self-regand the responsibilities of interdependence and ... · from mindsight(2010) the new science...

2019 Self-Reg Summer Symposium Trent University Self-Reg and the Responsibilities of Interdependence and Wisdom in Leadership. Gerard Costa, Ph.D., DIR-C, IMHM-E-Clinical Director, Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health Professor, Department of Early Childhood, Elementary and Literacy Education College of Education and Human Services Montclair State University Gerard Costa, Ph.D. 2019 1

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Page 1: Self-Regand the Responsibilities of Interdependence and ... · From Mindsight(2010) The New Science of Personal Transformation by Daniel J. Siegel “Mindsight is a kind of focused

2019Self-Reg SummerSymposiumTrent University

Self-Reg andtheResponsibilitiesofInterdependenceandWisdomin





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• Viewingleadershipthroughthe“interbrain”lens.• Leadership,thehighestlevelsofFunctionalEmotional


• Understandinginterdependenceandwhatinterdependentleadershiplookslike,andwhyit’sthebestwaytolead.

• Howgoodrelationships,socialengagementandaclimateofemotionalsafetycanhelpincreaseengagementandfostergoodteamwork.

• Theimportanceofstressawarenessforleaders.

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• Replacing“control”with“regulation”and“relationships”:Howleaderscanfeelsafeinthecontextofademocraticleadershipstyle.

• Howtoharnessthecapacityofyourcolleaguesand/oremployeestohelpyoubeagoodleader.

• Creating“LearningOrganizations”andconnectingpersonalgrowthtoorganizationaldevelopment.

• CreatingReflectiveOrganizations.• Wisdom

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Idea• Toconsiderhowwhat wearelearningaboutthebrain,thelevelsofemotionaldevelopment,mindfulness,mindsight,andSelf-Reg,canleadustoconsidernewtoolsaboutbuildinginterpersonal– localandglobal– communitiesrootedinleadershipthatpromotesinterdependencyandpeace.

• Toconsidernewprogramsofstudyandlearning.

• Toshareideaswithkindredspirits.• Towonderaboutbecomingfullyhuman.

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FromIncognito (2011)The Secret Lives of the Brain byDavidEaglemen

“Thefirstthingwelearnfromstudyingourowncircuitryisasimplelesson:mostofwhatwedoandthinkandfeelisnotunderourconsciouscontrol.Thevastjunglesofneuronsoperatetheirownprograms.Theconsciousyou– theIthatflickerstolifewhenyouwakeupinthemorning– isthesmallestbitofwhat’stranspiringinyourbrain.Althoughwearedependentonthefunctioningofthebrainforourinnerlives,itrunsitsownshow.Mostofitsoperationsareabovethesecurityclearanceoftheconsciousmind.TheIsimplyhasnorightofentry.”P.4

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FromMindsight (2010)The New Science of Personal Transformation


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Toward a Psychology of Global Interdependency: A Framework for International Collaboration (2002).


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Logical Thinking:Building Bridges Between Ideas

Creating ideas, representations

Problem Solving interactions

2-way intentional communication

Engagement and relatingShared attention and regulation

Mobilize Core Developmental CapacitiesGerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 10

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•Logical Thinking: Bridges /Ideas•Creating ideas, representations•Problem Solving interactions

•2-way communication

•Engagement, attachment, attunement

•Self regulation and interest

Neurosequential Development

Neurosequential Development and Functional Development

GerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 11BrucePerry,MD

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FromMindsight (2010)The New Science of Personal Transformation

byDanielJ.SiegelTheMechanismofMindfulness:9PrefrontalFunctions1. BodilyRegulation2. AttunedCommunication3. EmotionalBalance4. ResponseFlexibility5. FearModulation6. Empathy7. Insight8. MoralAwareness9. Intuition

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Comparative Analysis of the 9 Prefrontal Functions and the 16 Functional Emotional Developmental

LevelsbasedonGreenspanandShanker (2002, 2004)

1. BodilyRegulation2. AttunedCommunication3. EmotionalBalance4. ResponseFlexibility5. FearModulation6. Empathy7. Insight8. MoralAwareness9. Intuition

1. FEDL12. FEDLs2and33. FEDLs4and54. FEDLs6and75. FEDL86. FEDL9and107. FEDL10,11,128. FEDL13and149. FEDL15and16

Siegel GreenspanandShanker

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Siegel’sPrefrontalFunctions Greenspan’sandShanker’sFEDLs


1. BodilyRegulation 1. FEDL1 Regulationandinterestintheworld

2. AttunedCommunication 2. FEDLs2and3 Emotionalengagementandrelatedness,a“senseofhumanity”begins,emotionalsignalingandintentionality

3. EmotionalBalance 3. FEDLs4and5 Broadeningtherangeof“others”withwhomonerelates,sharesandrespects;socialproblemsolving,creatingsymbolsanduseofwords/ideas,sharingemotions

4. ResponseFlexibility 4. FEDLs6and7 Buildingideasandmodifyingthembasedonothers.Seeingtheworldfromanother’sperspective.Multi-causalandtriangularthinking,“moreflexiblethinker”

5. FearModulation 5. FEDL8 “Understandingtheneedsandwishesofothers”,differentiatedthinking,understandingthe“relativeinfluenceofdifferentfeelings,eventsandphenomena”,examine“reasons”forothers’actionand“negotiatethepoliticsoftheplayground”

6. Empathy 6. FEDLs9,10 “Agrowingsenseofselfandaninternalstandard”,thinkingintwoperspectives:“objectiverealityandpersonalopinion”,consideringthefuture,“ReflectiveEmpathy– experiencinghowanotherpersonfeelsandcomparingittoone’sownfeelings”

7. Insight 7. FEDLs10,11,12 Anexpandedsenseofself,“thinkingaboutthinking”,future-orientedandprobabilisticthinking,growinginterdependencyandidentificationwithothersaroundtheglobe,creatingaseparatesenseofself,carryingone’spastandoriginswithin.

8. MoralAwareness 8. FEDLs13,14 Intimacyandcommitment,deepeningintimacyandrespectfordifferences,consolidationoflongertermpoliticalandreligiousvalues,creatingafamily,“MoralityofInterdependency”

9. Intuition 9. FEDLs15,16 Awarenessof“life’sjourney”andfinitenessofexistence,expandedinterestintheworldofcommunityandglobalconcerns,“WisdomoftheAges”,Erikson’s“generativity”,newreflectiveawarenessGerardCosta,Ph.D.



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Weareastoundinglypoorobservers(ofourownexperience)…Consciousnessislikeaheadline– asummaryofwhatisorhashappenedandwhatislikelytohappen.

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Dan Siegel – “Hand Model of the Brain”(Mindsight, 2010)

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Daniel SiegelThe“HandModeloftheBrain”

“….Liftupyourfingersandyou’llhaveanimageofhowwe‘flipourlids’ andheaddownthe‘lowroad’ inourinteractionwithothers.”

Mindsight (2010),p.22

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FromMindsight (2010)The New Science of Personal Transformation


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• Openreceptivestate(lidintact)

• Closed,reactivestate(lidflipped)

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How Children Succeed (2012)PaulTough



Whatsuffers? ExecutiveFunctioning!Whathappens?The“air-traffic”controlsystemofourbrainisderailed.(Shonkoff)

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(*)impulsive,“usversusthem”,fragmentedsocialbehaviorGerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 31

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1. Childrenmustlearntoengageemotionallywithanother.

2. Theymustlearntointeractandtosignalwithemotionsandbroadentheiremotionalrange.

3. Theymustlearntocarefor,protect,sharewith,andbehavealtruisticallytowardanother.

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4. Theymustlearntobroadentherangeof“others”withwhomonecanrelate,shareandrespect,andshareemotionsandideaswithothers,enablingthechildtoseetheworldfromanother’sperspective.

5. Theymustcometounderstandtheneedsandwishesofothers,andthisleadstothedevelopmentofreflectiveempathy:experiencinghowanotherpersonfeelsandcomparingittoone’sownfeelings.(Reflectivity)

6. Thisemergesintointerdependency.GerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 33

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1. LEADERSmustlearntoengageemotionallywithanother.

2. Theymustlearntointeractandtosignalwithemotionsandbroadentheiremotionalrange.

3. Theymustlearntocarefor,protect,sharewith,andbehavealtruisticallytowardanother.


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4. Theymustlearntobroadentherangeof“others”withwhomonecanrelate,shareandrespect,andshareemotionsandideaswithothers,enablingtheLEADER toseetheworldfromanother’sperspective.

5. Theymustcometounderstandtheneedsandwishesofothers,andthisleadstothedevelopmentofreflectiveempathy:experiencinghowanotherNATION feelsandcomparingittoone’sownfeelings.

6. Thisemergesintointerdependency.36GerardCosta,Ph.D.2019

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WhatCanHelp?• Securityandtrustofthosearoundtheleader.• Socialengagementofcolleagueswhoservetogeneratealternatewaysofthinking– engagein“texturedcommunication”andhelptheleaderto“slowdown”formentalization!

• Ahistoryof“confidentexpectations”thatsharedresponsibilityinleadershippromoteorganizationalandindividualgrowth!

• Tyingeachindividual’sgrowthtotheorganizationalgrowth!

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Greenspan and Shanker (2002)FourDevelopmentalRequirementsforGroups

1. Physicalsafetyandsecurity2. Cohesionandasharedsenseofhumanityor

interrelatedness3. Presymbolicgesturalcommunicationsystem


4. Symboliccapacitiesatdifferentlevelswithassociatedstructuresandinstitutionstoexpress,interpret,negotiate,resolveconflicts

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Consider 5 dangerous practicesGreenspanandShanker (2002)

1. Peopleoftenprematurelysubstitutewordsforexperience.

2. Leadersmayrelyoverlyonmereverbalassurancesandpaytoolittleattentiontoactualbehavior.

3. Whenpeopletrytoforceormanipulateaccordwhenitdoesn’texist,theirinteractionswithotherspreventnonverbalcuesfrombetrayingtheirtruefeelings.

4. Astensionsrise,bothindividualsandnationstendtominimizecontactandthusthepossibilityofmanyformsofimplicitandnonverbalcommunication.

5. Individualsandnationsoften,andusuallyfutilely,trytosetlimitsforothers’behaviorwithoutthebenefitofbroaderrelationshipswithinwhichtomediatedisputesandaccuratelygaugetheresultsofvariousactions.

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• Whathappenswhenthelowerlevels(FEDCs,Prefrontalfunctions,andneuralcircuits)arenot“wired”properly,orarewiredthroughinterpersonaleventsthatareadversarialanddysregulating,andyieldinterpretationsanddecision-makingthatisbrain-drivenbutwrong!

• Whathappenstothehigherlevels?• WhathappenstoourcapacitiesforMindsight?

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Fromallthatwearelearning• Ourbenchmarksareallwrong.

• Ourleadersareoftenmodelsofpolarization.

• Brainanddevelopmentalsciencesarenotrecognizedasofferingprinciplesandpathwaystosocialgrowth.

• Governmentsrarelyjoininpleasureand“playgroundpolitics”,unlikechildrenwhoalwaysplaytogetherbeforetheyworktogether.

• Governments,particularly“enemies”rarelyjoininworktogether.


-NelsonMandelaGerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 43

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The Learning OrganizationPeterSenge(1990)



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The Fifth DisciplinePeterSenge(1990)



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The Learning OrganizationPeterSenge(1990)

• Theoriesandpracticesfortheinterdependentdevelopmentofpeopleandtheirinstitutions

• “…..Wherecollectiveaspirationissetfree.Andwherepeoplearecontinuallylearningtoseethewholetogether.”


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Leaders inLearningOrganizationsPeterSenge(1990)

• LeaderasDESIGNER(“thegoverningideas”)

• LeaderasSTEWARD (“purposestories”

• LeaderasTEACHER (“empoweringviewofreality”)


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Ways of being




Most Critical yet often



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• Thisdomainaddressesthecapacitytoformattuned,empathic,contingent,co-regulating,caringrelationshipswiththeinfants,childrenandfamiliestowhomprofessionalsprovideservice.Thisisthe“howyouare”withfamiliesinadditiontothe“whatyoudo”.

• Servicesareprovidedwithinthecontextofrelationships,inthisrelationship-basedformulation.

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Whatexperiencesareneeded?• A“holdingenvironment”- Attuned,regulated,containing.

• A“feelingwith”other.(Right-left)• Asharedsenseofwondermentwithanother.• Knowledgeabouthumandevelopmentandinterpersonalprocesses.

• Asenseofself-awarenessandcapacityforreflectivity.

• Adeepsenseofmodestyandconnectednesstohumanfrailty.

• Thecapacityforsuspensionofjudgment.• Adeepsenseofcaring.GerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 51

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• Public• Private• Secret

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SelfOthersKnow OthersDon’tKnow







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SelfandSelf-RegOthersKnow OthersDon’tKnow












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Lessons• Wecannotbesatisfiedwithtransmissionofknowledgeandskillalone.

• WeMUSTconsiderWHOthepeoplearethatwearebeingcalledupontoFORM!

• ProfessionaldevelopmentMUSTengagewhatisoftenregardedaspersonalandprivatedomains – notrequiringdisclosureofpersonalnarratives,butrecognizingthattheyexist-becausetheyINFLUENCEhowweareandwhatwedo

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WhatisLeadership?• Whatifwethoughtofleadershipasthe“Interbrain”?

• Whatifleadershipwasviewedasthe“responsibleempathicadult”helpingotherstoorganizetheiremotionsinadifficultworld?

• Whatifleadershipwasunderstoodaspromotingself-regulationandempathy?

• Whatifleadershipmovesusallawayfrompolarizationinthefaceofconflict?

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IdeasonDimensionalPolaritiesConsiderthesequestionsasyoureflectonthefollowingdimensions:1. Whichalternativereflectsthelossof


2. Whichalternativereflectshighercorticalandemotionalfunctioning?

3. Whichalternativepromotessafetyandsecurity?

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• Interdependencevsindependent/autonomous

• Gray/reflectivethinkingvs.polarized• Sharedleadershipvs.authoritarian

• Authoritativevs.authoritarian• Ambiguityvs.certainty• Curiosityvs.disinterest

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Open-Flexiblevs.Closed-Rigid• Commonalityvs.“othering”

• Equityvs.superiority• Self-awarevs.non-introspective

• Responsibilityvs.blame• Respectvs.shame

• Integratedvs.isolated• Diversityvs.tribalism

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Open-Flexiblevs.Closed-Rigid• Embracedifferencevs.xenophobia• Disconfirmationvs.confirmation

• Mentalizingvs.enacting• Reframevs.react• Respondvs.react• Repairvs.rupture

• Calmvs.fear

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• Securityvs.uncertainty• Groupvs.individual

• Persistencevs.disengagement• Peacevs.conflict

• Lovevs.hate

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What are the foundations of the “higher” alternative?

• HigherFEDCs• HigherPrecorticalfunctioning• Executivefunctioning• Capacitytodelaygratification• Capacitytogenerateideasandalternatehypotheses

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What are the foundations of the “higher” alternative?

• RegulationofStress• Regulationoffear• Experienceofsecurityandsafety• Reflectivity• Mindfulness• Mindsight• Balanceandintegrationofbrainandmentalfunctions

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• Interdependentleadershipreferstowisedemocraticleadershipthatmakesbestuseoftheknowledgeandideasofthepeoplewithwhomleadersworks.

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Ifleadersprimarilyactivatethe“REDBRAIN”throughfear,tone,images,andthreats– guidedbynegativepolarities,



BUT– donotalsoactivatethe“BLUEBRAIN”,thethinking,reflectivebrain,withavisionguidedbymoralvalues,reflection,sharedproblem-solvingandrepair,andasharedsenseofglobalinterdependence,

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• Sowhatcanwedo?• Whenandwheredowebegin?

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What builds the foundations for higherlevelfunctions?


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Fromallthatwearelearning• Ourbenchmarksareallwrong.• Ourleadersareoftenmodelsofpolarization.• Brainanddevelopmentalsciencesarenotrecognizedasofferingprinciplesandpathwaystosocialgrowth.

• Governmentsrarelyjoininpleasureand“playgroundpolitics”,unlikechildrenwhoalwaysplaytogetherbeforetheyworktogether.

• Governments,particularly“enemies”rarelyjoininworktogether.


-NelsonMandelaGerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 71

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Theearliestmomentsoflife- andlater…• Requirerelationshipsthatareregulating,consistent,predictable,respectful,attunedandloving.

• Requirerich,textured,multi-modal,engagementthatattendstobody,mind,intellect,affectandtherelationship– “livedmoments”

• Requireconstant,fullaffective“co-regulating”andmovementtowardssymbolformation

• Requirereflectivityand“mindsight”aswemoveupthedevelopmentallatter.

• Requireinteractionwithdiverse,expansiveinfluences73GerardCosta,Ph.D.2019

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Imagine,thingslike• Earlychildhood,andalleducationrootedinself-awareness,mindfulnessandmindsight.

• Earlychildhood,secondary,universityandgraduatecourses,entitled,“TheNeurobiologyofPeace”,andthattheseareofferedNOTjustinbiology,psychology,educationorhumandevelopmentdepartments,butinbusiness,finance,politicalscience,internationalstudiesdepartments.


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Imagine,thingslike• Courseworkandworldhistorythatdoesnotonlyexaminegeopoliticalconflictsbuthowdifferentsocietieshandleemotionalthemes.

• Developmentally-basedprogramsthatintegrateemotion,relationshipsandlearningatalllevels.

• Asocietywhereallbelong,inclusive,respected,honoredandsupportedinalltheirdifferences.

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Soconsider• AnewkindofEDUCATION,oneformedfromthebeginning,wherethegoalsarenotsimplyknowledgebutawayofBEINGwitheachother.

• Onethatpromotesthoseearlyandfoundationalcircuitsandcapacities,thatiscultivatedbyattuned,regulated,genuinecare- whatwecalllove.

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• AneducationthatcultivatesandsupportswhatDanSiegelcallsthe“me”,“you”and“we”maps,oncethatcultivatesthenineprefrontalfunctionsandthe16FEDLs,onethatisembeddedinrelationshipsandcultivatesasenseof“moralinterdependency”

• Onethatemphasizesearlyon,andcontinuallywhatPaulToughreferstoasthe“non-cognitive”areas– butwhichinfactaredeeplycognitiveintheirformation.

• Onethatbeginsbeforebirth,andneverends.

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“…(I)ts besttostartthisprocessassoonaspossiblebecausein50yearstheneedforitwillbefargreaterthanatthepresent.”

GreenspanandShanker (2002),p.51

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• AprogramforWORLDLEADERSonhowtopromotemindfulness,regulationandpeace.

• Asummerinstituteforeducatorsabouthowtopromotepeaceinchildren,basedontheknowledgewehaveaboutwhatisneededinbrainsandrelationshipstomakecollaborativeinterdependencyandpeaceareality,usingourbrainsciences,mindfulness,andmindsight.

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• WhatwouldweobserveifweconductedfMRIsonTrumpandPutinwhiletheymet?

• Whatpartsoftheirbrains/mindswouldbemostactive?

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The Morality of Independence(GreenspanandShanker,2002,p.56)

• Weareaglobalcommunitywithintertwinedliterature,economics,socialandpoliticallives.

• The“unitofsurvival”isnolongertheindividualorsmallgroupsbuttheglobalcommunity!

• Themoreinterdependent,thegreatertheneedtorespecteachgroup’sneedsandcharacteristics,whilesupportingasenseofsharedhumanityandrealitythroughglobalreflectiveprocessesandinstitutions.

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The Morality of Independence(GreenspanandShanker,2002,p.56)

• Closerrelationshipsarenotsimplyabouttheabsenceofviolencebutmustbeaboutimplicitexpectationsthatweallshareinacknowledgingeachother’swishandneedtosurvive.

• Thedisavowalofanotherhumanbeingorgroupisaninsultandhumiliation.A“newmorality”mustapplytoallgroupsequallyandembracethecollectiveidealofsurvival.

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• Whenalliswell,empathymaycomeeasy.


• Whathappenswhenthereisdanger,crisis,violence,fear,overwhelmingexperiences–whenWEASTHEADULTSstruggle?

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French dad and son

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First• A- Assess- Considerbio-psycho-socialinfluences• H- Hypothesize –wonderaboutwaystosupportregulationthroughaffectandinteraction

• A- Act – Actandevaluatethehypothesisandmodulateasneeded,usingtheAGILEguidelines



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Consider these elements in “how”yourespond

• A- Affect– Thisiswhatachildexperiencesfirstandmost!

• G- Gesture– Modulateandbeattunedinfacialexpressions,hands,movement,postureandpacing

• I- Intonation– Modulatethetoneofyourvoiceasthisconveysaffectandsocial/emotionalmeaning

• L- Latency(Wait)– Waitandallowthechildtimeto“takeyouin”

• E- Engagement– Beforeyoucontinue,besureyouhaveengagedthechild

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Therearethreemethodstogainingwisdom.Thefirstisreflection,whichisthe highest. The second is limitation, which is the easiest. The third is experience, which is the bitterest.

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“If we are to reach real peace in this world, we shall have to begin with the children.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

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discoveredfire.”GerardCosta,Ph.D.2019 93

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