seminar script on span of control

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  • 8/13/2019 Seminar Script on Span of Control



















    Seminar Script

    Span of Control

    15thOctober 2012

    Vinitha - 1211010307

    101. Management Process

    Submitted to : Mrs. G. Tamizharasi

  • 8/13/2019 Seminar Script on Span of Control


    Span of Control


    IntroductionSpan of control relates to the horizontal structure of the organisation. It refers to the number of

    subordinates that can be effectively managed by a supervisor. An effective span of control involves

    some definite number of subordinates. This has gained importance as a principle of organising

    because of the limitations on the part of a manager to manage an infinite number of resources.

    Span of control has two important implications:

    1. Influential in determining the complexity of a managers job.2. Determines the shape of the organisation; the fewer the number of people reporting to a

    superior, the larger the number of managers required.

    Determination of Span of Control

    Graicunass model

    Graicunas has identified three types of superior-subordinate relationships:

    Direct Single Relationships Direct Group Relationships Cross Relationships

    Direct Single Relationships

    This arises from the direct individual contacts of the superior with his subordinates. Thus if there are

    3 subordinates Resource 1, Resource 2, Resource 3 under one Supervisor, there will be 3 direct

    single relationships.

  • 8/13/2019 Seminar Script on Span of Control


    Span of Control

    Direct Group Relationships

    This type of relationships arises between the superior and his subordinates in all possible

    combinations. Thus with 3 subordinates, there will be nine such relationships like A with B, A with C,

    B with C, and so on with the superior associated in all groups.

    Cross Relationships

    Cross Relationships arise because of mutual interaction of subordinates working under the common

    superior, such as A and B, A and C, B and A and so on. The relationship is quite different between A

    and B than B and A from management point of view because the interaction will be different in both

    the cases. There are six such relationships with three subordinates.

    Graicunas has given the formula to find out the relationships with varying number of subordinates.

    When number of subordinates is nthe number of variable relationships will be:

    Direct single relationships = n

    Direct group relationships = n(2n-1


    Cross relationships = n(n-1)

    Total relationships = n((2n/2)+n-1)

    Using this Graicunas has suggested that the most ideal span for the manager is to have six

    subordinates with 222 relationships.

    Limitations of Graicunas contribution:

    1. According to management point of view not all relationships are of equal importance andhence cannot increase the complexity of the managers.

    2. Also Graicunas has not considered many other possible relationships particular in crossrelationships. Therefore span merely based on number of relationships cannot be fixed.

  • 8/13/2019 Seminar Script on Span of Control


    Span of Control

    Davis model of span

    Davis distinguishes between two types of span:

    Executive span Operational span

    Executive span:

    This includes the Top and middle management positions in the organisation. The span for these

    mangers should vary from three to nine depending on the nature of managers jobs and


    Operational span:

    This type of span applies to the lowest level of management and can be effective with as many as 30


    Factors affecting span of management

    Following factors are important in determining the span of management:

    Capacity of superior

    Each manager has different ability and capacity in respect of factors like leadership, communication,

    decision making, control, etc, affecting the management of the subordinates. Managers having more

    capacity in respect of these factors can manage more subordinates.

    Capacity of subordinates

    Efficient and trained subordinates can discharge their duties more efficiently without much help

    from their superiors. They may just need broad guidelines, thus requiring less effort from their

    superiors. Hence the manager will be in the position to manage more number of subordinates.

    Nature of work

    If subordinates are performing similar functions they require less time and attention from the

    managers and hence the span can be wider. Similarly, rate of change in the nature of work also

    affects the span of management. This is because work will frequent changes requires detailedinstruction from the superiors.

    Degree of Decentralisation

    Decentralisation denotes the involvement of the subordinates in the decision making process. When

    the degree of decentralisation is high, higher is the degree of span.

    Degree of planning

    Higher the clarity of plans, higher will be the degree of span. If the plans are in detail, then the

    subordinates will be able to take up the tasks on their own, thus requiring less time from themanager.

  • 8/13/2019 Seminar Script on Span of Control


    Span of Control

    Communication Techniques

    If communication is face to face it requires more time on the part of superior and the subordinates.

    On the other hand communication with staff assistance and using modern communication tools like

    electronic devices will save lot of time and hence the span can be increased.

    Use of Staff Assistance

    Use of staff assistance eases the managers tasks and hence enables him to manage more

    subordinates. These assistants can help the managers in collecting information, process

    communication, and issue orders and instructions on behalf of their superiors.

    Supervision from others

    Sometimes a superior may receive supervision from several others other than his direct superior. In

    this case the work load of the direct superior is greatly reduced and hence he can control more

    number of subordinates.