seminar planner: wednesday 1 march 2017...seminar planner: wednesday 1st march 2017 key to seminar...

SEMINAR PLANNER: Wednesday 1 st March 2017 Key to Seminar Icons 9.30am - 10.05am Opening Keynote Opening Keynote Procurement Decisions: Managing Risk in a Volatile World - Caspar Berry, Risk Thought Leader and ex-Professional Poker Player Few people can remember a more surprising year than 2016, with a series of unexpected events playing havoc with the economic and political landscape around the globe. With plenty more uncertainty lined up for 2017 and beyond, it would be tempting for organisations to give up on making anything more than short-term tactical plans – but this isn’t a realistic option for procurement decisions that may have major business repercussions and supply chain impacts for years to come. The only solution is to stay calm and adjust your decision-making to embrace uncertainty, instead of ignoring it or trying to fight it. This is always challenging and is never completely risk-free but there are some very robust methods to make it more manageable. In our opening keynote, inspirational risk expert (and ex-professional poker player) Caspar Berry explains the key tools and thought processes required for multi- outcome planning, to help you make clearer decisions in a volatile world. Keynote Session Financial Integration Big Data Technologies Case Study Public Sector Focus Business Strategy Sustainability Focus Cloud Based Technologies

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Page 1: SEMINAR PLANNER: Wednesday 1 March 2017...SEMINAR PLANNER: Wednesday 1st March 2017 Key to Seminar Icons 9.30am - 10.05am Opening Keynote - Opening Keynote Procurement Decisions: Managing


Wednesday 1st March 2017

Key to Seminar Icons

9.30am - 10.05am Opening Keynote

Opening Keynote Procurement Decisions: Managing Risk in a Volatile World

- Caspar Berry, Risk Thought Leader and ex-Professional Poker Player

Few people can remember a more surprising year than 2016, with a series of

unexpected events playing havoc with the economic and political landscape around

the globe.

With plenty more uncertainty lined up for 2017 and beyond, it would be tempting for

organisations to give up on making anything more than short-term tactical plans –

but this isn’t a realistic option for procurement decisions that may have major

business repercussions and supply chain impacts for years to come.

The only solution is to stay calm and adjust your decision-making to embrace

uncertainty, instead of ignoring it or trying to fight it. This is always challenging and

is never completely risk-free but there are some very robust methods to make it

more manageable.

In our opening keynote, inspirational risk expert (and ex-professional poker player)

Caspar Berry explains the key tools and thought processes required for multi-

outcome planning, to help you make clearer decisions in a volatile world.

Keynote Session

Financial Integration

Big Data Technologies

Case Study

Public Sector Focus

Business Strategy

Sustainability Focus

Cloud Based Technologies

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10.20am - 10.50am Innovative Briefings on a Range of New Developments

Transformational Change – Linking Spend Control Actions to Strategic

Enterprise Initiatives (Keynote 2) - Simon Dadswell, Director, PROACTIS

Your organisation counts on you to BETTER MANAGE SPEND, and you KNOW the

organisation can do better. So, what’s holding you back? What can you do within

YOUR scope to influence change?

In this session, we look at real life case studies of people who have made the

difference in their organisations – by ‘connecting the dots’ between 1) what’s driving

the need for change, 2) their organisation’s strategy for change, and 3) the tools

required to enact change.

Benefits of attending include:

Understand companies’ priorities and actions

Learn how to drive transformational change

Click here to view the seminar preview video

Procurement 2020: Transforming Procurement Process with Next

Generation Technology (Session A) - Jurgita Andrijauskaite, eProcurement Consultant, Wax Digital

This session looks at some of the procurement challenges commonly faced by

procurement teams today and explores new technology horizons designed to address

those issues head on in the next few years.

We reveal the visions of some of the leading Technology and Procurement experts

and talk about the evolving technologies and new procurement processes and

practices. With unique insight from both technology user and vendor, we will also be

discussing procurement’s state of readiness to meet the future and how to prepare.

The world is rapidly changing and so is procurement. Join this session if you are

interested to find out how technology and your peers are preparing for change.

Benefits of attending include:

Learn how intelligence-driven supplier relationships, the ‘app-isation’ of

integration, personalised user experiences, Spot Buying, eNegotiation, etc. will

impact you

Hear an expert view on the steps you can take to address common

procurement challenges and prepare for the future

Find out where your peers and industry experts think procurement is heading

in 20:20

Click here to view the seminar preview video

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Inspired Transformation (Session B) - Bob Thompson and Gary Entwistle, Principal Consultants, Xoomworks Procurement

In the fast-moving age of digitisation, technology can only work if it is accompanied

by a combination of tailored transformation, creative solutions and inspired people

able to capture imagination and galvanise businesses. Through a number of short

case studies, Xoomworks provides real-life examples of how this is being achieved.

Benefits of attending include:

What is Inspired Transformation and how does it lend itself to


Discover some key components of Inspired Transformation, from AI and

Robotics to internal champions, and why they need to be in place

What to include and focus on for Inspired Transformation to work and

achieve the results you want

Collaborative Procurement – Why It Works, and Why It Doesn’t

(Session C)

- Peter Smith, Managing Director, Spend Matters UK / Europe

The idea of buying in conjunction with others is intuitively attractive – benefits

include economies of scale, shared costs and expertise – yet history in the public and

private sectors is littered with failed examples of collaborative buying organisations,

shared services and bespoke shared procurement ventures. (And arguably, for large

organisations, just getting their own internal procurement acting in harmony is an

example of difficult collaboration!) There are some positive stories too, and Peter will

talk about recent research he has been leading that identifies some critical success

factors and how organisations might use collaborative buying more successfully.

Benefits of attending include:

Understand why collaboration often fails

Hear about research and “success stories” that suggest ways of making

collaboration successful

Contribute to the debate – the session will include time for discussion

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WORKSHOP: Brexit and Commercial Contracts: Assessing the Impact

(Session W1) - Dr Sam De Silva, Partner, Nabarro LLP

Brexit could have significant commercial implications some of which could result in

adverse financial hardship for a party. However, in the absence of express contractual

provisions, parties are unlikely to obtain relief. In addition Brexit could raise

questions over the meaning of contracts. This workshop will explore the key issues,

consider the position under existing contracts and suggests way to "future proof".

Benefits of attending include:

Expert advice from leading commercial contracts lawyer

Inside intelligence

Opportunity for free legal advice

11.05am - 11.35am Innovative Briefings on a Range of New Developments

Rapid P2P Implementation: Case Study from Property & Investment

Development Company, Segro (Session E)

- Sunny Kaler, UK Shared Services Manager, Segro, on behalf of PROACTIS

This session will showcase property & investment development company, Segro,

showing how they plan to reduce costs, save time and improve visibility of their P2P

processes using PROACTIS technology.

Benefits of attending include:

Hear about a real P2P transformational change project

Understand how Segro selected an eProcurement vendor

Click here to view the seminar preview video

How to Achieve Best Practice in Procurement? (Session F)

- Graham Bell and Peter Stediford, Client Engagement Managers, Capita Integrated

business solutions

Are you ready to embrace change? Advancements in technology are future proofing

organisations using real time analytical data, fraud prevention tools and efficiency gains

through mobile working. We will look at what this means for decision makers in

procurement departments and put forward some clear, common sense advice and

guidance for best practice procurement.

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Benefits of attending include:

Gain insight from our consultant practitioners

Real Life Benchmarks: The Digital Transformation of the Purchasing Process (Session G) - Stuart Evans, CTO, Invu Services Ltd

Post implementation analytics on automated requisition to payment projects,

featuring key statistics gathered from two Invu customer implementations. The

presentation will review throughput, processing speed and bottlenecks to help provide

processing benchmarks for you to compare against your business.

Benefits of attending include:

Be armed with some processing benchmarks they can compare to their own


Gain some insights into how to deal with processing bottlenecks

Understand how they could perform a similar review on their own process

Tail Spend Management Paradox: Creditor Reduction vs. Supplier Increase (Session H) - Roland Svennberg, Senior Key Account Manager, Mercateo UK Limited

Why spend more time and costs on purchasing of indirect goods than necessary?

Are you facing the challenges of e-procurement and indirect spend?

Within the seminar, Roland Svennberg presents a tail spend management solution to

optimise indirect procurement processes by creating transparency and efficiency.

Benefits of attending include:

presents solution for challenges within indirect spend

shows integration of e-procurement solution

illustrates option for successful roll out


Special Risk Workshop: Turning Theory into Practice (Session W2) - Caspar Berry, Risk Thought Leader and ex-Professional Poker Play

Join our keynote speaker Caspar Berry at this special interactive workshop, to ask

further questions about his opening session and explore some key risk models in

more depth.

Understand why human beings and businesses are so averse to risk and why they

often struggle to make good decisions in the absence of certainty. Then participate in

Caspar’s facilitated discussion to identify practical tools that can solve these problems

within the procurement function, by sharing ideas and experiences with your peers in

the room.

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12.00pm - 12.30pm Innovative Briefings on a Range of New Developments

What’s the Future of Procurement? (Session J) - Jon Vass, Account Executive, Tradeshift

Historically, companies have looked to Procurement to help manage costs, improve

operational efficiencies, and manage supplier relationships. While these are still

important objectives, ongoing global economic uncertainty, the ever-increasing pace

of innovation, and the near-constant entrance of new competitors in both established

and emerging markets has companies looking to Procurement teams to help facilitate

innovation and agility across the business. Benefits of attending include:

Why in the last 15 years, 52% of the Fortune 500 companies disappeared?

Why Procurement is adapting to become more agile

How Procurement can aid innovation across the company

“Modern Business in the Cloud” – Realising Benefits More Rapidly

(Session K) - David Hobson, Director, Oracle Cloud Applications

The modern Finance and Procurement function allows organisations to better allocate

resources, people and budget to more value creating activities. In this age of

competitive market pressures and the drive to deliver greater efficiency and cost

savings the opportunity to standardise these and other functions on a set of modern

best practices and processes is the prize. The role of Finance and Procurement Execs

is evolving rapidly along with ever increasing expectations on how better alignment of

these functions can support their strategic objectives.

Benefits of attending include:

Understanding the role of Cloud, Global Supply and how to drive competitive


Better managing Spend, improved Supplier Relationships and Contract

compliance are all key themes for a modernisation agenda

CFO and CPO alignment is needed to realise the benefits

Title TBC (Session L) - WalkMe

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To be announced (Session M)


WORKSHOP (Part 1): Overcoming Resistance to Change (Session W3) - Lucy Brownsdon, Director and Project Manager, Centre for Facilitation

Change too often feels more like a fight than a journey, the challenge to secure buy

remaining unaccomplished. Resistance to change is cited as the top reason for change

programmes failing. Those participating in this workshop will distil best practice to

increase the number of enthusiastic supporters.

Benefits of attending include:

Learn how to spot the signs of resistance early

Recognise the different reasons people resist change

Learn new approaches to overcome resistance to change

Note: This is part 1 of a special two-part session running from 12pm – 1.15pm

(i.e. sessions W3 and W4).

12.45pm - 1.15pm Innovative Briefings on a Range of New Developments

Getting to Grips with Cloud-Based Procurement (Session O) - Sachi Fujii, Director, Business Process Optimisation, Telehouse Europe & Alexandra

Lovin, Procurement Senior Consultant and Project Manager, Xoomworks Procurement

Implementing Cloud Procurement solutions requires a new way of thinking. Through

a Q&A session with Telehouse (the leading global data centre provider), discover the

lessons learnt to get live in just a few months.

Emerging Trends in Source to Settle (Session P) - Nick Bacon, Senior Consultant, Early Visible Results a Basware Partner

Best in breed solutions are pushing the boundaries and reaching more spend

categories than the laggards in the P2P software industry.

We see greater breadth and greater depth in spend management and expansion in

value as more spend is brought under management, and new services are added to

the toolkit.

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How are these emerging trends delivering accelerated value and how does this affect

the selection process?

Benefits of attending include:

Understand how you can manage all spend in one ecosystem

Identify the new value drivers for your business case

How to extend internal collaboration and your approach to system selection

Click here to view the seminar preview video

How to Manage Increasing Product Risks with Less In-House Capacity (Session Q)

- Frank Miller, Managing Director and Founder, Track Record Global Ltd

The number of regulations that must be complied with and the need to qualify risk in

supply chains is increasing. To remain competitive, technical resources must be used

efficiently and effectively. All must do more with less. This presentation reveals how

innovative IT and strong processes can make this straightforward.

Benefits of attending include:

Learn how Argos is managing complex own brand risks

Understand methods for objectively measuring supplier performance

Understand the technology and processes delivering Trust Through


Experience Convenience and Take Control of Your Non-Contracted Spend (Session R)

- Richard Downs, Vice President, Spot Buy at SAP Ariba AP

This session will provide a detailed overview on how to gain greater visibility into and

control over non-sourced, non-contracted, and unplanned purchases. According to the

Hackett Group, 15% of indirect spend is never sourced and is difficult to manage.

How do employees buy things not found in the company catalogue? How do you

manage one-off long-tail suppliers? Is your P-Card program delivering on its

promises? Participate in this session to learn how to #MakeProcurementAwesome.

Benefits of attending include:

Manage your tailspend

Get more from your P-Card Program

Gain greater visibility and control of non-sourced, non-contracted and

unplanned purchases

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WORKSHOP (Part 2): Overcoming Resistance to Change (Session W4) - Lucy Brownsdon, Director and Project Manager, Centre for Facilitation

Change too often feels more like a fight than a journey, the challenge to secure buy

remaining unaccomplished. Resistance to change is cited as the top reason for change

programmes failing. Those participating in this workshop will distil best practice to

increase the number of enthusiastic supporters.

Benefits of attending include:

Learn how to spot the signs of resistance early

Recognise the different reasons people resist change

Learn new approaches to overcome resistance to change

Note: This is part 2 of a special two-part session running from 12pm –

1.15pm (i.e. sessions W3 and W4).

1.15pm - 2.00pm: Lunch sponsored by PROACTIS

in the Exhibition Area

2.00pm - 2.45pm: Lunchtime Keynote

Will Technology Kill the Procurement Star? (Keynote 3) - Jim Hemmington, Director of Procurement, BBC

With the rise of technologies delivering more and more of the tasks of the

procurement function and pressures on organisations to reduce central overhead

costs, is procurement as a profession on its way out? This session explores the

threats facing procurement and how the function might adapt to future challenges.

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3.00pm - 3.30pm Case Studies: Best Practice in Action (Part 1)

Protecting Human Rights in Supply Chains for Public Procurement Practitioners (Session T)

- Redford Healey, Modern Slavery Project Developer, London Universities Purchasing

Consortium (LUPC)

The presentation will cover current issues within Responsible Procurement and

Modern Slavery. It will look at how to develop strategy and policy to combat risks.

The advantages maintaining a good reputation for Responsible Procurement. The

presentation will look at the Modern Slavery Act and its requirements and some

simple steps to be prepared and tackling the issue in supply chains through risk-

based due diligence and other methods.

Benefits of attending include:

Understand the need to respect & promote Human Rights in supply chains

Developing an approach to undertaking Human Rights Due Diligence

Simple action that procurement professionals can take in tackling high risk


Transforming Procurement at the University of Bristol (Session U)

- Anj Cooke, Head of Procurement, University of Bristol

Strategic Procurement Analysis in a University environment.

How University of Bristol achieved:

Stakeholder buy-in, working with the academic community

Motivate a team to become engaged with stakeholders and work more


Standardising and embed good practice across the University for better

procurement practice in line with Financial Regulations

Change Manage working in line with Public Contracts Regulations: better

procurement Practice

Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Indirects but were Afraid to Ask (Session V) - Michael Bennett, Senior Procurement Specialist, Afton Chemical Ltd

The purpose of the presentation is to give a high-level and light-hearted overview of

what makes Indirects different, what you have to contend with, and the skills and

tools needed to make it a success.

Benefits of attending include:

Learn what differences to expect when compared to directs procurement

Understand something of the breadth of the function

Gain an overview of the skills tools and capabilities you have to employ

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WORKSHOP (Part 1): Role Reversal – Challenge Your Peers in Our

eAuction Game (Session W5)

- Alun Rafique, Market Dojo

Use your negotiation skills in our role swap, to participate as a supplier to

demonstrate your procurement knowledge and beat your peers in our entertaining

workshop. Our ‘eAuction Game’ allows participants to go head-to-head to win a prize,

providing an insight into the bidding behaviour of suppliers and discovering how

buyers can maximise their savings with a reverse auction.

Benefits of attending include:

• Learn how to maximise savings with reverse auctions

• Discover the psychology behind eAuction events

• Find out if you are a better negotiator than your peers

Note: This is part 1 of a special two-part session running from 3pm – 4.15pm

(i.e. sessions W5 and W6).

3.45pm - 4.15pm Case Studies: Best Practice in Action (Part 2)

Waiting for Disaster, Hoping for Salvation. How can Procurement Prepare for Life after BREXIT (Session X) - Milan Panchmatia, Managing Partner, 4C Associates Ltd

As the UK prepares for Brexit, Milan Panchmatia, Managing Partner at 4C Associates

talks through some of the challenges the UK faces as well as how procurement can

prepare in a post Article 50 world. The session will focus on both the wider global

implications for the UK as well as some of the more localised effects on procurement.

Benefits of attending include:

A deeper understanding of the challenges procurement may face during and

after Brexit

Areas where procurement can really help their organisation in preparing for


Supply Chain Risk Never Sleeps – Can You? (Session Y) - Nick Wildgoose, Global Supply Chain Product Leader, Zurich Commercial Insurance

Many organisations have reported supply chain disruptions. In this session, we look at

improving organisations risk assessment and mitigation processes. We show how we

have worked with a variety of major organisations using data analytics platform

capabilities and risk data sets to better understand their value at risk and resilience.

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Benefits of attending include:

Understand the nature and causes of supply chain disruptions

How major organisations have made themselves more resilient

How Big Data and Technology can help

Generating Excitement In The First 100 Days (Session Z) - Michael Pearson, Group Head of Procurement, Aspen Group

When you start a new Head of Procurement role, all eyes are on you. This case study

gives practical advice on how in the first few months to diagnose the current

Procurement landscape, engage with stakeholders, and create a vision of the future

which excites people and provides momentum.

Benefits of attending include:

Obtain practical advice on how to set about the first few months in a new role

Improve understanding of how to apply interpersonal skills

Understand the importance of aligning yourself with the organisational culture


WORKSHOP (Part 2): Role Reversal – Challenge Your Peers in Our eAuction Game (Session W6)

- Alun Rafique, Market Dojo

Use your negotiation skills in our role swap, to participate as a supplier to

demonstrate your procurement knowledge and beat your peers in our entertaining

workshop. Our ‘eAuction Game’ allows participants to go head-to-head to win a prize,

providing an insight into the bidding behaviour of suppliers and discovering how

buyers can maximise their savings with a reverse auction.

Benefits of attending include:

• Learn how to maximise savings with reverse auctions

• Discover the psychology behind eAuction events

• Find out if you are a better negotiator than your peers

Note: This is part 2 of a special two-part session running from 3pm – 4.15pm

(i.e. sessions W5 and W6).

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4.15pm - 4.45pm: Drinks Reception and Networking


Network with delegates, speakers and sponsors over a complimentary glass of wine.

4.45pm: Event Closes