semi-week- bourbon jews - library of...

Y i 1 o- -t 7 '& Ui' : ui- - )91- - At-fri- t y Semi-Week- ly Bourbon jews s iij.V, " Independent and Democratic Published from the Happy Side of Life for the Benefit of Those Now Having Breath in Their Bodies. Price, $2, 00 for One Year, or, $2,000 for 1,000 Tears CASH ! OL. II. PABIS, BOURBON COUNTY, KENTUCKY: TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1883. NO. 153. he Richmond fair commences to-da- y. There's a good nd. success. bookagent loose - Sharpsburg fair is said to have been a ir -- - Northern Bank stock sold yesterday at .25 per share. the THE Town is full of complimentary tickets to Brien's circus. - Mart BoWiiEs says that 400 barrels of wa- - r struck him at the circus. Praise the Lord!" The camp-meetin- g is er and Barnum's circus is coming. Ilook at the date on the margin of yoai per, j ust for curiosity, li nothing eise. w p hoKDUCTOR "JVinston reports an unusually rge passengeritraffiolover the ii. u. eiteu- - bn. in k cys&hiana lady has written for a copy the News conuuuma "c ement." . II o mnrn nrMprl t.O the thirty new bud wiUB n-- ---..- - bvs list last week-o- ne ua uu - 00 years. v.icoi oQTrprnl converts fcLD.swEisx ":r thA Old Union yesterday evening, " eeting still continues. ' was arrested at Dan- - icouNTERi-BiTi- ii. inst week, for passing bpuwuu- - 1U en the fair grounds. --Cs- berre Knox shot and killed Tom Gill at kman, Ky., for reiusing w x - - Both are colored. . tDOYLES blacksmith shop, at the , 'v Main and old Georgetown road, .. Auurday to Mr. Doyle, for 5,000. MnKosE Sattotbbs! of Fayette county. burned by boys who aj-- o stacks of hay , mating and burning bees nests. locomotive new eight-driver-whe- els he , ..iii fraifrVit. fjira from he K. (J. roaa punu w - i place to Stanford, one day ias ee. coaches now being ue six new passenger lived oy the K. C. road, cost ,wu eacnf ,re in every respect. Church .- - i, je excursion oi mo x A es to the Blue Licks, left this mormus 30. with a fair of excursionists co; "V perfect beauties TJcVvfArin.n number o ririin Harrison county, aged lsfVi AViilri re- - U. teen years, t;u,vc uuuu Both mother and child have since ;sihan 18x30 feet lot of Henry L. rnthe. burned district, which was of-.ub- lic sale Friday, was taken down Ambtjrg's circus will exhibit here on nber8th. Those who lost tneir nats lets at the last one will proceed to in up by that time. ,: car-loa- ds of passengers from . j attended the camp-meetin- g Sun- - .iid "our heavily loaded trains passed uh here from various points. as. Aubery, a brakeman on the Ken-.- - oentral Railroad, was killed Wednes-tw- o miles north of Butler, by falling be- - II the cars and the trainpassing over travel over the Chesapeake and Ohio avy both ways. For some days n. u impossible to furnish Pullman cara eient to meet theldemand for Eastern el. "DawIt-- out 7,000 persons anenaeu mc xai camp-meetin- g Sunday, and the trains in and left on time in a moderately ed condition. The meeting cioseu fcrdav. belntr the most successiui one " ,--. .. - x Jl A V. a. ; P -- - r pcially and in attendance in exist- - ew grand stand of our fair groundi n in the distance like a snow bank. 3 who have been out there say that at all adapted to short dresses. Now de that can get a horse will want to 'o ring so that he can seo the amphi- - mo vinrt nf n. "Huckleberry Hell"in stered glen near the Parks' Hill rounds, where they sell cider, cor-nd- y peaches, run cap guns, shake lck, &c. Every three steps a broken t atjhmce contained brandy peaches, heway of wickedness. Jrankfort Christian Church is to now spire and a chime of bells. The ill be one hundred and thirty-tw- o . It will be covered with state, and etj ually made, like that on St. Paul's h : i Richmond Va.. which Is said to 1' 'idsomest in the United.Slates. . Phillips, a farmer from Mason ty, Kentucky, was in the Vine-Stre- et last night drunk and creating ly racket. He had a big revolver, and to Watchman Ehret finally arrested ai 0 locked him up In Central Station, lec'iargeof carrying concealed weap- - i' iciiinati Enquirer. its m of the people in Paris have so far u to learn that the six-coa- ch train from fold is the through train for Covington, in st on getting on the little bob-taile- d that comes from Lexington and goes finer. PeoDle who are too lazv to read -- ii'to think, should stay away from the and quit asking fool questions. e ran away with a buggy Saturday containing "Bud" Hill, his sister, ' 'a and her lady friend from Lexing- - TOule standing in the middle of Main - gf-- t knocked off its feet, and the Lex- - n iady heroically leaned forward, gath- - ' lines and checked the fleeing horse. as thrown out and was Blightly - Ew Davis, a bridge-builde- r, was 1 from the Townsend bridge, to a le Wty feet below and bruised to a "sof Jelly, by a guy rope of a der-1Jcin- g, and Geo. Lilly received a se-- 1 on his shoulder by an iron falling Dr. Keller reports but one bone n Davis' body (at the elbow Joint,) the will get well. Bill Johnson and Ben Coons, colored coons, were held over for further trial, for banding and confederating together under the Ku-Klu- x act, in whipping that colored Democratic patriot on the night of the elec- tion. - Sheriff Armsirong sold 1,150 worth of per- sonality of Abraham Barton's estate at Mil-lersbur- g, Saturday, He thinks that after all debts are paid, that not over 7,000 will be left for distribution among the heirs. : Yesterday afternoon a colored boy in Lex- ington bet another one a nickle that he could jump across the railroad in front of conductor Henry Green's train, which was but a few feet away. The jump was made and the boy fell with his neck across the rail just in time to get his head cut clear off. The Kimball House block at Atlanta burned Sunday, with a total loss of 1,000,000. The hqtel cost 000,000, and the furniture 125,000; insurance only $80,000. The fire is reported to have been Incendiary. The Gate City Bank building was wiped out by the flames, and the vaults contain 500,000, which may prove a total loss. Fifty-fiv- e counties heard from officially, give Knott 30,441 majority against 28,655 for Blackburn in the same counties in 1879 a clear gain of 1,786. The remaining forty-fiv- e counties in 1879 gave a Democratic majority of 15,262. So, should there be no further gain, Knott's majority in the State will ex- ceed 45,000, as the Courier-Journ- al predicted on the night of the election. "The Pictorial Bible Commentator," by Ingram Cobbin, is said by competent judges of suoh matters to be the best help to a better understanding of the Bible that has ever been offered to the people. Bible read- ers, students, teachers, Sunday-scho- ol su- perintendents and ministers, all testify to its merit. W. D. Lambuth, agent for this book and for Illustrated Family Bibles in this county, is the prize student at the State College this year, he bearing off Gov- ernor Blackburn's medal offered for "highest excellence in studies and conduct." His standing address is Lexington, Ky. -- - The Trro Circuses. The vaulting and acrobatic performances! of Nathans & Co.'s circus were good. The few cages of animals needed turning loose in a forrest to cut down unnecessary ex- penses. The menagerie of O'Brien's was larger and better. The circu3 performance was tip-to- p particularly the vaulting and acrobatic performances. The employes of O'Brien's were a sober, orderly and manly set of fellows, and were much praised by our citizens for their deportment in saving the distressed women and children from the fallen tents and the drenching storm. Old DaH Bice. Old Dan Rice, the oldest legitimate circus man in the world, was in Cynthiana with Nathan' show, and called at the Democrat office. He informed us that his son-in-la- w, Charlie Reid, a Maysville boy, is now per- forming his unequaled feats of horseman- ship in Copenhagen. Denmark, at $250 a week. Mr. Rice says he trained the elephant Empress, with O'Brien's show, and speaking about elephants he said no doubt Barnum's great elephant, Jumbo, was a great curiosi- ty, as a large man could walk erect between the monster's legs. There is only one larger in the world, and that one is owned by the Kusslan Uovernment. Jumbo was bought by Barnum for 7,000. He is perfectly docile. Mr. Rice has been in every country on the globe, and says he feels at home nowhere more than in Kentucky. Ho started in the show business at Galena. 111., where OoTierai once worked for him at fifty cents a (Grant Cynthiana Democrat. Jolm O'Brien's Circus Tribulations. O'Brien's circus train collided with a rreight train at Cunningham, Saturday morning, which caused the manager to can- cel his engagement at Richmond. Two grain cars were up-end- ed and the cow-ctcah-e- rs of the two engines being smashed, was about all of the damage. Mr. O'Brien put in most of the day here Saturday footing up his losses real and imaginary, with a view of bringing suit against the K. C. road for damages. He will allege in his petition that had he been landed here two hours ear- lier Friday morning, his afternoon's per- formance would have been correspondingly earlier in the afternoon, and would have been over before the storm struck the tents, which would have been lowered for the contingency. He will also petition for damages by loss of the two engagements at Richmond, alleging that his train was unnecessarily detained here and a collision was brought about which could have been averted. At th time of our In- terview with treasurer Scattergood, the amount of damages had not been footed up, but a rough estimate by an outsider stand- ing by, suggested that about 6,000 would cover the losses entire. ' ( Blue Lick springs. The following persons were registered at "The Arlington," Blue Lick. Springs, rsinoe our last report : Thos. M. Marshall, jr., and wife, Pitts- burgh, Pa.; Frank FithianParis, Ky.: Smith McL'anh. Lexineton: E. C. Ryan and Jno A. Kiser, Shawhan, Ky.; Col. R. S. Spalding, At- lanta, Ga.; Richard Wathen, Breckinridge county: Mrs. E. R. Spotswood and Charles E. Spotswood, Lexington; Rev. T. DeWitt Tal-mag- e, Brooklyn; Sanders Cox, Mrs. A. Wig-gleswor- th and miss Ellen A. Cox, Cynthiana wrv Lewis Collins. Louisville: S. C. Boulle met, New Orleans, La.; Will F. Hall, Mays- ville; Chas. T. Worthington, Leola, Miss.; Isaac M. Jordan, Mrs. Isaac M. Jordan, miss Lizzie P. Jordan and Miss Bessie Mcintosh, Cincinnati, Ohio; Col. J. W. Tate, Frankfort; G.T. Cooke and wife, Cynthiana: A. W. El- lis. Ripley, Ohio; C. M. Young. Higglnsport, Ohio; Frank Chinn and wife, Frankfort; Mrs. Downing, Miss Downing, Miss Mary Owens, Maysville; T. A. Mattkews, Covingt- on- miss Floy Vimont, St. Louis: C. W. Cor-rlncto-n, Millersburg; miss B. Vimont, St. Louis; J. M. Batterton, Ed. P. Elliot and wife, Will Galway, miss Emma Fry. Cincin- nati, Ohio; Frank Manneri, Maysville. Ky.; Eugene Rucker, Georgetown; miss Hill, T B Russell ana j onn inomsou,,yiYiiie; mrs. E. F. Abbott, F. A. Prague and wife, Covington; B. W. Turner, miss Carrie Farley, miss florgan Blackmore, Richmond: miss Winchester: J. C. Smith. Su-di- e McDonald, Maysville; L. Peak and lady, TrV Sftince. Ull&b AUUie jaaju, yv'te- - ' W. A. Julean, Cincinnati, Ohio; fvMf. Orleans, "Budge" Hukill, " " -- -- r..S c? nr J. K. Bell oh New La.: Paris, P. B. SKinn, ? wee, wuw. Jno. Brooks, liexington: oames av. it Paris, miss Casey, Covington; miss Goshorn, do Dr D. C. Lyman. V. R. Thomas, A. J. HiKKln's, D. Lyng. J. Schwartz, miss miss Walsh, Paris; miss An-ni- e Smith, Yera Cruz, Ohio. -- - Fouim. A valuable gold breast-pi- n was found on the Winchester pike, which the owner can have by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply at TALBOTT&HlBLER'fi. aUglQ-S- t UNDER THE TENTS, IN A SMALL FLOOD ! John O'Brien's Circus Tents Blown IDotrn, and 2,500 Men, Women and Children Crawl out in a Half Browned Condition into a Blinding Bain Storm. Friday afternoon at half past four o'clock, a small cyclone accompanied by torrents of rain and hail struck the tents of John O'Brien's circus during the latter part of the performance, and the huge tents of the cir- cus, menagerie and all the side shows were blown flat to the ground. The performance was being witnessed by about 2,500 people, and as if by miraculous powers, all escaped with their lives, and but few sustalnsd seri- ous injuries. Mrs. Dr. Hurst, of Millersburg, who occupied a reserved seat beside her husband and little son, sustained the injury of a broken limb both bones being fractured just above the ankle. Her little son who was thought to have been seriously injured, escaped almost unhurt, but was alarmed almost to death. Constable James M. Tay- lor, who was protecting some lady and her child, was struck on the left shoulder by a falling tent pole and wad severely bruised, as was also Mayor "W. M. Purnell on the right leg. Twenty or thirty others sustained small cuts and bruises, and hundreds lost hats, bonnets, parasols and other paraphra-nali- a. When the first few gusts of wind came up, a panic was about to take place, but by the coolness of the ringmaster, who ordered the frightened ones to be seated, quiet once more reigned. Then for a few minutes the rain fell in torrent?, and all danger was thought to have been over, and when the multitude stood huddled here and there to avoid the perfect sleuices of rain pouring in through the holes and open seams of the tent, all at once a whirling funnel-shape- d gust of wind struck the tents, the guy ropes snapped and down came the whole business in less than half a minute. During the in- tense flappings of the tents preceding the fall, all eyes were riveted on the huge center-pole- s, and were held there until the ropes snapped, and fortunately were avoided in the fall by the excited, panic-stricke- n masses. After the fall of the tents, holes were quickly cut in a number of places and the smothering masses of half-drown- ed humanity cautiously wended their way out the hundreds of children being rescued from a watery, crushed and smoth- ering condition by the gallant showmen (who did their whole duty) and friends from the outside. The wails of the weeping and shrieks of the terrified mingled with the roar of the storm, the pelting of the hail and rain.made it an appalling, heart-sickenin- g scene calcu- lated to, invade the hearts of the most hard- ened and uncouth with terror, and melt them with thoughts and acts of kindness and this was the case, too, for in no instance was anyone found lacking in doing his whole duty, who could wield a strong arm, CALAMITY NOTES. Baby Speakes said: "Mamma, do all cir- cuses do that way?" Just as sheriff Holladay was about to serve a garnishee on O'Brien, down came the tent on him and stopped the process. One center pole knocked the hats off of Dr. Noah Moore and Miss Lucy Speakes, and missed the News gang only three feet. In the panic it was thought that a cag of monkies had got loos, but on closer exami- nation it was found to bo only a cage of peaceful dudes. Some frantic-stricke- n women actually knelt in prayer under wagons, and asked the safe deliverance of friends from under the fallen tents. Preis Campbell nobly came to the rescue of the drenched and shivering women and children with is omnibus, and delivered two loads of them to their homes free of charge. The hundreds of children taken from the fallen tents looked like half-drown- ed rats. One little child of Wm. Hinton's, when ta- ken home to it's mother, said "Mama, am I going to die?" , "When the fat woman got out from under the tent of the side-sho- w, she laid down in the branch and would have drowned had not some men pulled her out. She was dressed in tights. The keeper of the large elephant grabbed two children and started out of the wreck, but looked around and saw the elephant following him. Ho dropped the children and chained the elephant, or perhaps a hundred people would have been tramped upon and killed. Leroy Smith, of Millersburg, sat beside the fat woman in the side-sho- w to keep the tent from falling on him. He says that she just sat there very coolly and let it come down on her. She ought to have stuck her loot up in the air and formed a new center pole and completed the exhibition.. Mrs. Hugh Bierbower and Mrs. Bob McClelland, Jr., lost their portmoniei con- taining S15 or 20 each, but Mrs. McClelland, while sitting under a wagon, recovered hers from a small boy passing by, Mrs. Bierbow- er has not recovered hers yet. The finder will please leave same at this office. L. A. Boyd, train dispatcher for the K. C, has arrived here to make his future head-quarterte- rs. Dr. Ben Davis has neatly repaired his new drug store and furnished it with handsome oiled walnut counters, desks, drawers, med- icine cases, &c, all complete and as pretty as any city store. Call at J. J. Shaw & Co.'s and see the Light ning self-seali- ng glassfruitjarihe best in Amer ica. 17JySt The wife of Wm. Hoover, a shoemaker in the employ of John Kiely, of this city, died at her home in Lexington Saturday, and, was buried at Millersburg, yesterday, ' """ I1" SCINTILTiATtONS. Fall millinery will be the next thing to worry about. Dr. Washburn and wife have arrived hore from Ocalla, Florida. John Stuart was the "Bill Nye" of the camp ground Sunday. Mrs. Babbitt, of Louisville, is visiting relatives in this county.. Judge Riddle, of Irvine, was putting up his fences at the camp grounds Sunday. Misses Minnie and Fannie Hawthorne, of Newport, arc visiting friends in this city. Mr. Osborne, formerly express agent at this place, Is here on a visit from Virginia. More gum was chewed Sunday at the camp-meetin- g than was ever known before. Wm. Lowe and wife, of Steubenvllle, Ohio, are the guests of Henry Hibler and wife. Cart-whe- el hats made of rough Straw, are all the rago for pic-nlc- s, fairs and cir- cuses. Mrs. Alex Grant, of Pensacola, Fla., is in on a visit to her brother Charlie Croxton and sisters. J. H. Deaver, of this precinct, taught the dudes the grand plug hat act at the camp-meeti- ng Sunday. The 400 guests at Crab Orchard Springs enjoyed a masked ball Friday night that was unusually-successfu- l. Mathans & Co.'s dollar-and-a-ha- lf beauty chewed gum all the time she sat on top of the chariot in the procession. A one-arme- d man was in the pick-pock- et bnsiness at Cynthiana during the- - per- formance of Nathan's circus. It's a great pity but what all of those bal- loon and Mother Hubbard dresses didn't get taken off In that circus cyclone Friday. Misses Cora Long and Lula Sharp, two handsome little Harrison county ladies, are the guests of Misses Ora and Minnie Letton. The President and his fellow travelers are all well. Senator Vest and the President took in five creels of trout on their first fishing trip. Miss Anna Belle Lee, of Carlisle, was the little belle of the camp Sunday, but that lit- tle one w.ith a blue dress on was a heap bellower. Elder J. S. Sweeney and daughter have returned from Southern Kentucky. Mrs. Sweeney remains at the home of her mother still very 111. Prof. J. R. Day, the "soliciting fiend" of the Cincinnati Neivs-Jouma- l, spent Sunday with his wife out at Dr. Noah Moore's, in this precinct. Snell Shawhan and Percy Adair, of Shawhan, started to San Francisco, Cal., last week, to attend the Grand Conclave of Knights Templars. The same old wall of distress comas from all summer resorts. There are not enough men to go round, and the girls mourn for their escorts because they are not. R. Jay Gould, of the Adams Express of- fice, Cincinnati, was the guest of the rail- roaders, expressmen and telegraphers of tnis city yesteruay, ana tooK in the camp-meetin- g. In the marriage of the Rev. Jos. Martin, of Atlanta, to Mrs. Margaret Glass, of Georgetown, the Cynthiana Democrat says that the groom left a Martin box to live in a Glass house. A Kansas woman was upbraiding heri husband when a cyclone hove in sight, and, with a sigh of relief, the unhappy man ran into Its path and was safely blown Into the next county. The present season Is at its loveliest. The watering-place- s are in full blast and fllrta-tatlo- ns booming. Fashion is happy, and even poverty lifts its pinched and faded face in silent gratitude for the beauties of nature. I -- Robt. Howe, formerly of Moorefleld, Dr. J. McClymondS (formerly of this place) and son, Dr. Bergln's wifo and child, and Mrs. Christian, of Athens, Fayette county, all arrived in Kentucky from Ocalla, Florida Saturday. A dude was seen hastily glancing at a sign In front of a butcher's shop, and then, with a shudder, shut his eyes and skipped across the street. A by-stand- er looked at the placard by the meat-stor- e and It read, "Brains for sale." Dan Rice, who was here with Nathans' cirous, says that he recently met and played cards with two of his divorced wives, at his old home town in Pennsylvania. He also said that both have made overtures to marry him again since their separation. "Old woman," said a man on a country road, "did you see a bicycle pass here just now?" "No, I did nofsee any kind of sickle, mister; but just now I seen a wagon wheel running away with a man. You kin believe it or no. I wonldn't if I hadn't seen it my self." The Trader, Turfman, Farmer and Sportsman. The Latonla Trotting Races commence Sept. 15th, and last seven days. A train killed ajackforLew Cunulnsham, on the K. C. extension, which the appraisers have valued at 81,200. During the Bourbon fair races, pools will be sold every night and morning at the Bourbon House, by a syndicate organized in this city. An incendiary burned thd training sta- bles of J. B. Shockency at the Lexington course Thursday night, and May's Wilkes, Richard Wilkes, Jack Rabbitt, a sorrel colt by Harry Wilkes, and Minnie Wilkes, wore valued at from 82,000 to S3,i00 each. Green trotters and pacers have already this season mado remarkable record. Among the most notable are Phallas' 2:15 in the 2:40 class, reaching within a quarter of a second of the fastest time ever made by a stallion; Majolica's .2:17 In a three minute trot, Johnson's 2:11 pacing record and Rich-ball- 's 2:12. An advertisement of the Maysville fair appears in this issue. The catalogues now out show a mistake in the free-for-a- ll and 2.-4- 0 classes of trots. The heats are tp be three best In five instead of two best Id throe as published. The premium list is large and attractive, and the management Is leaving nothing undone toward making the fair, a success. , H, I. JOHNSON, Prop'r, W. B, GOMWAT, Clerk, JOMSOH HOUSE, MHXERSBURG, KY. One square from the depot. Good Liivery Stable Attached. The kindest attention given and guests made comfortable. Good Sample Rooms. A table filled with all all the delicacies of the season. BATES REASONABLE.. wm.1kemney. mTiC PRACTITIONER OF MEDICINE (fc SURGERY, May be found during the day, when not professionally engaged, at Brooks & Lyman's Drug Store at night, at the res- idence of Prof. E. Amende, on High st. OHMS. GROSOHE, A MAlMMflffifAlffln m Mium DEALER IN Fruits, Cakes, Fancy Goods, Cigars and Tobacco, &c. FRESH BREAD EVERY DAY. flTOne door above the Thurston House. S. B. EWALT I LIVERY-SAL- E AND COMMIS- SION STABLE, High Street, Paris Kentucky. Will break cUb to best advantage. Horses bought and sold on a ssiiiall mar- gin, also boarded on as Rood terms as any other stables in Paris. GEO. W. DAVIS, Dealer In FURNITUBE, Window Shades, Csirpcts, Oil Cloths, Mattresses, &c., JBSy Special xVttention Given to Undertaking and Repairing. Main Street, Paris, Ky. 'Kimmy' Kimbrough, Jas. S. Huff KIMBROUGH HOUSE, CARLISLE, KY. KIMBROUGH & HUFF, Prop's. o Large and Commodious Sample Eooms on first floor for commercial men. .Bag- gage transferred to and from the depot free of charge. T. V. HALL, o:o:x'a?:E3o,3? ANI MECHANICAL ENGINEER formerly of Cincinnati. MILLERSBURG, - - - KY. Designs, Drawings and Specifica tion including costs on all Architecture and Machinery, fnrnisbpd accurately and promptly. aepl9y T. W. POTTS, LiYery, bale & Feed Stable CARLISLE, KY. Ilorses boarded, trained and sold on commission. Livery rigs always kept for public hire. Terms reasonable. ap.3-6- m E. M. KENNEY, 8URVBT0 3EI, Paris, Ky., Will attend to all calls in his line, in Bourbon and surrounding counties, with promptness. Charges Seasonable. tf HENRY DAUM, Fashionable Barber Opp. Odd Fellows Hall .... Paris, Ky FARM FOR SALE 1 AS AGENT FOR THE WTLMOT heirs, I will offer for sale privately, the farm of 165 acres, situated near Hutchi- son Station, half way between Paris and Lexington, on the K. C. Railroad, with i i the branch of tne iJetnienem and nope-we- ll Turnpike running in front of the door. About 60 acres are under cultiva- tion, and balance in grass. Good brick residence in good repair. Good water, orchard, ice-hous- e, barns and all neces- sary outbuildines. This farm is a vary valuable farm pwhaps as good land as there is in the countv or bluegrass region, and is a rare chance for purchasers de- - f. siring a small larm. Call on or address me at rang, &.y. J. SMITH KENNEYV Agt. JOHN J, LOSE, Prop'r. ffl J, K, M PIMELL HOUSE MILLERSBURG, KY. Rates, Two Dollars Per Daji. Nice Sample Eooms for Commercial men Livery and Sale Stable Connected m JWMg FIRE IHSURAHCE I -- agint for LARGEST COMPANIES IN THE WORLD J J bosses Promptly Paid. J6T Rates as Low as The LmocdL "BLUE GRASS ROUTE" KY. OENTRAL RAIL R0A2X Is the shortest and quickest roiid to MISSOURI, KANSAS and TEXAS. Tickets to all points North, East and West. Time Oard in Effect July 29th, 'S& TRAINS SOUTH. Lve Covington 8:00 am Lve Falmouth' Lve Cynthiana . . Arr Paris ... A rr Winchester . Lve Winchester . Lve Richmond . . Lve Lancaster . . Arr Stanford June TRAINS NORTH. .Stanford June Lancaster Richmond Winchester Winchester Paris Paris Cyntiana Falmouth Covington MAYSVILLE LEXINGTON DIVISION. TKAIKS SOUTH. Maysville Carlisle Millersburg Paris .... Arr Lexington . Lexington Millersburg Carlisle . . Maysville . 9:35 am 10:40 am am 12:10 pm 1255 pm . 1:40 pm Lve 4:45 am Lve 5:10 am 6:30 am Arr 7:SS am Lve 7:33 am Arr 8:30 am Lve 8:80 am Lve 9:05 am Lve 10:04 am Arr 11:45 am Lve 6:10 am Lve Lve Lve TRAINS NOKTH. Lve .,,..., Lve Paris Lve Lve Arr LEXINGTON ACCOMMODATION. Paris Lexington Lexington Paris W. 11:15 Lve 7:35 am . . . 7:58 am 8:30 am . . . 9:20 am 6:00 am 6:50 am 7:15 am 7:35 am 9:00 am Lve 11:30 am Arr 12:05 pm Lve ..... 7:40 am Arr 8:83 am Q. A. 1 1 8:00 pax 4:83 pm 5:40 pot 6:15 pm 7:15 pm 7:80 pm 8:40 pm 10:08 pm 10:35 pm 1:00 pm 2:05 ym. 2:20 pK 3:15 pi 8:15 psa 8:52 pm 4:55 pin 6:30 Dm & 1:00 pm 2:26 pm 2:48 pm 3:15 piu 4:08 pm 555 6:16 6:40 i.m 7:00 pm 8:30 pm. 255 pm 3:15 put SUNDAY TRAINS Arrive at Paris going Northward at 8:15 paa., arriving at Covington at 6:80 pm. Trains going Southward leaves Covlngtsn at 2:60 pm, arriving at V:15 pm. Special Bate to EMIGRANTS. FortlckU, rates aad information per- taining to time, connoctions, &., call on JOUX BTTJART, Ahmt, Pakis, KT. BWTDHE, Supt BKo-vror- , JAMES McARDU, 11 TIM, Grand Opera Build' CINCINNATI, O. LAMAR HOUSE, (GKEEN CHEATHAM, Phop'b.) CARLISLE, KY. One Sauare from Railroad Depot Baggage transferred and fro, free charge lilVERY STABILE ATTACHE novl4y Walnut and Cherry Logs. Will pay cash for logs ten, twelve and fourteen feet long. Must be straight and clear bad defects, and not lees than, eighteen inches diameter. apr.6-6- m M. THOMAS. DR. YAISAST. Broadway, Paris Office Hours 1 ... ... f 8 9 M. U 4P.M, P.M. 1 m in C. L. G. P. & F. A. to I ai.-- ! of in J. to 8 Y. PHARES T. THROOP, CARLISLE, - - KX- - Office over B. F. Adair's grocery riovl5y MPERFECT IN ORIGINAL li.i. '.m nuuJ ? i i j I -- -i t' ' i , .

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Semi-Week-ly Bourbon jews

s iij.V, "

Independent and Democratic Published from the Happy Side of Life for the Benefit of Those Now Having Breath in Their Bodies. Price, $2, 00 for One Year, or, $2,000 for 1,000 Tears CASH !


he Richmond fair commences to-da- y.

There's a goodnd.


bookagent loose

-Sharpsburg fair is said to have been a

ir-- -

Northern Bank stock sold yesterday at.25 per share.



Town is full of complimentary tickets toBrien's circus.

-Mart BoWiiEs says that 400 barrels of wa--

r struck him at the circus.

Praise the Lord!" The camp-meetin- g is

er and Barnum's circus is coming.

Ilook at the date on the margin of yoaiper, j ust for curiosity, li nothing eise. w


hoKDUCTOR "JVinston reports an unusually

rge passengeritraffiolover the ii. u. eiteu--



k cys&hiana lady has written for a copy

the News conuuuma "cement."

. II o mnrn nrMprl t.O thethirty new bud wiUB n-- ---..- -

bvs list last week-o-ne ua uu -

00 years.

v.icoi oQTrprnl convertsfcLD.swEisx ":r thA

Old Union yesterday evening, "eeting still continues.


was arrested at Dan- -icouNTERi-BiTi-

ii. inst week, for passing bpuwuu- -

1U en the fair grounds.--Cs-

berre Knox shot and killed Tom Gill at

kman, Ky., for reiusing w x

- - Both are colored..

tDOYLES blacksmith shop, at the, 'v Main and old Georgetown road,

.. Auurday to Mr. Doyle, for 5,000.

MnKosESattotbbs! of Fayette county.

burned by boys whoaj-- o stacks of hay

, mating and burning bees nests.

locomotivenew eight-driver-whe- elshe , ..iii fraifrVit. fjira fromhe K. (J. roaa punu w -

i place to Stanford, one day ias ee.coaches now being

ue six new passengerlived oy the K. C. road, cost ,wu eacnf

,re in every respect.

Church.- - i,je excursion oi mo x A

es to the Blue Licks, left this mormus30. with a fair of excursionists



perfect beauties



ririin Harrison county, agedlsfVi AViilri re- -

U. teen years, t;u,vc uuuuBoth mother and child have since

;sihan 18x30 feet lot of Henry L.

rnthe. burned district, which was of-.ub- lic

sale Friday, was taken down

Ambtjrg's circus will exhibit here on

nber8th. Those who lost tneir natslets at the last one will proceed to

in up by that time.

,: car-loa- ds of passengers from. j attended the camp-meetin- g Sun- -

.iid "our heavily loaded trains passed

uh here from various points.

as. Aubery, a brakeman on the Ken-.- -

oentral Railroad, was killed Wednes-tw- o

miles north of Butler, by falling be- -

II the cars and the trainpassing over

travel over the Chesapeake and Ohioavy both ways. For some days n. uimpossible to furnish Pullman cara

eient to meet theldemand for Easternel.

"DawIt--out 7,000 persons anenaeu mc xaicamp-meetin- g Sunday, and the trainsin and left on time in a moderatelyed condition. The meeting cioseu

fcrdav. belntr the most successiui one"

,--. ..


x Jl A V. a.



-- -


pcially and in attendance in exist- -

ew grand stand of our fair groundin in the distance like a snow bank.3 who have been out there say thatat all adapted to short dresses. Nowde that can get a horse will want to

'o ring so that he can seo the amphi- -

m o vinrt nf n. "Huckleberry Hell"instered glen near the Parks' Hillrounds, where they sell cider, cor-nd- y

peaches, run cap guns, shakelck, &c. Every three steps a broken

t atjhmce contained brandy peaches,heway of wickedness.

Jrankfort Christian Church is tonow spire and a chime of bells. Theill be one hundred and thirty-tw- o

. It will be covered with state, andetj ually made, like that on St. Paul'sh : i Richmond Va.. which Is said to

1' 'idsomest in the United.Slates.

. Phillips, a farmer from Masonty, Kentucky, was in the Vine-Stre- et

last night drunk and creatingly racket. He had a big revolver, andto Watchman Ehret finally arrested

ai 0 locked him up In Central Station,lec'iargeof carrying concealed weap- -

i' iciiinati Enquirer.


m of the people in Paris have so faru to learn that the six-coa- ch train fromfold is the through train for Covington,in st on getting on the little bob-taile- d

that comes from Lexington and goesfiner. PeoDle who are too lazv to read

-- ii'to think, should stay away from theand quit asking fool questions.

e ran away with a buggy Saturdaycontaining "Bud" Hill, his sister,

' 'a and her lady friend from Lexing- -TOule standing in the middle of Main

- gf-- t knocked off its feet, and the Lex- -n iady heroically leaned forward, gath- -' lines and checked the fleeing horse.

as thrown out and was Blightly

-Ew Davis, a bridge-builde- r, was1 from the Townsend bridge, to ale Wty feet below and bruised to a"sof Jelly, by a guy rope of a der-1Jcin- g,

and Geo. Lilly received a se-- 1on his shoulder by an iron falling

Dr. Keller reports but one bonen Davis' body (at the elbow Joint,)the will get well.

Bill Johnson and Ben Coons, coloredcoons, were held over for further trial, forbanding and confederating together underthe Ku-Klu- x act, in whipping that coloredDemocratic patriot on the night of the elec-tion.

-Sheriff Armsirong sold 1,150 worth of per-

sonality of Abraham Barton's estate at Mil-lersbur- g,

Saturday, He thinks that after alldebts are paid, that not over 7,000 will beleft for distribution among the heirs.


Yesterday afternoon a colored boy in Lex-ington bet another one a nickle that hecould jump across the railroad in front ofconductor Henry Green's train, which wasbut a few feet away. The jump was madeand the boy fell with his neck across therail just in time to get his head cut clear off.

The Kimball House block at Atlantaburned Sunday, with a total loss of 1,000,000.The hqtel cost 000,000, and the furniture

125,000; insurance only $80,000. The fire isreported to have been Incendiary. The GateCity Bank building was wiped out by theflames, and the vaults contain 500,000, whichmay prove a total loss.

Fifty-fiv- e counties heard from officially,give Knott 30,441 majority against 28,655 forBlackburn in the same counties in 1879 aclear gain of 1,786. The remaining forty-fiv- e

counties in 1879 gave a Democratic majorityof 15,262. So, should there be no furthergain, Knott's majority in the State will ex-ceed 45,000, as the Courier-Journ- al predictedon the night of the election.

"The Pictorial Bible Commentator,"by Ingram Cobbin, is said by competentjudges of suoh matters to be the best help toa better understanding of the Bible that hasever been offered to the people. Bible read-ers, students, teachers, Sunday-scho- ol su-perintendents and ministers, all testify toits merit. W. D. Lambuth, agent for thisbook and for Illustrated Family Biblesin this county, is the prize student at theState College this year, he bearing off Gov-ernor Blackburn's medal offered for "highestexcellence in studies and conduct." Hisstanding address is Lexington, Ky.

-- -The Trro Circuses.

The vaulting and acrobatic performances!of Nathans & Co.'s circus were good. Thefew cages of animals needed turning loosein a forrest to cut down unnecessary ex-penses. The menagerie of O'Brien's waslarger and better. The circu3 performancewas tip-to- p particularly the vaulting andacrobatic performances. The employes ofO'Brien's were a sober, orderly and manlyset of fellows, and were much praised byour citizens for their deportment in savingthe distressed women and children from thefallen tents and the drenching storm.

Old DaH Bice.

Old Dan Rice, the oldest legitimate circusman in the world, was in Cynthiana withNathan' show, and called at the Democratoffice. He informed us that his son-in-la- w,

Charlie Reid, a Maysville boy, is now per-forming his unequaled feats of horseman-ship in Copenhagen. Denmark, at $250 aweek. Mr. Rice says he trained the elephantEmpress, with O'Brien's show, and speakingabout elephants he said no doubt Barnum'sgreat elephant, Jumbo, was a great curiosi-ty, as a large man could walk erect betweenthe monster's legs. There is only one largerin the world, and that one is owned by theKusslan Uovernment. Jumbo was boughtby Barnum for 7,000. He is perfectly docile.Mr. Rice has been in every country on theglobe, and says he feels at home nowheremore than in Kentucky. Ho started in theshow business at Galena. 111., where OoTierai

once worked for him at fifty cents a(Grant Cynthiana Democrat.

Jolm O'Brien's Circus Tribulations.

O'Brien's circus train collided with arreight train at Cunningham, Saturdaymorning, which caused the manager to can-cel his engagement at Richmond. Twograin cars were up-end- ed and the cow-ctcah-e- rs

of the two engines being smashed, wasabout all of the damage. Mr. O'Brien putin most of the day here Saturday footingup his losses real and imaginary, with aview of bringing suit against the K. C. roadfor damages. He will allege in his petitionthat had he been landed here two hours ear-lier Friday morning, his afternoon's per-formance would have been correspondinglyearlier in the afternoon, and would havebeen over before the storm struckthe tents, which would havebeen lowered for the contingency. He willalso petition for damages by loss of the twoengagements at Richmond, alleging that histrain was unnecessarily detained here and acollision was brought about which couldhave been averted. At th time of our In-

terview with treasurer Scattergood, theamount of damages had not been footed up,but a rough estimate by an outsider stand-ing by, suggested that about 6,000 wouldcover the losses entire.

' (

Blue Lick springs.

The following persons were registered at"The Arlington," Blue Lick. Springs, rsinoeour last report :

Thos. M. Marshall, jr., and wife, Pitts-burgh, Pa.; Frank FithianParis, Ky.: SmithMcL'anh. Lexineton: E. C. Ryan and Jno A.Kiser, Shawhan, Ky.; Col. R. S. Spalding, At-lanta, Ga.; Richard Wathen, Breckinridgecounty: Mrs. E. R. Spotswood and Charles E.Spotswood, Lexington; Rev. T. DeWitt Tal-mag- e,

Brooklyn; Sanders Cox, Mrs. A. Wig-gleswor- th

and miss Ellen A. Cox, Cynthianawrv Lewis Collins. Louisville: S. C. Boullemet, New Orleans, La.; Will F. Hall, Mays-ville; Chas. T. Worthington, Leola, Miss.;Isaac M. Jordan, Mrs. Isaac M. Jordan, missLizzie P. Jordan and Miss Bessie Mcintosh,Cincinnati, Ohio; Col. J. W. Tate, Frankfort;G.T. Cooke and wife, Cynthiana: A. W. El-

lis. Ripley, Ohio; C. M. Young. Higglnsport,Ohio; Frank Chinn and wife, Frankfort;Mrs. Downing, Miss Downing, Miss MaryOwens, Maysville; T. A. Mattkews, Covingt-on- miss Floy Vimont, St. Louis: C. W. Cor-rlncto-n,

Millersburg; miss B. Vimont, St.Louis; J. M. Batterton, Ed. P. Elliot andwife, Will Galway, miss Emma Fry. Cincin-nati, Ohio; Frank Manneri, Maysville. Ky.;Eugene Rucker, Georgetown; miss Hill,T B Russell ana j onn inomsou,,yiYiiie;mrs. E. F. Abbott, F. A. Prague and wife,Covington; B. W. Turner, miss Carrie Farley,miss florgan Blackmore, Richmond: miss

Winchester: J. C. Smith. Su-di- e

McDonald, Maysville; L. Peak and lady,TrV Sftince. Ull&b AUUie jaaju, yv'te- - 'W. A. Julean, Cincinnati, Ohio;

fvMf. Orleans, "Budge" Hukill," " -- -- r..S c? nr

J. K. Belloh New La.:Paris, P. B. SKinn, ? wee, wuw.Jno. Brooks, liexington: oames av. itParis, miss Casey, Covington; miss Goshorn,do Dr D. C. Lyman. V. R. Thomas, A. J.HiKKln's, D. Lyng. J. Schwartz, miss

miss Walsh, Paris; miss An-ni- e

Smith, Yera Cruz, Ohio.-- -

Fouim. A valuable gold breast-pi- n wasfound on the Winchester pike, which theowner can have by proving property andpaying for this advertisement. Apply atTALBOTT&HlBLER'fi. aUglQ-S- t



John O'Brien's Circus Tents Blown IDotrn, and2,500 Men, Women and Children Crawl

out in a Half Browned Conditioninto a Blinding Bain Storm.

Friday afternoon at half past four o'clock,a small cyclone accompanied by torrents ofrain and hail struck the tents of JohnO'Brien's circus during the latter part of theperformance, and the huge tents of the cir-cus, menagerie and all the side shows wereblown flat to the ground. The performancewas being witnessed by about 2,500 people,and as if by miraculous powers, all escapedwith their lives, and but few sustalnsd seri-ous injuries. Mrs. Dr. Hurst, of Millersburg,who occupied a reserved seat beside herhusband and little son, sustained the injuryof a broken limb both bones being fracturedjust above the ankle. Her little son whowas thought to have been seriously injured,escaped almost unhurt, but was alarmedalmost to death. Constable James M. Tay-

lor, who was protecting some lady and herchild, was struck on the left shoulder by afalling tent pole and wad severely bruised,as was also Mayor "W. M. Purnell on theright leg. Twenty or thirty others sustainedsmall cuts and bruises, and hundreds losthats, bonnets, parasols and other paraphra-nali- a.

When the first few gusts of wind came up,a panic was about to take place, but by thecoolness of the ringmaster, who ordered thefrightened ones to be seated, quiet oncemore reigned. Then for a few minutes therain fell in torrent?, and all danger wasthought to have been over, and when themultitude stood huddled here and there toavoid the perfect sleuices of rain pouring inthrough the holes and open seams of thetent, all at once a whirling funnel-shape- d

gust of wind struck the tents, the guy ropessnapped and down came the whole businessin less than half a minute. During the in-

tense flappings of the tents preceding thefall, all eyes were riveted on the huge center-pole- s,

and were held there until the ropessnapped, and fortunately were avoided inthe fall by the excited, panic-stricke- n

masses.After the fall of the tents, holes were

quickly cut in a number of placesand the smothering masses of half-drown- ed

humanity cautiously wended theirway out the hundreds of children beingrescued from a watery, crushed and smoth-ering condition by the gallant showmen(who did their whole duty) and friends fromthe outside.

The wails of the weeping and shrieks ofthe terrified mingled with the roar of thestorm, the pelting of the hail and rain.madeit an appalling, heart-sickenin- g scene calcu-

lated to, invade the hearts of the most hard-

ened and uncouth with terror, and meltthem with thoughts and acts of kindnessand this was the case, too, for in no instancewas anyone found lacking in doing hiswhole duty, who could wield a strong arm,


Baby Speakes said: "Mamma, do all cir-

cuses do that way?"

Just as sheriff Holladay was about to servea garnishee on O'Brien, down came the tenton him and stopped the process.

One center pole knocked the hats off ofDr. Noah Moore and Miss Lucy Speakes, andmissed the News gang only three feet.

In the panic it was thought that a cag ofmonkies had got loos, but on closer exami-nation it was found to bo only a cage ofpeaceful dudes.

Some frantic-stricke- n women actuallyknelt in prayer under wagons, and askedthe safe deliverance of friends from underthe fallen tents.

Preis Campbell nobly came to the rescueof the drenched and shivering women andchildren with is omnibus, and delivered twoloads of them to their homes free of charge.

The hundreds of children taken from thefallen tents looked like half-drown- ed rats.One little child of Wm. Hinton's, when ta-

ken home to it's mother, said "Mama, am Igoing to die?" ,

"When the fat woman got out from underthe tent of the side-sho- w, she laid down inthe branch and would have drowned hadnot some men pulled her out. She wasdressed in tights.

The keeper of the large elephant grabbedtwo children and started out of the wreck,but looked around and saw the elephantfollowing him. Ho dropped the childrenand chained the elephant, or perhaps ahundred people would have been trampedupon and killed.

Leroy Smith, of Millersburg, sat beside thefat woman in the side-sho- w to keep the tentfrom falling on him. He says that she justsat there very coolly and let it come downon her. She ought to have stuck her loot upin the air and formed a new center pole andcompleted the exhibition..

Mrs. Hugh Bierbower and Mrs. BobMcClelland, Jr., lost their portmoniei con-

taining S15 or 20 each, but Mrs. McClelland,while sitting under a wagon, recovered hersfrom a small boy passing by, Mrs. Bierbow-er has not recovered hers yet. The finderwill please leave same at this office.

L. A. Boyd, train dispatcher for the K. C,has arrived here to make his future head-quarterte- rs.

Dr. Ben Davis has neatly repaired his newdrug store and furnished it with handsomeoiled walnut counters, desks, drawers, med-

icine cases, &c, all complete and as prettyas any city store.

Call at J. J. Shaw & Co.'s and see the Lightning self-seali-ng glassfruitjarihe best in America. 17JySt

The wife of Wm. Hoover, a shoemaker inthe employ of John Kiely, of this city, diedat her home in Lexington Saturday, and,was buried at Millersburg, yesterday,

' """I1"


Fall millinery will be the next thing toworry about.

Dr. Washburn and wife have arrived horefrom Ocalla, Florida.

John Stuart was the "Bill Nye" of thecamp ground Sunday.

Mrs. Babbitt, of Louisville, is visitingrelatives in this county..

Judge Riddle, of Irvine, was putting uphis fences at the camp grounds Sunday.

Misses Minnie and Fannie Hawthorne,of Newport, arc visiting friends in this city.

Mr. Osborne, formerly express agent atthis place, Is here on a visit from Virginia.

More gum was chewed Sunday at thecamp-meetin- g than was ever known before.

Wm. Lowe and wife, of Steubenvllle,Ohio, are the guests of Henry Hibler andwife.

Cart-whe- el hats made of rough Straw,are all the rago for pic-nlc- s, fairs and cir-cuses.

Mrs. Alex Grant, of Pensacola, Fla., is inon a visit to her brother Charlie Croxtonand sisters.

J. H. Deaver, of this precinct, taught thedudes the grand plug hat act at the camp-meeti- ng

Sunday.The 400 guests at Crab Orchard Springs

enjoyed a masked ball Friday night thatwas unusually-successfu- l.

Mathans & Co.'s dollar-and-a-ha- lf beautychewed gum all the time she sat on top ofthe chariot in the procession.

A one-arme- d man was in the pick-pock- et

bnsiness at Cynthiana during the-- per-formance of Nathan's circus.

It's a great pity but what all of those bal-loon and Mother Hubbard dresses didn't gettaken off In that circus cyclone Friday.

Misses Cora Long and Lula Sharp, twohandsome little Harrison county ladies, arethe guests of Misses Ora and Minnie Letton.

The President and his fellow travelersare all well. Senator Vest and the Presidenttook in five creels of trout on their firstfishing trip.

Miss Anna Belle Lee, of Carlisle, was thelittle belle of the camp Sunday, but that lit-tle one w.ith a blue dress on was a heapbellower.

Elder J. S. Sweeney and daughter havereturned from Southern Kentucky. Mrs.Sweeney remains at the home of her motherstill very 111.

Prof. J. R. Day, the "soliciting fiend" ofthe Cincinnati Neivs-Jouma- l, spent Sundaywith his wife out at Dr. Noah Moore's, inthis precinct.

Snell Shawhan and Percy Adair, ofShawhan, started to San Francisco, Cal.,last week, to attend the Grand Conclave ofKnights Templars.

The same old wall of distress comas fromall summer resorts. There are not enoughmen to go round, and the girls mourn fortheir escorts because they are not.

R. Jay Gould, of the Adams Express of-fice, Cincinnati, was the guest of the rail-roaders, expressmen and telegraphers oftnis city yesteruay, ana tooK in the camp-meetin- g.

In the marriage of the Rev. Jos. Martin,of Atlanta, to Mrs. Margaret Glass, ofGeorgetown, the Cynthiana Democrat saysthat the groom left a Martin box to live in aGlass house.

A Kansas woman was upbraiding herihusband when a cyclone hove in sight, and,with a sigh of relief, the unhappy man raninto Its path and was safely blown Into thenext county.

The present season Is at its loveliest. Thewatering-place- s are in full blast and fllrta-tatlo-ns

booming. Fashion is happy, andeven poverty lifts its pinched and faded facein silent gratitude for the beauties of nature. I

-- Robt. Howe, formerly of Moorefleld, Dr.J. McClymondS (formerly of this place) andson, Dr. Bergln's wifo and child, and Mrs.Christian, of Athens, Fayette county, allarrived in Kentucky from Ocalla, FloridaSaturday.

A dude was seen hastily glancing at asign In front of a butcher's shop, and then,with a shudder, shut his eyes and skippedacross the street. A by-stand- er looked atthe placard by the meat-stor- e and It read,"Brains for sale."

Dan Rice, who was here with Nathans'cirous, says that he recently met andplayed cards with two of his divorced wives,at his old home town in Pennsylvania. Healso said that both have made overtures tomarry him again since their separation.

"Old woman," said a man on a countryroad, "did you see a bicycle pass here justnow?" "No, I did nofsee any kind of sickle,mister; but just now I seen a wagon wheelrunning away with a man. You kin believeit or no. I wonldn't if I hadn't seen it myself."

The Trader, Turfman, Farmerand Sportsman.

The Latonla Trotting Races commenceSept. 15th, and last seven days.

A train killed ajackforLew Cunulnsham,on the K. C. extension, which the appraisershave valued at 81,200.

During the Bourbon fair races, pools willbe sold every night and morning at theBourbon House, by a syndicate organized inthis city.

An incendiary burned thd training sta-

bles of J. B. Shockency at the Lexingtoncourse Thursday night, and May's Wilkes,Richard Wilkes, Jack Rabbitt, a sorrel coltby Harry Wilkes, and Minnie Wilkes, worevalued at from 82,000 to S3,i00 each.

Green trotters and pacers have alreadythis season mado remarkable record.Among the most notable are Phallas' 2:15

in the 2:40 class, reaching within a quarterof a second of the fastest time ever made bya stallion; Majolica's .2:17 In a three minutetrot, Johnson's 2:11 pacing record and Rich-ball- 's

2:12.An advertisement of the Maysville fair

appears in this issue. The catalogues nowout show a mistake in the free-for-a- ll and2.-4- 0 classes of trots. The heats are tp be threebest In five instead of two best Id throe aspublished. The premium list is large andattractive, and the management Is leavingnothing undone toward making the fair, asuccess.

, H, I. JOHNSON, Prop'r, W. B, GOMWAT, Clerk,


One square from the depot. GoodLiivery Stable Attached. Thekindest attention given and guests madecomfortable.

Good Sample Rooms. A table filledwith all all the delicacies of the season.




May be found during the day, whennot professionally engaged, at Brooks &Lyman's Drug Store at night, at the res-idence of Prof. E. Amende, on High st.

OHMS. GROSOHE,A MAlMMflffifAlfflnm Mium


Fruits, Cakes, FancyGoods, Cigars and

Tobacco, &c.


flTOne door above the Thurston House.



SION STABLE,High Street, Paris Kentucky.

Will break cUb to best advantage.Horses bought and sold on a ssiiiall mar-gin, also boarded on as Rood terms as anyother stables in Paris.

GEO. W. DAVIS,Dealer In

FURNITUBE,Window Shades, Csirpcts, Oil

Cloths, Mattresses, &c.,JBSy Special xVttention Given toUndertaking and Repairing.

Main Street, Paris, Ky.

'Kimmy' Kimbrough, Jas. S. Huff



oLarge and Commodious Sample Eooms

on first floor for commercial men. .Bag-

gage transferred to and from the depotfree of charge.

T. V. HALL,o:o:x'a?:E3o,3?


MECHANICAL ENGINEERformerly of Cincinnati.


Designs, Drawings and Specification including costs on all Architectureand Machinery, fnrnisbpd accurately andpromptly. aepl9y


LiYery, bale& Feed Stable


Ilorses boarded, trained and sold oncommission. Livery rigs always kept forpublic hire. Terms reasonable. ap.3-6-m


8URVBT0 3EI,Paris, Ky.,

Will attend to all calls in his line, inBourbon and surrounding counties, withpromptness. Charges Seasonable. tf


Fashionable BarberOpp. Odd Fellows Hall .... Paris, Ky



AS AGENT FOR THE WTLMOTheirs, I will offer for sale privately, thefarm of 165 acres, situated near Hutchi-son Station, half way between Paris andLexington, on the K. C. Railroad, with



the branch of tne iJetnienem and nope-we- ll

Turnpike running in front of thedoor. About 60 acres are under cultiva-tion, and balance in grass. Good brickresidence in good repair. Good water,orchard, ice-hous- e, barns and all neces-sary outbuildines. This farm is a varyvaluable farm pwhaps as good land asthere is in the countv or bluegrass region,and is a rare chance for purchasers de--

f. siring a small larm.Call on or address me at rang, &.y.


JOHN J, LOSE, Prop'r. ffl J, K, M


Rates, Two Dollars Per Daji.

Nice Sample Eooms for Commercial men

Livery and Sale Stable Connected

m JWMg




J bosses Promptly Paid.

J6T Rates as Low as The LmocdL


Is the shortest and quickest roiidto MISSOURI, KANSAS and

TEXAS. Tickets to allpoints North, East

and West.

Time Oard in Effect July 29th, 'S&TRAINS SOUTH.

Lve Covington 8:00 amLve Falmouth'Lve Cynthiana . .Arr Paris ...A rr Winchester .Lve Winchester .Lve Richmond . .Lve Lancaster . .Arr Stanford June

TRAINS NORTH..Stanford JuneLancasterRichmondWinchesterWinchesterParisParisCyntianaFalmouthCovington


MaysvilleCarlisleMillersburgParis ....

Arr Lexington .


MillersburgCarlisle . .Maysville .

9:35 am10:40 am

am12:10 pm1255 pm

. 1:40 pm

Lve 4:45 amLve 5:10 am

6:30 amArr 7:SS amLve 7:33 amArr 8:30 amLve 8:80 amLve 9:05 amLve 10:04 amArr 11:45 am

Lve 6:10 amLveLveLve

TRAINS NOKTH.Lve .,,...,Lve ParisLveLveArr

LEXINGTON ACCOMMODATION.ParisLexingtonLexingtonParis




7:35 am. . . 7:58 am

8:30 am. . . 9:20 am

6:00 am6:50 am7:15 am7:35 am9:00 am

Lve 11:30 amArr 12:05 pmLve ..... 7:40 amArr 8:83 am





8:00 pax4:83 pm5:40 pot6:15 pm7:15 pm7:80 pm8:40 pm

10:08 pm10:35 pm

1:00 pm2:05 ym.2:20 pK3:15 pi8:15 psa8:52 pm4:55 pin6:30 Dm


1:00 pm2:26 pm2:48 pm3:15 piu4:08 pm

5556:166:40 i.m7:00 pm8:30 pm.

255 pm3:15 put

SUNDAY TRAINSArrive at Paris going Northward at 8:15 paa.,arriving at Covington at 6:80 pm.

Trains going Southward leaves Covlngtsnat 2:60 pm, arriving at V:15 pm.

Special Bate to EMIGRANTS.FortlckU, rates aad information per-

taining to time, connoctions, &., call onJOUX BTTJART, Ahmt,





11 TIM,

Grand Opera Build'CINCINNATI, O.



One Sauare from Railroad DepotBaggage transferred and fro, free



Walnut and Cherry Logs.

Will pay cash for logs ten, twelveand fourteen feet long. Must be straightand clear bad defects, and not lees than,eighteen inches diameter.

apr.6-6- m M. THOMAS.

DR. YAISAST.Broadway, Paris

Office Hours 1



f 8 9 M.



1 min

C. L.G. P. & F. A.










Office over B. F. Adair's groceryriovl5y









' i , .