seo & social media - true link love

SEO & Social Media Sweden Social Web Camp 2009

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My presentation about SEO & Social Media on Sweden Social Web Camp 2009. The basic fundamentals behind SEO & Social Media and some tips regarding how to use it.


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SEO & Social MediaSweden Social Web Camp 2009

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The Big Three – or are they?

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The Others

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Search Engines - US

ComScore, July 2009

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Unique visitors US

Compete, July 2009

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Search Engines Today?

Why can’t you say that Facebook or Twitter is

a Search Engine?

You do search, but in a different kind of way

Twitter & Facebook are

real competition to Google

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SEO is not only Google...When I talk SEO I talk about

every Search Engine –

Twitter & Facebook included

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Facebooks new search – did U know?

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Twitter Search – King of Really Real Time

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SEO differs quite a bit

SEO for Facebook & Twitter

differs a lot from SEO for contextual results inGoogle/Bing/Yahoo

I will only go through ordinary SEO in this presentation.

SEO for which engine/site?

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SEO differs quite a bitWhyis SEO soimportant?

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How do you click?89,7% - Click on First


5,93% - Click on Second page

4,37% - Click on page three and the rest

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The Michael Jackson case6,12million * searched for

”Michael Jackson”in July

* Broad match, Sweden

The Michael Jackson case

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The newspapers could dominate!

Aftonbladet & Expressen and other large

newspapers could have 2 results on

page one on Google for almost every search related to Michael Jackson

Let’s just say 10% Search Traffic =

612 000 visitors

The newspapers could dominate!

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SEO vs Social Media?

75-100 000 Swedes have Twitter

1,9 million Swedes reads blogs

2,4 million Swedes have Facebook(almost ¼ of the population)

How many


SEO vs Social Media?

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Search Engines Criterias(one way to see it)


Keywords & Content

Links Everything regarding it

Domain & Language

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1. Domain & Language (examples)

Age of domain Anchor text in domain name TLD (.se .dk etc.) Language targeting Example: Canada – French and English

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2. Technical Aspects (examples)

Unique Titles Unique META Information Crawling issues Sitemap.xml Robots.txt URL:s Technical On-Page - <h1>, <h2> etc.

“Technical Aspects are important”

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3. Keywords & Content (examples)

Keyword research Keywords in Title Keywords in content Keywords in H1, H2, HX META Description text

“Content is King!”

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4. Links – Gimme that Link Love!

Internal linking Keywords in anchor text Domain/Page Authourity

Pretty much everything else...

“Links are God!”

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By searching in Social Media you can easily see what the customers want and how

they write and communicate.

You do search for products, news, companies on Social Media sites. You search for almost


But in another way...

Searching Social Media

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What’s the difference between a status update and a search?

Facebook:“Do you know where I can find the cheapest Canon

Ixus cameras in Stockholm?”

Google:“Cheap Canon Ixus in Stockholm”

Content: Why not use Social Media?

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The amount of links shared in Social

Medias are huge!

You can always get links from

Social Media Sites!

Links: How Do I Use Social Media

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The Nofollow of Social Media

The Problem with nofollow (link condom)

Link condoms doesn’t promote link love

Where can I find pure Link Love without link condoms?

Blogs = Yes Blog comments = No (in most cases) Twitter = No Bloggy = Yes and No Facebook = No

But... Google may see this anyway...

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What Matt Cutts says between the lines…

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If you get 10 000 links from

Facebook and 10 000 ReTweets from Twitter...

... Don’t you think Google will take this into consideration in

the SERPS?

Gimme that Social Link Love!

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Important info when aquiring links

1. Many different domains linking to you is good

2. Popularity/Importance of Who’s sending the link?

3. Anchor text and content on linking page

4. Trust/Hosting/Spam(This can go wrong – Ted Valentin case)

You want link from this guy?

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Link Bait

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LinkBait – The Easy Classics

Look at “How To” “Top 12” “5 ways to... ” “25 XXX you have to follow on YYY”

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Spotify Bait

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Voddler Bait

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Voddler / Spotify Bait

People will always love new hyped products

They will do anything to test it

Write about it – get links! Diss it! – Get links!

But best of all: give readers invites

– and you will get links! Lots of them!

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Pirate Bait

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Pirate Bait! Yarr!

“Tease a Pirate” Write about copyright. Against or For. Very much similarity with the “Ron Paul


Example Trygghetsvakten: PR5 209 comments (!) 834 links (SiteExplorer)

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Linkerati/Connector/Sneezer Principle

There are always people who link more than others.

There are also people who will just by linking get

even more to link and create virality.

Many of the Linkerati/Connectors sits in this room – it’s called Sweden Social Web Camp!

Gold Mine for every SEO!

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How to I reach them?

Well... the Linkerati/Connectors/Sneezers

use Social Media...

A lot!

Where they are…

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If you are open you will always get links

Try some

Honestyit works!

Get involved and use

Social Media!

Some wise things before questions