sermon series by pastor ben mceachern · pdf filesermon series by pastor ben mceachern ......

Weekend Worship & Classes—Saturday 5:00pm and Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. at 12522 Main Street, Rogers, MN 55374 Office Hours 9:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Tuesday—Friday, (763) 428-5115, March—April 2016 12522 Main Street Rogers, MN 55374 Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern February 28-March 6: Great River Family Promise March 4-6: Women’s Retreat March 4-6 or 11-13: Weekend to Remember March 5-20: Easter Basket Collection for CROSS March 12: Men’s Breakfast March 12: IMPACT Parent Prayer Night March 12-13: Nett Lake Trip March 24: Last Supper Service March 25: Good Friday Services March 26-27: Easter Services (see back page for times) April 2-3: NRF Photo Sessions April 9: Men’s Breakfast April 9-10: Hutchcraft Visit April 10: Connections Café April 16: Women’s Spring Brunch April 22-24: IMPACT Retreat April 30: Saturday Night Supper Log into our online community via our website at to see details with times and locations for these upcoming events. MARCH – Do You Know Me? It really is all about Jesus. IT is not a his- torical curiosity. IT is not reli- gious fantasy. Mere curiosity is not enough, and fantasies are only wishful thinking. "IT" is knowing God. "IT" is a personal interaction, conversation, relation- ship. And “IT” calls for a personal response. This very direct question from God comes to us in the person of Jesus of Nazareth: "Do you know me?" Join us as we prepare for Easter by letting Jesus tell us who he is. And maybe, in the process, we can meet God. 5/6: I am the Voice of God (John 1:14-18) 12/13: I am the Truth Teller (Matthew 7:21-27) 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) EASTER SERVICES: 24: I am Your Hope (Luke 22:7-38 (with Isaiah 53)) 25: I am Your Redemption (Romans 3:21-26) 26/27: I am the Risen King (Acts 2:14-41) APRIL - Dawn of a New Day Today is a brand new day… unless you choose to make it the same as yesterday. A few years ago there was a movie called Ground Hog's Day in which the main character re- lived that one day, over and over, until he got it right. Many of us are living our own personal "Ground Hog's Day," wondering when, or if we’ll ever get it right. Maybe that's you. If so, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the best news you could ever hear. His resurrection broke the cycle. Through faith in him, we can live a new life – an eter- nal life. For those who receive him, Jesus really is the dawn of a brand new day! 2/3: Living Forgiven (Eph. 4:31-5:2; Romans 12:17-21) 9/10: Living at Peace (1 Peter 5:6-11) 16/17: Living with Hope (La. 3:22-23, Romans 5: 1-5) 23/24: Living with Love (1 John 3:11-24)

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Page 1: Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern · PDF fileSermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern ... 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) ... Verses 2 & 3 —A Christian,

Weekend Worship & Classes—Saturday 5:00pm and Sunday 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. at 12522 Main Street, Rogers, MN 55374

Office Hours 9:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Tuesday—Friday, (763) 428-5115,

March—April 2016

12522 Main Street

Rogers, MN 55374

Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern

February 28-March 6: Great River Family Promise

March 4-6: Women’s Retreat

March 4-6 or 11-13: Weekend to Remember

March 5-20: Easter Basket Collection for CROSS

March 12: Men’s Breakfast

March 12: IMPACT Parent Prayer Night

March 12-13: Nett Lake Trip

March 24: Last Supper Service

March 25: Good Friday Services

March 26-27: Easter Services (see back page for times)

April 2-3: NRF Photo Sessions

April 9: Men’s Breakfast

April 9-10: Hutchcraft Visit

April 10: Connections Café

April 16: Women’s Spring Brunch

April 22-24: IMPACT Retreat

April 30: Saturday Night Supper

Log into our online community via our

website at

to see details with times and locations for

these upcoming events.

MARCH – Do You Know Me?

It really is all

about Jesus.

IT is not a his-

torical curiosity.

IT is not reli-

gious fantasy.

Mere curiosity

is not enough,

and fantasies are only wishful thinking. "IT" is knowing

God. "IT" is a personal interaction, conversation, relation-

ship. And “IT” calls for a personal response. This very direct

question from God comes to us in the person of Jesus of

Nazareth: "Do you know me?" Join us as we prepare for

Easter by letting Jesus tell us who he is. And maybe, in the

process, we can meet God.

5/6: I am the Voice of God (John 1:14-18)

12/13: I am the Truth Teller (Matthew 7:21-27)

19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53))


24: I am Your Hope (Luke 22:7-38 (with Isaiah 53))

25: I am Your Redemption (Romans 3:21-26)

26/27: I am the Risen King (Acts 2:14-41)

APRIL - Dawn of a New Day

Today is a brand new day… unless you choose to make it

the same as yesterday. A few years ago there was a movie

called Ground Hog's Day in which the main character re-

lived that one day, over and over, until he got it right. Many

of us are living our own personal "Ground Hog's Day,"

wondering when, or if we’ll ever get it right. Maybe that's

you. If so, the resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the

best news you could ever hear. His resurrection broke the


Through faith in

him, we can live a

new life – an eter-

nal life. For those

who receive him,

Jesus really is the

dawn of a brand

new day!

2/3: Living Forgiven (Eph. 4:31-5:2; Romans 12:17-21)

9/10: Living at Peace (1 Peter 5:6-11)

16/17: Living with Hope (La. 3:22-23, Romans 5: 1-5)

23/24: Living with Love (1 John 3:11-24)

Page 2: Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern · PDF fileSermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern ... 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) ... Verses 2 & 3 —A Christian,

Pastors Page, by Ben McEachern, Lead Pastor [email protected], 763-428-5115

Page 2 March /Apr i l News le t te r

The next day Jesus decided to leave for Galilee. Finding Philip, he said to him, “Follow me.” Philip,

like Andrew and Peter, was from the town of Bethsaida. Philip found Nathanael and told him, “We

have found the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets also wrote—Jesus

of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” “Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael

asked. “Come and see,” said Philip. (John 1:43-46)

I always love that one.

Nathanael’s question about Jesus isn’t really any different than what many of our friends, neighbors, co-

workers and family members might say. We might phrase it differently, but the heart of the question endures

through the ages. “What does your Jesus have to do with me?” Or we all might ask, “How can someone who

lived 2,000 years ago understand my life, let alone have anything for me?”

I also love the way Philip is not intimidated by his friend’s response. “Come and see,” he says. I wish I was as

apt with an answer. He doesn’t get defensive. He doesn’t back down. He just holds out his hand to help his

friend up from the tree he is sitting against (see v. 48) and looks expectantly. The invitation was clear. And it

wasn’t “Go and see.” It was “Come and see.” The difference is the invitation to join him in meeting Jesus. You

see, Philip was still a seeker, still learning, still excited to learn who Jesus was. He was inviting his friend to join

him in a quest of the heart. Philip made the invitation. The rest he left up to Jesus.

This Easter we have a wonderful opportunity to invite people to meet Jesus. I want to encourage us to be like

Philip. Every one of us has people around us we would love to have join us on the journey with Christ.

We also know there are many people in our community who are spiritually curious who may drive by our

church building and say, “NorthRidge, can anything good come from there?” And we want to hold out our

hand and say, “Come and see,” because we believe they will meet Jesus.

Wouldn’t it be cool to do it together? Yes!

In preparation for Easter let me suggest a couple things:

Let us be passionate about our pursuit of the relationship Jesus has offered us.

I will be kicking off a series called “Dawn of a New Day,” in which I will talk about the new life we have through

the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Then through the month of April I will be talking about living with

forgiveness, faith, hope and love. My prayer and goal is that we will learn to live in greater freedom and enjoy

the “life to the full” Christ promised.

Let’s invite our community to “Come and see.”

Please be in prayer and think of one or two people you would like to invite to share Easter weekend services

with you. Pray for them and ask them to “Come and see.” Also, be a part of our invite to the community at

large. This year we will have yard signs to put up at your home if you so desire, but more importantly, to put

up at strategic intersections around our community over the weekends leading up to Easter. They would need

to be put up on Friday and taken down on Sunday evening. If you are willing to help please watch for the

sign-up. Let’s all join in saying, “Come and see!”

Finally, please be in prayer for the Holy Spirit to work among us so that all who come will meet Jesus in a

personal, life-changing way.

Page 3: Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern · PDF fileSermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern ... 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) ... Verses 2 & 3 —A Christian,

Page 3 March /Apr i l News le t te r

Jesus’ teaching about the vine and the branches

15 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit,

while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. 3 You are already clean

because of the word I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by

itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. 5 “I am the vine; you are

the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing, 8 This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. (John 15:1-5, 8)

Using the analogy of a vine, Jesus explained what a true Christian is to be like. Let’s explore the parable a little deeper.

Verse 1—Jesus is the true vine. In scripture, the word “true” is often used to describe what is eternal, heavenly and di-

vine. If we are to truly have joy and eternal life, we must completely depend on Jesus so we can become who God creat-

ed us to be and to make a difference in the earthly world where we live. God as our Father wants our life to be full and

wonderful, producing fruit that shows the love of Jesus.

Verses 2 & 3—A Christian, or believer, is a person who, as a result of being joined to Jesus, produces fruit. Fruit

represents our actions, attitudes and words. Galatians 5:22 tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience,

kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We can only produce this fruit if we are connected with

Jesus. If we are truly connected in a personal relationship with Jesus, we are already bearing some fruit. However, God is

not satisfied until we are more like Jesus. So, like the gardener who prunes the vine so it might produce more fruit, God

will work in us, cutting off what is displeasing to him. God desires our spiritual growth. Pruning is not done only once – it

is a constant process. Jesus may use our difficulties to prune us and make us more fruitful. While we may not be happy

about trials, we can rejoice that God makes us more fruitful through them. Pruning is necessary in our spiritual life. God

the Father removes sins and the superfluous things that limit our fruitfulness. The effect is to narrow our focus and

strengthen the quality of our fruit.

Verses 4 & 5—To remain in Jesus we must give up the steering wheel of our life to him and allow the Holy Spirit to

direct our directions and decisions in life. We are essentially doing and living as the Holy Spirit says and the Holy Spirit

will empower us to many incredible things for Jesus. It’s awesome to know that everything we do in the name of Jesus

and by his power will be totally successful and fruitful.

Verse 8 – God is glorified when people come into a right relationship with him and begin to “bear much fruit” in

their lives.

How is God pruning you today and what kind of fruit are you producing for our Father’s glory?

Take a moment to ponder how the Lord may want you to grow today…

Dedicate more time to prayer?

Study or memorize scripture?

Share your faith?

Reach out and care for your neighbor?

Increase in patience for certain family members or friends?

The Gardener is waiting …

Overseer Letter, by Steve Stensrud—[email protected]

Baptism—January 30

Karen Rust, Patty Hoyle and Maggie Borchardt

declared that they wanted to be "all in" with

Christ by committing their lives through believer's baptism.

”For all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed

yourselves with Christ.” (Galatians 3:27)

Child Dedication—February 14

The parents of Riley Tisor, Bennett Walker and Lincoln

Dieter formally called upon God’s blessing for their children

and publicly committed to raise them in accordance to

the scripture.

Love God—Worship & Prayer Ministry Andy Schultz, Worship Pastor, 763-428-5115, [email protected]

A Christian, or

believer, is a person

who, as a result of

being joined to Jesus,

produces fruit.

Page 4: Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern · PDF fileSermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern ... 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) ... Verses 2 & 3 —A Christian,

Page 4 March /Apr i l News le t te r

TreasureLand and TreasureCove

The children

were invited to take part in

two activities this winter.

They were asked to color

placemats for Isaiah Con-

nection’s Military Breakfast.

First to third grade children

also helped create the out-

reach communications for

Easter, and the accompany-

ing sermon series, “Dawn of

a New Day.” These amazing

young artists created beauti-

ful drawings of sunrises to depict the promise of a

“new day” we have

in Christ.

The children have

been read ing

through the book of

Acts which will con-

tinue through May.

Our memory verses

are from Acts and

Paul’s letters. The

children will be able to recite these verses to their teachers

April 24, May 1 and May 8. Children who recite at least five

verses may choose a prize from the memory verse store.

Children who recite eight verses will receive two prizes. The

memory verse store will be available during TreasureLand

classes May 15 and 22. TreasureCove children will receive a

prize for reciting one verse for each year they are old.

Children who recite all ten verses will receive a medal on

Celebration Sunday, June 5.

1. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his

one and only son that whoever believes in him may not per-

ish but have eternal life.

2. Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every

one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of

your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

3. Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else for there is no

other name under heaven given to men by which we must

be saved.

4. Acts 4:32 All the believers were one in heart and mind.

No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own,

but they shared everything they had.

5. Acts 16:31 Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will

be saved.

6. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of

God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

7. Ephesians 2:8-9 For it is by grace you have been saved,

through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of

God—not by works, so that no one can boast.

8. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Be on your guard; stand firm in

the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.

9. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is

a new creation: The old has gone, the new has come!

10. Philippians 2:14 Do everything without grumbling or



TreasureQuest is a

place for second to

fifth grade children

to invite their friends

to meet Jesus.

We have been staying

warm this winter on

Wednesday evenings en-

joying game time in the

Great Room. Treasure-

Quest children are memo-

rizing the books of the

New Testament this win-


Vacation Bible School (VBS): June 20—24

For kids age five through fifth grade. Invite your friends!

Love Each Other—Family Ministry (Adult, Youth & Children) Teri McEachern, Family Pastor, 763-428-5115, [email protected]

Hunter Raymond & Hannah Pfeifer

VBS—Save the Date!

June 20—24, 2016

Placemats for Military Breakfast

Creating “new day” sunrises

Page 5: Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern · PDF fileSermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern ... 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) ... Verses 2 & 3 —A Christian,

Page 5 March /Apr i l News le t te r

Beyond the Bacon—January 9

39 men gathered in the worship center for the second edi-

tion of Beyond the Bacon, an extended experience of fel-

lowship, food, and teaching. This edition's topic: Battle

Plan, based on Ephesians 6. During the first half of the

morning, Blair Wenndt encouraged the men to identify

their personal battles, asking themselves the questions

"What am I fighting for?" and "What am I fighting

against?” With that personal battle in mind, Buck Brodin

led the discussion in the second half of the morning on

putting on the armor of God, and formulating a battle

plan. Fred Mades finished up the morning with a personal

testimony on addressing personal battles. Thanks to the

Spirit's work through many that morning, the men were

equipped and encouraged to address and overcome their

own battles. And fed a little bacon.

Men’s Breakfast—February 20

We asked Pastor Ben to share his testimony at the Febru-

ary breakfast since so many of us are recent additions to

NorthRidge Fellowship and know Ben but haven’t heard

his story. We were told a story of God’s faithfulness to a

younger Ben, how He brought Teri into his life and a

unique focus on the way God used different life experienc-

es and particularly believers (the Church), to shape Ben

and eventually the culture of NorthRidge Fellowship.

Thanks for encouraging us as God’s children and in the

high calling of being His church!

The Big Chill—February 20

We celebrated winter on a 45 degree day with our annual

ice fishing day, now called Big Chill since it’s turned into a

bunch of different fun and usually cold activities. Jim Glenn

and Josh Stankey showed up with a couple of snowmo-

biles and put on their own

version of “Park ’n Fly” as

attendees would park their

cars then FLY around the

lake for three hours. Doug

Whittleff put 34 miles on his

four wheeler in a 400 yard

stretch between the boat

access and our fishing spot

giving people rides to and

from their cars. Ron Schulz

showed up with a giant ice

house on wheels, “OUR”

new command center for

ice fishing. It was full of fish

finders, underwater cameras, a full kitchen, a flat screen and

happy ice anglers. Tim and Linda Kreps showed up with

some type of utility vehicle that was loaded with firewood

and gave us a toasty bonfire on ice. Brad Anderson, Joe and

Alex Reshetar, and Jeff Rodeck helped with the ice fishing

set up and getting people on some fish. What’s becoming a

special tradition is the addition of a YWAM group (Christian

young adults from Central and South America) each year

headed up by Lucio and Vanita Berumen that bring tons of

newness and excitement to our day. It’s always a treat to

give these guys a taste of our Minnesota traditions! Last but

not least, just in case anybody was wondering if this was a

Men’s event, Mark Johnson showed up and cooked 12

pounds of bacon for everybody! We took time on the ice to

give God thanks for the awesome day, the volunteers that

make this happen and for His son Jesus and the special way

He works through his body, the Church. aka- US! Check out

the NRF Facebook page for more photos of this event!

Simply Well—January 16

Storyteller: Pam Mertz

Simply Well was an event that took much of the science of

eating well and boiled it down to an hour of information

that can be applied easily. The 52 adults that attended from

NRF and the community learned more about how our bod-

ies use food for energy, and what it needs to operate fully

for Kingdom purposes. Food was sampled and enjoyed as

we learned about efficient, effective fitness/exercise as well

as focusing our thoughts on truth and what is good! Re-

newing our minds is key to understanding God's will for us.

(Romans 12: 1-2)

Chili Cook-off—January 23

The 2016 Chili Cook-off was an-

other success! We packed the

Great Room full of 25 chili entries,

a variety of desserts and side dish-

es, and 140 eaters! The food was

fantastic, the fellowship was fun,

and in the end it was one of our

talented youngsters, 9-year-old

Kelsey W., that took home the top

prize! Great job, Kelsey!

With the success of this year’s event, this is sure to be an

annual tradition that keeps on growing. The bar has been

set pretty high, as there were many wonderful chili entries

ranging from mild to spicy and including various ingredi-

ents such as beef, chicken, turkey, bacon, and venison. Start

thinking about your recipe for next year!

Men’s Ministry Jeff Ekstrand & Paul Jonason

[email protected]

Adult Ministry Gregg Tisor, Adult Minster

[email protected]

Cook-off Winner—Kelsey W.

Congrats to Alex Reshetar who

caught the biggest fish,

a 24-1/2” northern!

Page 6: Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern · PDF fileSermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern ... 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) ... Verses 2 & 3 —A Christian,

Page 6 March /Apr i l News le t te r

Art of Marriage—February 12 & 13

On Valentine’s weekend, 18 married couples attended the

Art of Marriage conference. It was a wonderful time of re-

ceiving practical tools for strengthening a marriage. Each

participant got a chance to listen and learn with their

spouse, as well as participate in some one-on-one

breakout discussions. On Saturday, they got to have an

extended lunch and discussion time as a couple. Lou and

Pam Mertz emceed the conference, interjecting tips and

thoughts that they have implemented into their own mar-

riage. At the end of the conference, the group was given an

opportunity to renew their marriage vows in a brief cere-

mony that was led by Pastor Doug Whittlef.

A big “Thank You” to

Phil and Theresa

Whiteford (and their

amazing kids) for plan-

ning and coordinating

an awesome weekend!

Honduras Mission Trip Reflections

Storyteller: Lelise Miehe

This was my fifth

trip to Honduras

with Isiah Connec-

tion. I have a hard

time explaining

why I keep going

back other than I

don’t have a good

enough reason not

to. Each trip is

unique with differ-

ent highlights. One of my favorite parts of each trip is get-

ting through the airport in Tegucigalpa and being greeted

by the smiles and laughter of Pastor Olman. He loves life

and the work he is doing for the kingdom.

Reconnecting with old friends and meeting new friends is

a great part of any trip. Attending churches of some of

Pastor Olman’s friends is something I look forward to. Each

denomination has a different feel to their service, but we

are all praising the same God. On this trip we were able to

do an outreach clinic at Pastor Edgar’s church. We saw and

prayed for 80 individuals that day. Pastor Edgar was en-

couraged by the turn out. Many of the people seen were

not from his church and for some this was their first expo-

sure to a church.

We had a large group and we were often split up. While

one group was looking for potential buses, the others were

working at the medical


On Sunday morning,

one group attended

Pastor Giermo’s church

and later reconnected

with friends. One group

hand mixed and poured concrete at Pastor Raphael’s

church. And another group witnessed 10 baptisms of most-

ly youth from Pastor Olman’s church.

My biggest highlight of this trip was being able to meet

Angel. Angel is the young boy with one leg, and recently

NorthRidge raised money for his surgery. Each time he was

mentioned in a church service, I had a certain image of him

in my head. I imagined him

sitting in his bed all day with-

out a smile and probably with

occasional tears. I am thankful

that God refocused my eyes.

Angel is full of smiles, shy of

girls, and gets around howev-

er he can. I won’t share the

story here, but there was a

moment of fear for Angel

while we were visiting and a short time later he was back to

a cheerful energy-filled child. His smile as well as the mem-

ories of him crawling around and getting around using a

plastic chair as a walker will be the new images I will have of

Angel in my head.

Storyteller: Tim Kreps

Fuente de Vida Church is reaching out to neighboring com-

munities. They are using several small pickups, but many

can't get a ride. Since my visit there in 2011, the church has

really grown and Pastor Olman wanted help with locating a

bus to use to help get people to church. A suitable bus

could not be located there, so we are working on locating a

bus here in the states

and purchasing it for the

church there to use.

In addition to purchas-

ing a bus, I saw a real

opportunity to help

families in the church This bus would enable 75-100

more people to get to church and

hear about Jesus!

Make a Difference—Missions & Benevolent Ministry Dan Monson, Missions Pastor, 763-428-5115, [email protected]

2016 Honduras Team

(cont’d on next page)

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who are working to bet-

ter themselves and the

church outreach by

providing some key piec-

es of equipment/tools to

help them in their work.

My prayer is that we as a

body at NRF can be used

to increase the kingdom

impact in San Jeronimo

and surrounding area for

generations to come.

Storyteller: Buck Brodin

This trip to Honduras for me was a reunion, reuniting with

the people and the memories from 2005, when I made the

trip with my daughter, Rachel, and 2011 when I visited with

my son, Eric. To describe the place, the people and God’s

work there is next to impossible; it really must be experi-

enced. This trip was my chance to share those memories

and people with my wife, Judy.

This trip also held a great significance in that it occurred

exactly 2 years after Eric’s death. In 2014, upon hearing of

Eric’s death, the people of Honduras prayed for us and

grieved alongside us. The two weeks Eric spent in Hondu-

ras was life changing for him; this trip gave me the oppor-

tunity to visit places where Eric left his mark on this earth,

the house which was built with money donated in Eric’s

honor, the addition to Pastor Olman’s house where Eric

helped mix and carry cement, and most of all, the people

Eric got to know. I saw the field where Eric played soccer

and visited with the boys he played soccer with. I was en-

couraged by their memo-

ries of Eric, but even

more by hearing about

their own dreams and

aspirations. Thanks to

some really good friends,

we were able to give

away three soccer balls to

people that were signifi-

cant to Eric in Honduras.

What a joy to share and connect in such a loving memori-

al. Even my phone provided a way to connect with the chil-

dren, by playing the traffic jam game that Eric enjoyed.

God used Judy and my story of grief and just our presence

in Honduras to encourage others.

This trip was also a time to build new relationships and to

work beside the Honduran people to meet the needs of

their community. It was exciting to see the growth in the

church and the many lives being reached through their

ministry. The prayers from Pastor Olman and Pastor Edgar

that were offered up for the team after their church ser-

vices were with such power and passion that they generat-

ed life, hope and energy. Personally, this trip wasn’t about

me, but in a sense God used it as a place of healing for me.

Storyteller: Judy Brodin

I participated in two different medical clinics in San Jeroni-

mo and San Antonio de la Cuesta, serving over 200 people,

mainly women and children, through providing basic medi-

cal care and distributing some simple over-the-counter

medications, which are very limited in the community. Each

family was also provided with a hygiene kit, as well as un-

derwear for the women and girls. The medical clinic team

included RNs, a medical resident, nursing students, and in-

terpreters from Honduras, as well as our team members.

Four of our team members spent a

day mixing and pouring concrete

with four of the local men. One

member, who installs tile for a liv-

ing, worked alongside one of the

men in the community and helped

teach him some of his skills as they

repaired a tile floor. They ended up

creating a tile cross in the middle

of Pastor Olman’s living room floor.

I enjoyed meeting many of the

people I had heard about from

those who had been there in the past, as well as developing

some new relationships of my own. This experience in Hon-

duras was significant for me as I watched our group work

side by side with the people there. We weren’t just serving

the people; we were co-laboring together to serve the com-

munity. It was a very powerful experience for me. Part of my

heart remains connected to the people in Honduras, and I

plan on returning there someday soon to continue to build

on the relationships we started.

Page 7 March /Apr i l News le t te r

Collection Needs—March & April

• Chili & Hand Soap

• Beans (all kinds) & Hand Soap/Body wash

CROSS Santa’s Toy Shop 2015

Thanks NorthRidge family for donating over $400 in gift

cards, 75 toys and 40 stocking stuffers to the Toy Shop!

Over 1000 children were loved upon this Christmas

through these donations!

Easter Basket Collection at NorthRidge—March 5-20

Donate a basket in good condition, full or empty; both are

needed, egg dyeing kits, and Easter books and toys.

Soup ‘R Bowl Challenge—Results

With your help, NorthRidge donated 115 cans of soup/

chili to CROSS!

Dave, Pastor Olman, Isaac & Tim

(Isaac is a commercial driver and

has agreed to drive the bus. He

also graduated from Bible school

while were there!)

Page 8: Sermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern · PDF fileSermon Series by Pastor Ben McEachern ... 19/20: I am Your Savior (Romans 3:9-28 (with Isaiah 53)) ... Verses 2 & 3 —A Christian,

Travis & Nicole Isaacson

8101 66th Ave N

Brooklyn Park, MN 55428





ROGERS, MN 12522 Main Street

Rogers, MN 55374


Holy Week Services

Thursday, March 24 at 7:00pm— Last Supper Celebration no childcare provided

Friday, March 25 at 5:30 & 7:00pm—Good Friday Service childcare available for birth—5 year olds

Easter Services

Saturday, March 26 at 5:00pm

Sunday, March 27 at

6:30am—Sunrise Service with continental breakfast

8:00, 9:15 & 10:30am

childcare available for TreasureCove for all services, except the sunrise service

Regular TreasureLand classes will be offered at 9:15 and 10:30am