sepsis clc

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  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Stephanie Swanson RN, BSN

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    PhilosophyThrough staff education early signs of sepsis can be

    identified and aggressive treatment implemented. Safeand effective management will improve patientsurvival rates.

    (Pickard, 2006)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    MissionTo educate floor staff on sepsis, systemic inflammatory

    response syndrome (SIRS), multi-organ dysfunction(MODs). Providing them with the knowledge of theprocess, signs for early identification and treatmentplans.

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Learning outcomes To have an understanding of the infective process as it

    relates to sepsis

    Understand SIRS as it relates to MODs

    Identify early signs of sepsis

    Identify the four indicators of patient advancement towardSIRS

    Know when and how to initiate non-ICU sepsis protocol Know your role in the non-ICU sepsis protocol

    Identify when patient may not be appropriate for non-ICUsetting

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course sequence Part one

    What is sepsis

    Understanding possible sources

    Progression of sepsis, SIRS and MODS Sepsis + organ dysfunction

    Sepsis + organ dysfunction + volume resistant hypotension

    Mortality rate

    Who goes septic? Patient presentation (whats my septic patient look



  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course one description Microorganisms invade a body system and initiate

    systemic inflammatory response (SIRS)

    Gram- negative and gram positive aerobes, anaerobes,fungi, exogenous sources and endogenous sources.

    SIRS wide spread inflammatory response to severeinfective process progresses to multiple organ systemdysfunction syndrome (MODS). (Urden, Stacey, Lough, 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course descripton Severe sepsis occurs in > 750,000 patients in the U.S.


    Leading cause of death in non-coronary critical careunits

    Mortality rate of 38- 59 %(Urden, Stacey, Lough, 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course description I go, you go, we all go

    every patient with a severe infection have potential tobecome septic.

    Consider coexisting health conditions

    Source of infection

    Patient presentation

    PNA and UTI are most commonly associated with sepsis(Urden, Stacey, Lough, 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course description Look at holistic picture

    Dont get tunnel vision

    Look for worsening trends Skin color, LOC, orientation

    Changes in vital signs.

    Remember not everyone is septic

    Age does not predict sepsis anyone can go septic(Urden, Stacey, Lough, 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Objectives part one RN will be able to provide early identification of

    patients with potential of progression to sepsis

    RN will report assessment finding to physician andrequest initiation of non-ICU sepsis protocol.

    Identify SIRS score Severe sepsis vs. septic shock

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Part two SIRS criteria

    Vital signs

    What to watch for Lab values

    Blood cultures


    WBCs Neutrophils (Matthews & Harsh, 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Part two The plan

    Know when to act

    Be prepared with what to expect

    Understanding nursing action on sepsis protocol

    (Matthews & Harsh, 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course description Identify SIRS criteria rating of patient

    Report patients with two of the following parametersto physician

    Temp < 98.6 or > 100.4

    Pulse > 90/min

    Resp >20 or pCO2 < 32 WBC 12000 or bands > 10% neutrophils

    (Matthews & Harsh 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course description RN monitoring of septic patients will increase

    Strict Q2hr I & O report output of < 30ml/hr after

    6hr.Vitals signs Q1hr x 4 hr, Q2hr x 2, Q4hr x 24

    frequency may be increased based upon nursingjudgement

    Give antibiotics as ordered Treat fever > 101F, hyperglycemia protocol, and DVT

    prophylaxis. (Matthews & Harsh, 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Objectives part two

    The RN will identify and report patients with any 2 of

    4 SIRS criteria to physician

    RN will request non-ICU sepsis protocol and initiate

    RN monitoring will increase

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Part three Using the protocol outside the ICU

    Treatment of hypotension with fluids.

    When to know a higher level of care is required

    Trends in vital signs to watch for

    Urinary output Skin color (Matthews & Harsh 2010.)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course description Please look at past medical history, pre- existing conditions

    may require a more reserved fluid resuscitation efforts.

    Give 500 mL of NS over 30 min, repeat x1 for systolic < 90

    Notify physician if systolic BP < 90 or HR > 100 after 2boluses.

    If unresponsive to initial fluid bolus be prepared to beginaggressive resuscitation with 500 mL bolus of NS Q 30 min

    (parameters will be established by physician on volumes) Remember this is an intravascular depletion and volume

    resuscitation can exceed 6L for the severely septic patient.(Matthews & Harsh 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course descriptionWorsening trend in vital signs

    Temp > 103

    Systolic blood pressure < 60 Heart rate > 140

    Respiratory rate > 35

    Urine output of < 30mL/hr

    Increased O2 needs or decreasing O2 sats Mottled skin

    Acute mental status changes (Matthews & Harsh 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course description Patient requires a higher level of care!

    Unsuccessful volume resuscitation may requirepressors for vascular support.

    End goal is adequate end organ tissue perfusion.(Urden, Stacy, Lough 2010)

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Part three objectives The nurse will implement sepsis management bundle

    Administer IV antibiotics as ordered

    Begin fluid challenge

    Increase monitoring by RN maintained.

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course one evaluation Evaluation of content will be assessed through written

    exam. Exam will include multiple choice, fill in theblank.

    Content will include definition of sepsis Risk factors

    Identification of organisms responsible for sepsis

    Identification of when to report

    Case study

    Score > 90% required for completion andadvancement to course 2

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course two EvaluationWritten exam that includes

    SIRS criteria

    Identification of at risk patient

    Identification of expected nursing interventions

    Exam will be multiple choice and fill in the blank

    Case study

    Score > 90% required for completion and advancementto course 2

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Course three evaluation Each participant will receive 3 different case studies at

    end of part 3 for completion in 1 hour.

    Evaluation will require a written evaluation of 3separate case studies. Case studies will includeassessment of patient, lab interpretation, clinical

    presentation of patient and individualized plan of carefor all 3 cases.

  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    Instructor Evaluation Upon course completion please complete survey

    received with case studies.

    Survey will address:

    Course content

    Applicability in clinical setting

    Instructor knowledge of content

    Strengths and weakness of course content Strengths and weakness of instruction method


  • 8/3/2019 Sepsis Clc


    ReferencesMatthews, J, & Harsh, H. (2010). Identifying your septic patient. Informally publishedmanuscript, Department of Nursing Educaton, Exempla Health system

    Guthrie-Chu, C. (2009). Sepsis and septic shock.American Journal of Critical Care Nursing,16(2), 110-119.

    Larson, E. (2007). Development and implementation of multi-disciplinary sepsis protocol.Critical Care Nurse,23(3), 43-54.

    Urden, L., Stacy, K., & Lough, M. (2010). Critical care nursing diagnosis and management.St. Louis, Mo.: Mosby.