series of terror attack on india reasons with effects

Series of terror attack on India reasons

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Series of terror attack on India


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India is the land of Shiva and Krishna, the Buddha and Mahatma Gandhi. It is multicultural, multi-lingual, multi-racial country. It is a land of villages and fields.

India is performing great role in various field like Economy, Finance, IT, Agriculture, Sports etc. Now India is competing in the race to become super power.

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Problems of India Corruption Poverty Population Education Problem Unemployment Child Marriage Religious Violence Sexual Exploitation Terrorism etc.

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"All forms of violence are terrorism“

Terrorism is the use of threats, intimidation or violence to achieve political or religious goals.

It is the policy of striking terror in the minds of the people by violent methods to achieve some ends

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Terrorism in India

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Terrorism in India

Terrorism in India are basically two types external and internal, external terrorism emerge from neighboring countries and internal terrorism emulates from religious or communal violence.

The main goal of terrorist is not to kill people but to spread their terror in heart of people

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Major Terrorist attacks in India

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1. Bombay Bomb Blasts

12 March 1993: Series of 13 bombs go off, killed 257 people

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1. Bombay Bomb BlastsBombay, now called Mumbai. On 12th March 1993 Mumbai was shaken by series of bomb blasts. That blast was headed by the underworld leader Dawood Ibrahim. This fatal tragedy was a combined act of the underworld and other Islamic terrorist groups. This blast killed 257 people and injured 700 people in time frame of 2 hours.

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2.Successive Bomb Blasts in Mumbai Local Trains

11 July 2006 - Series of seven bombs go off in trains, killed 209 people

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2.Successive Bomb Blasts in Mumbai Local TrainsOn 11th July, 2006, Mumbai completely shocked by the series of 7 bomb blast in different local trains. This tragedy occurred during the rush hours of the evening in Mumbai. That blasts occurred in just 11 minutes. This cowardly act by the terrorist group called Lashkar-e Qahh took the lives of 209 people and injured more than 700 people.

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3.Mumbai Terrorist Attacks 26 November 2008 to 29 November 2008: Coordinates series Of attacks, killed at least 172 people

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3.Mumbai Terrorist AttacksOn 26th November, Mumbai faced terror attack. Terrorists attacked on various important places like Taj hotel, the Oberoi Trident, Chhatrapati Shivaji Station, Nariman House, Cama Hospital, and Metro Cinema. They are highly trained and well equipped terrorists entered in Mumbai and killed 172 people and injured 308 people. The fight between terrorist and Indian military ended on 29th November. In that fight, we found one survive terrorist Ajmal kasab who hanged to death at the Yerawada central prison nearly after 4 years of that terror attack.

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Reasons for Terrorism in India

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1.Lack of Security or Ignorance The main reason of Terrorism is Lack of Security. How terrorist enter in India? How they did bomb blast in India? All these question every Indians are ask to the Security system of India. The security agencies are only hired for providing security to celebrity, politicians etc. These agencies are not for the common man. These agencies are not providing security to the every region of India. That’s why still terror attacks are going in India.

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2.Poverty, Lack of Education and Unemployment No one can born as a terrorist the situation will make a terrorist. Because of Poverty, Lack of Education and unemployment, terrorist influenced the innocent people and involve them into the dangerous activity. Terrorist providing the big money so that’s why people become terrorist.

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3.Disunity India is a multi cultural country. Because of different culture, we find the differences between the people. Politicians are using this disunity of people for their politic purpose and politicians creates the Political terrorism.

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Not taking an instant action against the terrorism In India many terror attacks was happened .But India’s defense system are not taking strict action against the terrorism. Indian system is not implements any rules which are affecting the terrorism

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Lack of modern technology After every terror attack, India’s Intelligence agencies are detecting that terrorist using the new technology for attacking in the India. But India’s Intelligence agencies can’t break technology which is used by terrorist

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Minority of experts To detect the terrorist attacks India needs the experts. Many Indian which are experts, they are not worked in India because of money and technologies issues.

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Politics: One of the Root cause of terrorism are Politicians there urge and hunger for power and votes they create diversity in unity which had lead to communal rights which results in disgruntled people tended towards taking revenge by bomb blasts and other evil activities, leads for internal terrorismPoliticians’ negligence towards security measures and lack of preparations for tackling an outside attack makes our country vulnerable for external terrorism

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How to stop Terrorism?We can’t directly stop Terrorism, but we can control Terrorism by reducing the corruption and poverty, developing the unity among the people etc.Awareness and education: Compulsory courses have to be taken in schools and colleges to make the awareness of terrorism. Public have to inform to the nearby police station immediately, if there is any suspicious activity occurs and police have to take the action without failure.Taking an strict action against Terrorism: Government have to take strict action against Terrorism. Government have to increase security of India. They have to stop corruption and also they have to implements some rule which is help to reduce the terrorism

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