september 2014 mission of the m

SEPTEMBER 2014 MISSION OF THE MONTH: SEPTEMBER A/C - LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE “The message of the cross is folly for those who are on the way to ruin, but for those of us who are on the road to salvation it is the power of God. . . . While the Jews demand miracles and the Greeks look for wisdom, we are preaching a crucified Christ, to the Jews an obstacle they cannot get over, to the gentiles foolishness, but to those who have been called, whether they are Jews or Greeks, a Christ who is both the power of God and the wisdom of God.” – 1 Corinthians 1:18-24, the Epistle for Holy Cross Day (Sunday, Sept. 14) Dear St. David’s family and friends, With the words above, Paul invites those who would be saved to rally around the cross of Jesus, where the divergent ways of humankind and the unchanging compassion of God meet – where all things become new, the first become last, and those at the bottom of the heap are lifted up and into the power of God’s love. For us at St. David’s, a new season of learning begins, as St. David’s Christian Preschool opens, and our Sunday School kicks off with Rally Day, September 14 (Holy Cross Day), at 9:00 a.m. -- with outdoor food, fellowship, and activities for kids following the Liturgy. As always, the Word of God guides us on the road, equipping us with blessings ever new. On Saturday/ Sunday, September 6/7, we hear that on the road of God, “the life you save may be your own.” The prophet Ezekiel, called by the LORD to be a sentinel for God’s people – learns that his job cuts two ways. If he speaks the LORD’s warning to the wicked and they still die in their iniquity, the Prophet is not accountable (Ezekiel 33:9). But if he does not speak the Word of the LORD to the guilty, and they die, then their blood will be on his head. Why is God saying this? Because “As I live, says the LORD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their ways and live (verse 11).” St. Paul adds in Romans 13:8: “The commandments . . . are summed up in this word, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.” In the Gospel Jesus teaches his followers how to be reconciled, as differences arise in the community. The objective of his three step reconciliation process is to restore the straying sister or brother – who, one day we may need to restore us. And from where will that healing power come? Jesus promises: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).” And the Lord will be with us at St. David’s as we leave worship to don our yellow “God’s Work – Our Hands) T- shirts and go out to Sunrise Highway to Stuff a Bus with food for the Lutheran Social Services food pantry in Uniondale, teaming up as we do with our Lutheran sisters and brothers from Our Redeemer, Seaford, and Christ, Wantagh – as other Lutherans nationwide don their yellow shirts with us to bring the love of the Lord home to every place. Holy Cross Day (September 13/14) dates back to the year 335, when Constantine (remember his “in this sign, you will conquer” vision?) dedicated a basilica in Jerusalem on this day. That sign, of course, was the cross. Among us at St. David’s Sunday School begins with a 1

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SEPTEMBER 2014 MISSION OF THE MONTH: SEPTEMBER A/C - LUTHERAN DISASTER RESPONSE “The message of the cross is folly for those who are on the way to ruin, but for those of us who are on the road to salvation it is the power of God. . . . While the Jews demand miracles and the Greeks look for wisdom, we are preaching a crucified Christ, to the Jews an obstacle they cannot get over, to the gentiles foolishness, but to those who have been called, whether they are Jews or Greeks, a Christ who is both the power of God and the wisdom of God.”

– 1 Corinthians 1:18-24, the Epistle for Holy Cross Day (Sunday, Sept. 14) Dear St. David’s family and friends, With the words above, Paul invites those who would be saved to rally around the cross of Jesus, where the divergent ways of humankind and the unchanging compassion of God meet – where all things become new, the first become last, and those at the bottom of the heap are lifted up and into the power of God’s love. For us at St. David’s, a new season of learning begins, as St. David’s Christian Preschool opens, and our Sunday School kicks off with Rally Day, September 14 (Holy Cross Day), at 9:00 a.m. -- with outdoor food, fellowship, and activities for kids following the Liturgy. As always, the Word of God guides us on the road, equipping us with blessings ever new. On Saturday/ Sunday, September 6/7, we hear that on the road of God, “the life you save may be your own.” The prophet Ezekiel, called by the LORD to be a sentinel for God’s people – learns that his job cuts two ways. If he speaks the LORD’s warning to the wicked and they still die in their iniquity, the Prophet is not accountable (Ezekiel 33:9). But if he does not speak the Word of the LORD to the guilty, and they die, then their blood will be on his head. Why is God saying this? Because “As I live, says the LORD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their ways and live (verse 11).” St. Paul adds in Romans 13:8: “The commandments . . . are summed up in this word, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’.” In the Gospel Jesus teaches his followers how to be reconciled, as differences arise in the community. The objective of his three step reconciliation process is to restore the straying sister or brother – who, one day we may need to restore us. And from where will that healing power come? Jesus promises: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in the midst of them (Matthew 18:20).” And the Lord will be with us at St. David’s as we leave worship to don our yellow “God’s Work – Our Hands) T- shirts and go out to Sunrise Highway to Stuff a Bus with food for the Lutheran Social Services food pantry in Uniondale, teaming up as we do with our Lutheran sisters and brothers from Our Redeemer, Seaford, and Christ, Wantagh – as other Lutherans nationwide don their yellow shirts with us to bring the love of the Lord home to every place. Holy Cross Day (September 13/14) dates back to the year 335, when Constantine (remember his “in this sign, you will conquer” vision?) dedicated a basilica in Jerusalem on this day. That sign, of course, was the cross. Among us at St. David’s Sunday School begins with a


celebration of the power and wisdom of the Cross, where Our Lord is lifted up, even as Moses, at the LORD’s instruction, lifted up a bronze serpent in the desert (Numbers 21), to become a sign of healing and life for those who had been bitten by poisonous snakes. All who looked to it, if they were bitten, lived. “So shall the Son of Man be lifted up,” Jesus tells Nicodemus, a teacher who comes to learn from Jesus, “that whoever believes in him may have eternal life.”(John 3:15) In the verse that follows – one many of us learned in Sunday school – Jesus sums up the source and destination of Jesus’ ministry on earth: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” As he is lifted up, the power and wisdom of God’s love is revealed to all who receive him. Jesus further explains this to his disciples, shortly before he is crucified, “. . . and I, when I am lifted up from the earth, shall draw all people to myself.” (John 12:33) As we re-member his death and resurrection in the lifting up and blessing of the bread and cup, he draws us together re-members us into his body, his mission and his ministry. As we lift Jesus up before others, we, as Nicodemus, come into the light; we become the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise.. The following weekend, September 20/21, the Word brings us into a private conversation between the LORD and the prophet Jonah, where angry Jonah explains why he ran away from the LORD’s call to warn the enemy’s capital city Nineveh of their impending destruction – unless they repent. But Jonah, fresh (?) from three days in the belly of a great fish eventually delivers God’s Word. And everybody repents – even the cattle – and God spared them. Who knew? Jonah, for one: “For I knew you were a ‘gracious God and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love,’ and ready to relent from punishing (Jonah 4).” Will Jonah learn how not to be angry because God is merciful? Will we? Jesus tells a related parable, where a landowner hires day laborers to work in his vineyard, some at nine a.m., others at noon, still others at three., and yet others at five o’clock. The ones who started at nine agreed to the going rate for a day’s work. But the landowner decided to pay the last ones first – and they got the “going rate,” too. When those who worked all day long got the same wages, they cried, “Unfair!” The master of the estate asked them: “Did we not agree on the wages? Am I not entitled to do what I will with what is mine?” “Are you envious because I am gracious?” Surely, God’s accounting system is different from this world’s. As Paul puts in his letter to the Philippians (where he sits in prison, not knowing what will befall him): “For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain (Philippians 1:21).” Why complain? – either way, I come out ahead, because Christ already has the last (and first) word in both scenarios. This Sunday we remember Matthew, a tax collector for the Roman occupation who saw a gracious offer when Jesus invited him to “Come, follow me.” His is the only one of the four Gospels who shares this parable of Jesus. Some power, the power of the Lord’s compassionate love – the love released full strength in the cross of Jesus – “Scandalous!” some say. “Foolish!” Others chime in. “Unfair!” cried many in Ezekiel’s day. Perhaps, the prophet continues (Ezekiel 18), it is not God whose ways are unfair, but yours that are headed the wrong way. Perhaps it is you who need to get a new heart, a new spirit -- and not the LORD, whose heart desires the death of no one, but that all turn to him and live. Jesus tells another parable this final weekend of the month (September 27/28) about a man with two sons: one who “talked the talk,” and one who “walked the walk” – even though he had earlier refused to do what his father asked him. “Which one did the father’s will?” Jesus puts forward the question to those who ask him “By whose authority do you do what you do?” But Jesus’ mission was to walk the walk – the road that led to the cross. “Have this mind among yourselves,” Paul teaches the Philippians (chapter 2) the mind of Christ, who becomes a servant,


humbling himself obediently – even unto death – death on a cross. Through his obedient humility the power of God’s saving justice is made known – and the foundation is laid for the reconciliation Jesus teaches. Scandalous! Foolish! Yet what it says to those who hear it opens a way to new and abundant life. Jesus takes the lowest place – so we get to “come up higher.” Yes, it does sound crazy. Yes, it does fly in the face of what this world calls “fair.” Still, for those who looked at the bronze serpent lifted up and repented at Jonah’s preaching – those in the parable who take the householder’s denarius with thanks, discover it to be the coinage of a realm that satisfies all we need – as we live, or even if we die. Those who take Jesus at his promise to be “in the midst” as they (or we) seek to be reconciled to one other, discover as we do that he who is lifted up among us continues to draw us to himself -- an repentance becomes a birthing of new life in the welcome of God’s arms, in the nail pierced hands of Jesus -- the new heart and spirit Ezekiel says we “need to get” is the one waiting between the arms the hands extended. Your fellow traveler on the road home,



JULY‐Air Conditioning and Intrepid Fallen Heroes AUGUST‐Air conditioning and Pastor’s Discretionary Fund SEPTEMBER‐Air conditioning and Lutheran Disaster Relief 

 COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS Letter received from INN thanking us for all the soup we supply throughout the year.  PASTOR DAVID MEYERS Attended the Synod Assembly‐ many ideas presented. Synod has set aside funds for grants to work on leadership training‐ we need a sub‐committee to work with Synod grants for St. David’s. We have not utilized the resources of the Synod, their website has many areas of help for churches‐ have discussed churches joining together to purchase supplies, oil, etc. Setting an evening date to continue on “A Door Set Open’ workshop, Thursday July 17th at 7:30 P.M., hope to attract a larger group.  


 God’s Work Our Hands‐ Sunday September 7, 2014‐ will be joining with Our Redeemer and Christ Wantagh by stuffing buses with food for the food pantries which are very empty at the present, will be ordering t‐shirts for those who participate.  TREASURER Average weekly giving was below budget, little cash on hand.  Outstanding payables at the end of July‐$4,895.34  FINANCE Committee met with representative from Thrivent Financial who presented many financial options for us, suggested a mixture of mutual funds‐ aggressive, moderate and moderately conservative. Council agreed to take the money we have to invest and invest in Thrivent Portfolio as outlined at the Finance Committee meeting with the representative from Thrivent.   COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS Received thank you letters from Long Island Council of churches, INN at Freeport, LSS, for our contributions of food and clothing. Mother’s Day blanket collection raised $675 to purchase blankets.   EDUCATION End of Sunday Church School year, presented Little Lambs at church service. Vacation Bible School canceled due to lack of interest  EVANGELISM Spoke about Village Fair in August, will have table to hand out flyers and brochures. Have received new residents list from Real Estate Co., will send welcome letters to each.        PROPERTY Gamblers asked for use of room while their building is being renovated, Zumba classes begin in June Worked around church‐ new planters in place, leak in classroom fixed.   SOCIAL MINISTRY Crop Walk raised $7,000, St David’s contributed $3,200, Pancake Breakfast on March 14, 2015 at Applebee’s, next CROP Walk April 26, 2015. School supplies are due‐ collection box in rear lobby.   STEWARDSHIP Talked about name for upcoming Stewardship campaign, will try and keep in contact with new residents on a monthly basis.   WORSHIP Summer schedule remains the same through Rally Day‐ September 14, one service on Sunday morning at 10:00 A.M., Saturday evening service remains at 5:30 P.M. 


Ascension Day service not well attended‐ next year will be a t Our Redeemer.  PRESCHOOL Number of children enrolled for next year is the same as last year. Linda Patrissi will resurrect the Little Lambs group.  Check was received from the Preschool for $500.  DEAF MINISTRY Deaf Ministry is off site at the High School, need the stair lift in order for some members to be able to participate at church, will do flyer for the Fall about Deaf Awareness, Bingo in October, Christmas party will be on a Saturday afternoon this year.    SCHOLARSHIP Two applications received, one will get full amount other will get partial due to discrepancy in paper work received,                                                                                                                                  Respectfully submitted,                                                                                    Jo Ann Justus, Secretary       


SOCIAL MINISTRY Hope your summer was delightful! Now back to work! We are continuing to collect for

our soldiers. Leave the items in the box in the lobby Food is always needed at LSS. Please leave the food in the bin ion the lobby.

We also need baby items.. In October we start collecting coats. Only clean, no tears and buttons on please Coats for all--children to adults

On September 7th we are holding a special Stuff-The-Bus which will be held at Waldbaums on Sunrise Highway the hours of 8-4. Please bring food-and/or baby items. Get ready to serve! :'God's work. Our Hands".

The ELCA invites us to put faith into action by serving our communities in ways to show

the love of God with all of God's people. A special thanks to Jill and Heike for coordinating and the Educational Bus Co, for the bus,

A warm welcome back to all of our Sunday School children, teachers, helpers and Mrs. Jo-Ann Rey our pianist. We would like to take this opportunity to give a special thank you to Jo-Ann Rey and Julie Meier, along with our teachers, staff and helpers, for all you do to make this possible. May God and bless and guide you.


Sunday School will be starting on Sunday, September 14th at 9:00am. Our “Rally Day Fun Fest” will follow.

BACK TO SCHOOL You can help a child in need this school year through the New Life Center-Long Island by donating any of the school supplies listed below. Many children do not have the basic supplies necessary for beginning their school year and your donation will help a child start their year off right! Please have items delivered to New Life Center – Long Island no later than the week of August 13th.

3-ring binders Glue sticks Assignment books Loose-Leaf paper Book bags Lunch boxes Pencil boxes Pencil boxes Colored pencils Pencils Composition note books Pens Construction paper Rulers Crayons Erasers Folders Scissors Spiral Note Books

Should you have any questions please contact Anita Trabold (516) 586-3119


There is a program for caregivers that originated with a church in Syosset and now has chapters all over Long Island including the one sponsored by the combined Massapequa churches. “Caring for the Caregiver” meets at the Massapequa Reformed Church on Merrick Road on the first and third Tuesday of the month at 2:00 PM in the library across from the church office in back of the fellowship hall. There is a small core group who has been with us since the beginning more than a year ago and others come and join us on and off as they feel the need. The concept is simple. Care giving is a lonely situation and only others who have experienced the same thing can appreciate what you are going through. There are certain characteristics that apply to all but many think they must be the only one in such a place. That is where this group comes in. We all get a chance to tell our story and to hear what is going on with one another. Sometimes we learn some useful piece of information that can benefit our situation as well. Other times we just get a chance to feel the caring of others in a similar position. St. David’s is one of the sponsors of this group and I am one of the facilitators. I know we have many people at St. David’s who are in this situation and can surely use the companionship of some of these wonderful people who live daily with this challenge. So please, give us a chance and avail yourself of this opportunity to give yourself a break and learn some new coping mechanisms for the challenging work you are doing. In Christ,


Deacon Florence Poeschke

St. David’s Lutheran Church ♦ 20 Clark Boulevard ♦ Massapequa Park, NY 11762

Dear Parents, H

ave you brought your child to worship lately?

Join us on Rally Day Sunday, September 13, 2014 Following Sunday Church School classes which begins at 9:00a.m. Confirmation Classes begins Wednesday’s (date TBA) at 7:30pm for 6th, 8th& 9th grade and 7:00pm on Thursday’s for 7th grade.

Remember – if your child doesn’t see that coming to church is important to you, it won’t be important to him or her, either.

May you enjoy the blessings God gives you during the school year!

Church Office – 516/799-7832 ♦ Fax – 516/799-9828 ♦ E-Mail – [email protected]

2014/2015 SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL/CONFIRMATION – REGISTRATION FORM (2 year old through 9th Grade)

CHILD’S NAME___________________________________________ PHONE NO._______________

(Please duplicate and use a separate form for each child)

FULL ADDRESS________________________________________________________________

BAPTIZED: Yes______ No______ WHERE______________________________________

DATE OF BAPTISM______________________

DATE OF BIRTH*__________________ GRADE IN SCHOOL (Sept. ’14) ____________ PARENT(S) E-MAIL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________

♦Registration fee of $25 per child or $60 per family of 3 or more (ages 2 yrs. To Gr. 9) is requested to cover cost of materials ♦

Please list all members of your household and relationship to child



Anything else you’d like us to know about (ex: dismissal instructions, non-custodial parent name/phone,

medical, food allergies, etc.)

______________________________________________________________________ __________

EMERGENCY CONTACT: ___________________________________________________________________




AND/OR IN THE LOCAL NEWSPAPERS _____________________________________

Parent’s Signature



NEWS & NOTES THE MISSION OF THE MONTH: “A/C – DISCRETIONARY FUND” •HELP WANTED: The office is looking for anyone who can spare an hour or more to update our church records. If you can help, please call the office at 799-7832. Thank you. •MEN’S LUNCHEON: Under the New Leadership of Joe Mulligan will be at the Corner Galley on Tuesday, September 9th, at 12:00pm. Calling all men to share in a time of fellowship. •THE KING DAVID FELLOWSHIP WILL BE HELD SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st, from 4-7pm at 32 NEW YORK AVENUE Massapequa......FUN, FOOD, FELLOWSHIP AND MUSIC.....Call Gloria Thorsen, hostess, 799-8517 or REV Juanita at 541-5624 email [email protected] RSVP • JOIN US ON RALLY DAY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2014, following Sunday School classes which begin at 9:00a.m. Remember – if your child doesn’t see that coming to church is important to you, it won’t be important to him or her, either. Sunday School Applications can be picked up at the Church Office or via e-mail [email protected]. •SAVE THE DATE: The Fellowship Committee, along with the help of LBS, will be hosting “CHINESE NIGHT” Saturday, October 4th at 6:30pm here at St. David’s. Enjoy a traditional Chinese meal prepared by Lily & Ted Ho. RSVP: 799-7832 no later than Sunday, September 21st. Seating limited to the first 150 people. Adults $15.00 children under 10 $10. •St. David’s will be holding its 5th Annual Craft Fair on Saturday, Dec 6th. It’s too soon to set up but it is not too soon to make handmade items. Please help make this craft fair a success and start making craft items. Please contact Sue Teitel for more details. • FOOD PANTRIES ARE EMPTY ON LONG ISLAND! We are collecting for LSS New Life Center in Uniondale and the I.N.N. in Freeport. Items especially needed are baby food; formula, other baby needs canned meats, coffee, etc? All donations can be left in the green bin located in the lobby. Thank you for all you continue to do to help this program. • WE ARE CONTINUING TO COLLECT ITEMS FOR OUR SOLDIERS IN AFGHANISTAN AND IRAQ.  All donations can be placed in the appropriate bin in the lobby. The VFW will be sending the collected items to our troops. if you have any questions, please call Debbie Geis at (516) 396-0646. GET READY TO SERVE!! “God’s work. Our Hands.” Calling all Confirmation students and members, to donate as much time as you can. COME JOIN US, TO help Stuff–A-Bus on Sunday, September 7th from 8:00am – 4:00pm. Waldbaums on Sunrise Highway


Massapequa, in the shopping center where Staples and Toy’s-R-Us are located.


St. David's Christian Preschool 20 Clark Boulevard Massapequa Park, NY 11762

Preschool (516)\799-5824 - Office (516)\799-7832 - Fax (516)\799-9828

E-mail: [email protected]




I hereby make application for the admission of my child to St. David's Christian Preschool and submit the following information: APPLYING FOR:

4 YEAR OLD 3 DAY                        3 YEAR OLD 2 DAYS      TUITION - $184 MONTH                       TUITION - $135 MONTH     (must be 4 by 12/1/2014) (must be 3 by 12/1/2014) Monday - Wednesday - Friday Monday – Wednesday ______ 9:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. ______ 9:00 a.m - 11:30 a.m. ______ _______Monday- Wednesday- Friday_______ Mon – Fri 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 9:00a.m. – 11:30 a.m. TUITION - $290 month TUITION - $184 month CHILD'S FULL NAME: BIRTHDATE: ADDRESS:

(street) (town) (zip)


Name Birth date


Little Lambs Registration form Class meets on Tuesdays from 9:30AM to 10:45AM I would like to register my child for: _____ Fall Session _____ Winter/Spring Session Ages 18 mos. to 2 ½ years Tuesday mornings 9:30AM to 10:45AM

Child’s name _________________________________________ Parents’ Names _______________________________________ Address _____________________________________________ Phone Number _______________________________________ Cell Phone Number ____________________________________ Emergency Contact Person ______________________________ Phone Number ________________________________________ Allergies ______________________________________________ Child’s Birth Date _______________________________________ Does your child receive any services? If so, please specify. Names of people who will be bringing your child. Little Lambs Mommy and Me 2014 – 2015 Schedule Session 1 – Fall $240 tuition September 9, 16, 23, 30 October 7, 14, 21, 28 November 4, 11, 18, 25 December 2, 9, 16, 23 Session 2 – Winter/Spring $315 tuition January 6, 13, 20, 27 February 3, 10, 24 March 3, 10, 17, 24 April 7, 14, 21, 28 May 5, 12, 19, 26 June 2, 9

News & Notes


MEN’S LUNCHEON: Under the New Leadership of Joe Mulligan, will be at the Corner Galley on Tuesday, September 9th, at 12:00pm. We would like to thank John Niesen for all of his hard work, and wonderful devotion, in making

the Men’s Luncheon a wonderful time for all. We welcome Joe Mulligan, and say thank you, for stepping up to keep this ministry going.


HELP WANTED: The office is looking for anyone who can spare an hour or more to update our church records. If you can help, please call the office at 799-7832. Thank you.


Have you looked at our website recently? You can catch-up on all that is going on at St. David’s! You can get back issues of The Herald; see the Worship Assistants Schedule (Ushers,

Greeters, Assisting Ministers, Communion Assitants, Lectors and Acloytes) and if you can’t make it to church services, you can read the News & Notes and the Calendar schedule for

the week.

King David Fellowship The King David Fellowship, which is an outreach of St David’s, was started in July. The group meets at the home of the Rev. Juanita and Walt Hilsenbeck.........It is a get together of fellowship, food and music .Pastor David when time permits joins us with the guitar for sing alongs and Walt plays the Wurlitzer Theatre Pipe Organ(1200 pipes) that is installed in their home. The organ was formerly installed in the Lowe's 167th street theatre in the Bronx in 1928.Dates and times and posted....for more info to join in Christian our next fellowship meeting will be AUGUST 31st, from 4-7pm at 32 NEW YORK AVENUE Massapequa......FUN, FOOD, FELLOWSHIP AND MUSIC.....Call Gloria Thorsen, hostess, 799-8517 or Rev. Juanita at 541-5624 (email [email protected] ) RSVP

EVANGELISM Our Praise and Worship group encourages all singers or musicians to join us. We especially would love to have a keyboard player! Rehearsals are on Tuesdays from 7:30-9:30pm. Our services are usually every six weeks. Other helpers for administrative tasks are welcome to join us. Thank you………… Debbie Geis

I want to thank all who visited me in the hospital, sent cards and flowers. Your prayers and well wishes for my recovery have been a blessing. I am now back at home and doing well, it has been a long road but God has been good. Hope to see you soon! Your friend in Christ, Christian (Chris) Brickner

SAVE THE DATE The Fellowship Committee with the help of LBS will be hosting “CHINESE NIGHT”! Saturday, October 4th at 6:30pm here at St. David’s. Enjoy a traditional Chinese meal prepared by Lily & Ted Ho RSVP: 799-7832 no later than Sunday, September 21st. Seating limited to the first 150 people. Adults $15.00 children under 10 $10.

WELCA SEPTEMBER 2014 So what do you want to hear first? The good news or the bad news? Let me start with my first experience at a triennial for Women of the ELCA. It was my first but for some it was their ninth. I felt like people who come to New York for the first time and you see them gawking up at the tall buildings. I wasn’t gawking up but felt like a fish out of water. But as a female wasn’t afraid to ask questions. We had a 4 block trek to the Convention Center from our hotel so there was a lot of back and forth till we learned how to plan our days. Joyce even found an inside path as they had covered links from one building to another and a wonderful inside mall for the people who work downtown. All connected to parking garages. Our favorite breakfast place was closed on Sat & Sun. so we had to find substitutes. Attended a lovely lunch with the other Metro NY Ladies on Friday. But back to the Opening Thankoffering Service. The sermon delivered by Pastor Claire Burkat, Bishop of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod told us that this was the very first time there were 6 generations of women attending a Triennial Gathering. As she called out the levels we were asked to raise our hands. We had women over 100 years of age and babies born after 2005. I also have to say there weren’t a sea of Q tips in attendance. There were lot of young women and it was an encouraging sight. She also said we must care for the young people crossing our boarders and all women who face violence. At this point I feel compelled to mention the music. Kevin Anderson co-ordinated the music from a group of singers and musicians called the Glocal Musicians of the ELCA. He also was in charge of the choir who sang at the Sunday Worship Service. We sang music in almost every language. The Swahili piece had some tongue twisting words. Didn’t realize it but when we started with that piece on Sunday morning my facial muscles yelled at me. It was a great feeling. Tells me with all my talking I don’t use all my facial muscles. Can’t find the music we sang but if I do I’ll have to have Britany play it. Only complaint not enough familiar hymns. But the music got us to our feet and moved us around. Delegates arrived early to vote for officers and board members. Our Metro N Y President Barbara Tormondsen’s article in the Witness which should follow this article tells us all about what happened at the business part of the Gathering. Please read and if you want more information just click on the links she supplies.


All the speakers were excellent. If they had passed around a sheet of paper I would have signed up. There was so much going on we were happy to attend as much as we did. Karen and I took the Charlotte, NC bus tour when we arrived on Thursday and saw the layout of the city and it’s surrounding areas. Museums and revitalization areas were pointed out. Buses and a train travel through the city which makes for convenient traveling. Didn’t have rain until Sunday morning and that is the bad news as our plane was cancelled. We did get back on Sunday but spent lots of time traveling through airports. Had to head south to come north. Then when I heard about the plane circling the Atlanta airport for hours and finally landing at a military base I feel we didn’t do too bad. Getting back to St David’s. Flower delivery for September is Naomi Circle and Martha circle is listed for October. Living Hope is November and Altar is set for December with as many volunteers as possible to help deliver pointsettias’s at Christmas. Good news for those attending the Welca Bible Study each month. We are starting with Session 2 in September for those who want to take the study back to their circle. So that’s Sept 26, 2014 at Christ Wantagh with Pr Nale and the study from the October Gather Magazine Session 2. I have copies of the dates and will put one in the parking lot vestibule. Sincerely, Ina Cohen

M etro New York Synod Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America

Dear Sister’s in Christ, Where does the time go? Another glorious summer is nearly over! I’d like to take this opportunity to update you on what’s happening with the Metropolitan New York Women of the ELCA. First, I want to congratulate and express our support for our re-elected Bishop, the Reverend Robert Rimbo. As an attendee at the synod assembly I feel energized about the newly introduced strategic plan, “For Such a time as this,” and I encourage all of you to read about it on the synod website, Exciting things are happening throughout our synod! At the churchwide level, our ninth Women of the ELCA triennial gathering, “Of Many Generations,” was held on July 24-27. Over 2000 Lutheran women across the country gathered in Charlotte, North Carolina for fellowship, service and worship. We heard inspiring messages from our bishop, the Reverend Elizabeth Eaton, as well as from the keynote speakers, Susan Sparks (Baptist minister, comedian and author) and Becca Stevens (Episcopal priest and founder of Thistle Farms.) Read more about how these women and many others are affecting change throughout the world on the Women of the ELCA website: During the convention/business meeting held July 22-24, the voting members/delegates elected a new church wide president, Patti Austin, from Georgia and 17 board members. Please keep our new president and executive board in your prayers. Additionally memorials were passed addressing violence against women and children. Our synodical women’s gathering will be held on September 20 at the Wartburg in Mount Vernon, NY. This year’s theme is from Matthew 15:28, “Woman, great is your faith!” Our keynote speaker is Linda Post Bushkovsky,


executive director of Women of the ELCA. Linda is a multi-talented and dynamic woman, who will share with us more about her role with the churchwide organization. At this gathering, we will also be electing new board members. This September several of our board members will be fulfilling their terms and retiring from the board. I ask you to prayerfully consider running for the board or encourage women from your unit to do so. It is a gratifying way to serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Please mark your calendars now and join us for a spirit-filled Saturday. (Registration and nomination forms can be found on pages 5 and 6 of this newsletter.) Concerning unit offerings, thank you to all of you who have already sent in contributions this year. Your support funds many important ministries. This past fiscal year our synodical women’s organization contributed to the ELCA Malaria Campaign, Outreach Northeast (a group that distributes meals to the hungry), and Susan’s Place. Susan’s Place continues to thrive. One of our board members, Delores Gray, recently visited a newly opened medical clinic founded by Care for the Homeless, the umbrella organization for Susan’s Place. In closing, I ask that you keep the Metropolitan NY Synod Women of the ELCA in your prayers and I hope to see you on September 20th at the Wartburg. God’s Peace be with you. - Barbara Tormondsen Our mission: To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ. Declaración de misión: Movilizar a las mujeres para actuar con valentía en base a su fe en Jesu crist. August  2014 Has your congregational unit of Women of the E.L.C.A. sent us a contribution yet? Every dollar you send to Synodical Women of the E.L.C.A. is shared 50% with Churchwide Women of the ELCA. There is so much being done with your dollars. On the Synodical level, we recently sent $500 to “Susan’s Place”, the Bronx facility for homeless and fragile women run by the Care for the Homeless agency. We also sent $250 to “End Hunger in the Northeast/Outreach Inc.” which manages various food programs in the Westchester County area. Another $250 was sent to Lutheran World Relief for shipping quilts overseas to disaster areas. We also gave two $700 scholarships for 2 women to attend the Triennial Gathering in Charlotte, North Carolina in July 2014. On the national level, Women of the ELCA is using our offerings to produce free on-line resources for programs and/or retreats. Check out the website: to see and download all the new materials available. Make sure your congregational leaders are getting “INTERCHANGE” the monthly newsletter for leaders. Subscribe to “Gather” magazine for great articles and the newest Bible Study materials. Get the on-line magazine, “Café” especially geared for younger women. Under the health initiative, Raising Up Healthy Women and Girls”, seed grants were given to local programs that meet the health needs of women and children. Churchwide WELCA also gives scholarships for women in seminary or other leadership professions. They also support some overseas projects for women and children. Talk about getting more bang for your buck! Following are the congregational units that have sent in a synodical offering for either 2013 and/or 2014: St. John’s, Bellmore St. Peter’s, Bronx Trinity, Brewster Incarnation, Cedarhurst Holy Cross, Commack Ascension, Deer Park Dobbs’ Ferry, Dobb’s Ferry Christ, Ellenville Messiah, Flushing Abiding Presence, Fort Salonga Our Savior, Glen Head St. Peter’s, Greenport Epiphany, Hempstead St.Stephen’s, Hicksville Redeemer, Kingston Trinity, Kingston Abiding Presence, Bronx Holy Cross, Lake Ronkonkoma Epiphany, Laurelton St. David’s, Massapequa Park United, Mount Vernon Our Savior, Patchogue Good Shepherd, Pearl River St. Paul’s, Port Jefferson Station Our Savior, Port Washington St. Paul’s, Richmond Hill Trinity, Rocky Point Good Shepherd, Roosevelt St. Paul’s, Rye Brook Atonement, Saugerties Trinity, St. Albans Immanuel, Staten Island Messiah, Staten Island Faith, Syosset Community, Uniondale Christ, Wantagh St. Matthew’s, White Plains Grace, Yorktown Heights If you have not yet sent in an offering for 2014, please send your contribution, payable to “Metro N.Y. Women of the ELCA” to Karen P. Smith, Treasurer, at 81 Stillwater Ave., Massapequa, NY 11758. Any questions, please email me: [email protected] or phone: 516-798- Thank you for your support.


Susan’s Place Homeless women need our help! Metro NY WELCA supports Susan’s Place, a Bronx shelter for medically frail and mentally ill homeless women. This 200-bed transitional residence has a medical and dental clinic on site. Susan’s Place provides a safe and supportive environment until residents are placed in permanent housing. We support this mission in two ways. First, WELCA members can knit or crochet single bed size blankets at home or as part of a congregational event. Shut-ins can also participate in this mission opportunity. Some women who can’t knit, provide the yarn for others. The completed blankets are donated to the residents to take to their permanent homes. For specifications or more

information please contact Wilma Bujtas at [email protected] LUCINDA’S PINS Secondly, Metro-NY Women of the ELCA donates the proceeds from the sales of Lucinda Pins to Susan’s Place to assist in providing important services for women in need. CEO Lucinda Yates of Designs by Lucinda, was once homeless and in need of help. She designs and produces unique wearable art to bring financial help and awareness to non-profit causes worldwide. Janet Siry, Trinity, Rocky Point coordinates this fundraising effort. We invite you to contact Janet if your unit would like to be more involved in this important mission. To make arrangements to sell pins at your next congregational or neighborhood event, please contact Janet at [email protected]. For further information services button on the website: Your Metro-New York Synod Board Barbara Tormondsen (President) St. Paul’s Lutheran Church 761 King Street Rye Brook, NY 10573 [email protected] Home # 203-622-9453 Anne Mygland (Vice President) Holy Cross, Commack [email protected] Barbara Altman St. John, Bellmore [email protected] Irma Carlson Good Shepherd, Plainview [email protected] Nancy Eichorn Grace, Yorktown Heights [email protected] Irene Germain (Secretary) Trinity, Brewster [email protected] Delores Gray St. Peter’s, Bronx [email protected] Iris Hippner St. Peter’s, Greenport [email protected] Helen Jackson Good Shepherd, Roosevelt [email protected] Janet Siry Trinity, Rocky Point [email protected] Karen Smith St. David’s, Massapequa Park [email protected]

“Woman, great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” (Matthew 15:28)

MNYS Women of the ELCA

2014 Annual Gathering September 20, 2014 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

The Wartburg, Mount Vernon, New York

In addition to conducting our annual business meeting and board elections, we will celebrate our faith with worship led by Pastor Carol Fryer, and we will hear from our keynote speaker, Linda Bushkofsky, executive director of Women of the ELCA. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS:

Registration and Continental Breakfast Opening Worship Business meeting


Greetings from Women of the ELCA Church wide representative, Ely Smith Keynote Speaker, Linda Bushkofsky Lunch Bible Study Installation of new board members and closing prayer

Registration due by September 1, 2014

Cost is $40 per person (Program is free for girls 10 – 18 yrs old.)

MNYS Women of the ELCA 2014 Annual Gathering Registration Form

“Woman, Great is your faith! Let it be done for you as you wish.” (Matthew 15:28)

WHEN: Saturday, September 20, 2014 – Registration begins at 8:30 am WHERE: The Wartburg, Mount Vernon, New York Cost is $40 per participant. (Free for girls 10 – 18 yrs old.) Registration fee includes: Continental breakfast, lunch, Gathering booklet and workshops. Please make checks payable to “Metro-NY Synod Women of the ELCA.” Registration deadline is September 1, 2014. Registrations are strongly encouraged to help ensure adequate materials and refreshments. Send completed registration and child care forms to:

Nancy Eichorn 11 Mystic Drive

Ossining, NY 10562

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Tormondsen (203-622-9453) or by email at [email protected] MNYS Women of the ELCA may be taking pictures at the gathering. By registering for this event, you give Women of the ELCA permission to use your image and comments in educational, informational and promotional material in a variety of media. Name of Registrant ________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________ State_________ Zip___________________________ Telephone_________________________ email _________________________________________ Church name______________________________________________________________________ Church address____________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________ State_________ Zip___________________________ Note: Each congregational WELCA unit is entitled to one delegate.


I am registering as: Delegate__________ Participant________________ Clergy____________ Exhibitor _________________ Pastor’s or unit president’s signature confirming you as delegate:



Come down to our exercise classes. Help yourself and help your Church too. The classes will get your body moving and stretched. You do as much as you can. Aerobics: EVERY TUESDAY AT 7:30PM Low impact increases cardio vascular efficiency, flexibility and tones your body. Stretch and Tone: EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 10:00AM We use chairs for balance and sit on to do various exercises. The exercises are designed to increase your flexibility. So Again, help yourself and help our Church. All donations collected go directly to St David’s. Wear sneakers, comfortable clothing, a water bottle and light weights. Also bring a mat for the aerobics classes. Should you have any questions or concerns please call me (Lois Gaiti) at (516) 798-6159.



After a nice restful summer (hopefully for everyone), we will resume making soup for the I.N.N. Soup Kitchen in Freeport on Tuesday, September 9th at 8:30 a.m. The “Soup Spoilers” group has been going strong now for almost 15 years and the people who visit the I.N.N. in Freeport (about 125-150 every day) look forward to our soup every other week. The servers in Freeport call it “awesome!” It is always nutritious with meat and fresh veggies. We meet at 8:30 every other Tuesday to wash, chop, dice and stir the ingredients to make 70 quarts of soup. We have to start early so the soup cooks before we deliver it for lunch. While it cooks, we have coffee, cake and lively conversation. Won’t you join us? If you only have an hour to spare, that’s fine. We usually have everything in the pot by 9:30. (But then you would miss the fellowship, and we’d love to chat.) New faces are very welcome. Bring your favorite sharp knife. We have plenty of cutting boards. We would especially welcome a few men to the group. Dates for the fall of 2014 are: Sept 9th and Sept 23 Oct 7 and Oct 21 Nov 4 and Nov 18 Dec 2 and Dec 16 Any questions, call Fred & Karen Smith 798-7894

CONFIRMATION CLASSES WILL BE STARTING UP SOON. Our First Confirmation Class and Orientation for grades 6th, 7th, 8th, & 9th, will be on Wednesday, October 1st. Information packets will be handed out with all necessary information for the coming year. Please make it a priority to come to this meeting. We will be attending Camp Wilbur Herrlich the weekend of October 3,4,&5. ALL MUST ATTEND THIS EVENT. Please make all necessary arrangements for this trip. Information to follow. We invite parents to join your child or children.


Congratulations to this year’s 2014 Harold E. & Margaret M. Jacobsen Scholarship awards the two recipients are: Matthew Thomas Ho will be attending Hofstra University & Michael Richard Imbrogno who will be attending Penn State




With thanks to all who remembered or honored their friends and loved ones with gifts to our funds this month:

Memorial Fund:

MEMORIALS: My Grandmother and Grandfather Caroline & John Hanlon. Barbara Vigorito by Robert (bob) & Mo Roth. Bill Trautenburg By Irene Trautenburg, SUE GAITI: by Barbara Puleio SOUP SPOILERS: my beloved daughter Terri by Pat Brederhorst Gary Naylor sr: by The Naylor Family, by Barbara Puleio, ORGAN FUND: Gary Naylor Sr. by Warren & Lillian “Bonny” Van Allen Po Gan Leung Ho: by Henry & Ann dong, Caroline Chin, Elaine Chu, Merrie Heuy, Emma & Frank Don, Lily & David Eng,Priscilla Yuen, Lonnie & GeORGE Cheu.

In Thanksgiving for:

Organ Fund: by Lisa Fregoe & Family, Pastor David & Joann Meyers on their 44t h wedding anniversary blessings Rev Juanita & Walt Hilsenbeck.

In thanksgiving for the organ fund by heike bombowsky

Soup Spoilers: Irma Kipp by Ingeburg Schuett

WEDDINg Of: Colleen Sheridan & Christopher Meyers by Mr & Mrs Joreitz




WEEK, PLEASE REMEMBER: + KNOWN TO BE HOSPITALIZED, ILL OR RECOVERING: Margaret Ceraldi, Douglas Keiser, Elsie Von Duering, Martin Schmidt, Joe Gaiti, Rev.Thomas Hammond, Vincent, Grace Detommaso, Barbara Keller, Jim Gallagher, Glen Posner, Fran Volz, Vicky, Carl Majestic, Grace Sagganario, John Algeo, Doris Glatthaar, Amanda Coffey, Gary & Beverly, Robert, Jackie, Anita Scanio, Lisa McCaffrey, Anne Balfour, Kerry Copeland, Catherine Niemeic, Doug Pulley, Susan Eckstein, Marge Dankenbrink, Bob Roth, Lottie Karpenkiel, Laurie, Vi Madison, Frank Verdone, Dorothy Herold, Chris Brickner, Larry Erickson, Mary Britton, Judy Micheels, Jean Renesci, Mary & Lou Spony Hugh Talada, Arlene Streich, Joanne Calamis, Jeffrey Fisher, Barbara Darabasz, Mitch Maybury, Frederick, Esther Hansen, Jenner Beutel, Gigi Clark, Christopher McCarthy, John Fuldetta,Yin Moy, Jack Waldeck, Alex Moore, Jennifer Micalizzi, Chris & Rachel, Ron Ottomano, Nancy Florentz, Dorylas Smith, Katherine Beitler, Anne Rozycki, Jean Viviani Jackie Giacone, Gail Wertz, Donald, Edward O’Neil, Susan Sousa, Vicky, Garrett Bolinger, Betty Ann Dixon, Steven Riley, Pastor Saeed, Erin Fesefeldt, Kristi, Issabella Ward, Nancy, Marge Garrett, Al Fesefeldt, Carolyn Arndt, Linda Mann, Debbie Blankley, Dave Dantonio, Chris Kuechenmeister, Gladys Toler, Thea Erickson, Vincent & Norma Cianfaguoni, Richard, Nicole Trabold, Nancy Zickmund, Betty Ann Dixon, Ross Hessinger, Susan Mast Trinder, Frank Libschik, Lynne Schenk, Mildred Ulrich, Al Trabold, Rose Heisinger, Lauren McCarthy, Thomas McCarthy, Pat Bernstein, Dorothy McGowan, Olga Cohen, Peter Klamann, Carol Weis, Scott Goldman, Lillian Cortez, Sanzio Vagnini, Steve Dunne, Elsie Grabow, Florence Copeland, Dora Wharmby, Blanche Whaley, Catherine, Flora Bryant.





+THOSE WHO MOURN THE PASSING OF: Paul Halmo, Dorothy Wenzel, Gary Naylor Sr., John McNeill, Ray Carlson, Mario DeMartino, Barbara Vigorito, Cornielius O’Neil, AnneMarie deRiesthal,

Communion TeacherPray For our Staff: Pastor David Meyers

Rev. David J . Meyers Senior Pastor Mary Ann Ho Office Administrator

Confirmation TeachersRobert Michaelis Deacon Mitch Maybury 6 t h grade

Florence Poeschke Deacon Anne Anderson 7 t h grade

Janet Pinto Organist , Saturday P

astor David J . Meyers 8th & 9 t h grades Bethany Porter Organist /Choir Dir . Janis Garone LBS Director Pray For: Led By the Spir i t & Adult Choir Domingo Rojas Custodian Patricia McCarthy Deaf Min. /Signer

Pray For our Lay Leaders:Karen Corbett Parish Nurse

Karen Corbett , Council President/Evangelism/

Ji l l Ewen Parish Nurse Personnel/Stewardship

Julie Meier Sun. School Director Lynn Benov, CouncilVicepresident/Stewardship/

Jo-Ann Rey Sunday School/Nursery Pianist Worship/ Social Ministry/Evangelism

Pray for our Preschool Staff: Jo Ann Justus, Secretary/Worship/Nominating

Robin Lever Preschool Dir. /Teacher Anne Anderson, Council /Treasurer

Ruth DeSilva Preschool Teacher Asst . Janis Garone Deaf Min/ Fellowship/Personnel

Colleen Smith Preschool Teacher Ji l l Ewen Council /Social Minist ry

Linda Patr issi Preschool Sub/Mommy & Me Nick Ewen Council / Fel lowship

Helen Hayes Financial Sec. /Finance/Endow.

David Lynam Council /Property/Safe Environ. Jo-Ann ReyCouncil /Youth/VBS/Assist .S.S.Dir/ Safe Environ Jim Sheridan, Council/Property Anita Trabold, Council /Social Ministry Debbie GeisCouncil /Preschool/VBS/Evangelism Michael Lees, Council /Evangelism

The Herald

The monthly newsletter of St. David's Lutheran Church September-2014

Mission Statement We are called in Christ:

Please pray for our Military men and women, especially…

+To Live faithfully +To make Disciples + To show God's love to all Submissions for October Herald is due by Sr. Airman Emily Volz

Airman Carl Seaman September 15th. Editor: MaryAnn Ho ([email protected] )

Marine Lance Corporal Christopher Buckley