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279 Select Bibliography Primary Sources Novels Anand, Mulk Raj. Untouchable. New Delhi: Arnold Associates, 981. . Coolie. New Delhi: Arnold Associates, 1988. . Two Leaves and a Bud. Bombay: Kutub Publishers, 1946. . Lament On the Death of a Master of Arts. Delhi: Hind Pocket Books Private Ltd, 1967. . The Old Woman and the Cow. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1960, . The Road. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1961. . Death of a Hero. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1963. . Across the Black Waters. Delhi: Orient Paperbacks, 2000. . Morning Face. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1968. . The Village. Bombay: kutub Popular, 1960. . Private Life of an Indian Prince. Dehi: Hind Pocket Books (p.) Ltd, 1972. . The Big Heart. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1971. . Seven Summers, Bombay; Kutub Popular, 1974. . The Sword and the Sickle. South Asia Books, 1984 Narayan, R.K. Swami and Friends. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2004. . The Bachelor of Arts. Chennai: Indian Thought Publication, 2003. . The Dark Room. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2003.

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Page 1: Select Bibliography - · Select Bibliography Primary Sources Novels ... Sadhna. Women. ... ed by Baig, Tara Ali,


Select Bibliography

Primary Sources


• Anand, Mulk Raj. Untouchable. New Delhi: Arnold Associates, 981.

• . Coolie. New Delhi: Arnold Associates, 1988.

• . Two Leaves and a Bud. Bombay: Kutub Publishers, 1946.

• . Lament On the Death of a Master of Arts. Delhi: Hind Pocket Books Private

Ltd, 1967.

• . The Old Woman and the Cow. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1960,

• . The Road. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1961.

• . Death of a Hero. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1963.

• . Across the Black Waters. Delhi: Orient Paperbacks, 2000.

• . Morning Face. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1968.

• . The Village. Bombay: kutub Popular, 1960.

• . Private Life of an Indian Prince. Dehi: Hind Pocket Books (p.) Ltd, 1972.

• . The Big Heart. Bombay: Kutub Popular, 1971.

• . Seven Summers, Bombay; Kutub Popular, 1974.

• . The Sword and the Sickle. South Asia Books, 1984

• Narayan, R.K. Swami and Friends. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2004.

• . The Bachelor of Arts. Chennai: Indian Thought Publication, 2003.

• . The Dark Room. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2003.

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• . The English Teacher. Pondicherry: All India Press, 2004.

• . Mr Sampath. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2002.

• . The Financial Expert. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2003.

• . Waiting for the Mahatma. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2003.

• The Guide. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2003.

• . The Painter of Signs. Chennai: Sudarsan Graphics, 2003.

• . The Man-Eater of Malgudi. Madras: Indian Thought Publication, 2004.

• . A Tiger for Malgudi. Chennai: Indian Thought publication, 2003.

• The Vendor of Sweets. Chennai: Indian Thought Publication, 2003.

• . The World of Nagraj. Madras: Indian Thought Publication, 2003.

• Talkative Man. Madras: Indian Thought Publication, 2003.

• . Grandmother's Tale. Cennai: Indian Thought Publication, 2003.

• Rao, Raja. Kanthapura. Delhi: Orient Paperbacks, 2003.

• . The Serpent and the Rope. London: Cox and Wyman Ltd, 1960.

• . The Cat and Shakespeare. Delhi: Orient Paperbacks, 1996.

• . Comrade Krillov. Orient Paperback Series, 1976.

• The Chessmaster and His Moves. New Delhi: Vision Books Pvt Ltd, 1988.

Secondary Sources


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• Althusser, Louis. 'Ideology and State Apparatuses'. In Lenin and Philosophy and

Other Essays, trans. Ben Brewster. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1971.

• Ardener, Edwin. 'Belief and the Problem of Women', in S. Ardener, perceiving

women (note 28 above).

• Aristotle. Politics, Book I, Ch.13, 22, in Women: From the Greeks to the French

Revolution, ed. Susan Groag Bell (Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth, 1973).

• Arya, Sadhna. Women. Gender Equality and the State, New Delhi: Deep and

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• Barker, Pat. The Eye in the Door, London: Penguin, 1944.

• Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. trans. H.M.Prshley, New York: Vintage,


• Carr, Wendell R. Introduction, In Mill, John Stuart, The Subjection of Women.

Cambridge: the M.I.T. Press, 1970.

• Chakravarthy, Uma. Whatever Happened to the Vedic Dasi?, in Kumkum Sangari

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• Chatterji, A. Shoma. The Indian Women's Search for an Identity. New Delhi:

Vikas Publishing House, 1997.

• Chatterji, Partha. 'The Nationalist Resolution of the Women's Question', in

Kumkum Sangari and Suresh Vaid (eds), Recasting Women: Kali for Women.

New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1993.

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and Present", From the Seams of History, ed. Bharati Roy, Delhi: Oxford

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• Cowasjee, Saros. ed. Author to Critic: The Letters of Mulk Raj Anand to Saros

Cowasjee. Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1973.

• . So Many Freedoms: A Study of the Major Fiction of Mulk Raj Anand. Delhi:

Oxford University Press, 1977.

• Culler, Jonathan. On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism After Structuralism.

London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd, 1987.

• Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. New

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• Deckard, Barbara. The Women's Movement. New York: Harper and Row, 1975.

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• Engels, Friedrich. The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State. New

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• Forbes, Geraldine. Women in Modern India. New Delhi: Foundation Books.

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• Parmeshwaran, Uma. "Siva and Shakti in Raja Rao's Novels," World Literature

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• Mead, Margaret. A Cultural Anthropological Approach to Maternal Deprivation,

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Effects: WHO, Geneva, 1962.

Articles in Newspapers/Magazines

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• Rajendra Lal Mitra, Cited in The Hindoo Patriot, 25 th July, 1887.

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India. 9 December, 1956.


• Raja Rao's interview by Annie Brierre, The Illustrated Weekly of India, 10 March 1963,