semantic social web

Dr. Sabin Buraga Faculty of Computer Science “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania

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Post on 08-May-2015




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An overview regarding the most important ingredients of the Semantic Web in the social context.


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Dr. Sabin BuragaFaculty of Computer Science

“Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania

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Computer Science


Web interaction







A. I. CuzaUniversity









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client server

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Web server

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Web server Web client(s)

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HTTP as protocol

Web server Web client(s)

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URI to address resources

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HTML as markup language structure

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CSS for styling presentation

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anything can link to anything

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Web as a platform facilitating participation

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social software

(micro)blogs, social networks, wikis,…

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social software

(micro)blogs, social networks, wikis,…

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from collaboration to trust (?!)

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RIA – rich interaction between users and applications

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new (e)business models

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some questions…

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how about reusing data in other contexts?

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reality: walled “gardens” (mansions)

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how about explaining data?

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in fact, we really want to annotate data by hand?

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how about enriching data?

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reality: the need of “intelligent” software

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how about maturity: from data to knowledge?

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pragmatism: there are costs, lack of expertise, etc.

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pragmatism: there are costs, lack of expertise, etc.

laziness & resistance to change?

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let’s add some semantic spices to old HTML juice

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first simplest solution: microformats

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<div class="vcard"><h3>Personal details</h3>

<img src="sabin-buraga-busaco-csb35.jpg" alt="Photo of Sabin-Corneliu Buraga" class="photo" />

<p>Full name: <span class="fn"><span class="given-name">Sabin-Corneliu</span> <span class="family-name">Buraga</span></span></p>

<p><span class="vevent"><span class="summary">Date of birth</span>: <abbr class="dtstart" title="19740107">January 07, 1974</abbr></span></p>


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<div class="vcard"><h3>Personal details</h3>

<img src="sabin-buraga-busaco-csb35.jpg" alt="Photo of Sabin-Corneliu Buraga" class="photo" />

<p>Full name: <span class="fn"><span class="given-name">Sabin-Corneliu</span> <span class="family-name">Buraga</span></span></p>

<p><span class="vevent"><span class="summary">Date of birth</span>: <abbr class="dtstart" title="19740107">January 07, 1974</abbr></span></p>


hCard microformat

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Operator extension for Firefox in action

hCard + hEvent

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asserting social relations via XFN microformat

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result: metadata embedded into Web documents

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we need a more flexible approach!?

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creating/using specific vocabularies in a standard way

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RDF – Resource Description Framework

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“The Wall is an album made by Pink Floyd.”

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TheWall isA Album . TheWall madeBy Pink Floyd .

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TheWall isA Album .

subject predicate object

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TheWall isA Album .

subject predicate object

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TheWall isA Album .

subject predicate object

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TheWall isA Album .

subject predicate object

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TheWall isA Album .

subject predicate object


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TheWall dc:title "The Wall"@en .

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TheWall dc:title "The Wall"@en .

Dublin Core (DCMI) vocabulary

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PinkFloyd foaf:made TheWall .

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PinkFloyd foaf:made TheWall .

FOAF (Friend Of A Friend)

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PinkFloyd rdf:type mo:MusicGroup .

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PinkFloyd rdf:type mo:MusicGroup .

any vocabulary you like… ☺

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using multiple (standardized) vocabulariesweb of data

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Person class

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so, we can publish and reuse public RDF data

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linked data

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anyone can say anything about any topic

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RDF constructs can be used directly into Web pagesRDFa

interesting initiatives: Common Tag, Good Relations

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other well known vocabularies:DOAP – Description Of A Project

SIOC – Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities

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how about specifying concepts, their properties, relations between concepts, restrictions,…?

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modeling knowledge via ontologies

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OWL –Web Ontology Language

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Equinoxe a Album


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JeanMichelJarre a foaf:PersonRogerWaters a foaf:Person

RogerWaters a db:MusicalArtistTheWall a db:Album

foaf:Person a owl:Classdb:City a owl:Class

mo:MusicGroup a owl:Class

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JeanMichelJarre a foaf:PersonRogerWaters a foaf:Person

RogerWaters a db:MusicalArtistTheWall a db:Album

foaf:Person a owl:Classdb:City a owl:Class

mo:MusicGroup a owl:Class

a class from DBpedia ontology

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JeanMichelJarre a foaf:PersonRogerWaters a foaf:Person

RogerWaters a db:MusicalArtistTheWall a db:Album

foaf:Person a owl:Classdb:City a owl:Class

mo:MusicGroup a owl:Class

defining different classes via OWL

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Vangelis foaf:made Direct

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Vangelis foaf:knows JonAnderson

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related specifications:RDF Schema

SKOS – Simple Knowledge Organizational System

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how about querying such webs of data?

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queries about individuals via SPARQL

SELECT ?title WHERE {?group a mo:MusicGroup ;

foaf:name "Pink Floyd";foaf:made ?album .

?album dc:title ?title .}ORDER BY ?title LIMIT 3

access to BBC Music

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using SPARQL in tools – for example, Zemanta

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db:MusicalArtist rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person .plays a owl:ObjectProperty ;

rdfs:domain db:MusicalArtist ;rdfs:range mo:Song .

RogerWaters plays If .

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db:MusicalArtist rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person .plays a owl:ObjectProperty ;

rdfs:domain db:MusicalArtist ;rdfs:range mo:Song .

RogerWaters plays If .

must be a song!

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db:MusicalArtist rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person .plays a owl:ObjectProperty ;

rdfs:domain db:MusicalArtist ;rdfs:range mo:Song .

RogerWaters plays If .

must be an artist

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db:MusicalArtist rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person .plays a owl:ObjectProperty ;

rdfs:domain db:MusicalArtist ;rdfs:range mo:Song .

RogerWaters plays If .

and a person, too

must be an artist

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query regarding knowledge (e.g., classes) inference

db:MusicalArtist rdfs:subClassOf foaf:Person .plays a owl:ObjectProperty ;

rdfs:domain db:MusicalArtist ;rdfs:range mo:Song .

RogerWaters plays If .

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more things to come…

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thank you!

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Dr. Sabin