selecting the-appropriate-shutter-speed-for-better-photography-results

Selecting the appropriate shutter speed for better photography results Shooting best photographs is not just about purchasing the most expensive camera available in the market. Whether you are Pro photographer or a beginner looking to turn professional photographer, it is common and more important that you have basic knowledge in understand shutter speed and impact of the shutter speed in the photographs. What do we mean by shutter speed in photography or DSLR? In simple we can say the time frames taken to camera to for opening its lens shutter. Also this can be said as time taken to camera sensor to visualize the scene. Kinds of shutter speeds In DSLR there are different kinds of shutter speeds for various requirements. Shutter speeds are generally measured by fraction of seconds, shutter speeds are mentioned as 1/1000 or 1/50. In this larger number will indicate you the higher shutter speed. The normal camera shutter speed is usually around 1/60. Lower shutter speed always results in blurry photographs Following are the most common shutter speed configurations available on DSLR cameras are 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8 and more. Some DSLR also allow you the choice of calculating shutter speed in full seconds (not in fractions) this will be mentioned as 1 second, 2 moments etc. These type of seconds calculated shutter speed which is available in few DSLR is used for low light photographs or when you are trying to take activity and mood.

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Post on 15-May-2015




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Selecting the appropriate shutter speed for better photography results


Shooting best photographs is not just about purchasing the most expensive camera available in the market. Whether you are Pro photographer or a beginner looking to turn professional photographer, it is common and more important that you have basic knowledge in understand shutter speed and impact of the shutter speed in the photographs. 


What do we mean by shutter speed in photography or DSLR?

In simple we can say the time frames taken to camera to for opening its lens shutter. Also this can be said as time taken to camera sensor to visualize the scene.

Kinds of shutter speeds

In DSLR there are different kinds of shutter speeds for various requirements. Shutter speeds are generally measured by fraction of seconds, shutter speeds are mentioned as 1/1000 or 1/50. In this larger number will indicate you the higher shutter speed. The normal camera shutter speed is usually around 1/60. Lower shutter speed always results in blurry photographs

Following are the most common shutter speed configurations available on DSLR cameras are 1/500, 1/250, 1/125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8 and more. Some DSLR also allow you the choice of calculating shutter speed in full seconds (not in fractions) this will be mentioned as 1 second, 2 moments etc. These type of seconds calculated shutter speed which is available in few DSLR is used for low light photographs or when you are trying to take activity and mood.

Page 2: Selecting the-appropriate-shutter-speed-for-better-photography-results

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Generally many photographer will be using lower than 1/60 and this do not mean all their pictures end up unclear and blurry. For maximum outcome, generally slowly shutter speeds are used when the camera is fixed on the tripod so your camera is constant and there is no movement while clicking the photograph.

Selecting perfect shutter speed

Hope you will be clear about technical information on camera shutter speed. Now you should concentrate on choosing perfect shutter speed for perfect photograph. You need to understand different kind of photographs needs different kind of shutter speed, you should be aware for the activities and the moment you are going to capture in the particular session.

If you are trying to “freeze” this activity to be able to result in perfect photograph, if this is scenario then you should go for fast shutter speed. This will let you capture the moment before it vanishes. If you want some moment as blurry or unclear then choose low shutter speed.

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The real statistics for the shutter speeds are determined by how “frozen” or “blurry” you want your photographs to end up and a little experience in the right scenario will help you determine this low shutter speed and high shutter speed settings.

Consider focal length when setting up shutter speeds

When adjusting shutter speed it is also necessary to consider focal length of you camera. The focal length of your DSLR will contribute to camera trembling and unless you have in-camera image stabilization, then you should consider your shutter speed with regards to the focal length. For distance focal length, you will probably need quicker shutter speeds. Without image stabilization, it is better to use large shutter speed then the focal length for quality results. For instance if you are planning to picture something which is in 200mm distance, then you can choose the shutter speeds 1/250 for a top quality Photographs.

Following these guidelines will help you end up picking the right shutter speed and will take you a long way towards taking better photographs.

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Key facts

1. Deepetch was founded in early 2001, initially servicing only clients from Australia. It has since grown internationally and is now a one-stop solution for image processing services online. And with the beginning of the year 2011, Deepetch is still a leader in its industry.

2. Deepetch has an extended range of resources, with a staff composed of 100+ full-time employees who ensure on time delivery and the highest quality for each and every job 24/7.

3. Deepetch’s complex workflow on every project is accomplished by the collaboration of four (4) departments (Sales, Customer Service, Production and Research & Development), effectively meeting all of our client’s needs.

4. Deepetch, unlike many other providers, doesn’t assume ownership over your images or lay claim to your images. Security and copyright are of the utmost importance here at Deepetch and comply with International industry standards. Your images have a maximum shelf life of 14 days upon job completion (or less, you too can delete them from our server), after which they are automatically deleted.

5. From the technological point of view, Deepetch is a pioneer and is always trying to make its site and workflow more effective and efficient. We are always trying to incorporate the latest technology, ensuring that our servers, internet connections and power supplies are fail safe. This means that we also have our own Research and Development (R&D) team, which is constantly working on upgrades and streamlining the system.