seminar report on fiber rainforced concrete

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  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



    Chapter- 1



    Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) may be defined as a composite materials made with ortland

    cement! a""re"ate! and incorporatin" discrete discontin#o#s fibres$

    ortland cement concrete is considered to be a relati%ely brittle material! with a low tensile

    stren"th and a low strain capacity$ &hen s#b'ected to tensile stresses! nonreinforced concrete

    will crac and fail$ *ince mid +,--.s steel reinforcin" has been #sed to o%ercome this

    problem$ /s a composite system! the reinforcin" steel is ass#med to carry all tensile loads$

    Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is ortland cement concrete reinforced with more or less

    randomly distrib#ted fibers$ In FRC! tho#sands of small fibers are dispersed and distrib#ted

    randomly in the concrete d#rin" mi0in"! and th#s impro%e concrete properties in all

    directions$ Fibers help to impro%e the post pea d#ctility performance! precrac tensile

    stren"th! fati"#e stren"th! impact stren"th and eliminate temperat#re and shrina"e cracs$

    The role of randomly distrib#tes discontin#o#s fibres is to brid"e across the cracs that

    de%elop pro%ides some post cracin" 1d#ctility2$ If the fibres are s#fficiently stron"!

    s#fficiently bonded to material! and permit the FRC to carry si"nificant stresses o%er a

    relati%ely lar"e strain capacity in the postcracin" sta"e$

    The real contrib#tion of the fibres is to increase the to#"hness of the concrete (defined as

    some f#nction of the area #nder the load %s$ deflection c#r%e)! #nder any type of loadin"$ That

    is! the fibres tend to increase the strain at pea load! and pro%ide a "reat deal of ener"y

    absorption in postpea portion of the load %s$ deflection c#r%e$ &hen the fibre reinforcement

    is in the form of short discrete fibres! they act effecti%ely as ri"id incl#sions in the concrete

    matri0$ hysically! they ha%e th#s the same order of ma"nit#de as a""re"ate incl#sions3 steel

    fibre reinforcement cannot therefore be re"arded as a direct replacement of lon"it#dinal

    reinforcement in reinforced and prestressed str#ct#ral members$ 4owe%er! beca#se of the

    inherent material properties of fibre concrete! the presence of fibres in the body of the

    concrete or the pro%ision of a tensile sin of fibre concrete can be e0pected to impro%e the

    resistance of con%entionally reinforced str#ct#ral members to cracin"! deflection and otherser%iceability conditions$


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    Figure1. The load vs. deflection curve

    The fibre reinforcement may be #sed in the form of three dimensionally randomly distrib#ted

    fibres thro#"ho#t the str#ct#ral member when the added ad%anta"es of the fibre to shear

    resistance and crac control can be f#rther #tili5ed$ On the other hand! the fibre concrete may

    also be #sed as a tensile sin to co%er the steel reinforcement when a more efficient two 6dimensional orientation of the fibres co#ld be obtained$ Fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) is

    concrete containin" fibro#s material which increases its str#ct#ral inte"rity$ Fibres incl#de

    steel fibres! "lass fibres! synthetic fibres and nat#ral fibres$ &ithin these different fibres that

    character of fibre reinforced concrete chan"es with %aryin" concretes! fibre materials!

    "eometries! distrib#tion! orientation and densities$

    Fibre reinforced is mainly #sed in shotcrete! b#t can also be #sed in normal concrete$ Fibre

    reinforced normal concrete are mostly #sed for on"ro#nd floors and pa%ements! b#t can be

    considered for a wide ran"e of constr#ction parts (beams! pliers! fo#ndations etc) either alone

    or with handtied rebars$

  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



    Chapter- 2



    The #se of fibres to reinforce and enhance the properties of constr#ction materials "oes bac

    at least 78-- years! when straw was #sed to reinforce s#nbaed brics in 9esopotamia$

    E"yptians also #sed straw to reinforce m#d brics! b#t there is e%idence that asbestos fiber

    was #sed to reinforce clay posts abo#t 8--- years a"o$ Cementbo#nd prod#cts ha%e been

    reinforced by %ario#s types of fibre at least since the be"innin" of the last cent#ry! and steel

    and synthetic fibres ha%e been #sed to impro%e the properties of concrete for the past 7- or :-

    years$ ortland cement concrete is considered to be a relati%ely brittle material$ &hen

    s#b'ected to tensile stresses! nonreinforced concrete will crac and fail$ *ince mid +,--.s

    steel reinforcin" has been #sed to o%ercome this problem$ /s a composite system! the

    reinforcin" steel is ass#med to carry all tensile loads$

    The problem with employin" steel in concrete is that o%er time steel corrodes d#e to the

    in"ress of chloride ions$ In the northeast! where sodi#m chloride deicin" salts are commonly

    #sed and a lar"e amo#nt of coastal area e0ists! chlorides are readily a%ailable for penetration

    into concrete to promote corrosion! which fa%ors the formation of r#st$ R#st has a %ol#me

    between fo#r to ten times the iron! which dissol%es to form it$ The %ol#me e0pansion

    prod#ces lar"e tensile stresses in the concrete! which initiates cracs and res#lts in concretespallin" from the s#rface$ /ltho#"h some meas#res are a%ailable to red#ce corrosion of steel

    in concrete s#ch as corrosion inhibiti%e admi0t#res and coatin"s! a better and permanent

    sol#tion may be replace the steel with a reinforcement that is less en%ironmentally sensiti%e$

    Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) was in%ented by French "ardener ;oseph 9onier in +,:$

    9ore recently micro fibres! s#ch as those #sed in traditional composite materials ha%e been

    introd#ced into the concrete mi0t#re to increase its to#"hness! or ability to resist crac


    *e%eral different types of fibres! both manmade and nat#ral! ha%e been incorporated intoconcrete$ ?se of nat#ral fibres in concrete precedes the ad%ent of con%entional reinforced

    concrete in historical conte0t$ 4owe%er! the technical aspects of FRC systems remained


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    essentially #nde%eloped$ *ince the ad%ent of fibre reinforcin" of Concrete in the +

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  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete






    Fibres are #s#ally #sed in concrete to control plastic shrina"e cracin" and dryin" shrina"e

    cracin"$ They also lower the permeability of concrete and th#s red#ce bleedin" of water$

    *ome types of fibres prod#ce "reater impact! abrasion and shatter resistance in concrete$

    Aenerally fibres do not increase the fle0#ral stren"th of concrete! so it cannot replace moment

    resistin" or str#ct#ral steel reinforcement$ *ome fibres red#ce the stren"th of concrete$

    The amo#nt of fibres added to a concrete mi0 is meas#red as a percenta"e of the total %ol#me

    of the composite (concrete and fibres) termed %ol#me fraction ( f)$ ftypically ran"es from

    -$+ to 7$ /spect ratio (ld) is calc#lated by di%idin" fibre len"th (l) by its diameter (d)$Fibres with a noncirc#lar cross section #se an e#i%alent diameter for the calc#lation of

    aspect ratio$ If the mod#l#s of elasticity of the fibre is hi"her than the matri0 (concrete or

    mortar binder)! they help to carry the load by increasin" the tensile stren"th of the material$

    Increase in the aspect ratio of the fibre #s#ally se"ments the fle0#ral stren"th and to#"hness

    of the matri0$ 4owe%er! fibres which are too lon" tend to 1ball2 in the mi0 and create

    worability problems$It is important to #nderstand the effect of fibers in concrete mechanism$

    The composite will carry increasin" loads after the first cracin" of the matri0 if the p#llo#t

    resistance of the fibers at the first crac is "reater than the load at first cracin"$ /t the

    craced section! the matri0 does not resist any tension and the fibers carry the entire load

    taen by the composite$ &ith an increasin" load on the composite! the fibers will tend to

    transfer the additional stress to the matri0 thro#"h bond stresses$ This process of m#ltiplecracin" will contin#e #ntil either fibers fail or the acc#m#lated local debondin" will lead to

    fiber p#llo#t$ Fibres s#ch as "raphite and "lass ha%e e0cellent resistance to creep! while the

    same is not tr#e for most resins$ Therefore! the orientation and %ol#me of fibres ha%e a

    si"nificant infl#ence on the creep performance of rebarstendons.It has been reco"ni5ed that

    the addition of small! closely spaced and #niformly dispersed fibres to concrete wo#ld act as

    crac arrester and wo#ld s#bstantially impro%e its static and dynamic properties$ Reinforced

    concrete itself is a composite material! where the reinforcement acts as the stren"thenin" fibre

    and the concrete as the matri0$ It is therefore imperati%e that the beha%ior #nder thermal

    stresses for the two materials be similar so that the differential deformations of concrete and

    the reinforcement are minimi5ed$


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    Fibre reinforced concrete is the composite material containin" fibres in the cement matri0 in

    an orderly manner or randomly distrib#ted manner$ Its properties wo#ld ob%io#sly! depends

    #pon the efficient transfer of stress between matri0 and the fibres$ The factors are briefly

    disc#ssed below

    Relative fi+re 'atri !tiffness

    The mod#l#s of elasticity of matri0 m#st be m#ch lower than that of fibre for efficient stress

    transfer$ Gow mod#l#s of fibre s#ch as nylons and polypropylene are! therefore! #nliely to

    "i%e stren"th impro%ement! b#t the help in the absorbsion of lar"e ener"y and therefore!

    impart "reater de"ree of to#"hness and resistance to impart$ 4i"h mod#l#s fibres s#ch as

    steel! "lass and carbon impart stren"th and stiffness to the composite$

    Interfacial bond between the matri0 and the fibre also determine the effecti%eness of stress

    transfer! from the matri0 to the fibre$ / "ood bond is essential for impro%in" tensile stren"th

    of the composite$ The interfacial bond co#ld be impro%ed by lar"er area of contact! impro%in"

    the frictional properties and de"ree of "rippin" and by treatin" the steel fibres with sodi#m

    hydro0ide or acetone$

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  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



    Figure. Reinforceent in a concrete atri

    $olue of Fi+res

    The stren"th of the composite lar"ely depends on the #antity of fibres #sed in it$ Fi"#re 8

    and = show the effect of %ol#me on the to#"hness and stren"th$ It can see from Fi"#re 8 that

    the increase in the %ol#me of fibres! increase appro0imately linearly! the tensile stren"th and

    to#"hness of the composite$ ?se of hi"her percenta"e of fibre is liely to ca#se se"re"ation

    and harshness of concrete and mortar$

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    Figure0. !tress v3s !train on fi+re volue curve


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    Figure4. #ffect of volue of fi+res Figure5. #ffect of volue of fi+res

    In fleure in tension

    spect Ratio of the Fi+re

    /nother important factor which infl#ences the properties and beha%ior of the composite is the

    aspect ratio of the fibre$ The /spect Ratio of a fibre is the ratio of its len"th to its He#i%alent@

    diameter$ /s lon" as a fibre@s basic shape! tensile stren"th! dosa"e and anchora"e mechanismremain the same! a hi"her aspect ratio will res#lt in a steel fibre reinforced concrete element

    ha%in" a hi"her postcrac load carryin" capacity$ This impro%ed performance is d#e to the

    increased fibre co#nt i$e$ there are more fibres pro%idin" tensile capacity at each craced

    section$ The /spect Ratio of the fibres chosen for a partic#lar application is a f#nction of

    economics and performance$

    It has been reported that #p to aspect ratio of >8! increase on the aspect ratio increases the

    #ltimate concrete linearly$ Beyond >8! relati%e stren"th and to#"hness is red#ced$ Table +$+

    shows the effect of aspect ratio on stren"th and to#"hness$

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  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



    Ta+le1. spect ratio of the fi+re


    T*pe of concrete


    Relative strength

    Relative toughness

    lain concrete












    Dispersed fibres






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    Orientation of Fi+res

    One of the differences between con%entional reinforcement and fibre reinforcement is that in

    con%entional reinforcement! bars are oriented in the direction desired while fibres are

    randomly oriented$ To see the effect of randomness! mortar specimens reinforced with -$8

    %ol#me of fibres were tested$ In one set specimens! fibres were ali"ned in the direction of the

    load! in another in the direction perpendic#lar to that of the load! and in the third randomly


    It was obser%ed that the fibres ali"ned parallel to the applied load offered more tensile

    stren"th and to#"hness than randomly distrib#ted or perpendic#lar fibres$

    6or7a+ilit* and Copaction of Concrete

    It is well nown that the addition of any type of fibers to plain concrete red#ces the


    Incorporation of steel fibre decreases the worability considerably$ This sit#ation ad%ersely

    affects the consolidation of fresh mi0$ E%en prolon"ed e0ternal %ibration fails to compact the

    concrete$ The fibre %ol#me at which this sit#ation is reached depends on the len"th and

    diameter of the fibre$ *ince fibres impart considerable stability to a fresh concrete mass! the

    sl#mp cone test is not a "ood inde0 of worability$

    For e0ample! introd#ction of +$8 %ol#me percent steel or "lass fibres to a concrete with --

    mm of sl#mp is liely to red#ce the sl#m of the mi0t#re to abo#t 8 mm! b#t the placeability

    of the concrete and its compactability #nder %ibration may still be satisfactory$

    Therefore! the ebe test is considered more appropriate for e%al#atin" the worability of

    fibrereinforce concrete mi0t#res$ /nother conse#ence of poor worability is non#niform


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    distrib#tion of the fibres$ Aenerally! the worability and compaction standard of the mi0 is

    impro%ed thro#"h increased water cement ratio or by the #se of some ind of water red#cin"


    !i8e of Coarse ggregate

    9a0im#m si5e of the coarse a""re"ate sho#ld be restricted to +-mm! to a%oid appreciable

    red#ction in stren"th of the composite$ fibres also in effect! act as a""re"ate$ /ltho#"h they

    ha%e a simple "eometry! their infl#ence on the properties of fresh concrete is comple0$ The

    interparticle friction between fibres and between fibres and a""re"ates controls the

    orientation and distrib#tion of the fibres and conse#ently the properties of the composite$

    Friction red#cin" admi0t#res and admi0t#res that impro%e the cohesi%eness of the mi0 can

    si"nificantly impro%e the mi0$


    9i0in" of fibre reinforced concrete needs caref#l conditions to a%oid ballin" of fibres!

    se"re"ation and in "eneral the diffic#lty of mi0in" the materials #niformly$ Increase in the

    aspect ratio! %ol#me percenta"e and si5e and #antity of coarse a""re"ate intensify the

    diffic#lties and ballin" tendency$ *teel fibre content in e0cess of by %ol#me and aspect

    ratio of more than +-- are diffic#lt to mi0$

    9i0in" of FRC can be accomplished by many methods$ The mi0 sho#ld ha%e a #niform

    dispersion of the fibres in order to pre%ent se"re"ation or ballin" of the fibres d#rin" mi0in"$

    9ost ballin" occ#rs d#rin" the fibre addition process$ Increase of aspect ratio! %ol#mepercenta"e of fibre! and si5e and #antity of coarse a""re"ate will intensify the ballin"

    tendencies and decrease the worability$ To coat the lar"e s#rface area of the fibres with

    paste! e0perience indicated that a water cement ratio between -$: and -$=! and minim#m

    cement content of :-- "m7 are re#ired$ Compared to con%entional concrete! fibre

    reinforced concrete mi0es are "enerally characteri5ed by hi"her cement factor! hi"her fine

    a""re"ate content! and smaller si5e coarse a""re"ate$

    / fibre mi0 "enerally re#ires more %ibration to consolidate the mi0$ E0ternal %ibration is

    preferable to pre%ent fibre se"re"ation$ 9etal trowels! t#be floats! and rotatin" power floats

    can be #sed to finish the s#rface$It is important that the fibres are dispersed #niformly

    thro#"ho#t the mi03 this can be done by the addition of the fibres before the water is added$


  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



    &hen mi0in" in a laboratory mi0er! introd#cin" the fibres thro#"h a wire mesh baset will

    help e%en distrib#tion of fibres$ For field #se! other s#itable methods m#st be adopted$

    The t*pical proportion for fi+re reinforced concrete is given +elo,9

    Cement content 78 to 88- "cm

    &C ratio -$: to -$=

    of sand to total a""re"ate 8- to +--

    9a0im#m a""re"ate si5e +- mm

    /ircontent = to

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  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete




    DIFF#R#NT T" OF FI(R#!

    DIFF#R#NT T" OF FI(R#!

    Followin" are the different type of fibres "enerally #sed in the constr#ction ind#stries$

    *teel fibre Reinforced Concrete

    olypropylene fibre Reinforced (FR) cement mortar Jconcrete

    Alassfibre Reinforced Concrete

    /sbestos fibres

    Carbon fibres

    Or"anic fibres

    !teel fi+re Reinforced Concrete

    / n#mber of steel fibre types are a%ailable as reinforcement$ Ro#nd steel fibre the commonly#sed type are prod#ced by c#ttin" ro#nd wire in to short len"th$ The typical diameter lies in

    the ran"e of -$8 to -$>8mm$ *teel fibres ha%in" a rectan"#lar cs are prod#ced by siltin" the

    sheets abo#t -$8mm thic$ Fibre made from mild steel drawn wire$ Conformin" to I* ,-

    += with the diameter of wire %aryin" from -$7 to -$8mm ha%e been practically #sed in

    India$ Ro#nd steel fibres are prod#ced by c#ttin" or choppin" the wire! flat sheet fibres

    ha%in" a typical cs ran"in" from -$+8 to -$:+mm in thicness and -$8 to -$

  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



    formin" and stora"e of classical reinforcement frames! riss of spallin" d#rin" transportation

    and layin")$

    Figure:. Different t*pe of steel fi+re

    *tr#ct#ral #se of *FRC /s recommended by /CI Committee 8::! Hwhen #sed in str#ct#ral

    applications! steel fibre reinforced concrete sho#ld only be #sed in a s#pplementary role toinhibit cracin"! to impro%e resistance to impact or dynamic loadin"! and to resist material

    disinte"ration$ In str#ct#ral members where fle0#ral or tensile loads will occ#r the reinforcin"

    steel m#st be capable of s#pportin" the total tensile load@$ Th#s! while there are a n#mber of

    techni#es for predictin" the stren"th of beams reinforced only with steel fibres! there are no

    predicti%e e#ations for lar"e *FRC beams! since these wo#ld be e0pected to contain

    con%entional reinforcin" bars as well$

    For beams containin" both fibres and contin#o#s reinforcin" bars! the sit#ation is comple0!

    since the fibres act in two ways

    They permit the tensile stren"th of the *FRC to be #sed in desi"n! beca#se the matri0 will nolon"er lose its loadcarryin" capacity at first crac$

    They impro%e the bond between the matri0 and the reinforcin" bars by inhibitin" the "rowth

  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete


    of cracs emanatin" form the deformations (l#"s) on the bars$


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    4owe%er! it is the impro%ed tensile stren"th of *FRC that is mostly considered in the beam

    analysis! since the impro%ements in bond stren"th are m#ch more diffic#lt to #antify$ *teel

    fibres ha%e been shown to increase the #ltimate moment and #ltimate deflection of

    con%entionally reinforced beams3 the hi"her the tensile stress d#e to the fibres! the hi"her the

    #ltimate moment$

    &ol*prop*lene Fi+re Reinforced ;&FR< ceent

    olypropylene fibre reinforced concrete or mortar is an additi%e to concrete and mi0es which

    considerably red#ces the ris of dryin" cracs$ The plastic fibres consist of polypropylene

    fibres which are resistant in alaline en%ironments and the len"th and dosa"e of which can

    %ary dependin" on what properties are re#ired$

    olypropylene fibre was first #sed to reinforce concrete in the +

  • 7/21/2019 Seminar Report On Fiber Rainforced Concrete



    olypropylene fibre reinforced concrete or mortars are #sed for

    Considerably red#cin" the ris that dryin" cracs will arise d#rin" dry! windy and hot


    Impro%in" the cohesion between fresh concrete batches$

    Impro%in" the ability to p#mp thro#"h pipes and hoses of smaller dimensions and thro#"h

    "reater p#mpin" distances$

    Impro%in" worability while po#rin"$

    /reas of application

    ?sed in concrete and mortar where there is a ris of dry cracin"$ Dryin" cracs are most

    often formed in the case of concrete po#rin" that is carried o#t witho#t protection d#rin"

    weather that is dry! windy or hot$ Castin" of slabs! beams and cast on str#ct#res that are

    partic#larly %#lnerable$ It can be diffic#lt to protect concrete or mortar a"ainst dry cracin"

    immediately after po#rin" has been completed$ In s#ch sit#ations! the plastic fibre

    reinforcement is a simple and effecti%e aid! #ntil the s#rface can be protected by #sin"

    con%entional methods s#ch as water! wellf#nctionin" c#rin" membranes or co%erin"s$

    9i0in" in plastic fibre reinforcement does not replace normal c#rin" methods

    Figure=. &ol*prop*lene fi+re reinforced ceent-ortar > concrete

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    /lass-fi+re Reinforced Concrete

    Alass fibre is made #p from --:-- indi%id#al filaments which are li"htly bonded to mae

    #p a stand$ These stands can be chopped into %ario#s len"ths! or combined to mae cloth mat

    or tape$ ?sin" the con%entional mi0in" techni#es for normal concrete it is not possible to

    mi0 more than abo#t (by %ol#me) of fibres of a len"th of 8mm$

    The first research on "lass fibres in the early +

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    s+estos fi+res

    The nat#rally a%ailable ine0pensi%e mineral fibre! asbestos! has been s#ccessf#lly combined

    with ortland cement paste to form a widely #sed prod#ct called asbestos cement$ /sbestos

    fibres here thermal mechanical J chemical resistance main" them s#itable for sheet prod#ct

    pipes! tiles and corr#"ated roofin" elements /sbestos cement board is appro0imately two or

    fo#r times that of #nreinforced matri0$ 4owe%er! d#e to relati%ely short len"th (+-mm) the

    fibre ha%e low impact stren"th$

    Figure1@. s+estos fi+res

    Car+on fi+res

    Carbon fibres are man#fact#red by carboni5in" s#itable or"anic materials in fibro#s forms at

    hi"h temperat#res and then ali"nin" the res#ltant "raphite crystallites by hotstretchin"$ The

    fibres are man#fact#red as either Type I (hi"h mod#l#s) or Type II (hi"h stren"th) and are

    dependent #pon material so#rce and e0tent of hot stretchin" for their physical properties$

    Carbon fibres are a%ailable in a %ariety of forms and ha%e a febrile str#ct#re similar to that ofasbestos$

    Carbon fibre made from petrole#m and coal pitch is less e0pensi%e than the con%entional

    carbon fibre made from fibro#s materials$ The Type I and II carbon fibres prod#ced by

    carboni5in" s#itable or"anic materials other than petrole#mbased materials are - to :-

    times stron"er and ha%e a mod#l#s of elasticity #p to +-- times "reater than the pitchbased

    carbon fibre$

    Carbon fibres from the most recent J probability the most spectac#lar addition to the ran"e of

    fibre a%ailable for commercial #se$ Carbon fibre comes #nder the %ery hi"h mod#l#s of


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    elasticity and fle0#ral stren"th$ These are e0pansi%e$ Their stren"th J stiffness characteristics

    ha%e been fo#nd to be s#perior e%en to those of steel$ B#t they are more %#lnerable to dama"e

    than e%en "lass fibre! and hence are "enerally treated with resi"n coatin"$ Tensile creep is

    red#ced sli"htly! b#t fle0#ral creep can be s#bstantially red#ced when %ery stiff carbon fibres

    are #sed

    Figure11. Car+on fi+res

    Carbon fibre cementmatri0 composites are str#ct#ral materials that are "ainin" in importance

    #ite rapidly d#e to the decrease in carbon fibre cost and the increasin" demand of s#perior

    str#ct#ral and f#nctional properties$ These composites contain short carbon fibres! typically 8

    mm in len"th! as the short fibres can be #sed as an admi0t#re in concrete (whereas contin#o#s

    fibres cannot be simply added to the concrete mi0) and short fibres are less e0pensi%e than

    contin#o#s fibres$ 4owe%er! d#e to the wea bond between carbon fibre and the cement

    matri0! contin#o#s fibres KL:M are m#ch more effecti%e than short fibres in reinforcin"

    concrete$ *#rface treatment of carbon fibre (e$"$ by heatin" or by #sin" o5one ! silane ! *iO

    particles or hot NaO4 sol#tion ) is #sef#l for impro%in" the bond between fibre and matri0!

    thereby impro%in" the properties of the composite$ In the case of s#rface treatment by o5oneor silane! the impro%ed bond is d#e to the enhanced wettability by water$ /dmi0t#res s#ch as

    late0 methylcell#lose and silica f#me also help the bond

    The effect of carbon fibre addition on the properties of concrete increases with fibre %ol#me

    fraction! #nless the fibre %ol#me fraction is so hi"h that the air %oid content becomes

    e0cessi%ely hi"h $(The air %oid content increases with fibre content and air %oids tend to ha%e


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    a ne"ati%e effect on many properties! s#ch as the compressi%e stren"th$) In addition! the

    worability of the mi0 decreases with fibre content$

    9oreo%er! the cost increases with fibre content$ Therefore! a rather low %ol#me fraction of

    fibres is desirable$ / fibre content as low as -$ %ol$ is effecti%e! altho#"h fibre contents

    e0ceedin" + %ol$ are more common$ The re#ired fibre content increases with the particle

    si5e of the a""re"ate! as the Fle0#ral stren"th decreases with increasin" particle si5e$

    Effecti%e #se of the carbon fibres in concrete re#ires dispersion of the fibres in the mi0$ The

    dispersion is enhanced by #sin" silica f#me (a fine partic#late) as an admi0t#re KL:M$ /

    typical silica f#me content is +8 by wei"ht of cement$ The silica f#me is typically #sed

    alon" with a small amo#nt (-$: by wei"ht of cement) of methylcell#lose for helpin" the

    dispersion of the fibres and the worability of the mi0$ Gate0 (typically +8L - by wei"ht of

    cement) is m#ch less effecti%e than silica f#me for helpin" the fibre dispersion! b#t it

    enhances the worability! Fle0#ral stren"th! Fle0#ral to#"hness! impact resistance! frost

    resistance and acid resistance$ The ease of dispersion increases with decreasin" fibre len"thThe impro%ed str#ct#ral properties rendered by carbon fibre addition pertain to the increased

    tensile and fle0ible stren"ths! the increased tensile d#ctility and fle0#ral to#"hness! the

    enhanced impact resistance! the red#ced dryin" shrina"e and the impro%ed free5e thaw


    Figure12. Figure of Car+on Fi+re

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    Organic fi+res

    Or"anic fibre s#ch as polypropylene or nat#ral fibre may be chemically more inert than either

    steel or "lass fibres$ They are also cheaper! especially if nat#ral$ / lar"e %ol#me of %e"etable

    fibre may be #sed to obtain a m#ltiple cracin" composite$ The problem of mi0in" and

    #niform dispersion may be sol%ed by addin" a s#per plastici5er$

    Figure1. Organic fi+re

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    There is a new "eneration of hi"h performance fiberreinforced composites$ In many of these

    materials the stren"th! to#"hness! and d#rability are si"nificantly impro%ed which were not

    easily achie%ed by normal fibre reinforced concrete$ 4ere some new type of fibre reinforced

    concrete disc#ssed

    Compact Reinforced Composites

    Reacti%e owder Concrete

    *l#rryInfiltratedfibred concrete

    En"ineered Cementitio#s Composite (EEC)

    5.1. Copact Reinforced Coposites ;CRC8mm thicness. of con%entionally reinforced concrete slab! a +8-mm

    thic crimpedend FRC slab was #sed to o%erlay an e0istin" asphaltic pa%ed aircraft parin"

    area$ FRC pa%ements are now in ser%ice in se%ere and mild en%ironments$

    T#nnel Ginin" and *lope *tabili5ation

    *teel fibre reinforced shotcrete (*FR*) are bein" #sed to line #nder"ro#nd openin"s and roc

    slope stabili5ation$ It eliminates the need for mesh reinforcement and scaffoldin"$

    Blast Resistant *tr#ct#res

    &hen plain concrete slabs are reinforced con%entionally! tests showed that there is no

    red#ction of fra"ment %elocities or n#mber of fra"ments #nder blast and shoc wa%es$

    *imilarly! reinforced slabs of fibro#s concrete! howe%er! showed - percent red#ction in

    %elocities! and o%er ,- percent in fra"mentations$

    Thin *hell! &alls! ipes! and 9anholes

    Fibro#s concrete permits the #se of thinner flat and c#r%ed str#ct#ral elements$ *teel fibro#s

    shotcrete is #sed in the constr#ction of hemispherical domes #sin" the inflated membrane

    process$ Alass fibre reinforced cement or concrete (AFRC)! made by the spray#p process!

    ha%e been #sed to constr#ct wall panels$ *teel and "lass fibres addition in concrete pipes and

    manholes impro%es stren"th! red#ces thicness! and diminishes handlin" dama"es$


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    Figure10. !egents Figure14. (ea

    Dam sand 4ydra#lic *tr#ct#re

    FRC is bein" #sed for the constr#ction and repair of dams and other hydra#lic str#ct#res to

    pro%ide resistance to ca%itation and se%ere erosion ca#sed by the impact of lar"e water born


    Other /pplications

    These incl#de machine tool frames! li"htin" poles! water and oil tans and concrete repairs$

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    Chapter-1@ FI(R# R#INFORC#D CONCR#T# $#R!U! CON$#NTION%%"


    1@. FI(R# R#INFORC#D CONCR#T# $#R!U! CON$#NTION%%"


    ?nreinforced concrete has a low tensile stren"th and a low strain capacity at fract#re$ These

    shortcomin"s are traditionally o%ercome by addin" reinforcin" bars or prestressin" steel$

    Reinforcin" steel is contin#o#s and is specifically located in the str#ct#re to optimi5e


    Reinforced concrete itself is a composite material! where the reinforcement acts as the

    stren"thenin" fibre and the concrete as the matri0$ It is therefore imperati%e that the beha%ior#nder thermal stresses for the two materials be similar so that the differential deformations of

    concrete and the reinforcement are minimi5ed$

    Fibres are discontin#o#s and are "enerally distrib#ted randomly thro#"ho#t the concrete

    matri0$ /ltho#"h not c#rrently addressed by /CI Committee 7+,! fibres are bein" #sed in

    str#ct#ral applications with con%entional reinforcement$ Beca#se of the fle0ibility in methods

    of fabrication! fibre reinforced concrete can be an economic and #sef#l constr#ction material$

    For e0ample! thin (+ to 7: in$ K+7 to - mmM thic)! precast "lass fibre reinforced concrete

    architect#ral claddin" panels are economically %iable in the ?$*$ and E#rope$ In slabs on

    "rade! minin"! t#nnelin"! and e0ca%ation s#pport applications! steel and synthetic fibre

    reinforced concrete and shotcrete ha%e been #sed in lie# of welded wire fabric reinforcement$

    /ccordin" to the report by /CI Committee 88: the total ener"y absorbed in fibre debondin"

    as meas#red by the area #nder the loaddeflection c#r%e before complete separation of a beam

    is at least +- to :- times hi"her for fibrereinforced concrete than for plain concrete$


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    Coparison of &erforance of !tandard Concrete and Fi+re Reinforced

    !tandard Concrete #posed To #levated Teperatures

    #periental &rograe

    Ta+le 2- 'aterial used during eperient

    +)$ /n increase in compressi%e stren"th and tensile stren"th has been obser%ed for both

    standard concrete and fibre reinforced standard concrete when e0posed to a temperat#re of


    )$ In the ran"e of 8- to ,--C the split tensile stren"th of both standard concrete and fibre

    reinforced standard concrete is same$

    7)$ Fle0#ral stren"th of standard concrete is e#al to that of the fibre reinforced standard

    concrete in ran"e of 8--C,--C$

    :)$ Beyond 8--C! both standard concrete and fibre reinforced standard concrete are fo#nd to

    loose compressi%e stren"th "rad#ally$

    8)$ Fibre reinforced standard concrete is fo#nd to e0hibit more compressi%e stren"th splittensile stren"th and fle0#ral stren"th than standard concrete at all temperat#res$

    =)$ The difference between compressi%e stren"th of fibre reinforced standard concrete and

    standard concrete %aries in the ran"e of =+-percenta"e$

    >)$ The difference between split tensile stren"th of fibre reinforced standard concrete and

    standard concrete %aries in the ran"e of -+ percenta"e$

    ,)$ The difference between fle0#ral stren"th of fibre reinforced standard concrete and

    standard concrete %aries in the ran"e of -- percenta"e$

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    Fibre reinforced concrete has started to find its place in many areas of ci%il infrastr#ct#re

    applications where the need for repairin"! increased d#rability arises$ /lso FRCs are #sed in

    ci%il str#ct#res where corrosion can be a%oided at the ma0im#m$ Fibre reinforced concrete is

    better s#ited to minimi5e ca%itationserosion dama"e in str#ct#res s#ch as sl#iceways!

    na%i"ational locs and brid"e piers where hi"h %elocity flows are enco#ntered$ / s#bstantial

    wei"ht sa%in" can be reali5ed #sin" relati%ely thin FRC sections ha%in" the e#i%alent

    stren"th of thicer plain concrete sections$

    FRC controls cracin" and deformation #nder impact load m#ch better than plain concrete

    and increased the impact stren"th 8 times$

    &hen #sed in brid"es it helps to a%oid catastrophic fail#res$ /lso in the #ae prone areas the#se of fibre reinforced concrete wo#ld certainly minimi5e the h#man cas#alties$ In addition!

    polypropylene fibres red#ce or relie%e internal forces by blocin" microscopic cracs from

    formin" within the concrete$

    The main disad%anta"e associated with the fibre reinforced concrete is fabrication$

    The process of incorporatin" fibres into the cement matri0 is labor intensi%e and costlier than

    the prod#ction of the plain concrete$

    The real ad%anta"es "ained by the #se of Fibre Reinforced Concrete o%errides this


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    !U''#R" ND DI!UC!!ION

    !U''#R" ND DI!UC!!ION

    / brief stateoftheart report on fiber reinforced concrete is presented$ O#r #nderstandin" of

    fibermatri0 interaction! reinforcement mechanisms and performance characteristics is fairly

    ad%anced$ The theory! properties! and typical applications of concrete reinforced with the

    %ario#s fibres ha%e been described$ nowled"e of the theory of the different fibre types and

    cate"ories is necessary to #nderstand the appropriate testin" and de"ree of #ality

    controlass#rance necessary to ens#re that desi"n re#irements are satisfied$

    The #sef#lness of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) in %ario#s ci%il en"ineerin" applications is

    indisp#table$ Fiber reinforced concrete has started to find its place in many areas of ci%il

    infrastr#ct#re applications where the need for repairin"! increased d#rability arises$ /lso FRC

    are #sed in ci%il str#ct#res where corrosion can be a%oided at the ma0im#m$Fiber reinforced

    concrete has so far been s#ccessf#lly #sed in slabs on "rade! shotcrete! architect#ral panels!

    precast prod#cts! offshore str#ct#res! str#ct#res in seismic re"ions! thin and thic repairs!

    crash barriers! footin"s! hydra#lic str#ct#res and many other applications$FRC is slowly

    becomin" a well accepted mainstream constr#ction material$

    There are c#rrently --!--- metric tons of fibers #sed for concrete reinforcement$ *teel fiberremains the most #sed fiber of all (8- of total tonna"e #sed) followed by polypropylene

    (-)! "lass (8) and other fibers (8)$