seminar on stress

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  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    1 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga


    Every human being faces number of difficulties in life. Some difficulties cause stress

    to the human & some not. In most of the cases stress is backed by the difficulties that the

    human beings face. Some stress improves the ability of the mankind to face the future

    uncertainties. Stress to a person occurs when the person is unaware of the situations.

    Unknown or uncertain situations are common in real life. Its the mental ability of the person

    of the person which helps him/her to strongly face the uncertain situations.

    Stress factors are not same to all but, most of them are more or less similar in nature.

    People consider their stress to be the most worst when compared to others. These stressors in

    life may affect the person & his health. Some go depressed, some commit suicide. But, the

    one who faces it will succeed in life. It is not that people are facing stress only in 21st


    Stress is present since the mankind started facing the difficulties i.e., from the begging of


    People think only work groups get stress. But, in reality all the human beings face

    stress one or the other way.

    In this report we have discussed about the stress faced by the students in their

    academic as well as in their personal life. Students are part of the society. They are in fact,future of our society. Even they face stress in their life. During their academic life, they get to

    expose themselves to lots of uncertain situations. Some of these situations make the students

    to grow tough & capable of fighting against any uncertainty. Facing uncertainty backs stress

    for the students, as a result some get depressed & some even commit suicide.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    2 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    As the suicide rate amongst students are increasing day by day, it is necessary to

    provide some Stress Management Techniques for the Students. Our report also provides some

    tips & techniques to manage these stresses. Students life is precious as they are the future

    ssociety. Their life must be safeguarded to preserve our society. It is elders responsibility to

    advise the youth to step in right way.

    Our report is based on a survey done in the campus & the information is also collected

    from different secondary sources. We have tried put light on the important stressors faced by

    the students, causes of the stress & results arising out of it. Its not only the academic stress

    they face in their life; they face much more stress related to their personal life, family, peers

    group, love, career, financial etc. Our study also puts forth the importance of Eustress (Good

    Stress) in students life. Eustress leads to the development of the person. In students life,

    eustress is the most important one to build them more capable & excelled person. Some

    students feel most of the stress are eustress. They relate academic stress as eustress. For

    example, the stress of scoring highest marks makes the student to study more & do well I the

    examination. This would turn in scoring good marks & be a good student also. But, some of

    these stresses encourage the students to carry on malpractices.

    There are lots of other stressors which come into their life & deviates their mind from

    studies. As academic is the most important than any other, the students should go for study

    techniques to reduce their stress.

    The very purpose of this study is to find the difficulties of students in handling stress

    and provide them with the techniques of handling those stresses. Managing these stressors in

    an efficient way is the story of a successful student. Any stress faced by the student must be

    taken as eustress. This would help the student to face it easily and be calm in all the

    situations. A calm mind is a better to be a tackler.

    Students today are faced with a number of stressors, both at school and outside of it. It

    has been suggested that adolescence is the worst possible time for students to be pressuredinto activities like academics, which can be as boring as they are important. However, most

    students are capable of dealing with the stress of school and college life if they know how to

    and if it is recognised as such.

    We joke about feigning illness to avoid school, but the illness is not always feigned.

    Stressors that students face each day can be just as detrimental as those faced by their parents.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    3 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    Yet stress management for students is not as readily available as is stress management for


    Students are under enormous pressure, and they experience a great deal of stress.

    Keeping up with studies and making good grades is difficult in itself, but there are also the

    added pressures of work and relationships. When everything starts to seem overwhelming,

    the use of stress management techniques can make life easier.

    First, let's define what we mean by stress. Stress is an arousal of your sympathetic

    nervous system. Chronic stress means your sympathetic nervous system is aroused for

    extended periods...hours, days, or even weeks on end.

    Charts purporting to show "who is affected by stress" list of occupations. On a scale

    of 1 to 10, police officers rate 7.7 and teachers rate 6.2 - but students are not rated. "Student"

    is not considered an occupation. Online searchers type in a phrase such as "teachers job +

    stress reduction" and get a fair response. Type in "stress management for students", and the

    response is far less.

    Stressors can and do make students sick. Stressors call forth the "fight or flight"

    response, and the body immediately prepares. It pours forth extra supplies of adrenalin for

    short-term survival. It puts functions like bowel activity on temporary hold. It redirects blood

    to muscles. It dilates the eyes' pupils in order to detect slight movements. The heart speeds up

    its delivery of oxygen to muscles. All this and more occurs in a matter of moments so we can

    fight or "run like crazy".

    If the body prepares, and a student sits still, the body must undo its preparations.

    Lacking opportunity for stress management, it can become ill.

    Most students find that eustress is a positive aide in school. Certainly, too much stress

    causes some students to freeze during exams, but appropriate amounts of eustress can coaxthe best from students.

    While stress management for students must be geared to specific stressors, some of

    them are actually eustress stressors.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    4 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    Types of Stress:

    Eustress: Considered good stress; it arises in any situation or circumstance that aperson finds motivating or inspiring.

    Neustress: Stressors that are considered neither good nor bad; they have noconsequential effect.

    Distress: Considered bad stress; usually has negative consequences.What are stressors?

    Stressors are situations that are experienced as a perceived threat to ones wellbeing

    or position in life, when the challenge of dealing with which, exceeds the persons perceived

    available resources. When one encounters stressors, the bodys stress response is triggered,

    and a series of physiological changes take place to allow the person to fight or run.

    Sometimes when people talk about stress in their life, they are really talking about stressors;

    stressors lead to the bodys stress response, and the experience of stress.

    What Situations Become Stressors?

    That can vary from person to person. While some things tend to stress many people

    job demands, relationship conflicts, a hectic schedulenot every potential stressor causes

    stress in everyone. This is everyone has a unique set of resources, understanding of the world,

    and way of perceiving things; what seems like a threat to one person may be perceived as a

    challenge to another.

    College life stressors may include.

    y Roommates and their varying personalitiesy Pop quizzes or final examsy Financial issuesy Peer pressuresy Sleep deprivation

    Roommates and their varying personalities: Students staying in hostel will have to stay

    with the other fellow members who vary in their personalities. In hostel rooms are allotted to

    2 or more students in each room. As the students are from different places and locations, they

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    5 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    differ in their character and behaviour. They carry different opinions and ideologies. This will

    cause disagreement between the roommates itself on some issues. Those who are capable of

    handling the situations will maintain a healthy relationship with other roommates. And those

    who are new to these types of atmosphere may feel stress in handling these.

    Pop quizzes or final exams: Final exams are the hardest situations for the students to get

    through. Students who take these exams seriously will start their preparations from the

    beginning. These students face it exams with ease. But, some students take their studies

    lightly and prepare themselves at the 11th

    hour. Those who prepare at the 11th

    hour will surely

    face trouble and go stressed for their exams. This will affect their performance in the exams,

    leading the students to fail in their subjects.

    Financial issues: Most of the students dont earn while studying. They depend on their

    parents for financial support. So, the students must be in their limits while spending. They

    find different income level friends in their surroundings. Spending habits of rich students

    persuade the other income group students to spend more. This type of spending may make the

    students to borrow from others. When the time of repayment comes, the students who

    borrowed will feel stress as he will be running short of money. But, some who really spend

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    6 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    for their academic purpose also face financial stress if their family lies under low income

    group. This would lead them to mental pressure and a kind of inferiority.

    Peer pressure: Peer pressure refers to those stressors created by the peer group. Peer group

    consists of many personality factors, which may conflict in future causing stress to all themembers of peer group.

    Sleep Deprivation: Students usually practice night outs. They practice to awake till late

    night. The reasons may differ from student to student. Some study throughout the night, some

    do their academic work, some chat and some watch movies. Its left to the students to think

    what benefits them the most. Less sleep may cause them a depression in their life. This

    affects their ability to fight the stress.

    Recognizing Stress

    The following are indicators that you may be experiencing stress.

    o General irritability One can recognise the stress when he/she feels the surroundingsas more irritating. The surroundings and their small behaviour will start irritating the


    o Elevated heart rate Heart beat reaches high level. The capacity of controlling thestress diminishes.

    o Increased blood pressure Usually who get tensed quickly will lose their level ofblood pleasure.

    o Increased accident proneness Accidents happens quickly as the person concentrationlies on something else.

    o Floating anxiety - Anxious feeling for no specific reason. Nervousness causes themental illness for the students. Their ability to think and fight goes on decreasing.

    o Trembling The behaviour of the person may be uneven. He/she may actunpredictably to the situations.

    o Insomnia The students may feel insomnia. They get sleep, they keep thinking atwhole night, some even wake up in between.

    o Headaches Headache is the most common disease of facing stress. Even in oursurvey, we find most of the students get headache while facing the stress.

    o Indigestion Some students may even face problem in their digestion system. Theyface acid stomach or acidity problem.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    7 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    o Pain in neck and/or lower back Some face pain in neck, back etc. this is because ofthe pressure (both mental & physical) they get in their daily life.

    o Changes in appetite Their behaviour usually changes with regard to the hunger andpreference of eating. Some may reduce or quit eating.

    o Sleep pattern The pattern of sleeping also changes accordingly. The person, who isstressed, may use different positions to sleep. This also includes the nervousness in

    their sleep too.

    To make the point more clear, there another way to interpret the common causes

    in college students life. They are as below:

    o Greater academic demands It consists of those factors which are demanding moreand more from the students in terms of their academic life. People ask students to

    score highest in every stage of academic life. Parents at home force the students to

    study whole all the time without giving much time for the refreshment. This will

    lead to cause severe problem in terms of mental ability. Every mind needs

    refreshment as well as stress to develop them.

    o Being on ones own in a new environment Some feel lonely when they get into anew environment. They usually find it difficult to adjust with others. This causes the

    mental depression if the person doesnt get anyone to share his happiness and


    o Changes in family relations and ones social life Any changes in family relationlike any quarrel with family members etc. will stress the student heavily. Family

    plays an important role in students life. Their behaviour on society changes

    accordingly if there is some problem arising in their family.

    o Financial responsibilities As students are part of the family, they have somefinancial responsibility to be fulfilled. They must control their expenditure pattern to

    help their family. This is because, most of the students dont earn while learning. So

    it becomes his/her responsibility to look at their financial aspects.

    o Exposure to new people, ideas, and temptations When the students are exposed tonew people, ideas and temptations, they find it hard to face it initially. Any new

    ideas having lots of conceptual work will demand the students actions. These

    exposures may either good or bad. So, it is left to the students to choose. To be at

    safer side, it is advised to choose the good exposures.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    8 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    o Being away from home, often for the first time These problems are faced by thosestudents who are staying at hostel or rooms. Those who are leaving their home for

    the 1st

    time may find it more stress able situation to get adjusted to the situations.

    o Making decisions, on a higher level than one is used to Even students move tohigher level or students are asked to perform the higher level work. These demands

    put maximum pressure on the students part as their level of exposure to make those

    decisions are is still low.

    o Substance abuse Some students put forth their body to work more. This makesthem treat their own body as machine and cause severe problem for their body.

    o Preparing for life after graduation This include thinking about their career andfuture. All graduation students, during their graduation, will be worried about their

    career. Some prepare themselves to go for higher studies and some prepares

    themselves for the job or any other occupation. But, most of the female students try

    to get married as soon as their graduation degree. These types thinking will cause

    mental pressure as the choice are plenty and they are expected to everyones


    o Psychological make-up can also play a role in vulnerability to depression. Peoplewho have low self-esteem, who consistently view themselves and the world with

    pessimism, or are readily overwhelmed by stress may be especially prone to


    Taking Stress Seriously:

    o For many young adults, college is the best time of life. These critical years ofadjustment can also be undermined by depression, anxiety, substance abuse and

    eating disorders. Researchers are finding that many mental illnesses are traced to

    trauma, whose damage surfaces in times of stress and change, such as the college

    years. The statistics listed below are evidence that stress - in ourselves or in

    someone about whom we care should be taken and treated seriously.

    o College students are feeling more overwhelmed and stressed than fifteen years ago.o Anxiety disorders affect millions of adults every year, and anxiety levels among

    college students have been rising since the 1980s.

    o Depression affects over 19 million adults in the US annually

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    9 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    o Eating disorders affect 5-10 million women and 1 million men, with the highestrates occurring in college-aged women

    o Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death among the US population, the thirdleading cause of death for all those aged 15-24, and the second leading cause of

    death in college

    o Individuals who are stressed are more likely to have accidents including thoseinvolving motor vehicles, and, to be more careless with seatbelt use.

    The symptoms of stress that a college student may experience are.

    1. Body symptoms - Ulcers, back ache, gastrointestinal problems2. Mind symptoms - Racing thoughts, trouble concentrating, feeling confused3. Emotional symptoms - Irritability, anger, resentment, anxiety4. Spiritual - Feel distant from God, don't think much about Him5. Relational - Feel distant from loved ones, no heart to heart sharing & conflict

    6. Stress affects us on many levels. The following is a list of some more stresssymptoms that are the most typical reactions to stress. Go through and check all

    that apply. Next, go through and circle the ones that occur the most frequently.

    And try the techniques to control those affects.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    10 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    7. Physical Headaches Accident-prone Fatigue Teeth grinding Insomnia Restlessness Weight change Increased alcohol, drug, tobacco use Colds Neck and shoulders tighten up/ache Digestive upsets Pounding heartMental

    Forgetfulness Confusion Dull senses Lethargy Poor concentration No new ideas Low productivity Boredom Negative attitude

    8. Emotional Anxiety Irritability The blues

    Depression Moods swings Nervous laugh Bad temper Worrying Crying spells

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    12 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    How to stay stressed?

    Apparently, some students enjoy stress. They feel it develops their capacity of facing

    any uncertainty in the future. These students feel every stress as eustress. This will help in

    future success. Are these benefits appealing?

    - Stress helps you seem important.

    Anyone as stressed as you must be working very hard and, therefore, is probably doing

    something very crucial.

    - It helps you to maintain personal distance and avoid intimacy.

    Anyone as busy as you certainly cannot be expected to form emotional attachments to

    anyone. And let's face it; you are not much fun to be around anyway.

    - It helps you avoid responsibilities.

    Obviously, you are too stressed to be given any more work. This gets you off the hook for all

    the mundane chores; let someone else take care of them.

    - It helps you avoid success.

    Why risk being "successful" when by simply staying stressed you can avoid all of that? Stress

    can keep your performance level low enough that success will not ever be a threat.

    - Stress also lets you keep your directive style

    "Just do what I say!" is generally permissible under crisis conditions. If you maintain a

    permanently stressed crisis atmosphere, you can justify telling folks what to do all the time.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    13 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    What types of stress are faced by the students of our department?

    In our survey, we have included the some relevant questions. Those questions are

    interpreted below.

    1. On your opinion, what is stress?Most of the respondents have answered in their view point. It is clear that stress means

    different for different persons. But the final conclusion leads to the same meaning that it

    is a mental pressure that a person is facing.

    2. Is stress faced only by the work group?The options were Yes or No. Out of 60 respondents, 55 have said yes. So it is clear

    that the stress is also faced by other group of the society.

    3. Do you feel that the students face stress in their life?The options were Yes or No. Out of 60 respondents, 59 have said yes. This clarifies

    that even students face stress in their college life.

    If yes, what type stress you face? (Tick any 5 options)

    Those who have said yes were asked to mention 5 top stress faced by them as a student.

    The response is shown in the below given table.

    4. What is the level of stress that you have faced in your earlier course?The options were High, Moderate to High, Low and Moderate to Low. The

    respondents answers are different. Most of them ticked for moderate to low and low.

    5. What is the level of stress you are facing now?Respondents were given the above options itself. Most of them have ticked for high and

    moderate to high. This tells that students feel the present stress are more complicated than

    their previous courses.

    6. Does stress cause you any health problem?Options were Yes or No. Only few of them have ticked for yes. And the problem was

    headache in most of the cases.

    7. Are you capable of fighting the stress you face?The options given are Yes or No. This question got few yes answers and few no

    answers. And the techniques they use is mostly the calm and happy mind, meditation,

    smiling face.

    8. Did stress make you hard to face any situations?

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    14 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    The options were Yes or No. Some feel that they are capable of facing stress and some

    are not.

    9. Do you thinkEustress (Good Stress) leads to development in the persons life?For this question most of them feel that the Eustressors are good and leads to

    development in the persons life.

    10.Have you ever faced Eustress?Only some have faced Eustress till date. The others are yet find Eustress in their life.

    11.As a senior, what would you advice your juniors to face the arising stress tothem?

    Most of the students have advised to be calm and stay happy for all the situations. Face

    the situations with confidence. And they also suggested to have smile on their face. It is

    also advised to take all the stressors as the development tool and try to succeed.

    The stressors mentioned in the questionnaire and the respondents responses are as




    Stressors Number of respondents

    1 Academic 49

    2 Family 29

    3 Personal 35

    4 Career/Future 44

    5 Financial 32

    6 Relations (Love & Friends) 33

    7 Health 11

    8 Quarrels with peers 08

    9 Work Load 21

    10 Teachers 05

    11 Others 03

    As the table shows you the figures of the survey, it is understood that most of the students are

    stressed because of their academic and work load they get in the college. By the above

    figures, we can say that students of our department face plenty of stress and differ from each

    student. But the most common is the academic, personal, career/future and work load.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    15 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    The above table is represented graphically below; you can see the most faced stresses by the

    students. It most probably gives a clear picture of our simple research.

    The Students who accept Eustress as good are 12 out of 16. This gives a

    picture that the eustress faced by the students are mostly developed a persons ability.

    When we put light on the stress caused by the previous courses are less when

    compared to respondents present course. It is common that the present stressors seem

    more when compared to the previous one. This is because of the increase in persons

    ability to fight stress effectively.

    It is also true that these stress cause health problems to the students. The most

    common health problem is headache. As the survey indicates, students also face lack

    of sleep due these stresses.

    Stress Management Techniques for Students:

    These are the techniques advised by the teachers to their students. These

    techniques may not suit all the students. But these are best to tackle the stress as easy

    as possible. These techniques are advised a long back. As the students of today dont








    Series 1

    Series 1

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    16 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    follow these techniques, they are facing numerous stresses. Use these techniques as

    well as the further tips also. Both will help the student to manage the tips.

    I. Using time management techniques: Student life is all about learning how stoachieve a balance between studies and other activities. If you want to do well at

    school, you have to devote time to your studies. Although there are no easy ways to

    go about this, it helps to plan in advance and schedule time for study. You will soon

    find a method that works for you.

    II. Organization techniques: There will be a number of things you will need to file,such as notes, assignments, submission dates and examination times. Keep a calendar

    or a notebook or whatever method works for you but keep organized. Know what

    you have to do and when, so you don't get behind at schoolwork.

    III. Create a study environment: Ideally, you should choose a place that is quiet andfree from distractions. Try not to study on your bed because you will tend to fall

    asleep even if you don't intend to. A desk with good lighting works well for most

    people. If you have trouble getting in the mood, try dividing the task into small

    chunks and rewarding yourself after each is complete.

    IV. Memorization techniques: These can help you remember parts of your work thatwould otherwise be forgotten as soon as you did something else. Revising and reading

    over the previous class notes and assignments for five minutes before you start your

    work every day can also help you remember.

    V. Be an Optimist: Do not let the little failures get you down. There will always be atime when you aren't able to do too well on a particular test, or find yourself unable to

    be as good at one thing as you are at another.R

    ecognise these as a necessary part oflife and try not to make a big deal out of them. If you are cheerful, you will naturally

    feel better and less stressed.

    VI. Sleep Well: This is important, as many students today think they can get away withsleeping less. While this may be alright for one night, as a regular schedule it disturbs

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    17 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    your health and sleep cycle. You will find it harder to concentrate and end up feeling

    more frustrated and stressed out about schoolwork.

    VII. Study Techniques: The conventional method of study may not work as well for you.If you remember and understand things better by experiments rather than reading

    about them in books, you should do these as much as possible. Remember, there is no

    one 'correct' way of studying

    Stress Management Tips:

    Not all stress management techniques are suitable for all students because of the time

    involved. The following stress management techniques are not only some of the most

    common, but also are well suited to students:

    * Do not wait. If you know that you have an assignment due or an exam looming on the

    horizon, do not wait until the last minute to open your text. By starting early and focusing on

    small amounts each day, you will be prepared for the exam or have the assignment finished

    well before the due date. When you wait until the last minute, you increase your stress and

    anxiety, and your performance typically suffers.

    * Perform routine maintenance. Just as a car needs maintenance, like an oil change, yourbody needs its own version of routine maintenance. You need to eat regular, healthy meals

    and get plenty of rest. In addition, take personal time to take a walk, go out with friends, or

    do other activities that you enjoy. Taking care of you creates a more positive mood and better


    * Exercise. Physical exercise is not only good for your body, but it also serves to relieve

    stress. Engaging in physical activities increases your circulation, clears your mind, and boosts

    your overall energy level. Exercise also decreases levels of stress hormones, like cortisol,

    helping you to feel more relaxed. Of course, there is also the benefit of having a physical

    release for negative emotions, like anger or hostility.

    * Use relaxation techniques. The use of relaxation techniques, like visualization, meditation,

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    18 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    and breathing exercises, are stress relievers that can be practiced any time. You do not need

    special equipment or a great deal of space for these, making them a great tool while sitting in

    the classroom preparing to start an exam.

    * Get organized. One of the major factors in stress for students is lack of organization. Make

    a schedule that shows where you have to be and when, as well as when assignments are due

    and when exams are scheduled. Organize your study area so you can find books, notebooks,

    and pencils or pens quickly and easily. Simple organization will take care of missed deadlines

    and forgotten assignments, and it will prevent you from being stuck with starting assignments

    at the last minute.

    Stress management techniques for corresponding stress:

    If the students are still in confusion about which techniques to use for which stress,

    then below points make you realise the stress management techniques for corresponding

    cause of stress.

    Time crunches - Self discipline is one of your most effective means of fighting stress. Use a

    weekly planner. Determine what your weekly and daily priorities are and write them in your

    planner. Get into the habit of making your to do lists before you turn out the lights at night.

    Take 10 minutes in the morning before you rush off to class to review your planner. Think

    about what else needs to get done that day. Write it in your planner. Look at your planner

    throughout the day to remind yourself of your goals and tasks.

    Inability to say "No" - Once you start using a weekly planner it will be easier for you to say

    no. In fact make sure you schedule your study time as well as your classes. When someone

    asks you to do something, always consult your schedule first. Say, "I'll get back to you on

    that" if you don't have your schedule with you. That buys you some time to consult your

    schedule and make a disciplined decision that will help you, not hurt you, in the long run.

    Genuine crisis - There are genuine crises that are beyond our control. As the saying goes

    "Stuff Happens!" This is where we must remember that although stuff happens, nothing

    happens without God's knowledge of it. Turn to Him, especially during these times, and trust

    His sovereignty. RememberRomans 8:28. Even trouble is God's servant!

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    19 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    Relationship conflicts - Being in college means you as well as your friends are in major life

    transitions. You are growing into adulthood where you want to depend more on yourself and

    less on your parents. It's now more than ever that you need the wisdom of God. This can be a

    very troubling time in relationships as you fight temptation, learn that not everyone is who

    they say they are, and discover what it means to walk in obedience. To cope with relationship

    stress it's important to make good choices in friends. Hang with those who live by the same

    values as you. Don't let others pressure you into doing things your gut or your God says "no"


    One of the most common relationship stressors is getting involved with pathologically needy

    people, people who will suck the life out of you. They are takers and not givers. They come

    in different packages, but the results are the same. You will end up feeling drained and used

    at the end of the relationship. They will often ask for your advice, pouring out their many

    problems to you, but will rarely follow through on what you suggest.

    Learn to set healthy boundaries in these situations. It is necessary that you be able to put

    distance between yourself and these individuals in order to manage your stress effectively.

    You may need to refer these kinds of friends to a counsellor who is more skilled in helping

    them (however it is unlikely they will go.). You can also talk with your RA about these


    Financial Stressors - Most college students have very little disposable income (money left

    over after all your bills are paid). Therefore, start a weekly budget. Take a few minutes each

    week to manage your money. Give yourself an allowance for those special times with friends.

    Think creatively about how to save money. For example make lattes and chai's at home rather

    than buying them at your local coffee shoppe! Create an emergency fund. And I don't mean

    Mom and Dad. Take 10% of your weekly income off the top and tithe it. Then another 10%

    and put in your savings/emergency fund. This is the kind of discipline that could make you a

    millionaire by the time your 45 years old.

    Sleep deprivation and nutrition - Because college students are often over worked and

    underpaid, they often suffer from sleep deprivation and the effects of poor nutrition. Living

    on coffee and a few hours of sleep as well as lots of cheap starchy foods like Raman Noodles.

    Getting proper sleep is a necessity to your overall health and ability to perform academically.

    Therefore guard your sleep with your life! Budget 8 hours a night. Make meal plans as well

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    20 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    that include easy but nutritious feed. Beans and brown rice is a cheap but nutritionally dense

    meal. Don't forget to eat as many leafy green salads, fresh fruits and dark coloured raw

    Veggies like carrot sticks and red peppers.

    Following are some more tips on how to maintain a healthier lifestyle and to prepare you to

    cope with the stress of everyday living.

    + Structure each day to include a minimum of 20 minutes of aerobic exercise.

    + Eat well-balanced meals, more whole grains, nuts, fruits and vegetables. Substitute fruits

    for desserts.

    + Avoid caffeine. The substance may aggravate anxiety, insomnia, nervousness and


    + Reduce refined sugars. Excess sugars cause frequent fluctuation in blood glucose levels,

    adding stress to the body's physiological functioning.

    + Reduce alcohol and drugs. These substances may add to headaches, swelling, decrease

    coping mechanisms, and add to depression.

    + Get at least 7 hours of sleep nightly.

    + Spend time each day with at least one relaxation technique - imagery, daydreaming, prayer,

    yoga or meditation.

    + Take a warm bath or shower.

    + Go for a walk.

    + Get in touch! Hug someone, hold hands, or stroke a pet. Physical contact is a great way to

    relieve stress.

    Some additional suggestions for reducing stress levels and enhancing your college


    Keep your space and consequently your mind organized.

    Go to class.

    Keep up with course work (the rule of thumb is two hours of study per one hour in


    Get involved with campus activities.

    Maintain communication with your family.

    Take advantage of campus resources and choose a career path.

    Form healthy relationships.

  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    21 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    Talk to someone about your problems (family member, friend, college counsellor).

    Get to know your professors.

    Stress leading to addiction to bad habits:

    Some students cannot manage all the stress they face. They strive for the temporary

    relaxation which is most probably given by alcohols, cigarettes, drugs etc. Continuous

    consumption of these will cause the less capacity of the student to face the future stress.

    Consuming drugs will lead to a severe problem in future.

    This may also cause death of the student. In our survey, we could not mention about

    the bad habits adopted by the respondents due to stress. Consuming alcohol, tobacco, drugs

    etc. will reduce the mental ability of the person to fight the stress. Presently, the consumption

    of alcohol, tobacco & drugs are more amongst the students. This is because of all the above

    mentioned stressors. There lot many stressors in any ones life. All cannot be figured out

    easily. Students must face these stresses with strong desire and confidence.

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    Stress Management for Students 2011

    22 P G Department of Management Studies, PESITM, Shivamogga

    So, it is better to avoid bad habits rather than avoiding stress. Stressors dont give

    only the tension, it also helps in developing the mental ability of the person to manage any

    situations. It is specially recommended for the students to stop diverting mind towards bad

    habits to avoid stresses. It not only causes the health problems, but also leads to death. Heavy

    consumption of cigarettes will decrease the ability of the heart to circulate the blood to other

    parts including brain, that too when the person is not smoking. This is the reason why people

    get addicted to smoking and other habits.


    To conclude with this topic, we are making a strong point that even students face

    stress in their life. It is not only the work group which faces stress. As the students are

    growing citizens of our future city, they must be guided in a proper way to face the

    uncertainty and stress arising out of them. It is necessary to save our future society spoiling

    from the stress factors and bad habits arising because of it. We found different stressors

    which cause stress. Our simple survey in the department gave us the information regarding

    the stress in P G level and stress faced by them in their past. Stress is a part of life. Nobody

    can avoid stress, but they can face it and handle the situations. In most of the cases, eustress

    is considered as good for the students to achieve in their life. There are lots of techniques to

    manage the stress and handle the situations. The students who control the stress will surely

    get through any hard situations. Instead of avoiding stress, avoid the bad habits arising of


  • 8/7/2019 Seminar on Stress


    Stress Management for Students 2011

    23 P G Department of Management Studies PESITM Shivamogga


    Ezine articles Stress management for students by Anna Hart, Educator and writer.

    Harvard Business Review Stress management for bank employees.

    Stress Management Articles