session 4: adopting a holistic approach and promoting long-term sustainability goals workshop on...

1 Green ICT & Environment Telefónica S.A Session 4: Adopting a holistic approach and promoting long-term sustainability goals Workshop on Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin América Daniela Torres Global Head of Green ICT & Environment Telefónica S.A Sao Paulo, July, 2013

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Page 1: Session 4: Adopting a holistic approach and promoting long-term sustainability goals Workshop on Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin América Daniela Torres

Session 4: Adopting a holistic approach and promoting long-term sustainability goals

Workshop on Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin América

Daniela Torres Global Head of Green ICT & EnvironmentTelefónica S.ASao Paulo, July, 2013

•Tasso Azevedo, Director, Institute of Forest and Agriculture Management and Certification (IMAFLORA)Fundación Avina [ Biography ] •Cesar Fuzeto, Huawei •Sustainable growth supported by innovation networks: Bruno Rondani, Founder and CEO of Wenovate – Open Innovation Center, Partner at Allagi [ Biography | Presentation ] •Alexandre Jann, Marketing & Strategy General Manager - NEC Latin America [ Biography ]

Page 2: Session 4: Adopting a holistic approach and promoting long-term sustainability goals Workshop on Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin América Daniela Torres

2Green ICT & Environment Telefónica S.A

Cities challenges

Urban growthPlanning & Adaptation

i.e. Santiago de Chile, Lima, Sao Paulo

Water & Sanitationi.e. Rio de Janeiro,

Madrid, México,

Energy Diversification

Traffic & mobilitymanagement

i.e. Barcelona, Lima, Santander

Waste Management

Climate Change Mitigation

(CO2)i.e. México City,

Santiago de Chile

Environment & climate change challenges of cities

Sources: (1) McKinsey Global Institute - Big Data Report, May 2011. (2) 2012E, Strategy Analytics , Global Social Network Market Forecast, Oct 2011. (3) United Nations, April 2010, (4) Youtube 2011

i.e. Bogotá, Costa Rica, Quito

i.e. Munich, Amsterdam


Page 3: Session 4: Adopting a holistic approach and promoting long-term sustainability goals Workshop on Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin América Daniela Torres

3Green ICT & Environment Telefónica S.A

The future of smart sustainable cities. ¿Why do we need an holistic approach?


Reduce carbon emissions Efficient use of limited resources

Improve environmental Indicators (KPIs)

Green Credentials

Quality of Life

Page 4: Session 4: Adopting a holistic approach and promoting long-term sustainability goals Workshop on Smart Sustainable Cities in Latin América Daniela Torres

4Green ICT & Environment Telefónica S.A


1. Tasso Azevedo, Senior Advisor, Fundación Avina

2. Cesar Fuzeto, IP Solution Director of SSAR Enterprise. BG Huawei

3. Bruno Rondani, Founder and CEO of Wenovate

4. Alexandre Jann, Marketing & Strategy General Manager - NEC Latin America