selection of hardware & software in sad


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Presenting to :- Mrs. Pinky chittora

College of Science

By:- Ankita agrawal

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Presentation on :


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CONTENTS: Hardware selection Factors affecting hardware selection Steps for hardware selection Software selection Criteria for software selection Advantage & dis-advantage of ready made

software products.

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HARDWARE SELECTIONThe decision to acquire the computer hardware or software must be handled in the same way as any other business decision. The variety of sized & types of computing resources available puts a burden on the analyst who must select suitable hardware, software services & advice to top management accordingly.

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1. Define system capabilities.2. Specify magnitude of the problem. How big the problem is .3. Assess the competence the in- house staff.4. Develop time frame for the selection process .5. Hardware software should be considered as a package.

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The selection process should be viewed as a project and a project team should be formed with the help of the management .The selection process consists of several steps which are discussed below.

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REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS : The first step in selection understands the user’s requirements within the framework of the organization’s objectives and the enviornment in which the system is being installed.

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SYSTEM SPECIFICATION : The system specification must be clearly defined . these specification must reflects the actual application to be handled by the system.

EVALUATION AND VALIDATION : The evaluation phase ranks various vendor proposals and determines the one best suited to the user’s requirements . it looks into items such as price, availability and technical support.

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VENDER SELECTION : This step determines the vender with the best combination of reputation, reliability , service record ,training , delivery time, lease/ finance terms. The selected venders are invited to give their presentations of their system.

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Requirement Analysis

System Specification

Evaluation And Validation

Vender Selection

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Software selection is a critical aspect of system development . there are 2 ways of acquiring software : custom- made or ‘off the shell’(readymade) package. Today there is great demand for these packages because they are quite cheap.

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The criteria for software selection should be based on following points:-o Reliabilityo Functionalityo Capacityo Flexibilityo Usabilityo Securityo Performanceo Serviceabilityo Ownershipo Minimal costs.

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RELIABILITY – It is the probability that the software will executed in a specific period of time without any failures. It is important to  the professional user. It brings up the concept of modularity, or the ease which a package can be modified. FUNCTIONALITY – It is the definition of the facilities, performance and other factors that the user requires in the finished product.  CAPACITY – Capacity refers to the capability of the software package to handle the users requirements for size of files, number of data elements, and reports. All limitations should be checked.

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FLEXIBILITY – It is a measure of effort required to modify an operational program. One feature of flexibility is adaptability.  

USABILITY – This criteria refers to the effort required to operate, prepare the input, and interpret the output of a program. Additional points considered here are portability and understandability. Portability refers to the ability of the software to be used. Understandability is the purpose of the product. SECURITY – It is a measure of the likelihood that a system’s user can accidentally or intentionally access or destroy unauthorized data.

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PERFORMANCE – It is a measure of the capacity of the software package to do what it is expected to do. This criteria focuses on throughput or how effectively a package performs under peak load.

SERVICEABILITY –This criteria focuses on documentation and vendor support.

OWNERSHIP – Who owns the software ,and to consider whether he has the right to access the software, or he can sell or modify the software.

MINIMAL COSTS – Cost is a major consideration in deciding between in-house and vendor software.  

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ReliabilityFunctionalityCapacityFlexibilityUsabilitySecurityPerformanceServiceabilityOwnershipMinimal costs

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A system analyst must go through the above mentioned check list, While selecting a software for a system. these was followed for both the ways of selecting a software-

As we have read before that now –a- days readymade software packages are available in market & they are cheap also .Here are some of the advantages & disadvantages of packages .

o Custom made o packages

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ADVANTAGES DIS ADVANTAGESI. A good package can get the system running quickly.II. Mis personnel are released for other projects.III. Home grown software can take more time and cost that cannot be predicted.IV. Package can be tested before purchasing it.

I. These packages may not meet user requirements in all aspects.II. Extensive modification of a package usually results in loss of the vendor’s support.

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