series iv vol. i no. 23 21 tom temple· to play fo. · 2016. 3. 4. · an instructor in the na·...

Series IV Vo l. I Z -83i St evens P oi nt,..j\/is . Apri l 5. 1939 Assembly pr?gram Wednesday, April 12 at 10 :05 a. m. Evening assembly ac 8 p. m. che same da y ........ The re will be a meecing of the Poi mer sea ff Monday, April IO at 7 • p. m. No. 23 ;::;; M_. u_ . ---; s~ i c~· f _e -=-- s_t -== i v_a --=· l_ S -=- c --=- h =:...= .e =-:= d ::::.:..:: u =-:: 1 :::....:: e =--= d =--=- F -= o -=-~_: A pril 21 Tom Temple · To Play Fo . r .: Tau Gam's3, 000AreExpected __ · To Attend .Annual Point De ~ eats Mid West Cham · ps .. April JS Set For Musical Competition N d H -- -- S , Q Fred Pa rf rey and Sa muel ote erpe _ tologist Here Wi th _C het Rinka pou ring in eason s penzng .\'(/i nch, CO·Ch ai r men of the an- se,·.en field goals the Stevens. Th e post-Lenten soc ia l season nu. ii music " · · have nn- F It M b I J k R P~inc AII-S:ars tr ampled on the will be inauguroted Saturdw no unced tliat th e fest ,al wi ll be acu Y em er S ac aymon To Present Ripon AII -.St_ars by a 38-26 scor e evening, April 15, when Tau held. in Ste:·~n.s Point n Frid ay, I T Sch I I G B Ap r il 2 1. I h is a nn ual c,•e nt is Elected Presl .dent Of u·1 s Sna · ke EX h b t 0 n in [ ,e rain ing 00 gym ,e re a mma eta Sorority has its cl b h . Mon d_ay ni g h_ t. 1 4c game was a a nnual fo rmal lt H ote l \Xlhiting. sponso re y t c music depa rt · W G benefit fo r B II L k h · I I 1 · ment of C.S. T. C. for · ,h e high .. .. in the. h osp ital. tra, of Appleton, will play for sc 100 so cen t rJ I \'(/ iscon sin . . ·1scons1·n eographers At Assembly Apr '1 I 12th . . I oewec ·e w O IS o mmy emp e anc ll S orch es- I I f M r. Jack Raymo n. w i cl e I y Ga me Close Mose of Way cl an.c ing, which will ~eg in in the 3,000 People Expec ted ~Ir . Charles \Xla tson. of ou r f.tcu lt y. was elected preside nt of \Visconsin Geograp hers. at a meeting held in Madiso n. Satur- <l.,y. April I. The. the me of che ,-.1 ri Ous · Ji scussions and speeches ,\·,1s "' \'\! h at can be don·e to im- p ro"e qua lity of tra ining ?" i\ l r. · \Xl atson s poke on th e Lecture Mec ho<l s of te:iching. These dis- cussions took place in the Science Hall on Saturday afte rnoon. sta.rt- ing a t~onc o' clock. Mi ss I.c:1h D iehl ~ rn d Mi ss Lyd ia l'fei ff er of th e Trai ning Schoo l ·facu lcy also made t he- tri p to Madison on Sa t~ rd ay. known au tho rity on the subi·ect of Th e game w,s close all dur ing d in111 g at 9 o clock .. Th ,s It is expected that the tot al Herpeto logy. will present a lee- th e fi rst half at th e end of whi ch ,~ell-kn o ,~rn and po pular \Xf1 scon -n umber th at w ill a t te nd th e festi· tu~e and exhibit on th e " Rept il es found the locals :.i head by a 15 -l 3 sin band rn c_ludes twe lve membe rs va l wi ll be abo ut 3,000. Th is in- f N I SCo e D · h f. h If 1 and a voca li st due.Jes t h .e partici pat in g m,,s,·c ,·a n s o ort 1 Ame ri ca" in an a.ssenibly r · un ng t e 1rst a t 1e · P . rogram . next \Ved nesdai• morn· scoring was fairly evenly divided A formal 6:30 di nn er for a~d their parents and frien ds. · h R~I ·1· G d I · · 11 Th e musicians wi ll be me mbers tng, Ap r il 12 :it 10 O'c lock. ~v1 t 1 ·a a 1 y a sh:tde. . au ams an .t 1e1r gues ts w1 Mr. Raymon has had over ' fif- The sec nd ha lf sta cd with the precede t he da nce. · Guests who of bands, orchestras, mi xed teen year.s experie nce in the· out- Po inters p ulling aw~y to a 20- 13 wi ll act as cha_pecones will be choruses, ensembl es, and soloists. f d lead H R . d 1 . 1 Mr and " E t s 'th , 1 Tl _1is is the first year th at cho ruses o. oors . .- H .e ·has been a.ct i,•ely . e re 1pon st ar te a 1tt e . , 1 nr s. · m es m1 1" r. d Sco r . g II f th · h. h • nd Mr s H g l H ff '·I w,11 1,.a rt ici pate :i nd th ey will be l"On nc..:te ,~·1t h camp life as.a Di- 111 ra y o · e1r own w 1c . u 1 u man, 1v rs. rector :1. nJ in ot her capacities. . carri ed" them int o 3 36·24 lead. Fra nk Spindl e r·, Miss Hel en has l rnd personal contact wi 1 the That was all, h owe\' cr , as Rink a Gorml ey, Miss Harriet Stu ll , a nd va rious species of rept il es from and Ni mz we nt to work and put Miss Mildr ed Da vi s. ti le state of Maine to ·the moun - th e ga':1 e away. ·· "30" Anniversary I tlins of th~ Far \'Vest : rnd Coast of Rinka, Nimz Star The form al dinn er and dance Ca li fornia and from th e South ern For Stevens Point , Rinka , th is year will be of special signi- point of Florida to the woods of Nimz and An de rson stood o ut , r f h . . · linn esota and Canada . From the C d IC,mce. or t is ye:i r marks the fo lk lore of every sec tion he has ( o n1 i?ue w page 4, co l. •I) 30th a nni versary of .th e founding ~;;~:'!;dsto ~~ e~\:1~:r::st;~g m= ~~ Watson TO Roch . ester ~ : ?:u ~:;;, ~ 8 i~ta.l ;o';,~ !~:t~:; b I . f the oldest Gr eek Letter orga niza- Jhursday' S Concert h:b~ tsrnnce rning snakes and their For Health; KO Ik a TO ti o n on th e C.S.T.C. campus. _..,. d Because of thi s special a nniver · ~, e mbe rs of the Men·s Gl ee Varie Exper ience Assum T D t' . . d I e emporary U Jes Sa ry, It IS e xpecte t 1a t many Men's Glee Club Entertained After Club were hosts at a pa rcy last He has had six yea rs active. a lumn ae will make special eff or t't T hur sday eve nin g after t heir milit:iry dut y in Me xi co and ifr. Wat son , d.irector · of the to be pr esent for the a ff air. v--0 concert. O ve r a hundred peopl e France; is a member of the Ad intermedi ate a nd jun ior high d e- atte nded th e part y, whi ch was Men 's · Post ·of the American Le- pa rtme nt, ent ered th e Mayo S he ld in the college gym. Gu ests gion, Adve ntur ers' Club of Chi- Clini c at Rochester , Minnesot a upt. Of Portage fo r the evenin g i ncluded the cago, Ca mp Dir ec tor s Assoc iation Sunday. He was accompa nied by C S Wausau H igh Schoo l Madri ga l of Ame ri ca and the Academy of Mr. Ri ghtse ll . who ret4rned to ounty peaks To Sin gers and their director, Miss Science of St . Loui s. · . Stevens Poinf Monday. The elate Josephine Da rrin a nd ushers for He is an Exa miner for the of Mr. Watson 's return is, as yet, Rurals At Meeting Gu ;des · Cli ni c the concert from Tau,. Ga mma (America n Red C ross Life Saving indefinite. . At the regular meeting of includ ed o~ the e \• en ing pro{ram. Beta and the Omega Mu Chi or ps. an Instructor in th e Na· Principal of Muscoda "R 1 L'f .. M d These musical org anizations w,·11 · · · I R· f1 A · · d I ur a I e on ay ni ght , Pres. soro rities. t1on:1 _1 e_ ssoc1ation , an ias Mr. Henry Ko lka Principal of David \'(lilliams , · ntr oduced M,·ss re present 3~ cities and tow ns. f · d been active 111 Rotary. h M d . ' . . D · 7' us, c an e~t erta inment were , . t e . usco a High School, IS Marion Bann ach, Supe rint e ndent ur,ng th e morning and ea rly fu rn 1S hed ;,by Hin k ley Rec. ord· Widely Traveled teachin,g Mr . Wat son' s classes of Portage County as the gues t part of th e a fternoo n band or - 1~gs, Inc. Ice Cream and cake Mr . Raymon has trayeled more for th ,s week . Mr. Kolk a IS a spea ke r of the evening . She used ches tra, ensemble, a nd solo ~ork "e re served at th e part y. than 30~000 mi les through every graduate of C.S.T.C. and ,s doing as her subject Portage Coun ty wil l be presented. Thi s work is . At the concert Thursd ay e,·en· state in the union in g radu~te work at the. University Schools and presented a most in- to be criticized from a non -com- in g Mr. Knutzen was presented a HERPE OLOGY (°'Reptiles of of W, scons,n in th ~ field of geo - teresting descriptio n includin g pet iti ve basis. The criti cisms will gift, by the Glee C lub Members North Ame ri ca" ) before every g_raphy. Last s ummer school ses. the number of school s in th e enabJe •these musi cians to correct "irr apprecia tio n, and for sen·ices type of audience. s,on he worked w,th Mr. Wat son ariou s entollment br acket s, th e their faults before chey partici - rc ndered "'. Jack Raymon·s presentation of in t. he g~~gr a p?y d~partment , cost of education in d iffere nt pate in th e sect ional ba nd tourn a. Sigma Tau Delta Initiates New Members Sigma Tau Delta. honor,iry English fratern it y, held fo rma l initiation of n ew membe rs last Mon da y e vening at Mr. Bur- roughs' home . At a candc light ~ ~' '. ice, the follo wing people were mtt .!,lJ.t ed as active members: Lawrence Jozw iak, Ben Kordus, Marga ret Dun igan, El va Pease, ,,n d Mable Win d. Associate mem- he rs i niti ated were : John Yurko- -\·ich;-Ma Tga re :-aecRe r, Vlrg in i- :1 Joh nson . Ula Mae Knut son, Go te· -ttnd-Rademarn'er,1'f:n1t y Ster ne , an d Kathleen Stone. :fiie=remonics=we, e=f.o ll 0>\°Ctl by desse rt lunch . this interesting subject, handled and is familiar with t hi s work. types, pending state legislation as me nt s. in an entirely d iffe rent mann er, it wi ll effect conditions in th is Parade Frid3y Afternoon le. l\·es che aud ience with a fa r bet• National Songwriters coun ty a nd th e qu a li fi caci ons of A pa rade o f a ll th e ba nds wi ll tcr understanding of man's most teac her s n ow employed. h e·s tat- start at thr ee o'clock in the af . misund erstood form of a nimal Contest Is Sponsored ed th at in her judgment che most te rn oo n. Th ere 1vill be !rizes life. Fi ft een va1ious live specimens necessary need we h a\'C at t he awarded fo r t he first, secon I a nd arc exhibited. Rattle-snakes from By New York Firm present time in ru ra l edu cat io n th ird best marching bands . A the fa r west. t he Co ral snake of is an adefluatc tr :rn spo rtatio~ law. baton will be awa rded to the ·best Fl ?riJ:i. the Coppe rhead fr om the _I nformation h as Ju st been r e. Other number s on the pfo· dr um majo:. m1d-we~t. ,tn J the Co tto nmou th ce1ved rega rdmg a na t1 onw1de g ram included th e reading of . Out standing so lo number s Moccasin . fro m the so ut.h e r~ song wr i tin g cont est for amate ur s Ka therine Kimbt1. ll's "' App le Bl os- picked o\J t J un ng the day's per· st.1!es. while many of the no_n - spo nsored by th e Song Hit Gu ild, oms" by Cynth ia Kr o hn, a pia no for mances, and numbers by some poisonous snakes ar~ also dis- "l<lew York , in affiliation w ith the so lo by Adeline Lueck, vocal of the ~horuses, orches trh a nd pbyed and hand led in an ent er publ is hing house of Sa ntl y'. Joy· solos, .. Stay In Yo ur Own Bac k - ban ds wi ll make up the evening rai n ing ma nner. Se lect, Inc. , ya rd:_and .'...Jnclian_Lo.\l'.e-Ca U" b p..r.ogram .• J .h e-ban cf-a.wuds- w-i-H Five sets of wor ds wit hou t mu -Mar jori e Ju dd and the readin of also be present ed. sic- and- fi\"e melodies •i th ffift severa. poeins y ·ran · Splitek Se ~v -' e C, n~ ,~ r- nn _u_a ~~-esurv-a~ l ---- Not ice .. _ - Sopl-Lo m o.~c mid, gra es w,tnrg:rrrrbrm'1rrht bl in Room 255 on or a ft e r =- rhms ay=A'j, r iFl wor ds , writt en b _y_te_!Lpr ofe _g; io . o...dtcl..nou:~eaLthc...names..o 'i:hi&--wiH- be-the-seventh- fest·· a son writers will be issu in l-ipo~e-musi d· _ fo lio by th e Song H it Gu il d. learn that s ome whe re amon p.anmenLunde<-llete, M-i c -hel p.eting=:unat~ur , 11- <o m- s s-ttm=f1 tera ry-t~ en . sen an promises to be the (Contin ued ro page 3. col. 1) _ (Continued to page 4, col. 3) la rgest.

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Page 1: Series IV Vol. I No. 23 21 Tom Temple· To Play Fo. · 2016. 3. 4. · an Instructor in the Na· Principal of Muscoda "R 1 L'f .. M d These musical organizations w,·11 · · · I

Series IV Vo l. I Z-83i Stevens Poi nt,..j\/is . Apri l 5. 1939

Assembly pr?gram Wednesday, April 12 at 10 :05 a. m. Evening assembly ac 8 p. m. che same day ........ There will be a meecing of the Poi mer sea ff Monday, April IO at 7 • p . m.

No. 23

;::;;M_. u_ .---;s ~i c~ · f _e-=--s_t -==i v_a--=· l_ S-=-c--=-h=:...=.e=-:=d::::.:..::u=-::1:::....::e=--=d=--=-F -=o-=-~_:A pril 21 Tom Temple · To Play Fo. r.: Tau Gam's3,000AreExpected

__ · To Attend.Annual Point De~eats Mid West Cham·ps .. April JS Set For Musical Competition

N d H ~ -- - - S , Q • Fred Pa rfrey and Samue l

ote erpe_tologist Here Wi th _Chet Rinka pou ring in eason s penzng .\'(/i nch, CO·Chai rmen of the an -se,·.en field goals the Stevens. The post-Lenten socia l season nu.ii music " · · have nn-

F It M b I J k R P~inc AII -S:ars trampled on the will be inauguroted Satu rdw nounced tliat the fest ,a l wi ll be

acu Y em er S ac aymon To Present Ripon AII -.St_ars by a 38-26 score evening, Ap ril 15, when T au held. in Ste:·~n.s Poi nt n Friday, I T Sch I I G B April 21. I h is annua l c,•ent is

Elected Presl.dent Of u·1 s Sna· ke EX h 1· b 1· t 1· 0 n in [ ,e rain ing • 0 0 gym ,ere amma eta So ro rity has its cl b h . Mond_ay nig h_t. 1 4c game was a annua l fo rmal l t H otel \Xl hi ti ng. sponsore y t c music de pa rt·

W G benefit fo r B II L k h · 1· 1· I I 1 · ment o f C.S.T.C. for ·,he hig h

.. .. in the. hospital. t ra, o f A pp leton, will play for sc 100 so cent rJ I \'(/ iscon sin .

. ·1scons1·n eographers At Assembly Apr'1I 12th . . I oewec ·e w O IS ommy em p e anc llS orches- I I f

Mr. Jack Raymon. w i cl e I

y Game Close Mose of Way clan.c ing, which will ~egin in the 3,000 People Expected ~Ir. Cha rles \Xla tson. of ou r

f.tcu lty. was elec ted p resident o f \Visconsin Geographers. at a meeting held in Madison. Satur­<l.,y. Ap ril I. T he . theme of che ,-.1 ri Ous · Jiscussio ns and speeches ,\·,1s "' \'\! hat can be don·e to im­pro"e quality of t ra ining ?" i\ l r.

· \Xlatso n spoke on the Lecture Mec ho<ls of te:ich ing. T hese dis­cussions took place in the Science Ha ll o n Satu rday a ft e rnoon. sta.rt­ing at~onc o'clock .

Mi ss I.c:1h D iehl ~rnd Miss Lyd ia l'fei ffe r of the Trai ning Schoo l ·facu lcy also made the- tri p to Mad ison on Sat~ rday.

know n authorit y on the subi·ect of The game w,s close a ll dur ing d in111g at 9 o clock .. Th ,s It is ex pected tha t the total Herpetology. will p resent a lee- the fi rst ha lf at the end of which ,~ell -kno ,~rn and popul ar \Xf1scon - n umber that w ill attend the festi · tu ~e and ex hibi t on the " Reptiles foun d the locals :.i head by a 15- l 3 sin band rn c_ludes twelve members va l wi ll be about 3,000. Th is in-

f N I SCo e D · h f . h If

1 and a voca list due.Jes t h.e pa rti cipat ing m,,s,·c,·ans

o o rt 1 America" in an a.ssenibly r · un ng t e 1rst a t 1e · P. rogram . next \Ved nesdai• morn · scoring was fai rly evenly divided A fo rma l 6:30 di nner fo r a~d their pa rents and fr iends.

· h R~I ·1· G d I · ·11 The musicians wi ll be members tng, April 12 :it 10 O'clock. ~v1 t 1 ·a a 1 y a sh:tde . . au ams an .t 1e1r guests w1

Mr. Raymo n has had over ' fif- The sec nd ha lf sta cd with the p recede the dance. · G uests who o f bands, o rches t ras, mi xed teen year.s experience in the · out- Po inters pulling aw~y to a 20- 13 will act as cha_pecones will be cho ruses, ensembles, and so loi sts.

f d lead H R. d


1 Mr and " E t s ' th , 1 Tl_1is is the f irst yea r that choruses

o. oors . .- H.e ·has been a.ct i,•ely . ere 1po n star te a 1tt e . , 1nrs. · m es m1 • 1" r.

d Scor. g II f t h · h . h • nd Mrs H g l H ff ' ·I w,11 1,.a rt ici pate :i nd they w ill be

l"Onnc..:te ,~·1th camp life as .a Di- 111 ra y o · e1r own w 1c ~ . u 1 u man, 1v rs. rector :1. nJ in other capacit ies. . carri ed" them into 3 36·24 lead . Frank Spindle r·, Miss Helen has lrnd pe rsona l contact wi

1 t he T hat was a ll , howe\'cr , as Rinka Gormley, Miss H a rriet Stu ll , and

va r ious species of rept iles from and N imz went to work and put Miss Mi ldred Davis. tile state of Maine to ·the moun- the ga':1e away. ·· "30" Anniversary

I tlins of t h~ Fa r \'Vest :rnd Coast o f Rinka, Nimz Star T he form al dinner and dance Ca li fornia and from the Southern For Stevens Point, Rinka, th is yea r will be of specia l sig ni -point of Flo rida to t he woods of Nimz and Ande rson stood out, r f h . . ·linnesota and Canada. From the C d IC,mce. or t is ye:i r ma rks the fo lk lore o f eve ry section he has ( o n1 i?ue w page 4, co l. •I) 30th anniversary of .the foun d ing

~;;~:'!;dsto~~e~\:1~:r:: st;~g m=~~ Watson TO Roch.ester ~: ~:~ ?:u~:;;,~


i~ta.l ;o';,~ !~:t~:; b I

. f the oldest Greek Let te r o rganiza-

Jhursday' S Concert h:b~tsrnncerning snakes and their For Health; KO I k a TO ti on on the C.S.T .C. campus. _..,. d Because of this specia l anniver·

~, embe rs of the Men·s Glee Varie Experience Assum T D t' . . d I e emporary U Jes Sary, It IS expecte t 1at many

Men's Glee Club Entertained After

Club were hosts at a pa rcy last He has had six yea rs active. a lumnae will make specia l effor t't T hursday evening aft e r their milit:iry duty in Mexico and ifr. Watson , d.irector · of the to be present for the affair . v--0 concert. O ver a hundred people France; is a member o f the Ad intermediate and ju nior hig h de-attended the pa rty, which was Men's · Post ·of the American Le- pa rtment , ente red the Mayo S held in the college g ym . Guests g ion, Ad venturers' Club of Chi- Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota upt. Of Portage fo r the evening included the cago, Camp Directors Association Sunday. He was accompanied by C S W ausau H igh School Madrigal of Ame rica and the Academy of Mr. Rightsell . who ret4rned to ounty peaks To Singers and their directo r, Miss Science of St . Louis. · . Stevens Poinf Monday. The elate Josephi ne Darrin and ushe rs for He is an Examiner for the of Mr. Watson 's return is, as yet , Rurals At Meeting Gu;des· Clinic the concert from T au,. Gamma (America n Red C ross Life Saving indefinite. . At the regula r meeti ng of includ ed o~ the e \•ening p ro{ram. Beta and the Omega Mu Chi orps. an Instructo r in the Na· Principal of Muscoda " R 1 L' f .. M d These musica l org anizations w,·11

· · · I R·f1 A · · d I ura I e on ay night, Pres. sororities. t1on:1 _1 e_ ssoc1ation, an ias Mr. Henry Kolka Principal of D avid \'(li ll iams ,·ntroduced M,·ss represent 3~ cities and tow ns.

f · d been act ive 111 Rota ry. h M d . ' . . D · 7' us,c an e~te rtainment we re , . t e . usco a High School, IS Marion Bannach, Supe rintendent ur,ng the morning and early

fu rn 1Shed ;,by Hink ley Rec.ord· Widely Traveled teachin,g Mr. Watson's classes of Portage County as the guest pa rt of the a fternoo n band or-1~gs, Inc. Ice Cream and cake Mr. Raymon has t rayeled mo re for th ,s week. Mr. Kolka IS a speaker of the evening. She used chestra, ensemble, and solo ~ork "ere served at the party. than 30~000 mi les through every graduate of C.S.T.C. and ,s doing as her subject Portage County wil l be presented . This work is . At the concert Thursday e,·en· state in the union in g radu~te work at the. University Schools and presented a most in- to be cr iticized f rom a non-com­ing Mr. Knutzen was presented a HERPE OLOGY (°'Reptiles of of W,scons,n in th~ fie ld of geo- teresting description including pet iti ve bas is. The criticisms will gift, by the Glee C lub Members N o rth America" ) be fore eve ry g_raphy. Last summer school ses. the number of schools in the enabJe •these musicians to correct " irr appreciation, and for sen ·ices type o f aud ience. s,on he worked w,th Mr. Watson a rious entollment brackets, the thei r fault s before chey partici­rcndered"'. Jack Raymon·s p resentation of in t.he g~~grap?y d~partment , cost of educatio n in d iffe rent pate in the sect ional band tourna.

Sigma Tau Delta Initiates New Members

Sigma T au D elta. honor,iry English fratern ity, he ld fo rma l init iat ion of new members last Monday evening at Mr. Bur­roughs' home. At a candclight ~ ~' '. ice, the fo llowing people we re mtt.!,lJ.ted as act ive membe rs: Lawrence Jozw iak, Ben Kordus , Margaret Dun igan, Elva Pease, ,,nd Mable Wind . Associate mem­hers initiated were : John Yurko-

-\·ich;-MaTga re :-aecRe r, Vlrgini-:1 Joh nson. Ula Mae Knutson, Gote·

-ttnd-Rademarn'er,1'f:n1ty Sterne , and Kathleen Stone.

:fiie=remonics=we,e=f.o ll0>\°Ctl by ~ dessert lunch .

this int erest ing subject, hand led and is famili ar with t his work. types, pending state legislati on as ments. in an ent irely d ifferent manner, it wi ll effect conditions in th is Parade Frid3y Afternoon le.l\·es che aud ience with a fa r be t• National Songwriters county and the qua li fi caci ons of A parade o f a ll the bands wi ll tcr unders tand ing o f man's most teachers now employed . he·stat - sta rt at three o 'clock in the af. misunderstood fo rm of animal Contest Is Sponsored ed that in he r judg ment che most te rn oon . There 1vill be !rizes life. Fift een va1ious live specimens necessary need we ha\'C at t he awarded fo r t he f irst , secon I and a rc exhibi ted . Rat tle-snakes from By New York Firm p resent time in ru ra l educat ion th ird best march ing b ands. A the fa r west . the Co ral snake o f is an adeflu atc tr :rnsport atio~ law. baton will be awarded to the ·best Fl?riJ:i. the Copperhead from the _Informat ion has Ju st been re. O the r numbers on the p fo · d rum majo:. m1d-we~t. ,tnJ the Cottonmouth ce1ved regardmg a nat1 o nw1de g ram included the read ing of . Out standing so lo numbers Moccasin . from the sout.he r~ song writing contest fo r amateurs Katherine Kimbt1. ll' s "' Apple Bl os- picked o\J t J un ng the day's per· st.1!es. while many of the no_n- sponsored by the Song Hit Gu ild , oms" by Cynth ia Krohn, a piano for mances, and numbers by some poisonous snakes ar~ a lso d is- "l<lew York, in affili ation w ith the so lo by Ade line Lueck, vocal o f t he ~ho ruses, o rchestrh and pbyed and hand led in an ente r publ ishing house of Santly'.Joy· solos, .. Stay In Your Own Back - bands wi ll make up the eveni ng rai ning manne r. Select, Inc. , ya rd:_and .'...Jnclian_Lo.\l'.e-Ca U" b p..r.ogram .• J .he-bancf-a.wuds- w-i-H

Five set s o f words without mu - Marjorie Judd and the readin of a lso be p resented. sic- and- fi\"e melodies •ithffift severa. poeins y · ran · Spl itek Se~v-'eC,n~,~ r -nn_ u_a~~-esurv-a~l-----1 Notice .. _ -

Sopl-Lo m o.~c mid,­gra es w,tnrg:rrrrbrm'1rrhtbl in Room 255 on or a ft e r

=-r hms ay=A'j, riFl

words, written b_y_te_!Lprofe_g;io . o...dtcl..nou:~eaLthc...names..o 'i:hi&--wiH- be-the-seventh- fest ·· a son write rs will be issu in l-ipo~e-musi d· _ fo lio by the Song H it Gu ild . learn that s omewhere amon p.anmenLunde<-llete, M-ic-hel

p.eting=:unat~ur ,11- <om- s s-ttm=f1terary-t~ en . sen an promises to be the (Contin ued ro page 3. co l. 1) _ (Conti nued to page 4, col. 3) la rgest .

Page 2: Series IV Vol. I No. 23 21 Tom Temple· To Play Fo. · 2016. 3. 4. · an Instructor in the Na· Principal of Muscoda "R 1 L'f .. M d These musical organizations w,·11 · · · I

TH.£ 1' 0 1:s!TER April 5, j939

"Ain't It The Truth" 1

1 THIS WEEK AID NEXT T~e Development Of Jhe , . ----,- .. . N .Y .A~ Time Card Jue before Wts.StateTeachersColleges E'AiT ER

\V/e \ ' C: all hc:ard the song abou t, l m gon ,u 12 :OO. I n i.: I u d c \\ '') ~\ dance off both my shoes," but perhaps only a few hours. As m.rnr ;is po ·sible should ,ow·1., L LIETZ of us haxe C:\'C( ,witnessed such :t n incidc·nt. La t be hanJcd in on Tuesd:i)· fO thlt ru ,oT E T iu: tollo \\ 1~i.: .ma!. \\.&• r·~ · Satu rda)' nitc :it the Pan. Hell enic, Rayme ." Flo)· , ,:i,cJ tn E t... i~ l.ect: hci.>rc 11.~ c"1 •1~111 I - · . the payroll .10 be COl11ri<:tb.! hy " .~u: (lut, JI 1t- I .. ~• m._,cun-.: M,u ,h :: rJoy" I odell. doing a str<:n uous bit of shagging \X/ednesday aftc;rnoon. The: first idc.1 of h,t\ me no r- , a lmos t h it l\ t rs. S£indler in the eye with his shoe ,:,,: t; n1ll s'choo ls \\' :b brought from · when h fie,, off uring o ne of the hotte r .. tr umpe.t Easter acarion begins. Cl.ts.)c:s the East to \X'iscon in in c.uly choruses. h. emb:i rra.ssc:d ou r you ng Astai re not a \\ di be resumed Tuesd.1) morn 1 <l 1·1 f whit , and he kept right on shagging, sans the ,shoe, terrtto ri l 3 y:o . 1e ir.s t .ucc·mpc I un til his girl asked h im if his foot wasn 't getti ng ini;. A p ril I I. to set up norm.ti S<hools w,s

=:i: m.ulc in the constuuuo,ul lOll -

a bit chi lly. The rt will bc: 3 Poi nter Suf.f \Cntion of I S 16. \\ hc:n 1t \\ .ts pro-'IJ • ¢ Meeting Monday. April I(). :it - 1 posed 1hat che in coml' of the u 111 · 1

Can it be· that Stag J immie Duecker w:1s left in P.M. sha rp. . ersi cy f.mds shou ld b.t- u~ed co the cotd last Saturday nite ? He was seen at ... the- · * (• (I 1 suprort norm:i l schools. ur td such dance tripping the ligh t fa ntast ic in his. topcoat As embly. \X' ednes<lar morning .1 time .is 3 uniHrsity .,iimd.l he when most o( the rest of us were loosening · ou r at 1 O o 'clock. ~I r. Russe:-! Hoogcr- hui lt. T his motion foilc:·J b}' .1

co lla rs and. wipi ng our fev~rish b rows. \'{l e . hope hy<le will g ive a demonstr.1tion \·Otc of .1 to -i9. · that Jimfflie can line somethi ng up before the on arche ry. Revenue Provided In Const irnc ion warm wea t her e ts in. ComC on .. Jab .. , get going, * * T he norma l s ·hodl ide':i gaine,.l ~re know you ha \·en't lost th:it Casanov:1 touch Co llege Theate r will present a footho ld in t he Constitu t ion of yet. 3 One-ac t plays in an C\·ening :tS · 18-1 . which pro\'ided th:lt p:irt

* * * scmbly \Xled nesd:iy, April 12. .of the rc:\' enues from school Add spring fashion notes: \'<' inch 1nd Parfrcy IJnds would go into a fund fo r

budded iasc week , each in beautiful new topcoats , 11,~DOM C ies and norm:1.1 schools of the shade: o( green designed to please the eye 't'UV, TI l.J ORNpr, :i.fter the common schools of e:Kh and reflect the su n. Pa rfrey s tated that hi s benny 11\ :.CJt district h:td been prO\·ided for . .. hau lds a prass like 1 meellion, \·on ·t shrenk. l>OC BE;-.; • This. howe\'er, never :imountcd reep, and ,·i ll gee\'e dendy p rotaction in demp or TH E MEN'S GLEE C LU B to rnything. \'ilhen the legi~.t · dry va ther." It is with deep sincerit}' th:it 1 1 t~res of 184 -49 fa tl~d to _pro:

.* devote this co lumn to the Men 's v1 de normal schoo ls tne !·ege~t s A nd then there's . a l\\'ays th e g ents w ho ' ll s lip Glee Club of C.S.T.C. A . C lub of the embryo sta te un1\'ersity

on a tux :it the slig htest p rovocat ion, C\'Cn for a rhat ca n fil l the audi torium o n pa~s~d an orclinan~e wh ich w.1s minor socia l a ffai r. How now, H ink. Bishop, and t wo successive nig hts and be so rnt1f1ed by the leg1slat.ure to j'~:t Brown ! well recei,,ed a nd apprecia.ted de- a n~rma l deputment in the un.•·

* serves credit. \·ers1.ty. D ue to :t 1:tck of fun.~s Each T ues<lJ.y a nd Thursday morn ing at n ine Let us look b riefly at the· r ise the ide.3 was not ~c ted upon Ir,;

A.M. in Mr. Burrough 's room, the d rama class of th is splend id organiz:tt ion. 50?1e time. Sue es~l\'C leg isl:t~t:;,t.:~ Thespian , emote. The a udiences of stude'nts g et The Mcn·s Glee Cl.ub J\vas fa~lcd to appropriate monc} , :.>. la rger e,·cry performance but there's s til l room for fou.nded in the fa ll of ~3 \.- th is department. . a few more. A nyone who has a free period that Twenty-s ix men were members S?OO A ppropriaccd In ts;s

, hour is welcome to come, and g lad to have you1

the Jirst rear, and · among them Final~y 111• 1855 the _regent! of make yourse lf a t home, th is is }'Our school, etc. were Bob MacDona ld, Tom the Um versiq r approp rrltecl ~50<J Some of the p lays are rea ll y. \\'Orth .Seeing thoug h Ring ness, Bob Stei ner, and D ick ~nnua lly ~or a _nor!1'al d~partmc:1t - hence the plug . .If you don' t ca re for sta rk Schwann, wit h Ca rrol Swenson 111 the ~n iver~it)r. fh e first 1.0ll!SC

<lrama, there's a lw:iys lighter momen ts, like the accompanist. In the spring of \'?5 given in • Ma>'· IS56. t() ones when K rembs says .. I lo\'e you" to some '34 the boys wok a one-clay trip e~ghtecm stude~ts and ran for :111

swoon ing heroine. to Rhinebnder and Antigo H ig h eight week perrocl. The next }'e:u Schoo ls. twenty-e igh t students took the


Vol. I


Class ified Section




1-149- W af1 c r 611, ).I. ur inquirl· ;u O} W a1c:r Strl'ct fu ~ <ath(.:r dec:111.)


Afte r on ly one year, the mem- course. !h.e regents aske<l for an be r~hip had increased to 36 and app.rop rr nt 1on of S2,000 but were now -it has risen to 58. Edwa rd. again refused . After a few Plank , Gilbe rt F:tus t, and Roberta t he depa rtment was Jisconti, ,u~d . Peterson have :i lso been accom- Down to 185~ no stare su pe nn -panists. tcndent had aclvoc1ted sepa r:ue

Doring the s ix sho rJ ye~rs of norm:tl schools. In t~at year, its existence t he club has visited however. State-Superi ntenden t o ver 50 towns in the upper pen- ~ar r~ S~gg~sted .i separate:, spe· n insul a a nd has sung to fif ty or c.1:tl inst1tut10~ _for the,\. six t y thousand people, we ll O\'er !~o~ and r.raintng of .teachers. ten thousand per year. I h is was introduced into th e:

As a resul t of a concert at (Cnntinucd co page- 3. cu l. 2)

Green Bay in 1935, the c.s:r.C. Knut' s brot he r is super \' isor of Men's G lee C lub. was invited to school orchCstras in Se:ittlc·, \Xl;ish­jo in t he .. Associated Glee Clubs ingto n. o( ~merica" and as a membc:r i\fr. Kn utzen has h:td vokc h:ts appc:-arecl at State:- oncert s in' traini ng at the Llnivcrs ity of \Vis­Grec l'_! Bay, Oshkosh . Milwaukee, consi n. the National Summc:r and !ausau. School of Music at Lake Forest :

In 937 the g roup appeue<l a t under D e:in \Vaterman of tlu.· No. 23 the o l<l Coast room of the c Lawf"ence onse rvator}' of ~l u•w ..

==P=.=.,=;,~.,=.=.,= .. =1,;1=,=,="=,.=,=.=.,=;d=.,=,=,= •• = .. =,m=;.=,.=;0=0

=.= .. =,.=d,=.=.11

Drake Hotel in Chicago and at art<l under F. M. Ch rist i:rn'ion . Sm b l~:p~11:iep;rc:!st~c;~:·~.~:: isconstn Su1e 'fe.i rh the Soldiers Field Memobri al. conductor of the I. Glaf Choir .

"s 1 t .hll 26 r9l7 t.-th , olf'c L<l t yea r the g roup cc:imc 3 H e ~lso- ang in the 1 .awn.·nc<:

,-,.,:--w·;;,·',,-~",;;-',,:-m·;"~d~r th~ Ac·1 of M:rch J.Pf819. 1

e member of the .. Nltional Fcdera- Glee· Clu b. the Chri stianson

IIEPIIL•LHru, ""'" ... ,,:.. .... ... A Clloo. .. , , .... a D'I'

National Advertising Service, foe. Coll• t• Publi,brr1 Retwwu111.1i11•

tion of Music C lubs" ancl ap- Chora l S hool Choir, and th<: at .the Lawr<:nce Memo ri a l National Summe r Sc.:hool Choru~ Chapel at App leton . This year's C.S.T .C. m,t)' well be proud of concert wi ll be held ac the Ba ll - th is Glee Club and its dirc·ctor .

c 111e.-.o . Mno•. Lo• u11 Ln - s u , • .uc19eo room of the Hotel Schroede r at It I b ' I I' 1 1 N&W Yo,.K. N . Y.

EDITORIAL STA FF Milwa ukee. . nect not e iopc:1.. I l ,t! l IC)'

Editor-,n<hrd "'"'P"" "\·in H . Ohon, 10} Cl.i1lt St .. Phone 147 " Knu c" wi ll con~inue in t hc: ir <levclop-News Editor .................... -. .. LI Rue Smith Mr. Knutzen, the dirccto(, ment- w1th such an able director ~r·~ir;~fd~.t.:: .. ~ ........... ·.·.·.~·~·;·~~;.·~·E.'.'~~.~'..1f~J:;; i ~~:o~~:ir:e:~~~~: may assume: the: blame for both as !'\'I r. Knut son, who ha,; ;fl , Editors ............. Hen LlS<hlco ·11Kh, Philip Thorson the sta rt ~nd success of his duh. dition to overt resu lts, kc·pt hi ~

Don Olson C.eorJ·e Q1uod1 'hays' ha ppy. thcr,· ca n he: 110 Art Editor ...... . .. ............... ................................ : f


,.in1c' J.icobson He came to this college in 1931, cloubt of it s cont inued ,uuc:..,.,. J~P,}•'iho·~a;~;·ph~; ·:·: .... ::::;:: ...... ~~~~.~ -~ ....... 1.~:'.~.!.~.1.: .. ~ .. N&b S!~s~~ under the ad mini stra ti on of Mr . Although Mr. Knui Zcn ex-

_ ___!~~;1J'o~'1~j~~~~td~· ;c!"~ .. :=~:·=·:::::::·=:,:::;:,::';':':':":""':'::::::· Bc~1t~y~Sm!!l!l!ith!J~!<!1

\s,,:°c.J'!ll.R<ln"'«"''._' j-H-'iy'lerF.coITTil;s'lromo lor'iglincc,rj-p.c.e.ssc<l_thc....t.hought -hut- hi~a . BUSIN ESS STt\F F musi:a~o;::i li:~.mO~ l~i~Sn1~~~e~s sc:ss wa~ du<: l.trge lf LO the.· loyalty

& sin~s l,{g; ..... Je.inene Winaulci, }02 Micliii, Ave,. Ph. 1}68-W o( the men and th<: (Oll <:1,!t· .ul-Circulation· ....... -................ - ................................. Jule T.iylor side he is :t direct decendenl o ( ministration . ,

Keep Up With The Rimes

' <The lvllQ11,•iOi.: l ie contribution, m;ade b, Ce:1a:ut Stlte ~1 :ulenh. Xn)one ,.,,,i d1i n.i.: h>

..£ubmi1 lnit.ll', plHSt <,enJ them to E,l«:1 --:- -Rote or the Point er Office. l ·


1.,y a little fl o wer

At you r .1 lt:1 r in n1}' heart ; i\Iy \'i sion of tomo rrow

Ha, lost its gleam - in part ;

For in my litt le breakfast nook

A laJy musi p re~iJe -No ashen lip o r palli<l loo, At breakfast I'd abide!

I hal .1 jo ll y nursery d rea m --.!

Pink bla nkets, i\'ory c rib, ·

And teddy bea rs and kidd)' c:t rs, And boxi ng mitts and b ibs -

But perish evcry thoug h t of kin! A he- man should re\'o lt

At unromant ic sa fety -pins So mammot h and so · bokl !

I th ink of cakes a n<l app le pies

\'{lit h ap rons bright and g ay. Bu t when ihcy st ri ng wi th soci,d


The 'Jivil' there'll be to pay!

And now I stc a \Ya rning in

A ni!,:h t m.trt dream of yore-I thought to show ·you off to jim, Your dress was hi nd -side-fore! For M1 ffcring-sakes~ I din ' n-:i~

ken Such stuff - it sme lls of mo ld ! I t:tkc defea t with ot her fncn , ·nc~t friends can ' t tell }' OU so·.

Your !'olrit c.1st is :1 token, child , Of a ll tw ixt· me and thee.

I think I'll scoul arOund :i w h ile · And sc·c what I can se(·.

Or shall I come li ke fairy prince And ·sock· your schcmi ng

' Mot h,·r' :'' ~1-,o- ~a-c-ri~ ,c-cs-·~o- r- a- ,-\'7h7im------+--1• --,

O ne· Sl\ic:r TOr anotficr!

------. - m. -~tr~~~:~ /Jjf3.~.~-~.:.::· frcalf6rll 'reeden-:- Rtil>y ou~:l ~,l~e;;,t~ Ole Bull.- the famous SQffd:m:t-

F.iculty Ad•isor ." ...... ·:·;;;~·ii~Pi·~,;•;.•::Ym:::o:::nd~S.::l·.::·.::••:h:::"':::'.:..' 1-,v:;;i;a;:.n~v-;_io-;;l~i;n:;;i;St~.;;-;;;~;rii:_,'S~~,r~J~n,~Jf~a":;tl:;;lC':i·r+.~m~<l·\:eT'>l"S~~t;;r~m";. ";;;','f~\H;'h-o-l'r:';'1~,''f""-:.'~';::'P;:;":;;";;:''~I ,'"1,1'::'"i-j--~:-----=------------i--., College Orfice Information, Phonr U1 W,lS a pro css1ona mus1( , iUltl 1::.\ 1~/~1r :J:rr.~~}, ';,1.:~ ~,'?,!;~uep'. ,i~~-:;.

Page 3: Series IV Vol. I No. 23 21 Tom Temple· To Play Fo. · 2016. 3. 4. · an Instructor in the Na· Principal of Muscoda "R 1 L'f .. M d These musical organizations w,·11 · · · I

; ~

.\ :•rd 'L 1939 THE POINTER

Pan Hellenic Formal p • Jl,f' T J d AttractsManyAlumni romzne,nt 1nen I. 0 U g~

gents; p l'ovided also that 259;. of said income go to the

choo l Fund Income until the ann ua l School Fund inC:o me would be $200.000,

1,,s ~t.irgaret Miller, who is "National Essay Contest «··"i, in,<: at Adams-Friendshi p, . is . . '.

h l~C.I.' for the Easter recess. • D I ·torr h C II \'(falter \l/, , President of 4. All new swamp .rnd 0\'Cr flow • • * eve opmea eac ers Q eges bnds to be given· to the state luhn Pfiffncr, a stli~lent :a .(CunrinucJ from p; r:<= 2. cul. 3) ihc Boy Scouts of America, to · in the future wi ll · be divided

,\\;h,.rn kee St3tC, is visiting his Senate by t\lr. SutherlanJ, who getht:r with Mrs. B. F. L,ngwor- between drainagt: fund :rnd r.rn:nts :1.11d friends in tcvc.-ns :td\'ocatc:d norm.ii schools sup· thy. P:tst President of the N a- normal school fund. Ptiint. ported by public taxa ti on. The tion:tl Cong ress of Paren ts :rnJ In I 65 the Normal School

Senate killed the bill . At ., Teachers, :mu Lloyd D. Herrold, Fund amounted to $594,000. In special session in JSS6 the lcgis- ProfesSOr of Ad \'e rtising, Nqrth - I 66 the legislature incorporated b.ture p:tssed :1. law s:tymc th.u wc:stern Unin•rsi ty. se rving as in . the Boa rd of Regents of Normal 75~fi of the proceeds of bnd dividu.tls . wi II select winners of Schools and defined its J>owers.

.\ l is'- Kruhryn Piehl of Rl 11 ne-1.111~kr \'i s ited friends :1 t Nelson H.dl this week -end .

* :(: ,\f1,.s Erhe l McDona ld , who is

1t.11..h ing at Cadott, is spending hu LK.ltion in Ste,1ens Point.

• • • i ~.t \'ernc Schwingel. who is

t<·.1Lh ing al CaJott , ,•isited· the ,oll c:gc thi: wee;. ·

The followi ng " Alums" were fu.-n .. · this week.enJ ' for the Pan­Hellen ic Formal - Inman Whip­ple, Jack Burroughs, Mike Zylka, R.n· Laschkewitsch 1 Er\'in \Xlest­f.t lil. Bob Pfiffner. Pete Smith. l' .irk Joy. Leda Bassler, Eddie Bull. Jim Wa lsh . Pete Peter.son, Dorot hy Richards. Vcl m., Scrib­nt r. Viola Hotvedt . Mae Michaels, f hct Rinka. R,y Urb:rns, Alvin Li l11. ho lz:

• · ~liss Mildred Cr~ho has

• t tt.1ching position at Florence, \\'.' i.;consin. is visiting at her home in tcvens Point this week. Miss Cr.1mm has been very successful iu he r work at Fl o rence. ·

Charles Torbenson. who is te., l"hing at \Xfittenberg, is spend­ing the Easter vacati on in this ( tl ~--

• • P.tul M:tu rc r, who is working

in Pittsburgh. is - \'i s iting his paren·ts and frie nds in Stevens Point.

r * • 1\ l.1ry Ullman. who graJu:tctc.l

from C. S. T. C. last Feb ruar)', :tnd who substituted at the Emer­, on Hig h School the fo ll owing .semester. has been r hoscn pri nci­·pal of the Gr:rnt School in this u ty.

I f (i,·e SIOOO col lege schol .1rships sacs o st .1 ~c reclamation />ro jects 1 1 f Soon after 1 S56 the board should go into ;\ school •Jnd. It .ml IOO cis 1 purses in :1 se ries O Jecidcd upon ;\ policy of cs­was understood that ultimatel}' a fi,·c weekly contests to be held tablishing. in the course of tim<.-. part of these proceeds \\'Ould bt: by The P;\rkc.-r Pen a norm:11 school in each of the uscJ as a fund for the su pport of In making public the details of six congressional districts of the normal schools. the aw.uds. tota ling S7500. Ken - state. In line with the acts of

"Encoura.geme11 t Act" Passed oeth P:uker, President, pointed 1865 and 1867 the board had be­o ut that contes tants :1 rc: not re- fore it some of the followin g

In 1857 <!~i red to purchase :uiything to propos:tls for the establishment In 1857 :rn " Act fur th, En - win. of a norma l school :

couragement of Ac:td:tmies and "\Y/e intend to make it utterl}1 Bar:tboo offered SI0,000 cash, Normal chools" was passed. simple fo r anr person of any age a site, together with Baraboo This act gave them one-fourth who can read and write to be a Col legiate Institute bui ld ing of the gross proceeds of the sale wi nn er. Our purpose in offering and grounds. In add ition tQ of .swamp lands g ranted to the these college schol:uships :1nd this, General Sta rks offered state by an act of the federal cash awa rds is to show our appre- 120 acres of woodland , some government in 1850. anJ set up ci3 tion for the lo>•a l patronage 31/2 miles from Barlboo. a board of regents by which the students everywhere have given Berlin o(fered S30,000 ' cash distribution of the income to Parker Pens O\'er a period of and a s ite. to be· made to the . schools. At many yea rs. Today, Parke r Pens Fon d du .- Lac offered a site. their first meeting in 1857 the .rnd Pencils are the first a ids to S30,000 cash, and use of t he regents voted dow n ;1 propos:t l li igher education- the most wid e- high school building ~nti f the for a separate no rmal school. The ly ·used mechanica l instruments in completion of the . normal act said they Could distribute this Ameri rn's Hig h Schools and Col- school building . money to "colleges, universities, lcges. Geneva offered to give the and :1cadamies (except t he state · "9\n_test:1 nts are not, re9uireJ bui ldings and grou nds of tF1e university) which have establish- t~r-~ase anyth ing to enter. All Geneva Seminary. eel and maintained departments they have to do is send us a. Milwaukee offered an impro\" · fo r the training of teachers, lhe short. sincere sta tement about . eel site, S2 5,000 in annua l pay· amount each such school is to Pa rker Pens on an entry blank recei ,·e depen~ing on the nurib.:-r which they ca n obtain . without of pupils instructed in such de- cost from any Parker reta iler." partment ". No such schoo l could One S1000 schob.rship :md 20 receive more than S3,000 annual. cash p ri zes of S25 each will be ly. It a lso a llowed them to accep~ awardeJ each week for five con­grants of land and buildings secuti \'e weeks. The first week's from cities and towns for the CS· contes t ends Saturday, April 8, tab lishment o ( :1 state nonn;d and the remaining four contes ts school. enJ on the: four succeeding Satur·

,hys. Apri l 15. 22. 29 and May 6. In 1858 the lei; is lature added another 25%· of the income of the swamp land sales to the schoo l fund . The boud vf re­gents also appointed a "special agent" , who inspected the schoo ls whi c h had teacher training

Scho la rsh ips arc transferable: Thus, if a person pilst schoo l age wins one, he m:1y transfer it to his son or t.l:tughter, or to a niece or "'nephew. Or he may se lec t to take SI 00 in cash instead.


courses. A report in 1862 listed -------------EJdie McAllen has a position- some of the following schools :ts

t<:.1d1ing in the Social St.:i c:ncc de- recc.- ivi('!g a bonus for ha ving a p.1rtment in the Sur ing H igh tea c her training depa rtment : School. Edd ie graduateJ from Law rence Uni\'ersi ty, Appleton ; this college last June. His brothe r, \Xlisconsi n rem:tle Co llege, Fox Ga}' is a sznior ~1ere ~h is year. L .t k e : Ga les\' ille University,

·porting common schools, nor­mal schoo ls and acadamies.

2. It div ided the lands and

in "CAFE SOCIET\'" at

THE FOX Easter

G1lcsville; Milton Academy, Mi l-R.l}' \Xleingartnc r. who is tc,1ch· ton : Allen 's Gro\•e / Academy,

in~ at Mattoon. visited in Ste\'cns Allen's Gro"e ;~Pi:ltte\'ille Acade- .l. Point last week-end . Ray g · nl\' , Plattevi ll ; Ft. Atkinson c·d IJst summer. High School; fort Atkinson ;

National Songwriting Contest (Continued from p:1.L;C I, co l. 3 )

plt:te the ten songs. Acti ng judges will be the fa ­

mous maes tros. Paul \Xt hitenun . G uy Lomb:irdo. Kay Kyse r . .md

etc The tot.Ii number of student s in one. two. :t nd three }' i.ourscs of tC.LChin j:! training .. de­p,1rtmcnt s for which th e regents made app ropr iatio ns was 106. In iS6.1 the uni\'c·rsity again opened a teache r tra ining department bul discontinued it 1g:tin ;n 1867.

11,l!y Rose. Some of the noted song writer 1n l:-l6"i the " Norm:tl Schoo l

moneys he ld by the s tate into two equ a l parts- a " Drai nage Fund .. and a .. Normal School Fund .. . It provided that income of the Normal School Fund shall be app lied to establish ings. sup­porting and maintaining nor­m:tl schools under the di reC· tion i nd management. of- the Norma l School Board of Re-


State Teachers COLLEGE

wt!! be Johnny MercCr, who is A lt" w.1s p.useJ . This provided : hc,t known :1s the Lomposcr of 1. ft re pea led a ll chc provisions Easliy Accessible . .. _kt'pe rs Crc:epen," :u1d " l..1zy. or th<· st.itu tes which directed Expense Re latively Low. bones," R.1y Hendcr~on. who the .tpJ,lic:llion :i nd use of Location Unsurpassed for \\ ru1e the stntiment .d "Sonny Heallhrulnen.

Sport Shop Complete Lin c of Outdoor

Equipment tf22 ~fain Sc.

- Hotel-



Lumber & M1llwork

mcnts of S5.00.0 each , nod S6,00.0 in annuar payments of s:;,ooo each, a tota l of $31 ,000. and the use of a school build ­ing until the comp letion o·f the normal school building. Nee,hh and Menasha offered S30.000 cash anJ a site.-Omro offered S30.000 cash and a s ite. Oshkosh offered a si te and S30,000 cash·. P lattevi ll e offered the bui ld­ings and grou nds known as Prarie du Chien College.

. Prarie du Chien offe red the buildings and grounds known as Prarie du Chien <:;ollege. Raci ne · offered an improved site antl S2S,OOO cash. Sheboygan offered a s ite, and proposed to erect n hu.ilding according to plans that the bo:trd wou ld furn ish ,. free of

· expense to the state. Stoughton offered a site, S35.· 000 cash, :tnd i1 0 acres of wood land near the vill a.~e.

(Cf"llll inucd Next \\:'eek)

~A~L 1629

For Bo11q11ets Easler Lilies Cors"g/, and Special Easler Flowers

WALTERS °FLORAL SHOP 11 b N. ~l ichigan Ave.



PLUS Courteous and Efficient

Service Equals Satisfaction

Al10 • Complete Li11e of ..

Fresh Fruits ind Veiet1bles


F1'ee Delivery Phone 1526_

QOME FURNISHING. CO. Floor _Covertngs

121 N. Sec. St. Phone 228 Hoy, " and Johnny IJurke. ihe sw.llnp land money for su p- An lnAuencc u well as•

\\ riter of f.1mou,s__s~B~in~i;~·~C~:'._!rO~>~h[_rb::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:'.l}~l[-- r,;;;;,;~S~ch~o~o~l.;;.:;.:;,- + l+f======="""""',,....""'°""",... ___ ::-' ________ T __ lll USJCa u s. fhc qt 1er ,c,. JACOBS & RAABE_ ,edits Accepled •I·" . - K·R·EMB-s-HARnm--R·E=-GO--M~i-N~,-- -_ wri te rs a re of prom inence Un iversiliu. - - - - -1n t he world of music Expert Watch Repairing Oe:9,uCouncsforallTc,c:hcu. \

f f S-end for Literdture . ' n t11,s unique cont c,l "'" en , 111 So. Third SL Phone 112 - •

wil l be . •iven .1 dl.lnle 10 col l.Ibo· c,--;:;:;======::;:.:=;::=.="fi""'==7"Lf-'+---·'----- - - - --S· e486,3-- - --------t---1--~-=....\'-'---r---'--'~~~==-+I- ST£VEl<ls-1'0lt<tr;-wl tevens oint, .Wisconsin •nc · --=~==~!=;;;;=;;;:=~=.,..~~:...=========i··~;::;:;=~~====~~~;;;;;;:l

Page 4: Series IV Vol. I No. 23 21 Tom Temple· To Play Fo. · 2016. 3. 4. · an Instructor in the Na· Principal of Muscoda "R 1 L'f .. M d These musical organizations w,·11 · · · I

THE POINTER April ~- 193~ _

W B T Point Defeats Mid West Champs Pointers in · adminton .ourney l """""'Jfr,·m·r··~··•.wl.J )

T he ----0

. Rink.1 le,Hli ng \\,: it h f~un~en Cent(a l rate badm_imo~ :'Burch- bar kS" Applications For Soft poi nts. N imz W ,\ S next 111 ltne

sguad. colched b)' Mi ss P.u ! I \\'ith twel"e :rnd Ander!)on hung G o rm ley 1nd Ch.irles Heyer. P·"· ·, by Ball Le a g U e Ent fie S up eigh t. Hank Warne r .rnJ f e t iciplted in the econd An nual CHARLI E eu CH bl U .1 A ·1 13 Boh.rn bOl h J)l.lyed good floor ln tercolleei1te B,dminton Tour- 1 ToJo bBaJII thereldwasn·t ,\ bl igge rf Accepta e nh pn game,. For Ripon, Johnson.

..... . ~ now . 1 cou use .1 ot o ·,,-murJ L lunk)· ce'nter. h_.1<l three ~uckcts nament :it River h dls 11st S.ttur- c.tsh right now. En t ri e for tht: 1 d J f h · b ,, .. ,11 be re· to le;1.d Ripon in t


1l' sc.onn.f? e-day. and ma e .1 inc s owing · Yj "A 'b . o r be a softb.d l t0urn:1ment tmcnt. B.dlctr .)l,lr red o n de-winning :is m.rny f_irst place heei/·e 1t\c~:n:~o ~~ this is a cch-ed unti l n.oon of April 13th. fense. hono rs as :i ~y other te-am en_ce ,ed. 1 disgustingly ·•small " r em a rk Players lists shou ld ar(omp.iny · U1,!I. Scnrl'

The . quld included the winners hea rd all tOO frequen tly in the the entr ies. ( Each ,e.rnl i .,llowed R',~:k~~- R~u;nt l~G

~e~~:s~ ~dd ~~~c~~~·t1~~:tr~~m:'~:

1 ~


: c~{~:;re:~: in~r~~~ f~~;:~:: 15 pbyers) · ~1.~rn~tkti ~~:.. ..... 1:

completed in the co llege I.1st I who walks in with his gi rl fr iend . Fel lows in terested -· in !>Oftb.1 11 Smith. Li ... n ·week. It was made up o f the foJ. H e probably is •'sho rt" anyhow but not connected wit h :my te,1:n ~ ,i,;~~~- 'i_ ......... ~ lowin~: Elcan~r Theisen. G race / and doesn' t wane the femme IO shou ld sign up so JS to pertnit ffoh.i n. R!,! ............ 0 Mekh1or, Ern ie Ruppel, and know. it. .J)laJ1be o u~ athl~ces fo rmati on of se've ral independent l)nJl'r,1111. R.i.:. . •.• 't

George Q u~ nd t. • ~nean 1c a ll m fun ?u! IC cercam ly teams It is ho ed tha t eight or Hud.:,·. Li.:. 0 \'{'°omen S\veep Singles Tourney 11s hard o n che rec1p1enc. . j · P

1 8.1.i.:ndl. Li.:. . ..... n

.. .. , . ~ ten teams c:10 be fo rmeu. -Theisen l nd Melch io r n13~e . Dlrn S\\'el l of me en tire :"J'a. \Xf:i tch the bu lletin bo:ird for To:.11.. ...... \fC,

the outstandi ng. record fo r th e uonJI G u~ rd Battery to co~e to j the schedule o f plar and report ~t:~~,. Rf. .. . .. u da}' by ··sweepi !1g" thei r b r:ickets the benefi t . In retu.rn. tho. e of on time fo r vou r g1me'. Ruc k. R1 ····-··· . • I in the \'vomen ·s Sing les w urner. you fe ll ows \\'ho don t get bids co · . . . llo,h. J.i ........... 1 The ·'All Point"' ch mpionshi p the Tau Garn fo rm:i l on the 15th . ·Gol f - Those girls tnterestc:d H.,1thrb11rn. Li. 1

march \\'lS \\'On by T heisen. with I mi,gh t the girl fr iend to the tn golf and who ca.n supp ly t h~ ~ ~ J~1hn--11n, C .. ......... :; ~( J h ' · d I · I G d d h ht o wn gol f cl ubs p le,\Se see Mt» Gmkt. Go. I J e c ~o r copping s_econ 10no rs. 1 atrnn:t uar :mce t a t n_1g Go rml e, about arra. ngement s at I B.1lrt1i. I .. ~. ... .... ... .:?

Melchior and T heisen we re de. :it the Armo ry. Arch Ad rian's once. ), .......... 9

n ti . ,, " ti l ti I 1 ti I

--,, FT 1 ~ ~ ti ,, I I



'· I I I ti ,, I I


I I s ti ; 0 \

-I\ feated in the qu:1 rter.f in:1ls o f rh.e playing. Th is is not a pri\; te ,women's Voll e)•·Ball ....

· \\?omen 's Doubles. In Men s w ,------------, Sing le , Quandt reached the semi- 1 dance. . Tournam enc 1

A MESSAGE i TO S£N10BB ~ 1 - who intend to en ter 0

i ~;~i~~~r s:~~~1o~t~i~~~ is called to the fccili 1ics

1o t Marquette University.

, ~;o:~!:,~o:~~5 ~:1~;~. degrees.

Pro fessiona l curricu la in med icine, lcw, dent istry, dental hygiene, nursing, enginee ring, journo! ,sm, business cdminist rc t ion, platform c rt ,drom~tic art.

Marquette Un ivcr:i ty is -:: on the approved li~t of

• ~ the Associa tion o f t\meri~ con Un iversit ies e nd is an occreCm cd member o f the N o rth Central A ssocia -

, . : t ion of Colleges. Eoch college end .school i.s ap ­proved by the- notional · bodies orgoni:::cd to .set up .educa tional s tanda rds.

1. Address

The Studen t Adviser. Morq vcttc Universi ty,

for comple te informat ion ,

;~,l~i ~:;0f ! 11~\ ~';~~/~'..~~e~-e~>; ' th::.~;·;<' nboee\nars;ty ; o;~rte~;i: : M!1T::· ..... .. '"t Lg" PcTfurl A. L. s~.~~~~~ & co.

on to win the u tle. T he tea m of lor baseball thi s sp·ri ng. No fupds'. Bees ···:.::::... 2 2 .lUO Finest Canned Foods and Quondt and Ruppel wls ru nner- . T b cl T , , A I f f' Cubs . .. .. . ...... . 2 2 .)00 Fresh Produce u P: in the Men·s Doubles tciu rn er . ~ 0 ~ a : 00 · ~ oc ~ 10~ ma- Re:is ..... . ., ~ ..loo

being defeated in th e p l:iyoff by rerul goui.g to waste-incl uding a ~~~i~~rs .. ::.::::::::: : ·' .:~~i a ream lrom St. Olaf. I goo_d baseb,11 player who'd m1ke Cords ............ .. .. -0 l .ooo

Pointers \\'' in .MLxed Doubles · :1 fine Just a fe~rs

In the Mixed Doubles T ou m a- for balls and t ransportat ion Supt. Of Po~lage County Speaks

I : MAflOUETT( I ~.~~.~.~si!iJi .

j,--E-D-._R_A_Z_N_E_R__, ~ ~.-r" -~ ,

ment Melchio r and Ruppel play- wou ld help a lot. ed brilliantl y to sweep thei r A T hough t for this \'<'eek: bracket and win the title in the f inal match of the tourn:i menc. You're a real success when Theisen and Quandt narrowl y fla ttery turns your stomach ra­mi ssed winning their bracket and cher than your head . making it another " Al l Point " 1ED. :,..'.QTE : The op,mons exerened in the fi nal when th ey lost the odd set Jho,e column J te th1.11c of ~ r . Burch 2nd

o f th<: ir semi-fi nal march. They :~;1; fa\ ~~Ii~~ ~~n~~~eioi~~er'.etlecuns the

held a IO· S ad va ntage in th e fin l l dooding set but failed to hol d their ad\·antage. The squad w as accompanied by Mr. Heyer and


m, de the fou r·hundred mi le trip The Newman Club attended in Miss Gormley·s car, which she donated for the occasion. The Psalm Su nday mass in a body at members participa ted in each s(. Stephen 's Sunday at 7 o'clock. event in the tournament. Thi s Immediately fo llowing mass the No rthwest tournament d rew en- group was entertai ned at a break­t ries from twb States including St. O laf College and Augsburg fast in the d in ing-room at the College f rom Minnesota. school. Mr. ll·leleski, district at ­~------------ torney, was the speaker for the

Skalski Seed Store Grass and Garden Seeds

Paints and Household ~~plies _

Telephone 19 Clark and Second St.

Clothes for Students



program which followed the breakfast. About 40 young people attended the breakfast.



POINT CLEANERS-Phone -420-.Wc Delivcr--112 Stton91


10% Reduction On Clothin& For Sludenls

and Facully ' 450 Main Street

CITYrRUIT EXCHANGE Fruits-ancr-Vegetables- ·

457 Main St. . Phone 51


(Co nti nut d from page I, col. 4 )

Clements Speaks

I Men's, Boys' Clothing & Fu,ni1hing1°

Student's 11% Discount on Clolhln& 306 M,;n St. Stc"ltns Poini William Clements led group I

singi ng of severa l popular a irs ~:::::::::::::::::::::::~ and won the hearty :ipplause of I JACK B b Sh the club by introducing a clel'er WARE'S a r er Op new action · songr \X'ilson \'<'ick­man acted as accompanist. The I meeting was closed with a \'OCal duet by W illiam Clemen ts and Gordon Cowles.

Expert Scalp Treatment Service ·

1m S. Divisien SI, Near Soo Depol ~~-~-~-~~__, STEVENS POINT" BEVERAGE CO.

Th, Best of All Btvtragts Poinl Pure Waler Used

Phone 61

THE 1·ea lis1 ic ide,tli s t is on e wh o dreams of' greut thin~s in t he futm·c> n11d p1·0\·ide,; for th em in th e pre'°'e 11t with u su bstantially maintai11 ed bank a<:co1111t.

Schaftner' s


Copit.l & Surplus S265,000.00 lMt•II I" Porl•t• Cou..ty


Finest Shoe Rebuilding

We call for and deliver

25 >'~ i.!1 ... J.r.c>uuL/ocaJiou­

Phone 196 519 Strongs AM.



Phone 267

i i1

1-l-l~~~~.,-~~~~~~W CLR-Z-, A --


- -- ---




Phone 688

. .

FORD V-8 Can and Trucks Complete

One Stop Service St.Hon GOODYEAR TIRES


South Side Markef U-Bc.Sec Food Store

114 Church St. Phone 511-511 FREE DELIVERY


New and Used --·--


SJJCcial rates to tcnch ens and stu · <l cuts on rcntn li5.

Spc •i a l dis<'cJtrnt.s to lenchers 011


----When-yon t ype'fVuwr or tuld:-lng machine gives trouble, get

a.n estlICate for repairs fro~

= o. SNOW 511'11 ird SL w ••••• "''·

Wukly Trip, to Steven, Point








I !
