senior president 'vakb'iiymttlu dhl meet 72-44 … the big canadian, -..limits his ballot...

ESTABLISHED 1883. PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ®he Bennsptoanian Meeting of Arts Awociation In Room 200. College Hall, to-day at 1 o'clock. VOLUME XXXVI—NO. 160 i'iih.ADbM ._.. PRICE THRKE CENTS DHL MEET 72-44 1021 to Nominate Senior President Wednesday has been set ai the 'la> for the nominations for Senior presi- dent. Hi'' election following on Thurs Red and Blue Men Prove Superior to day Sine.' anv member of the Junior Dartmouth in Practically ClMi 0100*4 tlM present srooldeni Is All Events. eligible for the office, nominations will be by "open primary." In which aih man votes for whomever he chooses THOMPSON INDIVIDUAL STAR alll | ,)„. three ,.-, .-ivliiK the hi. number of ballots receive the noinitia- CLUBS BANQUET Member* of Both Organizations to Be Guests of Affair During Hey- Day Week. ARRANGE TRIPS FOR 1920-1921 'VAKb'IIYMttlu GURNET TOSSERS /\rts Association Nominates To-day Nominations for officers of the \n- i Association for the term of liSO-il will be made at the meeting of the as HI HOURS OF Coach Cariss' Nine Will Match Skill soclation In Hoom 200, College Hall. Mardi Grar Soecialties Voted Best with Swarthmore on Franklin Field To-day. i, thfl I." I thai Straw Hat l>a> tlOUJ ,,„,„. „„ Saturday HI < 'he four hundred Juniors I and Franklin Field closely «„.. h-en found eligi- ,,..,:,. 1,1.,I Coach Ktstler's tank. Penn Me to vote. A r placed in . obtained a dean cut victory Houston Hall \\ cclnesci.,. . under thfl ,,.,,,,,,,,1,111 In the annual dual harge of tellers, and the name of ,„.,.. by a score of 72 to 44. ' " " •»«"> w <" '"• checked off as he ! Thompson, the big Canadian, -..limits his ballot The voles wUI be , individual star of the meet. I counted on Wednesday night, three assistants are busily engaged In ar- Seniors acting as tellers, bill th< ranging a schedule for next season, names of the nominees will not be an- nounced till Thursday. I a fitting conclusion to the I'.'l'.i- ason of the I'nlverslty Mu-ic ,1 Clubs, a banquet is to be given for the members of both organisations during llev Day week The leaders for next year's clubs will be announced and keys will be awarded for service at this time. Manager Carlson and his SHEFFEY PROBABLE MOUNDSMAN Hi mined lii eighteen points for Dart- mouth, a splendid performance con- sideling conditions. He started by winning the UO-yard high hurdles In " » honed In this way to eliminate acondt, with Bverett Maltoy objectionable politics such as has „, Pennsylrall* a yard behind. In characterized many elections In th the in-\i .A,Mil he beat W. Reynolds of Da8t ' .Ivania ill Hie ruiinllig high jump with a leap of 5 feet 9V4 Inches. liter leading the field In the 220- van! low hurdles In 2-> ' '- > seconds, the .,,: , .,; md off second honor In Hi, running broad jump, won by F. I>;,u of the |{ed and Hlue with a leap feet 1*4 Inches. CAMPUS SCRIBES MAKE PLANS FOR BANQUET and hope to give out a definite list of the future activities ,if the clubs at i In banquet. The present season Is now over. with the exception of a dinner to ha given by the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church for the Ch- in the play-off of a postponed game of some weeks' standing, the Red and Blue baseball team will cross bats with Swarthmore this afternoon on Franklin Field, at 3 o'clock. This game Is the first of a hard series this week for the "Varsity, the other games being Princeton to-morrow, Delaware on Wednesday, Vermont on Friday, and Dartmouth on Saturday. Al at 1 o'clock to-day. Only Juniors are eligible for the offices of preside- vice-president, but the offices of tary and treasurer are open to Sopho- mores. Balloting will take place all day Wednesday, in College Hall, so that a of Many Attractions by Happy Crowds. TEA DANSANT WELL ATTENDED lii -pit, the bad weather on Satin representative vote may be cast. All dav wh ,,. h |1|a(| ,. ,,„. S , |11V , |u lMy members of the Arts Association are Kanl( , igjpowlbla, the Jubilee . elebra- entitled to vote. The results will be M ,„, attracted ,he usual jolly crowds. announced at the Jollification Wed Fr()1| , |n ,, ,,„„. ,. ,. (1 , a ,,,,„„.,„, bmm nesday evening. unlll the | as , hoarse ihouU of the Tickets for the Jollification are now ,, ark ,, rs , ll( .,, down, long after mld- on sale and can be secured from anv - IliKht a Btea dy stream of people member of the committee. Any under pagHed .j, ,,,,,, W eight.nan Hall, en graduate, regardless of department. Is j0 yi n g. for the last time, the lubllea though the Garnet team was defeated invited to attend the Jollification II,. attr .„ , ion8 . 4-2 in the first meeting this year with j admission charge has been cut to 25 In the afternoon the , lansant priiv ,.,, Ihe Varsitv nine, the game this after- | cents per couple, as the major portion a br j H i ant success. A cabaret show noon will no doubt be .lose. of the cost Is to be paid by the treas- wag the fea ture of the afternoon, and Dr. Cariss has his team In excellent ury of the a.Minaiurn 1 he first part refreshments were supplied to the trim and is confident that he will be , of the evening will be devoted to en-' dancerB . Preceding the vaudeville able to make It two in a row over th<> tertalnment, which will he followed and clrcu8 the „, de gn0Wl( an( , conceg . dub, on Um II I hoes in charge of Swarthi-iore , o.nbinatlon. In all prob- hy a dance lasting until 1 o'clock. the two organizations for the pa si ! ability Sheffey will be seen on the ear consider the season a marked mound when the 'Varsity takes the nnni||n miUDIM TUM? Two Joint concerts were field this afternoon, while Sweeney. QrKNh f I] | |Jf\|_ LllUd success given during the year with the Hub- who has been absent from the line m of other institutions The first, wilh for some time on account of injury. I 'M M month in New York, on Novem- will probably take his old plan al —-— »rr— t&5ZStt2FSL££ ''^:;;'tz. K :T. .1 Dinner and Interpublicatlon WITH KICKING CONTEST Freshman team, furnished a surprise In tleini Shelburne. the (ireen star. In tl, II I yard dash. Hie time of whicli 1024 seconds. He IllWWtM I the winner ill the 220-yard dasli Karl Eby. the Hed and Hlue ran true to form in the half-mile. slons attracted many. From all sides the shrill cry of the barkers could In heard urging their attractions as posi- tively the best and most enjoyable in the Jubilee. Within the precincts of the Rook] Mountain Bar a real frontier atHMl pin re prevailed Duactai girls in gaily colored Western dress hung ing week. Three campus concerts chance to ledeem his defeat at the Annual Competition Will Be Held To- around the bar. Waiting for an oppor- Track Meet. . hc-Dl. which were well supported hands of the Pennsylvania nine two morrow Afternoon on the tunity to drink or dam, al the aa as well as nine short trips off the cam- weeks at" b) replac ing him on th'. River Field pense of the iiiany "ea.-v victims" who \t its monthlv meeting on Friday pus mound, with Humphreys as his bat frequented the racort At another . ., , , «. , „„ M >r ,K„ BVcMtti The schedule for next vear Is as v, i terv male With White at third end of the ii.n r I gain.- oi Inmtler onlv ..'iitaliv.' II is hoped a I'lace at second. YoUllgat first and As a final leal,ire of spring> ,,„ being played with leckl. winning by ttrteen yards trom ui MnU f))| . (h(i „„,„,.,, i.a,,,,,,,., ,,, be Christmas Tacatlon which wiU Include form formidable line of defensi will be in id to-morrow ai , '' ; ' l ''T , '\' ; r^>Hn,u-ur , nni S i,ed h*« "»* row May 20 Thl, d.t. ,ev,n,i ,,f the hufor ci.iese L, ,1,, agaln.l the Red and nine batter. I the Rt-rer r*U The hoi I , od) of Daiinouti. hnisii. d ^ w „„ lv ,„„, ,,„. S( , lllh A sv M d,o„v orchestra win be large crowd „r Swartbtnore re mteel li an old . lin Society made tentative arrange- So|||h n| , ri , , .,„ ,„. arranged. for I le Voder al shoi 1 .the Carnef infield will practice, the annual kicking contest a l mm | on . The smoke hung in h< will be held t. morrow afternoon, on c | ou dj from Ihe ceiling „i ih, Iding of tin- maKJni; shoojing under these < ircum- in the I in,,- difficult, it not danger,,,,. i- banquet will be one of the feature! of formed neocl vear if an available nan win be on hand to cheer tor tl " f, which was started aim HmrH Orai toaturee were followed her of StUdentl can lie found Lain. A A hooks will he honored at early as football itself was Introduced ,„„ |„ f „n ,1 ,-| ; ,u i„ ,|„. darning which II,,. |.-ran i BocletJ Will entertain. Ibis game The teams will line up as F.very year the name of the winner i followed the big v and.v ill., show Tie folio engraved on large silver .up. kepi ,.a nr , ,raa splendid lucceaa As the Welse.lf.; White, dh In the Trophy Room, "Bert" Bell wai crowd - danced awai the last few I bird The two-mile run. captured by E. r me i.isi -vents : '::.. i: "'" , "- ; .": s,m ""- r thi afternoon After trailing Holies rtmouth until the .tarl of the ' """• ****> r " r f '-evening, he CO UNClL HOLDS „, „„• Red and Hlue speedster i . "*" ,°J ..^ * .J!?l> ANNUAL ELECTIONS '«• » l *! Carter, etj Larkin. rf.; the il competitor In leal boon of the program, tl ndotPi Voder ss . Place, 2b; Hamphreye, i rear'e ooafc , Jubilee cam Ciancej 01 ' : irnahaw, p. An three forms of klckini ceeafully to a cloee, enjored ny all who lence of their programs so thai this UoM ''"' i"'" sil1 ""' ;|M ' 1 ,ec Penneylvania-ahrln nej brought into the contest, the flret haH i,a,i the good tortane I tend H ,.io„ will givi treaeurer of the Intertrateralt) ,„ Korber, Sb; si,an- ,i. Warwick, consisting of punting, and the othe llv ,. h reU ra of aaure, to, sd ahead and. with a l.rll- -nlorv schools In and around I hlla- liant spur, on the s.refch. finished ""'l''^' ' "" '""— " . "" . , I lead His tin,. minutes 18V4 seconds '"' ; ' y "T'I ,'",'u'"i ^Xine inslgh. -,,,;,,,; ,,'f tiiefore,,,,,,',.,',,, round, for the year of 1210-21 will be c; f.te..'lb; McNIchol. 2b; Harre, half oi drop and , SrSaSTSE ' - -.J "-; * H.,1 nils evening a, 7 o , „, , *J«« *. - " ^ •MJ.-J—J ^ o- the Red and Mine W. ond * ^ ^TT\:\'''^Z,uZ K ' "" K "' " "" °" "" —"' ' .— given for a ', yard ' kick, and C BUSINESS OFFFRS FOR WHARTONMEN nlty track meet and tennis matches will also be grren at thia meeting \i i o'clock on stay IH the various I r.ilernilies will compete for field and Hack honors AM man who lias won VICTORY OVER SYRACUSE CLOSES DEBATING SEASON the ilitional point for each five yard l„ yond the 86-yard mark. Five tri. allowed each entrant. Drop and place SPRINC 1)F AMA'IICS NEAP COMPLETION banquet; n ht, Jaati, chairman; A Haglt. A. Heiidiner. II llonsall. ('. I '•hompsoii, W "''"'''j" 1 - K " , ' 1111 ' A , , o'clock o„ May IH the variou, ^u« 3 WWtnw wauawvr. allowed each cntrant . Drt» and place With Hi.' annual spring play produ. " Tha mnnnal business ling of the i Liierni-ies will ompefe Tor field and kicking are judged according to the tlon l*M than two WCakl d.-tant the Frlnkli " . " wUMie hi-id on ihui- »«"**«•« A.^ man wl„, Has won <o,„pli,„i. .. season. ,he „f the attempts. .,,,1, teal Hiiloina.liean Flay and ' . ' '" t ' , j u ,-- , 1)KHU I "Vanity "P," I "P I A.." .lass oam- Red and Mine debaters del.ale,I the ant receiving live points for ever players are endci voring to coni|,|, This afternoon, at B o'clock, P. 0. Hall Full attendance is deetred al " ;,ls ".****£ fm "' a " y ..:"""'.' l' 1- UUTeretty of Rmeaae on Batardaj time the ball is ,.„. between ,i„. pa] iinal arrangemeot. for it. The Acad- roMin. of the Chesapeake and Potomac the meeting, as lliree associates will ,i present member of the Hack atpiail. will be barred from the evening The Peennsylvanla team poeta. Five trials are made f, r both easy of Music- has i a secured for the forms of kicking, at various p i H'lmit 0l Hay 19, and the tickets are —V. uil, explain a I lecfed to members,,,, the 1 J = ' .' p " ;„ ^ = ^ [ ~ „„ a.hrnia, iv e si f ^ "--J^ 'J^ ^-^ busin.-s proposition which his com- f Managers for I ensuing vear nte>Un) ^ ^ ( { Ul Ulk ,. >Hhi ,. { , : "BeeolTed. Thai the United ,','," ' "*»" » * panv has inaugurated lot he Seniors 'he by-laws, Of the society "ere ,,„,, ln IllorP llll4M tw ,.„.,„ s K,,,,,.,, statl . s .„„„„, intervene ,„ Mexico ,.. r Whll ,,„„ ,, la de Of the Wharton School, in Hoom l.l ndecl at Ihe last meeting, so thai followine - •,-, L- , .i , n Hail TT,U lecture la the third .. baalneee manager, of The Pean- '',.''",,",, ' lv , eetabliah a ttal«> gwrameat" Thi- Friday that ,.i mm eries which th. mclustrla. Ser- cvlvanian. ,' ,, ROW, and ..... Red •££ *£»„££ -KS^fi *"*" "^ " "" ' "< ~ Zm ^TlSfl already cm sale on the campus They may be purchased from I'hilo mem- the statement bers at prices ranging from ",n ecu. Ul who desire to $2.00. trip or next years This year's production promises hB team must report fully dr. ..I at be the most elaborate of any ever af- rice Lepartment is arranging for the md Hlue are automatically mad. m. D ^ ^ ^ ^ javi , ln ,„,. w ul(| llons belw ,.,. n „„. , lllV ers.ty and Byr ^.^ ^ ^ to-morn.w Line tempted by the literary SO, , .,- broad Jump. The feature of the meei anise, after a lapse of five years, dm mi , n w ,u np pl|t th ro ugh a short sc rim four plays chosen are c onsiderecl will be a half-mile relay race, with in( , wn |ch time yraeUM had BO team mage. In order to choose those who among the best of those produced m each man running HO yards. Opining the Red and Hlue attach will go to camp on September 1, while the Celtic lionaisance \,u ,. Ralph Powell, chairman of the In- ifeUbron. '20 C. demonstrated thai the backneld candidates will receive flna' and c-ostume- will !»• Ml ired, and. purpose of presenting various avail- bare of the Hoard of Managers. alii, business propositions to the mem- The board also appointed a commit bers of the graduating class. l take charge of the intoi-public a Mr Coffin, who Is the general audi- tton track meet, to be held Fri.lav tor of his concern, will go over the ac- Hay 10, on Franklin Plaid. II ceneUtl MIL po-iilons which will be of- f Rhoads, chairman: Koddlng. Harri- ihis year. He will then explal the other offer, which is a bid for to fill positions of management. H t office and branch office is un- the society. d.r the supervision of a man who has had a training In business adminlstra- S = NIORS WILL CELEBRATE tion Both of the above proposals will HEY-DAY BY NOVEL DINNER be thoroughly explained at the meet- ing this afternoon. All Wharton Seniors are invited to attend. terfraternlty Tennis Committee, has x]( xil .. in <;„ V ernment was unstable Instructions P.- I," , " d r OwenVnd i he board da, - s """ «"" " " '" '" ""' «•• "• '"" « •» « *• " " It" , , H H„n.,u ,f ti , to the " 1U " S ""' ""' """ is "'"" h ^ s u "" - Carrying on -his point Better, 10 wi, .::" ;•: :T:,:;:;•;::,:,, $ !:.:;, f o f —*• E-S *- **> "•• >- ^ *«-« s «* 1 n to the Council. he cured bv inlervention I'arlin. tO is un- the -- . TO SELECT FRESHMAN CREW FOR INTERCLASS RACES IFGANiZ^D LABOR LEADER Wli . then i line bed the foregoing argu- ments li or ving lha! the United with John Dolman, Jr.. acting as coaejl and the casts containing a number of student- exp, rieiiced In dramatics the sin . eat of the production seems as- sured If tentative plans are com 1 the plays will be staged In a YALE FRESH. GAME CALLED OFF. "Ith the iuferclass races scheduled \,. w y,,,k theatre following Ihe final SEEKS CURE FOR UNREST (Metca was the logical power to inter for ' av 16, a iTM will bi si.- ...I sammlnitl vene The judges rendered a dec i ion this week to represent the Freshman closely following the I'hilo theatri- I iboi and capital were present at favoring Pennsylvania hv two to one 'lass. The present searing capacity , „1 performances, "The Hroker of At the last meeting of the Senior the flna, sessions of the annual meet- Meet interest has been amused this of Crew No , is as follows s <mt- Bogota" will be grren bj the Beta Executive committee it was de- ,„g „r the American academy of PoUt- reason by the good showing the Red cauit; . wh.eie, .,. Williams; ... Bex- sophlc Bocletj on Ma) - al the Bel- elded to hold an informal get-together leal and Social Science on Saturday a. and Hlue debaters have made The ton: I. Ireland; :: C Smith; I, Kob | ( . v ,„. Stratford This drama, which downtown on Tuesday evening. May the H-dl.-vue Stratford, to express I'nlverslty team has defeated Cornell erta; I. Dowaa; COJL. /.Immer Iwc. n ,,t„- Sou.;, American life a century IS to celebrate llev I>av. It Is rt«WI on the iiidiislhal situation In Folumbla and Svra. use. bowing onlv Cther Crewe will compete with the „„. WM placed for nearly twenty Ram Prevents Yearling Baseball Team conduct the affair Informally, this cuntrv John M Tobin. Of the to Princeton The Freshman team also »re< and -he winner will be the MM ear h Fi rent, the great American from Playing on Saturday. M i a reasonable price, and so make It a Inlernationa, Hrotberliood of Hlack scored a victory over Syracuse The to represent the Froohinon In the race. ,,„•. This i.-ylval of the diama_haa Owing to a -evere rainstorm al New U on Saturday, the Freshman ill game with Ihe Yale yearlings called off. There will not be any tlce for the Freshmen this after- noon, is Franklin Field will be 0CCU- with the 'Varsity game with ihinore. |]|1V( ,| smiths who represented organized schedule for next season has not been Two crews w|„ be drawn to race av much favorable comBU lohn V lovm president of the labor, said thai he was there to seek completed, but debates will probable I his afternoon, and the winner meets an ,| fEelO, bopei Ifl duplicate the play's s..„i,,r Class has appointed Ihe fol- a cure for the wave of radicalism now be arranged with all the team that the third boat to-morrow. Crew No I ,. lir lv sines-.- Ticket foi the pro- lowing committees; Kav Riling, gen- menacing the work. were met this year and. in addition, is composed of: 8. Apronick; 7. Sin- ,|u. tion and dance following are now era, chairman Tiiko. Committee. U- \|, Tobin said in part: "In years with Harvard. fer; «. Rohlfing: 6. Bheed] I. Oeh I being sold bv /el., mem, Wolfe, chairman: R. P. Green. W. S. of active participation in the organ- J**: 2 , Whv '": ' <>.vein,ale 'add I Costello,, .1. T. Brennan. Ized labor movement I have worked FRESHMAN TRACK TEAM IN Ij * Roc ' 1 WHARTON DANCE ON MAY 14. Keefer and Acree; AdTertialng, stan s,,,e by iMe with conservative mae COMBINED SCHOOLS MEET cv * rh T* w ',,° 'T , ;'"''" av,nR f ^wmBicicu s»v<nwwti. ,. considerable attention to Ihe form of ley Stady. chairman; Harry Halfl. 1 have gone to them frequently for ad- o.her week of hard ecu- ^^ ^.^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ opinlon have alway8 ..l,e,,rs,yearba,,ossers. frank- K(l(lf( , r ( . hairnlall: Are nd. been the opposite to radical Of late ,.,, f I High School wll be played on H I| , l|) 1 am| (; „, c|smith . Pla ,. e . H . Kel- fhese men have changed: their pres- ,„ , " n Jt 'ar. chairman: Peek, Steiner and ,1. en- Mew- .„• as radically different nr(ipanUorv schoofath'.ete.. <n "a , -,,. ,,,e p,, , M . aiing, apact, rVanh f ' nok - .oininittees will meet to- fr,,,n their fc.rmer views as day is from b|nPd mw , tnfs aflPrmMin on Kra ,, K ,i r "'.'" s . ,, ,, [' ,',, .,, day at 10.46, In The Fennsvlva..!ar, night." He added that he wanted a Fjp , d ,.„„,.„ Robertson has devel " »; *• '."p""' '' , ,", 1 e. solution to the problem, but had bee,, . well-rounded ,earn of track per ^"" : "'"^ - Kosenheim; 1, .1. W.-.n the yearling boats, will have charge of Annual Affair Expected to Outshine vi - dneaday at Frankford. and on Sat- tha Corned, Kreshmen w Freshman's opponent! on Fra Field the onlv home meet of he year. ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ hw , || track squad wi, oppose ^^ ^ ^ ^^ of ( . r( . w •ream of Philadelphia s high and ^ „,„ ^ Any of Previous Year*. Harvard Winr Tennis Match. Harvard's tennis team overcame the Ivania racquet wielders last Cornel, Favor.- Shorter Races. Charles F. (Ourtnev. rowing coach unable to Bnd one. Offer Graduate Fellowships. for i vo !lo« -hips in Soc lal p.r formers, as their recent victory 0TW the strong Merceraberg iquad Indl , aled Captain Lever who palled tendon Mm h oiiriositv ha- I ' ap among the siiideii. bed) bj the "Say" posters which wen v placed about the campus Their purpose Is to remind Wharton students thai cm the ..veiling Ol May ' I the annual Engli:h Runnerr. Sail Home. Wharioi: *dl take Memberi of the Oxford Cambridge place Tl I on will be held in <iii 11 \ Baron. Idsv ,„ Cambridge by the score of al Corn ell. is l ' r K , ''K:' I ^ l| i 1 '"'J 1 " , h , ( V , ,^' , 1 MI,.i, to iviinsyivania i„ hi's leg in the Relayi wOl not com- team left this country Bataaday toi Welghtman Hall from i until l Although the Red and nine play- '»r _ auatee la the Paanaylvanla Bchool pete, and hia loas la certain to prove EQngland. Thej axpreeaed graUflca Ttta committee In charge has ex eon the first singles and the first of the Poughkeepsle IhegattJ and lea, the Crimson players proved *"?- tt *" c t r ^?* rf Y ^ d ^ which include tultiOB and living ex- are 120 prep and Ugh school athletee during tlselr stay here Captala Sudd, dertotosur lie affair perlor In the remainder of , . _ u ,. )d |n ., ,.,.,., j|i( . l(l , in S(M . U , nI( . ri . c | |fJ ,,„, v ,. irj , H1 - sjventa The of the Engllah team, expressed the Herrberg ' hs d luce the rac the Thames to three for Social Work. The fellowships great hendtca) to the yearlings There tlon al the treatment accorded them ponded much effort Fisher, the r^nnaytvaula VmnJ^ *°* * Thev heliev! th. Information can be secured reealta of the meet wfll he the deter-' oateloa that the AasaTlcaae wttl dupU-1 be. at dance mgies player, easily defeated ° ,ne '",,.., , ,,,„.. from Prank D. Wateon. 130 Pine street, mining factor in deciding who win cats srevtoui performances the the maah Is promised Bel .pponent by fast playing. The "jwerrsme^M ""J^ ' "" ai appllcatlona must likewise be make the 'ri,. to Ithaca for the dual Olympic games which will beheld In stating of sandwich. ream, cake . an defaulted by not appearing ge end mace, oarsinansi,.,, end .,,,. ^ ^ ^ ConM, ,„, May It. Antwerp. Belgium, .his rammer. ''"• match on Saturday. '" r---

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Page 1: Senior President 'VAKb'IIYMttlu DHL MEET 72-44 … the big Canadian, -..limits his ballot The voles wUI be , individual star of the meet. I counted on Wednesday night, three assistants


PUBLISHED DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ®he Bennsptoanian Meeting of Arts Awociation In

Room 200. College Hall, to-day at 1 o'clock.


DHL MEET 72-44

1021 to Nominate Senior President

Wednesday has been set ai the 'la> for the nominations for Senior presi- dent. Hi'' election following on Thurs

Red and Blue Men Prove Superior to day Sine.' anv member of the Junior

Dartmouth in Practically ClMi 0100*4 tlM present srooldeni Is All Events. eligible for the office, nominations will

be by "open primary." In which ■■aih man votes for whomever he chooses

THOMPSON INDIVIDUAL STAR alll| ,)„. three ,.-, .-ivliiK the hi.

number of ballots receive the noinitia-

CLUBS BANQUET Member* of Both Organizations to Be

Guests of Affair During Hey- Day Week.



/\rts Association Nominates To-day

Nominations for officers of the \n-

i Association for the term of liSO-il will be made at the meeting of the as


Coach Cariss' Nine Will Match Skill soclation In Hoom 200, College Hall. Mardi Grar Soecialties Voted Best

with Swarthmore on Franklin

Field To-day.

i, thfl I." I thai Straw Hat l>a> tlOUJ ,,„,„. „„ Saturday HI < 'he four hundred Juniors

I and Franklin Field closely «„.. h-en found eligi-

,,..,:,. 1,1.,I Coach Ktstler's tank. Penn Me to vote. A r • placed in . obtained a dean cut victory Houston Hall \\ cclnesci.,. . under thfl

,,.,,,,,,,,1,111 In the annual dual harge of tellers, and the name of

,„.,.. by a score of 72 to 44. ' " " •»«"> w<" '"• checked off as he ! Thompson, the big Canadian, -..limits his ballot The voles wUI be

, individual star of the meet. I counted on Wednesday night, three assistants are busily engaged In ar- Seniors acting as tellers, bill th< ranging a schedule for next season, names of the nominees will not be an-

nounced till Thursday.

I a fitting conclusion to the I'.'l'.i- ason of the I'nlverslty Mu-ic ,1

Clubs, a banquet is to be given for the members of both organisations during llev Day week The leaders for next year's clubs will be announced and keys will be awarded for service at this time. Manager Carlson and his


Hi mined lii eighteen points for Dart- mouth, a splendid performance con-

sideling conditions. He started by winning the UO-yard high hurdles In " ■» honed In this way to eliminate

acondt, with Bverett Maltoy objectionable politics such as has „, Pennsylrall* a yard behind. In characterized many elections In th ■

the in-\i .A,Mil he beat W. Reynolds of Da8t' .Ivania ill Hie ruiinllig high

jump with a leap of 5 feet 9V4 Inches. liter leading the field In the 220-

van! low hurdles In 2-> '■'-■> seconds, the .,,: , .,; md off second honor In

Hi, running broad jump, won by F. I>;,u of the |{ed and Hlue with a leap

feet 1*4 Inches.


and hope to give out a definite list of the future activities ,if the clubs at

i In banquet. The present season Is now over.

with the exception of a dinner to ha given by the General Assembly of the

Presbyterian Church for the Ch-

in the play-off of a postponed game

of some weeks' standing, the Red and Blue baseball team will cross bats

with Swarthmore this afternoon on Franklin Field, at 3 o'clock. This game Is the first of a hard series this week for the "Varsity, the other games being Princeton to-morrow, Delaware on Wednesday, Vermont on Friday, and Dartmouth on Saturday. Al

at 1 o'clock to-day. Only Juniors are eligible for the offices of preside-

vice-president, but the offices of • tary and treasurer are open to Sopho-

mores. Balloting will take place all day

Wednesday, in College Hall, so that a

of Many Attractions by

Happy Crowds.


lii -pit, the bad weather on Satin representative vote may be cast. All dav wh,,.h |1|a(|,. ,,„. S,|11V ,|u lMy

members of the Arts Association are Kanl(, igjpowlbla, the Jubilee . elebra- entitled to vote. The results will be M,„, attracted ,he usual jolly crowds. announced at the Jollification Wed Fr()1|, |n,, ,,„„. ,. ,. (1,a ,,,,„„.,„, bmm

nesday evening. unlll the |as, hoarse ihouU of the Tickets for the Jollification are now ,,ark,,rs ,ll(.,, down, long after mld-

on sale and can be secured from anv -IliKht a Bteady stream of people member of the committee. Any under pagHed .j,™,,,,,, Weight.nan Hall, en

graduate, regardless of department. Is j0ying. for the last time, the lubllea though the Garnet team was defeated invited to attend the Jollification II,. attr.„ ,ion8. 4-2 in the first meeting this year with j admission charge has been cut to 25 In the afternoon the ,lansant priiv,.,,

Ihe Varsitv nine, the game this after- | cents per couple, as the major portion a brjHiant success. A cabaret show noon will no doubt be .lose. of the cost Is to be paid by the treas- wag the feature of the afternoon, and

Dr. Cariss has his team In excellent ury of the a.Minaiurn 1 he first part refreshments were supplied to the

trim and is confident that he will be , of the evening will be devoted to en-' dancerB. Preceding the vaudeville able to make It two in a row over th<> tertalnment, which will he followed and clrcu8 the „,de gn0Wl( an(, conceg.

dub, on Um II I hoes in charge of Swarthi-iore , o.nbinatlon. In all prob- hy a dance lasting until 1 o'clock.

the two organizations for the pa si ! ability Sheffey will be seen on the

■ear consider the season a marked mound when the 'Varsity takes the nnni||n miUDIM TUM? Two Joint concerts were field this afternoon, while Sweeney. QrKNh f I] | |Jf\|_ LllUd success

given during the year with the Hub- who has been absent from the line m of other institutions The first, wilh for some time on account of injury. I 'M M month in New York, on Novem- will probably take his old plan al

—-—■— »rr—■ t&5ZStt2FSL££ ''^:;;'tz.K:T. ■ „ .1 Dinner and Interpublicatlon

WITH KICKING CONTEST Freshman team, furnished a surprise In tleini Shelburne. the (ireen star. In tl, ■ II I yard dash. Hie time of whicli

1024 seconds. He IllWWtM I the winner ill the 220-yard

dasli Karl Eby. the Hed and Hlue ran true to form in the half-mile.

slons attracted many. From all sides the shrill cry of the barkers could In heard urging their attractions as posi- tively the best and most enjoyable in the Jubilee.

Within the precincts of the Rook] Mountain Bar a real frontier atHMl

pin re prevailed Duactai girls in gaily colored Western dress hung

ing week. Three campus concerts chance to ledeem his defeat at the Annual Competition Will Be Held To- around the bar. Waiting for an oppor-

Track Meet. . hc-Dl. which were well supported hands of the Pennsylvania nine two morrow Afternoon on the tunity to drink or dam, al the aa as well as nine short trips off the cam- weeks at" b) replac ing him on th'. River Field pense of the iiiany "ea.-v victims" who

\t its monthlv meeting on Friday pus mound, with Humphreys as his bat frequented the racort At another . ., , , «. , „„M >r ,K„ BVcMtti The schedule for next vear Is as v, i terv male With White at third end of the ii.n r I gain.- oi Inmtler

onlv ..'iitaliv.' II is hoped a I'lace at second. YoUllgat first and As a final leal,ire of spring> ,,„ being played with leckl.

winning by ttrteen yards trom ui MnU f))|. (h(i „„,„,.,, i.a,,,,,,,., ,,, be Christmas Tacatlon which wiU Include form ■ formidable line of defensi will be in id to-morrow ai

,'';'l''T,'\';r^>Hn,u-ur,nniSi,ed h*« "»* row o» May 20 Thl, d.t. ,ev,n,i ,,f the hufor ci.iese L, ,1,, agaln.l the Red and nine batter. I the Rt-rer r*U The hoi I , od) of Daiinouti. hnisii. d ^ w„„lv ,„„, ,,„. S(,lllh A sv„Md,o„v orchestra win be large crowd „r Swartbtnore re mteel li an old .

lin Society made tentative arrange- So|||h„n| , ri, , .,„ ,„. arranged. for I le Voder al shoi 1 .the Carnef infield will practice, the annual kicking contest almm|on. The smoke hung in h< will be held t. morrow afternoon, on c|oudj from Ihe ceiling „i ih,

Iding of tin- maKJni; shoojing under these < ircum-

in the I in,,- difficult, it not danger,,,,.

i- banquet will be one of the feature! of formed neocl vear if an available nan win be on hand to cheer tor tl "■ f, which was started aim HmrH Orai toaturee were followed her of StUdentl can lie found Lain. A A hooks will he honored at early as football itself was Introduced ,„„ |„ f„n ,1 ,-|;,u i„ ,|„. darning which

II,,. |.-ran i BocletJ Will entertain. Ibis game The teams will line up as F.very year the name of the winner i followed the big v and.v ill., show Tie folio engraved on ■ large silver .up. kepi ,.anr, ,raa ■ splendid lucceaa As the

Welse.lf.; White, dh In the Trophy Room, "Bert" Bell wai crowd- danced awai the last few

I bird The two-mile run. captured by E.

r me i.isi -vents •:'::..i:"'","-;.":s,m""-

r thi afternoon After trailing Holies rtmouth until the .tarl of the ' """• ****> r"r

f '-evening, he COUNClL HOLDS

„, „„• Red and Hlue speedster i™.™"*" ,°J ..^ *™.J!?l> ANNUAL ELECTIONS '«•■■» l*! Carter, etj Larkin. rf.; the il competitor In leal boon of the program, tl ndotPi Voder ss . Place, 2b; Hamphreye, i rear'e ooafc , Jubilee cam

Ciancej 01 '■: irnahaw, p. An three forms of klckini ceeafully to a cloee, enjored ny all who lence of their programs so thai this UoM ''"' i"'"sil1""' ;|M'1 ,ec™ Penneylvania-ahrln nej brought into the contest, the flret haH i,a,i the good tortane I tend H

,.io„ will givi treaeurer of the Intertrateralt) ,„■ Korber, Sb; si,an- ,i. Warwick, consisting of punting, and the othe llv,.h reUra of aaure,

to, sd ahead and. with a l.rll- -nlorv schools In and around I hlla-

liant spur, on the s.refch. finished ""'l''^' ' "" '""— " . ""

. , I lead His tin,.

minutes 18V4 seconds

'"';'y "T'I ,'",'u'"i ^Xine inslgh. -,,,;,,,; ,,'f tiiefore,,,,,,',.,',,, round, for the year of 1210-21 will be c; f.te..'lb; McNIchol. 2b; Harre, half oi drop and , SrSaSTSE ■' -■ -.J "-; * H.,1 nils evening a, 7 o , „, , *J«« *. — - " ^ •MJ.-J—J ^

o- the Red and Mine W. ond *■ ^ ^TT\:\'''^Z,uZ K ' "" K"' " "" °" "" —"' ' .— given for a ', yard ' kick, and C ■


nlty track meet and tennis matches will also be grren at thia meeting

\i i o'clock on stay IH the various I r.ilernilies will compete for field and Hack honors AM man who lias won



ilitional point for each five yard l„ yond the 86-yard mark. Five tri. allowed each entrant. Drop and place

SPRINC 1)F AMA'IICS NEAP COMPLETION banquet; n ht, Jaati, chairman; A

Haglt. A. Heiidiner. II llonsall. ('. I

'•hompsoii, W "''"'''j"1- K " ,'1111' A, , o'clock o„ May IH the variou, ^u«3 WWtnw wauawvr. allowed each cntrant. Drt» and place With Hi.' annual spring play produ.

" Tha mnnnal business ling of the i Liierni-ies will ompefe Tor field and kicking are judged according to the tlon l*M than two WCakl d.-tant the Frlnkli " . " wUMie hi-id on ihui- »«"**«•« A.^ man wl„, Has won <o,„pli,„i. .. season. ,he „f the attempts. .,,,1, teal Hiiloina.liean Flay and

' . ' '" t' , j u ,-- , 1)KHU I "Vanity "P," I "P I A.." .lass oam- Red and Mine debaters del.ale,I the ant receiving live points for ever players are endci voring to coni|,|, ■

This afternoon, at B o'clock, P. 0. Hall Full attendance is deetred al ";,ls ".****£ fm"' a"y..:"""'.' l'1- UUTeretty of Rmeaae on Batardaj time the ball is ,.„. between ,i„. pa] iinal arrangemeot. for it. The Acad- roMin. of the Chesapeake and Potomac the meeting, as lliree associates will

,i present ■ member of the Hack atpiail. will be barred from the evening The Peennsylvanla team poeta. Five trials are made f, r both easy of Music- has i a secured for the

forms of kicking, at various p i H'lmit 0l Hay 19, and the tickets are —V. uil, explain a I lecfed to members,,,, the 1 J = ' .' p" ;„ ^ = ^ [ ~ „„ „ „ ■ a.hrnia, iv e si f ^™ „ "--J^ 'J^ ^-^

busin.-s proposition which his com- f Managers for I „■ ensuing vear nte>Un) ^ ^ ( { Ul Ulk,. >Hhi,.{, : "BeeolTed. Thai the United ,','," ' "*»"■» *

panv has inaugurated lot he Seniors 'he by-laws, Of the society "ere ,,„,, ln IllorP llll4M tw„ ,.„.,„ s K,,,,,.,, statl.s .„„„„, intervene ,„ Mexico ,.. „r Whll,,„„ ,,lade Of the Wharton School, in Hoom l.l ndecl at Ihe last meeting, so thai followine - •,-, L- • , .i , n

Hail TT,U lecture la the third .. baalneee manager, of The Pean- '',.''",,",, ' lv , eetabliah a ttal«> gwrameat" Thi- Friday that ,.i mm eries which th. mclustrla. Ser- cvlvanian. ,' ,, ROW, and ..... Red •££ *£»„££ -KS^fi *"*" "^ "■ "" ' "< ~ Zm ^TlSfl

already cm sale on the campus They

may be purchased from I'hilo mem- the statement bers at prices ranging from ",n ecu. Ul

who desire to $2.00. trip or next years This year's production promises hB

team must report fully dr. ..I at be the most elaborate of any ever af- rice Lepartment is arranging for the md Hlue are automatically mad. m. D ^ ^ ^ ^ javi,ln ,„,. w ul(| llons belw,.,.n „„. , lllVers.ty and Byr ^.^ ^ ^ to-morn.w Line tempted by the literary SO, , .,-

broad Jump. The feature of the meei anise, after a lapse of five years, dm mi,n w,u np pl|t through a short sc rim four plays chosen are c onsiderecl

will be a half-mile relay race, with in(, wn|ch time ■yraeUM had BO team mage. In order to choose those who among the best of those produced m each man running HO yards. Opining the Red and Hlue attach will go to camp on September 1, while the Celtic lionaisance \,u ,.

Ralph Powell, chairman of the In- ifeUbron. '20 C. demonstrated thai the backneld candidates will receive flna' and c-ostume- will !»• Ml ired, and.

purpose of presenting various avail- bare of the Hoard of Managers. alii, business propositions to the mem- The board also appointed a commit bers of the graduating class. l take charge of the intoi-public a

Mr Coffin, who Is the general audi- tton track meet, to be held Fri.lav tor of his concern, will go over the ac- Hay 10, on Franklin Plaid. II ceneUtl

MIL po-iilons which will be of- f Rhoads, chairman: Koddlng. Harri-

ihis year. He will then explal the other offer, which is a bid for to fill positions of management. H

t office and branch office is un- the society.

d.r the supervision of a man who has

had a training In business adminlstra- S = NIORS WILL CELEBRATE

tion Both of the above proposals will HEY-DAY BY NOVEL DINNER be thoroughly explained at the meet- ing this afternoon. All Wharton Seniors are invited to attend.

terfraternlty Tennis Committee, has x]( <;„Vernment was unstable Instructions

P.- I," , " d r OwenVnd i he board ™"« da,-s """ «"" " " '" '" ""' «•• "• '"" ■«■•»■« '» *• " " It" , , H H„n.,u ,f ti , to the "1U"S ""' ""' """is "'"" h^s u ""- Carrying on -his point Better, 10 wi, .::" ;•: :T:,:;:;•;::,:,,$!:.:;,f of —*• E-S *- **> ■■ "•• • >- ^ *«-« s «* 1 n to the Council. he cured bv inlervention I'arlin. tO

is un- the -- .



IFGANiZ^D LABOR LEADER Wli . then i line bed the foregoing argu- ments li or ving lha! the United

with John Dolman, Jr.. acting as coaejl and the casts containing a number of student- exp, rieiiced In dramatics the sin . eat of the production seems as- sured If tentative plans are com

1 the plays will be staged In a


"Ith the iuferclass races scheduled \,.w y,,,k theatre following Ihe final

SEEKS CURE FOR UNREST (Metca was the logical power to inter for ' av 16, a iTM will bi si.- ...I sammlnitl vene The judges rendered a dec i ion this week to represent the Freshman closely following the I'hilo theatri-

I iboi and capital were present at favoring Pennsylvania hv two to one 'lass. The present searing capacity , „1 performances, "The Hroker of

At the last meeting of the Senior the flna, sessions of the annual meet- Meet interest has been amused this of Crew No , is as follows s <mt- Bogota" will be grren bj the Beta Executive committee it was de- ,„g „r the American academy of PoUt- reason by the good showing the Red cauit; . wh.eie, .,. Williams; ... Bex- sophlc Bocletj on Ma) - al the Bel-

elded to hold an informal get-together leal and Social Science on Saturday a. and Hlue debaters have made The ton: I. Ireland; :: C Smith; I, Kob |(.v,„. Stratford This drama, which downtown on Tuesday evening. May the H-dl.-vue Stratford, to express I'nlverslty team has defeated Cornell erta; I. Dowaa; COJL. /.Immer Iwc. n ,,t„- Sou.;, American life a century

IS to celebrate llev I>av. It Is d« rt«WI on the iiidiislhal situation In Folumbla and Svra. use. bowing onlv Cther Crewe will compete with the „„. WM placed for nearly twenty Ram Prevents Yearling Baseball Team conduct the affair Informally, this cuntrv John M Tobin. Of the to Princeton The Freshman team also »re< and -he winner will be the MM ear h Fi rent, the great American

from Playing on Saturday. Mi a reasonable price, and so make It a Inlernationa, Hrotberliood of Hlack scored a victory over Syracuse The to represent the Froohinon In the race. „ ,,„•. This i.-ylval of the diama_haa

Owing to a -evere rainstorm al New U on Saturday, the Freshman ill game with Ihe Yale yearlings

called off. There will not be any tlce for the Freshmen this after-

noon, is Franklin Field will be 0CCU- with the 'Varsity game with


|]|1V(,| smiths who represented organized schedule for next season has not been Two crews w|„ be drawn to race av much favorable comBU

lohn V lovm president of the labor, said thai he was there to seek completed, but debates will probable I his afternoon, and the winner meets an,| fEelO, bopei Ifl duplicate the play's s..„i,,r Class has appointed Ihe fol- a cure for the wave of radicalism now be arranged with all the team that the third boat to-morrow. Crew No I ,.lirlv sines-.- Ticket foi the pro-

lowing committees; Kav Riling, gen- menacing the work. were met this year and. in addition, is composed of: 8. Apronick; 7. Sin- ,|u. tion and dance following are now era, chairman Tiiko. Committee. U- \|, Tobin said in part: "In years with Harvard. fer; «. Rohlfing: 6. Bheed] I. Oeh I being sold bv /el., mem,

Wolfe, chairman: R. P. Green. W. S. of active participation in the organ- J**: 2, Whv'": ' <>.vein,ale

'add I Costello,, .1. T. Brennan. Ized labor movement I have worked FRESHMAN TRACK TEAM IN Ij* Roc'1 WHARTON DANCE ON MAY 14.

Keefer and Acree; AdTertialng, stan s,,,e by iMe with conservative mae COMBINED SCHOOLS MEET cv*rh T*™ w',,° 'T ,;'"''"av,nRf ^wmBicicu s»v<nwwti. ,. considerable attention to Ihe form of

ley Stady. chairman; Harry Halfl. 1 have gone to them frequently for ad- o.her week of hard ecu- ^^ ^.^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ opinlon„ have alway8

..l,e,,rs,yearba,,ossers. frank- K(l(lf(,r (.hairnlall: Arend. been the opposite to radical Of late ,.,, f

I High School wll be played on H„I|,l|)„1 am| (;„,c|smith. Pla,.e. H. Kel- fhese men have changed: their pres- ,„ ,

"nJt 'ar. chairman: Peek, Steiner and ,1. en- Mew- .„• as radically different nr(ipanUorv schoofath'.ete.. <n "a , -,,. ,,,e p,, , M . aiing, apact,

rVanh f'nok- .oininittees will meet to- fr,,,n their fc.rmer views as day is from b|nPd mw, tnfs aflPrmMin on Kra,,K,i r"'.'"s. ,, ,, [' ,',, .,, day at 10.46, In The Fennsvlva..!ar, night." He added that he wanted a Fjp,d ,.„„,.„ Robertson has devel "™»; *• '."p""' '' , ,",

1 e. solution to the problem, but had bee,, . well-rounded ,earn of track per ^"":"'"^ - Kosenheim; 1, .1. W.-.n

the yearling boats, will have charge of Annual Affair Expected to Outshine

vi - dneaday at Frankford. and on Sat- tha Corned, Kreshmen w

Freshman's opponent! on Fra Field

the onlv home meet of he year. ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ hw,|| track squad wi, oppose ^^ ^ ^ ^^ of (.r(.w „

•ream of Philadelphia s high and ^ „,„ ^

Any of Previous Year*.

Harvard Winr Tennis Match. Harvard's tennis team overcame the

Ivania racquet wielders last

Cornel, Favor.- Shorter Races.

Charles F. (Ourtnev. rowing coach

unable to Bnd one.

Offer Graduate Fellowships. for i vo !lo« -hips in Soc lal


formers, as their recent victory 0TW the strong Merceraberg iquad Indl , aled

Captain Lever who palled ■ tendon

Mm h oiiriositv ha- I • ' ap

among the siiideii. bed) bj the "Say" posters which wen v placed about the campus Their purpose Is to remind Wharton students thai cm the ..veiling Ol May ' I the annual

Engli:h Runnerr. Sail Home. Wharioi: *dl take

Memberi of the Oxford Cambridge place Tl I on will be held in

• <iii 11 \ Baron.

Idsv ,„ Cambridge by the score of al Corn ell. is l'rK,''K:'I^l|i1'"'J1",


,,^',1 MI,.i, to iviinsyivania i„ hi's leg in the Relayi wOl not com- team left this country Bataaday toi Welghtman Hall from i until l Although the Red and nine play- '»r _ auatee la the Paanaylvanla Bchool pete, and hia loas la certain to prove ■ EQngland. Thej axpreeaed graUflca Ttta committee In charge has ex

eon the first singles and the first of the Poughkeepsle IhegattJ and

lea, the Crimson players proved *"?-tt*"ctr^?*rf Y^ d ^ which include tultiOB and living ex- are 120 prep and Ugh school athletee during tlselr stay here Captala Sudd, dertotosur lie affair perlor In the remainder of , . _ u,.)d |n ., ,.,.,.,j|i(.l(l, in S(M.U, „nI(.ri.c| |fJ ,,„, v,.irj,H1- sjventa The of the Engllah team, expressed the Herrberg ' hs

d luce the rac the Thames to three for Social Work. The fellowships great hendtca) to the yearlings There tlon al the treatment accorded them ponded much effort

Fisher, the r^nnaytvaula VmnJ^™*°* * Thev heliev! th. Information can be secured reealta of the meet wfll he the deter-' oateloa that the AasaTlcaae wttl dupU-1 be. at dance mgies player, easily defeated ° ,ne '",,.., , ,,,„.. from Prank D. Wateon. 130 Pine street, mining factor in deciding who win cats srevtoui performances the the maah Is promised Bel

.pponent by fast playing. The ■"jwerrsme^M ""J^™' "" ai appllcatlona must likewise be make the 'ri,. to Ithaca for the dual Olympic games which will beheld In stating of sandwich. ream, cake . an defaulted by not appearing ge end mace, oarsinansi,.,, end .,,,. • ^ ^ ^ ConM, ,„, May It. Antwerp. Belgium, .his rammer.

''"• match on Saturday. ■ '"


Page 2: Senior President 'VAKb'IIYMttlu DHL MEET 72-44 … the big Canadian, -..limits his ballot The voles wUI be , individual star of the meet. I counted on Wednesday night, three assistants

SATURDAY. MAY 8. 1920. iHE l'K\\>H VANIAN MONDAY MAY 13, 19 0,

Clie fk*in*ptoa. i ?Ul,ll I

I "»r.

u;i l


\i:\\» EDITOR

I lllll.ll> <:. ii


\SSIK | \ | l I Ul I nils I. 1. 1 K. M ■

T. N K l -1 ■



1,1 »l\l -> UWi.l II ALBERT BI.MAIN. 1111

\l>\ I II I IMM. >l \N \ll "i

< llll I I \ I Hl\ »l »> sl.llt

Cll \ I' II

I IK- I \»»l III «l\l IM HWK.IIt ■:IIH:I:. Jl

l»l»ll\l m»i\l-» MANAOBKI

II /In II I Bsi

«II nil mill :■ lera miiKt be KlKifil i.ut

Th« Pi i deli

Buhiri I

-, Maniiger'a CHHrc lloan:

MONDAY. MAY 10. 1920.

Night Editor of This Issue




. hould bi ; I

in til.- iiuiii. ai luty of the


in though) !" help R

ii thei

Itj ul'

in tin' face i>i li-

ter nigh v ages, more rei I

iii'iia BOW

faiuiliur in tin' -uuciriit •' in' continued,

. in/, ii i- demanding more in j

i,in. i thai i maj meet the co

'■I i'i \ da llvi

•-II,. i way "in

,u |„i inn when mul-

tiplied in ■ Ihe

ma-s ni|' oarer the ''ml

<<l HUM trOUblM thM before. It

ami■ 11v i in iiie >'

pjnM a II1-" to set fur tin' simple prin-

clple iiiat ! roductlon of

human aeedi k the oalj waj i:: which

human wan'- can In' met V. I all t Ii - ■

nee polnl to thi com lu l< a that


ii ii.i\ ■ ■:; ine* but tl

not there In the

for ii, "i I'I 81

are QO) likely to produce men- |OOd I,

ami extravagance in their conaomp-

tion will not liriiis them into exist-

We mi in thrift, econ-

omy and bard work to restore the

world to where it was

"The world i- poorer than it was in

Lggfl ri.. generatk>B now eomlni on

a lesi pleaatni proapei i than the

thai is passing

"What II more .li turliini: i- tin lai I

if habits In the new generation tor

hard work and thrift The hope of the

world ■ ' 'I In ■ productive

people, who know how to produce,

who appre, late tfe |

thrift, and who an willing to I

the pleasure of the preeonl In

the] i a thai capital is the result of

laving ami that labor without capital

lg a blind man groping in the dark

The times call for all of us to 'Stop.

;>iok ami Listen,' and, having doae

that, to work ami -

So, ■ ■ i

out at

cannot help but accomplish a

deal n i

Which at nearly

I \, i I i - litution where tried, they

iia\ -Mil to be fads.

Possible Undergraduate Help Toward ,

Future Policy of Pennsylvania.

StUdl nt Opll i'

• • i Inlvi

although but few nndi

problem and :|ll In

- tudj it Urn Bj. tie quesl III v.

Shall tion under pa: i ipporl


ill Ms iilli l i -t I In Trusti es ai'e eon

dUCl i': ami o mtenl iii in d

\ot an undergi aduate coined solo t ion, but i lew

' :■ !>,'

Many .nian

and iii | ii an

attempt to determine tin- pi.

the undergraduate b >dy, la i r Hi , : ,

t i Ii.- in stud) in-.: Hi.' situation in or-

■: wi( h tin- an n'li i mi ernlng the problem hi are to b h Ipful In forming our «i• i while tie lug of the followii polnl toward i onatrui t li ■■ thought The books are: "I'll, .iration of

()ur (iollaga i," b] i' r. Hi: d ' ' Ii- i duate anil His Col. by K i' Keppel

In nr. opinion, ii

p It) <■■'■ progn It I Hi ■ oppoitunlt] to

I upon a 01 u gTOUnd of Knowledge of ta ation ami to Interprel them a polk v whli h w in develo] whii h This

but will I'll e all of then

in the follow

■n follow

The t'.e > ■

a I'ui. phla, D Bylvanla, bul I

in thai

possible to be comfortably accommo- Itlei 'ii'

ii presenl overloaded with a i be top

should further expand only a •. our Eat ilitiee and In- come proportion.itel> ailvatn e. ( | i

on which shall ha I' kO] note i harai t.r building and wholesome training for

' in aibl'li HI to tie. p b tl,.

■us' s ami traditions which haw been it11iit into Pennsylvania during

isi one hundred and e ami we WOUld my niiiv.- to injure them. We WOUld

! Hie political ii imination of the administration of the University

nixing the piianeiai harden tag the FJnlveraltv, the itudeal body WOUld Welcome, I believe, any work- able policy agreed upon I y our alumni. faculty and tni.-t providing that it lncludi d i Bentlally com- prising the above points.



SUR LUS $16,000,000 APi TAL. S5.000.000

William I . Ge»t, President


Offt Tint i- ' U ienic Cleanliness in Everj . n and Service

[urn I ■ M

2ll Skilled Ba I cr- 10 Couttcous Manicu-is s

Insure Promp', SatisfttCry Service

ROBERT KOCH, Prop., 1417 Walnut Strret

First Floor Slock rxchmK Bm'ding

• t l>'o Yon Want a Car? 191H Sun/. Bearcat

-^O. 1916 .. Knadster -— ,- ^ 1*18 uick

lv ■ '^'- 1919 Hhan ler Dispatch 1918 Franklin Touring

We will Ii • yjad to demonstrate ;;t your convenii

HARRIS. UROY&CLARK*. Jiui< n I i>: I, Ei< I I IS

Frank IV Harris 1'hilip N. I.e ;<>> Reuben B. (In U .P. '08 Locust 12! 2W3 MARKETS!



5 pas

iij ONE FLIGHT UP TO Standard

45tK and Parrish Streets


884-90 >orth 48tH Street

SEE YOUR DOCTOR FIRST I'hen for reliabfe prescription work - visit -

The Biggest Little Drug Store Winter's

Tailoring 1215 Market St.

Smashing Sale 2nd Floor

125 S. 36th Street Phila.

Tomlinson's Dining Room REMODELED AND ENLARGED

3702-3704 Spruce Street

Everybody Welcome

STUDIOS DJiNSAMT 1830 Market St. 5524 Germantoun Ave.

Dancing Every Evening at 1830 Marhtt St.

Saturday Evening?, Dancing (or Couples Only, 1830 Markft St.

Dancing Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings at the Cermanlown Studio

Saturday Afternoons. 18*0 Market St. 3.00 P. M

TODAY SATURDAY AND Froai 4_. m loaaUy >u« ni.tia

""•'»!• I" »H WMVM »nJ color., in such Iremenuoua quant, u- ur n sell in m a a big .acrifice. Compare thor v»!u tO-weai tllil* .old (or a. hirn as $60.03 , mJ you will apprccia • our policy of

NEXT WEEK we have purciavj

$35^ to $57 For a to Measure Snit Becoming to your personality and guaranteed to fit you.


Get Acquainted Coupon Un il May !l . this coupon »l itlas

'he pin- IF o a suit of clothp-. to

An Extra Pair of Troumtrt Free


Satisfaction Guaranteed or

Money Refunded

The Standai d Tailoring Co. 'Fa,lor* for Men and Wome r

1215 Market Street—Second Floor "3'*

Phone Spruce 4331 Germantown 3931


Frat. Pins and Class Pipes Cups and Medals


■on, Rhodes, Btswart, Sullivan, tin.

VO rug* *

Gun Team.—No slim i

Senior Class.— ftaeettm I ii'iloi k. in lliiii-iiiii Hail.

Philo.— MeetiBf ol snrlrly |o,| I O'clo l< in (llih r is.

Undergraduate Council.-M' il :,. In iimi.ion Club.

Lycoming County Club.—Kl.vtions to-nighl ai :. rlovston dab.

Class Day Committee.—M.i-Iiiii; al 5 He loci to-day, In Houston HalL

Capital City Club.—KIIM i Ion of offl- oen to-nlfhl at 7.80 in Houston Hall.

Freshman Track.—Knliiv s,|iiad Is enterad in to d | Report at I o'ekx

Rocky Mountain Club.— M.imbl port in uniform at 3618 Loons) any tinu

Frar.'ilin Society.—Annual Dusl B| Thursday at S o'i lock, la

Room 167, Logan Hall

Inter-Publication Meet.—FoUowtmg n port in ivnns.Nivaiii.m offlco .il Adler, Harrison, Jo lag, Owan and Rhoada.

Sophomore Luncheon Committee.— following ni"ii in ,i.i, ;,t i in Houston Club: RUsy, LoTltt, i:

Te.-r,ii.—Following repoH u B/esl . ttlladelphla Button to-daj. i i 1.36 train for Bwartlunore: Nichols,

.ii. Holmes, Ooldsborougn

Freshman Basketball.-F'ollowinf; re- poii In gym. at 2.::n for picture: ;

wald. Mallicwsoii. Miller, Pas-

Zeio.—Mock trial rehearsal to-nlghl at 7.16. following report: rUtmaier, Batty, Beck, Bran B i Chacons, Gilllnder, Keefer, Kiever, Mi Cafrrej Ni laon ,811in, Smith,

Arts Association.— Meeting in Room allege Hall, I

to nominate officers tor i Bal- loting «iii take plai i Bl ^iiits in be annum.

on th iag.

lents' Ward.—(i. II BaHSUtlne •:•! wii.; C. \. Behi - Mod i J Drdman, "81 C; W B Haali toi ( ; C I. Mc Mlistcr. 'J3 Ed ; R Pre ser, '88 w h ; P Sta UK M B i-' M Stolaroff, 'i'i wii

Baieball.-Kiillowinu report at 1 tng House al 18.80 (or II a*: War- •rick, Pianey, Huntsinger, Bheffey, st,i, kiami. fates, McNlchol, si Sweeney, Korber, H. Harrey, Straus,

. Cook, R. Wraj. A Wray, Oibbs, Wolf*.

Jubilee Barker.-. — Following awn report in Houston Hall at 10.80. tj settle fur Jubilee barken i Ki

auaon, Byck, Btlrn, K Jarde l'i-ln-1 Murruw. Miller. I; , k Carlisle, Wilmuth, Hsmburgei Kutcher.

Wharton Ass'n Dance Committee.— following at 1. ill Hous- t iii Club: Bti i g Vouni nil. \" en. inure. lack. X.iin l'a\ li-lil.

Robertson, Main,'-.. Si iiiiuht i M.i. Neel, Nobtl, Scott, Hunts) Bush, (Oaton, ford well, Btraus, Duke,

N el . Ortflln, Harici St", I'd.

Arts Association.—It. | In Pi un

Bi sod rlgan Bud I Clifford,

D Oriflli Holland, Hurll

Mlkel Sherman, wi I

Altraaler, Dl< It. cutler, i -.. Kenworthy, I

\i. I. her, Oakford, Bchaff, Bch 8



i A

DJR.NG your stay in New York it will be pleasant

to be near the fashionable chopping district, the theatres

I the busy part of the town an:!, at the same time, in t

^strict r.o*ed for its quiet ..%._



i 4V %*§

You can do this by stop, at The Vanderbilt Hotel.

T~he Vanderbilt Hotel is for its cuisine and its ser Its appointments are in taste; its charges are able, it makes its ow: to the exclusive tr

TARIFF Single room, wiih baiK $4 prr day ar.r

Douhle room with bath. $' pfr . .

Double bedroom boudoir dnVMnfl fo ■ per day and up

Suite, parlor bedroom and bath .


Page 3: Senior President 'VAKb'IIYMttlu DHL MEET 72-44 … the big Canadian, -..limits his ballot The voles wUI be , individual star of the meet. I counted on Wednesday night, three assistants



Berkshire Life nsurance Company OF :•(■" I. MAiA

We art- alway . . dy to talk with young men about entering I te insurance business and onuectillg themse <s with this Company.

There has m I •< timt when life insur- mo bat been in B M popular favor as now; nor a time Nvlit-n people ire so dependent upon life in- .urante as now; nor a tinu- when life insurance was so generally recogni idai J necessity. Be-

ise of these conditions the business opens ;i great opportunity for young men stilting in life, requiring no invested capital and offering features such as few lines of business offer

K. H. PLUMMER, General Agent, 512 Walnut Street Philadelphia, Pa.



PHIL DELPHI A Jewelers 't'dsmiths Silversmiths



Prompt an ! C ireful \tte >.tion to 'urchases by Mail

tha i' ■ HI.He ii for til-- am, Hi'- '

tbletii Club "i N«« fort won pre of 8 '

Despite .' i"". tke ii'-iii >Hi'i-

the conti

ill IVlll, ! II1 it tl ll

ln| up Hi

Blue erlth

d the bell Inl i only

duled I'm n « ill Ix



It ii Wise to Eat With Us, because you get but the Highest Grade of Ooods on the Market at

Popular Pric s Have You lried Our "inner ' pecial

The Palace Quick Service Restaurant

3449 Woodland Ave.. Opp College Hall

college match this ennsylTanla goll I

beat Williams on Saturd pis,} • ii on the

grounds of the N'M I ' sjnfry club. i . during a hard rain

AUI be with I and with Columbia on

Si 1 mil,iv Poii re the n ■ the

match with William i alvea, Be- and Davl I I ei

ranla Vdams ■ .i »ei lively, in

ii,,. i * liil. lei i - MIMI Mur

• A .:. mi beal Round ami Taj lor in the foursoi BB and Be-

p i Ivania, bi Idamic'Tavlor and Da nia. beat Murdoch and Blramond

i w mi Round and Rhi

SUMMER SUIT FOR SALE—<;.»i.l- condltlon. two pla< e; dn

comfortable; ( 'lb, lalloi

FRENCH LADY. Wife "I f"i atudent, d *!

■ in in Iduala H 188 llroa.l Sln-.-l

LOST—A Kappa Alpha kej Return -.aril


I to \l M. '•'■

FOR SALE—Motorcycle, 1918 Big- IB. Like new. *

Bprui i ring 7121 FOR SALE OR RENT— .IX'.; Waliuii

si Bron n itone bourn room I light, i

BW Yolk i

WANTED—Typewriter In cood condl- tloi s,->

WANTED—A niali good itanographer, and who would be Intereated In ipendtm the BUBU

I.M'. and aealatanl i" profi ;i lunik, at his silin-

ui'i hone in the mountaina. Thoee Boa !-. Lo-

gan Hall


TAILOR,- « H» *



Sports Suits Are becoming more and more a nece» sary part of the wardrobe of the well dressed man.

For the week-end, for the aeashore or mountains, on the 8°" links or the piazza of the Country Club, ft now ha» it-, place as well defined as the dinner jacket or Full-dress for evening wear.

Knickerbockers are quite the thing. too, and golfers and sportsmen In gen- eral have gotten over a former shyness they once felt and now generally con- cede that they ar« the -Ight garment for convenience and appearance.

Our materials for the above gar- ments will appeal to you, aa they equal anything shown by the Fifth Avenue tailors, and the making and designs are correct in every detail.

Order yours here now and you w'll be well pleased.

30-day accounts opened.


1115 Walnut Street

Universis> I.un h Meet me there where Purity and Cleanliness Lead

;,. You ''.r,</:ii\



Shinr 5c.

All Work Guaranti

271 S. 37th St. Preston 5735W

^^ffiSffi^^] ffl^SS2E£.;




HEN the name Knox is mentioned in connec-

tion with clothes there is im- mediately established a feeling of security—the question of quality, correctness and dignity can be safely dismissed while patterns and materials are being selected. Clothes ready for wear.








- ~ W^&W^SZL

Drovers and Merchants National Bank

3014-16 MARKET STREET Resources $1,700,000.00

Accounfo of Students and Fratomit es Solicited SAMUEL GRAHAM. JP, Prwident CHAS. W. HALOEMAN lao V.«.Pr«»d«. FRANK P. CL\RK. I.t Vi«-Predde«i ERNEST R PAiTON Csihw

CHAS. V. MOHAN. /W. Cnhw

White House Cate





Exclusive Method ■'A Teacher For Every Pupil"

Baker Building, I 520 Chestnut St. Office 309 Open Day and Eve.

Special Rate to Students


Wi art- the bachelora friend We mend your clothe, darn socKs and sew

buttons on FRF.E Bril PUn.. Marina 8101


peeing well-dres

is merely

a matter

of knowing


to buy your Clothes

Oar Popularity with Yoang Men has been won, and is held fry intelligent and careful catering to their requirements




Visit our up-to-date Soda Fountain

Everything for the Student





E. J. SPRINGER OPTICAL CO. 3956 Market Street

Eyes Examined Scientifically Broken Lenses Duplicated

< >/v>/ evenings, nearest to I '»i. -

The Victoria Lunch 3713 SPRUCE ST. opp. Dorms

The ideal eating place on the campus

BestFood Cleanliness Purity Attention High in everything except prices

Always Open



Factory To You

Stores Coast- To-Coast

The Studio of C. Ellwood Carpenter 1123 Chestnut|St.

Private Lessons Day and Kvsnlna, Classes Every Mon. and Thus. Ivsn'ia



United Hat Stores 1217 Market Street


KEEBLER Distinctive Hand Finished Straw Hats

are priced as low and lower as machine crushed

$ 3

Quality - Style - Finish Are combined in the United

to tha h^hest point in excellence).

Sott and Derby Hats A.U ihe new shapes and shades. $3 - $4 - $5 - $6 Caps. $1.50 • $2.00 - 2.50

''Where The Hat Styles Come From'

1428 Chestnut Street Jk

Page 4: Senior President 'VAKb'IIYMttlu DHL MEET 72-44 … the big Canadian, -..limits his ballot The voles wUI be , individual star of the meet. I counted on Wednesday night, three assistants


FLYING is the spot t of all sports. 1 he air journey is the most pleasant, the fastest, the the most interesting. In business it adver- tises you, gives quicker and better service and is more profitable.

May we tell you how little it costs to own and operate a Curtiss Aeroplane or I-1> ing Boat?

Curtiss Eastern Airplane Corporation 136 South Fifteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

Sales, Passenger Flights & Aerial Activities

At the Theatres

Have you Beenthere The Most Exclusive in Town


In tFv? heart of Social and Financial Center ard help at pick ihe best Belfield Darcer in Philadelphia


Open Every Evening and Saturday Allernoon

Flying! t With Pennsylvania University Pilots

Aero Service Corporation AERODROME: Elmwood Ave. and Island


Take 37 car on Woodland Jive.

flavor siwto

Why are

WRIGLEYS flavors like the pyramids of Egypt?

Because they are Ions-lasting.

And WRIGLEYS is a beneficial as well as long-lasting treat

ft helps appetite and digestion, keeps teeth clean and breath sweet, allays thirst.


Sealed Tighf- KePt


Lyric.—With itc emhaiitiiiK music and its highly romantic story. 'The Maxi< Melody" continues to reign supremely at the Lyric. Comedy, drama, beauty and charm abound throughout this gorgeously staged and elaborate prodm lion For it. has BOSH

nly DOUTMs 'MM <>f prin- etpals, taelndtaa Cfcarlss I'urcell. Julia Dean. Tom McNaughton and Bertee Beaumonte.

o Shubert Theatre.—Coming direct

from a three-years' run on the roof of flu Otntary Theatre. New York, the "i Vntury Midnight Whirl" will l»- .1 theatrical offering entirely out of the ordinary. The midnight show will be tiv.-n h.n li.-ninnlng to-night al Un- usual theati" hour With a capable (..1 ;ilid a captivating chorus, tlie suc- cess of the "Midnight Whirl" is as- rarad

——o Adelphi.—Written by Frances Nord-

strom. "The Ruined \jutf," which be- gins here to-night, is one of the inosl delightfully humorous plays seen on Mi.' I'liilail-lphla stage this season. The story revolves around Ada Morti- mer, played bv Grace George, whose adventures in search of matrimony form the basis of a series of situa- tions as ingenious as they are laugh- able.

——o Chestnut Street Opera House.-Wlth

Charlotte Greenwood as the star. "Linger Longer Letty" will begin its second week here to-night. This pop- ular comedienne Is funnier than ever.

'ling the successes she scored in "So Long Letty." Bright lyrics and music, tuneful and of up-to-date char- acter, add additional attraction to Oliver Morosco's musical comedy suc- cess.

Dunhill Pipes London Made



15th and MARKET ST. Locust 2366


Typewriters Rented! SPECIAL RATES TO STUDEN ' S

American Writing Machine Co. 802 Chestnut St

B W. SCHiUSR. Rep, 248 S »<*h H

Alexander Chiurco


COLLEGE MEN Conservative Styles from

Imported Woolens at Moderate I rices

1537 Chestnut t. 3d Flo

•Built by a Prnii<rh«».«

The song of satisfaction 1


All-wool. Fast color. Highest type of tailoring.

Fferro & Co.** Peet Clothes

Gvaitfuft Strttt it Junlpee

WILLIAM E. GROLL Quality Meat*

Special attention s1r#r to tnstlta- tlons, restaurants and boarding houses.

J403 Chestnut St.



CATERER First-Class Service at Moderate

Prices 236 South Fortieth Street


Fine Jewelry and Watch Repairing

Special Attention to Sti'dent

The Fairmount Laundry Special attention paid to atudenta

247 S. Tfcirty-Seventh Street

Mac Donald & Campbell


In Young Men's

Clothing Haberdashery and Hats

1334-1336 Chestnut St PHILADELPHIA

Your Straw Hat at M U E N C H * S


For Much Less Than Elsewhere

Get Here First All Braids in Straw, Panamas. Leghorns,

BanghoKs and MacKinaws

I Unexcelled Among Beverages

The Original * Drink it at the fountain Keep a jar in your room

(Avoid Imitations


Everything Musical Full llr.t of lllifif httruntits - Banjos, Mandolins, Banjo Man

dolins, Tenor Banjos, etc. 10# discount to College Men

Something New! Portophone, special with 10 records free. Cany

it anywhere you go. Price $42.50


We can't serve all the meals - so - we only serve the best

POWELTON CAFE Open 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. Sunday9 to 2 to 5.30

Phone: Earing 8045 34 So. 40ih Siicel.

Ax/^/M*^r All Leather* VJXrOI US PriCfcs'IOtl2'1314'15<

The above illustration depicts exact repro- duction* of three of our newest styles.

We cannot state too emphatically that our $10, $12 and $14 Shoes are the best in Phila.

Our Shops — recognized leaders in Cordovan. Then too, style in every stitch.

MEN'S 1312

Chestnut St

SHOES 1232


<). - '■, '<■ % 911b i

f - t'"i c:~ xettc that gives a new thr7. t- *ie smoker whose taste is "fed up". Spur's new blend of fragrant Oriental leaf and mild home-grown tobacco does just that.

t-J OTE LDENNSYLVANIA S. X. 2200 RoomsX. Opp. Pennsylvania Terminal

2200Ba>hi The WorWiL.rge.t Hotel

A New York Home for

Pennsylvania University men.

Convenient to everything, in "the heart of New York."

<ix Famous Restaurants, Convention and Ball Rooms, Private Dining

Rooms, Reception Rooms and facilities for all sorts of

business and social affairs.

Operated by

The New York Hotels Stader Co.

brown-and-silver" pack- age, with triple wrapping to keep Spurs fresh and rich. *a

ffU/e<8at*W»Vs— s*£* ass Ci
