 at the 1998 Convention inBoston.

    The Amelia Island Plantationprovided an excellent setting for the

    1999 convention which included 45presentations on segmental bridgeprojects and design and constructiontechnology. Jean M. Muller, J. MullerInternational (Figure 2) gave theMonday luncheon presentation onForty Years of Segmental BridgeExperience. The conventionconcluded with a Tuesday afternoontour to the Sidney Lanier cable-stayed

    bridge in Brunswick, Georgia. Asindicated by Figures 3 and 4, the 14exhibits at the convention (also a newhigh) provided focal points fordiscussions between conventionsessions.

    Copies of the abstracts andsummaries of 1999 ASBI Convention

    presentations are available at a costof $35.00 per copy (post paid) bycompleting the enclosed order formand returning it to the ASBI office.The spiral bound booklet includes 1981/2 x 11 pages incorporating abstractor summaries of 43 of the 45 conven-tion presentations.


    Figure 1:Monday luncheonat 1999 ASBIonvention

    Figure 2:J. Muller, J. MullerInternational givingonvention luncheonresentation, "Forty

    Years of SegmentalBridge Experience."

    Figure 3: 1999 Convention Exhibits

    Figure 4: 1999 Convention Exhibits

    C O M M U N I C A T I O N N E W S

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    PCI Awards

    John Dick, Structures Director ofthe Precast/Prestressed ConcreteInstitute presented PCI Awards at theASBI Convention to Eugene C. Figg,Jr., Figg Engineering Group for theWhitehurst Freeway Ramp 3 inWashington, D. C., as Best BridgeWith Spans Between 65 and 135Feet (Figures 7, 8 and 9), and toASBI Manager, Cliff Freyermuth(Figure 10) as winner of the 1999Charles C. Zollman Award for thepaper, Ten Years of SegmentalAchievements and Projections for the

    Next Century which was publishedin the May-June 1999 PCI Journal.The Zollman Award recognizes aspecial meritorious paper thatadvances the general understandingand knowledge of precast andprestressed concrete in a single state-of-the-art report.

    The PCI Award citation for theWhitehurst Freeway Ramp includedthe following listing of DesignGoals, Precast Solutions andJudges Comments:

    DESIGN GOALS: Design a cost-effective precast

    segmental, 744-foot curvilinearfreeway ramp featuring two curves.


    Figure 7: Eugene C. Figg, Jr., receiving 1999PCI Award from John Dick, PCI StructuresDirector, for design of the Whitehurst FreewayRamp 3, Washington, D.C.

    1999 ASBI Leadership Awards

    1999 ASBI Leadership Awards were presented toJames M. Barker, HNTBCorporation (Figure 5) andW. Vincent Campbell, Bayshore Concrete ProductsCorporation (Figure 6). The Awards citations were as follows:

    The ASBI Leadership Award 1999 presented to James M. Barker ForOutstanding Career Contributions to Development and Application of SegmentalConcrete Bridge Technology.

    The ASBI Leadership Award 1999 presented to W. Vincent Campbell ForExcellence in Management of Segment Production for Major Segmental BridgeProjects.

    Prior recipients of ASBI Leadership Awards are as follows:

    1989 John E. Breen; California DOT; Texas Dot1990 Eugene C. Figg, Jr.; Florida DOT; Walter Podolny, Jr.; W. Jack Wilkes1991 Joseph Siccarcdi; Man-Chung Tang1992 T. Y. Lin; Scott S. Lynn; Jean M. Muller; Gary L. Peters

    1993 Albert P. Bezone; Robert J. G. MacGregor; Alex C. Scordelis; Luis Ybanez1994 John Corven; James E. Roberts; David T. Swanson1995 Finley McNary Engineers, Inc.; Maurice D. Miller1996 Juan del Avellano; Chiafredo Bellero1997 Daniel Tassin; Michel Virlogeux1997 Enrique I. Espino; Juergen Plaehn

    Figure 5:James M. Bareceiving 199

    ASBI LeaderAward from

    President, JaRoberts

    Figure 6:W. VincentCampbell rec1999 ASBILeadership A

    from ASBI PJames E. Rob

    Figure 8:WhitehurstFreeway RamWashington,

    Figure 9:WhitehurstFreeway RamWashington,

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    held Monday, February 28, from 8:30a.m. until 3:00 p.m. The PCI-ASBIJoint Committee will meet Tuesday,February 29, from 8:00 a.m. until

    3:00 p.m. Both meetings will be heldat the Sheraton Crescent Hotel, 2620W. Dunlap, Phoenix, Arizona 85021,telephone (602) 371-2822, fax (602)371-2794.

    Major agenda items for the PCI-ASBI Joint Committee meetinginclude:

    Standard sections for rectangular,segmental hollow box piers.

    Standard top slab post-tensioning for

    the AASHTO-PCI-ASBI StandardSuperstructure Segments.

    Development of standard deck jointand tendon deviator details.

    Development of standard segmentsfor rapid transit aerial guideways.

    2000 ASBI Membership


    A copy of the 2000 ASBI Member-ship Directory is also enclosed.Additional copies of the directory are

    available on request to the ASBI office.Please advise the office in the event ofthe need for correction of anydirectory information.

    HPC Newsletters

    Enclosed are copies of the 5th, 6th,and 7th editions of the HPC BridgeViews produced by the NationalConcrete Bridge Council (NCBC)under a cooperative agreement withthe Federal Highway Administration.

    FRP Compared to Stainless

    Steel Reinforcement

    There has been extensive research, aswell as a few prototype applications, ofFiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) as areplacement for steel reinforcing inhighway structures. However, the costof these materials raises a questionabout the economic viability of FRPfor this purpose. The following costinformation on FRP is quoted from a

    text entitled Composites forInfrastructure A Guide for CivilEngineers, 1998, by Ray Publishing,Inc.:

    "Fiber Reinforced Plastics (FRP) canbe manufactured with three main typesof fiber: glass, carbon or aramid. Thebest fiber for a particular structuralapplication depends primarily on therequired strength, stiffness, corrosionresistance and allowable budget. Glass isthe least expensive fiber, costingapproximately $1lb to $6/lb, dependingon the specific type of glass fiber. Carbonfiber costs significantly more than glass;prices range from $9/lb to $20/lb.

    Aramid fiber costs $12/lb to $30/lb."(Note: the cost of finished FRP materialsis unknown at this time.)

    In contrast to FRP, the technologyfor production of stainless steel (SS)reinforcement has existed for anumber of years, and to a limitedextent, SS rebars or welded wire havebeen available. SS reinforcement hasgenerally not been utilized as rein-forcement for concrete constructionbecause it was perceived to be too

    expensive. However, the cost of SSreinforcement which ranges from$1.20 to $1.50 per pound comparesvery favorably with the cost of FRPmaterials. SS rebars* are now beingproduced, and are being stocked insome parts of the U.S. On the basis ofcost, the use of SS reinforcement offerssubstantial savings in comparison toFRP.

    The modulus of elasticity of FRPmaterials is also less desirable than themodulus for steel. For glass or aramidFRP material, the modulus is 1/4 to1/3 that of steel. The modulus ofcarbon fibers is higher, but still notequivalent to steel.

    * Stainless steel reinforcement isproduced in accordance with ASTMStandard A955, Deformed and PlainStainless Steel Reinforcing Bars forConcrete Reinforcement. A proposedSS Wire and Welded Wire for

    Concrete Reinforcement Standard isnow being balloted by the ASTMA01.05 Subcommittee on SteelReinforcement.

    Roy H. Reiterman, P. E.Technical Director, Wire Reinforcement Institute

    Technical Meetings and


    Seismic Analysis, Design, andRetrofitting of Bridges, March 29,30, and 31, 2000.University of California, BerkeleyContinuing Education in Engineeringand Environmental ManagementUniversity ExtensionUniversity of California1955 University AvenueBerkeley, CA 94720Telephone: (510) 643-6843Fax: (510) 643-8290

    Second International Symposiumon Structural Lightweight AggregateConcrete, June 18-22, 2000Kristiansand, NorwayNorwegian Concrete AssociationP. O. Box 2312

    Solli, N-0201Oslo, NorwayTelefax: 1-478 22 94 7502e-mail: [email protected]

    PCI/FHWA/FIB InternationalSymposium on High PerformanceConcrete, Sep. 25-27, 2000Orlando, FloridaPrecast/Prestressed Concrete Institute209 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 500Chicago, Illinois 60606

    Telephone: (312) 786-0300Fax: (312) 786-0353e-mail: [email protected]

    Concrete Cable-Stayed

    Bridge Successfully Rides Out

    Taiwan Earthquake

    On Tuesday, September 21 1999,a 7.6 magnitude earthquake joltedresidents in Taiwan from their sleep,shaking buildings and sending


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    frightened citizens out of their homesand into the streets. The Ji-Ji Earth-quake, as it is known, was centered inNantou and Taichang counties, about

    90 miles southwest of Taipei. Officialssaid it was the strongest temblor tostrike Taiwan in 100 years, and was feltin mainland China, more than 150miles away. Even hours after the earth-quake, aftershocks still rocked the region,some reaching a magnitude of 6.0.

    The Ji-Lu Bridge (Figure 11) is amodern cable-stayed bridge with aprestressed concrete deck designed byT.Y. Lin Internationals Taiwan office.It is located south of Ji-Ji, only 3 km

    from the epicenter of the devastatingSeptember 21st earthquake. Thestructure is currently under construc-tion, and is scheduled for completionin 2000. The main span is 240m longand has approach structures of approx-imately 727m. The main structure is asingle pylon cable-stayed bridge, sym-metric about the pylon with back andfore spans of 120m.

    The construction of the Ji-Lu Bridgewas nearly complete at the time of theseismic event only a large decksegment near the pylon was awaitingcasting and the stay-cables wereawaiting a final tension adjustment.During the earthquake, the bridge wassubjected to a peak ground accelerationof about 1.0g normal to the axis of the

    structure. The duration of the strongmotion was about 40 seconds. How-ever, despite the aggressive groundmotion, the bridge sustained only

    minor and easily-repairable damage.Some cracking of concrete wasobserved at the junction of the pylonand deck. The pylon concrete washeavily confined and behaved well andno damage was found in the founda-tions. There was no damage to thecable-stays except one stay, which wasin the process of being tensioned andbroke loose from the anchorage.

    The design criteria for the Ji-LuBridge were based on the local Taiwan

    Seismic Code, issued by the TaiwanMinistry of Transportation andCommunication in 1995. The localTaiwanese code prescribed a peakground acceleration of 0.23g for thebridge location; however, given thatthe Ji-Lu is classified as an ImportantBridge, the seismic design force levelwas upgraded by 20 percent to 0.28g.Additionally, the T.Y. Lin Internationalengineers followed seismic designdetails developed by Caltrans forCalifornia bridges. The combinationof these standards and T.Y. LinInternationals experience on the designand retrofit of major bridge structuresaround the world helped to ensure thesuccessful performance of this bridgeunder extreme seismic motion.

    Bridge Building Records

    The entire world loves to hold somsort of record. The Petronis Towerswere built not because of a shortage o

    office space in Kuala Lumpur, butbecause they wanted to have theworlds tallest building. Architects wilof course, argue about what constitutthe tallest building. Is it the highestinhabitable floor in a building or dothe transmission towers atop thesebuildings count as well?

    Bridge builders have a similar con-troversy. What is the fastest speed ofconstruction for a bridge? This imageconjures up thoughts of the bridge

    growing as if alive along the alignmenfrom beginning to end. In May of1998, Odebrecht Contractors ofFlorida and Metric ConstructionCompany claimed to have the world-record speed of construction for theGarcon Point Bridge in completing300-meters (980 feet) of bridge inseven days.

    A new contender for the world-record has now stepped forward. TheJoint Venture BBCD with BC Post-

    Tensioning has constructed 310-mete(1,010 feet) of bridge deck for theBang Na - Bang Pli - Bang PakongExpressway in Thailand (Figure 12)in seven days with each of six erectiongirders. This means that if you weregone on vacation for a week, when yoreturned the bridge would be over onmile longer than when you left (6,06feet; 1,860 meters). Due to the widthof the strutted segments, this translatto over 51,000 square meters of bridgconstructed in one week.

    Not to be outdone, the constructorof the Confederation Bridge betweenNew Brunswick and Prince EdwardIsland, Strait Crossing Joint Venture,constructed 450-meters (1,480 feet) obridge in a week using a single piece oerection equipment. Due to the narrowidth of this bridge, it is not a contender in the category for maximum deckarea constructed in seven days (a mere


    Figure 11:Ji-Lu Bridge,Taiwan. PhotoCredit: Photo

    rovided byProfessor Uang

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    6,300 square meters).Considering these achievements, it

    is apparent that precast segmentalconstruction is the most rapid meansof bridge construction available today.

    Tsable River Bridge Receives


    The Tsable River Upstream Bridge,shown under construction in Figures

    13 and 14, received a 1999 Award ofExcellence from the ConsultingEngineers of Canada. The project hadpreviously received an Award ofExcellence from the ConsultingEngineers of British Columbia. The

    bridge was designed by a joint ventureof T. Y. Lin International, and N. D.Lee Consultants Ltd., Vancouver.

    The concrete segmental alternate for

    the Tsable River Bridge was bid againsta steel design. The $15.3 million bidfor the concrete segmental alternatewas the lowest of the six bids received.The segmental design incorporated anumber of features to meet siteconstraints, including:

    Use of wide single-cell box sectionwith transverse ribs to support thetop slab to reduce the structuresweight in consideration of peakseismic ground acceleration of 0.3g.

    Use of long spans (82, 118, 118, and82 meters) to minimize impact onthe old growth forest of Douglas Firsin the valley, and the salmon habitatin the river flowing along the valleybottom. To protect the fish habitat,work affecting the foundations atpiers 2 and 3 could only be performedfrom June through September.

    Temporary towers were detailed in thecontract drawings to minimize the cost

    of constructing the portions of thesuperstructure at the ends of the bridge.The usual method of constructingthese sections on falsework would havebeen difficult and costly on the steepbanks of the valley.


    Figure 12: Bang Na Bridge construction, Thailand

    Figure 13:Tsable River construction,Vancouver, C

    Figure 14:Tsable River construction,Vancouver, C

    P R O J E C T N E W SInterstate 15 / US-95

    Interchange, Las Vegas, NE

    As of December 31, 1999, thesegmental portion of the Las VegasSpaghetti Bowl Project (I-15 US-95Interchange) was drawing to a close. Theproject includes four precast segmentalflyover ramps with a total length of 1.4miles and a deck area of 23,500 squaremeters. Two of the ramps are two laneand 2 are single lane. The contract was

    awarded on December 1, 1997. Thefirst of 628 segments was cast on April1, 1998 and the last segment was caston September 3, 1999. Erection of thefirst ramp commenced on November 4,1998. Construction is now partiallycomplete on the last of the four bridges(Figure 15) and expected to be com-pleted in February of 2000. This willallow completion of the overall projectmore than six months ahead of the

    contract completion date.The N-W ramp connection north

    bound I-15 with west bound US-95 wasthe first to be constructed. It is two laneswide and includes 4 spans of balancedcantilever (the only balanced cantileveron the project); the remaining 12 spansare span-by-span. It was opened totraffic on March 31, 1999.

    The N-MLK ramp is a single laneconnecting north bound I-15 with local

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    Half of 17th Street Bridge

    Built, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    Design of the 1,908' 17th StreetBridge in Ft. Lauderdale Florida wasperformed in two parts: theapproaches consisting of twinstructures with 205' typical spans ofvariable-depth precast concretesegments built in balanced cantilever,and a bascule main span with a 210'lift section (Figure 17). The twin

    approach structures consist of a singlebox each 53'-51/2" wide for a totalwidth of 106'-11". The bridge willprovide two 12' lanes, 10' and 8'shoulders and an 8' sidewalk in eachdirection. There are 169,715 squarefeet of segmental construction in thebridge.

    Figg Bridge Engineers, Inc.designed the segmental approachspans, and E.C. Driver designed thebascule main span. Figg is alsohandling shop drawing review anddesign office support duringconstruction. Design charettes, whichresulted in the distinctive carina pier,were conducted by Gene Figg. Theowner is the Florida Department ofTransportation, and the contractor isTraylor Bros., Inc. Traylor set up a 4-machine casting yard at Hialeah,Florida and trucks the segments 35miles to the site. All the 352 segments

    for the project have been cast. FinleyMcNary Engineers, Inc. is theconstruction engineer for thecontractor, and Parsons Brinckerhoffis providing construction engineeringand inspection services for FDOT.

    The bridge is being constructed instages along an existing alignment. Allsegments for the North Bridge havebeen erected, and this half of the newbridge will be opened to traffic in lateJanuary 2000, following completion ofmain bascule electrical work. Castingof the South Bridge segments has beencompleted, and erection of the SouthBridge will begin once traffic has beenmoved to the new North Bridge, andfollowing demolition of the existingbridge. Demolition and substructurework is scheduled to last approxi-mately 6 months; erection of theSouth Bridge approaches and bascule

    main span will take approximately 12months. Completion of construction,including opening both bridges totraffic, is expected to occur in June2001.

    Brandon Parkway will be a

    Reversible Expressway,

    Tampa, Florida

    Figg Bridge Engineers, Inc. isdesigning the bridges for this two-laneelevated structure for the Tampa-

    Hillsborough County ExpresswayAuthority that will provide a connec-tion to the existing expressway fromthe community of Brandon to Tampa

    (Figure 18). This reversible trafficfacility will provide uncongested trafficflow into Tampa during the peakmorning hours and away from down-town in the peak evening hours.

    The elevated structure will be aprecast concrete segmental box girderbridge built using the span-by-spanerection method. This erection methodwas selected to allow quick and econo-mical construction in this congestedurban area without disrupting the

    existing traffic. The new extension intoBrandon consists of a 3,300-foot bridgewith typical span lengths of 142 feet.The roadway carries two traffic laneswith provisions incorporated into thedesign to accommodate future wideningof the bridge. The Brandon portion ofthe project is currently in final designwith an estimated bid date of August28, 2000. The process of prequalifyingcontractors for bidding is also underway.

    Aesthetics are a high priority for thisbridge due to its high visibility alongthe length of the project from Brandonto downtown Tampa. The elementshapes have been specially developedto create a unique and aesthetic lookfor this new bridge. The bridge designincludes such aesthetic features assculpted shapes for all elements andfeature lighting for the bridge.


    Figure 17: 17th Street Bridge, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida

    Figure 18: BParkway, Ta


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    State Route 125 South,

    San Diego, California

    The State Route 125 SouthExpressway project (Figure 19)extends from just north of the Mexicoborder to just South of San Diego.The total project length is 18 km.Funding for the project is beingprovided by the San Diego ExpresswayLimited Partnership (SDELP), aprivate limited partnership managedby its general partner CaliforniaTransportation Ventures, Inc. (CTV)for the 15-km-long Toll Road segment.The 3-km-long Connector segmentat the north end is funded by the SanDiego Association of Governments(SANDAG), with a combination of

    Federal and local funds.The project includes twenty bridges.Three structures are considered forsegmental construction (either precast,balanced cantilever construction orcast-in-place balanced cantilever):

    The Otay River Bridge is 1012mlong, with spans of 90.5m. Whencompleted the four-lane structurewill carry traffic up to 55 m abovethe Otay River Valley.

    The Sweetwater River Bridges,Connector ES/Interim WS andConnector NW/Interim NE, areapproximately 450m and 500m longrespectively, with spans ranging inlength between 45m and 84.5m

    The design-build project is beingdesigned by a joint venture of ParsonsBrinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.and J. Muller International. Selectionof the contractor is currently underwaywith four contractors pre-qualified to

    submit proposals by early 2000:

    FCI Constructors/GraniteConstruction (joint venture)

    Morrison Knudsen Corporation

    Kiewit Pacific Co.

    CC Myers/RoadwayConstruction/Modern ContinentalConstruction (joint venture)

    Skytrain Line Project,

    Vancouver, Canada

    Span erection is about to begin forthe elevated guideway contract of thenew Skytrain Line Project in Vancouver,Canada. Less than six months after

    Notice to Proceed, the first of fouroverhead erection girders will beginwork along the median of theLougheed Highway. Erection inother areas will be soon to follow usingspan-by-span and balanced cantilevermethods.

    Fabrication of the precast segmentsfor these spans began in theContractors 30-mould, purpose-builtyard just three months after groundbreaking. Two 239m-long buildings

    with open sides shelter the moulds andthe labor force from the areas persis-tent rainfall (Figure 20). Within eachbuilding, two of the four differentsegment types (single track, dual track,station and balanced cantiliver) areproduced.

    Because of the tight scheduleimposed for the 16.5-kilometer guide-way section, segments are precast with

    their external parapets thus reducingthe onsite finishing work whileproviding a uniform concrete color(Figure 21). To further enhance the

    aesthetics, architectural recesses havebeen added to the bottom slab of thesegments.

    Rail fasteners will be directlyembedded in the top slab without theuse of the customary cast-in-placeplinth. Placement of the rail fastenersin the correct location is crucial, notonly for the trackwork, but also tomaintain the proper relationshipbetween the vehicle and the parapetmounted power rail. Variations in the

    contact between the vehicle and thepower rail caused by inconsistentspacing of the rail inserts and parapetwill result in diminished vehicleperformance.

    Because it is not possible to adjustthe insert location after concretingthe segment or erecting the span,extraordinary procedures have beenestablished for segment geometry


    Figure 21: Skytrain Line Project, Vancouver,Canada

    Figure 20: Skytrain Line Project, Vancouver, Canada

    Figure 19:State Route 125South, San Diego,California

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    control during casting. To facilitateprecise placement of the inserts andprevent their movement during con-creting, special lightweight aluminum

    templates have been developed.Because design of the section wasoptimized to preclude the use oftransverse post-tensioning, there isgreater flexibility for insert placement.

    The substructure has been designedto minimize property and trafficimpacts. For most locations aMonopier structural arrangement isused. The Monopier system typicallycomprises an octagonal columnsupported on a single 2.4m caisson. In

    some areas, caissons are replaced withspread footings or pile foundations.

    Seismic design and detailing followsAASHTO Category C. Seismic buffersare placed at the top of each typicalcolumn to transfer transverse andlongitudinal forces from the guidewaybeam to the substructure.

    For areas crossing intersections andhighways, balanced-cantilever spanswill be used. For these structures,special Y piers will be used inconjunction with spans of up to 90m.Pier segments will be precast with acast-in-place diaphragm. Erection willbe completed using trusses capable ofboth span-by-span and balanced-cantilever construction.

    The project also includessubstructures for nine stations. Sevenof the nine stations are to use atypical station bent with varyingsuperstructure designs that reflect the

    character of the surroundingneighborhoods. The other two stationshave specialized bents to accommodatebolder architectural designs.

    Owner: RPT 2000Contractor: S.A.R. TransitDesigner:J. Muller International,EBA Engineering (Geotechnical),Santec Consultants (Alignment) JointVenture

    The 8.7 mile concrete segmental

    guideway is being erected over parkinglots and active roads and in expresswayright-of-way to carry a light rail transitsystem and link all of the JFK AirportTerminals together as well as provideaccess to the airport from New YorksMass Transit systems. The segmentalguideway superstructure was designedby Figg Bridge Engineers, Inc. as a

    subconsultant to STV Inc., and isbeing erected by Koch-Skanska as partof a design/build contact for theAirRail Transit Consortium. Theowner of the project is the PortAuthority of New York & New Jersey.

    Bayshore Concrete ProductsCorporation is performing theprecasting in Cape Charles, Virginia,and the segments are barged toCamden, New Jersey (Figure 22). Thecasting began on February 23, 1999,and as of December 24, 1999, 1,708of the 5,195 segments had been cast.There are two types of boxes being castfor this project. The Type I box has awidth of 19 feet and has been designedfor a single track. The Type II box hasa width of 31 feet and has beendesigned for a dual track. Both typesof boxes are 7 feet deep and can varyfrom 8.0 feet to 9.5 feet (in 6"increments) in length to accommodate

    the many varying span lengths. Thecasting yard had been producingsegments at an impressive rate of 12per day using Bayshores 14 castingmachines.

    Since erection began in mid-June,85 spans have been erected as ofDecember 29, 1999. 81 spans wereerected using span-by-span methods(Figure 23), and 4 spans were erectedusing balanced cantilever methods.Currently, there are four erection trusssystems working simultaneously indifferent parts of the project. Figgdesigned the erection trusses, whichcan erect a span (with epoxy joints) ina day and a half, and are currentlyerecting an average of 800' per week.There are 460 spans total for thisproject.Rapid Transit Construction,


    Figure 22:JFK Rapid Tsegments on b

    Figure 23:JFK Rapid Tsegment erect

    Precast Segmental Solves JFK Construction in Existing

    Right-of-Way and Parking Lots, New York, NY

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    Portland, Oregon

    The I-205 Bridge is a part of the 5.5mile extension of Tri-Mets Light RailLine in northeast Portland from the

    Gateway Station to the PortlandInternational Airport. The $125Mproject completes the final link fromdowntown Portland to the airport andis being designed and constructed bythe Bechtel Infrastructure Corpora-tions design/build team. As asubconsultant to Bechtel, FinleyMcNaryis providing design andconstruction engineering services forthe 1160 ft. flyover structure at I-205,near the airport.

    The structure consists of a 300 ft.long approach unit consisting ofprecast Bulb-T girders and an 860 ft.long cast-in-place segmental unit. Thefour span segmental unit has spans of180 ft., two spans at 250 ft., and 180ft. The 34 ft. wide box girder carriestwo tracks of light rail traffic. The CIPsegmental structure was selected inorder to minimize impacts to I-205traffic, while still accommodating thegeometric requirements of long spansand tight horizontal curvature. Thebox girder varies in depth from 13 7 ft. and is supported monolithicallyon single, 8 ft. diameter columns anddrilled shafts up to 120 ft. in length.

    The substructure design is complicatedby high seismic design forcerequirements with a wide variety ofsoil conditions and pier heights.

    The segmental structure is beingbuilt in balanced cantilever using asingle pair of conventional formtravelers supplied by Mexpresaandpost-tensioning fromVStructural.

    Construction photos taken January 6are presented in Figures 24 and 25.The project schedule is tight, withsubstructure work beginning in Aprilof 1999 and completion of the I-205Bridge in April of 2000. The I-205

    Bridge is critical for the overall projecschedule, in that it allows constructioaccess to the median of I-205.

    Currently, the project is on schedulwith the 300 ft. long approach unitand the first cantilever of the segmentunit completed. The second cantilevenext to I-205 is 50% complete and woris underway on the pier table for the

    final cantilever in the median of I-205

    Evergreen Point Floating

    Bridge Retrofit, Seattle,


    Sixteen multi-strand tendons 3,600feet long were successfully installed laAugust to increase the prestress in thEvergreen Point Floating Bridge from600 to 1000 psi. The higher prestresslevel will make the bridge resistant to20-year storms. Tendons of this lengthad not been used previously anywherin the world. The post-tensioningsystem was supplied and installed by

    AVAR Construction Systems, Inc.Each tendon utilized fifteen 0.6mdiameter strand, placed in 4-inchdiameter duct through the interiorof 19 pontoons, each 360-feet long.Each tendon weighed 40,000 lb., andwas elongated approximately 24 feetduring stressing.


    Figure 25: Portland Rapid Transit construction, Oregon

    Figure 24:Portland RapidTransitonstruction,


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    redesign used draped external tendonsthat extended the full span length andwere internal to the bottom slab inbetween deviation points. It also usedstraight internal tendons in the topand bottom slab that extended the fullspan length and internal tendons inthe bottom slab anchored in blisters.There was over a 50% reduction in thenumber of tendons and a 40% reduc-tion in the weight of longitudinalprestressing. The team also relocated

    the temporary PT bars used to compressthe epoxy from internal to the top andbottom slabs to external so that theycould be reused.

    Segments. With the handling of thesegments being accomplished entirelywith barge-mounted equipment,segment weights up to 95 tons couldbe used. The original design used splitpier segments. The pier segments wereredesigned as a single piece thatweighed 95 tons. The typical segmentlength was increased from 3.2 metersto 4.72 meters so that they alsoweighed 95 tons. Because of the 35%reduction in the number of precastsegments (approximately 200 segmentseliminated), PCL was able to use onlyone typical casting machine.

    The casting yard is located in Stuart,Florida, about 20 miles from theproject site. Segments were barged tothe project site. The pier segment

    machine will be converted to cast thefour expansion joint segments after thepier segments are cast. Segments arematch-cast using the shortline methodof casting and transversely post-tensioned.

    On July 14, 1999, at a ceremony inBranson, Missouri, the Florida DOTreceived AASHTOs award forMostInnovative Proposal During Constructionfor the Evans Crary Bridge.

    Creve Coeur Lake Memorial

    Park Bridge, St. Louis

    County, Missouri

    PROJECT DESCRIPTIONThe Page Avenue Extension Project

    carries Missouri Route 364 from St.Louis County across the MissouriRiver flood plain to St. CharlesCounty, Missouri. Five traffic lanes,with full shoulders on each side, willcarry traffic in each direction over twosets of bridge structures. One set ofbridges includes a steel tied-arch witha 188m (617 ft.) main span over theMissouri River. The other set ofbridges descends the bluff on the St.Louis County side and crosses thesouthern end of Creve Coeur LakeMemorial Park (CCLMP).

    The twin lake bridges includenine spans, from 56.5m (185 ft.) up tothe main span of 143m. (469 ft.) witha total length of 815.35m (2,675 ft.).

    These structures are cast-in-place,post-tensioned, segmental, concretebox girders built by the balancedcantilever method and are the firstmajor bridges of this type in MissourEach of the bridges is composed oftwin, single-cell boxes with slopingweb walls. The boxes vary in depthfrom 2.8m (9.2 ft.) to 4.8m (15.75 ftfor the approach spans, and from 3.8(12.5 ft.) to 8.05m (26.4 ft.) for themain span. The total deck width is26.2m (86 ft.) for each structure.

    At the intermediate bents, a columsupports each box of the superstructur

    The columns are solid, reinforcedconcrete, rectangular in shape withlarge chamfers at the corners. The ducolumns for each twin bridge aresupported by a common footing,founded on rock by spread footings,drilled shafts, or steel H-piles. Thesuperstructure is fixed at four of thebents, and moves on expansionbearings at the other four bents andthe two abutments. Modular expansiojoints accommodate the longitudinal

    deck movement at each abutment.

    CONSTRUCTIONBids were received for the CCLMP

    twin bridges project on January 22,1999, and included the following:

    Kiewit- Massman $95,343,43

    Balfour Beatty $95,313,11

    Edward Kraemer $84,354,27

    KCI / Alberici $77,893,26

    Walter Construction $73,470,54


    Figure 27:Evans Crary Bridgeonstruction, Florida

    Figure 28: Evans Crary Bridge construction, Flor

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    The low bid included $62,229,378as the sub-total for the twin bridges,and $11,241,166 for embankment,culverts, plantings, and related

    appurtenances. The project wasawarded toWalter Constructionand is scheduled to be completedby September 1, 2002.

    At the request of the MissouriDepartment of Transportation,Sverdrup Civil, Inc. designed thebridges beyond the minimumAASHTO requirements in order toprovide structures with increasedseismic resistance. The superstructurewas designed by the full segment out-

    of-balance approach, since themoments imposed upon the columnswere of the same order-of-magnitudeas those resulting from the seismicanalysis. This also provided greaterconstruction flexibility for thecontractor. The contractors engineer,Finley McNary Engineers, Inc.,elected to increase the size of thesegments in an effort to reduce theoverall construction duration anddesigned the superstructure by the halfsegment out-of-balance approach.

    Construction was begun the secondweek of March and has progressed wellthrough the favorable weather of thesummer and fall. Due to the multiplespans and the twin structureconfiguration, much of the work willprogress in sequential fashion from

    one end of the project to the other. Atthe west end, the embankment isvirtually complete and steel H-pileshave been driven for Abutment 1 and

    the falsework support for the endsegment of Span 1. Excavation for thefootings has been completed for Piers2, 3, 4 and 9. Piling is complete forPiers 2 and 3, and drilled shaft work isfinished at Pier 9 and Abutment 10.Concrete footings have been placed atPiers 2, 3, and 9, and the bearing seathas been placed at Abutment 10. Allcolumn concrete for Piers 2 and 9 is inplace, and the first lift of columnreinforcing has been tied for all four

    columns of Pier 3.In October, superstructure construc-

    tion began with the erection of thepier table formwork support system atthe top of the columns of the Pier 2westbound roadway (Figure 29). Alocking system was also installed onthese columns to lock the expansionbearings and transmit moment fromthe box girders to the columns duringcantilever construction. Exteriorformwork for the bottom slabs, thewebs, and deck wings was erected forthe westbound box girder pier tablesduring December. Pier table reinforc-ing steel was installed and the bottomsection of the north box of the west-bound structure was placed onDecember 23. The pier tables will becast in three sections with horizontalconstruction joints just above thebottom slab and just below the topslab.

    New BQE Connector Ramp to

    Williamsburg Bridge

    The New York State Department ofTransportation will replace an agingsteel viaduct in Brooklyn, NY with aprecast segmental bridge. Thesegmental solution was selected from awide range of alternative concepts,including steel girders and otherconventional solutions, due to thestrong advantages it offers with regard

    to speed and ease of construction, aswell as long-term durability.

    The existing BQE Connector Rampto Williamsburg Bridge, a 398-meter

    long, four- lane steel viaduct, was builtin the early 1950s. Linking theBrooklyn-Queens Expressway tothe eastern approaches of theWilliamsburg Bridge, it carries highvolumes of traffic every day betweenthe boroughs of Manhattan andBrooklyn, and is a crucial componentin New York Citys highway network.The eastern half of the ramp is builtabove a vacant infield area betweentwo branches of the Brooklyn Queens

    Expressway. The western half runsabove a four-lane boulevard in a denseresidential and commercial neighbor-hood. The buildings on both sides ofthe boulevard define a narrow corridorfor this portion of the bridge.

    To avoid changes to existing landuse, NYS DOT required that theexisting ramp be replaced by a newviaduct of approximately the samelength, following an identical horizontalalignment. Other important projectrequirements and constraints included:

    1. Minimize disruption tocommuters and neighborhoodresidents during construction

    2. Maximize long-term durability

    3. Provide a high standard ofaesthetics

    4. Maintain the existing arrangementof curbs on the streets andhighway below the ramp

    Detailed studies of alternative con-cepts demonstrated the advantages ofsegmental construction with regard toeach of these requirements.

    The superstructure consists of twoparallel box girders, to allow the bridgeto be built in two separate phases.Depth of the boxes is a constant 2.26meters. Layout of the piers was basedon the target span of 41 meters. Thelongest span is 47.9 meters.

    In the eastern half of the bridge, the


    Figure 29: Creve Coeur Lake Memorial ParkBridge construction, St. Louis, MO

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    box girders are unconnected and aresupported on conventional piers(Figure 30). In the western half of thebridge, the piers are located on a median

    separating the two halves of the boule-vard below the bridge. Since it was notpossible to change the existing locationsof the curbs, the columns for these pierswere shifted inward, away from the cen-terline of the box girders. Post-tensionedconcrete diaphragms are provided atthese piers to link the box girders andhence to transfer load from the webs ofthe box girders back to the columns(Figure 31). Temporary steel piers willbe required at these locations to support

    the girders until the diaphragms can becast and post-tensioned.

    It was determined that formwork foran AASHTO-PCI-ASBI 2400-1 stan-dard segment could be modified with-out undue difficulty to accommodatethe required depth of 2.26 meters. Thedimensions of the proposed cross-sectiondiffer from the 2400-1 standard only inthe depth of the webs and width of thebottom slab; all other dimensions fromthe standard are maintained.

    The bridge is designed to be built bythe span-by-span method, and will bepost- tensioned longitudinally usingexternal, unbonded tendons. In accor-

    dance with the seismic design require-ments for the project, behavior of thebridge was investigated under combinedhorizontal and vertical seismic action.This investigation showed that externaltendons alone were sufficient to ensureadequate behavior under this loadcondition.

    Due to tight schedule constraints,NYS DOT opted to fast-track thedesign and construction of the founda-tions and piers of the bridge. This work

    is currently in progress on site. Thesuperstructure construction contractwill be advertised in February 2000.Superstructure erection is expected totake place beginning early 2001 and tocontinue through early 2002.

    Owner: New York State D.O.T.Prime Consultant: Daniel Frankfurt P.C.Bridge Design Consultant:J. MullerInternational

    A M E R I C A NS E G M E N T A LB R I D G E

    I N S T I T U T E


    9201 N. 25th AvenueSuite 150BPhoenix, AZ 85021-2721

    Phone : 602. 997-9964

    Fax: 602. 997-9965

    e-mail: [email protected]


    EDITOR: Clifford L. Freyermuth


    Figure 30:Typical section,west half, NewBQE Ramp toWilliamsburgBridge

    Figure 31Typical section,ast half, New

    BQE Ramp toWilliamsburgBridge