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    I N T E R V I E W SS T O R I E S C H A R I T Y R E V I E W S V I D E O


    Ruhi explores what the big

    deal is with big data


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    Front Cover Image: Theo Giannou Cover Design: Sarah Giannou

    Welcome to the final issue for 2017!

    The most satisfaction in regard to journalism

    comes from obtained knowledge and the

    distribution of that knowledge. It connects people,

    educates people, entertains people. All of a

    sudden, information once exclusive to the brains of

    individuals is now available to others. The team

    found that in discussion we could spread

    awareness and ideas; learning simultaneously so

    much about the world around us and each other.

    This, combined with the application of individuals

    peculiar strengths to produce a greater whole,this

    magazine, made this journey so enjoyable. This is

    what I loved most about the Tempe Times. The

    following pages is the outcome of this adventure

    and immense team effort. We are so proud to

    introduce our final issue for 2017!

    Of course, we've brought back what you all loved!

    Expect to see the Entertainment section,

    interviews, reviews, humour, investigations and

    debates. However, in addition we have many new

    articles. Make sure to check out our new animal

    welfare section, our interviews, DIY origami section

    and art reviews (appropriations). There is

    guaranteed to be something for everyone.

    Overall, For this issue our aim was to improve the

    design layout and consistency of the magazine. By

    adapting fonts and colour schemes we have greatly

    improved this feature. Not to mention that this

    magazine is even more interactive, with more QR

    codes, contacts and references from various sources.


    However, the greatest improvement to the magazine

    yet is the significant increase of diversity of articles

    within the magazine. After discovering the broad array

    of interests, knowledge and passions within the team

    we decided to expand from just local viewpoint and

    informative articles to political, investigative and

    advocative works. Many of our team members

    dedicated time and effort from their holidays and

    weekends to contribute to this magazine, visiting

    shelters and Sydney's main points of interest. As a

    result we have so many more eye opening articles,

    graphics, organisation and interviews to share.

    Thank you to the Tempe Times Team for being such

    a pleasure to work with. Thank you to Mr Dias for

    guiding us the whole way. We all hope you enjoy our

    final issue. Happy holidays!

    Please feel free to send us any thoughts, ideas,

    feedback and inquiries regarding the magazine to

    [email protected]. We look forward to

    hearing from you!

    Editor's Note

  • OOur ea er and Mentor: Mr Dias Proofreader: Mrs Hall The Team: Joel Abraham, Harry Andrews, Ali Chebli, Tsubasa Chheng, Wencai Feng, Alex Gock-King, Tiffany Gunawan, Suhit Gurung,Naufal Haidar,Timothy Ham,Freda Han, Brandon Ho, Ryan Ho, Billy Hung, Rafid Islam, Bryants Lam,Chanel Lu,Marcus Ly, Peta Macpherson, Samin Mazid, Donna Nguyen,JeffersonNguyen,Raiyaan Ruhi, Vashna Singh, Alan Tran,Toby Wright and Claire Ye


    I S S U E 2 | S E C T I O N 2 | D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 7


    O R G A N I S A T I O N T H A T H E L P D E F I N E T H E N O T I O N

    O F A N I M A L W E L L - B E I N G


    We live in an era in which animal

    cruelty is at its pinnacle. Every

    day thousands of animals are left

    stranded or harmed. In this hour

    alone 23 pound animals were

    euthanized nationwide. The

    statistics are overwhelmingly sad

    (which you will learn in the

    following pages). And the greatest

    injustice is the fact that nothing

    is being implemented to counter or

    improve this reality.

    Fortunately, due to the generosity

    of the following organisations and

    the common population, animals are

    given another opportunity at life.

    Animal welfare, like never before,

    is up to the people. We have the

    power to improve it. You have the

    power to help.

    Note: Be warned, some of the

    content featured is quite


    Cover photo: Theo Giannou

    Design: Sarah Giannou



    S A R A H G I A N N O U , C H A R L O T T E N G U Y E N , T I F F A N Y G U N A W A N

    In order to gain awareness and a local perspective in relation to adoption and rescue, the team had a chat with Mrs Hall (formerly known as Ms Baulderstone). We learnt a lot about her, Luna (a young dog), and the

    processes associated with adoption and animal rescue. She had recently adopted Luna from the Country Companions Animal Rescue (CCAR) and she provided great insight into the shelter. We are

    pleased to share our findings and are extremely grateful for her time. We hope this interview will help those looking to adopt from animal rescues,

    which we strongly encourage!

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    RESCUES A R A H G I A N N O U , C H A R L O T T E N G U Y E N , T I F F A N Y

    G U N A W A N

    Today a loving elderly dog was

    taken on a one way adventure to a

    rural pound, dumped and left

    there. From there, he would spend

    countless days peeking out of the

    cage awaiting for his owner's

    return. Being deprived of his

    human companions, proper rations,

    love and care. A life completely

    confined to a corner in a small

    enclosure. Each day that passes

    would encompass less and less

    hope, for each person that passed

    by was not his own. Slowly, the

    overwhelming reality of the pound

    would engulf his eagerness

    entirely. One by one he would

    witness his cell mates leave,

    never to return.

    After weeks of neglect he too

    would be enticed into a dark

    room, lined up and shot. Not

    once, not twice, not five times

    but seven times they would fail

    to end his misery. And the last

    moments of his life would be

    utter pain. Being punished for a

    crime he never committed.

    This is the distressing fate of

    23 animals every hour in

    Australia alone.

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  • S A R A H G I A N N O U , C H A R L O T T E N G U Y E N , T I F F A N Y

    G U N A W A N

    This tragic death is painful.

    Most country pounds are not

    willing to undergo ethical

    euthanization strategies and

    turn to cheaper alternatives

    such as the simple and cruel

    bullet through the skull. At

    times, several shots are needed

    to finally put the animal to

    “sleep”. In other cases the

    animals aren't even this lucky;

    being thrown into rivers, buried

    alive, tied and beaten to death,

    locked and burned inside their

    kennels while owners claim


    Many animals are bred by

    irresponsible and ignorant

    breeders and bought by pet shops

    that don’t care less about the

    source of their animals.

    These animals can be inbred or

    bred for purely for profit and

    are often blind, deaf or

    suffering other disabilities.

    Some people breed animals even

    though there is no demand for

    them, and this results in pups

    dumped at the pound. Some have

    no idea how to care for the

    young animals and raise them in

    inadequate conditions, which all

    too often leads to death. Others

    do not desex their pets and find

    it more convenient to dump the

    unwanted kittens into the

    nearest drain. Most of the time,

    people are ignorant and put male

    and female animals together.

    This could have been the reality

    Luna, Boo, Kruger, Axle and

    hundreds more. However, due to

    the unconditional dedication and

    passion of Julie-Ann Ehrlich

    these animals were given a

    second chance at life. She along

    with many of her volunteers

    rescue animals from country

    pounds (where there is a slim

    chance of them finding a good

    forever home) and bring them

    back to the shelter.

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  • S A R A H G I A N N O U , C H A R L O T T E N G U Y E N , T I F F A N Y

    G U N A W A N

    The Country Companion Animal

    Rescue or CCAR is one of the few

    rescues in all of NSW that

    operate on a not for profit, no

    euthanization basis. They are a

    small rescue group operating in


    All these accomplishments come

    down to the tremendous efforts

    of one woman. For 14 years she

    has worked to save the lives of

    animals despite becoming

    registered just 3 years ago. She

    has dedicated endless hours to

    the welfare and survival of her

    animals whether they be pigs,

    horses, dogs, cats, chickens,

    parrots, bunnies, guinea pigs,

    goats, reptiles and the list

    goes on. She has put aside many

    hours and dollars to help

    rehabilitate animals from the

    emotional torment of their

    previously harsh environments

    and has not expected anything in

    return but a new and loving home

    for her comrades.

  • S A R A H G I A N N O U , C H A R L O T T E N G U Y E N , T I F F A N Y

    G U N A W A N

    So how can you help with this

    worthwhile cause? We can all make a

    difference in the lives of these

    animals. All of the money used to

    help care for the rescued animals

    comes purely from donations. By

    donating just $15 for instance, 2

    animals can be saved. Please take

    some time to have a look at our

    links and infographic for more

    information. Please contact Julie-

    Ann by email

    ([email protected]), via

    facebook (message the Country

    Companion Animal Rescue) or by

    simply scanning the QR code.

    Who doesn’t love seeing animals

    finally find a home?

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    N G U Y E N , T I F F A N Y G U N A W A N

  • Meet Honey the pig. After being bought at a farm, she was destined to be made the freshly grilled pork main dish for a

    Sunday brunch. Luckily for this piglet, guests couldn’t bear to kill her (we heard that the salad had great dressing!). She was brought to the

    Country Companions Animal Rescue, where 9 years later, she is still thriving

    and happy with plenty of grass to stamp about and fresh apples as a treat.

    These two horses were going to be put into an abattoir after their

    racing days were over. To be turned into dog food. However, the rescue retrieved them just in

    time and are now grazing, without any fear and worry on their


    Meet Kruger. Despite his highly affectionate personality, he has yet to find his forever home. Kruger has been in

    shelter for over a year. Can you be the one to give this

    lovely boy a home?

  • Meet this nervous little bird. Due to high anxiety levels this parrot has

    resorted to pulling out its own feathers as stress relief. As you can see on the

    right, there is a bare patch on the chest.

    Meet this fluff-ball. Taken to the shelter as part of an unwanted

    litter. Here he stays with his comrades until 8 weeks old.

    After that, we hope they will find their forever home.

    Do you remember Steve the goat? He came over to

    Tempe High School in 2015 for our Super Happy Fun Day. Belonging to Mrs

    Baylis, he grazes in the paddocks of CCAR.

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  • Catmosphere is a cat cafe located in

    the Sydney CBD (Surry Hills). Quite

    contrary to its surrounding cafes, the

    Catmosphere has bent all conventions.

    Not only can you enjoy a nice cup of

    coffee but can also be entirely

    immersed in the company of cats. The

    cafe has had an overwhelming positive

    role in the local culture by educating

    and improving the wellbeing in regard

    to cats. We were lucky enough to pay a

    visit where we learnt a lot about the

    cafe and how it’s run. Not to mention

    that Tiffany had her first cat

    encounter. It truly was a great


    Following the trend that started

    in Japan, the basic mission of

    the cat cafe is to provide a

    space where people and cats

    (whether that be kittens or

    adults) can interact. The

    experience is not limited to

    refreshments and beverages,

    visitors can hold fitness

    sessions (Yoga), birthday

    parties and a range of other

    activities.This adventure starts

    at just $20 per person.

    Tiffany Gunawan and Sarah Giannou

  • As if the whole notion of a cat

    cafe wasn't enough to draw in the

    crowds, the Catmosphere has a

    strong culture and theme. Dedicated

    to cat and movie lovers alike,

    Catmosphere is Australia's first

    space-themed cat cafe. It has a

    very intergalactic persona, with

    all its rooms, posters and even

    cats given sci-fi movie or book

    related names (take Obi Wan Catobi

    for example).

    So, how are you helping?

    Your visit contributes to the

    socialisation, care and wellbeing

    of these rescue cats. All of theses

    cats have been rescued and with

    luck on their way to a forever

    home. Not to mention that by

    purchasing instore and online

    souvenirs you are helping to fund

    the business meaning that you are

    also extending help to the business

    and quality of life of these


  • How else can you contribute?

    The cafe offers a cat sponsorship

    program, where individuals can

    dedicate a monthly payment to a

    favourite cat. Simply visit their

    website. Donation are $30 a month

    or $360 a year.

    This is highly worth it, however

    there are a few drawbacks. Among

    the few is the smell of the cat

    room. It is overwhelmed with an

    essence of cat litter. There were

    also a lack of nooks for cats to

    refuge when they have “had enough”

    of human interaction. This meant

    that some cats had become

    completely averse to being

    patted.Beside these few, we think

    the experience is generally


    Overall, catmosphere has a

    tremendous positive effect on the

    wider community. We highly

    recommend and support this idea. If

    you would like to donate and

    support this great cause please

    scan the QR code attached or simply

    visit the Catmosphere website.

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    Photography: Sarah Giannou

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    What we call farms are often nothing more

    than slaughterhouses. An undercover

    journalist exposes the torment and suffering

    that occurs beneath the surface.




    S A R A H G I A N N O U

    Lend A Pet:

    Herd To Homes:

    Lend A Pet is the ultimate link between dog owners all over Australia. If your currently a dog owner , foster carer, potential dog owner or just looking for something to do for the weekend, Lend A Pet is the go to. People are able to lend and borrow others pets for

    hours to weeks (depending on the circumstance).

    A dog rescue that aims to save and re-home working dogs across Australia. They prove that rescue dogs are often pure bred that are overlooked simply for the stigma that surrounds


    Educates and informs the general public of animal cruelty. Their website contains over 100 videos for all ages.


    Avon, Clinique, Victoria’s Secret, Estee Lauder...

    To you it may seem like a list of random

    all share a dark truth. Behind each of these

    thousands SUFFER

    feelings for animals; many look upon them a

    means for advancing medical techniques or

    the pain, the suffering, and the deaths of these

    DELIBERATELY HARMEDgood, and are usually KILLED at the end of the experiment.

    Animal experiments include:

    Exposing animals to radiationSurgically removing animals’ organs or tissues

    Forcing animals to inhale toxic gases

    create anxiety and depression.

    While most cosmetic companies don’t test their products on animals here in Australia many

    According to Humane Research Australia, more than six million animals are used annually in

    of pain and stress during the experimental procedure or as a result of the environment


    Because animals are like us.’”

    them for testing instead of using humans, then

    physically and psychologically. Because of this,

    live a happy life in a loving home. Just like us,

  • the same respect as humans, yet their rights are VIOLATED

    painful or cause permanent DAMAGE or DEATH, and they are never given the option of not participating in the experiment. Animals

    technology. Their decisions are made for

    preferences and choices. When humans decide the fate of animals in research environments,

    their lives.

    In 1989, a company named The Body Shop started campaigning to end animal testing

    Cruelty Free International,cosmetic company to do so. They are still

    are CRUELTY FREE, 100% VEGETARIAN and .

    against animal testing in cosmetics. We have

    in campaigning for change. Over the last three

    partner Cruelty Free International and our collective efforts helped lead to a European

    The Body Shop products undergo extensive testing to ensure they are SAFE and EFFECTIVE

    three main testing methods involving computer

    through a process of extrapolation of this information.

    To ensure good tolerance on people, the

    involves placing a very small amount of product on person’s skin to ensure that it is safe and

    alternative testing options like those to reduce


    By joining The Body Shop’s Forever Against

    YOU can play a role and TOGETHER

    The campaign aims to get 8 million signatures


  • Abandon Abandonment Harrison Andrews

    Graphic made by Harrison Andrews

  • There are simply too many to treat and not enough homes for the ones that don’t need treating.

  • Graphic m

    ade by Harrison A


    Remember! For every store pet there are numerous in shelters!



    Thanks for reading!

  • Humanity produces approximately 2.5 exabytes (1 Billion GB) of data every day. Where does all this data come from? Everywhere. Every action completed online, on social media, with a phone or other electronic device, produces some form of data which can be collected. Millions, if not billions of actions done using the internet provide massive sets of data to analysts, to break down and search for patterns. Big data analytics is the studying of large sets of data to search for trends, normally used as a source of information for businesses, governments and institutions. The analysis of big data is necessary for these groups to understand things such as common human behaviours and interactions, in order to adapt their business practices or policies in order to suit these trends. If they had no clue about what type of people their consumers were, they would just end up providing unhelpful products and services. Normally supercomputers are utilised to discover trends in big data, as digital footprints from millions of people are closely inspected and categorised. But is this a breach of your online privacy? Or more importantly, your personal privacy?

    Metadatanoun MEH / TA / DA / TA

    A set of data that describes and gives information about other data.

    Whenever you post an image online, what do you believe is really being posted? Just a photo, or much more? The name, IP address and location of the user is posted alongside the photo. The camera type and exposure information of the camera is also posted, but all of this is hidden from the average user. It is excess data, which is written into the source code of the posted image, and it is known as metadata. Anytime you post something, message someone, or like something, or even log in, it will produce some form of excess data . Metadata is one of the largest contributors to big data, and provides very useful information about people, not just for companies, but also for the police, or even for people with more malicious intentions.

    Source: Google

    Raiyaan Ruhi

    Big Data,Big Deal

    Big Data noun COMPUTING

    Extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behaviour and interactions.

  • So, why should you care? You are one of millions producing information for companies to use, big deal. Bigger than you think. These companies are tracking things such as your interests, movements and behaviours. Consider that they most likely know more about you than your best friends. Analysts look at large sets of data and are able to discover things about not only large masses of people, but also smaller groups of them. Big data analysts will analyse the activities of certain groups of people, and directly advertise to them. This form of targeted advertising is considered

    which are relevant to the consumer, however there is also a downside to this form of advertising.

    different industries, while also having a large number of negative implications.

    In the health industry, things such as the effectiveness of certain medicines can be tracked. They can also view the outbreak of diseases and how they spread based on google searches. Large sets of information from

    their health can be cared for in a more precise manner.

    Governments also utilise big data to create policies. They can track information on large groups of people, and are able to use that information to

    by big data, as companies are able to understand consumer behaviours in order to create more suitable products for them.

    However, targeted advertising can be considered a negative aspect of big data. Certain types of

    behaviour while they are vulnerable. For example, when Facebook decided to target emotionally

    resulting in them being almost manipulated by the company. This form of emotional manipulation is very common, as companies can utilise big data to see how people feel and think, allowing them to

    There is also the concern of a lack of privacy, as companies are able to track your movements and your activities online. This reduces your privacy and makes this information somewhat public, for companies to use at their discretion.

  • utilise it as a means to achieve their goals. For example during Brexit and 2016 US Election, certain companies used targeted advertising to almost

    This use of targeted advertising slowly changes how you think and feel, as companies have direct access to your behaviours and actions online.

    All of this data in the wrong hands could have severe consequences on the world. If people with malicious

    people, they could utilise it for their own personal gain using methods such as blackmailing. They could also utilise it to do the bidding of those in power who may wish to alter how people think and feel. In this day and age of having a constant digital footprint, the most important act is to remain cautious. Watch over yourself and remain conscious of your decisions online, check privacy terms on websites and remain informed about what information collected from you is being used for.

    It is best to not worry too much about big data. Even if the threat may seem ominous, it is important to remember that although its impacts can be seemingly dangerous on a large scale; to a single person it should not be considered a threat. Big data has heavily

    understand people and their behaviours. Although it still has several negative connotations, it is important to form your own opinion on the subject and decide for yourself how you view its positives and negatives.

    “It is acapital mistaketo theorise before one has data” - Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the importance of data)

  • The thing most fruitful about journalism is the satisfaction one draws from knowledge and distribution of that knowledge. This is something I love about the Tempe Times and is what makes John Pilger an ultimate journalist. In a world where a majority of things are run by some degree of ambition and a correlated essence of greed and deception, it makes us truly grateful for those that are able to stand up against the rest, putting aside individual motives, to express the truth. John Pilger, a world renowned Australian journalist, identifiesas all of these. He has given a voice to the minority and exposes the untold in his countless documentaries. One of his most popular works is Utopia, where he addresses theinjustice, history and stigma associated with aboriginal peoples and their rights in Australia.

    His most recent documentary, “The Coming War on China” is one that will leave your jaw dropped and eyes opened. He talks about national links and their effects and above all exposes some of the lies and manipulation that occurs beneath the surface of our mainstream “media”. He is truly inspiring. To see the trailer please click on the attached link. Upon coming across his official website (, and with the prospect of contacting him suddenly more available, it triggered me to consider what I would ask if I met or spoke with him. It would be important that what I asked would teach others about our world, politics, motivation etc.I have since sent through the following questions. By researching his life I have a good Gage to what he might have responded.

    “It's only whenjournalists

    understand the rolethey play in this

    propaganda, it'sonly when they

    realise they can't beboth independent,honest journalists

    and agents ofpower, that things

    will begin tochange.”

    Above Photo Credits :

    Redefining Journalism: John Pilger

    Sarah Giannou

    J O U R N A L I S T

    C H E C K O U T J O H N P I L G E R . C O M

  • Question 2: Your most recent

    documentary, The Coming War

    on China, was very confronting

    and insightful and revealed

    information/truths that the

    mass media keeps hidden from

    us or neglects to properly

    investigate. With these new

    insights what do you hope the

    next generation should do

    differently to keep informed,

    discern facts from fiction, and

    influence change?

    It is so important, on any scale,

    to show appreciation for those

    you respect in order for them to

    have the motivation and support

    to continue doing what they love

    and what is good for others.

    However, I think one of the

    things that makes him such an

    inspiration is his ability to

    continue the line. To not only

    obtain that knowledge but to

    be motivated to share it. After

    all, it is one thing to know and

    another to share. What

    motivates him to express this

    knowledge is still bleak to me.

    However, I think it comes down

    to a high sense of ethos

    (morality). And perhaps he

    thrives off the positive

    responses he receives as a

    reward (an after-benefit) after

    his works are published. When

    we talk about “success” or

    “impact” people tend to focus

    on the “What” and not the

    “How” and “Why”. When you

    dig below the surface these are

    the factors that drive people.

    Passion being among one of the

    sole contributors to this. So

    many people fall in love with

    the end result (success) but not

    the journey there. These

    factors are the reason WHY

    John Pilger is such a popular


    Below are a few questions that

    I will discuss potential answers

    and explore new perspective.

    Question 1: What has been your

    motivation to speak out?

    John Pilger has been described

    before as having been motivated

    by the “greed of self

    enrichment”. This ideation has

    been reaffirmed countless times

    and is, I believe, to be one of his

    primary motivators. His

    academic progression in his

    early life (which is a display of

    curiosity and discipline) and

    countless documentaries

    reiterate this fact.

    Another thing that tends to

    motivate and help him excel is

    the fact that he is encompassed

    in a career strongly aligned

    with his strengths; researching,

    directing, film making seem to

    be among the few. After all,

    when you do something you

    love you are more enticed and

    obliged to succeed.

    Issue 27 | 234 C H E C K O U T J O H N P I L G E R . C O M

  • Journalism should be about

    passion, knowledge and truth and

    unfortunately it's very rarely ever

    this way. It is so important that

    we choose to support and

    become these voices of truth

    rather than succumb to the

    deceptive nature of some

    mediums. This transition can

    have larger than expected effects

    over the lives of individuals and

    the greater community. Just as

    Pilger’s actions are valued across

    the world.He has both directly

    and indirectly initiated petitions,

    advocation, and overall change.

    He has led the people to take a

    step in the right direction. I urge

    you, after reading this, that you

    not only learn about John Pilger

    but become inspired by his

    actions. The future is in our

    hands. The legacy we leave

    behind is up to us.

    John Pilger would probably

    (amongst many other things)

    insist that we increasingly seek

    to encourage those people,

    groups, institutions,

    organisations whom we

    appreciate. This will enhance

    the effect of the human voice

    and put us in control of our own


    Judging by his past initiatives, I

    also think that he would

    encourage us to question

    everything. To not accept hand

    fed lies because they are

    convenient (or what we want to

    hear) but rather take

    accountability and responsibility

    to explore further. This seems

    to be after all, the common

    theme in all his documentaries.

    Where what we are told by our

    leaders and reports are quickly

    proven to be twisted versions of

    the truth.

    “It is not enough for journalists to see themselves as mere messengers without understanding the hidden agendas of the message and the myths that surround it.”

    “Australia, a nation without enemies, spends $28 billion on the military and war and armaments in order to fulfil a tragic, entirely colonial and obsequious role, as US deputy sheriff in the Asia-Pacific.”

    Issue 27 | 234


  • Always look for the truth fromthe ground up, rarely from the

    top down. Journalists are never real journalists if they are the agents of power, no

    matter how they disguise that role. Real journalists are

    agents of people.

    J O H N P I L G E R

  • We all want others and ourselves to have a nice, well deserved trip whether it be local or internation-al, however, we have many dilemmas that stand in the way. Some barriers may include the amount of money that is needed to make such a trip or whether it is suitable for their likings. In this article, we will be reviewing places around the world and fi nding the best place to go for a holiday so you don’t have to. This fi rst section will include the best places to go in general.

    Canada is a picturesque place to be, with a vast range of places to go, from the Haida Gwaii archi-pelago to the vast city of Vancouver, not to forget the beautiful Niagara falls. Canada’s grand moun-tain ranges makes it great for skiing. Canada’s Old Québec is sure to give you a feel for Canada’s roots as French territory. This UNESCO world heritage site is fi lled with 17th-18th century houses and the residents are willing to make you happy while you are there, with musicians, acrobats and actors, while festivals light up the night sky. It gets even better in the wintertime, where Québec’s Winter Carnival occurs, being one of the biggest and most colorful winter festival, will surely give you an experience to take home.

    Col mbia offers a wide diversity of places to visit including the famous ‘tunnel vision mural’, the ‘Wade Hampton Statue’, and the ‘world’s largest fi re hydrant’ monument standing at a whopping 12 metres and heaving a weight of 4500 kg. Col mbia also offers a wide variety of cuisine including the exotic ‘Bandeja Paisa’, which is a traditional dish from the Paisa region. It consists of white rice, red beans, ground beef, plantain, chorizo, morcilla, chicharron, arepa, avocado and a fried egg. Along with Ajiaco, the bandeja paisa is considered to be one of the most favourite of national dishes.

    Finland offers a variety of stunning, prestige places including the Suomenlinna Fortress, Levi, Hel-sinki Zoo and the renowned arctic circle. The suomenlinna Fortress is an archipelago - UNESCO heritage listed site - and comprised of 8 islands casting out 6 kilometres. The view is amazing with over 100 guns and cannons, fortress walls and over 290 buildings. This is defi nitely a place to check out. The Levi is Finland’s most popular ski resorts and equipped with 26 ski lifts and 43 slopes. It’s optimum time for enjoyment is at Winter so you better bring your warm clothes.

    Dominica is a small island consisting of 3 major reserves and numerous of bays. Some of these locations are Toucari Bay, Middleham falls, valley of desolation and victoria falls. There is also an amazing trail known as the Waitukubuli trail. Dominica has over six hundred species of fl ora and fauna, and is free of poisonous animals. Sulfur springs decorate the land and provide relaxation to all tourists and locals.

    This is an amazing sight and tourist attraction which will defi nitely take your breath away. If you look deeper, you’ll be able to visit numerous of terrains including the glacier- fed lakes located in manang valley and the jungle of Ghandruk. Despite the beautiful atmosphere, Nepal also has a natural talent for gastronomy. In their culture they make the unique dishes including dal baht and MoMo. Dal bhat is a meal of freshly steamed rice and cooked lentil soup and MoMo is similar to a Japanese gyoza and is one of the most popular fast foods in epal. These foods are a must devour if you choose to visit Nepal.

    Destination Pinpoint

  • Now all these destinations look very nice, but not everyone has that luxury of money that everyone dreams of. But that won’t let you down, at least on the outside. Here are the places to consider when the moolah is low. We’re judging this off of the fl ight costs, and the relative prices of the basic things and the entertainment.

    Bali in particular being one of the most popular destination for many Australians, Indonesia is gen-erally a great place to travel when the funds are low. With its great exchange rate of approximately $1 to 10,000 rupiah, and the expenses are incredibly low, with street food capping at around 30,000 rupiah, or just $3! Indonesia’s diverse and exotic culture, there are many things to do within the archipelago, with all the villages, all the natural scenery or even the busy street markets at night time, there is always somewhere to go no matter where you are in these vast lands.This place is also great for economy travellers as Indonesia is quite close to Australia and proves for very cheap tickets with return tickets to Bali dipping under $500 when it’s the right time.

    Vietnam appeals to a large range of tourism due to its economical status and affordability. 1 Australi-an dollar can be exchanged for 17500 Dong which to put in perspective could get you 3 basic phone sim cards in Vietnam. Halong Bay offers amazing limestone islands, rock formations and caves. It is possible to rent a kayak or take a tour to explore.This bay is renowned for its pristine emerald waters and breathtaking views, so if you’re looking for a place to relax, this bay located in the north east of Vietnam is a must see. Many hotels scatter Halong Bay with various of prices ranging from 54 Aus-tralian dollars to 99 Australian dollars a night which is very affordable. Plane tickets fl ying through economy are only 350 Australian dollars making it a very realistic travel destination for the Christmas holidays. Vietnam is just one of many affordable destinations however this is recommended.

    New Zealand is comprised of two major islands with two completely opposite attractions and geo-graphical amusements. Both marked by Volcanic and glaciation, the landscape in New zealand is breathtaking. Exchange rate is 1 New Zealand Dollar for 90 Australian cents. One place, if you are Lord of The Rings Fan, is to go to the location in which it was fi lmed in the Hobbiton in Queenstown, North Island. This place is surrounded by perfect scenery and incredible snowy jagged mountains. Ian McKellen (A.K.A. Gandalf) describes New Zealand as “How can New Zealand not bewitch an-yone who visits ” This line is all it takes to delve into seeing New Zealand with it’s affordable plane ride for only 300 Australian dollars.

    The Gold Coast is a great place to go for quite possibly the most obvious reasons. The fact that it is domestic leads to one of the most cheapest tickets which are about $50 at the least, and it can give a new experience given just the fact that it’s a different place. Many places such as the beach can provide enjoyment without spending anything, and if you’re willing, you can spend a bit more to enjoy the great variety of theme parks that it has to offer. Although this destination is quite similar to Sydney, but it is an affordable and a great way to get away from the stresses of life and due to its affordability, it makes it much easier to grab your friends along to make your trip a more memorable one.

    Now that you have seen our recommendations, go out there, pack your bags and go explore some new lands!

    ompilationcreated by Alex Gock-King

  • The Treachery of Images by Rene Magritte,writing translates to “This is not a pipe.”

    Raiyaan Ruhi

    PostmodernismWhen you look at a piece of art, or read a book,

    we each appropriated a piece of iconic artwork

  • “Australian Gothic” by Harry Andrews

    “Untitled” by Ryan Ho

    “The Kongouro in Multicultural Land” by Chanel Lu

  • A Silent Voice Will Leave You

    Marcus Ly and Brandon HoRating: 8.2/10Genre: Animation, Drama and RomanceDirected By: Naoko YamadaBox Offi ce: US $19.56 MillionLength: 129 MinutesStudio: Kyoto Animation

    ’A Silent Voice walks the thorny path of teenage turmoil and coming-of-age out into the revealing light of self-redemption in a bittersweet journey that tugs at the audience’s heartstrings’’Receiving a 94% rating from Rotten Tomatoes and shredding the box offi ce with a total gross of almost 20 million US Dollars, Naoko Yamada’s diamond in the rough, A Silent Voice, observes the complicated yet comedic, heart-breaking butrelieving encounter between Shouko Nishimiya (Saori Hayami), a deaf adolescent girl and a cheeky boy, Shouya Ishida, who comes to pick on her to the point of regret. As the fi lm begins its story, Ishi-da’s class is introduced to a new transfer student, Nishimiya, learning of her hearing disability. Abused and ridiculed, Nishimiya transfers out of the school after having to pay for 8 hear-ing aids in one month turning the situation upside down for Ishida, as he becomes the one which is ostracised. An abrupt meeting several years later leads to unforeseen events which will determine Ishida’s fate on his path to redemption. A Silent Voice is a fi lm that spectates the awkwardness of youth, exploring a multitude of themes that range from bullying to self-redemption. A Silent Voice is a film that will leave you holding your breath and wanting more.

    Credits:nisa-niisan Deviant Art

  • AnimationA Silent Voice is another one of ‘’Kyoto Animation’s’’ warm masterpieces that conveys exactly what it wants to say without words but with the piercing atmosphere created by the skilfull animation. Although the animation of this fi lm seems simple and effortless to those who do not look close enough, its simplicity only contributes to the fi lm’s light and breezy or deeper darker mo-ments. Instead of focusing too much on detail, Kyoto Animation wants the audience to focus on the beauty of the salient image and the major message they tell through that one image.

    Self-worth is a human’s will to do, will to feel and their will to live. Bullying has been mentioned hundreds of times as a global issue in schools but A Silent Voice strives to convince the audience of its ramifi cations through both sides of the story through the per-spectives of the bully and the victim in an enchanting fi lm. We’ve all been told in school that bullies are just cowards that pick on inferior others and how we need to stand up to them but that’s pretty much all that’s said. A Silent Voice explores the other side, deeper into Ishida’s self-confl ict and his suffering of immense regret as an ex-bully and his enlightening, emotional path to redemption, leav-ing the audience walking out of the cinemas with so much to think about how alienation can really destroy someone’s life and drives to end it.

    Credits: A Silent Voice

    Credits: A Silent Voice

  • MusicA Silent Voice delivers different styles of music to the table. The use of exciting Rock and Roll and anime-styled music effectively sets the atmosphere in the scenes of the fi lm whether it be one of the joyous days of youth, or the dreadful days of melancholy. The movie opens with the Rock and Roll song, “My Generation.” The song has a hearty and light tone which brilliantly refl ects the ignorance and carelessness of youth of young Ishida and his friends. This effectively allows the viewer to relate to the multiple scenes from the character’s youth.Throughout the fi lm there are many scenes which are emotionally powerful. Accompanied with the intense soundtracks from A Silent Voice, such as ‘’Lit’’ with a tear-jerking beautiful melody and sud-den climax forces our emotions to fl ow out once more before the movie ends.

    Credits: A Silent VoiceJudgementOverall, A Silent Voice is a highly recommended fi lm to watch amongst casual audiences and crit-ics as it brings into light the standing issues of bullying and fl aws in the human nature in a deceiv-ing romantic comedy style. A Silent Voice is out now on DVD and Blu-Ray in many stores such as JB Hi-Fi.

    Credits: A Silent Voice

  • The Dukes of Ed

    What is Duke of Edinburgh?Duke of Edinburgh is a leading structured youth development program, empowering all young Australians aged 14 to 25 to

    explore their full potential. Showcased here is the adventurous journey we undertook as part of this program during July/August.

    Photo By Saakshi Amatya

    The hikes our adventurous journey were truly amazing! The terrain ranged

    always were having fun. Our guides throughout the journey were helpful both the hiking itself and keeping us entertained. This second hike we were all in one big group instead of two smaller ones and honestly this change made it a lot better. Having everyone around made it more enjoyable as we were able to experience together. There was never a dull moment especially when we came across spectacles such as the broken down and extremely rusted car we saw on our journey.

    The fun didnt stop at the hikes. While setting up our tent may have been challenging for some

    got our dinner out. We all sat

    time of frienship and of course marshmallows. Once dinner was

    a game of hide and seek within the surrounding bush of the campsite!

  • Nature was a prominent part of our adventurous journey. Throughout the entire hike we were graced with the sights of dazzling beauty that Mother Nature was able to offer

    accentuating this amazing experience and really encouraged those at the hike to consider enjoying the outdoors more. Having this view during the hike

    and worthwile!

    “Duke of Ed was super fun! I guess it gave me the chance to talk to people I dont usually talk

    everyone sitting together around it was also really cool. It made me push myself to do things like walking up a massive hill!”

    -Donna Nguyen

    “T’was fun”

    -Alex Dassanayake

    “I really enjoyed the parts of Duke of Ed after the hikes while the hikes themselves were really challenging!”

    -Vivian Tran

    “Going on the Duke of Ed hike was an experience like no other. Having the opportunity

    experience for all of us, and being able to do it with friends made it that much better.”

    -Suhit Gurung

  • The Evolution of Memes

    The word ‘meme’ was originally mentioned by Richard Dawkins in his book ‘The

    Tsubasa Chheng & Billy Hung


    in a small way to make it more interesting



    Josh Doohen




    by B




    Raiyaan Ruhi

  • Athletes: Idols or Idiots?

  • Rating: PG (for thematic elements, suggestive content, brief language, and smoking)Genre: Animation, Drama, Romance, fantasyDirected and Written By: Makoto Shinkai

    $4,676,810 Length: 106 minutesStudio: CoMix Wave FilmsLICENSING: FUNimation Films

    “I feel like I’m always searching for something, someone.”From director Makoto Shinkai, the innovative mind behind Voices of a Distant Star and 5 Centimeters Per Second, comes a beautiful masterpiece about time, the thread of fate, and the hearts of two young souls. “Your

    of last year in the country and the highest

    upon two people from polar opposite places embarking on a quest to meet each other for

    This bizarre occurrence of switching bodies happens randomly, and the two must adjust their lives around each other. Yet, somehow, it works. They build a sense of connection and communicate by leaving notes, messages, and more importantly, an imprint. And when a dazzling comet lights up the night’s sky, something shifts, the desire to seek for each other, however try as they might, something more daunting than distance prevents them. Is the string of fate between Mitsuha and Taki strong enough to bring them together, or will forces outside their control leave them forever separated?

    Credits: Your Name

    Narrative techniques are methods which the writer or director of a piece use to reinforce the plot and progression of the story. Your name makes an example of this through the use of red string in particular scenes including the prologue to represent elements of time travel and Taki and Mitsuha’s connection to each other.

    he red string is a recurring symbol to tie Mitsuha’s hair with.

    This plays major factors in both the plot and visualises the components of romance which

    The red string binds them despite the fact that both live in different times. We see Taki as living in the ‘present’ while Mitsuha lives ‘three years in the future’. In the epilogue, when both characters meet each other again, but as adults, the connections forged between them through the red string allows them to instinctively feel a bond with each other. The fruits of their experiences together and mutual understandings leads them to encounter each

    lovers usually forget about each other thanks to the barrier of time, leaving distaste in one’s heart and leaving them longing for more, this ending offers the viewers a more heart-warming satisfaction.The contrast between city and country are predominately shown through the characterisation of Taki and Mitsuha. In the opening scenes after the prologue, the audience is given the chance to observe the daily lives of both protagonists, one after the other. While the purpose of this is to mainly introduce the characters and their personalities, Shinkai also ceases this opportunity to touch on their perspectives of the bustling city and the peaceful countryside. Each protagonist lives in one of the two but prefers the other, despite not having to experience life in the ‘other’. This indicates

    general public.

    The animation is a common technique used to emphasise the plot and to

    ‘Your name’ is no different and the detailed scenes, particularly in the prologue can be used to foreshadow what’s to come. CoMix Wave Films adapted many real life

    target audience to relate with the movie. The scenery picked up from these areas is animated with quality expected of this era. This studio uses simplistic art styles to describe the countryside and city while inputting pinpoint detail to the point where every leaf on a tree is visible. CoMix Films uses a wide colour palette with colours that

    like the bright countryside and dim nature

    and near the climax to further captivate the audience.

    Sound and music is thoroughly layered throughout the movie so that each soundtrack serves a purpose, whether it is to speed up the story or match the scene and atmosphere. The use of music is most noticeable in the montage after Taki and Mitsuha are introduced. The purpose of this is to speed up the plot and progression. The song played during this montage (‘Zen Zen Zense’ by RADWIMPS) is a song chosen for the one purpose of allowing time to pass.

    Credits: 観る・観光

    Your Name (Kimi No Na Wa) Film Analysis + Opinion

    Credits: Your NameIf you are interested, check out the official

    trailer below:

    Have you ever had that feeling of longing for something which wasn’t there? That feeling of deja vu when you recognise something even though it’s completely new to you? That feeling of comfort in finding someplace familiar? Your Name is a film which attempts to capture those feelings, and does so in an amazing way. This movie captures the emotion through its entwinement of its music, animation and story. Set on the fine line between fantasy and reality, combined with the film’s syncing of the music and animation, produced an overall enjoyable experience throughout the entire film, with no slow moments. A compelling journey for all to

    enjoy. This film is a masterpiece.

  • Enjoy some quality downtime with your extended family during the month leading up to Christmas. You,think that staying home and relaxing by yourself is more fun. You could get claustrophobic with your ruling planet, Mars, going into retrograde from December

    3rd to January 10th. Use this holiday period to step out and go somewhere new. Maybe sign up for an extended course of study and begin to prepare for the upcoming year.

    The full moon on December 4 lights up your social life big time just in time for the summer break! Feel comfortable letting your friends choose where to go or what to do when you get there. You don't have to go along with everything, but there are a lot of good ideas for fun out there. Mercury enters Scorpio on December 16, and serious problems are suddenly more interesting and less annoying. You have more patience and persistence than you realize. Greater fun and games come your way with the new moon on December 18. You'll have plenty of company to share the expenses and have a great time this Christmas.

    Gemini (20 May - 20 June) Let your social contacts keep you grounded this Christmas holidays. You may be overlooking a new admirer who wants to become more. The Sun trines Pluto on December 9. You won't be knocked off balance, but others might, so be careful and look out for your friends and family. The new moon on December 18 could surprise you with how large your social scene has grown. People may appear out of nowhere - you will know them all and like most of them. Stick to standard entertainments and don't get too creative. Not everyone can handle the excitement that you can.

    Use this holiday period to get organised, do some cleaning, sort out your things or just rearrange your sock drawer. As Mercury goes direct on December 22, just before Christmas you will be feeling free and adventurous. A big leap forward is possible now.

  • In the month leading up to Christmas, the full moon on December 4 could find you wildly busy, but that's nothing compared to how fantastic your dreams and plans for the future are becoming. Dream big and then work hard on the details. The December 18 new moon wants you to get more

    active and competitive. Be the best athlete you can be but remember to be safe and have fun. On December 25, surround yourself with family and you’ll find happiness and support is all you need this Christmas.

    Get energised and enthusiastic on the December 4 full moon. This christmas holiday is the perfect opportunity to branch out and explore some new hobbies. Try something new. You never know, it could just happen to be your thing. Your ruling 7th house, of partnership and relationships will come into play this December period meaning that love may just come your way. However don’t try and force anything, if you are patient enough it will come naturally. This new year will allow you to set some new goals and reach new heights.

    This holiday’s period you’ll be feeling relieved and relaxed. Everything you’ve been working towards this year is finally falling into place. The

    new moon on December 11 will leave you with a lucky new sweetheart, don’t rule out anyone - this person may be a new exotic change, or an old acquaintance who just so manages to sweep you of your feet. As Christmas arrives on December 25, just in time as your ruling planet Mercury goes direct, you might just find yourself under the mistletoe.

  • Put yourself first at the full moon on December 4. If you’ve had a health issue or a desire to bump up your physical activity, address it now. Join a gym, go for a walk, or eat better, and be happy you did. On December 10, Jupiter enters Scorpio and brings you greater opportunities and generous actions for the next twelve months. Lay low but stay busy during the new moon on December 19. You may not see a lot of people, but you could talk to many who want your expertise and brainstorming skills. Feel smart and lucky u are

    There's no place like home with this full moon on December 4. After a long period of work or school, it feels better to go home and feel even better still. A small personal treat is appropriate to celebrate the end of a great year. Your

    relationships with your friends and family are highlighted by the new moon on December 19. Organize your thoughts and make sure your work situation works for you. A wanted change or improvement might require a small sacrifice. On December 24, the moon conjoins Saturn and sensitizes you to what you and perhaps a loved one need most.

    This, December as your ruling planet Venus, enters your 11th house of

    friendship and relationships, you’ll be as social as ever. Use this Christmas holiday period to kick back and relax, surrounding yourself with all of your loved ones. If you do this you will be able to shift out of cruise control, put the

    pedal to the metal and hit the wide-open road towards fulfilment. The upcoming year could be time to finally take control of your life and make a massive leap forward.

  • Your world rapidly expands when the summer holidays come around. Get out, meet more people, some of them exotic or with exotic tastes. Enjoy the variety and add your personal input as well. At the new moon on December 18, you could be the shining light in your neighborhood and immediate circle of siblings and cousins. You may not spend time with them all, but you will be in their thoughts, and you may hear from some of them especially around Christmas and the new year. Be grateful. The new year, 2018, will bring a year of new friendships and experiences, all leading up to you finding true happiness and fulfillment.

    Christmas bells will be ringing as the holiday season comes around. Friends, family and fun are just around the corner, this summer. Surround yourself with those closest with you and your inner light will shine through. Your ruling planet, Neptune, turns direct November 11, and enters your 12th house of mystery and hidden secrets. This Christmas might just uncover something that someone close to you has been hiding. Be honest, if you aren’t telling the truth, it will manage to catch up to you. But if you are truthful, the Christmas period will be one to remember.

    Are you really taking good care of yourself? The December 4 full moon could be a wake-up call for you to do a better job for yourself. It’s about time that you stop focusing on those around you and have some quality me time. Just be real about how you feel and act on that. The new moon on December 18 positions you to be the true secret master of your own life. Others may think that you've gone into hiding when you decline invitations that you normally would accept. That's fine. You're working hard on personal, internal improvement. The sun enters Libra on December 22, putting you in the social spotlight. Make plans early for Christmas, because if you don’t you will find yourself committing to plans that you just can’t follow through.

  • Claire Ye & Charlotte Nguyen


    In Japanese, the word ‘origami’ originates from two other words: ‘ori’ means fold and ‘kami’ means paper.

    Materials:• 3 pieces of square paper, or more if

    desired (sides of 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21cm)

    • Scissors • Ruler (optional)

    Step 1Fold and unfold diagonals: Make A meet D, or make B meet C.

    Step 2Turn over your paper. ‘Book fold’ and unfold: Make A meet B while C meets D and unfold; Make A meet C while B meets D and unfold again.

  • You should now end up with some-thing like this.

    Step 3Bring A, C and B down to meet D: Start with C and B si ultaneously, then corner A

    This should be your result, and is com-monly known as the ‘preliminary base’.

    Step 4Fold corner A to E

    Step 5Fold side AF to EG, making sure A meets G

    Step 6Tuck the corner sticking out into the bottom. Repeat steps 5-6 on all sides

  • of paper (sides of 11, 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21 centimetres reccomended). Slot the units upon each other to assemble your tree.

    -lours and sizes, or maybe even put a small unit at the bottom as a trunk for

    your tree - the possilities are endless!