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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community SETON Sunday News 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Jan. 26, 2020 Year A Volume 6 Number 9

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Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community

SETON Sunday News

3rd Sunday in Ordinary

Time Jan. 26, 2020


A Volume 6 Number 9

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How to reach us:

Phone: (425) 481-0303 Fax: (425) 485-8510

2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012 P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082

Web Site: [email protected]

FAITH FORMATION OFFICE Phone: 425-481-9358

Hours Monday thru Friday:

9am - 5pm And during all Session Times

Stephanie Moran Faith Formation Director

Interim Youth Minister Br. Jorge Haro, MSpS

Eduardo Cardona Bilingual Administrative Assistant


Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S., Priest


Fr. Jesus Sanchez, M.Sp.S., Vicar

Br. Jorge Haro, M.Sp.S.

Shannon Everist, Administrator

Veronica Mendez, Parish Secretary


Amazing Parish 9

Around the Archdiocese 5

Calendar of Events 4

Daily Readings 2

Directory 11

From Fr Jose’s Desk 3

Happening 10

Ignite Youth Groups 8

Sección en Español 4 y 6

Vocation Awareness 7


MyParish app @easbothell

Welcome, Visitors! If you are a visitor to St.

Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, we want you to know how welcome you are—whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. For more information about the parish, or to register, visit our Office, call us at 425-481-0303 or visit our website for Online Parish Registration at


Office Hours:

Mon. Wed, Thu, and Fri. 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

Closed on Tuesdays

Mass Times:

Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri and Sat. 9 am

Tuesday: Service of the Word with

Holy Communion - 9am

Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm

Sunday: 9 am, 11 am,

1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Saturday - 3:30 - 4:30

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:

Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm

The Readings this week:

Sun., Jan 26: Is 8: 23—9: 3; 1 Cor 1: 10-13, 17;

Mt 4: 12-23 or 4: 12-17

Mon., Jan 27: 2 Sm 5: 1-7, 10; Mk 3: 22-30 Tue., Jan 28: St. Thomas Aquinas 2 Sm 6: 12B-15, 17-19; Mk 3: 31-35 Wed., Jan 29: 2 Sm 7: 4-17; Mk 4: 1-20 Thu., Jan 30: 2 Sm 7: 18-19, 24-29; Mk 4: 21-25 Fri., Jan 31: 2 Sm 11: 1-4A, 5-10A, 13-178; Mk 4: 26-34 Sat., Feb 1: 2 Sm 12: 1-7A, 10-17; Mk 4: 35-41

Sun., Feb 2: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord Mal 3: 1-4; Heb 2: 14-18; Lk 2: 22-40 or 2: 22-32

Online at

Vision Statement

Be Engaged!

Be Empowered!

Be Extraordinary!

Be Holy!


Be a faith community that is inviting to all!

Officers and Councils

The Pastoral Council Gerry Apin, Rolfson Augustine, Paul

Gallagher, Francis Irudayaraj, Laura Keegan, Jim Krieger, Marco Olivares, Amy Walsh

The Finance Council Richard Carlson, Bill Dunnigan, Bill

Santos, Shannon Everist, Fr. Jose Ugalde

Seton Sunday News Bulletin Fr. Jose Ugalde, MSpS, publisher

Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher Eduardo Cardona, associate publisher

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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, 1/26/2020 | SETON Sunday News | 3

F r o m F r . J o s e ’ s d e s k

Dear Parishioners,

We have in our parish a ministry called Catholic Social Teaching. Members of this ministry meet on the second Friday of each month to discuss and organize events that benefit many people in and outside the parish. We work together with Catholic Community Services and follow the seven topics of the Catholic Bishops Conference of the United States. Last year we focused on the “Preferential Option for the Poor”. Under this topic we promoted the Rice Bowl, St. Vincent de Paul, Migrant Camp in Burlington, Health Fair, and the Giving Tree. This year we will focus on “Care for God’s Creation”. Under this topic, the intention is to raise awareness in our parish community to take care of God’s creation by providing information on recycling; to learn more about the different kinds of poverty in our society and how to respond to it as a parish community; to coordinate with the Archdiocese of Seattle our participation in the Census 2020; and to promote the Annual Health Fair and medical resources to parishioners, and more. Currently, our parish has a core team that serves at the South Snohomish County Emergency Cold Weather Shelter. The CWS provides transportation to the shelter, a warm bed, hot supper and hearty breakfast, and welcoming environment to those without housing on cold winter nights from December to March.

The following is an explanation of what Catholic Social Teaching is from Catholic Community Services and Catholic Housing Services in the Archdiocese of Seattle.

The Catholic Church has a history of social teaching that goes back centuries and provides a compelling challenge for living responsibly and building a just society. Modern Catholic Social Teaching, rooted in Scripture and articulated through a tradition of written documents, has evolved over time in response to the challenges of the day. It is the foundation of the mission and values of Catholic Community Services and the Catholic Housing Services.

The following are several of the key themes that are at the heart of our Catholic social tradition.

Life and Dignity of the Human Person The Catholic Church proclaims that human life is

sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. This belief is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. We believe that every person is precious, that people are more important than things, and that the measure of every institution is whether it threatens or enhances the life and dignity of the human person.

Call to Family, Community, and Participation The person is not only sacred but also social. How we

organize our society in economics and politics, in law and policy directly affects human dignity and the capacity of individuals to grow in community. Marriage and the family are the central social institutions that must be supported and strengthened, not undermined. We believe people have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking together the common good and well-being of all, especially poor and vulnerable people.

Rights and Responsibilities The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can

be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities–to one another, to our families, and to the larger society.

Preferential Option for the Poor A basic moral test is how our most vulnerable

members are faring. In a society marred by deepening divisions between rich and poor, our tradition instructs us to put the needs of poor and vulnerable people first.

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers The economy must serve people, not the other way

around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s creation. If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers must be respected—the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions, to private property, and to economic initiative.

Solidarity We are one human family whatever our national,

racial, ethnic, economic and ideological differences. We are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers, wherever they may be. Loving our neighbor has global dimensions in a shrinking world. At the core of the virtue of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Pope Paul VI taught that “if you want peace, work for justice.” The Gospel calls us to be peacemakers. Our love for all our sisters and brothers demands that we promote peace in a world surrounded by violence and conflict.

Care for God’s Creation We show our respect for the Creator by our

stewardship of creation. Care for the earth is a requirement of the Catholic faith. We are called to protect people and the planet, living our faith in relationship with all of God’s creation. This environmental challenge has fundamental moral and ethical dimensions that cannot be ignored.

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Monday, January 27

Estudio de Biblia en Español 7pm Seton House

Tuesday, January 28

Women’s Fellowship 10am Hall

Rosary for Life 12pm Church

Elementary Faith Formation 5pm All Stations

Praise and Worship in Song Adoration

7pm Chapel

Wednesday, January 29

Symbolon 6:30pm Hall

Symbolon en Español 6:50pm SH 5

Elementary Faith Formation 7pm All Stations

Paz Financiera 7pm SH 1

Thursday, January 30

Elementary Faith Formation 5pm All Stations

Luz y Vida Gpo de Oraciòn 7pm Seton House

Friday, January 31

Saturday, February 1

Sacramentors 8am St. 6

Vigil Mass - Santo Niño and Presentation 5pm

Sunday, February 2

RCIA 9am St. 4

RICA 11am St. 7

Early Childhood FF 11am St. 1

RISE Young Adults 6pm Seton House

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church Inicia Enero 8, 2020

Casa Seton, 7pm Cuquita Cardona y Vicente Chávez


[email protected]

Las Palmas del Domingo de Ramos del año pasado

se convertirán en las cenizas que recibiremos el

Miércoles de Cenizas. Traiga sus palmas de años

anteriores y deposítelas en el contenedor en el

vestíbulo. ¡Gracias!



TALLER DE 3 DÍAS Sábado 29 de febrero 8:00am–4:40pm Viernes 6 de marzo 5:30pm–9:00pm Sábado 7 de marzo 8:00am– 4:45pm

Parroquia Santa Elizabeth –Seton House

Contacto: Alejandra (520) 971-5372

Organizado y dirigido por Padre José Ugalde y Equipo de


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The Archdiocese of Seattle has a Confidential telephone hotline and website for parish staff and parishioners to anonymously raise concerns about suspected unethical behavior by church personnel. You can find more information about this hotline on a poster and in brochures located in the back of the church or by going to:

A R O U N D t h e A r c h d i o c e s e

February 9th Sumner, St Andrew




and help us share the good news of Jesus Christ with hundreds of thousands of people in Western Washington.


A portion of this collection supports the U.S. bishops’ Catholic Communication Campaign.

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D e l e s c r i t o r i o d e l P . J o s é

Estimados Feligreses:

Tenemos en nuestra parroquia un ministerio de nombre Justicia Social Católica. Los miembros de este ministerio se reúnen el segundo viernes de cada mes para discutir y organizar eventos que benefician a muchas personas dentro y fuera de la parroquia. Trabajamos con la oficina de Servicios Católicos de la Arquidiócesis de Seattle y fomentamos temas sociales de la Conferencia Episcopal Católica de los Estados Unidos. El año pasado nos centramos en el tema: "Opción preferencial para los pobres". Bajo este tema promovimos

el programa de Rice Bowl (Operación Plato de Arroz) , San Vincente de Paul, el Campo Migrante en Burlington, la Feria de Salud y el Árbol de la Generosidad (Giving Tree). Este año nos enfocaremos en el tema: "Cuidar la Creación de Dios". Bajo este tema, la intención es crear conciencia en nuestra comunidad parroquial sobre el cuidado de la creación de Dios, ofreceremos información sobre reciclaje, sobre los diferentes tipos de pobreza en nuestra sociedad y cómo responder a esta realidad como comunidad parroquial; coordinaremos con la Arquidiócesis de Seattle nuestra participación en el Censo 2020; y promoveremos la Feria Anual de Salud con sus recursos médicos para los feligreses, y más. Actualmente, nuestra parroquia tiene un equipo que sirve en el Albergue de Emergencia del Condado del Sur de Snohomish durante este tiempo de frío. Esta agencia ofrece a los indigentes transporte, un lugar cálido, cena y desayuno abundante en un ambiente acogedor durante los meses de diciembre a marzo.

La siguiente información es de la oficina de Servicios Católicos y de Servicios de Vivienda Católica y explica lo que es la Doctrina Social Católica.

La Iglesia Católica cuenta con una historia sobre doctrina social que va desde los primeros siglos y ofrece desafíos críticos sobre la manera de vivir responsablemente y la construcción de una sociedad justa. La doctrina social católica moderna se fundamenta en la Sagrada Escritura y se ha venido transmitiendo a través de una tradición de documentos escritos; ha evolucionado con el tiempo en respuesta a los desafíos del día. En esto se fundamenta la misión y los valores de los programas de Servicios Católicos y de Servicios de Vivienda Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Seattle.

Los siguientes son algunos de los temas clave que se encuentran en el corazón de nuestra tradición de Doctrina Social Católica.

Vida y dignidad de la persona humana La Iglesia Católica proclama que la vida humana es

sagrada y que la dignidad de la persona humana es el fundamento de una visión moral en la sociedad. Esta creencia es la base de todos los principios de nuestra doctrina social. Creemos que cada persona es valiosa, que las personas son más importantes que las cosas, y que el valor de toda institución se encuentra en la medida que amenaza o beneficia la vida y dignidad de la persona humana.

Llamado a la familia, comunidad y participación

La persona no sólo es sagrada sino también social. La manera en que organizamos nuestra sociedad en la economía y la política, en la legislación y políticas afecta directamente la dignidad humana y la capacidad de los individuos para crecer en comunidad. El matrimonio y la familia son las instituciones sociales centrales que deben ser apoyadas y fortalecidas, no debilitadas. Creemos que las personas tienen el derecho y el deber de participar en la sociedad, buscando juntos el bien común y el bienestar de todos, especialmente los pobres y vulnerables.

Derechos y responsabilidades La tradición católica enseña que la dignidad humana

puede ser protegida y una comunidad sana puede alcanzarse si los derechos humanos están protegidos y cumplen con sus responsabilidades. Por lo tanto, cada persona tiene un derecho fundamental a la vida y un derecho a las cosas que ayudan a la dignidad humana. Corresponde a estos derechos los deberes y responsabilidades con los demás, con nuestras familias y con la sociedad en general.

Opción Preferencial por los Pobres Una visión moral básica es ver cómo la mayoría de

nuestros hermanos y hermanas vulnerables viven. En una sociedad marcada por divisiones profundas entre ricos y pobres, la tradición católica nos enseña a poner en primer lugar las necesidades de las personas pobres y vulnerables.

La dignidad del trabajo y los derechos de los trabajadores

La economía debe estar al servicio de la gente, no al revés. El trabajo es una manera de ganarse la vida; se trata de una forma de continuar participando en la creación de Dios. Si la dignidad del trabajo es protegida; entonces, los derechos básicos de los trabajadores deben ser respetados también: el derecho al trabajo productivo, al salario digno y justo, a la organización y unión de sindicatos, a la propiedad privada y la iniciativa económica.

Solidaridad Somos una sola familia humana sin importar nuestras

diferencias nacionales, raciales, étnicas, económicas e ideológicas. Somos guardianes de nuestros hermanos y hermanas, dondequiera que se encuentren. Amar a nuestro prójimo tiene dimensiones globales en un mundo cada vez más pequeño. En el núcleo de la virtud de la solidaridad está la búsqueda de la justicia y la paz. El Papa Pablo VI enseñaba que “si quieres la paz, trabaja por la justicia.” El Evangelio nos llama a ser personas de paz. Nuestro amor por nuestros hermanos y hermanas exige la promoción de la paz en un mundo lleno de conflictos y violencia.

Cuidado de la Creación de Dios Mostramos respeto a nuestro Creador siendo

corresponsables con la creación. Cuidar de la tierra es un requisito de la fe católica. Estamos llamados a proteger a las personas y a nuestro planeta, viviendo nuestra fe en relación con toda la creación de Dios. Es un desafío ambiental que tiene dimensiones morales y éticas que no deben ser desapercibidas.

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A WAITING HARVEST Vocation Awareness

Signs of a Vocation to Priesthood and Characteristics of a Good


O Jesus, Our Eternal Pastor, Deign to look with merciful eyes Upon this part of your loving flock.

Lord, we need a large number of priests, and men and women consecrated to the religious life. Multiply vocations, And sanctify more and more our priests, And those consecrated in the religious life.

We ask you all this through the Immaculate Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, your sweet and holy Mother.

Jesus give us priests according to your heart.

Jesus, savior of all people, save them, save them!

For information on becoming a Religious Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a Diocesan Priest contact one of the following people:

Serra Club: Arthur Adams

Priests: Fr. Gerardo Alberto, M.Sp.S. Fr. Jesus Sanchez , M.Sp.S.

Fr. Jose Ugalde, M.Sp.S.

God can call any man he chooses to become a priest, anytime he chooses, and under any circumstances he chooses.

And God does not always call the best to be his priest. As in the biblical story of Gideon (Judges 7), sometimes God calls fewer men, or even less talented men, so that when they accomplish great things, people know that the glory goes to God. God does not always call the best to be his priest, but he does expect the best of those he calls.

Sometimes you may be surprised by whom God calls, especially if he calls you. You may think, “God, you know me. You know what a sinner I am. You know my weakness. You don’t really want me to be a priest; there are other men who are much holier than me. Why don’t you call them?” Bot of course God does not need advice about his choices. In his divine wisdom he calls those whom he wants.

If God does call you, he has the power to qualify you for the work of a priest, even if you may think that you are not qualified now. God will never send you where his grace cannot sustain you. In other words, God does not call a man to certain vocations without giving him the wherewithal to live and thrive in that vocation. God wants priests to live happily, to flourish, and to help others get to heaven, even as himself works out his own salvation. This means that to

be a good priest, a man should have certain minimal characteristics. These are God-given qualities or gifts that are normally nurtured by good Christian upbringing, but often need to be developed through grace and hard work.

This chapter will identify twenty signs that are either indications of a possible vocation to priesthood or characteristics of a good priest. While I have listed the qualities which I believe are most important, this is not an exhaustive list. There are priests with many good qualities not specified here. However, the absence of many of these twenty characteristics may call into question whether a man is suited for priesthood.

Let me make an important point. As you examine yourself regarding these indicators, do not exclude yourself from priesthood too quickly. Most candidates for priesthood lack one or more of these qualities, at least initially. You should always get the opinion and recommendation of your vocation director and bishop. In the end, it is your diocesan bishop, exercising a special charism from the Holy Spirit, who will assess whether you have the requisite qualities to become a priest.

From the Book

“To Save a Thousand Souls” Fr. Brett A. Brannen

This week please pray for Nov. Daniel Zorilla,

N.M.Sp.S. Daniel is from Oceanside, CA. He is a first year novice with

the M.Sp.S at Long Beach, CA

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“Life Changing”

- Y O U T H G R O U P S -

- C O N F I R M A T I O N -

-All young adults between the ages of 18-30 are invited to join our new group, RISE! -Please come and join us at the 5pm Sunday Mass, then we will meet directly after in Seton House from 6:30-8:00pm. -There will be lots of food, fun activities, social gatherings, prayer, and more! -Monthly events: Movie nights, bowling, hiking, sports tournaments, game nights, outdoor adventures, and more! Find us on Social Media: Facebook: Questions? Contact Kianna at 425-481-9358

Notice: It is an expectation for all Confirmation Candidates to attend the 5pm Youth Mass on Sunday. For Youth in First Holy Communion preparation, Life Teen and Edge groups, attending this Mass is highly recommended.

No Sessions on February 2nd due to Superbowl Sunday .

Middle School Youth Group Meets Every Sunday at 6pm

High School classes meet Every Sunday at 6pm & Middle School classes meet Every Monday at 6pm

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In the Eucharist we find all

the good of the Church. In it

we have the certainty that

God is faithful to His promise

and stays with us until the

end of time. In our visits and

adoration of the Blessed

Sacrament, we experience

the closeness of the good

shepherd, the tenderness of

His love, the presence of a

faithful friend. We all experience this large support in

our lives provided by faith and our personal and

intimate dialogue with the Lord in the Eucharist.

Come Adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Monday

through Friday from 10am to 9pm.

Women's Fellowship: On Tuesday January 29th, we will be studying our BIBLE STUDY Series "FULFILLED- Part 4 A Kingdom of Priests -Moses, as God's Prophet ordained the first Priests according to God's command-All Women of the Parish WELCOME-Come and join us-We meet at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall and child care is available. For more information contact 425-481-9358 Adult Bible Study: Does not meet this Tuesday evening. Session 10 of The Bible Timeline: The Story of Salvation is Tuesday, February 4.

With the Heart of Jesus an

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton



Feb 1 Saturday / 5pm

Bring your images and statues of the Child Jesus for a special


Traiga el sábado 1 de febrero a las 5pm su Niño Dios para

presentarlo y hacerlo bendecir.

Please bring in your old Palms from past

celebrations of Palm Sunday. Those old palms will

be ritually burned to create the ashes for Ash

Wednesday. There will be a receptacle in the

vestibule in which you may place your palms. Thank


Eucharist to the Homebound

Are you or a family member or friend hungry to be nourished by the Body of Christ but unable to attend Mass on a regular basis? Our parish has specially trained volunteers eager to visit you on a weekly basis, bring Communion to you, to pray with you and share their faith with you. If you are interested in having a visitor, contact the parish office at 425.481.0303 and arrangements can be made.


Mass with Distribution of Ashes 9am English, 6:30pm, English

8pm, Spanish

Service of the Word with Distribution of Ashes 3pm, English, 5 pm English

Come pray the Rosary for Life with fellow parishioners. All are welcome. We meet by the image of the Immaculate Conception every Tuesday at noon.

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Rachel’s Corner

Hope and Healing After Abortion “He reveals deep and hidden things and knows what is in the darkness, for the light dwells with him.” - Daniel 2:22 Have you been hiding your shame and regret in a deep and dark place within, hoping no one would ever know? God knows. He wants to help you be free of that burden and discover merciful forgiveness. Upcoming Spring Retreats, in English March 6th – 8th April 24th – 26th

Call for a compassionate, confidential conversation. English: (206) 920-6413 Español: (206)-450-7814

Email [email protected]. Visit us at or

Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. You are loved with an everlasting Love!


Submit your articles/requests to [email protected], two weeks prior to the Sunday desired.

Dirijan sus peticiones a [email protected]. dos semanas antes del domingo que desean publicarlo.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

We’ve started a New Year, and it is time to take out those knitting needles once again and create wonderful Prayer Shawls for those who are dealing with grief, loss, or just being alone at this point in their lives. Wrapping a blessed shawl around one’s shoulders on a cool evening is like receiving a warm hug just when you need it. It also reminds you that our SEAS Parish is praying for and thinking of you. We do have an amazing parish with very generous members who give their time and talent to knitting or crocheting these one-of-a-kind Prayer Shawls so please let the coordinator know if you, or someone you know, would like a blessed shawl. Blessings on each of you who are involved in this ministry. We need your help to continue knitting and crocheting so that shawls are available for those who need support and comfort in their suffering and loss. Yarn and patterns are available by the display. Coordinator: Joan Kluck: [email protected] 425-481-9358


Register for your Poverty 101 Class at the Ever-

ett Gospel Mission website at https:// .

(The workshop is free with limited seating. Register online. No personal information will be shared.)

Is Your Marriage in Crisis? There Is Hope! Is your relationship falling apart? Have you hit bottom and see nowhere else to go but divorce? Do you ask yourselves “What else can we do? Everything we’ve tried has failed.” For confidential information about Retrouvaille, or to register for our upcoming weekends call 206-706-2608 or go to

Our Two 2020 Seattle Retrouvaille Weekends are

February 21-23, 2020 October 9-11, 2020

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Alpha, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson

Altar Servers, Jane McKenzie and Veronica Cardona

Apostleship of the Cross, Marcia Gimenez

Catholic Social Teachings Min, Jane Smoke/Karyn Sullivan

Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley

EMEs, Ana May Apin and Cuquita Cardona

Encuentro Matrimonial, Raquel y Antonio Ramírez

Eucharistic Adoration, Kimie Mori

Faith Formation for Adults, Julie Jones

Funeral Committee, Marianne Iwamoto

Good Samaritans, in transition

Guadalupe Committee, Carmen Ramos

Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto

Hospitality Team, Tony Fletcher

Lectors, Niki Gagner and Elvira Hernandez

Linens, Marcia Gimenez

“Luz y Vida” Prayer Group, Jose & Angelica Velazquez

Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira

Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin

Prayer Shawl Ministry, Joan Kluck

Prayer Team, Rolf Augustine

Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati

Rise, Kianna Garmanian

Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto

Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin

Stavros, Jim Krieger and Marcia Gimenez

Symbolon, Roger Ditto and Lisa Nelson

Velankanni Community, Johnson Andrews & Benson Babu

Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie


Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie

Catholic Daughters, Kathy Taylor

Knights of Columbus, Frank Celli

St. Vincent de Paul 425-355-3504


Staff and Clergy

Cardona, Eduardo [email protected] 425-481-9358 x314

Egashira, Kathy [email protected] 206-214-5884

Everist, Shannon [email protected] 425-481-0303 x303

Haro, Br. Jorge [email protected] 425-481-0303 x313

Mejia, Oscar [email protected] 425-481-0303 x302

Mendez, Veronica [email protected] 425-481-0303 x301

Moran, Stephanie [email protected] 425-481-9358 x311

Sanchez, Fr. Jesus [email protected] 425-481-0303 x305

Ugalde, Fr. Jose [email protected] 425-481-0303 x304

Liturgy Coordinator Gimenez, Marcia [email protected] 425-481-0303 x308

May the Father bless you, the Son heal you and the Holy Spirit comfort you. Amen.

Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:


Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572

Jese’s Cleaning Services Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using

their services and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin.

To add/remove someone on this list, please contact Eduardo Cardona (425) 481-9358 ext 314 or email: [email protected] Si quisiera añadir/remover a alguien a esta lista, comuníquese a la oficina parroquial.

A Call to Share…

Contact for all ministries [email protected] Mention the ministry in the subject line.

Thank you... Average Weekly Offerings of $30,000

are needed to run the parish

Week of Jan 11-12

Gift $ 1,296.00 Mid Week $ 1,622.25 Symbolon $ 1,829.00 Split $ 2,684.00

Total Offering $21,584.33

Sat. 5pm $2,483.00 9am $4,573.88

11am $3,582.20 1pm $2,412.00 5pm $1,102.00

Salvador Andrada

Rudy Aviles

Tom Bender

Jane Bentley

Janet Paul- Boers

Shawna Boger

Tyler Brown

Sharyl Buehler

Cindy Burby

Rick Burns

Tom Burns

Ian Bridges

Ruth Carpizo

Claire Carter

Eulalia Castillo

Jason Consolacion

Ed Crull

Gary Darnell

Sharyl Davis

Mary Deering

Alex De Leon Diaz

Saul Diaz

Billie Dougherty

Anna Epps

Devlynn Ferguson

Fran Fielden

Jason Gagner

Ricardo Garcia

Annie Gillen

Lupita Gonzalez

Tom Gresczyk

Richard Gross

Armando Herrera -


Virginia Guzman

Dee Holiday-


Louise Hundertmark

David Hurtado

Steve Jasmer

Rosemary Jesmer

Steven Jesmer

Helen Johnston

Alfredo Lazaga

Arcely Lazaga

Christopher Leon

Jennie Leyva

Elisa Mogollan

Jim Moran

Maria Muniz-


Yolanda Noblezada

Selena Oceguedal-


Teresa Paris

Elamar Perez

Margaret Quigley

Michael Quigley

Ritzy Rafer

Teresita Ramos

Arnold Rivera

Joyce Rosas

Florentine Ruhland

Jesus Sanchez Sr.

Herb Schafer

Gladdis Schafer

Sharon Schafer

Ninfa Short

Jim Sloane

Judy Sloane

Leticia Solorzano

Fran Sphung

Harry St Nicholas

Adrienne Steuer

Francis Sullivan

James Sullivan

Michael Trupiano

Peter Valdez

Alexa Vazquez

Evelio Villalobos

Vladimir Vozar

Rosemary Wentz

Barb West

Tami Wyatt

Beatrice Zorzi