self defending applications

Creating Self Defending Applications to Repel Attackers Michael Coates @_mwc

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Post on 15-Jan-2015




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Applications are constantly under attack. Unfortunately, nearly all applications have no capability of detecting an attacker or responding before a breach occurs. Those applications sit passively and allow the attacker to constantly unleash attack after attack. Let's change the game and equip our application with the resources to detect an attack with high accuracy and respond in real time to prevent a compromise by eliminating the threat from the system. In this talk we'll cover the OWASP AppSensor project – a project that details how to instrument an application to become attack aware and immediately respond to neutralize threats.  This project is backed by multiple talented security experts that have been advancing the project for the past three years. AppSensor has been featured in the Department of Defense Cross Talk journal, presented at the US Department of Homeland Security resilient software conference and at security conferences around the world.


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Creating Self Defending Applications to Repel

AttackersMichael Coates


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• Chairman OWASP Board • Shape Security: Director of Product Security

Background – 12 years of security adventures• Built and lead security program protecting 450 million Firefox

users & Mozilla systems• Secured code processing millions of dollars daily• Bypassed electronic voting systems• Defended fortune 100 global network• Infiltrated telco for mobile networks in Asia and Middle east• “Talked” my way into bank server rooms & to obtain user



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Billion Dollar Cybercrime

~US $350 Billion – Global Drug Trafficking Estimates

US $170 Billion – Apple Annual Revenue 2013

US $263 Billion – Hong Kong 2012 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

US $469 Billion – Walmart Annual Revenue 2013

US $95 Billion – Morocco 2012 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

US $112 Billion – Hewlett-Packard Annual Revenue 2013

US $104 Billion – Honda Annual Revenue 2012

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Billion Dollar Cybercrime

~US $350 Billion – Global Drug Trafficking Estimates

US $170 Billion – Apple Annual Revenue 2013

US $263 Billion – Hong Kong 2012 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

US $469 Billion – Walmart Annual Revenue 2013

US $95 Billion – Morocco 2012 Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

US $112 Billion – Hewlett-Packard Annual Revenue 2013

US $104 Billion – Honda Annual Revenue 2012

US $113 Billion – Global price tag of consumer cybercrime

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Cost of Security

• Cybercrime cost to companies– 26% increase 2012 to 2013

• Cybercrime cost to individual– 50% increase 2012 to 2013

• Cost per breached record to company– Average US $136

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Largest Single Culprit : Hacking

Verizon Data Breach Report 20132013 Incidents by Breach Type

48% from Hacking 52% involved Hacking

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Opportunistic Scanners

• Scan web for common vulnerabilities• Highly leverage automation• Often untargeted

75% Attacks Opportunistic

Verizon Data Breach Report 2013

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Underground Market Prices

2013 Dell SecureWorks

USDVisa, American Express, Discover $4-$8

Credit Card with track 1 and 2 data $12

Full user information $25

1,000 Infected Computers $20

DDOS Attacks (per hour) $3-$5

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The Objective

• Protect the most critical data • Handle known and unknown attacks• Identify attackers before compromise• Automated – no humans needed

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Critical Data

Applications stored & allow access to critical data – by design


AddressCredit Card

Bank InformationMedical Information

Purchase HistoryAffiliations

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Gut Check

Current Defenses Are Failing

• Custom code • unique vulnerabilities -> tailored patches

• Unrealistic defensive postures• Signatures only protect against last generic attack• Human required interaction is too slow • Valid signals are lost / ignored

• Attackers constantly probe and attack applications without deterrence

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Self Defending Applications

The Attacker

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Attack Points: Requests, Auth, Session

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Attack Points: Access Control

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Attack Points: Input Validation

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Attack Points: Business Logic

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Self Defending Applications

In The Code

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Attack Exposure

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Defend with: Detection Points

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Detecting Attacks

• 50+ attack detection points and growing

• Signature & Behavioral

• Many have nearly zero false positive rate

– Can’t be encountered accidentally by user

– POST vs Get

– ‘ OR ‘1’=‘1’

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Centralize Attack Detection Knowledge

• Detection Points Report to Central Location

• AppSensor Integrates w/User Store

• Enables Response Actions against User Object

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Detect & Eliminate Threat

• Strong control of authenticated portion– Lockout user– Disable account

• Effective attack reporting for unauthenticated portion

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App Defense Eliminates Threats

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App Defense Eliminates Threats

Block attacker & minimize threat

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Humans & Automation

• Detection Points – Human driven attacks• Trend Analysis – Automated driven attacks

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Human Driven

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Attack Aware Resources

• Cross Talk Sept, 2011 -• Software Assurance -

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• Self Defending – in the app, full user object interaction, full app

knowledge• Web Application Firewall (stand alone) – generic attack detection

• Log Analysis – slow, reactive, ineffective, ignored

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Self Defending Applications

In The Lifecycle & Organization

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Threat Modeling

– Identify critical business functionality

– Capture abuse cases

– Define detection methods

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• Grant Permission Page

– Inputs:

• targetUser - Integer

• grantPerm - Integer (1,2,3) (Read, Write Delete)

– Access Control Requirement:

• Page Access: Power User

• Functionality Access: Power User

• Target User: Non-admin

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Abuse Cases

• Non-integer submitted for targetUser

• Invalid number submitted for grantPerm

• Force browsing to page from unauthorized account (HTTP GET)

• Force submission to page from unauthorized account (HTTP Post)

• Target user is admin account

• Unexpected rate of use (100 perm changes in 10 seconds?)

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Risk Analysis

• Tolerance for Fraud & Abuse• Define Acceptable Response– Alert Admins– Logout / Lock Accounts– Limit Functionality

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Response Options

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Timing & Flow

Attack Detection PointsCommon

Attack Vectors Design


Threat Modeling

Unique App

Attack Vectors

Risk Analysis

Response Policy/Pla


Response Capabiliti


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Organization Support

Who Action

Architects, Developers, Biz Owners, Security SMEs

Threat Modeling, Determine Detection Points

Biz Owners, Architects, Security SMEs Determine Response Actions

Architects, Security SMEs Design Response Architecture

Operations Team, Security SMEs System Communication for Detection Logging & Response

Developers, Security SMEs Implement Detection Point & Response Code

Monitoring Team, Security SMEs Define monitoring thresholds, alerting/action requirements

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Self Defending Applications

Live Implementations

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Common Event Format (CEF)

• Emerging standard on logging format

• Easily parsed by security integration manager (sim)

• Enables AppSensor Logging

CEF:0|Mozilla|MozFooApp|1.0 |ACE0|Access Control Violation|8|rt=01 31 2010 18:30:01 suser=janedoe suid=55 act=Action Denied src= dst= requestMethod=POST request=\=b cs1Label=requestClientApplication cs1=Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100316 Firefox/3.6.2 msg=Additional Data here

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SIM Deployment

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Full Stack Knowledge

• Application Layer - Custom attack / abuse notification

• Network Layer - IDS activity, firewall failures• OS Layer - OS commands (AuditD), System

event logs

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Data Analysis

Failed Captcha on Create User Account


User Authentication Failed

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Trend Analysis

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Top Users Failing Auth within Application

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App Use Mapping


IP Address


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Auth Failed

New Account

Change Password

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1 IP Address, Multiple Users

Auth Fail, New Account

acct1 - pw changeacct 2 - auth failed

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Self Defending Applications:• Detect Malicious Activity in Critical Apps• Enable Immediate Response• Prevent/Limit Compromise• Require Organization Support

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AppSensor Project

• AppSensor: Version 2 of Book• Sub-project: Preventing Automated Attacks

–– Evaluating current approaches, costs & efficacy

• CAPTCHA, IP Blocking, Reputation, Human Analysis, etc

• Join Us! –– [email protected]

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[email protected]