service that satisfies up. submit. #454 20 units with pool. $220.000 fp, $25,000...

0-4 PRISS.HIRALD MAY n, ! *» MISS-JOURNAL A HARIOR MAIL MAY 21,Wt RtwH i«f0t«) Red Estate H6MI5 tod SALI tO HOMIS P6R SAL* Real Estate Real Estate ___ ______ ___ HOMES FOR SALi ffl HOMIS FOR SALT Real Estate HOMIS FOR SALI "SERVICE THAT SATISFIES" 4 Bedrwim. Family room. Covered Patio. Fireplace. 2 baths. 1700 sq ft.. GI Terms. 129.900 No. 107 J Bedroom, older frame. Cutie Pie condition, large tot, full service porch, carpets, drapes. S15.2M - No 103. 3 Bedroom. Den. Brick fireplace Builtin kitchen, pretty secluded yard. Near schools. J2.V9.Vl - No 104 3 Bedroom. 2 baths, new carjiets, pool, patio with wet bar. fireplace, corner lot, aharp. $29.MO No. 106. 3 Bedroom. larRe family home. 2 pretty baths, tiled kitchen with built ins. fireplace. 1(KV nn.. $28.500 No. 107. 2 Bedroom, huge secluded rear yard with BBQ. hardwood floors, nice carpets. Owner leaving area. IIS.PM) -- No 108. 3 Bedroom, family room, dining room, fireplace with BBQ. Builtina. sliding glass door, GI Terms. $28..V>0 No. 110. 3 Bedroom. Beautiful formal dining room. Bedroom.' an- huge, de.'tixe builtin kitchen. 2 baths, fireplace. GI Term*. 131.980 No. 112. 3 Bedroom, paneled, large comer lot. prime district. l'i baths, niro carpeL«. prime area, $2.\9.V) No 115. 3 Bedroom. 14\26 family room, bulltins. dishwasher, new carpets, custom drapes, gorgeous. GI. $27.500 No. 116. 3 Bedroom. 1*« bath. Beautifully landscaped, freshly painted, plush carpets, a doll house. $28.950 No. 117. 3 Bedroom. Remodeled deluxe builtin kitchen with dishwasher, roved linoleum, room for boat. G I.. $24.750 No. 120. 2 Bedroom. Sharp, comfy home, loads of paneling, terrace rear yard, seller leaving area. Sharp. GI. $17.900 No. 121. 3 Bedroom. 12x14 dining room, sliding glass doors, fireplace, forced air heat, builtina. Top area. $34.000 No. 122. 4 Bedroom, all modern, open beam ceiling, tear living room, bulltins. 2 baths, near all schools. $32,950 -- No. 123. .1 Bedroom. 3 baths. 20x3* famiy n>om. raised hearth fireplace, dining mom. 18x36 HAF pool. $38.000 No. 124. 3 Bedroom, separate formal dining room, double garage, large wardrobes, full service porch. GI. $24.500 - No. 127. 2 Bdroom. 9h«rp. Sharp. Sharp, big 50x120 ft. lot like new carpets and drapes .sprinklers, double garage. $21.950 - No. 130. 3 B*vtro»m. King sl» rear kitchen, garden yard with brick BBQ in patio, shake roof. 2 baths. Ol. $23,950 No. 131. 3 Bedroom, like new remodeled clear thru. 5 l«'' existing GI loan, like new carpets and drapes, Immaculate. $22.900 No. 133 2 Bedroom, large detached work shop, home looks like new. R-3 zoning for units. Vacant, see. $21.950 No 134. 4 Bedroom. Sharp, beautiful landscaped, formal drapes in living room. 2 baths, big closets, quiet street. $26,500 No. 135. 3 Bedroom, family room. Merit Btillt. lots of cabinets, modern built in kitchen, prime area. $34.750 - No. 138. 3 Bedroom. Den. 2', baths, fireplace, huge living room. Master Bedroom, all modern gadgets. $36.500 - No. 149. 1 Bedroom, on building lot. 82x240. tone variance for 3 home*. Top Torrance district Asking $25.500 - No. 300. 4 Bedroom, provincial designed. 2 pullmans. Pool, bulltins. service porch, patio, plush 2 story home. $36.000 No. 301 3 Bedroom, going In foreclosure. 2 batha. huge pie shaped lot. OI resale loan of $23.000 at 6',. asking $26,900 No. 303. ! Bedroom, family mom. Custom. 2 baths, beautiful stone fireplace, sliding glass doors, btiiltins, a honey, $32.990 No 30ft. 4 Bedroom, triple A clean. 2 story, builtin large rear kitchen, pretty yard, fully carpeted. 2 baths, sprinklers, $32,500 -- No. 308. 4 Bedroom, family room plus 2 bedroom Guest home, view of ocean, plush interior, beach property. $42.950 - No. 307 3 Bedroom, GI no down, large kitchen with dishwasher, room to expand, near schools, major shopping. $23.500 - No. 309. 2 Bedroom. Den. formal dining mom. 2 baths. Spanish design. BBQ. 2 fireplaces, service porch. $31.950 -- No. 310 This hom« looks like a kitchen features all electric huiltin oven and range with hood. All 3 bedrooms are fullv carpeted, and offers deepwardrobes with ad- ditional cupboards for extra storage. The living room features a beautiful fireplace and sliding glass doors that lead you to a large aluminum covered patio that includes a matching white table with chairs. Acoustical SPECIAL OF THE WEEK North Torrance Beauty model home. The ceilings and silent electric switches are also featured. The beautiful easy up-keep yard has concrete walk ways, planters with brick mowing edge, and a bounty of blooming flowers. An oversized 2 1 -; car garage with added storage area is also featured. Schools and shopping are near by. We invite you to see one of the prettiest homes in town. Make an appointment to see our No. 128. CALL FA 0-2222 - DA 3-5761 - OS 9-9791 ( Bedroom paneled family room, laree builtln kitchen with service renter, huge patio, carpeted. 2 baths. $26.900 No. 311. 14x24 Den. enormous rear yard with patio plus BBQ. 2 bath*, provincial «tylln«. GI Term*. $27.000 No. 312. family room, huj* rear living mom. huge wardrobe*. 2 bath*, builtln*. fully carpeted. S2.VAOO - No. 313. older hut adorable. 14 bath«. formal dining room, alley for boat entrance, unbeatable. S23.9V) No. 314. Spanish Stucco, corner lot, full dining room, breakfast room, all room* huge, tmall guest home. $32,000 No. 315. large R-2 lot. 90x171. 2", car garage, beautiful garden yard, like living In the country. $28.750 - No 31B beautiful, all fancy built-in gadget* R-3 lot for multiple unitii. 10.\xJ20, I\ bathi. carpeted thniout, fireplace. 1690 MI. ft. GI term*. $31.500 No. SIT. nlder home but very livable, tree aectlon, (29,950 No. 321. l»t balh*. top l(M-atlon. vacant. FA heat. Seller will trade for umaller units. $23,950 No 327. Marble Estate*, gorgeous Modern 2 iitory. "Udo Model ". home has everything. Comer lot, $49.950 - No. 328. clean and neat, big roomy bedroom*, fully carpeted nice residential area. GI no down $24.250 No. 325. family room, pool size yard, fireplace, built-lna. sprinkler*, rarpeta. like new Inside and out. $39.900 No. 330. Bedroom I*"x22' palm, built-in kllrhen. mnternporary atyllng. spotless. GI Terms. 2 bath». $25.500 No. 332. 3 Bedroom family room, gorgeoui home, sliding gin** doors, aummer palio. big yard, carpet*. GI Terma, $23.500 - No. 333 Bedroom family room, all electric built-in kitchen. Intercom, patio, near new rnrpets. picture window. $25.500 No. 338 family room, pool, ha* sprinkler*, built-in*, fireplace, FA heat. 2 bath*. GI or FHA term*. $30.000 - No. 339. Den. large covered patio, mom for boat, 101 .Wx200' zoned R-3. *harp house, future retirement. $37.500 - No. 340. family room. Sun ray built, home haa all built-in feature*, big 9'x30' patio, GI terma. $24,950 - No. 343. cutle pie, vacant, nice dlatrirt. carpeted. <le«p lot. hardwood floora, GI terms, $19.750 - No. 344. truly modern, open beam ceiling, fireplace, park like yard, picture window*, fancy. $32.900 No. 349. near new carpet*. 42'xlSl lot for future expansion, older frame, but cute. $16,000 No. 142. Sunray built. 2 baths, hardwood floora. built-in*. FA heat, sharp a* tac. $26.960 No. 140. Trt-level. family room. 2400 so,, ft.. plu*h interior. Executive area. See and Buy. $49.900. No. 329. J>, bath*, adorable, built-in*, private yard. 2-ce.r garage, carpet* and drapes. $24,750 - No. 400. dining room. Spanish design Seller will carry the loan, no finance charges. $15.500 No 401 birch paneled family room, sliding glass door*. Big cloceta, pluah home, and pluih district. GI. $34.050 No. 403. newy painted, oversized 2-c«r garage, parkay floors, large kitchen, a real cuUe, $19,500 - No. 40«. paneled large living room, built-in*, carpeti. beautiful exterior atone facing. GI terms, $19,500 No. 408. family room, remodeled built-in kitchen, fruit tree*, in pretty yard, top area, $27.750 - No. 410. ju»t painted inside and out, large eating facilities, big wardrobes, e steal at $25.500 No. 414. _ __.._... bigger than normal bedroom. R-2 toning for another home, fireplace, carpet*. $19,500. No. 415. 2 Bedroom, remodeled from front to back, natural kitchen cabinet*, aervtce porch, fully carpeted, GI. $19,500 No. 420. 4 Bedroom very «paclous. large eating facilities. 2 baths, top residential district, If* sharp. $28.000 -- NO 4SS. RESIDENTIAL INCOME-COMMERCIAL-LAND-TRUST DEEDS 2 S Bedroom homes, each have 2 full bath* and dining rooms, 50x175 ft lot. FP $37,500 our No 1M GI no down. Duplex. 1-3 Bdrm., 1-1 Bdrm.. $26,950 on #451. Mountain lot In Idylwild. Va- cation spot or retirement FP $4,500 Wlllexchange for small Income #357 Dog and Cat Kennel with 2 bedroom house plus office. MO- 000 FP 10x40 Block bldg. con- crete runs. #367 2-4 Unit Bldgs. "Twins: studio apt*, all 2 bedrooms. 180,000 PP with $12,000 Dn. #356 Garage and service station, 4 twin post Hoist. 3 compressor*. 5 gasoline tanks, a fabulous existing business For more In- formation, Call about #359. S Unite Office. Sharp. Major Blvd. Ample parking. Near schools. #458 36 Units. « separate bldgs. Will sell one or all. FP $309,- 000. All 3 bedrooms with l\ oaths #362 4 beautiful deluxe units, All 3 bedrooms, some studio apt*. No. Torrance. $89,950 FP. #155 2 on a lot. Plush 3 A fam. room, room for trailer, plus 2 bedroom rental. Sharp. Tor- rance area. #350 M-l and C-l lot on Rosecrana near Van Ness Blvd. 144x120. will lease to right party. #160 ft Units in Inglewood. Priced at $78,000. Owner wants to trade up. Submit. #454 20 Units with Pool. $220.000 FP, $25,000 dn. Groas Income $30.250 Submit #158 19 large deluxe Units. $25,000 dn, $199.000 full price Prime rental area. #151 For Lease 3000 sq ft. Com- mercial bldg. So. Vermont in Gardena. #152 Vacant Lot—Speculate. Island of Hawaii. FP $1,70000 with $50000 Dn. #370. Duplex-1-3 Bdrm with 2 baths. 1-2 Bdrm. Huge lot. $35,000 for #366. 9 stucco units. 164,800. Corner lot. 5.75 terms gross #450 NOTICE: Trades accepted on any property listed by Fred- ericks Realty. Call today. Trust Deeds bought and Sold. L'all Mr Fredericks at 320-2222 FRED FREDERICKS GARDENA-NO. TORRANCE 2150 REDONDO BEACH BLVD. DA 3-5761 3 LARGE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU TORRANCE OFFICE 2035 W. CARSON ST. IAI Arlington Aval FA 0-2222 OHM f A.M. TO 7 P.M. DAILY HAWTHCRNE-LAWNDALE 13821 INGELWOOD AVE. OS 9-9791 Real Estot* HOMES FOR SALI Reol Estott ; Real Estate FOR SALI 90 HOMES FOR SALI CALL 532-6222 P24 3 BR 1 bath, patio, new paint. Ol no dn. ... N21-J BR 1 bath, natl* drapej. rarpet... will Mil 0 BR. 1 bath drapre. rarpeta. patio. O I nn iln Hll -3 BR. 1 r.a H W (In. carp. drp«. Will Mil OI I P31- >th. fu»«l houM. pool, patio .... ith. earpeta. drapes, submit P22 i BR. 1 Nith. rum i PJ5 3 BR. 1 bulb, rnrp . drupe; patio. OI no dn. N.4 .1 BR 1 bathi. lam rm ratio, built-in R12 4 BR. 2 ha Carrlafedale hm* . nil *trs. OI no dn. 811 4 BR. 2 bath, beautiful WOOD HOME, all atra* Cell for Free 32-Page Picture Catalog of Hornet Let ui tend you « photo fact theet with the ad- dresi, down payment and monthly payment. AT K-MART CENTER CALL 532-6222 TAYLOR REAL ESTATE 18427 AVALON BLVD. CALL 532-6222 Call ui tor a Free 32-Page Picture Catolog of Homes. Let in tend you a photo fact iheet with the addrets, down payment and monthly payment. (~T- .' BR 1 bath carp . fenced yd . lubmlt . 113.!« > P;* J BK. 1 balh. Jln rm . . arport. will aell O.I. ... il5.'.i.'« 2 BR. 1 bath, rarptts. drapea. O.I. no down . O3» 3 BR. 1 bath. dtn. carpets, will O.L __ .... D35-2 BR. I bath. dr»p*j. garaae. will G I. D34 3 BR. 1 bath. II w (; s-macr. C.I no dn D12 2 BR. 1 balh. carpeted, drapes, rnrered pallo t'J*~'J BR. 1 bath. . jrp. drape., nr. achool. ft I. 134 3 BR. 1 bain. <arp.. dlsp . fenced, will C. I - i bath. H W fir... fenced will aell OI _._._ 1 bath. COT pallo. drape*, fenced. UI no dn. 119.830 . 3 bath, blt-lnt. d w. carp, drapes, O. il».MO I. 1 bath. H W fir . «er. porch, carp.. O.I. . .SI9.HO _ _ _ _ :. 1 bath, h w flo. patio, nu paint. G 1. no dn. 119.980 IX16-I BR 2 bath. r«m rm . pallo. BBvJ. iiibmlt offer 21.SOU KM 4 BR. t bath. rum. rm . rarpm. C, I .. Ilt.900 .|17.'.>>l 119.100 LOTS FOR SALE 10* Ql.SOO D15 3 BR. 2 bath's. bit-Ins. H'W fli. patio, will OI . i M.290 311-3 BR. 1 Nalh. hulll-ln- d *. patio, lubmlt - : 24.M' D39 3 BR. l'i hallo, h w flo . rot pallo. Inter-corn. 25.290 C32 3 BR. 2 bath VACANT. FT. blt.-ln«. carpel O.I. 25.25n Dll 3 BR. 2 balha. bit-Ins. D/W. fireplace, carpets... ] JS.430 ( 28 4 BR. i! haihu. H W flu rum. rmT carpet. <Tl ._ 25.300 C3» 3 BR. 2 hath». Patio, F P. Bit.-Ins. will sell C.I. . 15,130 dn.. C35 3 BR. 2 bathi. ln>ulated. Bit.-In D/W. C.I m tit 3 BR. 2 balh. patio, d/w. I/a. C.I no di C14 3 BR. 2 bath. d'w. bit-Inn, f p. C.I. no di DJ.V-1 BR. 2 ba.. cov. patio. bll.-ln». cul-de-«a.-. Will OI Dll 3 BR. 2 ba.. new drpi.. carp . patio. CI no dn. B44-3 BR. 2 batha. landscape. F/P bit-Ins. O I. no dn. B-.*-.1 BR. 2 bath«, pstlo. Urea lot tree*. OI no dn. A.W-.1 BR. 2 bath«. fam. rm tult-lnv F/P will O.I.... R36 - I BR. 2 bath, tarn rm . bit-Ins., patio. OI no do. rw>- 3 RR. 'i bAth. cnv pallo. playhouw. iprlnklers _ B2S 3 BR. 2 batha. d/w F/P. bit-Inn, carp, drapee _. E36 3 BR. I s, bath fam rm . d w . arp OI no dn. C.'4 4 BR. 2 bath, firaplace bit-Inn, rarp. C. I. no dn. I E37- 4 BR. 2 ba.. bit -ln«. drape>. forced air heal, C..I. _. E17-4 BR. 2 ba.. h, w fir. corner, lirm »q. «.. will O.L M.990 «»-3 BR. 2 bath, patio, sprinkler., d w. 226 <IM. . M.HO IOi-3 BR. 2 bath. d/w. patio f p carpal*. O I. CM 3 BR. : hat In. bit-Inn, d w. fireplace. O.I. C34-- .1 BR. 2', baili«. cu.t bit . f n. bll-lni will CI E27-.1 BR. 2 batha. POOL, corner lot. H W llr. 01. B31 S BR, 2 balha. d/w. F P. drapea. O.I. B43 S BR .1 balM. dii-h/w. fireplace. O.I. no dn.. D22 3 BR. 1 ba pine fir- F P. rtteh'w Will OI. D14-«3 BR. 2 baths, ponl-atia lot pallo. f/p. OI no dn E33 4 BR 3', bath. 2 .lory. FT> diapea rarpa. O.I. DIS 4 BR 1 ha . .-or patio F P RH -in. CI no dn. A23 I BR. 2 halha. pallo bit Ini. r*rp. will <e|t O.I ~ aSo «AL ESTATIWomttaJll* El« « BR. 2 bath.'patio bll-lni. rarp r p. Will C.I. J9M r>21 4 BR. 2 he. . dt>h>« Dvl Anu. tlllla CI no dn. SMM IAPARTMINTS . BR. 2 baths. 2 atorv. po,,j-.|«e lot. all _.._ B37 4 BR. 3 bath. 3 «tory. RBO 23nn », ft. B2S 4 BR. 2 hathn. iprlnkler* F P aubmlt any offer D27--4 BR . 2 belli. 2 "lory e»,eptmn«i pall", all extras *31.29» Ell -3 Rr 2 Ratha Cuei home, all extras. O no dn 1-11.800 BIT 4 BR 2 batha. 2 story, bit -Ine. carp., will O I 111 5OO P33 J Br 1 Balhn home with all extras. OI Sl.SM £31 .1 BR. 2 hathi. mm rm blt-ln> pallo. C t no dn. AJS .1 BR 2bath». Intercom. b]t-ln» f pi O I -~. . i 121 4 RR. 2 bath. BflLDERS RCPOSHCflSION : pi 3 BR. 2 balh. BUILDERS RCPOMIUSION . I "r-t SB- 2 °«In J *">• '"•"'v D' w- CP'- <*n»»»JH' -5 BR. 2 ba, lnd«cp .prtnVlara. pallo. wln<n._-i '-"33—I BR.' IS bath flrepia*. d/w. 'patio. "oX'nojial 25~f St IV 3 r'11 «Pni«l'. Inl-eom. 1TW. Will OI •33—I BR. 2 bath 2 .lory, blt-lna. d w. iubmlt . BR. 2 bathe, 't "lory. P,HI| dfw. fireplace . , 3 balh. POOL, fa K»— I BR. 3 batha. fame r CALL 532-6222 G.I. RESALE NO DOWN G.I. * OR F.H.A. TERMS * 3 BEDROOMS I '/, BATHS FORCED AIR HIAT WALL TO WALL CARPETING FIREPLACE LOVELY PATIO CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND SHOPPING THIS HOME IS IN TORRANCE, ON A TREE LINED STREET, IT IS IMMACULATE AND SHOWS PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE. INCOME PROPERTY 2 TO 12 UNITS LOW DOWN PAYMENT HOMES LESS THAN 10% DOWN WEINSTEIN REALTOR rl£Sl FR I. n 11, If am. call FA 14344 HOME & INCOME 3 Unit* en 40 * 253 ft lot I 2-badroom carpets, drapet fa rase, patio rentB for I12S mo 1 Unit on rear 1 bVdroom furnuhed renu for HO mo Mallei movmi north and wanta to sacrifice wm« equity for quick aale Reduced to 134 * Ml $I8,750-GI gpic * Span 2 bediouin wuh formal dinnii room hardwoe floori <:hoica uaifhburhond Wllmlnjion 2 car detached f< TERMINAL REALTY INC. I3CM)510 Fr»d Boon*, R««lter (NW corner of 220th 4 Mala. Torranca) $24,950 G.I. RESALE «> are quit* proud home. 3 h*drfmm» Miff* living room with flreplar*. |\ tains hiiilt-in. \V W i-*rp*tln* antl ,lrap«. mlddl' Closed Sunday MARIE MURPHY REALTY .'IK E I annn TE 5-7183 I1TV--,1 dbi g BatatS if * * + it * ASStTlE «T- FHA IX)A>| Payment I1M Includlnc laxe, and Iniuranr' on thin .' bed room stucco Near (ieneral Honpital and irhools $19 5OV Tun bedroom and den elur en. acroea the til reel from Cat- hill Elementary School Ou' "ORANfsAWYER tlOO -J BDRMS I ROOMS. MI-IM *< INCOMI MOMRTY Re*Jdent!el 100 By Ownerj No Broken l.VMM* PUia d'l A 8Unrh 4 3-Bdrm unfurn « I-Bdrm turn Income $860 Make Offer DA 9-3097 RUT HOMIS INCOME prop»rll-»- I unt * ~ unm. nwn»r "111 ran loan afl»r dnwn payment I; .-"me TR5 ____ TE4-4TM HOTILS. MOTILS 134 NCOME tOPIITT lutineti, Indutrrial 10) i M-TS ; i.or "ne ;-Bdrm . '»o l-Bdrm Income |2Oi month Full price 1111(100 NO POWN PATMENf Payment 1130 p. nmnth l.Ut E Totmi ft Wilm Call after « p m K&-34M TRAILIRS for Rent 1M ftullnln, for l l parking area arh't «lvp «i ase. 16*1 tl» WK (-4^.- R-3 LrOTtf>w>4ACll 3Q»i»w. A* in* >4».000-«U,006 down wilt «ell on* sepsralelr Own er .nul^ite tn •»» ll»'-> B"Wl<.r Realtor I.* ..vwi JX-SOO WE PAY YOU! ALL CASH You Per No i'barns Immadiata ialr—No \Valllnf Condition N«t Important Tttr Appralral Rradv Reall> - ZIT W Car«oti TE 5-64S3 FA 0-1970 120 " V P* 81 . L"m|te VCwTV decorated 2 bedroom 10QB W O- 81 04» week Idudlng utilities_____ 'KRV !»r«. : btfrm t'hlldren OK. 134911 wk in. I utilili.e included Neptune LEAN 3 Redroom apt. 134 3i> wk. UUI tacloded tS w. -cr m.. wiimintti UHT LAI bdrm ( •J4SOJ a. Extra l«e. 2 i OktClll. mcl VERT nice ] OK. 134 JO •15 Wllnilnj riLKI.NOTOir! best SB Rasa PI Children OK H4 SO week Incl utilities Wllmlnfton t'EWLT >!••• J bdrm deluxe Children OK. KM SO Ltll Incl m W. O Apt 10 W MO. OR WK LT. 3 Bdi Water, trash pd ChUdrmi ( Call tew-ifa alter I p.m. p.T NICE 2 bdrm Childr "4SO wk. in.I uiilltl Wllmtnit''n. Clean, jt, rrl RCNAT atlrax'lve e. Wilm. .._ IATAL Precaution infor- mation. Phone March Dimes _____ Ma-3M9 SPIC & SPAN & SQUEAKY CLEAN Offering the ultimate in mod ern tonfanlaac* pniacjr $179 per month. v*irat nuuit rant aad security d e p o a I inova* you in. > Bidrooi ludia Api . I full 4 2 '. hatln eeparata dlnlnf roan deluie rarpeta 4 drapea bull) lias, aubtcrraaaan urkiiif Adult MetlMt—alao aw about R'EDOJ KsJ Mrm. oultt-adults. a pats. Inquire. Mutt Paooayl vanla. Lomlta.________ VIS.: 143 BEDROOM! In Wllmlng ca location, w/w * "I Wa54lfc UBHBD ona bedroon apt., tub A thower. wall/wal tarpeia refrlieralor, ian|e aahtni rnai-hlne lonnectiom J75 month I&2*', W 32ft-0l43 i-.rpo *Mh iPACTOUS > bdrm unfurn «i.t Hardwood floora Auto waah M hookup Amplr nff- ( tiae parkuii Children *el.ome tluo per mo IS24 W 22Tth HOUSU HOUSIS UnfurnltWH 124 2 BDRM 3t">e a lefrl* fill, pd »!«» l'hll.1 pet OK Wll- -ilniton. 378-SOB> before JO m * after 8 P m BDRM rnupl (-a E :i» si T< 835-Oil nly WS mo. 14J MONTH Rfnt Purchase * bedroom f»nr»d Hose to all " hnnie A hopplnr K>v at ilW Pf.R MONTH 3 bedrooms, 2 hath!, double teratft OI hny i,om-. with no down pay- ment and rent through ea- Children and pan wal- come Raymac Realty 3TO-g>?l PF.R MrtVTII 3 be3room. rtr den fenced yard. OI iv no» «l(h no down p*y- 130 Private 'nlr»n.-e and private home nan Ave . Wllmlngtnn rRIVATE room 4 ;'Vte'i furni.hed 154 RIVATB llr board 4 room p'rEate. " ' OS-'ym R1VATB llr bo« private ambulator prival*. ambulato P1.AZA HOTEL. Dally KaM- ftrrv. quiet, claan rm». Ooeaf arum*- 6.11) and Wert^; 17JO Cabntlo inf <il7 HftTEL-Pally et. ,-l»an P«r«- RKP Rm fit' wk S4O mo. k r.itra for TE 4 vat with .ia»-«j<«i STORES. OFFICES . Torrance Bird. FA 1 Tw rtht ,w Bird. To BUSINISS Nr Rent or Le«e 144 rREET Druf Abut* uttratare., Phone March olPtmee. ; OARAOD rW»mt»tJ 14« rlruj- For Sato FURNITURI IM •*• SACRIFICE * I bnufnt tin of (ond maees fumllura. S rnnni In all - chidlnt APPLIANCE* I hare never lak'n delinty. MAS NEVER BKEN OMDl. Pieaa* bur tats eattrem ou» only for thebalaao* leW which la MM anreaMi vour own terms * memtt down Con.nta of n plamsaR maple livinc room. 10 piac* master b a r o o m aulis § piece cnmpleta bunk bed rroup. S plera drop u»f mapla dinette All brand new. time and r'frtferalor included. » all IM§ 12 i r HOUSE FULL OF MODERN FURNITURE. FACTORY CANCELLATION R'frlf . . Many extras. NoUilnf Ilka H Orlf. 'value iwa. Tou fft only IJ» u LOW as U wtW. Buyallorp«n rrtEERTdlt. AOR nil NEEDED. FREE «we Open weekdaya. f .f p n, Tu'»d*> and iaiurday a-f to I p m Sundaya 12-5 p.m. FA 1-0930 k5 ROOMS * Prom Model Hom»i X rm« of new hard r<xa mapla. modern or Spaniah fur niture f applUacaa. Or'f price niK. fjt —- —— •* i-ludae a-pc pc lit rat. Umpa S-pc i tet t range refrtf |8 4*- Itvi M wk Out of .late era- dli OK (e« at Friartdly Furniture StorM 1SJ44 Hawthorne Bl. m-nTT ila aai toS » iun. 1} lei a City el Hawthorne, dally rlfl. _4«r-£ D W9<) month ~Nn raah e<l«.l Ul'rUUV 8, nils .S HA ' .-.-.--. REPHmEHATAR I'H* bit deluxe in.-Hi L*r«e noaa top freater eeparaU meat chiller itamleta neat ihelvaa 4 ahelvo in do: r. Brand new from model hoo.e H'll for tl4i.l4 no caah neij- ed jual pay U M pat niomb. 8ra ajijrtime. RETURNED FRO MOVIE STUDIO Hou.eful of new Ipaa- itli furnitura Wta oiifinaljy tl^e Will M,nfi,e for ttft KHIIIT foot quillet tofa eV i-hali oak . of l«, table J end tablea. '.' lanipe Triple drass- ^. 4 minor KI!»0 head noaid i romiu.xtr. KIN'C nialtitaji b<>x eprtDfK aad frame SKVKN piate dlnelta Appliancea 4 lenu available 8«e at BAT SHORE rU- TURE leMO Haw Blvd , Lawndala. Uaily til 'ill «.uo 12-S »70- fa n l.wnrpooI. Ufa tl dry«rJW. Call Mr-USD afur 4 »9

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Page 1: SERVICE THAT SATISFIES up. Submit. #454 20 Units with Pool. $220.000 FP, $25,000 dn. Groas Income $30.250 Submit #158 19 large deluxe Units. $25,000 dn, $199.000


RtwH i«f0t«) Red EstateH6MI5 tod SALI tO HOMIS P6R SAL*

Real EstateReal Estate___ ______ ___ HOMES FOR SALi ffl HOMIS FOR SALT


"SERVICE THAT SATISFIES"4 Bedrwim. Family room. Covered Patio. Fireplace. 2 baths. 1700 sq ft.. GI Terms. 129.900 No. 107J Bedroom, older frame. Cutie Pie condition, large tot, full service porch, carpets, drapes. S15.2M - No 103.3 Bedroom. Den. Brick fireplace Builtin kitchen, pretty secluded yard. Near schools. J2.V9.Vl - No 1043 Bedroom. 2 baths, new carjiets, pool, patio with wet bar. fireplace, corner lot, aharp. $29.MO No. 106.3 Bedroom. larRe family home. 2 pretty baths, tiled kitchen with built ins. fireplace. 1(KV nn.. $28.500 No. 107.2 Bedroom, huge secluded rear yard with BBQ. hardwood floors, nice carpets. Owner leaving area. IIS.PM) -- No 108.3 Bedroom, family room, dining room, fireplace with BBQ. Builtina. sliding glass door, GI Terms. $28..V>0 No. 110.3 Bedroom. Beautiful formal dining room. Bedroom.' an- huge, de.'tixe builtin kitchen. 2 baths, fireplace. GI Term*. 131.980 No. 112.3 Bedroom, paneled, large comer lot. prime district. l'i baths, niro carpeL«. prime area, $2.\9.V) No 115.3 Bedroom. 14\26 family room, bulltins. dishwasher, new carpets, custom drapes, gorgeous. GI. $27.500 No. 116.3 Bedroom. 1*« bath. Beautifully landscaped, freshly painted, plush carpets, a doll house. $28.950 No. 117.3 Bedroom. Remodeled deluxe builtin kitchen with dishwasher, roved linoleum, room for boat. G I.. $24.750 No. 120.2 Bedroom. Sharp, comfy home, loads of paneling, terrace rear yard, seller leaving area. Sharp. GI. $17.900 No. 121.3 Bedroom. 12x14 dining room, sliding glass doors, fireplace, forced air heat, builtina. Top area. $34.000 No. 122.4 Bedroom, all modern, open beam ceiling, tear living room, bulltins. 2 baths, near all schools. $32,950 -- No. 123..1 Bedroom. 3 baths. 20x3* famiy n>om. raised hearth fireplace, dining mom. 18x36 HAF pool. $38.000 No. 124.3 Bedroom, separate formal dining room, double garage, large wardrobes, full service porch. GI. $24.500 - No. 127.2 Bdroom. 9h«rp. Sharp. Sharp, big 50x120 ft. lot like new carpets and drapes .sprinklers, double garage. $21.950 - No. 130.3 B*vtro»m. King sl» rear kitchen, garden yard with brick BBQ in patio, shake roof. 2 baths. Ol. $23,950 No. 131.3 Bedroom, like new remodeled clear thru. 5 l«'' existing GI loan, like new carpets and drapes, Immaculate. $22.900 No. 1332 Bedroom, large detached work shop, home looks like new. R-3 zoning for units. Vacant, see. $21.950 No 134.4 Bedroom. Sharp, beautiful landscaped, formal drapes in living room. 2 baths, big closets, quiet street. $26,500 No. 135.3 Bedroom, family room. Merit Btillt. lots of cabinets, modern built in kitchen, prime area. $34.750 - No. 138.3 Bedroom. Den. 2', baths, fireplace, huge living room. Master Bedroom, all modern gadgets. $36.500 - No. 149.1 Bedroom, on building lot. 82x240. tone variance for 3 home*. Top Torrance district Asking $25.500 - No. 300.4 Bedroom, provincial designed. 2 pullmans. Pool, bulltins. service porch, patio, plush 2 story home. $36.000 No. 3013 Bedroom, going In foreclosure. 2 batha. huge pie shaped lot. OI resale loan of $23.000 at 6',. asking $26,900 No. 303.! Bedroom, family mom. Custom. 2 baths, beautiful stone fireplace, sliding glass doors, btiiltins, a honey, $32.990 No 30ft.4 Bedroom, triple A clean. 2 story, builtin large rear kitchen, pretty yard, fully carpeted. 2 baths, sprinklers, $32,500 -- No. 308.4 Bedroom, family room plus 2 bedroom Guest home, view of ocean, plush interior, beach property. $42.950 - No. 3073 Bedroom, GI no down, large kitchen with dishwasher, room to expand, near schools, major shopping. $23.500 - No. 309.2 Bedroom. Den. formal dining mom. 2 baths. Spanish design. BBQ. 2 fireplaces, service porch. $31.950 -- No. 310

This hom« looks like a kitchen features all electric huiltin oven and range with hood. All 3 bedrooms are fullv carpeted, and offers deepwardrobes with ad­ ditional cupboards for extra storage. The living room features a beautiful fireplace and sliding glass doors that lead you to a large aluminum covered patio that includes a matching white table with chairs. Acoustical

SPECIAL OF THE WEEKNorth Torrance Beauty

model home. The ceilings and silent electric switches are also featured. The beautiful easy up-keep yard has concrete walk ways, planters with brick mowing edge, and a bounty of blooming flowers. An oversized 2 1 -; car garage with added storage area is also featured. Schools and shopping are near by. We invite you to see one of the prettiest homes in town. Make an appointment to see our No. 128.

CALL FA 0-2222 - DA 3-5761 - OS 9-9791

( Bedroom paneled family room, laree builtln kitchen with service renter, huge patio, carpeted. 2 baths. $26.900 No. 311. 14x24 Den. enormous rear yard with patio plus BBQ. 2 bath*, provincial «tylln«. GI Term*. $27.000 No. 312. family room, huj* rear living mom. huge wardrobe*. 2 bath*, builtln*. fully carpeted. S2.VAOO - No. 313. older hut adorable. 14 bath«. formal dining room, alley for boat entrance, unbeatable. S23.9V) No. 314. Spanish Stucco, corner lot, full dining room, breakfast room, all room* huge, tmall guest home. $32,000 No. 315. large R-2 lot. 90x171. 2", car garage, beautiful garden yard, like living In the country. $28.750 - No 31Bbeautiful, all fancy built-in gadget* R-3 lot for multiple unitii. 10.\xJ20,

I\ bathi. carpeted thniout, fireplace. 1690 MI. ft. GI term*. $31.500 No. SIT. nlder home but very livable, tree aectlon, (29,950 No. 321.

l»t balh*. top l(M-atlon. vacant. FA heat. Seller will trade for umaller units. $23,950 No 327.Marble Estate*, gorgeous Modern 2 iitory. "Udo Model ". home has everything. Comer lot, $49.950 - No. 328.clean and neat, big roomy bedroom*, fully carpeted nice residential area. GI no down $24.250 No. room, pool size yard, fireplace, built-lna. sprinkler*, rarpeta. like new Inside and out. $39.900 No. 330.

Bedroom I*"x22' palm, built-in kllrhen. mnternporary atyllng. spotless. GI Terms. 2 bath». $25.500 No. 332. 3 Bedroom family room, gorgeoui home, sliding gin** doors, aummer palio. big yard, carpet*. GI Terma, $23.500 - No. 333

Bedroom family room, all electric built-in kitchen. Intercom, patio, near new rnrpets. picture window. $25.500 No. 338family room, pool, ha* sprinkler*, built-in*, fireplace, FA heat. 2 bath*. GI or FHA term*. $30.000 - No. 339.Den. large covered patio, mom for boat, 101 .Wx200' zoned R-3. *harp house, future retirement. $37.500 - No. 340.

family room. Sun ray built, home haa all built-in feature*, big 9'x30' patio, GI terma. $24,950 - No. 343.cutle pie, vacant, nice dlatrirt. carpeted. <le«p lot. hardwood floora, GI terms, $19.750 - No. 344.truly modern, open beam ceiling, fireplace, park like yard, picture window*, fancy. $32.900 No. 349.near new carpet*. 42'xlSl lot for future expansion, older frame, but cute. $16,000 No. 142.Sunray built. 2 baths, hardwood floora. built-in*. FA heat, sharp a* tac. $26.960 No. 140.Trt-level. family room. 2400 so,, ft.. plu*h interior. Executive area. See and Buy. $49.900. No. 329.J>, bath*, adorable, built-in*, private yard. 2-ce.r garage, carpet* and drapes. $24,750 - No. 400.dining room. Spanish design Seller will carry the loan, no finance charges. $15.500 No 401birch paneled family room, sliding glass door*. Big cloceta, pluah home, and pluih district. GI. $34.050 No. 403.newy painted, oversized 2-c«r garage, parkay floors, large kitchen, a real cuUe, $19,500 - No. 40«.paneled large living room, built-in*, carpeti. beautiful exterior atone facing. GI terms, $19,500 No. room, remodeled built-in kitchen, fruit tree*, in pretty yard, top area, $27.750 - No. 410.ju»t painted inside and out, large eating facilities, big wardrobes, e steal at $25.500 No. 414.

_ __.._... bigger than normal bedroom. R-2 toning for another home, fireplace, carpet*. $19,500. No. 415. 2 Bedroom, remodeled from front to back, natural kitchen cabinet*, aervtce porch, fully carpeted, GI. $19,500 No. 420. 4 Bedroom very «paclous. large eating facilities. 2 baths, top residential district, If* sharp. $28.000 -- NO 4SS.

RESIDENTIAL INCOME-COMMERCIAL-LAND-TRUST DEEDS2 S Bedroom homes, each have 2 full bath* and dining rooms, 50x175 ft lot. FP $37,500 our No 1M

GI no down. Duplex. 1-3 Bdrm.,1-1 Bdrm.. $26,950 on #451.

Mountain lot In Idylwild. Va­ cation spot or retirement FP $4,500 Wlllexchange for small Income #357

Dog and Cat Kennel with 2 bedroom house plus office. MO- 000 FP 10x40 Block bldg. con­ crete runs. #367

2-4 Unit Bldgs. "Twins: studio apt*, all 2 bedrooms. 180,000 PP with $12,000 Dn. #356

Garage and service station, 4 twin post Hoist. 3 compressor*. 5 gasoline tanks, a fabulous existing business For more In­ formation, Call about #359.

S Unite Office. Sharp. Major Blvd. Ample parking. Near schools. #458

36 Units. « separate bldgs. Will sell one or all. FP $309,- 000. All 3 bedrooms with l\ oaths #362

4 beautiful deluxe units, All 3 bedrooms, some studio apt*. No. Torrance. $89,950 FP. #155

2 on a lot. Plush 3 A fam. room, room for trailer, plus 2 bedroom rental. Sharp. Tor­ rance area. #350

M-l and C-l lot on Rosecrana near Van Ness Blvd. 144x120. will lease to right party. #160

ft Units in Inglewood. Priced at $78,000. Owner wants to trade up. Submit. #454

20 Units with Pool. $220.000 FP, $25,000 dn. Groas Income $30.250 Submit #158

19 large deluxe Units. $25,000 dn, $199.000 full price Prime rental area. #151

For Lease 3000 sq ft. Com­ mercial bldg. So. Vermont in Gardena. #152

Vacant Lot—Speculate. Island of Hawaii. FP $1,70000 with $50000 Dn. #370.

Duplex-1-3 Bdrm with 2 baths. 1-2 Bdrm. Huge lot. $35,000 for #366.

9 stucco units. 164,800. Cornerlot. 5.75 terms gross #450

NOTICE: Trades accepted on any property listed by Fred­ ericks Realty. Call today. Trust Deeds bought and Sold. L'all Mr Fredericks at 320-2222


DA 3-5761



IAI Arlington Aval

FA 0-2222OHM f A.M. TO 7 P.M. DAILY


OS 9-9791


Reol Estott ; Real EstateFOR SALI 90 HOMES FOR SALI

CALL 532-6222P24 3 BR 1 bath, patio, new paint. Ol no dn. ... N21-J BR 1 bath, natl* drapej. rarpet... will Mil 0

BR. 1 bath drapre. rarpeta. patio. O I nn iln Hll -3 BR. 1 r.a H W (In. carp. drp«. Will Mil OI I


>th. fu»«l houM. pool, patio .... ith. earpeta. drapes, submit

P22 i BR. 1 Nith. rum iPJ5 3 BR. 1 bulb, rnrp . drupe; patio. OI no dn.N.4 .1 BR 1 bathi. lam rm ratio, built-inR12 4 BR. 2 ha Carrlafedale hm* . nil *trs. OI no dn.811 4 BR. 2 bath, beautiful WOOD HOME, all atra*

Cell for • Free 32-Page Picture Catalog of Hornet Let ui tend you « photo fact theet with the ad- dresi, down payment and monthly payment.



18427 AVALON BLVD. CALL 532-6222

Call ui tor a Free 32-Page Picture Catolog of Homes. Let in tend you a photo fact iheet with the addrets, down payment and monthly payment.(~T- .' BR 1 bath carp . fenced yd . lubmlt . 113.!« > P;* J BK. 1 balh. Jln rm . . arport. will aell O.I. ... il5.'.i.'« 2 BR. 1 bath, rarptts. drapea. O.I. no down . O3» 3 BR. 1 bath. dtn. carpets, will O.L __ .... D35-2 BR. I bath. dr»p*j. garaae. will G I. D34 3 BR. 1 bath. II w (; s-macr. C.I no dn D12 2 BR. 1 balh. carpeted, drapes, rnrered pallo t'J*~'J BR. 1 bath. . jrp. drape., nr. achool. ft I. 134 3 BR. 1 bain. <arp.. dlsp . fenced, will C. I

- i bath. H W fir... fenced will aell OI _._._ 1 bath. COT pallo. drape*, fenced. UI no dn. 119.830

. 3 bath, blt-lnt. d w. carp, drapes, O. il».MO I. 1 bath. H W fir . «er. porch, carp.. O.I. . .SI9.HO

_ _ _ _ :. 1 bath, h w flo. patio, nu paint. G 1. no dn. 119.980 IX16-I BR 2 bath. r«m rm . pallo. BBvJ. iiibmlt offer 21.SOU KM 4 BR. t bath. rum. rm . rarpm. C, I

.. Ilt.900

.|17.'.>>l 119.100



D15 3 BR. 2 bath's. bit-Ins. H'W fli. patio, will OI . i M.290 311-3 BR. 1 Nalh. hulll-ln- d *. patio, lubmlt - : 24.M' D39 3 BR. l'i hallo, h w flo . rot pallo. Inter-corn. 25.290 C32 3 BR. 2 bath VACANT. FT. blt.-ln«. carpel O.I. 25.25n Dll 3 BR. 2 balha. bit-Ins. D/W. fireplace, carpets... ] JS.430 ( 28 4 BR. i! haihu. H W flu rum. rmT carpet. <Tl ._ 25.300 C3» 3 BR. 2 hath». Patio, F P. Bit.-Ins. will sell C.I. . 15,130dn..C35 3 BR. 2 bathi. ln>ulated. Bit.-In D/W. C.I m tit 3 BR. 2 balh. patio, d/w. I/a. C.I no di C14 3 BR. 2 bath. d'w. bit-Inn, f p. C.I. no di DJ.V-1 BR. 2 ba.. cov. patio. bll.-ln». cul-de-«a.-. Will OI Dll 3 BR. 2 ba.. new drpi.. carp . patio. CI no dn. B44-3 BR. 2 batha. landscape. F/P bit-Ins. O I. no dn. B-.*-.1 BR. 2 bath«, pstlo. Urea lot tree*. OI no dn. A.W-.1 BR. 2 bath«. fam. rm tult-lnv F/P will O.I.... R36 - I BR. 2 bath, tarn rm . bit-Ins., patio. OI no do. rw>- 3 RR. 'i bAth. cnv pallo. playhouw. iprlnklers _ B2S 3 BR. 2 batha. d/w F/P. bit-Inn, carp, drapee _. E36 3 BR. I s, bath fam rm . d w . arp OI no dn. C.'4 4 BR. 2 bath, firaplace bit-Inn, rarp. C. I. no dn. I E37- 4 BR. 2 ba.. bit -ln«. drape>. forced air heal, C..I. _. E17-4 BR. 2 ba.. h, w fir. corner, lirm »q. «.. will O.L M.990 «»-3 BR. 2 bath, patio, sprinkler., d w. 226 <IM. . M.HO IOi-3 BR. 2 bath. d/w. patio f p carpal*. O I. CM 3 BR. : hat In. bit-Inn, d w. fireplace. O.I. C34-- .1 BR. 2', baili«. cu.t bit . f n. bll-lni will CI E27-.1 BR. 2 batha. POOL, corner lot. H W llr. 01. B31 S BR, 2 balha. d/w. F P. drapea. O.I. B43 S BR .1 balM. dii-h/w. fireplace. O.I. no dn.. D22 3 BR. 1 ba pine fir- F P. rtteh'w Will OI. D14-«3 BR. 2 baths, ponl-atia lot pallo. f/p. OI no dn E33 4 BR 3', bath. 2 .lory. FT> diapea rarpa. O.I. DIS 4 BR 1 ha . .-or patio F P RH -in. CI no dn. A23 I BR. 2 halha. pallo bit Ini. r*rp. will <e|t O.I

~ aSo «AL ESTATIWomttaJll*

El« « BR. 2 bath.'patio bll-lni. rarp r p. Will C.I. J9M r>21 4 BR. 2 he. . dt>h>« Dvl Anu. tlllla CI no dn. SMM


. BR. 2 baths. 2 atorv. po,,j-.|«e lot. all _.._ B37 4 BR. 3 bath. 3 «tory. RBO 23nn », ft. B2S 4 BR. 2 hathn. iprlnkler* F P aubmlt any offer D27--4 BR . 2 belli. 2 "lory e»,eptmn«i pall", all extras *31.29» Ell -3 Rr 2 Ratha Cuei home, all extras. O no dn 1-11.800 BIT 4 BR 2 batha. 2 story, bit -Ine. carp., will O I 111 5OO P33 J Br 1 Balhn home with all extras. OI Sl.SM £31 .1 BR. 2 hathi. mm rm blt-ln> pallo. C t no dn. AJS .1 BR 2bath». Intercom. b]t-ln» f pi O I -~. . i 121 4 RR. 2 bath. BflLDERS RCPOSHCflSION : pi 3 BR. 2 balh. BUILDERS RCPOMIUSION . I"r-t SB- 2 °«In J *">• '"•"'v D ' w- C P'- <*n»»»JH'

-5 BR. 2 ba, lnd«cp .prtnVlara. pallo. wln<n._-i

'-"33—I BR.' IS bath flrepia*. d/w. 'patio. "oX'nojial 25~f St IV 3 r'11 «Pni«l'. Inl-eom. 1TW. Will OI •33—I BR. 2 bath 2 .lory, blt-lna. d w. iubmlt .

BR. 2 bathe, 't "lory. P,HI| dfw. fireplace. , 3 balh. POOL, fa

K»— I BR. 3 batha. fame r

CALL 532-6222










WEINSTEIN REALTOR rl£SlFR I. n 11, If n« am. call FA 14344

HOME & INCOME3 Unit* en 40 * 253 ft lot I 2-badroom carpets, drapet fa rase, patio rentB for I12S mo 1 Unit on rear 1 bVdroom furnuhed renu for HO mo Mallei movmi north and wanta to sacrifice wm« equity for quick aale Reduced to 134 * Ml

$I8,750-GIgpic * Span 2 bediouin wuh formal dinnii room hardwoe floori <:hoica uaifhburhond Wllmlnjion 2 car detached f<

TERMINAL REALTY INC. I3CM)510Fr»d Boon*, R««lter

(NW corner of 220th 4 Mala. Torranca)

$24,950G.I. RESALE

«> are quit* proudhome. 3 h*drfmm» Miff* livingroom with flreplar*. |\ tainshiiilt-in. \V W i-*rp*tln* antl,lrap«. • •mlddl'

Closed Sunday


.'IK E I annn

TE 5-7183

I1TV--,1 dbi g BatatS

if * * + it *ASStTlE «T- FHA IX)A>| Payment I1M Includlnc laxe, and Iniuranr' on thin .' bed room stucco Near (ieneral Honpital and irhools $19 5OV

Tun bedroom and den elur en. acroea the til reel from Cat- hill Elementary School Ou'


tlOO -J BDRMS I h»


MI-IM *<

INCOMI MOMRTY Re*Jdent!el 100

By Ownerj No Broken

l.VMM* PUia d'l A8Unrh

4 3-Bdrm unfurn « I-Bdrm turn

Income $860 Make Offer DA 9-3097


INCOME prop»rll-»- I unt * ~ unm. nwn»r "111 ran loan afl»r dnwn payment I; .-"me TR5 ____ TE4-4TM


NCOME tOPIITT lutineti, Indutrrial 10)

i M-TS ; i.or"ne ;-Bdrm . '»o l-Bdrm Income |2Oi month Full price 1111(100 NO POWN PATMENf Payment 1130 p. nmnth l.Ut E Totmi ft Wilm Call after « p m

K&-34M TRAILIRS for Rent 1Mftullnln, for l

l parking area arh't «lvp «i

ase. 16*1 tl» WK (-4^.-

R-3 LrOTtf>w>4ACll 3Q»i»w. A* in* >4».000-«U,006 down wilt «ell on* sepsralelr Own­ er .nul^ite tn •»»

ll»'-> B"Wl<.r RealtorI.* ..vwi JX-SOO


You Per No i'barnsImmadiata ialr—No \Valllnf

Condition N«t ImportantTttr Appralral

Rradv Reall> - ZIT W Car«otiTE 5-64S3 FA 0-1970


" V P*81 . L"m|te

VCwTV decorated 2 bedroom 10QB W O- 81 04» weekIdudlng utilities_____

'KRV !»r«. : btfrm t'hlldren OK. 134911 wk in. I utilili.e included *» Neptune

LEAN 3 Redroom apt. 134 3i> wk. UUI taclodedtS w. -cr m.. wiimintti

UHT LAI bdrm (•J4SOJ

a. Extra l«e. 2 i OktClll. mcl

VERT nice ] OK. 134 JO•15 WllnilnjriLKI.NOTOir! best SB Rasa PI Children OK H4 SO week Incl utilities Wllmlnfton

t'EWLT >!••• J bdrm deluxe Children OK. KM SO w« Ltll Incl m W. O Apt 10

W MO. OR WK LT. 3 Bdi Water, trash pd ChUdrmi ( Call tew-ifa alter I p.m.

p.T NICE 2 bdrm Childr "4SO wk. in.I uiilltl


Clean,jt, rrl RCNAT

atlrax'lve e. Wilm.

.._ IATAL Precaution infor­ mation. Phone March Dimes _____ Ma-3M9


Offering the ultimate in mod ern tonfanlaac* pniacjr $179 per month. v*irat nuuit rant aad security d e p o a I inova* you in. > Bidrooi ludia Api . I full 4 2 '. hatln eeparata dlnlnf roan deluie rarpeta 4 drapea bull)

lias, aubtcrraaaan urkiiif Adult MetlMt—alao aw about


KsJ Mrm. oultt-adults. a pats. Inquire. Mutt Paooayl vanla. Lomlta.________


143 BEDROOM! In Wllmlng ca location, w/w* "I Wa54lfc

UBHBD ona bedroon apt., tub A thower. wall/wal tarpeia refrlieralor, ian|e aahtni rnai-hlne lonnectiom

J75 month I&2*', W 32ft-0l43

i-.rpo *Mh

iPACTOUS > bdrm unfurn «i.t Hardwood floora Auto waah M hookup Amplr nff- ( tiae parkuii Children *el.ome tluo per mo IS24 W 22Tth


HOUSIS UnfurnltWH 124

2 BDRM 3t">e a lefrl* fill, pd »!«» l'hll.1 pet OK Wll- -ilniton. 378-SOB> before JO

m * after 8 P m

BDRM rnupl(-a E :i» si T<


nly WS mo.

14J MONTH Rfnt Purchase * bedroom f»nr»d Hose to all " hnnie A hopplnr K>v at

ilW Pf.R MONTH 3 bedrooms, 2 hath!, double teratft OI hny i,om-. with no down pay­ ment and rent through ea- Children and pan wal- come Raymac Realty 3TO-g>?l

PF.R MrtVTII 3 be3room. rtr den fenced yard. OI iv no» «l(h no down p*y-


Private 'nlr»n.-e and private home

nan Ave . WllmlngtnnrRIVATE room 4;'Vte'i furni.hed


RIVATB llr board 4 room

p'rEate. " ' OS-'ymR1VATB llr bo«private ambulator prival*. ambulato

P1.AZA HOTEL. Dally KaM- ftrrv. quiet, claan rm». Ooeaf arum*- 6.11) and Wert^;

17JO Cabntlo

inf <il7

HftTEL-Pallyet. ,-l»an P«r«-

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