september 2014 voice of chaim

Voice of Chaim Congregation Etz Chaim • 1190 Indian Hills Parkway • Marietta, GA 30068 • 770.973.0137 Creating Meaningful Jewish Experiences SEPTEMBER 2014 / ELUL - TISHREI 5774 / VOLUME 38, ISSUE 8 In this Issue: From Our Rabbis page 2 From Our President page 3 From Our Executive Director & COO page 3 Education News Page 4 From Our Youth Director page 6 Our Etz Chaim Community Page 7 B’nai Mitzvah Page 9 Sisterhood Scoop page 10 Men’s Club Notes page 11 Religious Corner page 14 Yahrzeits page 18 Calendar page 19 High Holiday Information pages 24-27 Tzedakah page 29 Daily Minyan Times: Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m. Sunday, 9:15 a.m. Sunday – Friday 6:30 p.m. Shabbat Services: Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m. *Wishing you and your family a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Sweet New Year! 5775 from your Etz Chaim family vcuy vbak *veu,nu

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This is the monthly newsletter of Congregation Etz Chaim in East Cobb, Marietta, Georgia. We are a member of the USCJ.


Voice of ChaimCongregation Etz Chaim • 1190 Indian Hills Parkway • Marietta, GA 30068 • 770.973.0137

Creating Meaningful Jewish Experiences

September 2014 / elul - tiShrei 5774 / Volume 38, iSSue 8

In this Issue: From Our Rabbis page 2

From Our President page 3

From Our Executive Director & COO page 3

Education News Page 4

From Our Youth Director page 6

Our Etz Chaim Community Page 7

B’nai Mitzvah Page 9

Sisterhood Scoop page 10

Men’s Club Notes page 11

Religious Corner page 14

Yahrzeits page 18

Calendar page 19

High Holiday Information pages 24-27

Tzedakah page 29

Daily Minyan Times:

Monday – Friday 7:00 a.m.

Sunday, 9:15 a.m.

Sunday – Friday 6:30 p.m.

Shabbat Services:Friday, 6:30 p.m. Saturday, 9:30 a.m.

*Wishing you and your family a Happy, Healthy, Peaceful and Sweet New Year!


from your Etz Chaim family

vcuy vbak*veu,nu


The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

Once upon a time there was a king who ruled over a happy land. It was a pleasant place with no strife nor enemies. Life was good for all its citizens. They were pleased with their king and their king was pleased with his subjects. As the 50th birthday of the beloved monarch approached, he sent out a proclamation that was received by all who dwelled in his happy land. He declared “For my 50th birthday, I invite you all, the residents of my kingdom, to dine with me at a banquet on my special day. I shall provide all that is needed from the finest of meats, to the tastiest of delicacies, to the most succulent of treats. All that I ask of you my wonderful people, is for each to bring a jug of wine, pour it into the royal fountain next to the palace, so we will have fine beverage to drink at my celebration.”

The great day arrived with minstrels and dancers and acrobats entertaining the crowds. The meal was indeed unsurpassed by any other ever seen in that happy land. To begin the festivities, the king raised his royal goblet, dipped it into the fountain, toasted his subjects and put the goblet to his lips and drank. His elation, however, turned to sadness. His smile faded. The fountain had not one drop of wine in it. It was full only of water. Each citizen figured that someone else would dutifully bring wine and so, they filled their jug with water, after all, who would be the wiser?

The king will recover from his disappointment, of that I am certain, but this little fairy tale speaks to us all. The king’s subjects were not bad folks, but they foolishly believed others would do what they were supposed to do, and so none brought wine, thinking their contribution would not be missed nor make a difference.

Being part of a synagogue community demands participation, not reliance on others. We cannot assume that someone else will be the 10th at minyon. We cannot assume that someone else will serve on a committee. We cannot assume that someone else will pay the bills. We cannot assume that someone else will greet a visitor. We cannot assume that someone else will support an event. We cannot assume someone else will inspire our children. We cannot assume someone else will bring the wine and we, only water to the royal fountain.

As we enter a new year full of possibilities, challenges and excitement, let us not vanish, as we close the machzor, into a distant place, unconcerned and disinterested. Let us bring sweet wine to the celebration, knowing we are each holy souls who make a difference.

Cindy, Jill, Hadley, David, Nikki and Ashley join me in wishing our Etz Chaim family a new year filled with all of God’s blessings.

– Rabbi Shalom Lewis

Why We Need The High Holy Days

A prominent football player once said of the Super Bowl, “If this is the ultimate contest, how come we are going to play another one next year?” Similarly we can say of the High Holy Days, if their purpose is to change us and take us in a new, better and different direction, why would we need one every year? Why can’t we just do it right and proceed indefinitely in that new direction? If we spend Rosh HaShanah thinking about our lives and our values, our goals and our vision for the future and if we spend Yom Kippur repenting for our sins and emerge feeling cleansed, why do we need to do that every year?

Rabbi Harold Kushner gives a valuable explanation: “The answer is that teshuvah (repentance) is not a one-time event, like getting married; it is an ongoing process, like being married. Yom Kippur is not a spiritual carwash which we enter dirty and from which we emerge clean. Yom Kippur is a periodic reminder of what we need to be doing consistently and constantly, as part of our ongoing effort to become the kind of people we ought to be.”

One scholar calls the High Holy Days “days of moral and cosmic self-evaluation.” The hours we spend in our synagogue on the High Holy Days, if we spend them wisely, provide us with quality time to evaluate our lives and our actions. And what makes the High Holy Days special for us is that we observe them as a community – each of us is solitary in our self-examination but by sitting with family and friends we feel the comfort and security that being part of an extended family-holy community brings to our ‘heshbon hanefesh’ our accounting for our actions.

Even the founder of Labor Zionism in Israel, A.D. Gordon, while rejecting the religiosity of his Eastern European background argued: “This is the main thing…the individual can conduct a self-reckoning any day…but what is significant here (referring to Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur) is the power of multiple individuals joining forces…the noble melody that rises above the single voice merged in a sea of voices of the supreme, human-cosmic chorus.”

People always ask, when will we blow the shofar this year (signifying that Yom Kippur is over)? It is tempting to say: Yom Kippur is never really over. Yom Kippur ends an hour after the time of candlelighting the day before (or, when it is dark and we can see three stars). But the struggle to change, to fill our lives with holiness and deeds of lovingkindness – hours spent helping those in need and in our quiet moments struggling to resist temptation and actions that take us away from God and from the blessings God gives us – is a constant, never-ending task.

Whatever time Yom Kippur is over, the process of self-reflection, self-examination, repentance and change just begins all over. Just as we look forward to the World Series, the Masters, the US Open and the Super Bowl every year, we must embrace the challenge and the gift of the High Holy Days and use each of the moments in these ten days of repentance thoughtfully and wisely.

Melissa, Sam and Aliza, Judah and Micha join me in wishing us all a year of good health, happiness, life and many blessings. Shanah Tovah!

– Rabbi Paul David Kerbel

From Rabbi Lewis From Rabbi Kerbel

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014


July 30th – a date that resonates with me - and not just because my article is due in 2 days and I haven’t started writing yet. Today marks 26 years since my father passed away and 16 since I buried my mother – on the 10th anniversary of my father’s death. On the Hebrew calendar, their yahrzeits correspond to the 5th and 16th of Av. I always find this to be a difficult time of year. Last Shabbat, I stood for Kaddish as my mother’s name was read from the bimah. I attended Sunday minyan and Rosh Chodesh on Monday, the 28th, where I said Kaddish again to honor the English date of my mom’s passing. And I will go again on their actual yahrzeit dates and on the Shabbat when my father’s name is read from the bimah. As Allison Saffran, our Religious Co-VP, mentioned in her last religious corner article, according to Nevi’im, the Prophets, we are to weep in the fifth month, the month of Av. Obviously, this speaks to me on many levels, historically as a Jew and personally as I remember my parents during this month.

But by the time you read this it will be Elul and we will be back to school and preparing for the High Holidays. Which for me means some exciting things that are happening between Av and Elul. One of the most important things is that my oldest daughter, Jessie (named for my father), will return home from her summer in Israel mid-August. She spent two months working, traveling and learning in Israel. She showed me a new side of her, an independent, resilient young woman who lived through Jewish history in the making. By September, she will be back at Brandeis to finish her senior year. As you can imagine, I think of my parents often when I look at my children. Neither of the girls knew my father, Amanda has no memory of my mom as she was less than a year old when she passed, but Jessie at five years old remembers her Grammy and many of the moments, including the holiday traditions that we shared. But like many of us, I must not dwell in the past. I must learn from its lessons, cherish the memories and move forward.

As we prepare to start the Jewish year 5775, let us celebrate our past as we are inspired by our hopes for the future. To me that means looking to my family and especially my children, Jessie and Amanda. I watch them as they conquer new challenges, do things that I would never imagine and continually amaze me. They are my hope for the future, my reason not to get lost in the past.

As the shul embarks on our 40th anniversary year, we have so much to be thankful for and to celebrate. Forty years of memories and knowledge and history to celebrate and to learn from. A vibrant, active congregation engaged in learning, tikkun olam, spirituality and friendship. We are always looking to and preparing for the future of this wonderful congregation. I challenge everyone to think about the past forty years and what part Etz Chaim has played in your lives.

Come to shul and pray with us, come see the creativity and learning that happens in our education wing – our children, our future. I know I will see most of you for the High Holidays but I hope to see you before and after as well. Come get engaged, come celebrate our anniversary, remember the past and make some new memories.

On behalf of David, Jessie and Amanda, I want to wish each and every one of you a very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year filled with wonderful memories, much love and inspirational dreams.

– Cheryl Cohen-Miller

From Our PresidentFrom Our Executive DirectorEach year preparation for the High Holidays is accompanied by anticipation, excitement, somewhat rattled nerves and appropriate reflection. This is my 27th Rosh Hashanah at Etz Chaim, my seventh as a professional, and each one, although the same in so many ways, has had their own unique nuances. As I look back and see from whence we have come, I marvel at our growth, our maturity and our ability to cope and learn as we continue to grow. Congregation Etz Chaim has had 39 years of learning. As we enter 5775, we will begin our 40th year, our 5th decade of serving Jews in the North Atlanta Metro area, as well as being a benchmark of Conservative Judaism in the greater Atlanta area. We have had our growing pains, made some mistakes along the way and have learned from them, grown from them and built an institution that is rock solid today and will continue to grow and become even stronger in the years to come.

During the year ahead, our underlying theme will be to honor and celebrate our 40th year. The newly designed logo, with its ruby accent symbolizing 40 years of “togetherness,” will accompany all of our marketing materials. Your leadership, both lay and professional, are creating programs to celebrate, rejoice and revel in our past successes keeping an ever watchful eye on the future as we continue to mature.

To insure this continued growth, we obviously need your help, your support and your participation. We desire your guidance, ideas and feedback to be certain we are providing the services and programming you need and want. We would like you to be involved, whether it is as a parent of a youngster in one of our schools, an attendee of one of the many Lilmode programs offered, a member of Sisterhood, Men’s Club, Prime Timers, a regular attendee at minyan or Shabbat services or any combination of the aforementioned. Last, but certainly not least, we need your financial support. Quality services and programs require appropriate funding. You have heard this before; approximately 50% of our budgeted needs comes from dues. The remainder comes from direct program fees but mostly from volunteer contributions. We have two major synagogue fundraisers each year. The Annual Kol Nidre campaign each fall is by far the largest, thus the most important. You have received a letter and pledge envelope from Cheryl, Robin and the rabbis. Please do not let it sit. Fill it out and send it in. Don’t wait for the follow-up phone call. Support and participate NOW and together let’s make our 40th year the biggest and best yet.

Reba joins me in wishing you and yours L’Shana Tova and may the new year of 5775 be a sweet year filled with health, happiness, prosperity and PEACE for all mankind.

– Bob Bachrach


The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

From Our Youth Director Shalom Chaverim,

The year is in full swing! We have been working around the clock to bring you exciting program-ming, full of fun, friendship, and memories that will last a lifetime!

Come join us for everything we have in store for you. Membership applications are out, and the pricing is as follows:

USY: 9th-12th grade: $95

Kadima: 6th-8th grade: $85

Jr. Kadima: 3rd-5th grade: $75

Gesher: K-2nd grade: $65

Membership has many perks, including a cool chapter t-shirt, member only events, subsidized events, and a connection to our greater community. For more information on becoming a member, feel free to shoot me an email at [email protected] brings so many exciting events, highlighted as follows:

September 5 Tot Shabbat

September 6 Junior Kong 10:15-11:30 a.m.

September 6 Youth Social-Library 12:30 p.m.

September 7 All Youth-Back to Shul Picnic (Open House)

September 9 Middle School Breakfast at Bagelicious 7:30-8:30 a.m.

September 10 USY Themed Wacky-Annex 6:30 p.m.

September 20 Kadima-Screen on the Green 7:30-9:30 p.m.

September 25-26 6th-7th grade Rosh Hashanah services Levine Chapel

September 25-26 8th-12th Grade-Services-Church 9:30-11 a.m.

September 28 Junior Kadima-Skyzone 3:00-4:45 p.m.

September 28 Gesher-Monkey Joes 12:30-2 p.m.

We will be sending out more information regarding these events as they get closer. We hope that you save the dates, and we look forward to the wonderful year we have in store!

Todah Rabah,

– Perry Birbrager [email protected] 770-833-3227

Atlanta Hawks and the Jewish Community of Atlanta

Steve Koonin and the Atlanta Hawks hosted a luncheon for the greater Atlanta Synagogue Executive Directors, Men’s Club Presidents and Youth Directors. Steve and his team presented some wonderful opportunities for Jewish organizations to take advantage of and see their home team Hawks in action during the 2014-2015 season. Keep an eye out for information from our Men’s Club and Youth groups and join in the fun.

Etz Chaim member and Hawks CEO, Steve Koonin, addresses the group

Our own Perry Birbrager relates last year’s Youth Group experiences with the Atlanta Hawks at Phillips Arena.

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014


Save the Date:

Friday, September 5 Blue Jean ShabbatDinner and Services6:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 7 Mens Club Back to School/ Back to Shul Picnic (at the Annex)Noon - 2:30 p.m.

Sunday, September 7 Sisterhood Kickoff “Cruizin’, Boozin’ & Schmoozin” at 7 p.m.

Sunday, September 14Sisterhood Book Club at the home of Karen Keeter at 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, September 21 Mens Club “Best Breakfast in Town”™ at 9:30 a.m.

Thursday, September 25 Tashlich services at East Cobb Park or Hamptons Woods/ Butler’s Gate at 5:30 p.m.

Mazal Tov to…Su Berland on her engagement to Jonathan Schaer

Sue and Alan Rothstein on the upcoming marriage of their daughter Sandy to Jordan Stone

Marsha Kummins on her recent marriage to Jack Conner

Stacy and Amir Efrat on the birth of Jake Ari on August 15, 2014

Condolences From Our Heart to...Irving Briks on the loss of his mother, Barbara Briks

Thank You to Our VolunteersHelen RosengartenLou RosengartenLinda Weinroth

Welcome! We are pleased to introduce these new members…Saundra “Sandy” Rothstein 4392 Dunmore Road Marietta, GA 30068 770-565-8527 [email protected]

Cassie and David Fuchs 4156 Barberry Drive Roswell, GA 30075 David Cell: 404-610-4729 [email protected] Cassie Cell: 404-825-9154 [email protected]

Janna and Bryan Harned 2950 Connie Street Marietta, GA 30062 Janna Cell: 201-887-6694 Bryan Cell: 201-478-3012 [email protected] [email protected]

Aimee and Rob Russ 114 Brendylynn Trace Woodstock, GA 30188 Aimee cell: 678-858-3184 Rob cell: 678-517-4217 [email protected] [email protected]

Members on the Move…Dr. Martin and Mrs. Lauren Austin 305 Brookhaven Avenue, NE Unit 734 Atlanta, GA 30319-3284

Mayer Smith 8592 Roswell Road, Apt. 519 Sandy Springs, GA 30350

Mindy and Jim Intner 137 Barkley Lane Sandy Springs, GA 30328

Our Etz Chaim Community

Questions about purchasing a cemetery plot??? Call Bob Bachrach 770.973.0137


The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014


Upcoming B’nai Mitzvah

The Voice of Chaim is featuring photos and biographical information on upcoming B’nai Mitzvah.

If your child has a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in the coming months, VOC would like to feature your child’s:

• Biographical information

• School information

• Photo

• D’var Torah Quote

To have your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah information included, please email the material and a photo (if available) to Bernice at [email protected].

All materials must be received no later than the 1st of the preceding month. We will gladly accept material earlier.

Avi Pearlman was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah atop Masada, Israel, on July 21, 2014 - 23 Tammuz 5774. He is the son of Larisa and Reid Pearlman. Avi’s Bar Mitzvah parasha was Masei. He is a 7th grader at The Epstein School. Avi attended Etz Chaim’s Preschool for 3 years. His hobbies and interests include technology, sports and talking with friends.

Avi’s D’var Torah quote is “Historians are negative about Jews; however, history is not.” For his mitzvah project, Avi taught the elderly how to use technology.

A hearty Mazal Tov to this student on his Bar Mitzvah!

In respect of the Sabbath, we ask that if you must have your cell phone during services, it be

turned off and not visible.

We are here for you!Have a great idea? A question to ask? Your Board of Trustee liaison is available to point you in the right direction or answer your questions.

Feel free to call or email him/her with your suggestions and concerns! Not sure of the contact information? Call the office 770.973.0137 to find that out.


The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Sisterhood ScoopMinyan Makers – if you are available to help make minyan on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm, even if it is just once per year, please let us know. Contact Janice Levine for our schedule – [email protected].

Centerpiece Rental Consider using our beautiful new topiary centerpieces for your Friday night dinner, Kiddush luncheon or Saturday evening affair. For more information, contact the Gift Shop.

JNF Trees for Israel Honor someone special by purchasing a tree in the Etz Chaim Sisterhood grove. Contact the Judaica and Gift Shop, 770-973-0137 ext. 124 for more information.

For more information about Sisterhood please contact:

Erica Driver 678-643-1991 [email protected]


Linda Berch 678-357-1005 [email protected]

Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook or at

I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Linda Berch, the new Sisterhood Co-president along with Erica Driver. In a former life I was the Sisterhood President and am eager to serve a second term beginning this year along with our new board. I want to say on behalf of Erica and myself that we are looking forward to a fantastic year!

We have so many exciting things happening this month, but first things first. Our annual Sisterhood Kickoff will be an event to remember. The theme is “Cruizin’, Boozin’ & Schmoozin’ with Sisterhood,” and I can promise you that you’ve never cruised like this before. We’ll be departing on September 7th at 7 p.m., and setting sail to different ports-of-call (technically we’re not leaving the Social Hall, but you’ll feel as though you have). Join us for an evening complete with food, drink, games and entertainment. You can start RSVPing as soon as you receive your invitation via eBlast. This event is FREE to all members and we can’t wait to kick off the new year with you!

Start the fire and get the hot cocoa out (unless of course it stays this warm) - it’s time again for our Book Club. The first Book Club meeting will be at the home of Karen Keeter (1271 Heards Ferry Rd., Atlanta) on Sunday, September 14th, at 9:30 a.m. The first book will be Tomorrow There Will Be Apricots by Jessica Soffer.

Please keep our Judaica & Gifts Shop in mind for all your Rosh Hashanah needs. We have a beautiful selection of honey pots, apple plates, embroidered white kippot and house gifts for all of your holiday needs (many are already giftwrapped). Come by and check out the amazing new merchandise. The shop is open during Religious School hours, Tuesdays 4:30-6:30 p.m. and Sundays 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

A special “thank you” to Cindy Lewis and Cheryl Eppsteiner for coordinating our Rosh Chodesh minyanim and breakfasts. What a wonderful turnout we had for our last Rosh Chodesh! Let’s keep it going by attending our next service on October 24th at 7:00 a.m., and show our solidarity with Women of the Wall.

We are always looking for volunteers to get involved in Sisterhood. If you are interested, please contact Erica Driver 678-643-1991, [email protected] or Linda Berch 678-357-1005, [email protected]. If you want to feel connected, get involved, have fun and meet people, this is for you. We are always looking for people to volunteer for minyan and in the gift shop.

Please be aware that the $36 Sisterhood membership dues for 2014-2015 should have already appeared on your synagogue bill. We sincerely hope that all of our adult female members will support Sisterhood. Also keep in mind that if you have unaffiliated friends, they are welcome to join our Sisterhood without being members of the synagogue.

And last, but certainly not least, Erica and I would like to wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year – L’Shana Tova!

Erica & Linda

Anyone wishing an Aliyah should contact Bob Frohlich at

[email protected] or 770-579-1752

ATTENTION ETZ CHAIM MEMBERSIf you are planning to be away for an extended amount of time, please inform the office.

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014


By the time you read this, the relaxation and restfulness of the summer will be giving way to the excitement of the fall. Even though summer doesn’t “officially” end until September 22, Labor Day marks the semiofficial end of the season... and our kids have been back in school for almost a month already.

In mid-August, Men’s Club helped our congregation celebrate Shabbat in the Park by serving up a tasty Shabbat dinner of hot dogs and barbecued chicken. Next up, we’ll be celebrating the start of the new Religious School year with our annual “Back to School, Back to Shul” Picnic at the Annex on Sunday, September 7. Bring the whole family – you don’t want to miss out on the fun!

There’s a full calendar of events coming up in the next few months. Be sure to mark your calendars:

September 7 Men’s Club hosts the “Back to School, Back to Shul” Picnic

September 21 “Best Breakfast in Town”™ with a special speaker

October 14 Steak & Scotch in the Sukkah

October 26 Men’s Club Breakfast and Football: Atlanta Falcons vs. Detroit Lions

October 27 Men’s Club Mar-Cheshvan Monday Morning Minyan (M5)

November 16 Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot (no actual turkeys will be harmed!)

December 14 “Best Breakfast in Town”™ and Jewish Film Festival Preview

What’s the Men’s Club Mar-Cheshvan Monday Morning Minyan (M5)? The month of Mar-Cheshvan (“bitter Cheshvan”) is called “bitter” because it’s a dead spot on the calendar with no holidays. But we Men’s Clubbers can make our own holiday by showing up for morning Minyan on the first Monday of the month!

Kol ha-Kavod to Jay Givarz and Henry Levine for all of their work on the “Career Change and Job Seekers’ Support Group” program. We appreciate all of their efforts in helping to support both men and women in our community going through changes in their work lives.

Your Men’s Club is the largest, most active and award winning FJMC club in the Southeast Region, having just been recognized by the FJMC with the 2013-14 Quality Club Award. If you haven’t had the opportunity to participate in one of our events, why not give it a try? We are always looking for our membership to become more involved, so contact Andy or Steve if you have an interest.


Andy Becker, Co-President Steve Krodman, Co-President [email protected] [email protected]

Come out and enjoy Your Men’s Club!

Men’s Club NotesMEN’S CLUB is a vital part of our congregation. Our ongoing programs include:

• Supporting the synagogue’s daily minyan

• Sponsoring the annual Lag B’Omer Picnic and the Labor Day cookout

• Laying tefillin for the World Wide Wrap with our Hebrew School kids

• Providing scholarships to Etz Chaim teens through the Bob Goldman Fund

• Men’s Club Shabbat

• Sponsoring the Anshei Darom weekend retreat for members at Camp Ramah

• Greater Atlanta Synagogue Softball League

• Set-up and usher for High Holiday Services

• Supports the Holocaust Memorial Garden

Our goals are to provide our members with opportunities to meet other members and make new and lasting friendships, support our community, and have some fun in the process.

JOIN MEN’S CLUB and make a difference in our Etz Chaim community!

GET ON THE LIST! Contact Andy Becker at [email protected] or Steve Krodman at [email protected] for information.

Family Member in HospitalOur Rabbis have asked that you notify the office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or

serious illness.


Sunday through Thursday at 6:30 p.m.

Don’t forget to order your...

Lulav & Etrog Machzorim

Don’t forget to make reservations for...

High Holiday Experience Babysitting by September 5 Volunteer to Usher by September 8

Tickets wi l l be mai led out the week of September 8th.


The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

Bereavement Services Offered to Congregants

Etz Chaim’s Chesed Committee will offer to provide meals of consolation to members. This meal is traditionally a dairy meal eaten by mourners upon their return home from the funeral. It includes whole hard-boiled eggs, symbolizing the continuity of life. This service provided by the Chesed Committee allows the family and friends who normally provide the meal to attend the funeral themselves and give emotional support to the bereaved. Members attending out of town funerals, who sit shiva or hold a memorial service in Atlanta, will be offered a fruit tray.

In order to bring standardized, caring service to each member, Etz Chaim is modeling its procedures after those of Temple Sinai’s successful Kesher Committee. Contributions made to the Chesed Fund will help to fund these services. Teams are currently being formed for these purposes.

Anyone wanting more information, or wanting to assist in performing these mitzvot, please contact Cindy Lewis at 770-977-0240, Wendy Feinberg at 770-973-1217, or Julie Kleinman at 770-992-1231.

Your cooperation please!The disabled parking spots are reserved for the exclusive use of those with permits. These spaces are NOT to be used by ANYONE else at ANYTIME. There is NO parking under the Education Wing overhang. It is a fire code violation.

Family Member in HospitalOur rabbis have asked that you notify the office in the event of a family member’s hospital stay or serious illness.

September YahrzeitsMemorialize a loved one with a Brick in our Holocaust Garden or a Plaque on our Yahrzeit wall.

For information, please contact the synagogue office. August 1 Ruth Epstein 5 Av August 1 Charlotte Kramer 5 Av *August 1 Sylvia Pomerantz 5 Av*August 1 Eleanor M. Cohen 5 Av August 1 Rosie Riesenberg 5 Av August 1 Louis Pollack 5 Av August 2 Lena Simon 6 Av August 2 Lewis Krosner 6 Av August 2 Mollie Lande 6 Av August 2 Louis Witt 6 Av August 2 Abe Berman 6 Av*August 3 Pearl Stickgold 7 Av August 3 Angela Sternberg 7 Av August 4 Leslie Reicher 8 Av August 5 Edith Davis 9 Av*August 5 Frank Isaacs 9 Av August 5 Joseph Smith 9 Av*August 5 Susan Altfeder 9 Av August 5 Phillip Kaplan 9 Av August 5 Lois Cohen 9 Av*August 5 Debra Bernes 9 Av*August 5 Anna Rosenberg 9 Av August 5 Ida Seifert 9 Av August 5 Bella Lazerson 9 Av August 6 Ella Field 10 Av August 6 Nancy Wetstone 10 Av August 7 Nathan Heller 11 Av August 7 Mose Taffel 11 Av August 7 Aline Harris 11 Av August 7 Roselle Lewis 11 Av August 7 Max Weinstock 11 Av August 8 Anita Lichter 12 Av August 8 Harry Diamond 12 Av August 8 Edward Kappelman 12 Av August 8 Barbara Lightstone 12 Av August 8 Edna Brown 12 Av*August 8 Stephen Renyi 12 Av August 9 Stanley H. Levine 13 Av August 9 Abraham Goldstein 13 Av August 9 Hilda Kurtz 13 AvAugust 9 Gertrude Frost 13 AvAugust 10 Jane Cohen 14 AvAugust 10 Hajia Vaisenberg 14 AvAugust 10 Raymond Kahn 14 AvAugust 10 Martin Weiss 14 Av*August 11 Morris Elkan 15 AvAugust 11 Percy Smith 15 AvAugust 11 Minnie Seidman 15 Av*August 11 Harry Cohen 15 Av*August 11 Rueven Wollner 15 AvAugust 11 Marc Elkan 15 Av*August 12 Dr. Jerome B. Cohen 16 AvAugust 13 Joe Brown 17 Av*August 13 Isaac Haskel Koenig 17 AvAugust 13 Joe Brown 17 AvAugust 13 Patsy Printz 17 AvAugust 13 Harry Crystal 17 Av*August 14 Mary Safran 18 AvAugust 14 Joseph Rosenberg 18 AvAugust 14 Sylvia Blumenstein 18 AvAugust 14 Seymour Sklar 18 AvAugust 14 Mitchell Bierman 18 AvAugust 14 Abe Schultz 18 AvAugust 15 Elaine Pollock 19 Av

August 15 Jane Shilling 19 Av August 15 Dora Weinstock 19 Av August 16 Morris Potler 20 Av August 16 Dorothy Rifkin 20 Av August 16 Harold Sperling 20 Av*August 17 Rosalind Schwartz 21 Av August 17 Max Rabin 21 Av August 17 Morris Katz 21 Av August 17 Harold Cohen 21 Av August 18 Ernest Singer 22 Av August 18 Margie Becker 22 Av August 18 Jack Blum 22 Av August 18 Sadie Simon 22 Av August 19 Ethel Cohen 23 Av August 19 Samuel Lebow 23 Av August 19 Mac Blatt 23 Av August 19 Sam Goodman 23 Av August 20 Susan Goldberg 24 Av*August 20 Janice Hiller 24 Av August 20 Samuel Rifkin 24 Av*August 21 Adolph Kronberger 25 Av August 22 Pauline Cohn 26 Av August 22 Henrietta Brooks 26 Av August 22 Millie Stern 26 Av August 22 Robert Felson 26 Av*August 22 Jacob Friedman 26 Av August 23 Sidney Levy 27 Av August 23 Seymour Bessen 27 Av August 23 Doris Rosenblatt 27 Av August 23 Phillip Bass 27 Av*August 24 Charles Hirsch 28 Av August 24 Mordechai Sternberg 28 Av August 24 Lena Frank 28 Av August 25 Irving Feld 29 Av August 25 Zina Kayne 29 Av August 25 Clarence Feuer 29 Av*August 25 Ruth Bodzy 29 Av August 25 George Cohen 29 Av August 25 Herman Grossman 29 Av August 25 Ruth Kroll 29 Av August 26 Esther Schrage 30 Av August 26 Lillian Spiselman 30 Av August 26 Helen Waxman 30 Av August 26 Abraham Etscovitz 30 Av August 26 William Kurtz 30 Av*August 27 Martin Sussman 1 ElulAugust 27 Benjamin Spelfogel 1 ElulAugust 27 Regina Isenberg 1 ElulAugust 27 Lila Kaplan 1 ElulAugust 28 Eleanor Mendel 2 ElulAugust 28 Daniel Sterling 2 Elul*August 28 Judge Raymond Levith 2 Elul*August 28 Rafael Fruchter 2 ElulAugust 29 Louis Chesin 3 ElulAugust 29 Rae May 3 Elul*August 29 Rochelle Perlow 3 ElulAugust 30 Judy Himelfarb 4 ElulAugust 30 Jerome Young 4 ElulAugust 30 Frank Ptashkin 4 ElulAugust 31 Rebecca Levy 5 ElulAugust 31 Melvin Piel 5 Elul*August 31 Harry King 5 ElulAugust 31 Simon Zimmerman 5 Elul

September 1 Leon Weinberger 6 Elul September 1 Diana Goldstein 6 Elul*September 1 Marshall Jaffe 6 Elul September 3 Myrna Drake 8 Elul September 3 Earl Fairchild 8 Elul September 3 William Raider 8 Elul*September 3 Nathan Hersh 8 Elul*September 4 Isaac Struletz 9 Elul*September 4 Ethel Funk 9 Elul September 4 Philip Spiselman 9 Elul September 4 Kenneth Kaplan 9 Elul September 4 Frida Wallenstein 9 Elul September 4 Lois Brussel 9 Elul September 5 Henry Halperin 10 Elul September 5 Willie Berman 10 Elul September 5 Al Kopen 10 Elul September 5 Abram Bernstein 10 Elul*September 5 Eva Phillips 10 Elul September 5 Lou Gorod 10 Elul September 5 Willie Berman 10 Elul September 6 Solomon Krieger 11 Elul September 6 Miriam Smith Pollock 11 Elul September 6 Sol Yonks 11 Elul September 6 Bernard Goodman 11 Elul September 6 Eva Sater 11 Elul September 6 Gittie Gollish 11 Elul September 7 Carolyn Pollack 12 Elul*September 7 Rose Hirsch 12 Elul September 7 Bruce Olens 12 Elul*September 7 Jolantha Kronberger 12 Elul September 7 Gladys Slutsky 12 Elul*September 7 Tillie Goodman 12 Elul September 7 Milton Kramer 12 Elul September 7 Kenneth Goodman 12 Elul September 8 Morris Hollander 13 Elul*September 8 Emanuel Chartash 13 Elul September 8 Joseph Brodes 13 Elul September 8 Bernard Levin 13 Elul September 8 Oscar “Buddy” Reiner 13 Elul*September 9 Pearl Levy 14 Elul September 9 Yaakov Rosenberg 14 Elul*September 9 Erwin Kantor 14 Elul*September 9 Belle Goldman 14 Elul September 9 Amanda Krasner 14 Elul September 9 Louis Siegel 14 Elul September 9 Martin Trueheart 14 Elul September 10 Betty Zimmerman 15 Elul September 10 Joshua Kagan 15 Elul September 11 Abe Oresky 16 Elul September 11 Helen Fisher 16 Elul September 11 Bernard Heller 16 Elul*September 11 Gustav Tritt 16 Elul September 12 Diane Silverman 17 Elul September 13 Michael Smith 18 Elul September 13 Janet Katz 18 Elul September 13 Ethel Diamond 18 Elul September 13 Lena Rudy 18 Elul September 13 Michael Smith 18 Elul September 13 Lottie Dolinsky 18 Elul September 14 Arnold Rabinor 19 Elul*September 14 Stanley Tinter 19 Elul September 14 Shira Levin 19 Elul*September 14 Stanley Tinter 19 Elul September 15 Howard Feuer 20 Elul*September 15 Evelyn Coltman 20 Elul September 15 Allen Mador 20 Elul

*September 16 Meyer Levin 21 Elul September 16 Pepe Jafif 21 Elul*September 16 Anne Eden 21 Elul*September 16 Reuben Greenspon 21 Elul September 16 Meyer Feinberg 21 Elul*September 17 Irving Holtz 22 Elul September 17 Bernie Nastir 22 Elul September 17 Lillian November 22 Elul September 18 Ben Pollack 23 Elul September 18 Iris Dix 23 Elul*September 18 Wynn Ebel 23 Elul*September 18 Florence Katz 23 Elul*September 18 Kenneth D. Kopelman 23 Elul September 18 Helen Zuckerman 23 Elul*September 18 Eli Lewis 23 Elul*September 18 Harry Altholtz 23 Elul September 18 Frances Marcus 23 Elul September 19 Richard Epstein 24 Elul September 19 Harold Rainbow 24 Elul September 19 Magda Frank 24 Elul September 19 Michael Levy 24 Elul*September 19 Sam Schlenker 24 Elul September 19 Bertha Sabel 24 Elul September 19 S idney Haskins 24 Elul September 19 Irving Rosenblum 24 Elul September 20 Beatrice Lubeck 25 Elul September 20 Ida Silberman 25 Elul September 20 Murray Rosenzweig 25 Elul*September 20 Pearl Brodsky 25 Elul September 21 Betty Shectman 26 Elul September 21 Sherry Harms 26 Elul*September 21 Julius Mintz 26 Elul September 21 Judith Cohen 26 Elul September 22 Harold Gutterman 27 Elul September 22 Bill Gardner 27 Elul September 23 Laura Levin 29 Elul September 23 Paul Barman 28 Elul September 23 Anita Wohlman 28 Elul*September 24 Steven Mitchell 29 Elul*September 24 Ethel Silverberg 29 Elul September 25 Alfred Dranove 1 Tishrei September 25 Helen Rabin 1 Tishrei*September 25 Sylvia Bercuson 1 Tishrei September 25 Sol Lande 1 Tishrei September 26 Richard Becker 2 Tishrei September 26 Eliazer Sommer 2 Tishrei September 26 Celia Feldman 2 Tishrei September 26 Abraham Charles Mintz 2 Tishrei*September 26 Arleen Shams 2 Tishrei September 26 Bernard Spiegel 2 Tishrei September 27 Harold Foster 3 Tishrei September 28 Robert Kerbel 4 Tishrei*September 28 Robin Cipinko 4 Tishrei *September 28 Yaffa Heimlich 4 Tishrei September 28 Sidney Garron 4 Tishrei*September 28 Solomon Safran 4 Tishrei September 29 Rose Algranati 5 Tishrei September 29 Magda Kamelgarn 5 Tishrei September 30 Esther Kalen 6 Tishrei September 30 Vivian Rafferty 6 Tishrei*September 30 Sarah Lewis 6 Tishrei*September 30 Richard Palant 6 Tishrei September 30 Sarah Nelkin 6 Tishrei*September 30 David Hatami 6 Tishrei*September 30 Luba Lifshitz 6 Tishrei*September 30 Robert Landerman 6 Tishrei

*Denotes a memorial plaque in our sanctuary to be lit on the day of the Yahrzeit and on all Yizkor holidays.

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

Do you have a simcha you would like to share in the Atlanta Jewish Times? If so, here is the URL to go directly to the Tell & Kvell page:

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014


The High Holidays will be here soon. Now is a great time to check out a few books from our library to prepare your child(ren) for the holidays.

Here are a few of our outstanding holiday books for kids:

What a Way to Start a New Year by Jacqueline Jules for ages 3 to 8. Starting off the New Year in a new city isn’t easy, and it sure isn’t starting out very well for Dina and her family! But when they’re welcomed by warm and generous hosts in their new community, it becomes a very happy New Year for all. The New York Times describes this book as a pleasure to read with attractive and cheerful illustrations.

I’m Sorry Grover: A Rosh Hashanah Tale by Tilda Balsley and Ellen Fischer for ages 2 to 5. In the fourth Sesame Street title from Kar-Ben, Brosh can’t find his beloved blue cap and suspects his friends of taking it. But when Grover finds and returns the lost item, Brosh is glad that the High Holidays offer him a chance to say, “I’m sorry” to his friends.

New Year at the Pier: A Rosh Hashanah Story by April Halprin Wayland for ages 5 to 8. Izzy’s favorite part of Rosh Hashanah

is Tashlich, a joyous ceremony in which people apologize for the mistakes they made in the previous year and thus clean the slate as the new year begins. Humor, touching moments between family and friends, and lots of information about the Jewish New Year are all combined in this lovely picture book. Winner of the 2010 Sydney Taylor Gold Medal

for best Jewish picture book of the year!

Celebrate Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur with Honey, Prayers and the Shofar by Deborah Heiligman for ages 5 to 8. This book examines how the Jewish High Holy Days are celebrated worldwide. The author’s lively first-person text introduces readers to the sounding of the shofar, the holidays’ greeting cards, prayers, and special foods.

You may self-check out books from the library at any time. Directions are on the library wall next to the book return basket. Someone is usually on duty in the library on Sunday mornings when there is Religious School to assist you in finding books and with book check out. The library has many new books for your reading pleasure so stop by and browse at your leisure!


The Voice of Chaim | September 2014


GENERAL FUNDIn loving memory of my grandpa, Irving Feld. You live on forever in the wonderful memories you created.

David and Elyse ShawIn memory of Jane Cohen

Jeremy CohenIn memory of Chaya Visenberg. You were such an amazing, loving person, not only to us, but to everyone who was around you. Your wisdom was above my imagination.

Marat and Galina BarshayIn memory of Betty Schwartz

Mark and Sheri SchwartzIn appreciation for my aliyah on August 5

Marsha ShragoIn memory of my dear father, Raymond Kahn, on his yahrziet

Shelly ReinerIn memory of my grandfather, Jacob George Friedman, on his yahrzeit

In memory of my grandmother, Sylvia Friedman, on her yahrzeit

Stan and Linda BernknopfIn memory of Sidney Rothstein, father and grandfather. All our love, all our lives

In memory of Jayne Adair. You are loved and missed.

Susan and Craig Adair and Family

RABBI LEWIS DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn memory of Pearl Stickgold on her yahrzeit

Allan and Vivian LevineTo Faye Ellen Slutsky, in memory of Sylvia Cooper. We are glad that you had so many years with your mom. It sounds like she had a happy life.

Debbie Lucca and Keith HyltonIn appreciation of my aliyah

Donna BiermanIn memory of Daniel Sterling

Joe and Carole SterlingIn appreciation of Rabbi and Cindy Lewis leading a wonderful trip to Israel

Joe Freeman and Lori BrickmanIn memory of Josiah Louis Leibowitz. You are always in our thoughts and in our hearts.

Judith BartIn honor of Rabbi Lewis. We appreciate the beautiful baby naming ceremony for Blair Annabell Shapiro. Thank you to you and Cindy for sharing simchas with us.

Mark and Renee KaplanIn memory of my grandfather, Lenny Press

Marty and Donna BiermanIn memory of Mose Taffel, beloved father and grandfather, and in memory of Elaine Pollock, beloved sister and aunt.

Marty Taffel, Myles and Melissa Taffel, Alison and Marc Rabinowitz

In memory of Mitchell BiermanMarty Bierman

In memory of my aunt, Selma Cohen, on her yahrzeit

Stan and Linda BernknopfIn memory of Olga Saltzman, grandmother of Scott Lewin

Steve Fairchild

RABBI KERBEL DISCRETIONARY FUNDIn honor of my aliyah for helping with Scholar-in- Residence. Rabbi Kerbel, thank you for your sweet words about SIR, my cookies and my family!

Karen NeedleWishing a speedy recover to Edye Mahaffey.

Marty Taffel, Myles and Melissa Taffel and Alison and Marc Rabinowitz

LINDA H. WEINROTH EDUCATION FUNDIn honor of the birth of Jean and Nathan Weintraub’s new grandson. Mazal tov! May you see much nachas from him!

Mike and Elaine ShapowIn memory of my dad, Jack Blum. We miss the laughter. With love, Risa, Joel and David Mendelson

Risa MendelsonThank you to our family of friends who were so wonderful and important to our recovery.

Ron and Iris Bachenheimer

ROBERT KLEIN MEMORIAL CHESED FUNDIn memory of Stephen Renyi. We miss you.

Dennis and Deborah RenyiIn memory of our beloved mother and grandmother, Anne Eden. We miss you.

In memory of our beloved father and grandfather, Harry King. We miss you.

Steve and Joanie King

YOUTH FUNDIn honor of Avi Pearlman’s Bar Mitzvah in Israel. Mazal Tov.

Ian and Roni RobbinsIn memory of my cousin, Robert Cohen, on his yahrzeit

Stan and Linda Bernknopf

YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUNDTo Irv and Adele Greenspon, in memory of your dear sister, Leah Fink

Myra FinemanIn honor of David Medof becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Rabbi Philip and Nancy Kranz

PRESCHOOL FUNDCongratulations to Stacy Efrat for being named to The Jewish Times 40 Under 40

Dennis and Deborah RenyiIn memory of Eleanor Mendel

Lenny and Jane Simon

PRESCHOOL PLAYGROUND FUNDIn loving memory of my father, Abraham Goldstein, on his yahrzeit

Chelo SarukIn memory of our parents/grandparents, Ruth Lipnick Epstein and Aaron MeyerEpstein. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you.

Sheri, Bob & Shannah FrohlichIn honor of Bob Bachrach on your special birthday

Steve and Joanie King

COLLEGE CONNECTION FUNDIn memory of Polly Boardman, beloved sister of Donna Krodman

In memory of Leah Fink, beloved sister of Irv Greenspon

Steve and Donna KrodmanIn loving memory of Betty (Nana) Sopher, thinking of you every day!

The Sopher Family

PHILLIP MICHAEL SILVERMAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENTTo Faye Ellen and Bernard Slutsky in memory of Sylvia Cooper. We are deeply sorry for your loss and send you love and our sincere condolences.

Bob and Eileen SilvermanTo Adele and Irv Greenspon in memory of your beloved sister, Leah Fink

Dennis and Deborah RenyiIn loving memory of Morton Mandell

Joe and Pam ZiskendIn loving memory of my mother, Susan Altfeder.

Judy FinemanCongratulations to Simone and Norman Marinoff on their 50th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary!

In loving memory of our father, Joe Brown, on his yahrzeit

In loving memory of our mother, Edna Brown, on her yahrzeit

Larry and Arlene BrownIn appreciation of Rabbi Kerbel

Mark and Gail RudelIn memory of Anita Lichter

Mark and Sheri SchwartzIn loving memory of my father, Dr. Seymour Bessen, on his yahrzeit

Michael and Jane WeissIn memory of devoted and loving parents, Edna Brown and Joe Al Brown

Regina and David Witt and FamilyIn honor of Janice and Henry Levine. Thanks for caring.

Steve Wexler

Tzedakah | vesmContributions received from July 8 – August 8, 2014

Continues on page 30


The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

Tzedakah | vesmContributions received from July 8 – August 8, 2014

Continued from page 29

CYNTHIA R. FREEMAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUNDTo Ellen Ullman, wishing you a speedy recovery

To Rabbi and Cindy Lewis, thank you for leading such a memorable trip to Israel. We all had a wonderful time.

Alan and Lisa FreemanIn memory of our dear father, Arthur Robbins, on his yahrzeit

Kevin and Debbie Robbins


Candy Frank and FamilyIn loving memory of my beloved mother, Edith O. Davis

Fred DavisTo Irv Greenspon, in memory of your beloved sister, Leah Fink

To Neil Weiss and Marc Weiss and Family in memory of your beloved mother, Evelyn Weiss

To Steve Krodman, in memory of your beloved father, Eli Krodman

Ron and Wendy Feinberg

KAZER-LIPSON LIBRARY FUNDTo Irving Briks in loving memory of your mother, Barbara Briks

Steven and Esther Low

In loving memory of my husband, Irving, on his yahrzeit

In loving memory of my mother and dad, Eva and Isaac Levin, on their yahrzeits

Sylvia Weinberg

BUILDING ENHANCEMENT FUNDIn memory of Bella Lazerson

Allen Lazerson


Happy Birthday to Michael Weinroth

Happy Birthday to Bob Bachrach

Happy Birthday to Martha and Herbert Blondheim

Happy Birthday to Robyn FarmerFrank and Barbara Wilensky

SOCIAL ACTION FUNDDavid and Cheryl EppsteinerJohn and Joanne Reicher

To Scott Lewin in memory of Olga “Bubby” Saltzman, who provided inspiration on how to live life well

Daniel Pransky and Sandy Rosenberg Pransky

To Irv Briks in memory of your mother, Barbara Briks

Judy and Robert Abraham

In loving memory of my mother, Gertrude FrostStanley Kaufman

BOB GOLDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUNDTo Irv Briks in memory of Barbara Briks

Judy OlitskyTo Irv Briks in memory of your mother, Barbara Briks

Susan OrloffIn memory of Susan Goldberg

Nancy and Wayne FreedmanTo Irv Briks in memory of Barbara Briks

Eva and Lew RothsteinTo Linda and Irv Briks, in memory of your loving mother and grandmother. So glad we got to know her over the past few years.

Bonnie and Sam RothTo Irv Briks in loving memory of your mother, Barbara Briks

Ellen Feldser

SISTERHOOD ENDOWMENT FUNDIn loving memory of my mom, Janice Hiller. I can’t believe it has been 2 years already. I miss you more with each passing day! I carry you always in my heart!

David and Elyse ShawTo Irv Briks in memory of Barbara Briks. We were so sorry to hear about your mom. There are fond memories of knowing her for so many years.

Debbie Lucca and Keith Hylton

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

Early Identification is Critical to Treating ASD

The rise in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has been in the news a lot lately, especially as it becomes clear children can exhibit signs of ASD as early as infancy. In 2014, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that one in every 68 children — one in 42 boys — has an identifiable ASD.

Early identification is critical to treating ASD. In infancy and toddlerhood, warning signs may include a delay in spoken language, or lack of pointing or gesturing. As children get older, other signs become more obvious, including little or no eye contact, a lack of interest in peer relationships, the absence of spontaneous or make-believe play or a persistent fixation on objects.

Even then, it is important to remember that children develop differently and the presence

of any of these symptoms does not mean your child has ASD. Development can be affected by a learning disability, attention deficit disorder or a variety of emotional factors. A psychoeducational evaluation can help pinpoint the cause of any problems children have and can be a good step in resolving them.

As a parent, you know your child the best. If you are concerned he or she is not meeting developmental milestones, it may be beneficial to consult with a specialist. JF&CS’ top-notch psychologists have specialized training in the identification of learning disorders and autism spectrum disorder.

For more information, contact Dr. Lori Wilson (770-677-9319) or Dr. Amy Kincheloe (770.677.9416) or visit

The Voice of Chaim | September 2014



The Voice of Chaim | September 2014

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The Voice of Chaim | September 2014


Robert L. Bachrach Executive Director & COO Debbie Deutsch Education Director Perry Birbrager Youth Director Aram Blankenship Facilities ManagerSu BerlandNewsletter Production

OfficersCheryl Cohen-Miller PresidentTodd Surden Executive VPJohn Flagel Chief Financial OfficerRobin D. Brill Fundraising VP Allison Saffran Religion Co-VP David Wilson Religion Co-VP Jamie Lyons Education Co-VPDavid Levin Education Co-VP and SecretaryStacy Efrat Engagement Co-VPJoe Freeman Engagement Co-VPScott Rittenberg Immediate Past President and Parliamentarian

TrusteesNanci AronsteinSheldon BerchMarsha BernsteinLarry BrownAdam BuxbaumAmy CharlesJoe CohenMark DavisonLinda DiamondDarin DubovyRandy FigurSteven FlackHarris FogelStephanie FosterBarry GangNancy GardnerDenise GelernterMitchell GreyDavid LandauLauren LevetanLeslie LubellNorman MarinoffFrank MobilioDani OrenGary PragerRay SonsheinEllen SpandorferJosh VexlerBeth WeissTom Zack

Past PresidentsScott RittenbergStephen Friedman Irwin BermanBob BachrachJudy FinemanNorman RadowDebbie MilsteinSue RothsteinDavid WittKen SchlenkerGeorge PristachRichard SmithAllen ShulmanNoah LevineBarry Forrest z”lDavid TinkelmanEllis AbramsStephen King

OrganizationsErica Driver Linda Berch Sisterhood Co-PresidentsAndy Becker Steve Krodman Men’s Club Co-PresidentsAvi Lyons USY President

Congregation Etz Chaim1190 Indian Hills Parkway

Marietta, GA 30068 Phone 770.973.0137 • Fax 770.977.0829

Religious School 770.977.4148Preschool 770.977.3384

visit our website for the e-mails of our professional staff and lay leaders

Shalom J. Lewis, RabbiPaul D. Kerbel, Rabbi

Non-Profit Org.U.S. Postage

PAIDPermit #433Marietta, GA