semi-weekly interior journal.. (springfield, ky) 1901-07

I r lrp > r T cp tl I P I I THE INTERIOR JOURNAL BTANKOIID KY JULY 20 1001 IITRY the Judge Taft cigar for a choice emoko at Pennys Drug Store Ouit proscrIptIon work Is unsurpasa ed Try UB and bu convinced Penny Drug Store PERSONALS R M NKWLANU went to Lexington > yesterday Mri W II HiaoiNS hat CrabOrch ard Springs HON HARVEY HELM loft Tuesday for a tripEaeL- COL AND MRS T P JILL aro at Dripping Spring I JMu S C THURMOND has cone to 16 prospect Miss LINDA MILLER In visiting friends nt Mt Sterling MSS TOktatir FRANCIS of Lan cae ter wee tho guestof Mln Mary Bruce ATTORNEY JR BUSH of Hlchraond I I li veiling hit father Capt II T Bush Miss STELLA HALLOU u visiting nor slater Mr J L Duncan at Toledo O REV JOHN A Goocir of Wayne menlnKII ED PENNINOTON Is making Coun ¬ ts ty Court Clerk Cooper a iplendld dew uty f MRS WILLIAM Rice of Richmond attended the burial of Mr W 11 Par cone Mil J a CLAUNCII of Somerset has Joined his wlfo and ion at Mr J E LynnMIss NANCY WlTIIERSIOON liar Ie the guest of Mies Mary fIlundlay MIL D S RITCHIE of LouUvlllc spent several days with tho Mlisci Manofco- x MISS ANNIE TimiiiLE of Junction City spunt several day with Ire W A Trlbblo t MR AND Mns GRAHAM PRIOR of ItDAnvllle aro guests of Mr and Mr 00 Keller DR J V PEYTON and Messrs J C Hays and J W locker aro at Drip ping Springaa Rock Ark le visiting the family of t Mr W H Shanks r Mn AND MRS A UNDERWOOD of CorbIn attended the burial of Mr Wlllli II Parsons I Mn WW WRIGHT came all t tho way from Livingston to get a Huston I vllle fair catalogue Mlt O T LAYTON of Garrard was hero Wednesday to meet bis wife who Marloot delightful BELLE I visit to friends at Georgetown j MISSBH PEARL JOHNSTONS and Maudo Moore of Doyle are guests o- ft Muses Sarah and Jennie Lynn MRS SALLIE SmrUAN of Huston Ifvllle who bat been visiting Mrs Don Dallou hat returned homo f MR AND MILS W G LACKEY of St Louie arrived Tuesday to visit Hon I O A Lackey and Miss Ophelia Lack- ey I MISSES MARIE MAHONY and Vr ginia Bourne are member of a houro party being given by Miss Robbie Pen- ny at Danville Miss ELEANOR PHILLIPS his our thanks for an Invitation to the com mencement exerclscsof National Nor- mal University at Lebanon O PRESIDENT W G COWAN and Sec- retary W D locker of the Huston vlllo fair spent yesterday at tho Georgetown fair looking alter attrac ¬ ton Mil MCCALLA FITZGERALD of Lon 1 don was on yesterdays train bound for Georgetown to attend tbo street fair He was accompanied by his handsotno little son Miss MARY LANDRAM BURNSIDB en ¬ tertalned a few friends Thursday ova nlng In honor of her guest Miss MIn nle Woods of Stanford Miss Ella May Saunders of Stanford visited Miss Ito I la Arnold Record LOCALS Duo FINISH at Craig lockers HCSTONVILLE FAIR July 31 three days J 0 1 Go to Craig is Hooker for perfec- fitting spectacles TO FARMERS We are still running our mill at tho same place j H Baughman Co 0 AN Infant of Will Dunn of Huston vllle died of whooping cough which epidemic Is prevalent In the West End THE Warren Grlgsby Chapter will meet with Mrs J S Owaloy Jr nox- oclock t r Tuesday afternoon 30th at430 Subject Stonewall Jackson All ore requested to como prepared Miss LAVINIA SHANNON who played hero In tho Julia A Hunt Co and Is well remembered bad a narrow es capo from death at Minneapolis wbllo- i presenting the play Under Two Flags I HUSTONVJLLB Come In and soothe great reduction of prices on tailor made suite I am offering for July and Au Dliat buy a ready made suit 11when you can have one made to order just as cheap AJ Adame 1325Plana TliltKD comfortable rooms for rent It Robinson Lancaster street PLENTY band made harness of the latest pattern on hand J0 McClary SEE tbat now sowing machine at That new price at Illggln S Mc Klnnoy WB have plenty c- hicken feed and shlpstulT on hand Will sell cheap J II Baugbtnan fc Co RRMEMiiiilt that erms aro cash Low cash prices on feed of all kinds J U Baughman St Co FOR SALE on RENT Residence on Upper Main diagonally opposite the College Jtoqulre of E C Walton ROSSBLL Tbo aged Mr Lewis HOB sell died just all wo went to press Dur ¬ ial here tomorrow Extended notice next issue J WB hard waited patiently on you for the money duo July 1 If you dont como around this week well call on you Buazley Uro WB Intended to print a picture and wrlio upof Mr M G Reynolds Lln coin county next assessor but the cut failed to reach us In time for this Is rue EMMETT CUMMINS of Beo Lick died at Joseph Price Infirmary Wed ¬ nesday Ho was In a very bad condi ¬ Lion and the operation performed on him proved too severe DtLA vED0wiagtodelayIngetting his press Mr It O Cunningham an ¬ nounces that tho Danville Courier will not appear until next Fridaya week later than he Intended I IN DEMAND John II Moor tbo baker and rcitaurantor is shipping largo quantities of his One bread now He has rogularcustotnersat Richmond Mlddloburg Crab Orchard Brodbcad and other point and he can hardly sup ply the demand PLEASANT OCCASION Litho Miss Sbeppard Cook daughter of Dr nd Mrs L D Cook celebrated hot sixth birthday yesterday afternoon by having about 70 of her little friends with her Various games were Indulg ed In by the tots and lots of goo things to cat were enjoyed Miss Mary Sheppard proved herself a charming little hostess and further endeared her ¬ self to her friend and playmates r HOT Hot Ino name for the weath ¬ er wo bavo bad for the past week Sweltering humanity la suffering tor ¬ furor while crops are being damaged by the distressing drouth wo are ex ¬ periencing Tbo mercury hovers around the 100 mark from 10 to 4 oclock while the nights afford not much relief There was promise of rain yesterday afternoon but the cloud have disappeared and old Sol 1s again hard at work ihli morning FAIK DAILY Meesre George Keller Jr and Jesse AG Alvcrson of this ofllce aro getting the JOURNAL Huktonvlllo Fair Daily In readiness and It will contain adver tisement galore If you havent spok ¬ en for space you bad better do so at once or you will be too late They will make the paper a most Interesting one and U will po liberally Illustrated E H Fox of Danville la making a large number of halt tones to be used PARSONS Mr Willis H Parsons who has been ill for a loop time died lull before we went to prose Tuesday morning aged ttO He was a devout t member of the Methodist church on honorable gentleman and a clover man Mr Parsons was formerly from Rock cantlo but hall spent a number of years In Lincoln county where he was universally liked A wife who was a Miss Underwood and seven children survive After services at the Metho ¬ dist church by Rev W E Arnold Wednesday afternoon the remains wero taken to Buffalo cemetery and laid to rest t TIlE Beaaley Hotel at Crab Orchard Is having a nice run of custom now and good crowds are enjoying the best tho market affords there Tho following tht an I eons John and Henry Humphrey Hal lou and Judgo Joe Robinson of Lan ¬ teeter Mrs A A McKinney Dan ¬ ville Mrs A J Earp Winchester Mrs Josle Raney Mack Huffman and Miss Tevls Carpenter Stanford Mlas Engenja Duet St Louis and a large number of drummers Rooms have been engaged and a alto crowd 1s ex- pected ¬ the rest of tbo season HUBTONVILLE FAIR Besides the itniotlons In the catalogue of the Hut tonvlllo fair tho directors have added game of ball for the first day wblc promises to bo a warm contest for base- ball superiority Hustonvlllo and Hal rodsburg will play for the champion ship of Kentucky the winning team to get 120 and tbo losing 85 Howard Camnltz who Is winning famo as a twirler wilt pitch for the homo boys whllo the visitors will have a cracker jack In tho box Tho game will be played attar tbo fair program IB carried cbarltoto stay for the last two 21o MADRAS at IDe Severance k Sons WHITK grey and ckelk gloves Severance S Sons NEW rubber tire phaeton for sale cheap William Hamilton CHICKEN feed and shlpstuff cheap for club J H Baughman k Co TIN fruit jars nod jar rubber at Higgins McKlnnoy PARAKKINB fur preserving jollies and fruits at Biggins S McKlnneys STANFORD Is In tho w 1labof towns that will very likely be connected with Lou Uvlllo by a proposed electric railway THE Christian Church color ed of this place will givo a big basket mooting on tho fourth Sunday in Au ¬ gust TILE Northbound passenger No 20 was 31 hours late this morning having waited for a delayed Southern train at Jelllco Tim managers uf Columbia fair announce that all ministers and per ions over 70 year old will be admitted to tbo exhibition free of charge It Is safe to say that timny a jackleg preach- er ¬ will be on hand LINCOLN DOCTORS IN ITDr J G Carpenter of this place and Dr Del ¬ tie Carpenter of HustonvUle will ale cuss Surgery In Obstetrics at medical society meeting to bo hold at Russell SprIng Auglandd Anes inetla In Labor will be the subject o Dr W L Lowdere talk Eolimsla Dr Steele Baileys an Grip and Results Dr J C Barkers The meetIng promises to be an Inter ¬ eating one- COLOItED o TEACHERS INSTITUTE The annual session of the colored teacher Institute was called to order in Stanford court houee by Pro G Singleton county superintendent a D30 A M Monday Devotional oxr cues wero conducted by Rev A L GuthrIe of the A M E church Prof Singleton then gave an address i which ho stated In a few pointed word tbo object ol tho meeting Dr Tardif presided at the organ The following committees were appointed Progra Stepd p dlf Miss K B Gentry C S loges The following wero present Misses K D Gentry B Sutton M E Jor man L Mason A Engleman F Cor well L T Wade and Mesdames A V Haynes A H Tardif FE Stepp and Menaces CS Havnes W D Tardif R C Durham and F L Stepp The conductor gave an Interesting talk anu outlined the work for tbo week At the afternoon session Monday ihe folio win subjects wero Introduced and discussed by tho Institute School man ¬ agement Mlstet K B Gentry and B Sutton Tuesday morning arithmetic was introduced and discussed by the Institute Mrs A V Haynes primary epollloC g At ° euR b ¬ wore by tbe Institute Child Study Mrs A H Tardif Language F L Stepp Gram- mar ¬ Miss A Engleman Peycology Dr Tardif Wednesday morning ses ¬ sloe After the usual order of business tbe following subjects were introduced and discussed Nature Study Miss K B Gentry Reading Mrs F E Stepp Composition Miss L Mason After ¬ noon session The following subject were introduced and discussed by tho Institute Geography1ft C Durham and Miss L T Wade The various subjects are being discussed in a most Interesting manner by tbe teachers and tho capable conductor Thursday morn ¬ legs session opened by singing Do ¬ votional exercises were conducted by Rev Guthrie Biography of Whittle was read by Dr Tardif Roll call was responded to by quotations The fol ¬ lowing subjects wero Introduced and discussed by tbe institute in a very lively and interesting manner Soho Management Dr Tardif Civics R C Durham Reading was discussed in general by the Institute Tho after noon sessl6n was spool In discussing the present trustee system In which all of tho teachers took part The Lexington Herald man who is bothered with mosqultoa says A eel entlst informs us that It Is the mosqui ¬ to with three stingers that bears mala ¬ ria and that le tho one that wo should try to avoid It strikes us though that the one which has a voice like a tom cat and those that sing In rag time murder the most sleep easO- live Baptist church near Waynes burg will sell their old house of wor ship and build a new one T J Gooch Wm Coach and W P Reynolds com choph the good cause t Outs and bruises are healed by Chum ¬ berlains Pain Balm in about onethird the time any other treatment would re quIre because of its antiseptic qualities which cause the parts to heal without maturation For sale by Craig A Ilbcker 0 Kenneth Coatleman of Louisville tojbe d KINGSVILLE A fireman by the name of Sullivan was partially asphyxiated In the tunnel a few days since He was removed to the hospital In Lexington John Howe gave an elegant little upper at tbo residence of his mother on Tuesday evening in honor of Misses I Katie Wells of Junction City and Bernlce Johnson of Verona I Everybody hero that can Is subsisting on Ice or Iced beverages People are not only lamenting the present diatom ¬ forts but aro seriously considering the future which owing to tbo drouth presents rather a dreary outlook If wo are not to have rain before Sunday- s s Is predicted the trope which wore unusually promising earlier In the sea son will undoubtedly be a failure Miss Gertrude Pennybucker who together with her sister Mrs D P Dlneen of Louisville has been visit ¬ log relatives in Knoxville returned home Sunday accompanied by Dr Allen of Somerset Miss Katherine Wells of Junctlob City la tho attract- Ive ¬ guest of the Misses Johnson Mrs Della Maher and children of Ludlow are the guests of J M McCurty and other relatives here Messrs Hudson of Danville and Steve Teater of Stan ¬ ford were tho guests of friend here Sunday last J Everard Crelghton has suspended hie duties as telegrapher on tbe C S and Is quite sick at his home Hago ¬ ° ay contInues HI ot fever also lit ¬ tie Miss Elite Webb Miss Bella John ¬ fcoo will leave soon for an extended 1vldt to relatives in tbo Northern part Stated CHURCH MATTERS Elder B J Pinkerton will preach at Balis Gap church Sunday morning YoungPeople cairo thet church In Garrard this month Tbe Silas Baptist church near Jack ¬ celebratee has tendered his resignation as pastor of the Harrods + tom Local lawyers of Blufftoo Ind have upbeld tho remains of exCongressman Martin censuring him A K Suddutb a leading Memphis dentist Is dead of typhoid fever hay ¬ log refused medical attention and reo lied upon Christian Science His wife Is critically lit for a like reason Rev J W Haglns subject Sunday morning Is Wo aro Debtors He will preach at the Union services which will be hold at the Baptist church Sunday night on The Power of tbe Catholic Cburch II Sale of Personalty August 23 JlhDT jUDford ¬ end cairn ale two young horse 3 sad 8 rears blactamllhloola madknown promptly at 10 oclock J P AuctrW PUBLIC SALE On Saturday July SJth At Stanford Female College auctionher et stoves chain tables rockers bedroom willbegta MONEY f moneylonned J B OWSLEY JR Stanford When writing enclose stamp for reply MONEY TO LOAN turns of one thousand dolUrs and over 01on forma only at 5 per cent Lodg time and easy payments W A TltlBllLK 3m Stanford Ky 1 w r HustoiiYille FarNext Week July 31 Aug 1 and 2 1 iiarrodsburgfirst winner J5 to loser Game culled after programme of fair is carried out i W D HOcker Secy Kentucky iSIap1e Groceries Stoves Woodenware Chinaware RefrigeratorsIce Freezers Call and our OperaHouse carrythe New Columbian Stoves and full line of and RangesAlso and JOHN BRIGHT JR CO C ettle eftte t1o again we Have decided to give you A TWOWEEKS CUT PRIG SALE On strictly high class shoes the product of such builders ad Ilannn Son and Hel mut betterfew terns We need money to meet our tall bill now coming in and offer this goodfor 498Hanan Helmers Bettmans 5 Patent calf 348 398Helmers 325I GlazeKid Helmers Bettmans 350 Vallour Calf at 275 JOHN P JONES Stanford im m I Before The Invoice Which takes place Aug 1 we i will offer some rare bargains i in all departments especially 11in Summer Goods Our stock of thin goods is still complete c and you will find some splen did values in these See the reduction in price on our shoes and Oxfords If you contem plate buying anything in sum mer dry goods or shoes let us show you savers ISeverance Sons ls B n UGGIES I UGGIES I UGGIES I The Largest an est Selected Stock of Vehicles In Central Wo Have Now in Stock 150 Vehicles Ranging In Price from 5oo- TO 50000 We Claim to Retail Buggies For Less Than Some people Pay For Them Tinwau Hardware Glassware Coolers see other Stoves Lime Cement Once ¬ sacrifice at our Our vehicles were bought for cash In car lots and we eell on a smaller margin than any house in Central LlncojnCounty ly Invited to took our stock over Bruce S Bright DanVilli r

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IITRY the Judge Taft cigar for achoice emoko at Pennys Drug Store

Ouit proscrIptIon work Is unsurpasaed Try UB and bu convinced PennyDrug Store


R M NKWLANU went to Lexington>

yesterdayMri W II HiaoiNS hat CrabOrch

ard SpringsHON HARVEY HELM loft Tuesday

for a tripEaeL-COL AND MRS T P JILL aro at

Dripping SpringI JMu S C THURMOND has cone to

16 prospectMiss LINDA MILLER In visiting

friends nt Mt SterlingMSS TOktatir FRANCIS of Lan cae

ter wee tho guestof Mln Mary BruceATTORNEY J R BUSH of Hlchraond

I I li veiling hit father Capt II T BushMiss STELLA HALLOU u visiting nor

slater Mr J L Duncan at Toledo OREV JOHN A Goocir of Wayne

menlnKIIED PENNINOTON Is making Coun ¬

ts ty Court Clerk Cooper a iplendld dewuty

f MRS WILLIAM Rice of Richmondattended the burial of Mr W 11 Parcone

Mil J a CLAUNCII of Somersethas Joined his wlfo and ion at Mr J E


Ie the guest of Mies MaryfIlundlay

MIL D S RITCHIE of LouUvlllcspent several days with tho MlisciManofco-

x MISS ANNIE TimiiiLE of JunctionCity spunt several day with Ire WA Trlbblot MR AND Mns GRAHAM PRIOR of

ItDAnvllle aro guests of Mr and Mr

00 KellerDR J V PEYTON and Messrs J C

Hays and J W locker aro at Dripping SpringaaRock Ark le visiting the family of

t Mr W H Shanksr Mn AND MRS A UNDERWOOD of

CorbIn attended the burial of MrWlllli II Parsons

I Mn W W WRIGHT came all t thoway from Livingston to get a Huston

I vllle fair catalogueMlt O T LAYTON of Garrard was

hero Wednesday to meet bis wife who

Marloot delightfulBELLE

I visit to friends at Georgetown

j MISSBH PEARL JOHNSTONS andMaudo Moore of Doyle are guests o-


Muses Sarah and Jennie LynnMRS SALLIE SmrUAN of Huston

Ifvllle who bat been visiting Mrs Don

Dallou hat returned homo


St Louie arrived Tuesday to visit HonI O A Lackey and Miss Ophelia Lack-


MISSES MARIE MAHONY and Vrginia Bourne are member of a houroparty being given by Miss Robbie Pen-

ny at DanvilleMiss ELEANOR PHILLIPS his our

thanks for an Invitation to the commencement exerclscsof National Nor-mal University at Lebanon O

PRESIDENT W G COWAN and Sec-retary W D locker of the Hustonvlllo fair spent yesterday at thoGeorgetown fair looking alter attrac ¬


1 don was on yesterdays train bound forGeorgetown to attend tbo street fairHe was accompanied by his handsotnolittle son


tertalned a few friends Thursday ovanlng In honor of her guest Miss MInnle Woods of Stanford Miss Ella MaySaunders of Stanford visited Miss Ito

I la Arnold Record


Duo FINISH at Craig lockersHCSTONVILLE FAIR July 31 three

daysJ 0

1 Go to Craig is Hooker for perfec-fitting spectacles

TO FARMERS We are still runningour mill at tho same place j HBaughman Co


AN Infant of Will Dunn of Hustonvllle died of whooping cough whichepidemic Is prevalent In the West End

THE Warren Grlgsby Chapter willmeet with Mrs J S Owaloy Jr nox-


r Tuesday afternoon 30th at430Subject Stonewall Jackson All orerequested to como prepared

Miss LAVINIA SHANNON who played

hero In tho Julia A Hunt Co and Is

well remembered bad a narrow escapo from death at Minneapolis wbllo-

i presenting the play Under TwoFlags I

HUSTONVJLLB Come In and soothegreat reduction of prices on tailor made

suite I am offering for July and AuDliat buy a ready made suit

11when you can have one made to orderjust as cheap AJ Adame

1325PlanaTliltKD comfortable rooms for rent

It Robinson Lancaster street

PLENTY band made harness of thelatest pattern on hand J 0 McClary

SEE tbat now sowing machine atThat new price at Illggln S Mc


WB have plenty c-hicken feed andshlpstulT on hand Will sell cheap JII Baugbtnan fc Co

RRMEMiiiilt that erms aro cashLow cash prices on feed of all kindsJ U Baughman St Co

FOR SALE on RENT Residence onUpper Main diagonally opposite theCollege Jtoqulre of E C Walton

ROSSBLL Tbo aged Mr Lewis HOB

sell died just all wo went to press Dur ¬

ial here tomorrow Extended noticenext issue


WB hard waited patiently on you forthe money duo July 1 If you dontcomo around this week well call onyou Buazley Uro

WB Intended to print a picture andwrlio upof Mr M G Reynolds Llncoin county next assessor but the cutfailed to reach us In time for this Isrue

EMMETT CUMMINS of Beo Lickdied at Joseph Price Infirmary Wed ¬

nesday Ho was In a very bad condi ¬

Lion and the operation performed onhim proved too severe

DtLA vED0wiagtodelayIngettinghis press Mr It O Cunningham an ¬

nounces that tho Danville Courier willnot appear until next Fridaya weeklater than he Intended


IN DEMAND John II Moor tbobaker and rcitaurantor is shippinglargo quantities of his One bread nowHe has rogularcustotnersat RichmondMlddloburg Crab Orchard Brodbcadand other point and he can hardly supply the demand

PLEASANT OCCASION Litho MissSbeppard Cook daughter of Dr

nd Mrs L D Cook celebrated hotsixth birthday yesterday afternoon byhaving about 70 of her little friendswith her Various games were Indulged In by the tots and lots of goothings to cat were enjoyed Miss MarySheppard proved herself a charminglittle hostess and further endeared her ¬

self to her friend and playmatesr

HOT Hot Ino name for the weath ¬

er wo bavo bad for the past weekSweltering humanity la suffering tor¬

furor while crops are being damagedby the distressing drouth wo are ex ¬

periencing Tbo mercury hoversaround the 100 mark from 10 to 4oclock while the nights afford notmuch relief There was promise ofrain yesterday afternoon but the cloudhave disappeared and old Sol 1s againhard at work ihli morning

FAIK DAILY Meesre GeorgeKeller Jr and Jesse AG Alvcrson ofthis ofllce aro getting theJOURNAL Huktonvlllo Fair Daily Inreadiness and It will contain advertisement galore If you havent spok ¬

en for space you bad better do so atonce or you will be too late They willmake the paper a most Interesting oneand U will po liberally Illustrated EH Fox of Danville la making a largenumber of halt tones to be used

PARSONS Mr Willis H Parsonswho has been ill for a loop time diedlull before we went to prose Tuesdaymorning aged ttO He was a devout tmember of the Methodist church onhonorable gentleman and a clover manMr Parsons was formerly from Rockcantlo but hall spent a number ofyears In Lincoln county where he wasuniversally liked A wife who was aMiss Underwood and seven childrensurvive After services at the Metho ¬

dist church by Rev W E ArnoldWednesday afternoon the remainswero taken to Buffalo cemetery andlaid to rest

tTIlE Beaaley Hotel at Crab Orchard

Is having a nice run of custom now andgood crowds are enjoying the best thomarket affords there Tho followingthtan Ieons John and Henry Humphrey Hallou and Judgo Joe Robinson of Lan ¬

teeter Mrs A A McKinney Dan ¬

ville Mrs A J Earp WinchesterMrs Josle Raney Mack Huffman andMiss Tevls Carpenter Stanford MlasEngenja Duet St Louis and a largenumber of drummers Rooms havebeen engaged and a alto crowd 1s ex-


the rest of tbo season

HUBTONVILLE FAIR Besides theitniotlons In the catalogue of the Huttonvlllo fair tho directors have addedgame of ball for the first day wblcpromises to bo a warm contest for base-

ball superiority Hustonvlllo and Halrodsburg will play for the championship of Kentucky the winning team toget 120 and tbo losing 85 HowardCamnltz who Is winning famo as atwirler wilt pitch for the homo boyswhllo the visitors will have a crackerjack In tho box Tho game will beplayed attar tbo fair program IB carriedcbarltotostay for the last two

21o MADRAS at IDe Severance kSons

WHITK grey and ckelk glovesSeverance S Sons

NEW rubber tire phaeton for salecheap William Hamilton

CHICKEN feed and shlpstuff cheap forclub J H Baughman k Co

TIN fruit jars nod jar rubberat Higgins McKlnnoy

PARAKKINB fur preserving jolliesand fruits at Biggins S McKlnneys


1laboftowns thatwill very likely be connected with LouUvlllo by a proposed electric railway

THE Christian Church colored of this place will givo a big basketmooting on tho fourth Sunday in Au ¬


TILE Northbound passenger No 20was 31 hours late this morning havingwaited for a delayed Southern train atJelllco

Tim managers ufColumbia fairannounce that all ministers and perions over 70 year old will be admittedto tbo exhibition free of charge It Issafe to say that timny a jackleg preach-er


will be on hand

LINCOLN DOCTORS IN ITDr J GCarpenter of this place and Dr Del ¬

tie Carpenter of HustonvUle will alecuss Surgery In Obstetrics atmedical society meeting to bo hold atRussell SprIng Auglandd Anesinetla In Labor will be the subject oDr W L Lowdere talkEolimsla Dr Steele Baileys an

Grip and Results Dr J C BarkersThe meetIng promises to be an Inter ¬

eating one-


TEACHERS INSTITUTEThe annual session of the coloredteacher Institute was called to orderin Stanford court houee by Pro GSingleton county superintendent aD30 A M Monday Devotional oxrcues wero conducted by Rev A LGuthrIe of the A M E church ProfSingleton then gave an address i

which ho stated In a few pointed wordtbo object ol tho meeting Dr Tardifpresided at the organ The followingcommittees were appointed PrograStepd p

dlf Miss K B Gentry C S logesThe following wero present MissesK D Gentry B Sutton M E Jorman L Mason A Engleman F Corwell L T Wade and Mesdames A VHaynes A H Tardif F E Stepp andMenaces C S Havnes W D TardifR C Durham and F L Stepp Theconductor gave an Interesting talk anuoutlined the work for tbo week Atthe afternoon session Monday ihefoliowin subjects wero Introduced anddiscussed by tho Institute School man ¬

agement Mlstet K B Gentry and BSutton Tuesday morning arithmeticwas introduced and discussed by theInstitute Mrs A V Haynes primaryepollloC g

At °euR b ¬

wore bytbe Institute Child Study Mrs A HTardif Language F L Stepp Gram-mar


Miss A Engleman PeycologyDr Tardif Wednesday morning ses¬

sloe After the usual order of businesstbe following subjects were introducedand discussed Nature Study Miss KB Gentry Reading Mrs F E SteppComposition Miss L Mason After ¬

noon session The following subjectwere introduced and discussed by thoInstitute Geography1ft C Durhamand Miss L T Wade The varioussubjects are being discussed in a mostInteresting manner by tbe teachers andtho capable conductor Thursday morn ¬

legs session opened by singing Do ¬

votional exercises were conducted byRev Guthrie Biography of Whittlewas read by Dr Tardif Roll call wasresponded to by quotations The fol ¬

lowing subjects wero Introduced anddiscussed by tbe institute in a verylively and interesting manner SohoManagement Dr Tardif Civics R CDurham Reading was discussed ingeneral by the Institute Tho afternoon sessl6n was spool In discussing thepresent trustee system In which all oftho teachers took part

The Lexington Herald man who isbothered with mosqultoa says A eelentlst informs us that It Is the mosqui ¬

to with three stingers that bears mala ¬

ria and that le tho one that wo shouldtry to avoid It strikes us though thatthe one which has a voice like a tomcat and those that sing In rag timemurder the most sleep

easO-live Baptist church near Waynes

burg will sell their old house of worship and build a new one T J GoochWm Coach and W P Reynolds comchophthe good causet

Outs and bruises are healed by Chum ¬

berlains Pain Balm in about onethirdthe time any other treatment would requIre because of its antiseptic qualitieswhich cause the parts to heal withoutmaturation For sale by Craig A Ilbcker


Kenneth Coatleman of Louisvilletojbed


A fireman by the name of Sullivanwas partially asphyxiated In the tunnela few days since He was removed tothe hospital In Lexington

John Howe gave an elegant littleupper at tbo residence of his motheron Tuesday evening in honor of Misses

I Katie Wells of Junction City andBernlce Johnson of Verona

IEverybody hero that can Is subsisting

on Ice or Iced beverages People arenot only lamenting the present diatom ¬

forts but aro seriously considering thefuture which owing to tbo drouthpresents rather a dreary outlook Ifwo are not to have rain before Sunday-ss Is predicted the trope which woreunusually promising earlier In the season will undoubtedly be a failure

Miss Gertrude Pennybucker whotogether with her sister Mrs D PDlneen of Louisville has been visit¬

log relatives in Knoxville returnedhome Sunday accompanied by DrAllen of Somerset Miss KatherineWells of Junctlob City la tho attract-Ive


guest of the Misses Johnson MrsDella Maher and children of Ludloware the guests of J M McCurty andother relatives here Messrs Hudsonof Danville and Steve Teater of Stan¬

ford were tho guests of friend hereSunday last J Everard Crelghton hassuspended hie duties as telegrapher ontbe C S and Is quite sick at his homeHago ¬

° ay contInues HI ot fever also lit ¬

tie Miss Elite Webb Miss Bella John ¬

fcoo will leave soon for an extended1vldt to relatives in tbo Northern part


Elder B J Pinkerton will preach atBalis Gap church Sunday morning

YoungPeoplecairothetchurch In Garrardthis month

Tbe Silas Baptist church near Jack ¬

celebrateehas tendered hisresignation as pastor of the Harrods +tomLocal lawyers of Blufftoo Ind haveupbeldtho remains of exCongressman Martincensuring him

A K Suddutb a leading Memphisdentist Is dead of typhoid fever hay ¬

log refused medical attention and reolied upon Christian Science His wifeIs critically lit for a like reason

Rev J W Haglns subject Sundaymorning Is Wo aro Debtors Hewill preach at the Union serviceswhich will be hold at the Baptistchurch Sunday night on The Powerof tbe Catholic Cburch II

Sale of Personalty August 23

JlhDTjUDford ¬

end cairn ale two young horse 3 sad 8 rearsblactamllhloolamadknownpromptly at 10 oclock J PAuctrWPUBLIC SALE

On Saturday July SJth

At Stanford Female College

auctionheret stoves chain tables rockers bedroomwillbegtaMONEY f

moneylonnedJ B OWSLEY JR Stanford

When writing enclose stamp for reply


turns of one thousand dolUrs and over01on forma only at 5 per cent Lodg timeand easy payments W A TltlBllLK

3m Stanford Ky



HustoiiYille FarNext Week

July 31 Aug 1 and 21iiarrodsburgfirst

winner J5 to loser Game culled after programme of fair iscarried outi

W D HOcker Secy






Call and ourOperaHouse

carrytheNew ColumbianStoves and fullline of




Cettle eftte t1o

again we Have decided to give you

A TWOWEEKS CUT PRIG SALEOn strictly high class shoes the product of such builders ad Ilannn Son and Hel

mutbetterfewterns We need money to meet our tall bill now coming in andoffer this goodfor498HananHelmers Bettmans 5 Patent calf 348398Helmers325IGlazeKidHelmers Bettmans 350 Vallour Calf at275


im m

I Before The Invoice

Which takes place Aug 1 we

i will offer some rare bargainsi in all departments especially11in Summer Goods Our stockof thin goods is still complete

c and you will find some splendid values in these See thereduction in price on our shoesand Oxfords If you contemplate buying anything in summer dry goods or shoes let usshow you savers

ISeverance SonslsB





The Largest an est Selected Stockof Vehicles In Central WoHave Now in Stock

150 Vehicles Ranging In

Price from 5oo-

TO 50000

We Claim to Retail Buggies For Less

Than Some people Pay For Them











Our vehicles were boughtfor cash In car lots and weeell on a smaller marginthan any house in Central

LlncojnCountyly Invited to took our stockover

Bruce SBright DanVillir