self evaluation

Our product will follow conventions by being set in the woods. This is because it was used in sinister and helped to show the genre effectively. We will also use an establishing shot of the woods to set the scene so the audience can identify with the situation and this will create an enigma as the woods are stereotypically scary and mysterious. In the cabin in the woods, close-ups are used to show fear and panic to the audience. We will replicate this and various close-ups will be used to help convey the characters emotions and feelings to the audience which will help them to relate to the The cabin in the woods uses a wide shot to show the group together and show the friendships between them. This allows the storyline to become more realistic and believable. We will use a wide shot to show the three girl characters together to the audience to create a more realistic storyline and allow the audience to acknowledge Low key lighting is used to help make the genre clear to the audience. It also helps convey danger and the dark colours can connote death and it may suggest that something bad will happen. It also allows the characters to stand out to the audience and is what would attract them to our product. This low angle shot helps to show the depth of the situation. The characters are lost in a big wood and compared to the Again the setting is key in this shot as it helps to create a link between each scene and the weapon helps convey the genre which may also scare the audience. It shows the storyline to be dangerous or unpredictable.

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Self evaluation

Our product will follow conventions by being set in the woods. This is because it was used in sinister and helped to show the genre effectively. We will also use an establishing shot of the woods to set the scene so the audience can identify with the situation and this will create an enigma as the woods are stereotypically scary and mysterious.

In the cabin in the woods, close-ups are used to show fear and panic to the audience. We will replicate this and various close-ups will be used to help convey the characters emotions and feelings to the audience which will help them to relate to the characters/situation and imagine it as themselves. This will help make the action more believable and realistic so the audience will want to watch the film.

The cabin in the woods uses a wide shot to show the group together and show the friendships between them. This allows the storyline to become more realistic and believable. We will use a wide shot to show the three girl characters together to the audience to create a more realistic storyline and allow the audience to acknowledge the background/setting which will create a sense of danger due to the dark background and large setting that they will be entering into.

Low key lighting is used to help make the genre clear to the audience. It also helps convey danger and the dark colours can connote death and it may suggest that something bad will happen. It also allows the characters to stand out to the audience and is what would attract them to our product. This low angle shot helps to show the depth of the situation. The characters are lost in a big wood and compared to the setting they look small and vulnerable. We will use this within our trailer to help make the genre clear and mood of the trailer which is eerie and dangerous to help grip them to the action and the trailer as a whole.

Again the setting is key in this shot as it helps to create a link between each scene and the weapon helps convey the genre which may also scare the audience. It shows the storyline to be dangerous or unpredictable. The audience expect to see weapons in the trailer as it signifies protection and danger so the audience have an enigma and want to watch the film

Page 2: Self evaluation

Just like the cabin the woods our characters will all be of the same age range, making it more relatable for the audience. They will wear casual clothing - making it more realistic for the audience and make the story more believable. However a weakness in our production is that we will use a limited number of characters so our production may be different to other horrors. Although by using a smaller number of characters the audience may find it easier to identify with each one as they are seen more often.

In our script we have shown that we are following conventions by planning to use a scream in our production. They are very effective in films such as “The Conjuring” or “The cabin in the woods” as it helps create a sense of panic/fear for the audience but also some excitement as they don’t know what is coming up next. This is the reason we wanted to include a scream in our production as it would help indicate a change in the mood/atmosphere in the story. This would therefore grip the audience to the action that is happening and make them want to go and watch the film as they would be interested in what happens and they like to be ‘scared’ and ‘gripped’ to the story. The amount of dialogue in our trailer is limited compared to other horror genres due to the amount of characters and small storyline which means that our trailer won’t be as conventional on that part.

My poster and magazine front cover follows conventions for the horror genre. The use of a colour scheme – red being a main colour to signify blood. The font used on both products link to the logo/title used at the end of our trailer. The other fonts are bold, sans serif font which stands out to the audience. The images are the main focus and feature the same character. They reflect the nature of the trailer as the make-up used is blood – signifying danger. The use of the buzz words and puff/ cover lines are conventional as they appeal to the audience, stand out and is what the audience expect to see from horror genre products. The cover lines used in my magazine could be more relatable to the genre and link more to the trailer. The image could also be improved on the magazine front cover as I feel that there is too much background shown – making it less it less interesting. Overall the main information is clear as it is bold or in different coloured text to the rest and makes a successful product.