september 21-27, 2014

September 21-27, 2014 Vol. XXII No. 38 Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City • Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: email:[email protected] 6th Sunday of Easter 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) ato page 8 The Case of the Laborers in the Vineyard Armando A. Suñe J esus’s parable about the laborers in the vineyard is as familiar to us in our present age as it was to the Jews in their own time, two thousand years ago. In our present age, our tri-media and internet news facilities are full of stories about the often conflict-ridden relationships between landowners and employers on one side, and the laborers and worker-employees on the opposite side. The difference is that while these issues provide us with coffee- shop stories that serve as food for social conversations, our Holy Bible stories and parables on the other hand provide us with spiritual food for our souls, food for our happy and peaceful Christian living, and food for our hope-filled Salvation in Heaven. What is the parable of the laborers in the vineyard all about? In Matthew 20:1- 16, Jesus tells His disciples, “The kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with them for the usual daily wage of a silver coin, or one denarius, he sent them into his vineyard. Going out at about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and he said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just.’ So the laborers went off. And he went out again at noontime and at three o’clock, and did likewise. At five o’clock, he found others standing around, and hired them, too. When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Summon the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and ending with the first.’” The batch of laborers who started at five o’clock received one denarius. Then the first batch that started at dawn came and thought that they would receive more, but each of them also got the same one denarius as the ones who started at five o’clock, and so they grumbled against the landowner saying, ‘These last ones worked only one hour, yet you treated them the same as us who have endured the day’s burden and heat.’ The landowner said in reply, ‘My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual wage of one denarius a day? Take what is yours and go. What if I give to this last one the same one denarius as I give to you? Am I not free to do as I please with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous?’ Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last.” Are there hidden meanings behind this parable? In fact, there are. The Christian Community Bible tells that Jesus wants to shock us Christians and shatter our belief that we have merits that God has to recognize because it will earn us our passport to heaven. In the daily reading guide book “365 Days with the Lord”, the reflection essay says that God wants us His children to regard Him as our kind “patron”. God the Father wants us to regard Him as our ever- kind Father Who gives us His blessings and

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September 21-27, 2014


Page 1: September  21-27, 2014

September 21-27, 2014 Vol. XXII No. 38Official Publication of the National Shrine of Our Lady of Candles, Jaro, Iloilo City • Tel. Nos. 320-9505 & 329-1625 website: email:[email protected]

6th Sunday of Easter

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A)

ato page 8

The Case of the Laborers in the VineyardArmando A. Suñe

Jesus’s parable about the laborers in the vineyard is as familiar to us in our present age as it was to the Jews in their

own time, two thousand years ago. In our present age, our tri-media and internet news facilities are full of stories about the often conflict-ridden relationships between landowners and employers on one side, and the laborers and worker-employees on the opposite side. The difference is that while these issues provide us with coffee-shop stories that serve as food for social conversations, our Holy Bible stories and parables on the other hand provide us with spiritual food for our souls, food for our happy and peaceful Christian living, and food for our hope-filled Salvation in Heaven.

What is the parable of the laborers in the vineyard all about? In Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells His disciples, “The kingdom of Heaven is like a landowner who went out at dawn to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with them for the usual daily

wage of a silver coin, or one denarius, he sent them into his vineyard. Going out at about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the marketplace, and he said to them, ‘You too go into my vineyard, and I will give you what is just.’ So the laborers went off. And he went out again at noontime and at three o’clock, and did likewise. At five o’clock, he found others standing around, and hired them, too. When it was evening the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Summon the laborers and give them their pay, beginning with the last and ending with the first.’” The batch of laborers who started at five o’clock received one denarius. Then the first batch that started at dawn came and thought that they would receive more, but each of them also got the same one denarius as the ones who started at five o’clock, and so they grumbled against the landowner saying, ‘These last ones worked only one hour, yet you treated them the same as us who have

endured the day’s burden and heat.’ The landowner said in reply, ‘My friend, I am not cheating you. Did you not agree with me for the usual wage of one denarius a day? Take what is yours and go. What if I give to this last one the same one denarius as I give to you? Am I not free to do as I please with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous?’ Thus, the last will be first, and the first will be last.”

Are there hidden meanings behind this parable? In fact, there are. The Christian Community Bible tells that Jesus wants to shock us Christians and shatter our belief that we have merits that God has to recognize because it will earn us our passport to heaven. In the daily reading guide book “365 Days with the Lord”, the reflection essay says that God wants us His children to regard Him as our kind “patron”. God the Father wants us to regard Him as our ever-kind Father Who gives us His blessings and

Page 2: September  21-27, 2014

CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014)2 3


Our Dreams Must be Specific

With the Lord, Builders’ Labor is Not in Vain

Fr. Nathaniel G. Gentizon

Let me share with you a very interesting story told by Bo Sanchez…

“When my son was a baby, he’d wake up in the middle of the night and cry like he was being roasted on fire. “Waaaaaaaaaaah!” So I”d jump out of bed and I figure he must have a tummy ache. I’d lift his shirt, expose that soft belly that’s as round as a ball, and swab three ointments I bought from three different countries: China, Thailand, and Indonesia. His response was firm. “Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

Nope, it isn’t the tummy, I supposed. “Oh, it must be his diapers,” I’d groan. “Why didn’t I think of that?” So I’d raise his chubby legs, strip the old diaper and strap a fresh one in 9.7 seconds flat, plus ten minutes. The result? “Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

I’d go to the act of last resort. I pick him up for a song-and-dance routine. “Rocka-a-by-baby-on-a-tree-top…” (Who ever wrote that song is sick. Who in his right mind will put a baby on top of a tree?) And after thirty minutes of the Waltz, Cha-cha, Boogie, and Disco and non-stop crying, I gave up.

Totally exasperated, I kneel in front of

Sa listahan sang mga Sugo sang Dios, ang Ikawalo nga Sugo nagasiling: “Indi ka Magbutig.” Gani ang labing kinaandan

kag direkta nga sala batok sa kamatuoran amo ang butig, ukon ang pagbinutig. Kon ang kamatuoran ukon ang pagsugid sang matuod amo ang birtud sa diin nagahambal kita kag nagaginawi suno sa kamatuoran, ang pagbutig amo ang hungod nga pagbaliskad sang kamatuoran sa hambal, sa buhat, kag bisan paagi sa paghipos. Ang tawo nga nagabutig hungod nga nagapatalang sa iban nga may kinamatarong nga mahibaloan ang kamatuoran kag isa ini ka paagi sang paghalit sa ila, tungod kay ginadingot sa ila ang pag-angkon sang ihibalo agod makahimo sila sing nagakaigo kag husto nga desisyon. Wala labot sini, ang pagbinutig nagasab-og sang binhi sang pagbinahinbahin kag pagduhadoha sa panghunahona sang iban kag tungod sini, nagapaluya sang estruktura sang pag-angtanay sa tunga sang mga katapo sang isa ka komunidad. Ang halit nga mahimo matuga sang pagbinutig indi palareho kag nagasuno ini sa kinaugali sang kamatuoran nga ginatago sang nagabinutig, kag depende man sa sitwasyon kag sa intensyon kag labaw sa tanan, sa epekto sini sa biktima sang pagbinutig.

Ayhan may pamangkot kita: Ano ang rason kon ngaa nagabinutig ang tawo? Ang sabat sini depende sa lainlain nga kahimtangan kag sitwasyon. Pero sa masunson, ang pagbinutig naga umpisa sa paglimbong sang tawo sa iya kaugalingon, ukon sa indi pagbaton sang tawo sang reyalidad nahanungod sa iya kaugalingon. Ini nga paglimbong nagahalin sa pagtan-aw sang tawo sa iya kaugalingon kon sia nagapakigbagay sa iban. Tatlo ka butang

“If the Lord does not build the house, in vain do its builders’ labor.”(Psalm 127, 1)

We recognize God’s graciousness as we continue to pursue with our project of re-constructing our parochial house. The influx of donation coming in is a sign that God inspires many of us to share our blessings and graces. We thank those who allowed themselves to be moved by the Holy Spirit to sacrifice a substantial part of their monetary resources for this endeavor of building together the Parish of Jaro Parochial House.

As an update, there are 18 people working for the construction. These past days were spent in lay-outing the ground floor, digging the soil for the foundations, setting up of the braces of the second floor and demolishing the Knights of Columbus building.

As a sign of our love and concern for our laborers, we bought helmets, googles, and gloves to ensure their safety and protection.

Yes, we are still on the initial stages of our project. There are a lot of things that we still need to do and a large of money that we need to collect. However, trusting in God’s Providence we believe that we can make both ends meet. With our faith that can mountains we can build together our parochial house.

Pledges of donation are greatly appreciated. Brochures are available in the Parish Office during office hours (8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.) from Tuesday to Sunday (morning only). We also have especially printed envelopes to contain your donation. These envelopes are available at the Parish Office, Adoration Chapel and at the doors of the Cathedral. You may drop your donation in our green-colored donation boxes or offer it during Masses especially on Misa Pro Populo (Mass for the People) every Sunday at 8:00 a.m. We will also provide envelopes in Barangay Bakhaw, San Vicente and Tabuc Suba-Ilaya Chapels where we regularly have Sunday Masses.

Let us remember that our every act of generosity is truly pleasing to God. What we offer to Him is not ours, it’s His. We simply return to Him not just the blessing we receive but all the glory and praise due to Him. It is He Who builds the house, all of us are just His laborers.


His answer?“Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!”What could I make out from all that? Well,

people of today, according to Bo Sanchez, are like his son. Many of us do not know what we want and this is the reason why most of us fail. When asked about what we like to happen, what we want, and what we would like our future to be, we simply respond, “Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!”

If we would like that our dreams will come into reality, when we would like to make things happen, I believe that we need to really know specifically what we want. As they say, our goals must be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound. Bo Sanchez would say, “Dreams are powerless unless they are specific.”

Now, let us also be specific in our prayers, as what I’ve learned from the saints of our Church, and let us specifically pray for the

The PasTor sPeaksMsgr. Higinio C. Velarde

realization of our Parochial House. As we continue to venture into our project of building our Parochial House, we have ventured to be as specific as possible with our goal: we need 15 Million Pesos! Yes, PhP 15 Million for this noble endeavor!

May this dream be not just a dream of the few. But let this be a dream of every Jareño, of every faithful devotee of Our Lady of Candles, of every parishioner of Jaro. Because if this is our common goal, then our efforts, accompanied by our prayers and sacrifices, will contribute to the realization of this dream, not just of building a Parochial House but of building a united Christ-centered communion of communities!


ini nga pagtan-aw: una, kon sin-o gid sia sa pagkamatuod; ikaduha, kon ano ang pagkabig niya sang iya kaugalingon; kag, ikatlo, kon ano kuntani ang luyag niya nga pagkabig sang iban sa iya. Kon kaisa, malayo ka tama ang antad sa tunga sang pagkabig niya sang iya kaugalingon kag kon ano kuntani ang luyag niya nga pagkabig sang iban sa iya. Amo ini ang nagahatag sing kabalaka sa iya kag bisan wala niya ini ginahungod, iya luyag nga iya ipanubo ang iban agod nga mangin pareho sila. Halimbawa, sa lugar nga kilalahon kag batunon naton nga nahisa kita sa iban, ginasiling naton nga ang aton kaingod nga mas mataas ukon manggaranon sang sa aton, isa ka tawo nga mahakog ukon makawat.

Indi mabudlay tan-awon ang mangin bunga sang sini nga pagbinutig. Ini nga pagbinutig nagahalit sa maayo nga ngalan kag kadungganan sang biktima sang pagbinutig. Ang mga makabati sini nga pagbinutig, madala sa sala nga pagkilala nahanungod sa tawo nga biktima sang pagbinutig. Labot pa ang paghidait kag paghirupay sa tunga sang komunidad ginahalitan man, kag ang tawo mismo nga nagabinutig, mangin biktima man sang iya butig, kag madulaan sing husto nga pagkilala sang iya kaugalingon sa atubang sang iban.

Karon, tan-awon naton ang nagakalainlain nga sahi sang pagbutig. Ara nga ginatawag nga “white lie”, ukon ang pagbinutig nahanungod sa isa ka bagay nga indi gid man seryoso kundi ginahimo lamang sa paghinago sang matuod nga sitwasyon, ukon paghatag sing mga balibad agod indi mabutang sa alang-alang. Ara man ang ginatawag nga “hinambog nga sugilanon”, ukon ang pagpadaku sang

ikasarang ukon kalidad sang isa ka tawo agod dayawon sang iban. May ara man nga mga butig nga ginasugid tungod sa kahadlok, halimbawa agod indi pagsilotan, ukon agod indi mahuy-an. Kon kaisa may mga butig man nga bunga sang sugilanon ukon kutso kutso, ukon pagdayaw dayaw kag pagbola sa iban. Sa masunson, ini nga mga sahi sang butig, daw indi gid man makahalit kag diotay lamang ang importansya, ugaling sa masunson, mahimo nga ini mangin isa na gid ka bisyo kag ang bunga sini mabudlay na tadlungon.

Apang may mga butig nga makahalalit. Ang mga butig nga may matuod nga malisya agod halitan ang iban, ang mga binutig nga propaganda sa kampanya sa politika kag sa negosyo nga nagapatalang sa iban agod makaganansya sing daku, ang mga pagpakunokuno ukon pagpabati-bati ukon pagpa-itin-itin sang sugilanon nga makapabaliskad sang pagpati sang iban nahanungod sa isa ka butang ukon isa ka tawo. Kon kaisa, bisan ang paghipos ukon ang indi pagsugid sang matuod agod malikawan ang gamo makahalit man sa komunidad.

Mas seryoso pa gid ang pagbinutig sa husgado ukon sala nga pagpanaksi, tungod kay mahimo masilotan ang isa ka tawo nga inosente kag ang pagpalakat sang katarungan ginabalabagan. Ang magsumpa nga isugid “ang kamatuoran, ang bug-os nga kamatuoran, kag wala na gid sang iban kundi ang kamatuoran” (to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth) kag ang maglapas sa sini nga sumpa, nagapakasala sang gintawag nga “perjury”, ukon ang pagpanaksi sang indi matuod sa isa ka hukmanan. Ini isa ka daku nga sala batok sa Ikawala nga Sugo sang Dios.

B u i L d i n g T o g eT h e r

Fond Memories at Jaro Convent

Donations Update of the Parochial house Construction Project

We continue to give you the Donation Update.The needs of the project ahead are still numerous and we need a large amount of

money for its realization. We continually appeal to your generosity and kindness as we journey towards this project. Let us build together our Parochial House!


Prayer Intention

B u i L d i n g T o g eT h e r

The Parish of JaroParochial House

The Parish of JaroParochial House

september 13 - 19, 2014Cash on hand, Sept. 12, 2014 432,874.00 Donation received

Cecilia T. Javelosa & Family 10,000.00 Kenneth Ng 500.00 Brgy. San Roque 133.00 A Friend 203,104.45 Anonymous 2,000.00 Brgy. Ma. Cristina 276.00 Brgy. Democracia 180.00 Blossom Jardeleza & Children 2,500.00 Anita Lacuesta-Jesena,MD 2,500.00 Jervin & Joanne 800.00 Aquarius XI 5,000.00 Roni Matulac & Family 500.00 Loiuse Eve Sorolla 100.00 Atty. Enrique & Perla Arguelles 15,000.00 Lebrilla Family 1,000.00 Anonymous 1,000.00

Donation Box-Sept. 7, 2014 15,066.75 HLC 200.00 Villadarez Family 1,000.00 BDL 500.00 Elsa D. Mondejar 1,000.00 Mercy 100.00 Paterno O. Antay, Jr. 200.00 Mercy A. Arisco 100.00 Anonymous 100.00 Donation Box-Sept. 14, 2014 9,590.00

Total Cash Donation 705,324.20 Less: expenses for the week Payroll 21,602.50 Materials 27,359.50

Total Expenses 48,962.00 Cash on hand-sept. 19, 2014 656,362.20

The Official Donation Envelope

The Convent Construction

The Convent Construction The Green Donation Box

During the Term of Msgr. Jose M. Gamboa, I was a Philippine Catholic Lay Missionary assigned at Sicogon Island in Carles, Iloilo. I would make it a point to pass by the Jaro Cathedral whenever I went to Iloilo City for transactions. I always felt at home in this convent. I stayed here for some time when I first arrived in Iloilo.

One day, I had an eye operation and I had to stop by the Convent to rest for a while before proceeding back to Carles after lunch. I was taken cared of properly by the convent personnel, including Ama Rosa. The Convent was and is like a second home to me.

Brenda V. Jorquin

Page 3: September  21-27, 2014

CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014)

(Let us pray for each other)



PurEZA D. LAcuEsTAArMANDO A. suÑEAssociate Editors


News Editors


Feature Editors

LALAINE D. PAsquINCirculation

rIcArDO q. FALLAcOrINA IILayout Artist



The Candle Light is a non-profit weekly publication.


rT. rEV. MsGr. HIGINIO c. VELArDE, jr., jcD, PA Parish Priest

rEV. Fr. rONALD c. DE LEONSenior Parochial Vicar


rEV. Fr. PHILIPP NEIL y. ANTENOr-cruZ Special Assistant for Temporal Affairs

rEV. MsGr. ALEjANDrO P. EsPErANcILLASpecial Assistant for Liturgical Affairs

rEV. Fr. FrANcIscO T. ANGOsTurArEV. Fr. jOENIck s. TErrITOrIO

Resident Priests

4 5

Quote of the Week :: Gospel ReflectionAng Pulong Nangin Tawo


readings for the WEEk

BirThDay21 Fr. Rabindranath Catalan21 Fr. Tomas Tibudan25 Fr. Espiridion Celis

orDiNaTioN23/03 Fr. Renante Salabe 25/65 Fr. Rodolfo Napial 27/04 Fr. Angelo Colada Fr. Julius Almeria Fr. Pope Ybañez Fr. Joe Marie Villalobos

Ika-25 nga Domingo sang Tuig, Setyembre 21, 2014

Mt 20:1-16

sEPTEMbEr 2014


Mentally disabled. That the mentally disabled may receive the love and help they

need for a dignified life.

Service to the poor. That Christians, inspired by the Word of God, may serve the poor

and suffering.

It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels. – St. Augustine

“Ang Ginharian sang langit kaangay sang isa ka tag-iya sang talamnan sang ubas nga naglakat sang aga pa gid sa pagpangita sing mga manug-obra para sa iya talamnan. 2Nagsugot sia sa pagbayad sa ila sa minimo nga suhol sa isa ka adlaw kag ginpadala niya sila sa pag-obra sa iya talamnan sang ubas. 3Sang mga alas nuwebe sa aga nagkadto sia sa merkado kag nakita niya nga may mga tawo nga nagatilindog didto nga wala sing obra. 4Gani nagsiling sia sa ila, ‘Mag-obra man kamo sa akon talamnan sang ubas, kay suholan ko kamo sang nagakaigo.’ 5Gani naglakat sila sa pag-obra. Amo man ang ginhimo niya sang mga alas dose kag sang mga alas tres sa hapon. 6Sang mga alas singko na sa hapon nagkadto naman sia sa merkado kag may nakita pa gid sia nga nagatilindog didto, kag nagpamangkot sia sa ila, ‘Ngaa bala nagatilindog lang kamo diri sa bug-os nga adlaw nga wala sing obra?’ 7Nagsabat sila, ‘Ti, anhon mo kay wala man sing may nagpa-obra sa amon.’ Nagsiling sia sa ila, ‘Kon amo ina, kadto man kamo kag mag-obra sa akon talamnan sang ubas.’

Ang Ginoo maalwan. Ginakabig Niya nga alalangay ang tanan bisan

sa diin nga mga butang. Siya amo ang tuburan sang tanan nga mga kaayuhan, ang ginagikanan sang paghigugmaanay kag maayo nga pagtamdanay sa isa kag isa.

Sa aton ebanghelyo, ang tag-iya sang duta nagapang-agda sa mga tawo agud mag-obra sa iya talamnan. Nahisa ang una nga mga trabahador bangud sang parehas nga sweldo nga ginhatag sa ulihi nga mga trabahador bisan diutay lang ang oras nga ila gin-obrahan.

Ang tag-iya sang duta naga-representar sa aton Ginoo nga naga-agda sa aton bilang Iya mga katawhan sa pagpalapit sa Iya. Ang Ginoo wala nagatan-aw

ang mga Manug-obra sa Talamnan sang Ubas

Sa ika-anum nga session sang ila pagka-katekista ang ila gintun-an nga

topiko amo ang nahanungod sa “Paglibut sa Balay sang Panimalay sang Dios”. Ang mga kabarangayan nga nagpanglakaton sang nagligad nga Setyembre 14, 2014 amo ang mga masunod: Bgy. Bakhaw, nga ang mga nasakupan nga kabalayan amo ang masunod: Hormigoso, Llanora, Acelar, Abayon, Mallorca, Horario, kag Soledad nga mga residensia.

Ini sila ginasugat sang salakyan sang parokya kon sa diin sila nagahulat. Ini ginapatigayon ni Antonio Pasquin nga amo ang responsable sa sini nga mga

Sang nagligad nga Agosto 31, 2014, may ginhiwat nga Barangay Assembly

sa Tabuc Suba – Ilaya nga gintambugan nanday Lalaine Pasquin, Evelyn Nervato, kag sang tanan nga katapo sang WESTFY nga naghatag sang ila tagsa-tagsa ka mga report.

Ang BAC-Worship nagpresentar sang nanari-sari nga mga tuigan nga aktibidades. Ila man ginpahayag ang mga natigayon nga mga plano katulad sang mga masunod: ang regular nga mga debosyon kag Santos nga Misa; ang Santo Rosaryo sa kada a las seis sa gab-i sa chapel; ang Nobenaryo sa Mother of Perpetual Help sa kada Miyerkoles sang hapon; kag ang pagtukod sang Children of Mary (COM); ang training sang Lectors; ang padayon nga tuigan nga procession sa adlaw sang piyesta; kag ang tuigan nga Via Crucis palibot sa barangay.

Sa BAC-Education, ang persona nga in-charge nangin inactive tungod sang mga

hilikuton sang Parokya. Ang mga kabataan upod ang ila mga katekista nagakadto sa simbahan agud didto himuon ang katekesis. Ini ginahimo sa adlaw nga Domingo agud makasimba dayon and mga kabataan sa alas tres nga Misa sa hapon.

Sa pagsulod pa lang, sa mayor nga puertahan sang Simbahan ginapahanumdum sang katekista sa mga kabataan nga yara sila sa panimalay sang Dios. Gani ginatudlu-an sila kon paano mag-genuflect, magluhod, kag sa diin nga bahin sang simbahan nila himuon ini. Ginapahanumdum man sa ila ang paghipos sa sulod sang Simbahan. Ang mga masunod amo ang ila ginakadtuan: ang lugar sang bulunyagan, ang bilinditahan, ang

25th Sunday in Ordinary TimeIs 55:6-9Ps 145:2-3, 8-9, 17-18Phil 1:20-24. 27Mt 20:1-16 Monday, september 22Prv 3:27-34Ps 15:2-3. 3-4. 5Lk 8:16-18

Tuesday, september 23Prv 21:1-6. 10-13Ps 119:1. 27. 30. 34. 35. 44Lk 8:19-21St. Pius “Padre Pio” of Pietrelcina, Priest

Wednesday, september 24Prv 30:5-9Ps 119:29. 72. 89. 101. 104. 163Lk 9:1-6

Thursday, september 25Eccl 1:2-11Ps 90:3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14. 17Lk 9:7-9

Friday, september 26Eccl 3:1-11Ps 144:1. 2. 3-4Lk 9:18-22St. Cosmas and St. Damian, Martyrs

saturday, september 27Eccl 11:9 – 12:8Ps 90:3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14. 17Lk 9:43-45St. Vincent de Paul, Priest

Altar, Krusipiyo, Tabernakulo, kag ang Shrine.

Ngaa importante si Birhen Maria para sa aton? Ngaa naga-uyat sia sang nasindihan nga kandela? Sa Santos nga Misa ang mga kabataan nga pwede makabaton sang kalawat nagapangalawat. Ginapakilala ang grupo sa mga sumilimba. Ang pari nga amo ang presider sang sina nga Misa nagalawag sang mga ngalan sang barangay kag sang mga katekista nga nagahatag sang katekesis. Ginapangamuyu-an gid ang mga kabataan agud sila magatubo sa pagtuo sa Dios kag mangin maayo nga mga Kristiano. Pagkatapos, ginahatagan sila sang pinasahi nga bendisyon.

Ang aton Parokya nagapreparar gid sang pamahaw sa aton nagapanglakaton nga mga kabataan kag katekista. Sa sini nga mga hilikuton, upod sa aton mga kaparian ang Dios padayon nga nagabendisyon.

Lalaine D. Pasquin

8Sang sirom na, nagsiling ang tag-iya sang talamnan sang ubas sa iya enkargado. “Tawga ang mga manug-obra kag suholi sila halin sa mga naulihi gid nga nag-obra tubtob sa mga nahauna.” 9Ang mga nag-ulobra sugod sang alas singko sa hapon ginbayaran sang minimo nga suhol. 10Sang suholan na ang mga nahauna nga nag-ulobra, naghunahuna sila nga daku ang ila mabaton, pero ang tagsa-tagsa sa ila ginhatagan man sang minimo nga suhol. 11Ginbaton nila ang ila suhol, ugaling nagkulomuron sila batok sa tag-iya 12nga nagsiling, ‘Ining mga naulihi nag-obra sa bug-os nga adlaw sa nagatagiti nga init, pero pareho lang ang imo suhol sa amon!’ 13Ang tag-ya nagsabat sa isa sa ila, ‘Abyan, pamati ka! Wala ta ikaw gindayai. Indi bala nagkasugot kita sa minimo nga suhol? 14Karon, kuhaa ang imo suhol, kag magpauli. Akon ini luyag nga suholan ining naulihi pareho sa imo. 15Indi bala ako makapagusto kon ano ang himuon ko sang akon kuwarta? Ukon nahisa ka bala kay maalwan ako?’

16Kag si Jesus nagsiling pa gid, “Gani ang mga naulihi mauna, kag ang mga nahauna maulihi.”

ang kahiwatan sa Tabuc suba – ilaya

Barangay Weekend Catechists Naghiwat aktibidades

prioridad sa kabuhi. Padayon ang tuigan nga paghiwat sang katekesis sa mga kabataan sa bulan sang Mayo; ang Week-end Catechesis nga ginapatigayon ni Mark Redan Victoriano; ang formation sang mga leaders sang MKK; kag ang pagpanghatag sang Candle Light.

Ang BAC-Service nagapadayon man sang paghatag sang bulanan nga kinahanglanon sang duha ka senior citizens; ang bulanan nga konsultasyon-medikal kag dental, libre nga bulong, kag medical assistance sa mga pigado nga mga pumuluyo.

Ang BAC-Temporalities nagreport nahanungod sa mga kagamitan nga gindonar kag sa mga ginapanag-iyahan sang kapilya: sound system, mga imahen sang Santos, mga gamit sang Choir. Ginreport man ang pagpabutang sang “tiles” sang salog kag pulungkuan, kag iban pa.

Ang BAC-Finance nagreport sang bulanan nga kolekta kag mga gastos. Ginreport man ang mga remittances sa Cathedral.


Minis tr y

Ang BAC-Youth, tungod sang ila re-organization, wala makahatag sang report. Sa gihapon sila nangin aktibo sa mga hilikuton: Lector, Choir, pagsirbe sa Misa, kag mga aktibidades sa Parokya.

Sa evaluation ni Lalaine Pasquin, ang mga plano sa sulod sang duha ka tuig halos natigayon gid: ang pagpabutang sang “tiles” sa salog kag “grills” sa bintana sang kapilya; ang pagpatigayon sang kasal; ang pagdugang sang mga imahen sang mga Santos sa kapilya; ang pagpakigbahin sa mga hilikuton sang Parokya; ang padayon nga paghinun-anon sa kada semana; ang pagpangamuyo tingub sa komunidad; ang pagpaambit sang pagtuo; ang Misa sa kada Domingo, kag madamo pa.

Sang Setyembre 7, 2014, ginselebrar ang ika-lima ka tuig nga anibersaryo sang Kapilya, kag ini ginpanguluhan ni Fr. Nathaniel Gentizon. Ginsunod ang isa ka malip-ut nga programa, kag sinalu-salo. Lourdes Alquisada



sa estado sang aton pangabuhi, ukon posisyon sa Simbahan. Pero ang Ginoo una sa tanan nagatan-aw sa disposisyon sang aton tagipusuon kon bukas kita sa pagpalapit sa Iya, bukas ang aton tagipusuon sa pagbaton sang mga katungdanan para sa Iya kahimayaan kag ilabi na gid sa tanan kon bukas kita nga magmangin maalwan sa pagpa-ambit sang aton kaugalingon sa aton isigkatawo.

Sa simple nga pagpangabuhi bilang isa ka Magagmay nga Kristiyanong Katilingban ginapadumdom kita nga magmangin maalwan sa pag-paambit sang aton kaugalingon kag tiyempo sa Ginoo kag sa aton isigkatawo. Ang Ebanghelyo naga-agda sa aton nga dapat likawan naton ang pagbahin-

bahinay kag ang pagkahisa sa aton isigkatawo ilabi na gid kon nabatyagan naton nga mas labaw pa sa aton ang aton isigkatawo bangud sang iya mga ginpanghimo sa kumonidad, kay ang pagkahisa sa isigkatawo nagaresulta sang pag-ginamo sa aton katilingban.


1. Nangin maalwan bala ako sa paghatag sang akon kaugalingon sa Ginoo kag sa akon isigkatawo?

2. Paano ko ginalikawan ang pagkahisa sa sulod sang akon panimalay, sa akon ginaubrahan ukon sa akon MKK?

Fe Marina S. Siacon

Page 4: September  21-27, 2014

CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014)6 7CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014)





The Cofradia invites members of religious organizations and parish ministries to join this Marian Association. Formation sessions will be held on September 24 and October 1, 2014, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Pius XII Institute. Imposition of Medals will be on October 4, 2014 during the 5:30 p.m. Mass.

For more information, please contact Ms. Jel Zendon through 329-3456 at the Parish Pastoral Office.

Theme: “Sailing Together , Anchored in Faith and Love”What: Celebration of National Seafarers’ SundayWhen: September 28, 2014 from 8 a.m. to 12 noonWhere: Jaro Cathedral Compoundactivities: Holy Mass at 8 a.m. at Jaro Cathedral Program at St. Elizabeth of Hungary Kinder School CompoundseaFarers aND Their FaMiLies... Come and Join our Celebration!!!

Every Sunday of the month of August to November, the aspirants of the Jaro Parish Ministry of Altar Services are having their regular formation from 10:30 to 11:30 in the morning. This formation session aims to prepare them for their investiture in December.

Misa Pro-Populo sponsors/offerers september 21 Luna28 Benedicto

oras sang Parokyaseptember 24 San Vicente

We encourage everyone to share their opinion regarding the on-going construction project of our Parish Convent. Kindly E-mail or Text us.

E-mail address: [email protected] Number: 09088750929




1 Wednesday Brgy. Lourdes DB and Jalandoni2 Thursday Brgy. San Vicente3 Friday Brgy. Luna4 Saturday Brgy. Benedicto5 sunday Brgy. Democracia6 Monday Brgy. Tabuc Suba Proper7 Tuesday Brgy. Tabuc Suba Ilaya8 Wednesday Brgy. Simon Ledesma9 Thursday Brgy. Ma. Cristina10 Friday Brgy. San Roque11 Saturday Brgy. Arguelles12 sunday Brgy. Libertad-sta. isabel13 Monday Brgy. Fajardo14 Tuesday Brgy. Cuartero15 Wednesday Brgy. Taytay Zone 2 16 Thursday Brgy. Bakhaw17 Friday Brgy. Calubihan18 Saturday Brgy. Taft North19 sunday Brgy. Desamparados20 Monday Brgy. CC El-9821 Tuesday Brgy. Seminario22 Wednesday CFC and Catechists23 Thursday OLCPC and Family for Christ24 Friday EMHC and Adoration Nocturna25 Saturday CWL, Ladies of Charity and MOR26 sunday JPyM and JPMas27 Monday DMI, K of C and Adorers of the Holy Trinity28 Tuesday Candle Light and Theotokos29 Wednesday Apostleship of Prayer and Mother Butlers Guild30 Thursday Legion of Mary

Please prepare the following: 2 Image Bearers 3 Ceriales Song/Prayer Leaders Individual Candles



Vatican City, Sep 18, 2014 / 06:10 am. At daily Mass, Pope Francis drew from the Gospel reading of

the woman who washed Christ’s feet with her tears – noting God’s tender response to those who have the humility to acknowledge their sin.

“...the ability to acknowledge our own sins, to acknowledge our misery, to acknowledge what we are and what we are capable of doing or have done is the very door that opens us to the Lord’s caress, His forgiveness,” the Pope said during his homily the morning of Sept. 18.

He reflected on the Gospel passage from the seventh chapter of Luke, recalling how Jesus was visiting the house of a prominent Pharisee – “a person of a certain level of culture.”

Although the Pharisee “wanted to listen to Jesus” on an intellectual level, he

vATICAN NewsBeing honest about our sin ‘opens Us to the Lord’s Caress’

is baffled by the contrite woman who approaches Christ and washes his feet with her tears.

“He cannot understand the simple gesture: the simple gestures of the people. Perhaps this man had forgotten how to caress a baby, how to console a grandmother.”

“In his theories, his thoughts, his life of government – because perhaps he was a councilor of the Pharisees – he had forgotten the simple gestures of life, the very first things that we all, as newborns, received from our parents.”

The Pharisee “is not a bad man,” Pope Francis emphasized, but he simply “cannot understand the woman’s actions.”

Far from shaming the Pharisee, however, Jesus responds to him “with humility and tenderness,” as “his patience, his love, the desire to save everyone” compels him to explain the woman’s action.

Amid the surprise of the surrounding guests, Christ says to the woman: “Your sins are forgiven.

Go in peace, your faith has saved you!”“He only says the word salvation

– ‘Your faith has saved you’ – to the woman, who is a sinner. And he says it because she was able to weep for her sins, to confess her sins, to say ‘I am a sinner,’ and admit it to herself.”

“He doesn’t say the same to those people, who were not bad people: they simply did not believe themselves to be sinners. Other people were sinners: the tax collectors, prostitutes ... These were the sinners,” Pope Francis said.

“Jesus says this word – ‘You are saved, you are safe – only to those who open their hearts and acknowledge that they are sinners,” he emphasized.

“Salvation only enters our hearts when we open them to the truth of our sins.”


Pope Francis at a Vatican Square audience.

MANILA - The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) have launched

livelihood program seminars for families of overseas Filipino workers.

The CBCP Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care for Migrants and Itinerant People (ECMI) launched the Diocesan Awareness Seminar for Migrants’ Apostolate (DASMA) in Luzon and Mindanao.

Balanga Bishop Ruperto Santos, who also chairs the commission, said the livelihood program is designed to train relatives of OFWs in valuable skills.

“We started this in Luzon and Mindanao. The bishops of Mindanao held a series of consultation meetings on August 21-22 hosted by the Diocese of Ipil in Zamboanga-Sibugay. This meeting recommends the setting up of Ministry for Migrants in each Mindanao diocese,” said Santos in an interview with Church-run Radio Veritas.

CBCP NewsCBCP Launches Livelihood seminars for Families of oFWs

The next scheduled livelihood program seminars will be conducted in November in the Dioceses of Dipolog, Pagadian, and Iligan, and the Archdiocese of Ozamiz.

Santos said they have teamed up with the government’s Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), and with the various dioceses and organizations to ensure the success of the program.

Sugod sini nga Domingo, ang aton Candle Light nagadedikar sang isa ka page para sa proyekto sang pagpakay-o kag pagpabakod sang aton kombento. Sarang naton mabutang diri ang mga updates sa construction kag donation, Readers’ Corner kag Fond Memories at Jaro Convent. Keep yourselves informed by reading this corner entitled “Building Together”.

On October 19, 2014, we shall celebrate World Missions Sunday. On this occasion, we will be having a special collection which aims to provide economic assitance to the Universal Church, especially in the missions territories.

World Missions Sunday envelopes are available at the Parish office, Adoration Chapel and at the doors of our Cathedral Church.

Please drop your donations at the designated donation boxes marked with “World Missions Sunday”.

Page 5: September  21-27, 2014

CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014) CANDLE LIGHT (Sept. 21 - 27, 2014)8 9

Pureza D. LacuestaWhen is the Gift-Giving season?

December will soon be here and many are happy and excited because it is the month of receiving and

exchanging gifts. The children especially are all smiles because they are thinking of toys, new clothes, and mall-shopping. Many adults who have their children abroad, earning high salaries, and having excellent professions have visions of having imported gifts and foreign currency, of course. We always think of gifts as rare and costly materials which we love to own when December comes.

Allow me to ask you this: Are there gifts costlier than cars, land titles, new buildings, wide plantations, and other materials, things that can fill the eye and stomach?

In his homily last Sunday, Msgr. Velarde reminded us of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. He thought not of Himself but of us, His brothers. Was not that Cross on Calvary where Jesus hung bloody and full of wounds not the best gift that we have ever received? Was not that heavy fifty kilos of patibulum – the horizontal beam of the Cross which he carried to Calvary, and on

which He was nailed – a very precious gift to redeem us from the flames of sin?

My dear brothers and sisters, we must allow some of our time every day to focus on Jesus’ gift for us – His Life. He died because He wanted us to live with Him in eternity.

Let us pause for a moment and look at Jesus on the Cross. Since He gave us His life as a gift to redeem us, can we not also give Him our best gift – our prayers and our obedience to His Commandments? Let us try to do something good every day. Let us raise our heart to Heaven upon waking up and before turning in for the night. No matter who we are and what we are, we can always do something good if we want to. Do you have old clothes which you have outgrown? Why not give them away? Do you have an extra centavo in your pocket? Come on, share it.

Doesn’t our Heavenly Father also give us the most precious example of His love, by giving us the best gift – His only son, Whose death was also His Son’s best gift?

Who are we that Jesus had to suffer and die for us?

We are His brothers and sisters whom He doesn’t want to see burning in the fires of hell.

After our creation, God makes us live from the fruits of our labor. He gives us lands to till, mountains to supply us with rocks and charcoal, rivers, seas, and streams to give us the water we need, and He gives us also our physical needs. He gives us eyes to see; our nose to smell; ears to hear; teeth with which to eat our food, our bones to make us sturdy and strong, our flesh to store our health, legs to walk, arms to hold, and our mind and intelligence to give us an insurance of a good future. However, God has given us the freedom to use our gifts, as well. To make us know what He really wants, on top of Mount Sinai, He gave us His Ten Commandments, written on tablets of stone for us to know, to understand, to follow.

If God gives us the gift of life and Jesus, His gift of love, can we not give Him a bunch of gifts: love, obedience, reverence, faithfulness, loyalty, truthfulness - everything that is positive and lasting?

all our necessities, not because we deserve them but because He is gracious to us and loves us even with our sinfulness and waywardness. All our merits arising from all the devotions, novenas, and Masses that we attend are pleasing to God, but are never enough for us to merit entry into Heaven. God’s love and kindness to us is boundless, overflowing, and immeasurable compared to all our good intensions.

St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans 3:23 says, ”For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”, and therefore we cling to our Faith in God to get us to Heaven, and coupled with good works we become better Christians. Good works become our merits. Good works are needed to put our Christian Faith into action; faith without good works is dead faith. A life lived in the faith and love of God Almighty will manifest in the person’s good works on earth. How can a person’s faith be shown except in his faithful adherence to Christ Jesus’s teachings? Can you imagine a person who declares all day that he has complete faith in God and yet lives a life exactly the opposite of Jesus’s teachings?

In our parable for this Sunday,

symbolic meanings are found which can guide us for our deeper understanding. The “kingdom of Heaven” means the Church militant, where men labour, and the Church triumphant, where men are rewarded. The “householder” is Almighty God, the King of Heaven, Who, at all eras of history calls men to labour in His service. “Labourers” are those called to serve God by the practice of good works. The “vineyard” is the Church. “Evening” refers to the end of the world, or the close of human life. “Give them their hire” refers to the reward of merit. The late Catholic Archbishop John MacEvilly, Bishop of Tuam, Ireland, explained that, “Our Redeemer supposes in this parable that men merit eternal life; for, Jesus speaks of an agreement between the landowner and the laborer to labour for a certain ‘hire’, which implies merit for the laborer. Jesus also speaks of paying ‘what is just’, which proves merit founded on God’s gracious promises”.

The parable of the laborers in the vineyard is a microcosm of the entire history of our Holy Bible, according to Church scholars. The period of hours in which the landowners hired the laborers, from dawn to the third hour (nine o’clock),

to the sixth (noontime), ninth (three o’clock), and eleventh hour (five o’clock) represent the different ages of Biblical history when God called men to labour in His Church toward the goal of Salvation. The first to the third hours refer to the interval between Adam and Noah; the third to the sixth refer to the interval between Noah and Abraham; the sixth to the ninth, between Abraham and Moses; the ninth to the eleventh, between Moses and Christ. The last hour, between the eleventh and sunset refer to John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, our Savior. In the Gospel, the “last hour” embraces the Ministry of Jesus with His Apostles and disciples, where Christians receive “abundant graces, privileges, indulgences, and boundless treasures of merit, compared to those who lived in the previous eras or dispensations. The Apostles arrived much later than Adam and Moses, and are thus considered as those belonging to the eleventh hour, and are thus last to arrive in point of time, but are first in glory and merits. Hence, they are “first “, because “the last will be first, and the first will be last”, as stated in verse 16 of our parable. We Christians also belong to the eleventh hour, our good works and merits become pleasing to God, Whose mercy and love encompasses everything, and Who Is moved at our slightest act of Love for Him and for our neighbor, and Who counts our merits and good works more thoughtfully that we ourselves can manage to remember.

The intrinsic lesson we can learn from our parable is the necessity of the virtues of humility, gratitude, faith and trust in God Almighty on one side, and the sins of pride, envy and covetousness, and mistrust in God Almighty on the other side. There is always a suspenseful pulling apart on both sides in the heart and mind of the Christian believer. We are all laborers under the fold of our loving Father in Heaven. We must have the humility, faith and trust in His love and goodness, gratitude for all His blessings, and we must pray that we refrain from being envious and covetuous of the good fortune of others. We must pray that pride not eat our hearts because it blinds us to what good is there for us in God’s holy time. God knows what and when to give to each one of us. We must trust in God’s boundless intelligence to grant us what we ask and what we need. Gratitude to Him should be on our lips all the days of our lives. Sources and References:l. Christian Community Bible, Claretian Publ./ St. Pauls (Makati City, Philippines,1995), pp. 50-51.2. The Seven Capital Sins, TAN Books, (Charlotte North Carolina, U.S.A.,2010) 3. 365 Days with the Lord, St. Pauls Philippines Makati City, Philippines, 2014)

THE CASE... from page 1...

Words from the GospelJohannah Ysabel F. Balagosa

Kids corner



“We are all laborers under the fold of our loving Father in Heaven. We must have the humility, faith and trust in His love and goodness, gratitude for all His blessings, and we must pray that we refrain from being envious and covetuous of the good fortune of others.”

Page 6: September  21-27, 2014

BANNSEngr. Alberto H. Yanga

Parish Secretary

FIRST PUBLICATIONMarC LaWreNCe GaW Te, 27 yrs. old, resident of 39 E. Lopez

Street, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Benjamin Coo Gaw Te & Lai Lai Lily Wong So and JaCQUeLiNe V. oNG, 27 yrs. old, resident of 35 Iznart Street, Iloilo City, daughter of Hin Cheung Que Ong & Erlinda Ong Veloso.

JosePh F. saLiDo, 27 yrs. old, resident of Cagban, Manocmanoc, Malay, Aklan, son of Marcos S. Salido, Jr. & Liza M. Fornal and MyLeNe P. DeMoNTeVerDe, 28 yrs. old, resident of Arguelles St., Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Noel M. Demonteverde & Elizabeth C. Penuela.

ChrisT iaN G. sUMayo, 25 yrs. old, resident of San Miguel, Iloilo, son of Romeo A. Sumayo & Excelsa Garillos and JULie aNN s. BeNeDiCTo, 26 yrs. old, resident of Imperial V, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Robert D. Benedicto & Chona Sandoval.

SECOND PUBLICATIONriCharD roy C. reGiNio, 32 yrs. old, resident of San Jose,

Antique, son of Salvador J. Reginio & Tessie Chioco and Mary GraCe P. PaULiN, 36 yrs. old, resident of Pototan, Iloilo, daughter of Ignacio C. Paulin & Elsa P. Pari-an.

THIRD PUBLICATIONBiMBo C. BayLoN, 31 yrs. old, resident of Zona Sur, Banate, Iloilo,

son of Juanillo Baylon & Melita Cameon and Ma. krisTiNa B. GaDDi, 30 yrs. old, resident of Blk. 27, Lot 1, Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, daughter of Alex G. Gaddi & Ma. Lourdes C. Barrios.

raiseN a. LUMaBiT, 33 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tabuc Suba, Jaro, Iloilo City, son of Eduardo D. Lumabit & Leticia B. Abriol and aPriL Mae a. CaLiBara, 29 yrs. old, resident of V. Salarda St., Alimodian, Iloilo, daughter of Carlito E. Calibara & Bernardita A. Alonzaga.

JohN PaUL s. TorCeLLa, 35 yrs. old, resident of Sta. Barbara, Iloilo, son of Rolando Enriquez & Jennifer Torcella and PeMi r. LaZaNas, 35 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Balabago, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Peter Lazanas & Milagros Rendon.

eDWiN Jr. V. hisoG, 21 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Edwin Sr. Hisog & Eleanor A. Viray and GeNesa B. saNTiLLaN, 21 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Tacas, Jaro, Iloilo City, daughter of Rene D. Santillan & Gina B. Billones.Mark B. siaCoN, 28 yrs. old, resident of Brgy. Bakhaw, Mandurriao, Iloilo City, son of Mario V. Siacon, Sr. & Betty C. Badilles and aNGieLyN a. GaNDeCiLa, 24 yrs. old, resident of Lucmayan, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras, daughter of Alejandro B. Gandecila & Elisa P. Azucena.


The couples below wish to contract marriage with each other. For any impediment or serious defects that will prohibit marriage,

please inform the Parish Secretary or call 329-16-25.

MASS INTENTIONSsePTeMBer 21, 2014 sUNDay 05:00 a.m. +Romulo J. Jardeleza, Jr. by Ana Jardeleza 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Ladies of Charity 08:00 a.m. Misa Pro PoPULo 09:30 a.m. +Leon & Ney Tajanlangit, Serafin & Victoria Mallare, Alfredo & Corazon Hugo, Encarnacion & Maria Clara Gonzaga, Eduardo Nuguit, Augustus Bacabac & Luz Tajanlangit by Alice T. Mallare 12:00 n.n. +Chua Bun Cio by Chua Family 03:00 p.m. +Filomena Valencia, Manuel Valencia Sr. & Jr. by Valencia & Parreñas Families 04:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Rogelio Florete, Sr. & Family, Alberto Yanga & Hollero Family, Brenda Cari-an Espulgar, Randy Lumbaning & Family, Eva Corsino & Family, Fe Marina Siacon & Children, Mr. & Mrs. Rodolfo Garrido & Family, Ninfa Baylen & Family, Ma. Grace Evangelista & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Felicito Cabrera Jr. & Children, Michelle Ann Cordero & Family, Rosette Tayongtong & Family, Alma Blanca & Children, Avery Blanca, Ma. Fe Gelano, Braulia Cababasay & Family, Amelita & Analou Enriquez Lazarraga, Connie Alenaje & Children, Ma. Teresa

Penecilla, Villanueva & Goboc Families, Brion Emanuel Dionio, Jowell Aquino, Josephine Cordero, Paul Leonard Cardenas, Allyne Manzano, Glendo Arduo, Thelma & Andy Sola, Raymundo Provendido, Raffy Gregorio, Alonzo Zamora, Higenia Ballesteros, Rey Anthony Huelar & Family, Mr. & Mrs. Maximino Huelar & Family, Adie Tuvillara, Nenette Tarrosa 06:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Immanuel & Ma. Theresa J. Bartolo, Ma. Zhar Lenna J. Armishaw & Feliciano Japitana 07:30 p.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Noemi M. Jablo & Friends

sePTeMBer 22, 2014 MoNDay 05:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Ronaldo D. Simonio by Jo-Ann A. dela Cruz 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Nikko L. Chua by Mae L. Chua 06:30 a.m. Misa reQUieM 12:15 p.m. +Filomena Valencia, Manuel Valencia Sr. & Jr. by Valencia & Parreñas Families 05:30 p.m. +Tomas Lujan and Dolores Yanga by Brigida Lujan & Alberto Yanga sePTeMBer 23, 2014 TUesDay 05:30 a.m. +Jose Ma. Hernani Reinante Tarrosa by Tarrosa Family 06:00 a.m. +Estrella H. Montelibano by Paul & Ma. Paz Zaldarriaga 06:30 a.m. +Violeta D. Lamis & Lucy Buendia by Elen Salazar 12:15 p.m. +Paterno Yamson by Virginia Llagas Yamson & Daughter 05:30 p.m. +Estelita De Jesus Que by Que Family sePTeMBer 24, 2014 WeDNesDay 05:30 a.m. +Fermin, Felicidad & All Souls in Purgatory by Subong & Solas Families 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass in Honor of Mary Help of Christians by Dr. & Dr. Gerard Penecilla & Family 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Cristopher Mallare 12:15 p.m. +Maria Cordova Mapanao, Severo Mapanao & Marieta Padilla 05:30 p.m. Death Anniversary of Lydia Enabore Agor by Violeta Enabore sePTeMBer 25, 2014 ThUrsDay 05:30 a.m. +Eduardo Jaena by Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Hobilla & Family 06:00 a.m. Mass Intention for the Safety of All the Vessels of Milagrosa J. Shipping Corporation 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass of Noel Lozada 12:15 p.m. +Cirilo Porquez, Sr. by Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Lagnason, Sr. 05:30 p.m. +Narciso Unarce by Penecilla Family sePTeMBer 26, 2014 FriDay 05:30 a.m. +Domingo & Elisa Losaria by Mrs. Nelia Legayada 06:00 a.m. +Dafrosa, Tomas, Pablo, Concejo, Angel, Gregorio Sr. & Jr. Pedalizo, Fermin, Eusebia & Felimon by Braulia P. Cababasay 06:30 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for Eugene Lim by Susan Juan Tong 12:15 p.m. +Samuel Fajutrao, Sr. by Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Hobilla & Family 05:30 p.m. +Wilfredo M. Salarda by Lani Salarda & Family sePTeMBer 27, 2014 saTUrDay 05:30 a.m. Death Anniversary of Francis Taleon, Sr. by Orten Taleon 06:00 a.m. Thanksgiving Mass for the Birthday of Lou Franz R. Nonescan 06:30 a.m. Feast Day of St. Vincent De Paul by SSVP, Jaro Cathedral 05:30 p.m. +Pedro Destao by Diana Litchfield