seniors are at high risk for cavities

Seniors Are At High Risk For Cavities Before After

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Post on 07-May-2015



Health & Medicine

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DESCRIPTION Did you know that seniors establish as numerous dental caries as children do? Modern dental care has helped us keep our teeth longer, which is great news. At the very same time, because senior citizens have their teeth longer, possibilities of tooth decay is greater. Fortunately is, there are various ways to avoid dental caries and numerous methods in managing them. Seniors could be much more susceptible to establishing dental caries. Trouble in complying with regular oral health treatment. Senior patients occasionally have difficulty with the usage of their hands so they could not have the ability to effectively floss or brush.


  • 1.Seniors Are At High Risk For Cavities Before After

2. Seniors and cavities Did you know that seniors develop as many cavities as children do? The St James Dental Group 3. Modern dentistry has helped Modern dentistry has helped us keep our teeth longer, which is great news. At the same time, because seniors have their teeth longer, chances of dental caries is higher. The St James Dental Group 4. Teeth are exposed to damaging factors Teeth are exposed to a number of damaging factors. Everyone can develop cavities, young or old. The St James Dental Group 5. The good news The good news is, there are numerous ways to prevent tooth decay and numerous techniques in treating them. However, seniors may be more prone to developing cavities. The St James Dental Group 6. There are several reasons for this: Difficulty in following regular oral hygiene care. Elderly patients sometimes have difficulty with the use of their hands so they might not be able to properly brush or floss. For this reason, tartar and plaque are not removed as needed. The St James Dental Group 7. Not enough fluoride Not enough fluoride. Everybody needs fluoride, but elderly need to apply fluoride more often for protection. The St James Dental Group 8. Dry mouth Dry mouth. This is common to elderly. Dry mouth may be brought about by the medications prescribed to them. Chewing gum or sucking on sugar-free lozenges will help the production of saliva. The St James Dental Group 9. Gum disease Gum disease. Senior patients may develop gum disease due to poor oral hygiene. The St James Dental Group 10. Gum recession Gum recession. The gums may recede exposing the roots of the teeth. Roots dont have the protection of enamel and are at a very high risk for tooth dacay. Poor diet. A diet high in sugar and low in calcium can speed up the development of dental caries. The St James Dental Group 11. Keeping their mouth healthy Here are ways to keep their mouth healthy even if they are aged: Have a low-sugar diet. Take calcium supplements. Take fluoride supplements if recommended. The St James Dental Group 12. Keeping their mouth healthy Use toothpastes with fluoride. Use mouthwash but, choose the alcohol-free variation. Drink lots of water. Chew sugar-free gums and sugar-free lozenges. Be creative on brushing material if the senior patient has a difficulty in mobility. Rotary or electric toothbrushes are great to use. The St James Dental Group 13. Elderly patients need Elderly patients need extra attention on their oral care. Regular dental check up is absolutely needed. Encourage them to visit their dentists on schedule. The St James Dental Group 14. The Dentist checkup The dentist will check for cavities, gum disease, oral cancer detection and root decay. The St James Dental Group 15. Ask a professional Seniors Are At High Risk For Cavities Contact us The St James Dental Group 323-771-7254 Thank You!