serial vocabulary episodes 2 and 3. adjudicated “to make formal judgment or decision” verb the...

Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3

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Page 1: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

Serial VocabularyEPISODES 2 AND 3

Page 2: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence Adnan to life in prison.

Page 3: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

BETRAY To be disloyal, to reveal secrets, or expose an enemy to corruption VERB SYN: Expose Adnan felt betrayed by Jay when he found out all of his stories about him were untrue.

Page 4: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

Eminently To an emphasized degree; noteworthy; prominent ADJECTIVE Suddenly, the clues came together and the case against who killed Hae was eminently more clear.

Page 5: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

POLYGRAPH A lie detector, which records several involuntary physical reactions at the same time NOUN If you are suspicious of someone, give them a polygraph test and see if they are telling the truth or not.

Page 6: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

PERCOLATE to show activity or movement; to come to life; to filter through VERB Ideas about who killed Hae began to percolate in our minds as we listened to Adnan and Jay.

Page 7: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

BESMIRCH To damage the reputation of in the opinion of others; to make reputation dirty VERB All of the honors and reputable deeds that the athlete did were besmirched when we found out he was an abusive husband.

Page 8: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

CHRONICLE A factual written account of something historical NOUN The Odyssey is a chronicle of all of the events that happened as Odysseus tried to get home to Ithica.

Page 9: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

Fraught Affected by great stress or anxiety ADJECTIVE The situation between Stephanie and Jay became fraught when Adnan became jealous of their relationship.

Page 10: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

CHASTISE To severely scold or lecture VERB Prepare to be scolded if you fail one of your classes.

Page 11: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

HUMILIATE To embarrass somebody or damage their dignity, especially in public VERB It was humiliating to Ben and his girlfriend when both of their parents showed up at the dance.

Page 12: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

VINDICTIVE Showing a strong desire for revenge. ADJECTIVE SYN: Unforgiving Montressor was extremely vindictive towards Fortunato when he lured him into the catacombs.

Page 13: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

ANGST A mixture of anxiety and dread, usually a vague sickness about life or a situation NOUN I felt angst as the day of my exam drew closer and closer because if I failed, I wouldn’t get into college.

Page 14: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

REGISTER To enter or record VERB The idea of studying registered in my mind when I failed my first semester of high school.

Page 15: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

PESTER To bother or trouble someone persistently VERB My brother always pesters my in the car on long trips to Florida.

Page 16: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

MUTUAL Experienced by two or more people toward each other; shared; in common ADJECTIVE Our feelings about each other were mutual when she kissed me on my doorstep after our date.

Page 17: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

DISPEL To make disappear; to drive away VERB Try to dispel any negative thoughts you may have about your life…be positive!

Page 18: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

MENACE Something that threatens or causes evil or harm NOUN Most people do not think Adnan is a menace because he was such a nice guy.

Page 19: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

ALLEGE To say that someone has done something wrong, sometimes without any proof. VERB Jay alleged that he did not help bury Hae, but then he changed his story and said that he did.

Page 20: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

FABRICATE To construct or invent; to devise VERB When speaking to the police, try not to fabricate a web of lies in your head.

Page 21: Serial Vocabulary EPISODES 2 AND 3. Adjudicated “To make formal judgment or decision” VERB The judge adjudicated the case making the decision to sentence

RECOLLECTION The action of remembering something; a memory NOUN He lost his homework and had no recollection of where to look for it.