session9 story strategy

Story Strategy

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Post on 29-Oct-2014




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Story Strategy

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“A matrix of shared mental maps that define how we collectively create meaning and understand the world around us. Inevitably, popular culture is an ever evolving, contested space of struggle, where competing voices, experiences, and perspectives fight to answer the questions” Whose maps determine what is meaningful? Whose stories are considered true?”


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What are some mythologies with narrative power?

• Thanksgiving• Santa Clause• Tooth Fairy• Energy and Oil• Mother Nature• Other

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Dominant and Popular Culture

“As certain ideas, practices and worldviews become normalized over time, they form a dominant or popular culture that disproportionately represents institutional interests and perpetuates the stories that validate certain agendas.”

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What do you believe?

The facts always changes and the truth remains the absolute


The truth always changes and the facts remain absolute

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“Narrative Analysis suggests that the problem is not necessarily what people don’t know (the facts). Rather, the problem may be what they do know (underlying assumptions).”

In other words… people have existing stories about their world that may act as narrative filters to prevent them form hearing certain messages.

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Designing Stories for the Branded World

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Product + Mythology = Message Campaign

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George Orwell’s novel “1984”


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Apple Ad: Orwell’s 1984 Trailer:

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Something to Think About

• What are both positive and negative mythology, culturally associated with your client or client’s products?

• What narratives do their target audiences follow? What are their belief and value systems?

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Memes are units of self-replicating cultural information such as slogans, iconic images that can be easily referenced, catch phrases, symbols, or rituals. Memes can act as capsules for stories to spread virally through cultures.

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“Calgon, Take Me Away!”

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Narrative Elements of a Story

• Conflict• Characters• Imagery (Show Don’t Tell)• Foreshadowing• Assumptions

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Narrative Elements of a Story

ConflictConflict is the backbone of the narrative. It defines the drama and point of view of the story and makes it interesting. There can be no story without conflict. It defines what is at stake.

What is the problem your client is trying to solve?

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Narrative Elements of a Story

CharactersAll stories have characters to which people can relate—we see ourselves through the characters of the story. They can also be the messengers of the story, putting a human face to the message of the story.

Who are the characters that will help solve the problem?

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Narrative Elements of a Story

Imagery (Show don’t tell)Good stories use powerful imagery to capture the imagination with metaphors, anecdotes and descriptions that speak to the senses. By showing and not telling, we offer the audience the opportunity to use their own values to draw conclusions.What images illustrate the problem and the solution

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Narrative Elements of a Story

ForeshadowingImages and other story artifacts are often found in storytelling to hint the possible outcome. Foreshadowing can be the influential force that gives the audience direction towards a specific outcome.

What images or ideas will guide audiences towards the resolution of the problem?

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Narrative Elements of a Story

AssumptionsImages and other story artifacts are often found in storytelling to hint the possible outcome. Foreshadowing can be the influential force that gives the audience direction towards a specific outcome.How do audiences already frame the conflict?

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Samsung: The next big thing

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• Break into small groups and choose a client to analyze.

• Discuss mythologies related to your client’s business, industry, products or services.

• Using the ideas of memes, mythology and elements of a story, create an idea for a narrative campaign through social media. Use the worksheet handout to guide you.