service integration bus performance tool

1 Service Integration Bus Performance Tool © 2011 IBM Corporation Service Integration Bus Performance Tool A simple performance monitoring tool (using PMI) for WebSphere SIBus Messaging and/or WebSphere Business Events Author - David Granshaw

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Service Integration Bus Performance Tool A simple performance monitoring tool (using PMI) for WebSphere SIBus Messaging and/or WebSphere Business Events Author - David Granshaw. Main Objective. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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1 Service Integration Bus Performance Tool © 2011 IBM Corporation

Service Integration Bus Performance Tool

A simple performance monitoring tool (using PMI) for WebSphere SIBus Messaging and/or WebSphere Business


Author - David Granshaw

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Main Objective

To provide developers, testers, PoCs and customers with a simple way to understand how their applications are executing and performing. Note it is an alphaworks tool, not an official IBM product

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The tool uses PMI Statistics

What are PMI (performance monitoring infrastructure) statistics? PMI are effectively statistics added by developers to provide runtime

information about performance

The statistics conform to a set of standard rules so they can be accessed using the WAS console or via a standalone client (i.e. this tool)

Why not just use the WAS Console to view PMI stats? You can but the idea of this tool is to automatically select, enable and

present the relevant PMI statistics to make it simple to understand how your SIBus or WebSphere Business Events is performing

The presentation of data the PMI data is tailored to a WAS SIBus or WebSphere Business Events user.

Statistics are updated every few seconds

It is simple to select or deselect additional statistics.

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Examples of Performance Data – SIBus MessagingThese are just examples of the many statistics

For WebSphere SIBus Messaging:

Current message production and consumption rate for every queue and topic on the system (including temporary queues)

Message production and consumption rates broken down by reliability level for each queue and topic

Current number of producers/publishers and consumers/subscribers attached to each queue/topic

Number of messages, using the Best Effort reliability level, that have been discarded

Numbers of threads in each thread pool (for example: MDBs, ORB, Web container)

Number of bytes written and received by the application servers, message engines, and MQ links

Heap size and current percentage of free heap.

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Examples of Performance Data – WebSphere Business EventsThese are just examples of the many statistics

For WebSphere Business Events:

Number and type of events arriving and the rate of arrival

Number and type of actions being generated and the rate of generation

The number of rules being processed and the rate of processing

A complete list of all event types, action types and business event rules currently deployed on the WebSphere Business Events server

The ability to view the durability and persistence of events and actions

A view of the CPU and java heap that WebSphere Business Events is currently consuming.

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Using the PMI Tool

That is all you need to do.

The tool will determine whether SIBus and/or Business Events is installed

The stats for the chosen server will then be enabled and automatically displayed.

Run the start up script and select the server or dmgr to connect to:

The WAS soap port is generally: 8880 for a single server 8879 for a dmgr

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General Stats Page Click on the left hand tree to select the PMI stats of interest

38% of the java heap is currently being used.

This WAS process is using 17% of the system CPU.

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SIBus example : Topics

The server is publishing and consuming non persistent messages

There are no incomplete publications i.e. messages are being processed fast enough to

avoid build up

Topics currently defined in SIBus

9209 messages were published to this topic (current arrival rate is

100 evts/s)

929 actions were published to this topic (current rate 10


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WebSphere Business Events example : Events and Actions

WBE Events : Number of events received and event arrival rate

WBE Actions : Number actions generated and rate of generation

50,414 events (PerfEvent1Rule) have arrived. These events are currently arriving at a rate of 100 events/s.

7,320 actions (OptionAction) have been generated. They are currently being generated at 10 events/s.

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WAS Thread pool data

WBE Interaction Sets

Additional examples:

1 interaction set is being used. The interaction set has been evaluated 13,213 times (current rate of evaluation is 100 events/s).

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Examples of other stats immediately available…

SIBus Queue message stats

Communications stats Number of bytes read/written to/from JMS clients or other messaging engines Number of client or messaging engines connected Number of communication errors

WMQ link stats Number and size of messages sent/received

Data store stats

JCA Connection Pool stats - Current, mean and low/high water connections for JCA

WebSphere Business Events Fetchers - Count of JDBC and JRules Fetchers.

Object Grid Queue depth (for WBE Object Grid partitions and WXS queues)

Steps cache usage (number of Steps cache hits)

Delayed event/action data - difference between actual and expected execution times

Rule processors data (number of rule processors currently being used)

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Additional stats can be easily enabled

This shows the additional stats that can be enabled on SIBus topics. Checking and unchecking the boxes will enable or remove PMI stats.

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WBE ClustersThe tool will work with clusters. The tool connects to the dmgr on port 8879 and will display a list of all the available servers.

Simply click on the server name to enable all the WBE centric PMI performance statistics for that server.

The tool will only connect to one server at a time but multiple instances of the tool can be used to view different servers simultaneously.

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Downloading the Tool

The tool and additional information can be found here:

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