set up mmog - odette · applying an alternative profile will reduce the number of criteria to be...

45 USER GUIDE Set Up “Supplier perspective”

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Page 1: Set up MMOG - Odette · Applying an alternative profile will reduce the number of criteria to be assessed. Currently, the only alternative profile is the “BASIC” profile which USER GUIDE

Set Up

“Supplier perspective”

Page 2: Set up MMOG - Odette · Applying an alternative profile will reduce the number of criteria to be assessed. Currently, the only alternative profile is the “BASIC” profile which User Guide

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Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTORY CHAPTER .......................................................................................................... 3

1.1. Registration ......................................................................................................................... 3

1.2. Licence................................................................................................................................. 3

1.3. Ecosystem ........................................................................................................................... 4

1.4. Users - Roles and rights ....................................................................................................... 5

1.5. Catalogue and profile .......................................................................................................... 6

2. REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................................ 7

3. OBTAIN LICENCE KEY ................................................................................................................... 9

4. SET UP YOUR OWN ORGANISATION COMPANY AND COMPANY SITES ................................... 11

4.1. Use case ............................................................................................................................ 11

4.2. Own organisation – Company ........................................................................................... 12

4.2.1. Create your Own organisation - Company .................................................................... 12

4.2.2. Update company workflow policy “Individual mode” – “Collaborative mode” ........... 14

4.3. Own organisation - Sites ................................................................................................... 15

4.3.1. Create sites manually .................................................................................................... 15

4.3.2. Create sites using the “bulk” import functionality ....................................................... 17

5. SET UP CUSTOMERS .................................................................................................................. 20

5.1. Create Customers manually .............................................................................................. 20

5.2. Create customers using the “bulk” import functionality .................................................. 23

6. SET UP USERS ............................................................................................................................ 26

6.1. Creating another C-Admin ................................................................................................ 26

6.2. User management – Login and password reset................................................................ 28

6.3. Creating S-Admin .............................................................................................................. 31

6.4. Creating Assessors ............................................................................................................ 33

7. SET UP CATALOGUES AND PROFILES ........................................................................................ 34

7.1. Catalogues ......................................................................................................................... 34

7.2. Profiles .............................................................................................................................. 37

8. ANNEXE 1: USE CASES ............................................................................................................... 39

8.1. Scenario ............................................................................................................................. 39

8.2. Colossal Car company (OEM) ............................................................................................ 40

8.3. Tremendous Trucks Ltd (OEM) ......................................................................................... 42

8.4. Super Springs Factory (Supplier) ....................................................................................... 43

8.5. Great Gear boxes (Tier 1) .................................................................................................. 44

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1.1. Registration Access to the application (local or cloud). Here you will be asked to create an account to register:

- Your MMOG/LE “Ecosystem” - Your initial Company Administrator (C-Admin)

Once you have done this you will need to request a licence key.

1.2. Licence To be able to run MMOG NP you will need a software licence.

Whatever the platform you are using:

- Desktop version - Internet version - Intranet version

the licencing model and the way you use the application are the same.

Licences are linked to 3 criteria:

1 - Type of catalogue (always MMOG/LE)

2 - Version of MMOG/LE catalogue to be used

e.g. Version 4, Version 5 etc.

3 - Number of different sites (divisions/departments) in your company which receive assessments from suppliers.

e.g. 1 only, 2-5, 7-10 etc.

To obtain your licence key you will be asked to complete an order form on either the Odette International website

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1.3. Ecosystem

To be able to use the application you will need to set up the “ecosystem” for your own company. From the “supplier perspective” the ecosystem has to be set up has described below:

We have based this User Guide on a use case, where a supplier -Great Gearboxes - has several different sites which send assessments to customers - Colossal Car Company and Tremendous Trucks (see picture below).

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The Great Gearboxes “ecosystem” will be set up as described below.

1.4. Users - Roles and rights

In you can set up 3 user Roles: Company Administrator (C-Admin), Site Administrator (S-Admin) and Assessors/Reviewers (Assessors). Each Role has specific rights.

The “C-Admin” manages the whole application. The initial user with this role is created during the Registration process (see Registration above). If required, the initial C-Admin can add further users with a C-Admin role.

Users with S-Admin and Assessor roles are linked to individual Sites, so you must create at least one Site (see Ecosystem above) before creating users with these roles.

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1.5. Catalogue and profile


A catalogue is the list of criteria for an MMOG/LE version.

To be able to receive assessments from your suppliers in, you must install (import) the version of the MMOG/LE catalogue you want to use with your suppliers. The current version of the MMOG/LE catalogue is V4.

You will be able to download MMOG/LE catalogues in several languages from the Catalogue libraries maintained by Odette International on its website. Which versions of these catalogues can be installed and used in your application will depend on the type of licence that you have.


A profile is a “filter” applied on the criteria of a catalogue. The default profile for a catalogue is the “FULL” profile. All the MMOG/LE criteria (197 in V4) are included in this profile.

Applying an alternative profile will reduce the number of criteria to be assessed.

Currently, the only alternative profile is the “BASIC” profile which includes 106 of the full 197 criteria. To apply the “BASIC” profile you must import the corresponding Profile file.

The assessment scoring and the associated charts are calculated and displayed according to the selected profile.

You will be able to download and install any of the alternative profiles that exist in the Profile libraries maintained by Odette International on its website.

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- When you access the application for the first time, you will register the user with the initial C-Admin role

When you access the Odette application for the first time, you will register your account and the person who will be the initial C-Admin.

Register your account and create the initial C-Admin.

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You are now logged in as C-Admin.

To go any further in the application you need to request a licence key

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Requesting your licence key:

In the View menu, click on Licence.

Request licence key”.

A draft email should be created in your email system. Complete the necessary details and send it to Odette.

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Import the licence key file when received from Odette.

From the appropriate folder on your PC, select the licence key file received from Odette

Upload file

You have successfully imported your licence key!

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4.1. Use case

In this example, we will set up “Great Gearboxes” as our own organisation company and “GG - Breme” as one of our sites.

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4.2. Own organisation – Company

4.2.1. Create your Own organisation - Company


- To create your own organisation company, you must be logged in as C-Admin - Only a single own organisation company can be created

To create your own organisation company, select Companies in the Resources menu.

Complete the fields and save.

Role: select “Own organization” from the drop down menu

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You have now created your own organisation company and can view or edit the record.

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4.2.2. Update company workflow policy “Individual mode” – “Collaborative mode”

According to Supplier perspective, the workflow policy controls Supplier updates and Customers review. There are 2 options: Individual mode and Collaborative mode.

By selecting “Individual” or “Collaborative” you will change the behaviour for assessments updates.

Individual Mode: the Individual mode doesn’t allow assessors to change the answers / reviews given by customers.

This is the best practice to manage MMOG LE self-assessment.

By default, the workflow policy is stated as “Strict”.

Collaborative Mode: the Collaborative mode allows assessors to change the result of the answers / reviews given by customers.

This should be used in collaboration with your customer for common review or audit. Once the reviews given by customers have been changed by an assessor, don’t forget to send back this new review as an XML file to your customer (see User Guide: MANAGING ASSESSMENTS – “Supplier perspective”) to be sure you have both, Supplier and Customer, the same version of the self-assessment.

You can switch the workflow policy at any time.

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4.3. Own organisation - Sites


- You must create at least one site for your own organisation company - To create a site you must be logged-in as a C-Admin - You cannot delete a Site when you have an assessment linked to it - You can create sites manually (one by one) or using the “bulk” import functionality

4.3.1. Create sites manually

To create your Sites, select Sites in the Own organisation section in the View menu.

Click on New Site

Enter the Site details and Save.

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You have now created a site. You can view , edit or delete the record.

Depending on your licence, you may also be able to create other sites for your company, as required.

Create other sites if required.

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4.3.2. Create sites using the “bulk” import functionality

You can create sites for your own organisation by using the “bulk” import functionality. requires UTF-8 encoded plain text files to import data (csv files).

How to create csv files?

There are several ways to create csv files

- export data from other systems (e.g. CRM database or other databases) - export from Excel - manually by using a plain text editor

We describe here how you can create a csv file based on the Excel template provided by Odette to import data.

Download Odette Excel template:

Open the template.

Please note:

- The template has to include a heading line as defined in the sample-files UUID, title, address.line_1, address.line_2, address.zip_code,, address.state, (ISO 3166-1).

- The validation of fields is implemented according to the validation within e.g. mandatory fields, unique fields

- All entries must be correct for the import to be successful

- The application shows existing import problems to be solved when importing files

- When the same UUID is used several times in a file:

o if it is imported for the first time, a "duplicate UUID error" will be triggered o if the UUID is already in the database, the last record in the list will be the one that

is taken into account.

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Fill in the Excel template with data:

Using Excel we suggest to use "save as ..." and choose "comma separated values (csv).

Once you have saved your csv file, to import data select “CSV Import” in the Own organisation section in the View menu.

Import Data.

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You have imported new sites.

You can see sites has been created, by selecting Sites in the Own organisation section in the View menu

Please note:

- There are several csv formats but not all of them generate the right data format. - csv stands for "comma separated values" but Excel exports often use semicolon as the field

separator. This is because in Europe the comma is often used as the decimal separator ( e.g. 10,45).

- You can choose the field separator within the application (; or ,) - If shows an error like "Unexpected text encoding error: "\xEF" from ASCII-8BIT to

UTF-8" please choose another export in Excel.

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- To create a customer, you must be logged in as a C-Admin - You can create Customer manually (one by one) or using the “bulk” import functionality

5.1. Create Customers manually

In this example we will set up “Colossal Car Company” as a customer for “Great Gearboxes”.

To create a customer, select Companies in the Resources menu.

Click on New company

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Enter the customer details and Save.

Role: select “Customer” in the drop down menu

You have now created a “Customer”. You can view, edit or delete the record.

You can create as many customers as required.

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You can display and edit existing customers in a dedicated Menu option, select “Customers” in the Partners section in the View menu

In this view, you are able to manage existing customers only.

Note: At this stage you can delete Customers because as a supplier you did not manage any assessments yet with your customers. As soon as you have managed an assessment for a customer, this customer cannot be deleted anymore.

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5.2. Create customers using the “bulk” import functionality

You can create customers for your own organisation by using the “bulk” import functionality. requires UTF-8 encoded plain text files to import data csv files).

How to create csv files?

There are several ways to create csv files

- export data from other systems (e.g. CRM database or other databases) - export from Excel - manually by using a plain text editor

We describe here how you can create a csv file based on the Excel template provided by Odette to import data.

Download Odette Excel template: http//

Open the template.

Please note:

- The template has to include a heading line as defined in the sample-files UUID, title, role, manufacturing_site,shipping_site, contact_name, email, telephone, address.line_1, address.line_2, address.zip_code,, address.state, address country (ISO 3166-1).

- The role can only be supplier or customer

- The validation of fields is implemented according to the validation within e.g. mandatory fields, unique fields

- All entries must be correct for the import to be successful

- The application shows existing import problems to be solved when importing files

- When the same UUID is used several times in a file:

o if it is imported for the first time, a "duplicate UUID error" will be triggered o if the UUID is already in the database, the last record in the list will be the one that

is taken into account.

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Fill in the Excel template with data:

Using Excel we suggest to use "save as ..." and choose "comma separated values (csv).

Once you have save your csv file, to import data select CSV Import in the Own organisation section in the View menu.

Import Data.

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You have imported new customers.

You can see customers have been created, by selecting “Customers” in the Own organisation section in the View menu

Please note:

- There are several CSV formats but not all of them generate the right data format. - CSV stands for "comma separated values" but Excel exports often use semicolon as the field

separator. This is because in Europe the comma is often used as the decimal separator ( e.g. 10,45).

- You can choose the field separator within the application (; or ,) - If shows an error like "Unexpected text encoding error: "\xEF" from ASCII-8BIT to

UTF-8" please choose another export in Excel.

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6. SET UP USERS 6.1. Creating another C-Admin


- You created an initial C-Admin when you registered your “account” (see above) - To create another C-Admin, you must be logged in as the initial C-Admin

To create another C-Admin (if required) ,select Users in the Own organisation section in the View menu

Click on New user.

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Enter the details for the second C-Admin. You will need to create an initial password for this user.

Click ‘Save’

You have now created another C-Admin.

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6.2. User management – Login and password reset

Once you have created a new user Cadmin2 (Stewart Copeland), he will receive a mail.

The user has 2 options:

Option A ”Click here to log in” : The user can log in using his Login ID and the password assigned by the Administrator. Therefor the administrator should have sent the password to the user.

Option B ”Click here to reset your password” : The user can reset his password according to his log in ID given by the administrator.

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Then the user is logged in.

If the reset link is not used within 2 hours, he will get an error message, because the reset link has expired

To connect, the user has to reset his password by his own at the log in page.

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6.3. Creating S-Admin


- Prior to creating S-Admin, you must have set up your site(s) (see above). - You must be logged in as C-Admin

To create a user with an S-Admin role, select Users in the Own organisation section in the View menu.

Click on New user

Enter the S-Admin details, create a password, select Site and Role

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You have now created another S-Admin.

The Sadmin will receive an email to manage his log in and to reset his password. See “§6.2 -User management – Login and password reset” to check the process.

You can create as many S-Admin per site as required. You can use the Search boxes to find users with specific roles.

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6.4. Creating Assessors


- Prior to creating Assessors, you must set up your site(s) (see above). - If you are logged in as C-Admin, you will be able to create Assessors for all sites. - If you are logged in as S-Admin, you will be able to create Assessors for your site only.

The process to create an Assessor is the same as the process to create a S-Admin. You just have to ensure that you have selected the correct “Role”.

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- Download Catalogue and Profile files from the Odette website. - To import Catalogues and Profiles you must be logged in as a C-Admin

7.1. Catalogues

You can download Catalogues and Profiles from the Odette website:

To import catalogues, select “Available Catalogues and profiles” in the Assessments section in the View menu.

Import Catalogue

Select the Catalogue file from the appropriate folder on your computer.

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Upload Catalogue

Catalogue has been successfully imported

You can upload for each catalogues as many as you want of the available languages.

You can display (Show) or delete the catalogue

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To display catalogues in different languages, select appropriate Language in the “language” menu.

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7.2. Profiles


- Catalogue default profile is “Full”

To import alternative profiles, select “Available Catalogues and Profiles” in the Resources menu.

Import Profile

Select the Profile file from the appropriate folder on your computer

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Upload selected Profile.

Profile has been successfully imported.

You can now see the alternative Profile

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8. ANNEXE 1: USE CASES 8.1. Scenario

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8.2. Colossal Car company (OEM)

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8.3. Tremendous Trucks Ltd (OEM)

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8.4. Super Springs Factory (Supplier)

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8.5. Great Gear boxes (Tier 1)

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