selling multiple media engagements

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  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Multiple Media


  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    What is Multiple Media Engagement?

    Multiple Media Engagement is basically involving a single client through

    various media channel.

    This is where we try and understand the needs of our client, its target group,

    post an understanding is developed we try and introduce the client to a

    comprehensive solution.

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Steps to a multiple media deal:

    As I see it a client goes through various stages while negotiating a deal:This is where we educate the client

    about the various services that we can

    provide. We mention the USPs of our

    products and how the client can use

    the same to reach out to the people

    he wants to reach out to.This is where the client gets

    interested and gets inquisitive. He

    would probe into what you have

    told him, he would initiate a

    conversation in which he shall

    enquire about rates, reach and

    benefitsThis according to me is the most

    important and defining stage if a

    deal will be closed or not. What you

    create as a campaign and as a deal

    is what shall create interest andmake them buy the deal.

    This is where the price negotiation

    happens. Take the lowest price you

    can settle for. Negotiate for a higher

    price. Usually clients are unaware

    of prices of the market, you can

    always negotiate a better price then

    giving away discounts.






  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The Educate stage:

    You can educate your customer through the following tools:

    Product Sheets Presentation Newsletters

    A One pager on all products

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The Initiate stage:

    Your customer is initiated when:

    3. He is asking the price of the product?

    4. He is inquisitive on details?

    5. He is concerned about the reach of the product?

    6. He wishes to get some finer details of the product?

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The Create stage:

    Things to remember when you create:

    3. Make sure you know your clients TG, create something keeping the

    same in mind.

    4. Create at a price which is higher then his budget, it is inevitable he

    will negotiate.5. Put thought to what you create, a bad product is never bought

    6. Use ideas of the client, if he did mention anything. He will like it more

    and the product will become more sellable.

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Why Create stage is important?

    Usually when you pitch the product, it seems exciting to a client if he is

    unaware of the products or in case he really likes the product. Irrespective

    of the same, he looses interest as soon as you leave the office.

    In the create stage how fast you create the product for him is very important.

    If you take too much time in sending what he had asked for, he would tend toswing to a not so interested mode, also your competitor might just rope him in.

    You make him super excited about the product as soon as send a custom

    made presentation with his logos etc. also when it is in campaign format,

    It sounds far more interesting and client can feel the impact.

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The Negotiate stage:

    Things to remember when you negotiate:

    3. Always pitch it higher then what you want him to buy at

    4. He should see he is gaining enough when he is making the deal.

    Mention your card rates, this will make him feel the discount you are

    offering5. Pitch for a cumulative figure he should see the overall discount and

    not individual discount. If he seems the individual discount he tends

    to negotiate more on every component.

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The Close stage:

    Things to remember when you Close:

    3. Close as soon as possible.

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Case Study:

    Assume you are at a client, below are the things that he has asked you


    Client profile: Abra Ka Dabra Builders TG: A1 audience, investors

    Budget: 10 lakh apart from ads in RP which are pre-defined Duration: 20 days to 1 month City: Jaipur only

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Multiple Media

    Presentation & Deal Format:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Multiple Media Presentation

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    About Rajasthan Patrika

    In the year 1956 a revolution took birth in the city of Jaipur witha mere investment of Rs. 500. Since then Rajasthan Patrikahave been ever growing, reaching more and more peopleeveryday.

    Today our reach expands to Rajasthan and beyond. With over 1crore 21 lakh readers everyday, we continue to be the mostpreffered newspaper in Rajasthan. Today Rajasthan Patrikareaches 66% of any Hindi daily readers in Rajasthan.

    Rajasthan Patrika publishes 50 editions in 5 states, engages1600 correspondents, reports and stringers to deliver the bestto our customers doorstep.

    Rajasthan Patrika Group is one of the most trusted newspaperfor over 50 years. Through our expansions we now reachpeople through SMS services, radio, outdoor publicity, cablenetwork, educational foundations, yellow pages, publications,online news portal and through our unique events.

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Our Services:

    Rajasthan Patrika sells over 11 lakh copies everyday

    A recent study by BBC-Reuters listed Rajasthan Patrika among the 5most

    trusted newspapers in India

    We have 61% market share with Urban readership

    We have 70% market share of Rural Readership

    Rajasthan Patrika is circulated through the strong network of 3500Agents

    and over 12000 hawkers

    We are the most widely read hindi daily in Rajasthan, Gujarat,Karnataka andTamil Nadu

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    News Today is one of the most widely read newspaper in Indoreand Jaipur

    News Today is the number 1 evening daily with 50000 copieseveryday

    Spread across readership of masses and classes, it is likely to cross3 lakh

    readers in the coming months

    With content partner like Mid Day, News Today circulates through22 sales

    points in Jaipur

    Circulated between 1.30 and 4.30, and priced at Re.1, News Todaybecomes

    a perfect afternoon reading material

    News Today has more thorough readers as is received during

    afternoonhours. Also, it secures recall for advertisers.

    Our Services:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Recent IMRB survey marks Radio Tadka as the second most heard radio inJaipur

    Tadka enjoys over 4 lakh listeners everyday

    We customize and create programs for audience of all ages

    We have exclusive tie-ups for sole listening of Tadka at places with greaterfootfall

    Tadka is promoted through Newspaper, Hoardings, On Air, through tie ups withcommunity programs

    It is a cost effective, personalized medium that is with the consumer till the lastpoint of


    Our Services:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    We can provide you with unconventional solutions through events and activities

    that shallhelp you increase your market share

    We have organized events that has helped our partners penetrate in segmentsof society

    that they could not reach through conventional channels of media

    Road shows, Events, Tour across the state and many more, if you can imagine itwe can

    deliver it.

    Our understanding of districts of Rajasthan allows you to reach out to your targetaudience

    Our Services:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The medias that you should engage for awareness and recall in the target

    segment inJaipur

    Ab Dhanda nahi hoga MandaCampaign:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The Gold Souk Ab dhanda nahi hoga manda campaign shall engage the

    following elements and events:

    A Jeweler, specially the elder generation refers to business as Dhanda, and one ofthe biggest fears is the failure and non achievement of their aspirations.

    Ab Dhanda Nahin Hoga Manda is a promotion campaign pitching Gold Soukas a destination where once a person has established his setup shall never have aproblem of failure and non achievement.

    The campaign engages Rajasthan Patrikas Rajasthan Edition, News TodayJaipur edition, Tadka Jaipur, Planet Outdoor (Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur andKota), Media Max and Channel 24.

    The Ab Dhanda Kyun Ho Manda Gold SoukHai Na:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    The campaign shall promote endorsements of people who already have their

    setups in a Gold Soukat any place. At the same point of time it shall also promotehow a Gold Souk place catches attention of premium audience and securesbusiness for people present at a Gold Souk.

    The Idea is to promote that you shall never suffer losses or would regretbeing at a Gold Souk.

    This shall be promoted through various mediums that engage a Jeweler in onecapacity or other. We shall primarily pitch the campaign at 4 destinations,Jaipur,Udaipur, Jodhpur and Kota.

    The Ab Dhanda Kyun Ho Manda Gold SoukHai Na:

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    Sample Ad of the campaign shall look like:

    The Ab Dhanda Kyun Ho Manda Gold SoukHai Na:

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    With the above print campaign (for Rajasthan Patrika and News Today) the

    same shall be pitched through Radio Tadka and Channel 24 (Aaradhana, as thatis the channel that is heard largely by audience of Jodhpur and Udaipur).

    Also we shall have engagement plan with the Jewelers association, variousclubs and have our representatives promote at destinations like these.

    We shall keep the same campaign through our outdoor media network,ensuring that each one who should get engaged, does not miss out on thecampaign.

    We shall follow the campaign by inviting Jewelers to a dinner, with acelebrity (Jagjit Singh or someone with a similar profile). These dinners shall be at

    Jaipur, Jodhpur, Udaipur and Kota. Where we shall also ensure that we have

    presentations and pamphlets promoting the Ab Dhandha nahi hoga mandacampaign.

    The Ab Dhanda Kyun Ho Manda Gold SoukHai Na:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Why these Media Carriers?

    Rajasthan Patrika is widely and largely read by Higher IncomeGroup.

    Tadka is popular and mostly heard in Cars while traveling. Theare also the target audience for Gold Souk.

    News Today being a evening daily is read by owners. Alsois read by people traveling in cars, as primary sales points are

    traffic lights.

    Through Planet Outdoor you can promote your campaign whicshall attract business partners.

    The Ab Dhanda Kyun Ho Manda Gold SoukHai Na:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    Your Buyer

    The Ab Dhanda Kyun Ho Manda Gold SoukHai Na:

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    Multiple Media Deal:

  • 8/14/2019 Selling Multiple Media Engagements


    A multiple media deal format:



    Management Fee

    All arrangements andvolunteers for the roadshow shall be managedby Rajasthan Patrika.

    Four road shows acrossUdaipur.

    Our professionallymanaged services.

    With a network of32 districts across


    Road Shows

    25000Rs.1 per SMS25000 SMSesOver 86 Lakhpeople on our

    database.56969 Sevices

    14400024000 per month5 times per day for 10

    seconds each for 6months

    Number one inUdaipur

    Channel 24 News, Aaradhana,My Music and Sky Movie

    VariableVariablePlease find the hoarding

    sites below.The best Hoardings

    of Rajasthan.Planet Outdoor

    21000070 RPS3000 ROS seconds. 5

    spots of 10 second each.Launched in UdaipurRadio Tadka

    TotalCard RateInsertsComponent DetailsMedia Component

    We would want to offer a combined package offer rate at Rs. 5,00,000 only. Rates for our publications

    shall be separate and shall be as per deals already communicated or signed. Service Tax shall be

    charged separate.

    We look forward to a greater association between Rajasthan Patrika and XXX.

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    Thank You