ses – introduction moscow – 2011 04.12.2015

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SES – Introduction

Moscow – 2011 18.04.23

1. What does SES examine?

• Socio-economic statistics is a basic scientific discipline in the system of economic education. Statement of discipline involves the interpretation of the basic categories and concepts of statistical science in market conditions in accordance with international statistical standards


1. What does SES examine?

SES is a special, one of the most important sections of statistical science, the type of practical activity of the bodies of state statistics, which deals with quantitative and qualitative characteristics of mass phenomena and processes in the national economy. This is a scientific discipline of applied nature


1.What does SES examine?

• Skillful handling with statistical information promotes the formation of business skills among merchants, managers; the use of statistical methods is necessary in auditing, financial management, forecasting and modeling


1. As the result of studying socio-economic statistics a

student must:

• know the purpose, economic substance and methodology of calculation of basic indicators of socio-economic statistics: statistics of population, labor force and labor market, national wealth, investment, prices, inflation, SNA, production and use of national product, finance, financial and economic calculations, the efficiency of national production, living standards and social statistics


1. As the result of studying socio-economic statistics a

student must:

• acquire the skills of scientific statistical analysis of socio-economic statistics in dynamics and their relationship, as well as forecasting the development of economic and social processes


1. As the result of studying socio-economic statistics a

student must:

• know the current problems of statistical science, due to the market conditions of national economy, international standards of accounting and statistics


1. Preface

• Each topic includes key concepts, definitions and methodology for calculating the economic and social indicators necessary for mastering the material. Moreover, for each topic tasks, tests and questions are proposed in order to assimilate and check your knowledge


1.Subject, methods and objectives of the SES1.Subject, methods and objectives of the SES

Socio-economic statistics SES studies the quantitative aspect of economic and social processes in close connection with their quality side. The subject of socio-economic statistics is the quantitative aspect of massive economic and social phenomena, methods of measurement and analysis of objectively existing phenomena

Socio-economic statistics SES studies the quantitative aspect of economic and social processes in close connection with their quality side. The subject of socio-economic statistics is the quantitative aspect of massive economic and social phenomena, methods of measurement and analysis of objectively existing phenomena


1. What does SES examine?

The simplest indicators of quantitative measurement of economic phenomena are indicators of price dynamics, volume of output, population and labor force, unemployment, the degree of uniformity of the distribution of income, the availability of fixed and working capital etc.


1. What does SES examine?

In some cases, SES measures complex economic processes and phenomena, as well as the relationships between them. For example, using input-output table a digital description of linkages can be given, the relationship between production output branches of national economy and the end product, i.e., products which are used for consumption and accumulation


1. What does SES examine?

The data of economic statistics can provide a systematic quantitative description of all major aspects of the economic process and the economy as a whole. It is required, above all, for the bodies of government control to solve issues related to economic regulation and economic policy-makers


1. SES Objectives

SES objectives are determined by its subject and the requirements by the society. Since the subject of SES is the national economy, its global objective at all stages of development of society is the development of a full and timely information, providing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the national economic development for the President, government and administrative bodies, for the public


1. SES Objectives

At various stages of development of society, global task is specified in accordance with the specifics of the development of national economy and society in general. Thus, in the 90s due to the transition to a market economy the Russian economy has undergone profound qualitative changes, which have set new objectives for the statistics and demanded its reform


1. SES Objectives

Under current conditions the central task of the SES is to create a model of state statistics, adapted to the conditions of market relations on the basis of modern systems of indicators, the methodology of its calculation and data collection methods, consistent with international standards of accounting and statistics


1.1. Subject, methods and objectives of SES Subject, methods and objectives of SES

SES objectivesSES objectives: : а) а) studying the reproduction of the domestic product and studying the reproduction of the domestic product and its main stagesits main stages; ; б)б) analysis of social phenomena that influence the analysis of social phenomena that influence the economyeconomy.. Economic statistics is closely linked to other sections of statisticsTheory of StatisticsTheory of Statistics ascertains the nature, formulates a ascertains the nature, formulates a scientific definition of basic categories and concepts of scientific definition of basic categories and concepts of statistics, developing methods for producing, processing statistics, developing methods for producing, processing and analysis of statistical dataand analysis of statistical data


1. Place of SES in the Science

SES is an independent scientific discipline but the quantitative measurement of economic processes and phenomena is based on the economic theory, the results of research of the qualitative aspects of economic processes, obtained in the framework of the general economic theory and application of various sections of economic science


1. The theoretical basis of SES

is general economic theory, which reveals the entire system of economic phenomena and processes in their interrelationship and interdependence with economic categories and laws


1. Place of SES in the Science

In turn, in economic theory the results of the statistical description of economic processes are used


1. SES and economic theory

• Economic theory is used in statistics as a scientific management to the knowledge of economic reality. However, the relation of statistics with the general economic theory is not one-sided


1. SES and economic theory

• There is a feedback between them: the general economic theory uses statistical information to consider the specific nature of economic laws, the quantity and quality status and trends of economic phenomena and processes, the interrelationships between them and the patterns of development that allows it to discover new phenomena, processes, communications, trends, formulate a new economic laws, i.e. statistics contributes to the enrichment and development of economic theory


1. SES and economic theory

• A distinctive feature of the relationship between SES and general economic theory today is that they engage in parallel, a very intensive development of these sciences in the new dynamic environment that promotes a substantial strengthening of their relationship


1. The methodological basis of SES

is a general theory of statistics, which develops a statistical methodology, i.e. statistical methods for gathering, compiling, processing, presenting and analyzing statistical information


1. Relationship of SES with other economic sciences

SES is inextricably linked to mathematical statistics, which develops mathematical techniques of processing and analyzing statistical data, as well as other sections of statistical science, in particular, with industries statistics, population and social statistics


1. Relationship of SES to other economic sciences

SES does not only use other sciences, statistics and methods. Developing in line with changes occurring in society, SES creates new and improves existing indicators and methods


1. Basics of SES

In SES the questions of application of aggregate statistical methods to a particular subject and object of study are studied


1. Subject, methods and objectives of SES

Economic statistics examines the overall economy, i.e. the process of expanded reproduction. Statistics of industries studies the processes occurring in the given industry. Social statistics studies such phenomena as the standard of living, consuming goods and services by population, education, the reproduction of the material and cultural wealth.All sections of the SES are linked. The unity lies in the fact that all spheres of life having quantitative aspects are inseparable from the qualitative side

Economic statistics examines the overall economy, i.e. the process of expanded reproduction. Statistics of industries studies the processes occurring in the given industry. Social statistics studies such phenomena as the standard of living, consuming goods and services by population, education, the reproduction of the material and cultural wealth.All sections of the SES are linked. The unity lies in the fact that all spheres of life having quantitative aspects are inseparable from the qualitative side


1. Basics of SES

SES explores the national economy, gives a specific digital description of the dynamics of the economic potential of the society in close connection and interdependence with all its elements and analyses the results of human activity in all subsystems of the national economy - industries and economic sectors, economic agents


1. The main objectives of the SES are:

• providing the controlling governmental bodies with the information they need to make decisions on a wide range of issues related to the formation of economic policy, development of various state programs and measures for their implementation


1. The main objectives of the SES are:

• providing with information about economic development and social sphere of enterprise’s and company’s directors, managers, organizers of production and businessmen, necessary for better understanding the macroeconomic environment, in which their companies or enterprises operate, in particular, when making decisions about investment, expanding production, marketing


1. The main objectives of the SES are:

• informing about the main results and trends of socio-economic development of the general public, research institutions, political organizations and individuals


1. SES Objectives

Statistical problems are closely linked with socio-political structure. Thus, in the USSR one of the main tasks of statistics was to monitor the implementation of the plan, but the low priority was given to such important in a market environment indicators, as income, price, finance, profit


1. SES Objectives

Consequently, the main tasks of statistics in a market economy are a systematic description and analysis of the following economic phenomena and processes:

• size and structure of the population, its distribution across regions and territories, the most important indicators of its reproduction


1. Economic phenomena and processes described and analysed by SES:

• national economic resources, their structure and dynamics, the distribution by branches and sectors of the economy, the effectiveness of their use;

• the main results of the economic process, the size and structure of the manufactured product, economic growth, the use of manufactured product on saving (including investments) and consumption, the proportions of branches and sectors in the economy


1. Economic phenomena and processes described and analysed by SES:

• results of production in key sectors of the economy and the most important commodities or commodity groups, as well as the provision of services;

• distribution of income; • primary and secondary distribution, formation of the

final revenue and its use, the differences in the distribution of income between different groups


1. Economic phenomena and processes described and analysed by SES:

• inflation and factors affecting it;• employment and unemployment, the factors

affecting the rates of employment and unemployment;

• the standard of living of the population and its dynamics, key factors influencing the level of welfare, consumption of goods and services, income and savings, household assets, financial assets of households, availability of consumer durables, social and cultural conditions of life


1. Economic phenomena and processes described and analysed by SES:

• the development of social sector, education and health, the relationship between indicators of social sector development and economic growth;

• health condition of population; • housing and communal utilities and services, the

size and structure of the housing stock, public services and amenities


1. Economic phenomena and processes described and analysed by SES:

• investment process, size of investment, and their structure, funding sources and their effectiveness;

• functioning of financial system: the state budget, financial transactions carried out by different sectors of the economy, money supply in circulation, the amount of granted loans, financial debts, the operations of insurance companies, stock market, securities transactions


1. Economic phenomena and processes described and analysed by SES:

• foreign economic relations, the estimation of external market needs;

• loans, structure and dynamics of international reserves;

• development of science and technology, the impact of technological progress on economic growth;

• the condition of environment and measures for its protection, the costs of environmental protection


1. Economic phenomena and processes described and analysed by SES:

• production and technological linkages between the branches of the economy, the relationship between final demand and production in key sectors of the economy on the basis of input-output model;

• the most important quality characteristics of economic development: productivity, productivity of capital resources and other economic resources;

• characteristic of economic agents


1. The subject of investigation of SES is national economy

The object of investigation of SES: it investigates economic and social processes and phenomena that take place at the level of the national economy as a single national economic complex


1. The objective of SES is

obtaining quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the specific results of human activities in the national economy in the unity of all its subsystems.

• Thus, SES is exploring the massive economic, social processes and phenomena at the macro level, reveals the inherent regularity, gives quantitative-qualitative characteristics of the economic laws in specific circumstances


2. SES system of indicators

In accordance with the its object and purpose, SES construct a system of indicators, i.e. the set of specific quantitative and qualitative statistical characteristics of the national economy


2. SES system of indicators

consists of 3 groups:

1. Statistics of the economic potential of society:

• population, labor force and labor market;

• national welfare


2. SES system of indicators

2. Statistics of economic performance:

• production and use of national product;

• market of goods and services;

• cost of production of goods and services;

• finances;

• efficiency of economic performance


2. SES system of indicators

3. Statistics of living standards:

• people’s income;

• consumption of goods and services;

• condition and development of industries serving the public


2. SES system of indicators

Each of these groups is constructed as a system of indicators of individual economic phenomena, only their set gives an estimation of the status and development of the national economy as a whole


2. Features of SES indicators:

1) variety of indicators

They may be natural, cost and labor, absolute and relative, quantitative and qualitative, individual and shared, concerning industry, regional and national economy, varied in quality depending on the nature of the phenomena and processes


2. Features of SES indicators:

2) relationship and the unity of indicators allowing to describe the complex process of development of national economy of Russia


2. Features of SES indicators:

3) historic nature of the system of indicators, by which changes in the economy necessarily require appropriate changes in the system of SES indicators


2. SES System of Indicators

The central link of the reform of statistics – the switch to the application of scientifically based system of SES indicators, responsive to market conditions, the requirements of its effective functioning in the interests of society and the international standards


3. Macroeconomic models of statistics

The Russian system of accounting and statistics was based on the Marxist concept of social production before the transition to a market economy and was intended to examine the economy based on public ownership of means of production and centralized planning


3. Macroeconomic models of statistics

Macroeconomic model of the system was the balance of peoples’ economy BPE - a system of tables that characterizes the conditions, processes and results of the reproduction of material goods and services


3. Macroeconomic models of statistics

International accounting and statistical system used by almost all countries in the world, is used to describe and analyse the development of market economy, which implies the existence, equality and the relationship of independent economic entities in all areas, regardless of whether they produce tangible products or provide intangible services


3. Macroeconomic models of statistics

The results of those and the other’s work took the form of goods. Macroeconomic model of this system is the System of National Accounts SNA, which under present conditions has become an important section of the SES and the overall system of economic information about market economies


3. SNA -

a system of interrelated indicators and classifications used to describe and analyze the most common results and aspects of the economic process at the macro level, based on the use of such an important admission of accounting, as the principle of double-entry operations, as well as on the table and the balance of statistical methods


3. SNA

International organizations are engaged in developing standards for national accounting. At present, the current standard is the UN SNA of 2008, approved by the UN Statistical Commission


3. SNA

SNA is formulated in the concepts, categories and terms of the market economy. Consider those without an understanding of which the further study of the course SES is not possible


3. Economic Production

The source for SNA is the concept of economic production and economic activity.

Economic production is an area where the production of national product takes place


3. Economic Production

• In the SNA the concept of economic production covers the production of almost all goods and services except for services rendered by housewives for cooking, keeping homes clean, child-rearing, etc. because such activity is difficult to estimate


3. Economic Activity

• This shows that economic activity is all activities which produce goods and services for market


3. Economic turnover

• The central category of SNA is the economic turnover, which is the reproduction of the social product. In the SNA, it is represented as production, consumption and accumulation of national product. Participants in the economic turnover are institutional units, combined in branches of the economy


3. Institutional unit

• Institutional unit is such a unit of management, which owns the assets, has the right to conduct economic activity, has a full set of accounts and shall be fully responsible for its obligations


3. Assets

• Assets are the economic objects in the respect of which the institutional units (individually or collectively) shall exercise the right of property and from which can be obtained economic benefits in the form of profit, income from property and other. The concept of liabilities (the sources of formation of assets) is inextricably linked with the concept of assets


3. There are two groups of institutional units:

• 1) legal entities (companies, corporations, banks, insurance companies, government entities, etc.);

• 2) households - a group of people (or one person) living in the same room, pooling all of their income and assets (or part of them) and jointly implementing spending on consumption goods and services, mainly for housing and food


3. Institutional units

• Institutional units are classified in terms of their interests in the economic territory of the country's residents and nonresidents


3. Economic territory

• Economic territory is this territory under the administrative control of the government, within which the free movement of persons, goods and capital are provided. It also includes the islands, airspace, territorial waters, continental shelf in international waters, in the respect of which the jurisdiction of the country extends


3. Economic territory

• “The territorial enclaves” in other countries of the world are the plots of land on the territory of other countries, used by the Government under the conditions of lease or ownership rights for the diplomatic, scientific or other purposes. Embassies, consulates, trade and other representations of the country abroad are placed there


3. Residents

• Residents are natural or legal entities residing in this country for at least 12 months and have its center of economic interest here. Center for the economic interests of nonresidents is transferred to the economic territory of other countries


3.Residents and nonresidents

• Nonresidents are governments of foreign countries, international organizations, their missions and offices, foreign embassies located in the country, foreign companies, including companies located abroad, the owners of foreign property residing in this country; individuals who are habitually resident abroad, including those visiting this country



• The scope of economic activity of residents is related to the domestic economy. A national economy is supplemented by an economic activity of residents on the economic territory of the country minus the performance of residents abroad


3. Implementation of the SNA in statistical practice

• Implementation of the SNA in statistical practice is a lengthy process, which is carried out in stages through the transition from BPE to SNA. The final stage of the transition will be the organization of national accounting, coordinated with the introduction of international standards in accounting


4. Major classes used in the SES

• SES uses the grouping as the most important way of studying the socio-economic phenomena and as a tool for organizing information, its ordering, analysis, storage and efficient retrieval.

• In statistical practice, a lot of classes with specific purpose are applied, the main are listed below:


4. Major classes used in the SES

• 1) by countries of the world; • 2) by administrative-territorial units: the Federal

Districts, economic areas, regions, territories, autonomous republics, regions and districts, cities;

• 3) by economic regions; • 4) by ownerships: federal, municipal, public

associations (organizations), private, Russian, foreign, mixed Russian and foreign


4. Major classes used in the SES

• 5) by the organizational and legal forms of enterprises and organizations;

• 6) by the size of enterprises;• 7) by economic sectors: industry, agriculture,

forestry, construction, other activities, transportation, communications, wholesale and retail trade, catering, information and computer services… continued


4. Major classes used in the SES

• continued• real estate transactions, general commercial

activities on the functioning of the market, geology and prospecting, geodesic and hydro-meteorological service, housing, utilities, non-productive types of consumer services, health, physical education and social welfare… continued


4. Major classes used in the SES

• continued• public education, culture and art, science and

scientific services, finance, loans, insurance, pensions, management, public associations (the sector of the economy means a collection of companies or their units, which are located in one place and occupied by one kind of basic industrial activity)


4. Major classes used in the SESS

• 8) by the kind of economic activity;

• 9) by the type of goods and services;

• 10) by the separation of the population: by sex, age, ethnicity, educational level, place of residence (urban, rural), employment, unemployment, income, level of social protection


4. Major classes used in the SES

• An important tool for achieving the reliability and comparability of statistics in the current conditions of the country's transition to market relations and the development of integration processes with the international community is the unified classification and coding system established in Russia (UCCS)


4. Major classes used in the SES

• UCCS is the set of all-Russian classifications of technical, economic and social information; means of classification; normative and methodological documents on their development, maintenance and use. UCCS establishes uniform methodological and organizational basis of the work on classification and coding of information, as well as composition, content and procedure of these operations



• Classification is a division of a set of objects of technical, economic and social information on a subset of their similarities or differences in accordance with the approved methods, is divided into hierarchical and faceted


4. Hierarchical classification method

• Hierarchical classification method is a sequential division of a set of objects to subordinate classification groups. This division is made first on a selected basis to the major classification groupings, and then each of them is divided by another feature on a number of subsequent groups, specifying the object of classification. Thus, the subordination (hierarchy) is established between the classification groups


4. Faceted classification method

• Faceted classification method is a parallel separation of a set of objects into the classified independent groupings. In this case the set of information objects described by a set of independent facets (lists), no rigid relationship with each other, which can be used separately for various tasks


4. Coding

• For the formal description of a given set of objects coding is used. Coding is assigning a classification code grouping or classification of an object for their unequivocal identification in classifications according to the chosen method of coding using the signs (symbols)


4. Coding

• Code is a sign or set of signs taken to refer to the classification group or object classification. Encoding allows the efficient automated processing of information


4.Classifier• Normative document containing a systematic list

of names and codes of classification groups and classification of objects is called a classifier. The status of the classifiers are equated to the relevant categories of standards.

• Depending on the scope and level of acceptance (approval) classifiers are divided into the following categories: Russian, industrial (departmental) and classifiers of enterprises


4. Russian classifier

• National Classification NC is adopted by Russian State Standard and is required for use in certain areas, installed by the developer in consultation with the relevant ministries. A whole system of Russian classifiers, most of which are based on existing international classifiers


4. Industrial classifier

• Industrial classifier is made by the Ministry or department of the RF and is required for application by all enterprises of the ministry or department.

• Classifier of enterprises is taken now or association of enterprises and applies only to those economic entities


4. International classifier

• International classifier is adopted by an international organization. Use of international classifiers is provided by full or partial inclusion of their content in domestic classifiers or by the development of conversion keys


4.Automated Classifier Bank

• On the basis of the data center the Rosstat created an Automated Classifier Bank (ACB) is an open, distributed informational system reliable for management and distribution of Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information on storage media. ACB is intended for use as an information basis for solving problems in the athletic nature of the various levels of government


4. The Russian classifiers of statistical information

• Basic Russian classifiers of statistical information. Table 1 on the following page:


Table 1:№


Наименование классификатора Условное обозначен


1 2 3

1 Общероссийский классификатор информации об общероссийских классификаторах


2 Общероссийский классификатор управленческой документации


3 Общероссийский классификатор единиц измерения


4 Общероссийский классификатор стран мира


Continuation of Table 1 (1)1 2 3

5 Общероссийский классификатор валют ОКВ

6 Общероссийский классификатор органов государственной власти и управления


7 Общероссийский классификатор объектов административно-территориального деления


8 Общероссийский классификатор экономических регионов


9 Общероссийский классификатор форм собственности


10 Общероссийский классификатор организационно-правовых форм


11 Общероссийский классификатор предприятий и организаций


Continuation of Table 1 (2)12 Общероссийский классификатор видов

экономической деятельности, продукции и услуг


13 Общероссийский классификатор продукции


14 Общероссийский классификатор финансовых активов


15 Общероссийский классификатор основных фондов


16 Общероссийский классификатор информации о населении


17 Общероссийский классификатор занятий ОКЗ

18 Общероссийский классификатор профессий рабочих, должностей служащих тарифных разрядов



Continuation of Table 1 (3)

19 Общероссийский классификатор специальностей по образованию


20 Общероссийский классификатор специальностей высшей научной квалификации


21 Общероссийский классификатор начального профессионального образования


22 Общероссийский классификатор информации по социальной защите населения


23 Общероссийский классификатор услуг населения


• Ready to answer all your questions

• Thank you for your attention! See you later!
