september 4, 2016 prayer list 23rd sunday in · second saturday films presents: the letters...

September 4, 2016 23 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Masses and IntentionsSat Confession: 3:30 4:00 pm Sat Sep 3, 4:30 pm Mass at St. Philip George Ference by St. Philip’s Choir Sun Sep 4, 9:00 am Mass at St. Jude For the sick of Both of Our Parishes Sun Sep 4, 11:00 am Mass at St. Philip For the sick of Both of Our Parishes No Masses Monday and Tuesday Wed Sep 7, 8:00 am Mass at St. Jude For the sick of Both of Our Parishes Thur Sep 8, 8:00 am Mass at St. Jude For the Deceased of Both Parishes Thur Sep 8, 6:00 pm Mass at St. Philip For our Parishes Fri Sep 9, 8:00 am Mass at St. Philip Catherine & Steve Muska by Memorial Mass Fund Adoration following Mass; Divine Mercy Chaplet at 1:50 pm; Benediction 2:00 pm Sat Confession: 3:30 4:00 pm Sat Sep 10, 4:30 pm Mass at St. Philip John Marcisin by His Grandchildren Sun Sep 11, 9:00 am Mass at St. Jude William Babiel by Marion Varga Harold Akerley by Loretta Carlson Sun Sep 11, 11:00 am Mass at St. Philip OUR OFFERING OF THANKS TO GOD LAST WEEK St. Philip Weekly Offering $3,032.00 St. Philip Additional Maint. & Fuel $ 167.00 St. Philip Additional Assumption $ 25.00 St. Jude Weekly Offering $1,068.00 St. Jude Additional Maint. & Fuel $ 50 .00 ATTENDANCE LAST WEEKEND Saturday 4:30 pm St. Philip 08/27/16 89 Sunday 9:00 am St. Jude 08/28/16 118 Sunday 11:00 am St. Philip 08/28/16 135 Total: 342 St. Philip and St. Jude Parishes are greatly blessed through your regular giving. May God Bless each of you, Father Greg Stewardship: “Everyone of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33 Everything that we have belongs to God alone. All of our resources are entrusted to us not only for our own use, but also so that we can help others. Once we renounce the idea that we possess or are entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many gifts that God has given us. Then we truly are His Disciples. Flowers in Mary’s Chapel are in memory of Jules and Colleen Girardet. The office is closed Labor Day, Monday, Sept 5 th . PRAYER LIST: Gus Aiello, Lynne Allevo, Karen Bergeron, John B, Robert Blain, Kenny Botting, Roland Cloutier, Carol Davidge, Raymond DeLorme, Elaine Fisher, Rita Fogarty, Vivian G., Jackie Goble, Lisa Gorman, Phillip Gratton, Gina H., James H., Jimmy Harrison, Holly, Michael King, Judd Kosakowski, Pat Lockey, Mary Manning, Charlotte Grace McCutcheon, Sandy Mullarkey, Pauline Mumford, George Nagy, Vincent Ouellette, Leo Passardi, Mary Piacentini, Normand Ravenelle, Victoria & Richard Santi, Marge Servedio, Carolyn Tanajes, George Tomecko, Tom Woodcock. Please help keep our list up-to-date. The Divine Mercy Candle is lit for those walking the Camino de Santiago by Deren & Dave Dagon. Condolences to the family of Mary Lirot who passed on August 29, 2016. SAVE THE DATE! Please prayerfully consider attending the special Divine Mercy presentation at St. Philip on Sun, Sept 25 th at 3 pm. Please SIGN UP on sheets at entrances of both churches so we will have an idea of attendees. SPECIAL NOTE TO PARENTS: Open the CCD year in a special way by honoring Jesus in His image of Divine Mercy. Bring your children to the 9:30 am youth presentation at St. Philip’s on Sunday, September 25. Please SIGN UP on sheets at entrances of both churches. Reverse side of flyer has the Divine Mercy image which your child may color/decorate and display on bulletin boards available at both churches. CCD REGISTRATION for both churches will continue until classes begin (Sept 18 th for St. Philip and Sept 21 st for St. Jude). Please fill out a registration form from the vestibule. The fee is $50 per family. If this is a hardship for your family please speak to Father Greg or Ray Potter. There are two attachments for parents: Safe Environments sheet and an informational sheet on the Divine Mercy presentation. Retain these for your reference. Confirmation meeting time will remain the same as last year. Thurs, 7 pm in St. Philip’s Parish Center. OFFICE HOURS, Monday-Friday, 9:30 am 2:30 pm, with a lunch break from 12:00 to 12:30. Please be aware of this change and note that the office will be closed at that time.

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September 4, 2016 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

†Masses and Intentions† Sat Confession: 3:30 – 4:00 pm Sat Sep 3, 4:30 pm Mass at St. Philip † George Ference by St. Philip’s Choir

Sun Sep 4, 9:00 am Mass at St. Jude For the sick of Both of Our Parishes

Sun Sep 4, 11:00 am Mass at St. Philip For the sick of Both of Our Parishes

No Masses Monday and Tuesday Wed Sep 7, 8:00 am Mass at St. Jude For the sick of Both of Our Parishes

Thur Sep 8, 8:00 am Mass at St. Jude † For the Deceased of Both Parishes Thur Sep 8, 6:00 pm Mass at St. Philip For our Parishes

Fri Sep 9, 8:00 am Mass at St. Philip † Catherine & Steve Muska by Memorial Mass Fund

Adoration following Mass; Divine Mercy Chaplet at 1:50 pm; Benediction 2:00 pm

Sat Confession: 3:30 – 4:00 pm Sat Sep 10, 4:30 pm Mass at St. Philip † John Marcisin by His Grandchildren

Sun Sep 11, 9:00 am Mass at St. Jude † William Babiel by Marion Varga † Harold Akerley by Loretta Carlson Sun Sep 11, 11:00 am Mass at St. Philip


St. Philip Weekly Offering $3,032.00

St. Philip Additional Maint. & Fuel $ 167.00

St. Philip Additional Assumption $ 25.00

St. Jude Weekly Offering $1,068.00

St. Jude Additional Maint. & Fuel $ 50 .00


Saturday 4:30 pm St. Philip 08/27/16 89

Sunday 9:00 am St. Jude 08/28/16 118

Sunday 11:00 am St. Philip 08/28/16 135 Total: 342

St. Philip and St. Jude Parishes are greatly blessed through your regular giving. May God Bless each of you, Father Greg

Stewardship: “Everyone of you who does not renounce

all his possessions cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:33 Everything that we have belongs to God alone. All of our resources are entrusted to us not only for our own use, but also so that we can help others. Once we renounce the idea that we possess or are entitled to anything, it is much easier to share the many gifts that God has given us. Then we truly are His Disciples.

Flowers in Mary’s Chapel are in memory of Jules and Colleen Girardet.

The office is closed Labor Day, Monday, Sept 5th.

PRAYER LIST: Gus Aiello, Lynne Allevo, Karen Bergeron, John B, Robert Blain, Kenny Botting, Roland Cloutier, Carol Davidge, Raymond DeLorme, Elaine Fisher, Rita

Fogarty, Vivian G., Jackie Goble, Lisa Gorman, Phillip Gratton, Gina H., James H., Jimmy Harrison, Holly, Michael King, Judd Kosakowski, Pat Lockey, Mary Manning, Charlotte Grace McCutcheon, Sandy Mullarkey, Pauline Mumford, George Nagy, Vincent Ouellette, Leo Passardi, Mary Piacentini, Normand Ravenelle, Victoria & Richard Santi, Marge Servedio, Carolyn Tanajes, George Tomecko, Tom Woodcock. Please help keep our list up-to-date.

The Divine Mercy Candle is lit for those walking the Camino de Santiago

by Deren & Dave Dagon.

Condolences to the family of Mary Lirot who passed on August 29, 2016.

SAVE THE DATE! Please prayerfully consider attending the special Divine Mercy presentation at St. Philip on Sun, Sept 25th at 3 pm. Please SIGN UP on sheets at entrances of both churches so we will have an idea of attendees.

SPECIAL NOTE TO PARENTS: Open the CCD year in a special way by honoring Jesus in His image of Divine Mercy. Bring your children to the 9:30 am youth presentation at St. Philip’s on Sunday, September 25. Please SIGN UP on sheets at entrances of both churches. Reverse side of flyer has the Divine Mercy image which your child may color/decorate and display on bulletin boards available at both churches.

CCD REGISTRATION for both churches will continue until classes begin (Sept 18th for St. Philip and Sept 21st for St. Jude). Please fill out a registration form from the vestibule. The fee is $50 per family. If this is a hardship for your family please speak to Father Greg or Ray Potter. There are two attachments for parents: Safe Environments sheet and an informational sheet on the Divine Mercy presentation. Retain these for your reference. Confirmation meeting time will remain the same as last year. Thurs, 7 pm in St. Philip’s Parish Center.

OFFICE HOURS, Monday-Friday, 9:30 am – 2:30 pm, with a lunch break from 12:00 to 12:30. Please be aware of this change and note that the office will be closed at that time.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY begins Tues, Sept 6th at 10am in St. Philip’s Rectory. We will review the 1st chapter of Mercy: a Bible Study Guide for Catholics. Please join us!

PARISH ADULT EDUCATION WITH ED CONLAN St. Philip adult education classes will be held each Wednesday morning at 10 am in the Parish Center beginning on September 7, 2016. We will study and discuss the Book of Isaiah. St. Jude adult education classes will be held each Saturday morning at 11 am in the church beginning on September 10, 2016. We will study and discuss the Book of Revelation. All are Welcome.

Coming - September 17, 2016: Italian Dinner in St. Philip Parish Center! Fundraiser for St. Jude: from Salad to Dessert. Tickets available now.

DIVINE MERCY MEDITATIONS (Diary of Sr. Faustina, 65). That evening, when the time came to drain off the water from the potatoes, I hurried to be the first to do it, trusting in the Lord’s words. I took up the pot with ease and poured off the water perfectly. But when I took off the cover to let the potatoes steam off, I saw there in the pot in the place of the potatoes, whole bunches of red roses, beautiful beyond description. I had never seen such roses before. Greatly astonished and unable to understand the meaning of this, I heard a voice within me saying, I change such hard work of yours into bouquets of most beautiful flowers, and their perfume rises up to My throne. From then on I have tried to be the first to help in any other burdensome task, because I have experienced how much this pleases God.

Jesus, I trust in you! Jezu, ufam Tobie!

Do you want to experience a trip of a lifetime? Here is your chance. St. Mary's Haitian Ministry emersion

trip to Haiti, Jan 10th -17th 2017. You will experience the love, joy and faith of our brothers and sisters in Haiti. You will see how they struggle in a third world country and visit many programs that the Diocese of Norwich supports. Trips to an orphanage, feeding programs and twin parishes and schools are included. There will be an outing to the beautiful beaches as well. This trip will touch your heart and soul. For more information please contact Denise Pillion 860-617-3642 [email protected]

CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR--DEC 3, 9-2 P.M. We now have 40 vendors and are no longer accepting applications. It's not too early to begin thinking about raffle basket ideas. Some ideas from past raffles are: Spring bulb

planting basket, family games/puzzles, movie night, gift wrap basket and car wash basket.


will take up the National Combined Collection (NCC) which benefits: The Retirement Fund for Religious, The Annual Appeal for the Holy Father, The Catholic Communications Campaign, and Catholic University of America. Please indicate on your NCC collection envelope how you wish your gift to be used. If you need a gift envelope, extra envelopes are available in the vestibule. Please support our elderly religious, join our Holy Father in helping the most disadvantaged, spread the Gospel through communication and help provide a Catholic based education to university students. Your generous support is greatly appreciated.

HAPPY RETIREMENT We would like to wish a very Happy Retirement to both Deren Dagon and Caroline Doughty for all their hard work with the Parish over these many years! We will have a Parish Party in the near future so everyone can wish them well. Also, we would like to welcome Ann Phillips, who is our new secretary effective September 1st.

BAPTISM PREPARATION The church needs a volunteer who will be available for baptism preparation. If you are interested, please contact the church office at 860-429-2860 and we will provide you with the materials that you will need.

ST. JUDE SOUND SYSTEM We are in the process of getting a new sound system for St. Jude Church which will cost $5,576.14 and we will have a special second collection on Oct 23rd and Nov 6th for that purpose. If you would like to contribute, please make checks payable to St. Jude Church and write in the memo area for "sound system." We have a copy of the proposal in the Parish Office or you may see Fr. Greg. Checks or cash can also be dropped off at the Office during regular office hours.

Calling all women of our parishes because we need to revive the LADIES GROUP! If you've thought about becoming more involved in the life of the church, maybe now is the time! We need women of all ages and abilities; we are looking for you! Everyone has a place here. Your opinions and suggestions are welcome. We would meet once a month to brainstorm, plan fundraisers and assist Fr. Greg where needed. Please fill out the form below.

Please count me in.

I would love to take part in planning a new Ladies

Group for our parish.




Please place into the Collection Basket. Thank you.


THE LETTERS Come celebrate the canonization of Mother Teresa with us! Witness the true meaning of love in… THE LETTERS. Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Mother Teresa brought worldwide attention to human suffering around the globe through her service to the “poorest of the poor” on the streets of Calcutta, India. Embark on a journey to discover her path, as told for the first time through her personal letters. Through her words, we can aspire to be, as Mother Teresa said, “a pencil in God’s hand” – an instrument for good.







in-pew collection is Sept 17th and 18th throughout the Diocese. Donation envelopes will be available in church. Appropriately titled, Faith for the Future, the collection recognizes that our futures truly do belong to the children we are educating in our schools today. Our 12 Diocesan elementary schools offer families a safe and nurturing environment in which to entrust their children’s academic, social and moral growth, preparing them to become the future leaders of our church and communities. Please be generous in your support. Your contribution will help provide a Christ-centered and academically excellent Catholic education.

ASHFORD TOWN FAMILY DAY is coming up on Sunday September 18th from 1 - 4 p.m. There is an informational sheet in the office. Please contact the office if you would like to set up a table and represent St. Philip Church.

Eucharistic Adoration: Please consider volunteering for an adoration hour after Mass on Fridays at St. Philip 9am to 2pm or to be a substitute when necessary. Sign-up sheet in vestibule.

Saints Philip & Jude EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE HOMEBOUND. Please pick up your booklets, "Communion of the Sick" in the sacristy for use when visiting our homebound parishioners.

COUPLES OF ALL AGES RENEW YOUR DREAMS – There is still time to register for “Celebrate Marriage” a one-day marriage enrichment for married couples of all ages on Sat, Sept 17, 2016 at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish, 46 No. Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT, on the University of Connecticut Campus. This program is a great opportunity to look at the positive side of your marriage and learn new techniques to be a great spouse. The cost is $30 per couple, which includes workbook and lunch. Registration is required. To register, call the Diocesan Catholic Family Services Office at 860-848-2237, Ext. 306.

St. Edmund's Retreat on Enders Island, Mystic, CT A Day of Recollection with Deacon Art Miller. Topic: "No Growth Without Change". Wed, Sept 7, 2016. 10 am until 3:30 pm. $50/person. Includes 2 conferences, reconciliation, Mass, and a delicious hot served lunch. Register: 860-536-0565.

ELECTRICIAN NEEDED. We are so grateful for our parishioner who has agreed to help with the plumbing for our parishes. We are now in need of an electrician to call when needed. Please speak with Father Greg or call the office if you are available.

PRAY FOR OUR PRIESTS If you would like to pray for our priests daily, please pick up a packet on the table on your way out of church.

St. Mary - St. Joseph School, 35 Valley Street, Willimantic is registering for the 2016-2017 school year! Pre-K (ages 3 & 4) through grade 8 school accredited by the New England Association of Schools & Colleges and the State of CT. Before and after school childcare is available, and after school clubs and activities for students of all ages. This Faith Community is a dynamic place where faith and knowledge meet! Please call the School Secretary, Mrs. Evelyn Denis, at 860-423-8479 with questions or to meet with the Principal, Miss Abby L. Demars, and tour the school.

GIFT CARDS ARE NEEDED Please consider donating a Gas Card from Cumberland Farms or a card from Walmart for requests that come from the needy in our community. A card from Walmart can be used for food as well as other necessities. Put them in an envelope marked "office" and place them in the collection basket. Thank you.

Administrative Assistant part-time (25 Hrs/week) position is available at the Office of Faith Events, Diocese of Norwich. Major responsibilities include assisting with clerical work and preparing for diocesan events. For qualifications and job description email: [email protected]. Application with resume is due by Sept 6, 2016.

We’re celebrating!!!!! St. Edward School in Stafford Springs was awarded “Best Private Elementary School” by the North Central News Readers! It’s not too late to be part of our amazing educational family! At St. Edward School we recognize the difficulties that children face today. Our Whole Child Academy provides children with the best possible environment - truly an extension of your own family - fostering a strong basis in faith to help guide and protect through the storms of life, an understanding of how we learn as individuals to help promote optimal academic success, and assurance that each is loved as a unique and special child of God. Please call the school office at (860) 684-2600. We'd love to share with you all that is awaiting your child and help make this amazing experience possible! Financial assistance is available.

St. Edward School in Stafford Springs is looking for a Pre-K teacher for 3 & 4-year-old classes. Early childhood experience preferred. CT certification or working toward certification required. For info contact: MaryAnne Pelletier, Principal, at 860-684-2600, or via e-mail at [email protected].

DIVORCED, SEPARATED AND WIDOWED MEN AND WOMEN of all ages are encouraged to attend a Beginning Experience® weekend designed for those who wish to resolve the pain and grief of losing the marriage relationship and create a more peace-filled future. The Beginning Experience® Weekend will be held Friday evening, Sept 30 – Oct 2, concluding with Mass at the Archdiocesan Conference Center at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield. $235/person, includes the program and materials, all meals on Saturday and Sunday and two nights' stay, as well as a follow-up event. For info and an application for yourself or for a friend, call Victoria at 860-993-7866. Or go to: Beginning Experience® is endorsed by the Archdiocesan Family Life Office.

WHEN PLANNING YOUR ESTATE: Please consider putting St. Philip or St. Jude in your will as a way to be remembered while supporting the ongoing needs of the parish. Memorial Donation forms are on the parish website. ST. MARY - ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS

Middle School Math Teacher (part-time) Middle School Science Teacher (part-time) Please send your resume, cover letter, and

appropriate certification paperwork to: Miss Abby L. Demars, Principal St. Mary - St. Joseph School 35 Valley St., Willimantic, CT 06226 [email protected]

ANNUAL DIOCESAN MASS OF REMEMBRANCE in memory of children who have died from stillbirths, miscarriages or abortions, whether recently or years ago, will take place Tue, Sept 20, at 6 P.M. at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich. Bishop Michael Cote will be the main celebrant. This is an opportunity for families to recognize the gift of life and the loss of the life of their children. Light refreshments will be served following the Mass. Call Catholic Family Serv. Office: 860-848-2237, x306.

Philip Cemetery Sexton Volunteer position involves maintaining and coordinating records with the Town of Ashford, rules and regulations for burials, headstone and military markers, flowers and shrubs; communication with families, Funeral Homes, Monument companies and Hipsky Construction Company. There have been between 4 and 18 burials per year.

ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED: St. Philip needs Altar Servers for both Masses. Please consider being trained as an Altar Server.

SAVE THE DATE – All couples married 25 & 50 years or celebrating any significant anniversary year are invited to attend a Silver and Gold Jubilee Anniversary Mass at the Cathedral of St. Patrick in Norwich on Sunday, October 23 at 2 P.M. Come and renew your wedding vows in a Pontifical Mass celebrated by Bishop Michael R. Cote. Family and friends are invited to share in this special testimony and witness to love and marriage. Light refreshments will be served following the Mass in the Cathedral Hall. Register through your parish. For more information call the Catholic Family Services Office at 860-848-2237, Ext. 306.

A NOTE ABOUT PARISH REGISTRATION If you regularly worship with us, we invite you to register with St. Philip or St. Jude parish. This allows us to provide accurate census data to the diocese. Registration forms are in the vestibule. Please return them to the office. Thank you! HOSPITAL AND NURSING HOME VISITS If your loved one is ill at Home, hospitalized, or in a nursing home and would like Father Greg to visit them, please call the office or Father. Please provide their name, address, phone # and room #. REMEMBER THE NEEDY IN OUR COMMUNITY. Food is collected all year, not just at the holidays. Please bring non-perishable foods to the church or office. No opened or out-of-date food, please.

The ASHFORD FOOD BANK distribution is usually the 4th Friday, from 7-9 am at the Living Proof Church of Ashford.

The WILLINGTON FOOD PANTRY is open weekly: Mon, 4-6 pm, Wed & Fri, 10-Noon. Patrons must be Willington residents and be screened by the social worker. Folks can come once monthly (on the day of their choice) to select shelf-stable food for their household. Office hours: Mon 12-7:30 pm; Tues-Fri 9 am – 2 pm. To apply, contact: Dir, Youth, Family & Social Serv., Town of Willington, 40 Old Farms Rd. Willington, CT 06279. Phone: 860-487-3118; FAX: 860-487-3125 Email: [email protected].

GIFT CARDS ARE NEEDED Please consider donating gas cards from Cumberland Farms, and food cards from Big Y for requests that come from the needy in our community. Put them in an envelope marked "office" and place them in the collection basket. Thank you.

The candle before the image of Divine Mercy in the side shrine at St. Philip’s is available for your intentions. Contact the office.

SUMMER READING! Check out the libraries set up at the entrances of both churches for the Year of Mercy! Diary of Sr. Faustina

Consoling the Heart of Jesus Secrets of Divine Mercy – book or CD Healing Power of Confession – CD Mercy & Hope Way of Divine Love, and lots of others.

MASS INTENTION ENVELOPES To make it easy to order a Mass for your deceased loved ones or for any occasion like an anniversary, birthday, etc., please pick up a Mass Intention envelope in the vestibule at St. Philip's or next to the bulletins on the table at St. Jude’s. You can fill it out and place it in the collection basket. Weekend and Holy Day Masses are $20; weekdays: $15.

NEW ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBER? If you are moving out of the area and don’t need envelopes, please inform the office of any changes in your membership or envelope status. If you or a loved one is planning a move to a nursing home or out of the area and will no longer be a member of St. Philip or St. Jude parishes, please let the office know. If financial circumstances change and envelopes will no longer be used, please inform the office. Also, please notify the office of a new address or phone number if you are moving but will remain a parishioner here. This will allow us to keep our records accurate and up to date. Thank you!

Do you or someone you know need a Prayer Shawl? Contact: Carolann Hernberg: 860- 487-0449, [email protected].

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR LIFE! “Choose Life” License Plates with smiling faces are promoting adoptions and traveling everywhere

as a witness to Life and Love. Give a gift that keeps on giving, it’s so easy! Go to for info

or to download an application form. This helps fund agencies such as Catholic Charities.

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COAT/BLANKET DRIVE. We will collect your used adult and children’s coats and blankets in Sept & Oct for the Needy in the Northeast CT region.

Thank you, Clay Wright, Grand Knight

Love one another as I have loved you. As you do unto the least of your brothers, you do unto me. Familiar words – How can we put them into action?

Ministering to the sick and elderly is a good beginning. St. Joseph’s Living

Center, The ONLY Catholic healthcare facility in the Norwich Diocese, is seeking volunteers to join our chapel team assisting during 11 am daily Mass. We also need volunteers to join our Vigil Team as we support our residents on their journey to eternal rest. If you hear God calling, please call Tracey Megson at 860-465-1107 ext. 124.

RESTROOMS AT ST. PHILIP CHURCH are locked when office/church is closed for security. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Thank you.

LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC CDS: There are CDs with orthodox Catholic teaching and some excellent testimonies of individuals and their faith walk. Thank you for all your

donations. They help to keep the program going. If you have questions or requests contact Donna Vertefeuille at 860-429-4508 or email [email protected].

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: If insurance companies offer vision and dental plans separately, why can’t the federal healthcare mandate offer separate plans for services that do not violate the religious freedom of Catholic organizations? If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposition to the abortion and contraception mandate by calling President Obama at the White House at 202-456-1111 or U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. You may clarify that the mandate is in violation of our First Amendment right to religious freedom at:

PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS/POSTULANTS Take a Post Card from the vestibule for any or all of our seminarians/postulants. Pray, write a brief note if you choose and drop it in the mail. Let your future priests/sisters know you are supporting them and ask them to pray for you. May God continue to send us shepherds after his own heart.

Norwich Diocese Teacher Vacancies Middle School Math Teacher ~ part time Middle School Science Teacher St Mary -St. Joseph School, Willimantic, CT Send a cover letter, current resume, names of three references and certification information to: [email protected] or Mr. Henry Fiore Superintendent of Schools Diocesan School Office 43 Perkins Avenue Norwich, CT 06360

MASS OF HEALING AND INDIVIDUAL PRAYER at Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath St Norwich, CT on Mondays, Sept 12th & 26th at 2 PM. Fr. Ray is the Celebrant, healing prayer by Judith. 860-887-0702. CHARISMATIC PRAISE, PRAYER AND WORSHIP every Tues at 2 PM at Spiritual Renewal Center. Prayer, Praise and Worship the Lord Jesus! 7 Week "Life in the Spirit Seminar" DVD Series Wednesdays, August 24th- October 5th, 2016 Two Sessions each Wednesday 2:00 to 3:30PM and 7:00 to 8:30PM. Spiritual Renewal Center, 11 Bath Street, Norwich, CT (860-887-0702) Mass of Healing and Hope at St. John Chapel, Middletown Thursday September 8th at 7pm Sponsored by Circle of Love Prayer Community Individual Prayer is offered by Fr. Ray and Judith. All are welcomed. Mass of Healing St. Patrick Church, East Hampton Thurs Sept 15th at 7:30 pm. Fr. Ray Introvigne’s celebrant. Healing Prayer offered by Judith Hughes. Personal Prayer available for everyone. All are invited

If you need a Gluten-free host, please request one during communion.

St. Bernard School, Uncasville, CT (Grades 6-12) (860) 848-1271 Come visit. We emphasize developing the mind, body, and spirit constantly assessing what will have the greatest impact on the lives of our students. In a school where it is as important to be kind as to be a scholar or an athlete, confidence grows and lifelong success follows. No student is left behind. Expanded transportation routes and Financial Aid available.

Marriage Encounter Weekend ~ Give your marriage a spiritual boost. Come back refreshed and full of energy. Learn to enjoy life with a new closeness to each other and with God. Email: [email protected]. Website: RACHEL’S VINEYARD RETREAT WEEKENDS If you are silently grieving or suffering from an abortion, experience the healing love of Jesus Christ

on a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat or visit the national

website at “PROJECT RACHEL” is our Diocesan ministry for anyone seeking healing and forgiveness. Priests in the Project Rachel ministry are there for you with God’s Grace and Mercy. Call 860-848-2237, ext 306. All inquiries are confidential.

RETROUVAILLE OF CT Is your marriage tearing you apart? Is there little or no meaningful communication? Are you considering separation or divorce? For serious marriage building and repair: Retrouvaille is a lifeline. At a Retrouvaille weekend, couples are given tools to re-establish communication, work on their issues, gain new insights and heal. The weekend is presented by three married couples and a priest. A series of 6 post sessions follow the weekend phase. For more information or to sign up for the Sept23-25 weekend in the Hartford area, call 413-525-1634, or 203-710-6207, or visit the Website Natural Family Planning Classes ~ For Married and Engaged. (NFP) is the safe and loving alternative to the chemical and synthetic hormonal side-effects of contraception and birth control. NFP is scientific and 99% effective for conceiving or responsibly postponing your baby. Home Study and online classes in English and Spanish are available. Classes are ongoing in our diocese.

Marriage Preparation Classes for Engaged Couples: For info or to register, call Catholic Family Services Office at 860-848-2237, ext. 306.

INTERESTED IN LEARNING ABOUT ADOPTION? Catholic Charities provides services infant adoption placements, domestic and international home studies and adoption searches. 860-889-8346 ext. 282 or [email protected]. Monthly meetings for couples waiting to adopt or to learn about adoption and weekly Birth Mother Support Group every Tues 9:30am at Catholic Charities, 331 Main St., Norwich. For info 860-889-8346 x 282.

PARENTS DIVORCING AND/OR RESOLVING CHILD CUSTODY ISSUES – participate in the court suggested Parent Education Program. Are you concerned about the effects of divorce, separation or family disruption on your children? Catholic Charities offers ongoing, monthly one day Parenting Education Classes in Norwich, Rockville and Middletown. A monthly 2- part Spanish/bilingual parenting education class is held in Willimantic. Attendance at both sessions in the Willimantic class is required for the certificate of completion. Fees apply and are determined by the State of CT. Please call 1-860-889-8346 ext. 260 for registration and monthly class locations and dates.

Home Buyers and Foreclosure Prevention Classes: For help with purchasing a home, behind on mortgage payments or help budgeting or filling out applications for EMAP. All services are provided free at Catholic Charities, a HUD approved Counseling Agency. The Free ongoing Foreclosure Prevention and 8-hr. Home Buyers Education Classes are offered by Catholic Charities in Norwich, New London and Plainfield locations. Info: 860-889-8346 ext. 271.

Seeking Vendors for St. Joseph Living Center’s Annual Outdoor Fall Festival: Sat, Oct 15, 2016 from 10 to 2, 14 Club Road in Windham. Crafts, Art Work, Plants, Home Goods, Your Home Business , Tag Sale, Jewelry, Wood Working, Fabrics, and so on. We are taking applications for vendors. Call the Recreation Department for an application. 860- 456-1107 ext. 123 or 124. Leave your name, address and telephone number.

TheCatholicTour.Com A 7-day Pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal will be offered Nov. 14-20, 2016 Newark, NJ, New York JFK, and Boston, MA. The all-inclusive price of $1599.00 includes airfare, 4-star hotel, 2 meals per day, tour guide, deluxe bus and more. Price is the same from all 3 airports and we can assist you in securing airline flights from your home city to one of the 3 Gateways listed above. Brochures and reservation forms are available at the Catholic Tour 1-877-627-4268, toll free or email: [email protected].

Pregnant? Need help? CATHOLIC CHARITIES Pregnancy and Adoption Programs provide concrete help & answers. Call 1-800- BABYDUE, even if you simply want to talk.

ATTENTION ALL GOLFERS! Catholic Charities 11th Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Wednesday, September 21st at the Fox Hopyard Golf Club in East Haddam CT. Entry fee of $175.00 includes: green fees, cart, lunch, dinner and awards. Registration begins at 10:30 AM, Lunch at 11:30 AM, Shotgun Start at 1:00 PM and Dinner and Awards at 6:00 PM. Sponsorships are available! Funds raised at the tournament help support all Catholic Charities’ programs, providing help to those most in need throughout Eastern CT. For more information, contact Christine Jackel, Development Coordinator via e-mail: [email protected] or by phone: 860-886-1928 x12.

On Saturday, October 8th, the Cathedral of St. Patrick will host a day with Dr. Edward Sri from 9:30 am until 3:30 pm. Dr. Sri is a theologian and author that regularly appears on EWTN. Tickets are $20/adults, $10/students and religious are free with advanced registration. Lunch is included. For more information or for clergy/religious to advance register, please go to or email [email protected] or call 860-861-1895. Thank you. MATTIE'S TOGS THRIFT SHOP St. Matthew Church Tolland, CT. The Summer and Winter rooms are restocked. We always have our $5 Bag Sale. There is a rack of NEW ITEMS still tagged. Specialty items like Baptismal outfits, First Communion/Flower Girl dresses, Halloween outfits, snow suits, jackets and pants can be found year 'round. Our sizes range from Preemie to 16 Youth and up. We have lots of shoes for $ 1 each. We are located on the Dunn Hill side of the Church and open Saturdays 9-1. Call Billie at 860-871-0260.


For New Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Sat, Oct 1, 2016, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM St. Columba Parish Hall

Junctions of Rtes 66 and 87 in Columbia, CT 06237 Register by September 23 at [email protected]

Or call 860-848-2237x203 Fee: $10

For more information, see flyer at


For those who Bring Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound

Sat, Oct 29, 2016, 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM St. Columba Parish Hall

Junctions of Rtes 66 and 87 in Columbia, CT 06237 Register by October 14 at

[email protected] Or call 860-848-2237x203

Fee: $20 (includes Ritual Book) For more information, see flyer at

Twenty-sixth Annual Blue Mass For All Law Enforcement Officers Sunday, September 25, 2016, at 10:15 a.m.

All law enforcement officers (federal, state, and municipal, active and retired) and their families are invited to the Twenty-fifth Annual Blue Mass and Reception, Sunday, September 20, 2015, in the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, 10:15 a.m. All parishioners are cordially invited to attend this Mass. Bishop Cote, the Bishop of Norwich, will celebrate the Mass and Deacon Clifford Thermer of Saint Brigid and Saint Helena Parishes, in West Hartford, Connecticut in the Archdiocese of Hartford will serve as the homilist, will deliver the homily.

Norwich Police Chief Louis J. Fusaro, Sr. (Ret.), and Groton Town Police Chief Louis J. Fusaro, Jr., are the Blue Mass Co-Chairs. For more information, please call Chief Louis Fusaro, Chief L.J. Fusaro, or Monsignor Brown at 860-887-9294, ext. 232.

NEW WAY TO HELP OUR PARISH! Use your IRA to support our Parish, the Diocese or your favorite Diocesan Ministry! If you are 70 ½ years old, you can now make a direct transfer of up to $100,000 from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as our

Parish, without having to pay income taxes on the money. The law allowing this was made permanent by President Obama when he signed the PATH Act last December. If you are interested in making such

a gift, please contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager- Major Gifts at

[email protected] or (860) 886-1928, ext. 14 for more information.


Saturday, October 15, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. On Saturday, October 15, 2016, at 5:00 p.m., Bishop Cote will celebrate Mass for all Firefighters/EMS personnel, in the Cathedral of Saint Patrick. Each year, brothers and sisters of all faiths gather to thank God for their calling, to pray for their safety, and to remember their fallen colleagues. Assembly at Chelsea Parade for the line-up and the procession (to the Cathedral) of all personnel and apparatus will begin at 3:00 p.m. The Homilist will be Deacon Robert Dio, Diocese of Worcester. Reception immediately following. All companies, departments, and personnel and their families are cordially invited to participate. For more information call, Mrs. Terri Zampini at 860-887-9294, x265, or Monsignor Brown at x232. NEW WAY TO HELP OUR PARISH! Use your IRA to support our Parish, the Diocese or your favorite Diocesan Ministry! If you are 70 ½ years old, you can now make a direct transfer of up to $100,000 from your IRA to a qualified charity, such as our Parish, without having to pay income taxes on the money. The law allowing this was made permanent by President Obama when he signed the PATH Act last December. If you are interested in making such a gift, please contact Mary Ellen Mahoney, Development Manager- Major Gifts at [email protected] or (860) 886-1928, ext. 14 for more information.

The Quiet Corner Chapter of the Disabled American Vets Are you a veteran who is either combat or has a service related disability, and have filed or need assistance with filing for

Veterans Administration Benefits? Are you interested in learning more? We are looking for you. Contact:

Rocky Daigle 860 – 918-0532 Barry Bernier 860 – 830-5443

Mark Rivard 860 – 933 – 6877 or [email protected] The mission of the Disabled American Veterans is dedicated to a single purpose; empowering Veterans to led high quality lives with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by making sure Veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits

available to them; fighting for interest of Americas injured heroes on Capitol Hill and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans back to civilian life.