semester 1 review january 2009. a major conflict at the constitutional convention was focused on...

Semester 1 Review January 2009

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Semester 1 Review

January 2009

A major conflict at the Constitutional Convention was

focused on what issue.

The number of representatives from each state in Congress

Chapter 7

According to the Articles of Confederation, the US government

would be a success because….

Provided a system for settling and governing western territories

Chapter 7

Ben Franklins snake, “Join or Die” What does it mean?

Colonies join together to fight with Britain against France.

Chapter 4

Countries involved in the triangular trade

Britain, Africa, West Indies and colonies

Chapter 2

How did the Native Americans benefit from the Columbian


Introduced horses

Chapter 2

How did the US Constitution correct the weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

Gave the national government power to collect taxes.

States gave up some powers to the federal government while keeping others.

Chapter 7

How have people benefited from cultural diffusion?

Introduced new items from different cultures (food, religion etc)

Chapter 2

The basic principle of the US Constitution is….

The people are the ultimate source of power

Chapter 7

A criticism of the Articles of Confederation was..

It was difficult for the national government to raise money.

Chapter 7

The goal of the Articles of Confederation

Limited national government

Chapter 7

Identify a weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Congress depended on states for money and men for the army.

Chapter 7

What compromise was reached at the

Constitutional Convention?

A two house legislature

Chapter 7

What did the Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagree over?

The amount of power to be given to federal and state governments

Chapter 7

What does the first amendment protect?

-religion -speech -press -assembly -petition government


What is the purpose of government, according to the Declaration of


To secure unalienable rights – life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

Chapter 5

What was a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

Weak central government – the states had all the power

Chapter 7

What was the economy of cities during colonial times (example –

New York, Boston, and Charleston)

Boston –ship building New York – industry Charleston –plantation farming

Chapter 3

What was the main reason for the addition of the Bill of


To protect individual freedoms

Chapter 8

What was the major purpose of the Declaration of


Guarantee individual rights

Chapter 5

What were the economies of New England, the Middle Colonies and

the Southern Colonies?

New England: trade, ship building, fishing

Middle: farming, lumber, fishing, industry

Southern: rice and tobacco farmingChapter 4

What were the motivations for Europeans to explore the new


God – spread religion Gold-Increase wealth (wealth=power) Glory – increase fame and power of


Chapter 2

Which phrase in the Declaration of Independence demonstrates that

the people are the source of government?

“..deriving their just power from the consent of the governed”

Chapter 5

Who was eligible to vote in colonial America?

White males who owned property and were over 21

Chapter 4

Why did the Constitution provide for a system of checks and balances?

Feared that one branch would be too powerful over others

Chapter 7

Why was the Electoral College system created?

Framers did not trust citizens, felt they were uneducated

Chapter 7

Why were the Federalist Papers published?

To defend and explain the Constitution, Urged the ratification of the Constitution

Chapter 7

How were Native Americans harmed by the Columbian



Chapter 2